AFCAT Model Papers 2018 SSBCrack 1

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Air Force Common Admission Test

AFCAT Model Paper 1

Directions (Q.Nos.1-4) You have one brief passage with four questions following the passage. Read the
passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
Stammering is a habit disorder linked with lack of self-confidence. Basically, for a child to understand a language, there are four
stages. The first is learning to understand the spoken language and the second is speaking. Both of these usually develop around the
age of two. The third stage is speaking complex sentences, which develops at around three and the fourth is when the child
recognizes the written alphabet. In 80% of children while the third and fourth stage are at play, the first two get disturbed because
something new is being incorporated in the mind. This is absolutely normal. But what over cautious mothers do is fret a lot and the
child develops a fear which later manifests itself as stammering. Infact, most textbooks on stammering state in bold that “Had there
not been any over cautious mothers, hardly any one would have suffered from stammering”. Fluency can be incorporated in the
speech of such patients through hypnosis.
1. Stammering is caused because of
(a) physical disorder (b) hindered growth (c) lack of self-confidence (d) lack of understanding
2. The second stage of a child’s understanding the language is
(a) speaking (b) writing (c) listening (d) reading
3. ............. are basically the reason for developing a fear in the child’s mind.
(a) Parents (b) Over cautious mothers (c) Fathers (d) Uncles
4. Fluency in such patients can be incorporated in the speech of such patients through
(a) hypnosis (b) slap (c) punishment (d) symbiosis

Directions (Q.Nos. 5-10) Select the most appropriate word from the options against each number.
Speech is major mode of communication. Conversing with people is an everyday (5) without conversation, communication would
be (6). Therefore, one should (7) develop one’s conversational skill. There are different kinds of conversation. Sometimes one tries to
(8) another in conversation just to get (9). In such conversation, meaning (10) matter.
5. (a) thing (b) occurrence (c) procedure (d) duty

6. (a) tremendous (b) easy (c) impossible (d) delightful

7. (a) consciously (b) correspondingly (c) collectively (d) conscientiously

8. (a) keep (b) hold (c) impress (d) engage

9. (a) informed (b) occupied (c) acquainted (d) bored

10. (a) does (b) does not (c) did (d) did not
Directions (Q. Nos. 11 and 12) In these questions 22. (a) Cemetary (b) Semetary
out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best (c) Cemetery (d) Cemetry
expresses the meaning of the given word. 23. (a) Recesion (b) Reccesion
11. Gaol (c) Reccession (d) Recession
(a) Destination (b) Garden 24. (a) Millonare (b) Millionare
(c) Jail (d) Bird (c) Millonaire (d) Millionaire
12. Loathing 25. (a) Inconvenienced (b) Inconvinienced
(a) Warmth (b) Affectation (c) Inconvineinced (d) Inconvenneinced
(c) Hatred (d) Affection
26. Indian Standard Time relates to
Directions (Q. Nos. 13-15) Choose the word (a) 75.5° E longitude (b) 82.5° E longitude
opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it. (c) 90.5° E longitude (d) 0° longitude

13. Guilty 27. Cauvery water sharing is a dispute between

(a) Good (b) Innocent (a) Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
(c) Ingenious (d) Foolish (b) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
(c) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
14. Brutality (d) Karnataka and Maharashtra
(a) Mercy (b) Bestiality
(c) Cruelty (d) Humanity
28. A ‘Bit’ refers to
(a) binary informatics (b) bilingual information
15. Fat (c) binary terminator (d) binary digit
(a) Clean (b) Mean
(c) Weak (d) Lean
29. Itai-itai disease is due to poisoning caused by
(a) mercury (b) arsenic
(c) cadmium (d) asbestos
Directions (Q. Nos. 16-20) In the questions given
below, out of the four alternatives choose the one 30. The Magsaysay Award for social service was
which can be substituted for the given instituted by
words/sentences. (a) the Government of India
(b) the UNO
16. Something that occurs irregularly. (c) the ILO
(a) Uncommon (b) Sporadic (d) Philippines Government
(c) Constant (d) Persistent
31. The Governor of an Indian State is appointed by the
17. Appealing to senses. (a) President of India
(a) Sensual (b) Sensuous (b) Prime Minister of India
(c) Sentimental (d) Sensory (c) Chief Justice of High Court
(d) Chief Minister of the State
18. Someone who is indifferent and is careless.
(a) Lackadaisical (b) Perfunctory 32. Which of the following is the smallest bird?
(c) Inaccurate (d) Painstaking (a) Pigeon (b) Parrot
(c) Humming bird (d) House sparrow
19. One who intervenes between two or more parties to
settle differences. 33. A light year is a unit of
(a) Neutral (b) Intermediary (a) time (b) distance
(c) Judge (d) Connoisseur (c) speed of light (d) intensity of light
20. The absence of law and order. 34. Mohenjodaro is situated in the district of
(a) Rebellion (b) Mutiny (a) Larkana (b) Montgomery (c) Sindh (d) Udhampur
(c) Revolt (d) Anarchy
35. Gol Gumbaz, the largest dome in India is located in the
State of
Directions (Q. Nos. 21-25) In the following (a) Bihar (b) Karnataka
questions, groups of four words are given. In each (c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh
group, one word is correctly spelt. Find out the
correctly spelt word. 36. ‘Give me blood, I will give you freedom’. These words are
attributed to
21. (a) Definitely (b) Definately (a) Khudiram Bose (b) Bhagat Singh
(c) Definitley (d) Definitly (c) Veer Savarkar (d) Subhash Chandra Bose
37. Who among the following made the Ganapati festival 51. If A = D, B = E, C = F and so on, code the following word.
very popular in Maharashtra? FRIEND
(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (a) IUKHQG (b) IULHGQ
(b) Annie Besant (c) IULHQG (d) UILHQG
(c) Mahadev Ranade
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 52. If A = Z, B = Y and so on, code the following
38. The 12th five year plan will be operative for the period (a) NKMPVB (b) NLMPVB
(a) 2010-2015 (b) 2011-2016 (c) NLMPWB (d) LNMPVB
(c) 2012-2017 (d) 2013-2018
39. The story of ‘My Experiments with Truth’ is the Directions (Q.Nos. 53-55) Choose the most
autobiography of appropriate word.
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai (b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
53. GLUTTON is to EAT as GARRULOUS is to
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Mahatma Gandhi
(a) TALK (b) WALK
40. Monetary policy in India is formulated by (c) LAUGH (d) TRAVEL
(a) RBI (b) SEBI
54. FACE is to EXPRESSION as HAND is to
(c) CLB (d) Finance Ministry
41. Which country is the largest producer of wool? (b) HANDSHAKE
(a) Canada (b) USA (c) WORK
(c) Australia (d) Britain (d) GESTURE

42. Name the ‘Political Guru’ of Mahatma Gandhi. 55. BAG is to LUGGAGE as SHIP is to
(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (a) COAL (b) STOCK
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) Lala Lajpat Rai (c) CARGO (d) WEIGHT

43. Which state is called the ‘Rice Bowl’ of India?

Directions (Q.Nos. 56-58) Each of the following
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu
question has four statements. Three are logically
(c) Kerala (d) Karnataka
correct. Some of which may look factually absurd.
44. The vitamin necessary for coagulation of blood is Ignore this absurdiry and look to the logical
(a) vitamin B (b) vitamin C corrections. Choose the statement which is wrong or
(c) vitamin K (d) vitamin E doubtful.
45. Yuan is the currency of 56. (a) All stars are sparks. No sparks are lights. Therefore,
(a) Japan (b) China no stars are lights.
(c) Italy (d) Yugoslavia (b) All types are doors. All doors are broads. Therefore,
all types are broads.
46. Santosh Trophy is associated with
(c) All ladies wear cosmetics. Rinki is wearing
(a) hockey (b) football
cosmetics. Therefore, Rinki is a lady.
(c) basketball (d) badminton
(d) All butterflies are colourful. Colourful things are
47. Kathakali classical dance originated in pleasant. Therefore, butterflies are pleasant.
(a) Kerala (b) Karnataka 57. (a) Some mounts are rides. All rides are cheap.
(c) Rajasthan (d) Tamil Nadu Therefore, some mounts are cheap.
(b) Only women are allowed to sing. Jatin sang.
Directions (Q.Nos. 48-50) In the following Therefore, Jatin was a woman.
questions complete the series. (c) All games are plays. All plays are athletes. Therefore,
some athletes are games.
48. XGH, WIJ, VKL, UMN, ? (d) Some taps are lights. All crepes are lights. Therefore,
(a) HOW (b) UJI some taps are crepes.
(c) TOP (d) SOP
58. (a) Some mangoes are sour. All grapes are sour.
49. A, CD, GHI, ?, UVWXY Therefore, some mangoes are grapes.
(a) LMNO (b) MNO (b) Some bats are mammals. No mammals are birds.
(c) MNOP (d) NOPQ Therefore, no bats are birds.
(c) All poodles are dogs. All dogs are furry. Therefore, all
50. Z, Y, W, T, ?, K
poodles are furry.
(a) P (b) O
(d) No radar are transmitters. All towers are transmitters.
(c) Q (d) N
Therefore, no towers are radar.
Directions (Q. Nos. 59 and 60) Consider the Directions (Q.Nos. 68-70) There is a certain
statement and assumptions that follow. Which of relationship between two given words on one side of
these assumptions is/are implicit in the statement? (: :) and one word is given on another side of (: :)
while another word is to be found from the given
59. Statement “Do not lean out of the moving train’’. A
warning in the railway compartment. alternatives have the same relation with this word as
Assumptions the given pair has. Select the best alternatives
I. Such warnings will have some effect. relationship.
II. Leaning out of a moving train is dangerous.
68. Summit : Apex :: Summon : ?
III. It is the duty of railway authorities to take care of
passengers safety. (a) Judge (b) Court
(c) Beckon (d) Witness
(a) I and II are Implicit (b) II and III are implicit
(c) Only II is implicit (d) All are implicit 69. Monarchy : King :: Aristocracy : ?
(a) Nobles (b) Wealthy (c) People (d) God
60. Statement Inspite of the heavy rains the traffic has not
been disrupted this year. 70. Denigrate : Devalue :: Upgrade : ?
Assumptions (a) Revalue (b) Praise
I. The traffic is disrupted in rainy seasons only. (c) Demote (d) Promote
II. Rains do not affect traffic movement.
III. Adequate precautions were taken for traffic 71. Tea worth ` 126 per kg and ` 135 per kg are mixed with a
management during rainy season. third variety in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2. If the mixture is worth
(a) Only I is implicit (b) I and II are implicit ` 153 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be
(c) Only III is implicit (d) II and Ill are implicit (a) ` 169.5 (b) ` 170.0 (c) ` 175.5 (d) ` 180.0
72. The compound interest on ` 1800 at 10% per annum, for
Directions (Q.Nos. 61 and 62) Choose the word a certain period of time is ` 378. Find the time in years.
which is least like the other words in the group. (a) 1.5 yr (b) 2.5 yr (c) 2 yr (d) 3 yr
61. (a) Cheetah (b) Lion 73. If 1 of A = 75% of B = 0.6 of C, then A : B : C is
(c) Bear (d) Tiger 3
(a) 4 : 5 : 9 (b) 5 : 9 : 4
62. (a) Tuberculosis (b) Small pox
(c) 9 : 5 : 4 (d) 9 : 4 : 5
(c) Cholera (d) Typhoid
74. The average age of 100 workers in a factory is 36.5. The
Directions (Q.Nos. 63-67) The following questions average age of the men is 45 and that of the women is 28.
The number of women working in the factory is
consist of two words that have a certain relationship
(a) 50 (b) 45 (c) 40 (d) 60
to each other, followed by four alternatives. Select the
best alternative that has same relationship as the 75. Walking 6/7th of his usual speed, a man is 12 min too
original pair of words. late. The usual time taken by him to cover that
distance is
63. Zephyr : Gale : : ? (a) 1 h (b) 1 h 12 min
(a) Fossil : Aged (b) Imprint : Emboss (c) 1 h 15 min (d) 1 h 20 min
(c) Trickle : Torrent (d) Death : Sickness
76. 0.009 ´ 0.036 ´ 0.016 ´ 0.08
is equal to
64. Ampere : Current : : ? 0.002 ´ 0.0008 ´ 0.0002
(a) Sound : Waves (b) Speed : Time (a) 34 (b) 36 (c) 38 (d) 39
(c) Distance : Kilometre (d) Ohm : Resistance
77. If I Walk at 5 km/h, I miss a train by 7 min. If however, I
65. Coin : Mint : : ? walk at 6 km/h, I reach the station 5 min before the
(a) Grain : Field (b) Hay : Stable departure of the train. The distance (in km) between my
(c) Wine : Brewery (d) Book : Publisher house and the station is
66. Optimistic : Pessimistic : : ? (a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3
(a) Difficult : Impossible (b) Study : Play 78. A refrigerator is listed at ` 4000. Due to the festival
(c) Tolerating : Disgusting (d) Export : Import season a shopkeeper announces a discount of 5%. Then,
the selling price of refrigerator (in `) is
67. Elusive : Capture : : ?
(a) 3800 (b) 3900 (c) 3600 (d) 3500
(a) Sensible : Decide
(b) Headstrong : Control 79. The average of 5 numbers is 20 and 4 of the numbers are
(c) Elastic : Stretch 10, 15, 20 and 25. If the numbers are arranged in
(d) Gullible : Trick ascending order, then the average of the last three is
(a) 25 (b) 18.75 (c) 24 (d) 22.33
80. 45 men can complete a work in 16 days. 4 days after they 83. A certain company has 80 engineers. If the engineers
started working, 36 more men joined them. How many constitute 40% of its workers, then the number of people
days will they now take to complete the remaining employed in the company is
work? (a) 150 (b) 800
2 3 (c) 200 (d) 3200
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 7
3 4
84. A reduction of 20% in the price of an apple enables a man
81. Some persons can do a piece of work in 12 days. Two to buy 10 apples more for ` 54. The reduced price of
times the number of such persons will do half of the apple per dozen is
work in (a) ` 4.32 (b) ` 12.96
(a) 9 days (b) 6 days (c) 5 days (d) 3 days (c) ` 10.80 (d) ` 14.40
1 1
82. Three-fifth of two-third of three-seventh of a number is 85. If x + = 3, the value of x5 + 5 is
150. What is 60% of that number? x x
(a) 52.5 (b) 875 (c) 750 (d) 525 (a) 123 (b) 126 (c) 113 (d) 129

Directions (Q. Nos. 86-89) In these tests you will find an question figure and four answer figures. You have
to select one diagram from the answer figures, which fits into the blank column in question figure in order to
complete it.
86. Question Figure Answer Figures 88. Question Figure Answer Figures

? ? (a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

87. Question Figure Answer Figures

89. Question Figure Answer Figures

? (a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 90-93) In these tests find which code matches the shape or pattern given at the end of
each question?
90. 92.

(a) LP (b) DF (a) CL (b) QL (c) HP (d) QF
(c) LK (d) PT

(a) NO (b) NQ (a) NL (b) FZ
(c) GD (d) EQ (c) DC (d) FC
Directions (Q. Nos. 94-97) In these tests find the odd figure out.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

95. 97.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 98-100) In these tests figure X is hidden in the answer figures. Find the correct option.
98. Question Figure Answer Figures 100. Question Figure

(X) (a) (b) (c) (d) (X)

99. Question Figure Answer Figures

Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(X) (a) (b) (c) (d)

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (d)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (d)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (d) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (d) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (a)
51. (c) 52. (b) 53. (a) 54. (d) 55. (c) 56. (c) 57. (d) 58. (a) 59. (d) 60. (c)
61. (c) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (d) 65. (c) 66. (d) 67. (b) 68. (c) 69. (a) 70. (d)
71. (c) 72. (c) 73. (d) 74. (a) 75. (b) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (a) 79. (a) 80. (c)
81. (d) 82. (d) 83. (c) 84. (b) 85. (a) 86. (b) 87. (c) 88. (c) 89. (d) 90. (c)
91. (a) 92. (d) 93. (b) 94. (a) 95. (b) 96. (c) 97. (b) 98. (b) 99. (d) 100. (b)
1. Refer to the first sentence of the passage. 39. ‘My Experiment with Truth’ is the autobiography of
2. The last part of the second sentence provides the Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi was horn on 2nd
answer. October, 1869. Navjeen, Hind-Swaraj, Sarvodya etc,
3. The eighth sentence of the passage suggests the are his various art of editing.
answer. 40. Monetary policy in India is formulated by Reserve
4. The last sentence of the passage indicates the answer. Bank of India. Open market function, sales of
16. Sporadic means ‘happening occasionally or at securities etc., are the example of Monetary policy.
intervals that are not regular’. 41. Australia is the largest producer of wool.
17. Sensuous means ‘giving pleasure to your senses’. 48. The pattern of series are as follows
18. Lackadaisical means ‘not showing enough care or X ¾ -¾1 ® W ¾ -¾1 ® V ¾ -¾1 ® U ¾ -¾1 ® T
26. Indian Standard Time (IST) relates to 82.5° G ¾ +¾2 ® I ¾ +¾2 ® K ¾ +¾2 ® M ¾ +¾2 ® O
E longitude. It passes through Allahabad. H ¾ +¾2 ® J ¾ +¾2 ® L ¾ +¾2 ® N ¾ +¾2 ® P
27. Cauvery water sharing is a dispute between 49. The series is going on as follows
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka State.
28. A ‘Bit’ refers to binary digit which is written in 0 and 1
29. Itai-itai disease is due to poisoning caused by
cadmium. 50. The pattern of series are as follows
30. The Magsaysay Award for social service was instituted
by Philippines Government in 1957 for memory of
formy President of Philippines. This Award is called –1 –2 –3 –4 –5
Nobel Prize in Asia and Vinoba Bhave was the first
+3 +3
Indian person who received Magsaysay Award. 51. Given, A ¾ ¾
¾® D and B ¾ ¾
¾® E and so on.
31. The Governor of an Indian State is appointed by the +3
\ F ¾¾
¾® I
President of India. The Governor has no diplomatic or
military powers like the President but he has R ¾ +¾ ¾3
executive, legislative and judicial powers analogous to I ¾ +¾
those of the President. Governor has the power to E ¾ +¾ ¾3
appoint council of ministers and Advocate General and +3
the members of the State Public Service Commission. N ¾¾ ¾® Q
33. A light year is a unit of distance. 1 light year D ¾ +¾ ¾3
= 9.46 ´ 10 15 m. 52. Given, A opposite letters Z and B opposite letter Y and
34. Mohenjodaro is situated in Larkana district of Sindh so on.
State in Pakistan. Great bath, Great Granery is the
13 14
largest building of this site. M N
35. Gol Gumbaz is the mausoleum of Mohammad Adil
15 12
Shah, Sultan of Bijapur. It is located in Bijapur, O L
Karnataka and was completed in 1656 by the
14 13
architect, Yaqut of kabul. N M
36. ‘Give me blood, I will give you freedom’ is the slogan 11 16
given by Subhash Chandra Bose in Singapore, K P
when he was addressing Indian National Army, for 5 22
Independence War of India. E V
37. Ganapati festival is popularized in Maharashtra with 25 2
the efforts of Bal Gangadhar Tilak. The Shivaji festival Y B
is also popularized by Bal Gangadhar Tilak. The
newspaper Kesari (In Marathi language) and Maratha Note When two letters sum is 27, then they are
(In English language) was also started by Bal opposite letter to each other.
Gangadhar Tilak. He was a extrimist leader. 53. Glutton is one who eats too much. Garrulous is one
38. The 12th five year plan will be operative from who talks too much.
2012-2017. Vijay Kelkar is the President/Chairman of 54. Second is a way of expressing an idea with the first.
this Planning Commission. Mr. Y V Reddy is confirmed 55. Second is the load carried by the first.
as the next Chairman of Planning Commission.
56. 58.
Mangoes Grapes
(a) Stars Lights Sour
So, we cannot say that some mangoes are grapes.
So, no stars are lights. (b) Bats Mammasl Birds

So, no bats are birds.

(b) Types

Doors Poodles
Broads Dogs
So, all types are broads.
So, all poodles are furry.

Ladies Transmitters
Rinki (d) Radar
Cosmetics Towers

So, we cannot say that Rinki is a lady. So, no towers are radar.
59. Assumption I is implicit because it is assumed that a
warning may be effective.
(d) Butterflies Assumption II is implicit because it is directly follows
Colourful from the given statement.
Pleasant Assumption III is implicit because the warning has
been put up in the railway compartment.
So, butterflies are pleasant. 60. Assumption I is not implicit because of the keyword only.
57. Assumption II is not implicit because it is contrary to
Mounts the given statement.
(a) Rides
Assumption III is implicit because it serves the
genuine reason of the given statement.
So, some mounts are cheap. 61. All except Bear belong to the cat family.
62. All except Small pox are diseases caused by bacteria,
while small pox is caused by virus.
Women 63. Second is a more intense form of the first.
(b) Jatin
64. First is a unit to measure the second.
65. Second is the place where the first is manufactured.
66. The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
67. ‘Elusive’ means ‘difficult to capture’. Similarly,
So, Jatin was a woman. ‘headstrong’ means ‘difficult to control’.
68. The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.
69. Monarchy is rule by a king. Similarly, aristocracy is
Government by the nobles.
(c) 70. The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.
Plays 71. Let the common ratio be x.
Price of 3rd variety of tea = ` p
Now, by given condition
So, some athletes are games. 126 ´ x + 135 ´ x + p ´ 2x = 153( x + x + 2x )
Þ 126 x + 135x + p ´ 2x = 153 ´ 4x
(d) Taps Lights Þ 261x + p ´ 2x = 612x
Creaps Þ p ´ 2x = 612x - 261x Þ p =
So, we cannot say that some taps are creaps. Þ = ` 175.50
72. Principle (P) = ` 1800 77. Let the distance from house to the station = x km.
Rate ( R ) = 10% x x 7+5
According to the given condition, - =
Compound Interest (CI) = ` 378 5 6 60
Time (T ) = ? 6 x - 5x 12 30 ´ 12
Þ = Þ x= = 6 km
Using formula of compound interest 30 60 60
éæ R ö
T ù 78. List price of refrigerator = ` 4000
CI = P ê ç1 + ÷ - 1ú Now, 5% of discount on list price = 5% of 4000
êë è 100 ø úû 5 ´ 4000
éæ T ù = = ` 200
10 ö 100
Þ 378 = 1800 ê ç1 + ÷ - 1ú
êë è 100 ø úû Now, SP of refrigerator = Listed Price - Discount
T = 4000 - 200 = ` 3800
378 æ 10 ö
79. Sum of 5 numbers = 20 ´ 5 = 100
Þ + 1= ç1 + ÷
1800 è 100 ø Since, 4 of the number are 10, 15, 20 and 25,
2178 æ 11 ö æ 11 ö 121 Therefore, fifth number = 100 - (10 + 15 + 20 + 25)
Þ =ç ÷ Þ ç ÷ =
1800 è 10 ø è 10 ø 100 = 100 - 70 = 30
T 2 Now, arranging in ascending order, last three
æ 11 ö æ 11 ö
Þ ç ÷ =ç ÷ Þ T = 2 yr numbers are 20, 25 and 30.
è 10 ø è 10 ø 20 + 25 + 30 75
1 \Required average = = = 25
73. of A = 75% of B = 0.6 of C 3 3
3 80. Given,
1 75 ´ B A 3B 3C
Þ ´A= = 0.6 ´ C Þ = = M 1 = 45, M 2 = 81, D1 = 12, D2 = ?
3 100 3 4 5 \ M 1 D1 = M 2 D2
9 5 Þ 45 ´ 12 = 81 ´ D2
Now, A = B and C = B
4 4 45 ´ 12 20 2
9 5 Þ D2 = Þ D2 = days or 6 days
Then, ratio of A : B : C Þ B : B : B 81 3 3
4 4 81. Suppose, initially x men do the piece of work
Required ratio = 9 : 4 : 5 M 1 = x 1 , D1 = 12, W1 = 1,
74. Let the number of women = x. 1
\ Number of men = 100 - x M 2 = 2x, W2 = , D2 = ?
Then, by given condition M 1 D1 M 2 D2
Þ 28 x + 45 (100 - x ) = 100 ´ 36.5 \ =
W1 W2
Þ 28 x + 4500 - 45x = 3650
x ´ 12 2x ´ D2
850 Þ =
Þ 17x = 850 = x = = 50 1 1
\ Number of women = 50
75. Since, speed and time are inversely proportional to Þ D2 = = 3 days
each other. 2´2
According to the given condition, 82. Let the number = x.
6 3 2 3
Usual time - ´ Usual time = 12 Then, by condition ´ ´ of x = 150
7 5 3 7
1 6
\ ´ Usual time = 12 Þ of x = 150
7 35
Þ Usual time = 72 min 6
Þ ´ x = 150
= 1 h 12 min 35
0.009 ´ 0.036 ´ 0.016 ´ 0.08 150 ´ 35
76. Þ x=
0.002 ´ 0.0008 ´ 0.0002 6
Þ x = 875
9 ´ 36 ´ 16 ´ 8 60 ´ 875
= Now, 60% of x = = 525
2´8´2 100
= 9 ´ 9 ´ 16 = 36 ´ 36 = 36
83. Let the total workers = x. 89. Answer figure (d) will complete the question figure.
Then, by given condition 90. ⇒ L
40 ´ x ⇒
40% of x = 80 Þ = 80 K
∴ ⇒ LK
80 ´ 100
Þ x= Þ x = 200
40 91. ⇒ N
\There are 200 workers in the company. ⇒ O
84. Let the initial value of one apple = ` x.
∴ ⇒ NO
80 4x
The new value of one apple = x ´ =` 92.
100 5 ⇒ Q
According to the given condition, ⇒ F
54 54 5 ´ 54 54 ∴ ⇒
- = 10 Þ - = 10 QF
4x / 5 x 4x x
93. ⇒ F
270 - 216
Þ = 10 ⇒ Z
Þ 40 ´ x = 54 ∴ ⇒ FZ
54 94. In all others, between two consecutive lines the angle
Þ x=
40 is 90° but in option (a) the angle is not 90°.
27 95. In all others, the number of petals or leaves are equal
Þ x=` on both sides of the straight line. But in option (b), the
27 27 number of petals or leaves are one more in left side.
The new value of one apple = 4 ´ =` 96. In all others, the standing lines inside the main figure
20 ´ 5 25 are in same direction but in option (c), they are in
27 opposite direction.
\The new value of one dozen apple = ´ 12
25 97. In all others, the outer figure is a circle but in option
= ` 12 .96 (b), the outer figure is a triangle.
1 98.
85. Given, x + =3
On squaring,
æ 1ö
çx + ÷ = 9
è xø
1 Answer figure (b) is hidden/embedded in the
Þ x2 + 2 = 9 - 2 = 7
x question figure.
3 99.
æ 1ö
Again, ç x + ÷ = 27
è xø
1 æ 1ö
Þ x 3 + 3 + 3ç x + ÷ = 27
x è xø
Þ x 3 + 3 = 27 - 9 = 18
x Answer figure (d) is hidden/embedded in the
æ 2 1 öæ 3 1ö question figure.
\ ç x + 2 ÷ ç x + 3 ÷ = 7 ´ 18
è x øè x ø 100.
1 æ 1ö
Þ x5 + + ç x + ÷ = 126
x5 è xø
Þ x5 + = 126 - 3 = 123
86. Answer figure (b) will complete the question figure.
Answer figure (b) is hidden/embedded in the
87. Answer figure (c) will complete the question figure.
88. Answer figure (c) will complete the question figure.
Air Force Common Admission Test

AFCAT Model Paper 2

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-5) You have one brief passage with five questions following the passage. Read the
passage carefully and choosed the best answer to each question out of the for alternatives.
As a result of economic liberalization and entry of a large number of multinational companies into India, the life of most middle class
and upper - middle class people in the last two decades of the present century has been characterized by artificiality in dress, manners
and conversation and elaborate surface of formality and grace covering a certain amount of vice and a great deal of plain silliness.
1. The period discussed in the sentence is
(a) from AD 1981 to 1990 (b) from AD 1981 to 2000 (c) from AD 1990 to 2000 (d) from AD 1980 to 2000
2. The sentence lays emphasis on the fact that the economic liberalization has
(a) raised the standard of living of the middle and upper middle class people
(b) made people more artificial outwardly, without change in attitude
(c) helped the people dispense with their vicious behaviour
(d) removed their poverty and raised their quality of life
3. It appears that the author of the sentence criticizes economic liberalization for the people’s
(a) lack of formality (b) poor mannerism (c) lack of naturalness (d) lack of grace
4. Which of the following is not true about most of the middle and upper-middle class people of the period mentioned in the
(a) They are wicked (b) They are formal (c) They are witty (d) They are silly
5. It can be inferred from the sentence that the middle and upper-middle class people of the period lived
(a) wicked lives (b) conventional lives (c) affluent lives (d) very simple lives

Directions (Q.Nos. 6-10) Select the most appropriate word from the options against each number.
It (6) that policing in the future will be (7) more different than it is today. Advances in technology (8) in computers, television and
communication will assist the police in solving and preventing crimes. Advances in forensic science (9) evidence more reliable and
meaningful. All of these changes will be for the better if they help (10) the quality of police service.
6. (a) predicted (b) has predicted (c) is predicted (d) was predicting

7. (a) any (b) some (c) such (d) much

8. (a) particularly (b) placidly (c) roughly (d) widely

9. (a) had to make (b) would be made (c) has made (d) should make

10. (a) improving (b) be improved (c) to improve (d) have improved
Directions (Q. Nos. 11-15) In the questions given Directions (Q.Nos. 24 and 25) In these questions
below, there are four different words out of which one out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best
is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word. expresses the meaning of the given word.
11. (a) Grammar (b) Gramer 24. Right
(c) Grammer (d) Gramar (a) Correct (b) Marked
(c) Straight (d) Finished
12. (a) Imidate (b) Imidiate
(c) Immediate (d) Imidiat 25. Apprehended
(a) Understood (b) Arrested
13. (a) Budgetery (b) Bugetary
(c) Feared (d) Questioned
(c) Budgetary (d) Budgetry
26. The longest bone in the human body is
14. (a) Embarrassed (b) Embarassed
(a) ulna (b) humerus
(c) Embarrased (d) Embarased (c) femur (d) tibia
15. (a) Seperately (b) Separately 27. Red data book gives information about species which are
(c) Seperatley (d) Separatly (a) extinct (b) endangered
(c) dangerous (d) rare
Directions (Q. Nos. 16-20) In these questions out of
the four alternatives choose the one which can be 28. Which one of the following is a ‘Surface to Air missile’?
substituted for the given words/sentences. (a) Trishul (b) K-15 Sagarika
(c) Brahmos (d) Agni
16. A group of three books, films etc, that have the same
subject or characters. 29. Nehru Trophy is associated with
(a) Trinity (b) Trilogy (a) Hockey (b) Football
(c) Trio (d) Tripod (c) Kabaddi (d) Table Tennis (Women)
17. A study of the human race. 30. Odissi classical dance originated in
(a) Anthropology (b) Archaeology (a) Odisha (b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Ethnology (d) Etymology (c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat
18. An expert in the area of the fine or other arts. 31. Decibel is a term connected with
(a) Neophyte (b) Amateur (a) air (b) water
(c) Connoisseur (d) Enthusiast (c) sound (d) soil
19. A place where treasures of art, curios are preserved or 32. ‘Van Mahotsav’ is associated with
exhibited. (a) cutting trees (b) planting trees
(a) Museum (b) Stable (c) increase in crop (d) protection of plants
(c) Library (d) Studio
33. The accounting year of Reserve Bank of India runs from
20. Associated with God or religion. (a) April to March (b) July to June
(a) Humbly (b) Holy (c) January to December (d) August to July
(c) Virtuous (d) Godly
34. Agricultural commodities, are graded with
Directions (Q.Nos. 21-23) In these questions choose (a) ISI (b) Eco-products
the opposite word in meaning to the given word. (c) AGMARK (d) Green product

21. Hasten 35. The book titled ‘The Indian War of Independence’ was
(a) Dash (b) Dawdle written by
(c) Hurry (d) Scurry (a) Krishna Verma (b) Madame Cama
(c) B G Tilak (d) V D Savarkar
22. Spirited
(a) Animated (b) Excited 36. Who was the founder of the ‘Servants of India Society’?
(c) Lively (d) Dull (a) G K Gokhale (b) M G Ranade
(c) B G Tilak (d) Bipin Chandra Pal
23. Forthright
(a) Blunt 37. Who is rightly called the ‘Father of Local Self
Government’ in India?
(b) Tricky
(c) Candid (a) Lord Mayo (b) Lord Ripon
(d) Plainspoken (c) Lord Curzon (d) Lord Clive
38. The Directive Principles of State Policy was adopted 50. YEB, WFD, UHG, SKI, ?
from the (a) QOL (b) POL (c) QLO (d) LOQ
(a) British Constitution (b) Swiss Constitution
(c) U S Constitution (d) Irish Constitution 51. In a certain code FORGET is written as DPPHCV. How
would DOCTOR be written in that code?
39. Which is the second nearest star to the Earth after the (a) BPAUPS (b) BPAUMS (c) EMDRPP (d) EMDRPD
(a) Vega (b) Sirius 52. If rat is called dog, dog is called mongoose, mongoose is
(c) Proxima Centauri (d) Alpha Centauri called lion, lion is called snake and snake is called
elephant, which is reared as a pet?
40. Which is an extra-constitutional body? (a) Rat (b) Dog (c) Mongoose (d) Lion
(a) Language Commission (b) Planning Commission
(c) Election Commission (d) Finance Commission Direction (Q.No. 53) Two statements are given
41. The Prime Minister of India is followed by two Conclusions I and II. You have to
(a) elected (b) appointed consider the statements to be true even if they seem to
(c) nominated (d) selected be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to
decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow
42. Which is not an All India Service? from the given statements. Indicate your answer.
(a) Indian Administrative Service
(b) Indian Police Service 53. Statements
(c) Indian Foreign Service All animals are dogs.
(d) Indian Forest Service All dogs are birds.
43. Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of Conclusions
(a) Chandra Gupta I (b) Chandra Gupta II I. All animals are birds.
(c) Harshavardhana (d) Rudradaman II. All birds are animals.
(a) Only Conclusion I follows
44. The call of ‘Back to the Vedas’ was given by (b) Only Conclusion II follows
(a) Swami Vivekananda (c) Both Conclusions I and II follow
(b) Swami Dayanand Saraswati (d) Neither Conclusion I nor II follows
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy Directions (Q.Nos. 54 and 55) In each questions
below is given a statement follows by two Assumption
45. Simon Commission was boycotted by the nationalist
leaders of India because
I and II. You have to consider the statement and the
(a) they felt that it was only an eyewash following assumptions and decide which of the
(b) all the members of the Commission were English assumptions is implicit in the statement.
(c) the members of the Commission were biased Give answer
against India
(a) Only I is implicit (b) Only II is implicit
(d) it did not meet the demands of the Indians
(c) Neither I nor II is implicit (d) Both I and II are implicit
46. The monetary policy in India is formulated by
54. Statement Railway authority has started internet
(a) Central Government
booking facility of long-distance trains and also
(b) Industrial Financial Corporation of India delivering the tickets at the doorstep through courier
(c) Reserve Bank of India service at a little extra cost.
(d) Industrial Development Bank of India Assumptions
47. What is the chemical name of vinegar? I. Many customers may now book their tickets
(a) Citric acid (b) Acetic acid through internet, resulting into less crowed at ticket
(c) Pyruvic acid (d) Malic acid booking offices.
II. Most of the customers may still buy their railway
Directions (Q.Nos. 48-50) In the following tickets at the booking counters.
questions, complete the series. 55. Statement Many people fell ill after consuming meal
at a wedding reception and were rushed to the nearby
48. Z, ?, T, Q, N Government and private hospitals.
(a) X (b) W (c) V (d) T Assumptions
49. A, I, P, V, A, ? I. The relatives of the affected people may refuse to
(a) F (b) D take them to the Government hospitals.
(c) E (d) G II. The nearby hospitals may be able to attend to all the
affected people.
Directions (Q.Nos. 56-58) Each of the following 66. Abrupt : Gradual :: ?
questions has four statements. Three are incorrect. (a) Barren : Fertile (b) Reverse : Backward
Choose the statement which is logically correct. (c) Motion : Forward (d) Agile : Calm

56. (a) All chances are fakes. No chance are genuine. 67. Jute : Sack :: ?
Therefore, all fakes are genuine. (a) Shoe : Sock (b) Wool : Sweater
(b) Some papers are white. All white are brown. (c) Cotton : Fibre (d) Mill : Cloth
Therefore, all brown are white.
(c) Some goats are lambs. All kids are lambs. Therefore, Directions (Q. Nos. 68-70) There is certain
some goats are kids. relationship between two given words on one side of
(d) Some cuts are dabs. No dabs is pricks. Therefore, (: :) and one word is given on another side of (: :)
some dabs are cuts. while another word is to be found from the given
57. (a) No trees are decorations. Some trees are decorated. alternatives, having the same relation with this word
Therefore, no decorated are decorations. as the given pair has. Select the best alternatives/
(b) All men lie. Only liars are welcome. Therefore, all men relationship.
are welcome.
(c) Some robots fly. All birds fly. Therefore, some birds 68. Wizard : Witch :: Monk : ?
are robots. (a) Madam (b) Widow (c) Nun (d) Virgin
(d) Some tablets are round. Some tablets are oval. 69. Horse : Gallop :: Duck : ?
Therefore, all tablets are oval.
(a) Strut (b) Waddle (c) Prowl (d) Trot
58. (a) All books are friends. All friends are dangerous.
70. Oxygen : Burn :: Carbon dioxide : ?
Therefore, all dangerous are books.
(a) Isolate (b) Foam
(b) All tables are ants. Some chairs are ants. Therefore,
(c) Extinguish (d) Explede
all ants are tables.
(c) No man is a monkey. John is a man. Therefore, John 71. Lavkush’s salary is 30% more than Sanju’s salary. If
is not a monkey. Sanju’s salary is ` 600, then what is Lavkush’s salary?
(d) All birds are parrots. Manish is a parrot. Therefore, (a) ` 780 (b) ` 670 (c) ` 860 (d) ` 920
Manish is a bird.
72. Two vessels A and B contain milk and water in the ratio
7 : 5 and 17: 7, respectively. In what ratio mixtures from
Directions (Q. Nos. 59-62) Choose the word which
two vessels should be mixed to get a new mixture
is least like the other words in the group. containing milk and water in the ratio 5 : 3?
59. (a) Sketch (b) Diagram (a) 1:2 (b) 2 :1 (c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 2
(c) Poster (d) Paper 73. In a steam running at 2 km/h, a motorboat goes 10 km
60. (a) Metre (b) Furlong (c) Yard (d) Acre upstream and back again to the starting point in 55 min.
Find the speed of the motorboat in still water
61. (a) Seal (b) Scorpion (c) Fish (d) Cat (a) 22 km/h (b) 32 km/h
62. (a) Zinc (b) Iron (c) 42 km/h (d) 52 km/h
(c) Aluminium (d) Mercury 74. The difference between the simple interest and the
compound interest on ` 5000 at 10% per annum for
Directions (Q.Nos. 63-67) The following 3 yr is
questions consist of two words that have a certain (a) ` 145 (b) ` 150 (c) ` 165 (d) ` 155
relationship to each other, followed by four 75. A man had ` 8400. He lent a part of it at 8% at SI and the
alternatives. Select the best alternative that has same 2
remaining at 6 % SI. His total annual income was
relationship as the original pair of words. 3
` 588. Find the sum lent at different rates
63. Behead : Guillotine :: ?
(a) ` 5200 (b) ` 5300
(a) Polish : Nail (b) Perfect : Picture (c) ` 6300 (d) ` 6400
(c) Thief : Prison (d) Hang : Gallows
76. 60 kg of a certain variety of rice at ` 32 per kg kg is mixed
64. Graphite : Lubricant :: ? with 48 kg of another variety of rice and the mixture is
(a) Movement : Friction (b) Iron : Steel sold at the average price of ` 28 per kg. If there be no
(c) Wool : Cloth (d) Diamond : Abrasive profit or loss due to the new sale price, then the price of
the second variety of rice is
65. Money : Transaction :: ?
(a) ` 25.60 per kg (b) ` 25 per kg
(a) Life : Death (b) Water : Drink
(c) ` 23 per kg (d) ` 30 per kg
(c) Ideas : Exchange (d) Language : Conversation
77. Two men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days 82. The length and breadth of a square are increased by 30%
while 3 men and 2 boys can do the same work in 8 days. and 20% respectively. The area of the rectangle so
In how many days can 2 men and 1 boy do the work? formed exceeds the area of the square by
(a) 11 (b) 10.5 (c) 11.5 (d) 12.5 (a) 20% (b) 36%
(c) 50% (d) 56%
78. Ram sold a cow for ` 136 and thus lost 15%. At what
price he should have sold it to gain 15%? 83. The ratio of father’s age to his son’s age is 7 : 3. The
(a) ` 204 (b) ` 150 (c) ` 180 (d) ` 184 product of their age is 756. The ratio of their ages after
6 yr will be
79. Four horses are tethered at 4 corners of a square field of
side 70 m so that they just cannot reach one another. (a) 2 : 1 (b) 5 : 2 (c) 11 : 7 (d) 13:9
The area left ungrazed by the horses is 84. 112 576 256
(a) 1050 m 2 (b) 3850 m 2 (c) 950 m 2 (d) 1075 m 2 The simplified value of ´ ´ is
196 12 8
80. The ratio between boys and girls in a school is 4 : 6 (a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 32
respectively. If the number of boys is increased by 200
the ratio becomes 5 : 6 respectively. How many girls are 85. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20, 24 and 30 days,
there in the school? respectively. They undertook to do the piece of work for
(a) 1200 (b) 800 ` 5400. They begin the work together but B left 2 days
(c) 1000 (d) Cannot be determined before the completion of work and C left 5 days before
the completion of work. The share of A from the assured
81. A man whose bowling average is 12.4 takes 5 wickets for money is
26 runs and thereby decreases his average by 0.4. The (a) ` 2700 (b) ` 540
number of wickets taken by him before his last match, is (c) ` 1800 (d) ` 600
(a) 85 (b) 78 (c) 72 (d) 64

Directions (Q. Nos. 86-89) In these tests you will find an question figure and four answer figures. You have
to select one diagram from the answer figures which fits into the blank column in question figure in order to
complete it.
86. Question Figure Answer Figures 88. Question Figure Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

? ?

87. Question Figure Answer Figures 89. Question Figure Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d) ?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 90-93) In these tests find which code matches the shape or pattern given at the end of
each question.
(a) HU (b) ND (c) ZD (d) NK DK CN FG CK DN ?

91. (a) CN (b) NK (c) CG (d) DG


(a) FD (b) EH (c) FH (d) CZ (a) PF (b) JG (c) OG (d) OF

Directions (Q. Nos. 94-97) In these tests, find the odd figure out.
94. 96.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

95. 97.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 98-100) In these test figure (X) is hidden in the option figures. Find the correct option.
98. Question Figure Answer Figures 100. Question Figure

(X) (a) (b) (c) (d) (X)

99. Question Figure Answer Figures Answer Figures

(X) (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (a)
31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (b) 42. (d) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (b) 49. (c) 50. (a)
51. (b) 52. (c) 53. (a) 54. (a) 55. (b) 56. (d) 57. (b) 58. (c) 59. (d) 60. (d)
61. (a) 62. (d) 63. (d) 64. (d) 65. (d) 66. (a) 67. (b) 68. (c) 69. (b) 70. (c)
71. (a) 72. (b) 73. (a) 74. (d) 75. (c) 76. (c) 77. (d) 78. (d) 79. (a) 80. (a)
81. (a) 82. (d) 83. (a) 84. (d) 85. (a) 86. (b) 87. (d) 88. (b) 89. (d) 90. (a)
91. (c) 92. (a) 93. (d) 94. (c) 95. (d) 96. (d) 97. (c) 98. (c) 99. (d) 100. (c)
11. The correct spelling is ‘Grammar’. 51. As, F
D Similarly, D –2
12. The correct spelling is ‘Immediate’. +1 +1
35. ‘The Indian War of Independence’ was written by VD –2 –2
Savarkar. He was an extrimist leader. R P C A
+1 +1
36. ‘Servants of Indian Society’ was founded by famous G H T U
congress leader Gopal Krishna Gokhale. –2 –2
37. Lord Mayo (1822-1872) was the Viceroy of India from T
1869 to 1872. Lord Ripon was the Viceroy of India
from 1880 to 1884. He introduced a system of Local 52. We know that dog is reared as a per but in question
Self Government. dog is called as mongoose. Hence, mongoose is reared
38. The Directive Principles of State Policy was adopted in as a pet.
Indian Constitution from Irish Constitution. 53. According to the statements, venn diagram is
39. The Sun is the nearest star to the Earth. Proxima
Centauri is the second nearest star to the Earth after Animals
the Sun. Dogs
40. Planning Commission is an extra-constitutional body, Birds
which was formed with a parliamentary ordinance in
1951. Conclusions
41. The Prime Minister appointed by the President of I. 3
India. The Prime Minister is the leader of winning
II. 7
political party, which is in majority in Lok Sabha
43. Chinese pilgrim, Hieun Tsang (Prince of Travelers) Hence, only Conclusion I follows from the
visited India during the reign of Harshavardhana. statements.
44. The call of ‘Back to Vedas’ was given by Swami 54. Assumption I is implicit because it serves the purpose
Dayanand Saraswati. He founded the Arya Samaj in of starting internet booking facility.
1875. Assumption II is not implicit because it is irrelevant.
45. Simon Commission and his colleagues landed in 55. Assumption I is not implicit because it is vague.
Bombay on Feb 3, 1928 and was boycotted by the Assumption II is implicit because it follows from the
nationalist leaders of India because all the members of given statement and positively assumed (Positive
the Commission were English. At Lahore boycotted thinking).
Simon Commission, Lala Lajpat Rai was beaten in a 56.
Lathi-Charge. The succumbed to his injuries on Chances Genuine
Nov 17, 1928.
47. Vinegar is an acidic liquid produced from the Fakes
fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its key
ingredient, acetic acid. It also may come in a dilute So, we cannot say all takes are genuine.
48. The pattern of series are as follows. (b) Papers White
Z W T Q N Brown

–3 –3 –3 –3
So, we cannot say all brown are white.
49. The pattern of series as follows
A I P V A E Kids
(c) Goats
+8 +7 +6 +5 +4

50. The pattern of series are as follows So, we cannot say some goats are kids.
–2 –2 –2 –2
Y W V S Q (d) Cuts Dabs Pricks
–2 –2 –2 –2
–2 –2 –2 –2 So that some dabs are cuts.
57. 65. Second is the process of exchange of the first.
(a) Decorated Trees Decorations 66. The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
67. First is used to make the second.
So, we cannot say that no decorated are 68. Second is the feminine gender of the first.
69. Second is the movement of the first.
70. Oxygen supports burning while carbon dioxide
extinguishes fire.
71. Lavkush’s salary
(b) = Sanju’s salary + 30% of Sanju’s salary
Lie = 600 + 30% of 600
Welcome 30 ´ 600
= 600 + = 600 + 180 = ` 780
So, all men are welcome
72. First of all, we write the fraction of milk present in
Fly three mixtures.
(c) Robots 7 17
Birds In A= In B =
12 24
So, we cannot say that some birds are robots. In combination of A and B :
(d) Oval Tablets Round We now apply alligation rule of these fractions
(A) (B)
7 17
So, we cannot say that all tablets are oval. 12 (A and B) 24
58. 5
Books 2 1
(a) 24 24
or 2 : 1
So, Ratio of A : B = 2 : 1
73. Let the speed of motorboat in still water be x km/h.
So, we cannot say that all dangerous are books. Speed downstream = ( x + 2) km/h
Speed upstream = ( x - 2) km/h
(b) Tables Chairs 10 10 55
\ + =
Ants ( x - 2) ( x + 2) 60
1 1 55 11
So, we cannot say that all ants are tables. Þ + = =
( x - 2) ( x + 2) 600 120
( x + 2) + ( x - 2) 11
Monkey Þ = Þ 11( x 2 - 4) = 240 x
( x - 4)
2 120

So, John is not a monkey. Þ 11x 2 - 240 x - 44 = 0

Þ 11x 2 - 242x + 2x - 44 = 0
Birds Þ 11x( x - 22) + 2( x - 22) = 0
a nis
h Þ ( x - 22)(11x + 2) = 0 Þ x = 22
Parrots M Speed of motorboat in still water = 22 km/h
é 10 ù
So, we cannot say that Manish is a bird. 74. SI = ê5000 ´ ´ 3ú = ` 1500
ë 100 û
59. All others can be drawn on paper.
60. All except acre are units of measuring distance, while é é 10 ù
3 ù
CI = ê5000 + ê1 + ú - 5000 ú
acre is a unit of area. êë ë 100 û úû
61. All except Seal are creatures related to signs of zodiac.
62. Mercury is the only liquid metal in the group. éé 11 11 11 ù ù
= ê ê5000 ´ ´ ´ úû - 5000 ú
63. Second is the structure where an accused is given the ë ë 10 10 10 û
punishment denoted by the first.
= (6655 - 5000 ) = `1655
64. Graphite is used as a lubricant and diamond as an
abrasive. (CI) -(SI) = (1655 - 1500 ) = ` 155
75. Total SI on ` 8400 for 1 yr = ` 588 78. Loss = 15%
100 ´ 588 SP = ` 136
\Rate of interest = = 7% per annum
8400 ´ 1 CP = ?
SP ´ 100 136 ´ 100
% CP = = = ` 160
3 (100 - Loss percentage) (100 - 15)
Mean Now to Gain 15%
CP ´ (100 + Gain)
7% SP =
160 ´ (100 + 15)
1 1 100
3 18400
= = ` 184
2 1 100
(Money at 8%): [Money at 6 % ] = : 1 = 1 : 3
3 3 79. Area of square = (Side)2 = (70 )2 = 4900 m 2
é 1ù 70 m
Money lent at 8% = ê8400 ´ ú = ` 2100
ë 4û
2 é 3ù
Money lent at 6 % = ê8400 ´ ú = ` 6300
3 ë 4û
76. Let price of the second variety of rice be ` x per kg.
Then, total cost of first variety of rice
= 60 ´ 32 = ` 1920
and total cost of second variety of rice 4 ´ pr 2 22
Grazed area by horses = = ´ (35)2
= 48 ´ x = ` 48 x 4 7
\Total SP of both varieties of rice = (60 + 48 ) ´ 28 22
= ´ 35 ´ 35 = 3850 m 2
= 108 ´ 28 7
= ` 3024 Hence, ungrazed area by the horses
Since, there is neither profit nor loss, therefore, = (4900 - 3800 ) m 2 = 1050 m 2
1920 + 48 x = 3024 80. Let the number of boys and girls be 4x and
Þ 48 x = 1104 x = 23 6x respectively.
Thus, price of second variety of rice is ` 23 per kg. According to the question,
77. One day’s work of 3 boys and 2 men =
1 4x + 200 5
10 6x 6
1 Þ 5x = 4x + 200 Þ x = 200
One day’s work of 2 boys and 3 men =
8 Therefore, number of girls = 6 x = 6 ´ 200 = 1200
Then, 10 (2m + 3b ) = 8 (3m + 2b ) Short Trick
= 1 - Complete work Ratio
20m + 30b = 24m + 16 b I. Ratio (4 : 6) increasing of boys 200 and ratio
7 increase = equal to.1
Þ 14 b = 4m Þ m = b
2 II. Ratio (5 : 6)
Then, putting this value in above equation 1 = 200
æ 7 ö Hence, 6 = 1200
Þ 10 ç2 ´ b + 3b ÷ = 1
è 2 ø 81. Let the number of wickets taken before the last match
Þ 10(7b + 3b ) = 1 (12 .4x + 26 )
1 7 Then, = 12
Þ b= also, m = ( x + 5)
100 200
Now, time taken by 2 men and 1 boy will be 2m + 1b Þ 12 .4x + 26 = 12x + 60
7 1 7 1 7+1 8 Þ 0.4x = 34
=2´ + 1´ = + = = 34 340
200 100 100 100 100 100 Þ x= = = 85
100 0.4 4
\They together took days i.e., 12.5 days. Required wickets = 85
82. Let length = x and breadth = y m 90. Þ H
Area = ( xy )m 2
æ 130 ö 13
New length = ç x÷ = xm
è 100 ø 10 \ Þ HU
æ 120 ö 6 91.
New breadth = ç y÷ = y m
è 100 ø 5
æ 13x 6y ö æ 39 xy ö 2 Þ F, Þ H, \ Þ FH
New area = ç ´ ÷ =ç ÷m
è 10 5 ø è 25 ø
æ 39 xy ö 14xy 2 92.
Excess = ç - xy ÷ = m Þ C
è 25 ø 25
æ 14xy 1 ö Þ N
Excess percentage = ç ´ ´ 100 ÷% = 56%
è 25 xy ø
83. Let the common ratio = x \ Þ CN
The father’s age = 7x, son’s age = 3x
Now, from given conditions 93.
Þ 7x ´ 3x = 756
Þ 21x 2 = 756 Þ F
Þ x2 = = 36
Þ x = 36 = 6 \ Þ OF
\ Father’s age = 7 ´ 6 = 42 yr
Son’s age 3 ´ 6 = 18 yr 94. In all others, there is only one shaded structure
After six year’s outside the main figure but in option (c), there are two
shaded elements outside the main figure.
Father’s age = 42 + 6 = 48 yr
95. In all others, there are only seven straight lines but in
Son’s age = 18 + 6 = 24 yr option (d), there are eight straight lines.
48 2 96. In all others, two inner structures or elements are
\ Required ratio = = = 2:1
24 1 same but in option (d), they are different.
112 576 256 112 24 16 97. In all others there are four chambers but in option (c)
84. ´ ´ = ´ ´ there are only two chambers.
196 12 8 14 12 8
= 8 ´ 2 ´ 2 = 32
85. Let the number of days to complete the work be x,
x x -2 x -5
+ + =1 Answer figure (c) is hidden/embedded in the
20 24 30 question figure.
6 x + 5( x - 2) + 4( x - 5)
Þ =1 99.
6 x + 5x + 4x = 120 +10 + 20
Þ 15x = 150
\ x = 10
Answer figure (d) is hidden/embedded in the
10 1
\ Work done by A = = question figure.
20 2 100.
\Share of A from the assured money
= ´ 5400 = ` 2700
86. Answer figure (b) will complete the incomplete figure.
Answer figure (c) is hidden/embedded in the
87. Answer figure (d) will complete the incomplete figure.
question figure.
88. Answer figure (b) will complete the incomplete figure.
89. Answer figure (d) will complete the incomplete figure.
Air Force Common Admission Test

AFCAT Model Paper 3

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-5) Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to question out of
the four alternatives.
Acquisitive nature has become the hallmark of people in modern times. If a neighbour possesses a kitchen gadget like a mixer or a
grinder, we too have the desire to own the same. All efforts are geared to make this purchase, whether the item is essential or not.
Shopkeepers vie with each other to sell these things. It is as if the whole world has conspired to sell the mixer or grinder to me
whether I want it or not. Of course, my wife wants it.
1. In this passage acquisition means
(a) working regularly (b) being lazy (c) gaining things (d) giving away things
2. According to the passage, the purchase is made
(a) when the article is useful (b) because the article is essential
(c) whether the article needed or not (d) only when the article is in demand
3. Possessing new things sets a kind of
(a) competition among neighbours (b) love among neighbours
(c) hatred among neighbours (d) indifference among neighbours
4. The writer considers acquisitive nature to be
(a) a depressing quality in people (b) a bad quality in people
(c) a good quality in people (d) an encouraging quality in people
5. From the passage it is clear that the writer
(a) wants to buy a mixer (b) is keen on buying a mixer
(c) does not want to buy a mixer (d) is indifferent to buy a mixer

Directions (Q.Nos. 6-10) Select the most appropriate word from the options against each number.
Petroleum or crude oil, is one of the world’s (6) natural resources. Plastics, synthetic fibers and (7) chemicals are produced from
petroleum. It is also used to make lubricants and waxes. (8), its most important use is as a fuel for heating, for (9) electricity and (10)
for powering vehicles.
6. (a) as important (b) most important (c) so importantly (d) less importantly

7. (a) much (b) a lot (c) plenty (d) many

8. (a) Therefore (b) However (c) Moreover (d) Hence

9. (a) generated (b) to generate (c) being generated (d) generating

10. (a) decisively (b) exclusively (c) especially (d) favourably

Directions (Q.Nos. 11-13) In the following Directions (Q.Nos. 23-25) In these questions some
questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one, parts of the sentences have errors and some have
which best expresses the meaning of the given word. none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error
to the appropriate letter (a, b, c). If there is no error,
11. Gall
your is (d).
(a) Macho (b) Bold (c) Boastful (d) Audacity
12. Valour 23. Instead of being (a)/ helpful he was (b)/ being hindrance.
(c)/ No error (d)
(a) Courage (b) Honour (c) Courtesy (d) Pride
24. Where (a)/ have I (b)/ to deposit fees? (c)/No error (d)
13. Glimpse
(a) Wide- angle view (b) A brief view 25. By the time she had finished her work (a)/ I had nearly
(c) A close-up view (d) Bird’s eye view given up (b)/ all hope of arriving at the part in time. (c)/
No error (d)
Directions (Q.Nos. 14 and 15) In these questions, 26. Too much consumption of tea or coffee can result in
choose the word opposite in meaning to the given deficiency of
word. (a) vitamin B12 (b) calcium
14. Obligatory (c) vitamin C (d) albumin
(a) Exemplary (b) Compulsory 27. Which one of the following is an ‘Air-to-air’ missile?
(c) Exclusionary (d) Voluntary (a) Astra (b) Prithvi
15. Fragile (c) Agni (d) Akash
(a) Unclear (b) Tough (c) Tight (d) Gruff 28. Which day is observed as ‘International Day of Non-
Directions (Q.Nos. 16-20) In these questions, out of (a) 30th January (b) 1st May
the four alternatives choose the one, which can be (c) 2nd October (d) 24th October
substituted for the given words/sentence. 29. Which innovative discussion process is introduced by
the Indian Parliament to the World Parliamentary
16. To free anything from germs.
(a) Cauterise (b) Sterilise
(a) Question hour (b) Zero hour
(c) Antiseptic (d) Antivirus
(c) Resolutions (d) Presidential speech
17. One who leaves one’s country in order to settle 30. The Judges of the Supreme Court retire at the age of
permanently in another.
(a) 60 yr (b) 65 yr
(a) Emigrant (b) Omnipresent
(c) 62 yr (d) 58 yr
(c) Celibate (d) Bigot
18. Belonging to the same period. 31. Who is authorised to issue coins in India?
(a) Reserve Bank of India (b) Ministry of Finance
(a) Immigrant (b) Ancient
(c) State Bank of India (d) Indian Overseas Bank
(c) Inaccessible (d) Contemporary
19. One who compiles a dictionary. 32. The reserves held by Commercial Banks over and above
the statutory minimum, with the RBI are called
(a) Philatalist (b) Lexicographer
(a) Cash reserves (b) Deposit reserves
(c) Philologist (d) Numismatist
(c) Excess reserves (d) Momentary reserves
20. One who knows everything. 33. Who propounded the Panchsheel Principles?
(a) Omniscient (b) Omnivorous
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Omnipotent (d) Ominous
(b) Lord Buddha
(c) Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru
Directions (Q.Nos. 21 and 22) In the questions (d) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
given below, there are four different words out of
which one is correctly spelt. Find out the correctly 34. Human Development Index was developed by
(a) Amartya Sen (b) Friedman
spelt word.
(c) Mahbub-ul-Haq (d) Montek Singh
21. (a) Sargent (b) Serjent
35. Crop sown soon after the onset of South-West monsoon
(c) Sarjeant (d) Sergeant in India is called
22. (a) Comenttaries (b) Commentories (a) Rabi (b) Kharif
(c) Commentaries (d) Commentries (c) Rainfed (d) Dry farming
36. In which State is ‘Silent Valley’ located? 42. Mahatma Gandhi was profoundly influenced by the
(a) Tamil Nadu (b) Kerala writings of
(c) Asom (d) Arunachal Pradesh (a) Bernard Shaw (b) Karl Marx
(c) Lenin (d) Leo Tolstoy
37. Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National
Congress? 43. The concept of ‘Carbon credit’ originated from
(a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (a) Earth Summit, Rio-de-Janerio
(b) Hassan Imam (b) Kyoto Protocol
(c) M A Ansari (c) Montreal Protocol
(d) Badruddin Tyabji (d) None of the above
38. Who among the following was defeated by Prithvi Raj 44. Tansen, a famous musician, was in the court of
Chauhan in the first battle of Tarain? (a) Babar (b) Humayun
(a) Mohammad Gauri (c) Akbar (d) Jahangir
(b) Mahmud of Ghazni
(c) Iltutmish 45. The Ministers in the Union Government hold office
(d) Balban during the pleasure of the
(a) Lok Sabha (b) Parliament
39. Who among the following was the last Delhi Sultan? (c) President (d) Prime Minister
(a) Daulat Khan Lodhi (b) Rana Sanga
(c) Ibrahim Lodhi (d) Sikandar Lodhi
46. Rate of interest is determined by
(a) The rate of return on the capital invested
40. The first woman to swim across seven important seas is (b) Central Government
(a) Chandini (b) Bula Choudhary (c) Liquidity preference
(c) Mridula Rajiv (d) Priya Shanbhag (d) Commercial Banks
41. Insulin was discovered by 47. The vector of disease sleeping sickness is
(a) F Banting (b) Edward Jenner (a) sand-fly (b) house-fly
(c) Ronald Ross (d) SA Wakesman (c) fruit-fly (d) tse-tse fly

Directions (Q.Nos. 48-52) Three words in bold letters are given in each question, which have something in
common among themselves. Out of the four given alternatives, choose the most appropriate description about
these three words.
48. Majlis : Diet: Knesset (c) These yield good wood for fuel
(a) These are foreign languages (d) These are coniferous trees
(b) These are parliaments of countries
51. Chlorine : Fluorine : Iodine
(c) These are names of foods eaten in different countries
(a) These are names of inert gases
(d) These are old names of certain countries
(b) These are gases at room temperature
49. Prakrit : Pali : Sanskrit (c) These are transition elements
(a) They are classical languages of Asia and Europe (d) These are halogens
(b) The Vedas are written in these languages
52. Green : Violet : Orange
(c) They are old languages of India
(a) They are primary colours
(d) They are dead languages
(b) These colours occur together in a rainbow
50. Ebony : Rosewood : Mahogany (c) They are made by mixing other colours
(a) These are trees of temperate regions (d) These colours are not found in butterflies
(b) These are hardwood trees

Directions (Q.Nos. 53-57) The following questions consist of two words that have a certain relationship to
each other, followed by four alternatives. Select the best alternative that has the same relationship as the
original pair of words.
53. Buoy : Channel : : ? 54. Portfolio : Securities : : ?
(a) White line : Highway (a) Lecture : Consignment
(b) Light house : Ship (b) Star : Class
(c) Red light : Street (c) Trustee : Company
(d) Road map : Travel (d) Panel : Jurors
55. Traffic : Road : : ? Directions (Q.Nos. 64 and 65) Consider the
(a) Aeroplane : Aerodrome statement and assumptions that follow. Which of
(b) Roots : Tree these assumptions is/are implicit in the statement.
(c) Blood : Veins
(d) Car : Garage 64. Statement ‘Buy pure and natural honey of company
X’. An advertisement in a newspaper.
56. Spider : Web : : ? Assumptions
(a) Ink : Pen (b) Cock : Hen I. Artificial honey can be prepared.
(c) Teacher : Student (d) Poet : Poetry II. People do not mind paying more for pure and
natural honey.
57. Shoe : Leather : : ?
III. No other company supplies pure honey.
(a) Medicine : Doctor (b) Highway : Asphalt (a) Only I is implicit (b) I and II are implicit
(c) Train : Wagon (d) Bus : Conductor (c) I and III are implicit (d) All are implicit

Directions (Q.Nos. 58-60) Each of the following 65. Statement A State Government suspended two
additional district judges.
questions has four statements. Three are logically
correct. Some of which may look factually absurd.
I. They were negligent in discharging duties.
Ignore this absurdity and look to the logical II. There was a charge of misconduct against them.
corrections. Choose the statement which is wrong or III. The government officials were biased against them.
doubtful. (a) I and III are implicit
(b) Either I or II is implicit
58. (a) Some mounts are rides. All rides are Cheap. (c) Any one of the three is implicit
Therefore, some mounts are cheap. (d) None is implicit
(b) All traps are books. Some books are dim. Therefore,
some traps are dim. Directions (Q. Nos. 66 and 67) In the questions
(c) All guests are hosts. All hosts are ghosts. Therefore, given below, two statements are given followed by
Some ghosts are guests. two/four Conclusions I, II, III and IV. You have to
(d) Some men are educated. Educated men prefer small consider the two statements to be true even if they
families. Therefore, some men prefer small families. seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.
You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if
59. (a) All streets are watches. All watches are eagles. any, follow form the given statements.
Therefore, some eagles are streets. 66. Statements Some buses are four wheelers.
(b) Alok ia a good sportsman. Sportsmen are healthy. All four wheelers are vans.
The refere, Alok is healthy. Conclusions I. Some vans are buses.
(c) Horse is a bird. Some birds are clouds. Therefore, II. Some buses are vans.
some clouds are birds. (a) Only Conclusion I follows
(d) Some news is stale. All stale things are old. Therefore (b) Only Conclusion II follows
all old things are news. (c) Either Conclusion I or II follows
(d) Both Conclusions I and II follow
60. (a) Some men wear tuxedos. Tuxedos are expensive.
Therefore, men have expensive tastes. 67. Statements
(b) All chalks are dusters. Some chalks are boards. All peacocks are lions.
Some dusters are pens. Therefore, some dusters are Some tigers are peacocks.
boards. Conclusions
(c) Some rats are cats. Some cats are dogs. No dog is I. Some lions are not tigers.
cow. Therefore, some cats are rats. II. All tigers are lions.
(d) Only rich countries have farms. All farms are stables. III. Some tigers are lions.
Therefore, some stables are in rich countries. IV. All peacocks are tigers.
(a) Only Conclusion I follows
61. ‘Konkani’ is to ‘Goa’ as ‘Dogri’ is to...... ? (b) Only Conclusion II follows
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Sikkim (c) Only Conclusion III follows
(c) Jammu (d) Asom (d) Only Conclusion IV follows
62. ‘Noise’ is to ‘Din’ as ‘Quiet’ is to..... ?
Directions (Q.Nos. 68-70) In the following
(a) Hush (b) Dumb
questions, complete the series.
(c) Gag (d) Mouth
68. M, O, Q, S, ?, W
63. ‘Roentgen’ is to ‘X-rays’ as ‘Becquerel’ is to ... ?
(a) U (b) X (c) T (d) R
(a) Uranium (b) Radioactivity
(c) Fission (d) Superconductivity 69. HK, GL, FM, EN, ?
(a) DQ (b) DO (c) FO (d) CQ
70. TKP, UJR, VIT, WHV, ? very low at this price level, he decided to fix the selling
(a) XGT (b) YGX (c) ZGX (d) XGX price at 10% profit. Find the new selling price.
(a) ` 450 (b) ` 490 (c) ` 500 (d) ` 550
71. Weight of a solid metal sphere of radius 4 cm is 4 kg. The
weight of a hollow sphere made with same metal, whose 79. A shopkeeper bought 200 articles, each costing same. He
outer diameter is 16 cm and inner diameter is 12 cm, is sold 30% of the articles at 20% profit and the remaining
(a) 20.5 kg (b) 15.5 kg (c) 16.5 kg (d) 18.5 kg at 10% profit. If the total profit made by him is ` 2600,
find the cost price of one article.
72. The speed of a motor boat itself is 20 km/h and the rate (a) ` 100 (b) ` 200 (c) ` 1300 (d) ` 2600
of flow of the river is 4 km/h. Moving with the stream the
boat went 120 km. What distance will the boat cover 80. Two candidates contested in an election. One got 60% of
during the same time going against the stream? the votes and won by 1600 votes. What is the number of
(a) 80 (b) 180 (c) 60 (d) 100 votes polled?
1 3 1 (a) 7500 (b) 9000 (c) 8000 (d) 10000
73. If X + = 2 , find the value of 8 X + 3 .
2X X 81. The radii of two circles are 5 cm and 12 cm. The area of a
(a) 48 (b) 88 (c) 40 (d) 44 third circle is equal to the sum of the areas of the two
circles. The radius of the third circle is
74. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 30 min, 20 min (a) 17 cm (b) 13 cm (c) 21 cm (d) 30 cm
and 10 min, respectively. When the tank is empty, all the
three pipes are opened. If A, B and C discharge chemical 82. Eight consecutive numbers are given. If the average of
solutions P, Q and R respectively, then the part of the two numbers that appear in the middle is 6, then the
solution R in the liquid in the tank after 3 min is sum of the eight given numbers is
8 5 6 7 (a) 36 (b) 48 (c) 54 (d) 64
(a) (b) (c) (d)
11 11 11 11 83. A man has some hens and cows. If the number of heads :
number of feet = 12 : 35, find out the number of hens, if
75. A man covers a certain distance on scooter. Had he
the number of heads alone is 48.
moved 3 km/h faster, he would have taken 40 min less. If
he had moved 2 km/h slower, he would have token (a) 28 (b) 26 (c)24 (d) 22
40 min more. The distance (in km) is 84. A, B, C start running at the same time and at the same
(a) 42.5 (b) 36 (c) 37.5 (d) 40 point in the same direction in a circular stadium. A
completes a round in 252 s, B in 308 s and C in 198 s.
76. A sum of money amounts to ` 2240 at 4% per annum
After what time will they meet again at the starting
simple interest in 3 yr. The interest on the same sum for
6 months at 3.5% per annum is
(a) 26 min 18 s (b) 42 min 36 s
(a) ` 30 (b) ` 50 (c) ` 35 (d) ` 150
(c) 45 min (c) 46 min 12 s
77. Simple interest on a certain sum is 16/25 of the sum. The
rate per cent, if the rate per cent and tame (in yr) are 0.324 ´ 0.081 ´ 4.624
equal, is 85. The square root of is
1.5625 ´ 0.0289 ´ 72 .9 ´ 64
(a) 6 (b)8 (c) 10 (d) 12
(a) 24 (b) 2.4
78. A merchant fixed the selling price of his articles at ` 700 (c) 0.024 (d) 1.2
after adding 40% profit to the cost price. As the sale was

Directions (Q.Nos. 86-89) Find out which of the figures (a), (b), (c) and (d) can be formed from the pieces
given in the figure (X).
86. Problem Figure Answer Figures 88. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(X) (a) (b) (c) (d) (X) (a) (b) (c) (d)

87. Problem Figure Answer Figures 89. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(X) (a) (b) (c) (d) (X) (a) (b) (c) (d)
Directions (Q.Nos. 90-93) In these figures find which code matches the shape or pattern given at the end of
each question.
90. Question Figure 92.

(a) GK (b) GD (c) IK (d) LT

NY ?

FH QS MR QR (a) KB (b) XY (c) KT (d) NB



FS ? (a) LK (b) FK
(c) MC (d) FD
(a) MH (b) MS (c) QS (d) FR

Directions (Q.Nos. 94-97) In these figures find out the odd figure .
94. 96.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

95. 97.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions (Q.Nos. 98-100) In this problem figure (X) is the hidden in the answer figures. Find the correct
answer figure .
98. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(X) (a) (b) (c) (d)

(X) (a) (b) (c) (d)
100. Problem Figure
99. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(X) (b) (c) (d)

Answer Figures
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (a)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (b) 30. (b)
31. (b) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (d) 38. (a) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (b) 49. (c) 50. (b)
51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (a) 54. (d) 55. (c) 56. (d) 57. (b) 58. (b) 59. (d) 60. (a)
61. (c) 62. (a) 63. (b) 64. (a) 65. (b) 66. (d) 67. (c) 68. (a) 69. (b) 70. (d)
71. (d) 72. (a) 73. (c) 74. (c) 75. (d) 76. (c) 77. (b) 78. (d) 79. (a) 80. (c)
81. (b) 82. (b) 83. (b) 84. (d) 85. (c) 86. (b) 87. (b) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (a)
91. (b) 92. (c) 93. (d) 94. (c) 95. (a) 96. (d) 97. (b) 98. (a) 99. (b) 100. (a)

11. Gall means ‘rude behaviour showing a lack of respect.’ India in July, 1943 and Finance secretary sign them
12. Valour means ‘great courage.’’ and above ` 1 coin published by Reserve Bank of India.
13. Glimpse means ‘a look at somebody/something for a 37. Badruddin Tyabji was the first Muslim President of
very short time. Indian National Congress. He became the President in
14. Obligatory means ‘that you must do because of the
law, rules etc’. Voluntary means ‘done willingly, not 38. The first Battle of Tarain was fought in 1191 between
because you are forced’. Prithvi Raj Chauhan and Mohammad Gauri. In which
Prithvi Raj Chauhan defeated Mohammad Gauri.
15. Fragile means ‘weak, delicate, not strong’.
39. Ibrahim Lodhi was the last Sultan of Delhi. In the first
21. The correctly spelt word is ‘sergeant’.
Battle of Panipat (1526), Babar defeated Ibrahim
22. The correctly spelt word is ‘commentaries’. Lodhi.
23. Put ‘a’ in place of ‘being’. 42. Mahatma Gandhi was profoundly influenced by the
24. It would be 'I have’ in place of ‘have I’. writings of Leo Tolstoy and Ruskin Bond.
25. Remove ‘had’. 43. The concept of ‘Carbon credit’ originated from Kyoto
26. Too much consumption of tea or coffee can result in Protocol (1997).
deficiency of vitamin B12 . 44. Tansen, a famous musician, was in the court on Akbar.
27. Astra is an active radar homing Beyond Visual Range Tansen childhood name was Ramtanu Pandey. He is
Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM) developed by the one of the Navaratna of Akbar regime.
Defence Research and Development Organization 45. The Ministers in the Union Government hold office
(DRDO), India. during the pleasure of the President.
28. 2nd October is observed as International Day of 48. These are parliaments of countries.
Non-violence. 49. They are old languages of India.
29. ‘Zero hour’ process is introduced by the Indian 50. These are hardwood trees.
Parliament to the World Parliament Systems. ‘Zero
51. These are halogens.
hour’ is not described in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
process. ‘Zero hour’ is started in 12 noon and ended 52. They are made by mixing other colours.
in 1pm. 53. A buoy indicates proper channel or a path for a ship to
30. In Indian Constitution Article 124 (2) describes that follow; white line shows the path on a highway to be
the Judge of the Supreme Court retire at the age of 65 followed by vehicles.
yr. Supreme Court of India consists of Chief Justice 54. A portfolio is the entire group of securities a person
and 30 other Judges. holds for investment. Similarly, a panel is a whole
31. Ministry of Finance is authorised to issue coins in group of jurors.
India. First time ` 1 note published by Government of 55. Traffic moves on road. Similarly, blood travels through
56. As spider makes web, poet makes poetry.
57. Second is the material used to make the first.
(d) News Stale Old

(a) Mounts Rides So, we cannot say all old things are news.
Cheap 60.
So, some mounts and cheap.
(a) Men Tuxedos

(b) Traps
So, we cannot say then men (all) have expensive
So, we cannot say some traps are dim. tastes.

(c) (b) Pens Chalks Boards
Ghosts Dusters

So, some dusters one boards.

So, some ghosts are guests.

(c) Rats Cats Dogs Cow

(d) Men families So, some cats are rats.

Educated men

So, some men prefer small families. countries
So, some stables are in rich countries.
61. Konkani is the language of Goa and Dogri is the
language of Jummu.
So, some eagles are streets.
62. Second is a more intense form of the first.
63. Roentgen discovered X-rays. Similarly, Becquerel
Alok discovered radioactivity.
(b) Sportsmen 64. Assumption I is implicit because of the word ‘natural’
used in the given statement. Assumption II is not
Healthy implicit because it is irrelevant.
Assumption III is not implicit because nothing about
So, Alok is a healthy. ‘ The quality of honey of other companies’ can be
assumed from the given statement.
65. Either Assumption I or II is implicit because Govt.
(c) Horse Clouds Officials are generally suspended on ‘Charges of
Bird misconduct’ or ‘negligence of duty.’
Assumption III is not implicit because it is vague.
So, some clouds are birds.
66. According to the statements, Venn-diagram is
1 1æ 1ö
On cubing 8 x 3 + + 3 × 2x × ç2x + ÷ = 64
x x è xø
Four Conclusions 1
I. 3
Þ 8 x 3 + 3 + 6 ´ 4 = 64
II. 3 x
3 1
Þ 8 x + 3 = 64 - 24 = 40
Hence, both Conclusions I and II follow.
74. Total quantity of solutions P, Q and R from A, B and C
67. According to the statements, Venn diagram is respectively, after 3 min
3 3 3 3 ´ 11 11
= + + = =
Conclusions 30 20 10 60 20
Peacocks 3
Tigers I. 7 Quantity of solution R in 3 min =
II. 7 10
III. 3
IV. 7
10 3 ´ 20 6
Hence, only Conclusion III follows. \ Part of solution R = = =
11 10 ´ 11 11
68. The pattern of series are as follows 20
M O Q S U W 75. Le distance and original speed of the man be d km and
s km/h. Then,
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2
d d 2 d(s + 3 - s ) 2
- = Þ =
69. The pattern of series are as follows s s +3 3 s(s + 3) 3
–1 –1 –1 –1
H G F E D Þ 9d = 2s(s + 3) ...(i)
+1 +1 +1 +1 d d 2 d(s - s + 2) 2
K L M N O and - = Þ =
s -2 s 3 s(s - 2) 3
70. The pattern of series are as follows Þ 3d = s(s - 2) ...(ii)
+1 +1 +1 +1 From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
3s(s - 2) = 2s(s + 3)
+2 +2 +2 +2 Þ 3s 2 - 6s = 2s 2 + 6s
Þ s 2 = 12s
71. Volume of solid sphere of radius 4 cm = p(4)3 Þ s = 12
From Eqs. (ii), we get
Volume of hollow sphere = p[(8 )3 - (6 )3 ] 3d = 12(12 - 2)
\d = 40km
\ Weight of p(4)3 cm 3 = 4kg 76. If the sum be ` P, then
P ´4´3
4 2240 - P =
Q Weight of p[(8 )3 - (6 )3 ] cm 3 100
4 4 4(512 - 216 ) Þ 2240 = +P
= × p[(8 )3 - (6 )3 ] = = 18.5 kg 100
3 43 112
3 Þ 2240 = P
72. Let the distance to be covered by the boat when it is 2240 ´ 100
travelling against the stream be x. \ P = = ` 2000
The boat goes down the river at a speed of (20 + 4)
Now, required interest,
= 24 km / h and up the river at a speed of
Prt 7 1 1
(20 - 4) = 16 km/h SI = = 2000 ´ ´ ´ = ` 35
120 x 100 2 2 100
Since, the time taken is same = Principle ´ Rate ´ Time
24 16 77. Simple interest =
Therefore, x = 80 km 100
1 1 16 P ´r ´r
73. x + = 2 Þ 2x + = 4 \ P =
2x x 25 100
1600 the circle
Þ r2 =
25 Þ pr 2 = 25p + 144p
1600 Þ pr 2 = 169 p
Þ r =
Þ r = 169
Þ r = = 8% Þ r = 13cm
\Radius of third circle is 13 cm.

78. Selling price of article = ` 700

82. Let the first number = n
Profit = 40%
100 ´ SP Then, all eight number are as follows
Now, cost price = n, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3, n + 4, n + 5, n + 6, n + 7
(100 + Profit)
Now, using condition given in question,
100 ´ 700 100 ´ 700 n + 3+ n + 4
= = = 500 = 6 Þ 2n + 7 = 12
(100 + 40 ) 140 2
Now, SP at 10% profit Þ 2n = 5
(100 + Profit) ´ CP 5
SP = Þ n=
100 2
(100 + 10 ) ´ 500 Now, sum of these number
100 5 æ5 ö æ5 ö æ5 ö
110 ´ 500 = + ç + 1÷ + ç + 2÷ + ç + 3÷
= = ` 550 2 è2 ø è2 ø è2 ø
100 æ5 ö æ5 ö æ5 ö æ5 ö
+ ç + 4÷ + ç + 5÷ + ç + 6 ÷ + ç + 7÷
79. Article sold at 20% profit è2 ø è2 ø è2 ø è2 ø
30 ´ 200 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 + 19 96
= 30% of 200 = = 60 = = = 48
100 2 2
\Article sold at 10% profit = 200 - 60 = 140
83. Suppose, number of heads = 12K and number of feet
Now, let the cost price of 1 article = ` x = 35K
By, given condition Then, 12K = 48 Þ K = 4
20% of 60 x + 10% of 140 x = 2600 \Number of feet = 35 ´ 4 = 140
20 ´ 60 x 10 ´ 140 x
Þ + = 2600 Again, suppose number of hens = x
100 100 and number of cows = y
Þ 1200 x + 1400 x = 2600 ´ 100 \ x + y = 48 .....(i)
Þ 2600 x = 2600 ´ 100 and 2x + 4y = 140
Þ x = ` 100 Þ 2x + 4(48 - x ) = 140 [from Eq. (i)]
\ CP of 1 article = ` 100 Þ 2x + 192 - 4x = 140
80. To win an election, one must get more than 50% of Þ 2x = 52
votes. Þ x = 26
Loosing candidate will have got 40% votes.
84. Required time will they meet again at the starting
Now, let the total number of votes casted = x point = LCM of 252, 308 and 198 s
Then, 60% of x - 40% of x = 1600 = 2772 s = 46 min 12 s
60 ´ x 40 ´ x
Þ - = 1600 0.324 ´ 0.081 ´ 4624
100 100 85. =
. ´ 0.0289 ´ 729 . ´ 64
20 x 1600 ´ 100
Þ = 1600; x = = 8000 324 ´ 81 ´ 4624
100 20 =
15625 ´ 289 ´ 729 ´ 64
\Total votes polled are 8000.
81. Area of circle with radius 5 cm = pr 2 =
= p ´ (5)2 = 25pcm 2
Area of circle with radius 12 cm = pr 2 \The square root =
= p(12)2 = 144pcm 2 3
= = 0.024
Now, area of third circle = Sum of area of the above 125
86. Answer figure (b) can be formed from the pieces given 95. Except figure (a) all other figures comes to rotating
in the figure (X). each other.
87. Answer figure (b) can be formed from the pieces given 96. Except figure (d) all other figures have one straight
in the figure (X). line which is 90° of other line.
88. Answer figure (c) can be formed from the pieces given 97. Except figure (b) all other figures have 10 lines.
in the figure (X). 98.
89. Answer figure (b) can be formed from the pieces given
in the figure (X).
90. Þ G

(Upper left) Þ K Answer figure (a) is hidden/embedded in the

problem figure.
∴ Þ GK
91. Þ M

∴ Þ MS Answer figure (b) is hidden/embedded in the

problem figure.
92. 100.


∴ Þ KT
Answer figure (a) is hidden/embedded in the
93. problem figure.


94. Except figure (c) all other figures have same design.
Air Force Common Admission Test

AFCAT Model Paper 4

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-5) You have one brief passage with five questions following the passage. Read the
passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
If this is so, if to read a book as it should be read, calls for the rarest qualities of imagination, insight and judgement. You may perhaps
conclude that literature is a very complex art and that is unlikely that we shall be able, even after a lifetime of reading, to make any
valuable contribution to its criticism. We must remain reader’s we shall not put on the further glory that belongs to those rare beings
who are also critics.
1. What is the opinion of most of the people about literature?
(a) That it is not an easy one to contribute anything (b) That it is to some extent difficult to understand
(c) That no contribution is necessary for literature (d) That it is very easy to understand
2. The antonym of ‘conclude’ is
(a) commence (b) exclude (c) end (d) include
3. According to the author
(a) it’s not possible for most of us to contribute anything for criticism
(b) it is possible to do something
(c) it is not even easy to understand literature
(d) most of the people can contribute to criticism of literature
4. The author feels that we cannot have the greatness of
(a) writers (b) critics (c) publishers (d) readers
5. What are the qualities required for reading a book?
(a) Proper judgement (b) Imagination
(c) Imagination, insight and judgement (d) None of these

Directions (Q. Nos. 6-10) In the questions given below, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with
an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out
of the four.
6. She thanked Vishal as she could reach the station on time ...... his help.
(a) since (b) for (c) with (d) in
7. My ..... brother is called Arhaan.
(a) older (b) oldest (c) senior (d) elder
8. The lawyer has plenty of .....
(a) criminals (b) buyers (c) customers (d) clients
9. “I have brought the book. It’s .......... !” Ravi said assertively to all the boys present.
(a) mine (b) my (c) me (d) myself
10. “The project is good, but there is ....... missing to make it an excellent work,” the engineer commented.
(a) everything (b) anything (c) something (d) nothing
Directions (Q.Nos. 11-13) In the following 24. High sea waves caused by underwater earthquake.
questions, there are four different words out of which (a) Tsunami (b) Tornado
one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word. (c) Hurricane (d) Cyclone
25. To give one’s authority to another.
11. (a) Comunnication (b) Comunication
(a) Assign (b) Delegate
(c) Communication (d) Communicasion
(c) Represent (d) Designate
12. (a) Commette (b) Committee
26. Which of the following is the world’s largest desert?
(c) Comittee (d) Comitte
(a) Gobi
13. (a) Curias (b) Curiaus (b) Sahara
(c) Curious (d) Qurious (c) The Great Australian Desert
(d) Arabian Desert
Directions (Q. Nos. 14-16) In the questions given 27. People die in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide because
below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one (a) it is a poisonous gas (b) it destroys tissues
which best expresses the meaning of the given word. (c) of want of oxygen (d) of suffocation
14. Fortitude 28. Which of the following is correctly matched?
(a) Prudence (b) Support (c) Courage (d) Sincerity
Research Institutes Headquarters
15. Imply
(a) Leather Research Institute Lucknow
(a) Conclude (b) Connote (c) Confirm (d) Comply
(b) Rice Research Institute Cuttack
16. Vigilant (c) Silk Research Institute Bengaluru
(a) Intelligent (b) Ambitious (c) Smart (d) Watchful (d) Sugar Research Institute Chennai
29. Which countries are separated by the 49th parallel?
Directions (Q. Nos. 17 and 18) In the questions (a) USA and Mexico (b) France and Germany
given below, choose the word opposite in meaning to (c) Russia and China (d) USA and Canada
the given word.
30. Gurushikhar is a/the
17. Innate (a) great guru of Sikhs
(a) Acquired (b) Natural (c) Inborn (d) Unusual (b) famous hunting spot of Himalayas
18. Reprisal (c) highest peak of the Aravallis
(a) Forgiveness (b) Relief (d) Shipping Yard of Andhra Pradesh
(c) Exemption (d) Relaxation 31. Capital Market Regulator is
(a) RBI (b) SEBl (c) IRDA (d) NSE
Directions (Q.Nos. 19-22) In the questions given 32. Nurjahan’s real name was
below, some parts of the sentences have errors and (a) Mumtaz Mahal (b) Ladli Begum
some have none. Find out which part of a sentence (c) Jahanara (d) Mehr-un-Nisaa
has an error. If a sentence is free from error, your
answer is (d). 33. Which of the following is the third largest country in
population after China and India?
19. India has got (a)/ freedom (b)/ in 1947. (c)/ No error (d) (a) United States of America (b) Indonesia
(c) Japan (d) Bangladesh
20. Every scientific invention (a)/ has proved (b)/ much
harmful to society than beneficial. (c)/No error (d) 34. Glass is
21. She is preparing (a)/ for this examination (b)/ since 2004. (a) super cooled liquid (b) crystalline solid
(c)/ No error (d) (c) liquid crystal (d) None of these

22. I can depend upon (a)/ your help (b)/ can I ? (c)/ 35. Which one of the following Chief Justices of India acted
No error (d) as the President of India for the time being?
(a) Justice Gajendra Gadkar
Directions (Q.Nos. 23-25) In the questions given (b) Justice H Kania
(c) Justice PN Bhagwati
below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one
(d) Justice M Hidayatullah
which can be substituted for the given
words/sentence. 36. Which of the following is associated with Panchayati Raj?
(a) Shah Commission
23. A voice that cannot be heard. (b) Nanavati Commission
(a) Unheard (b) Faint (c) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
(c) Audible (d) Inaudible (d) Liberahan Commission
37. The smallest sovereign country in the world is 51. Injury : Pain :: ?
(a) Mauritius (b) Maldives (a) Matter : Labour (b) Rotate : Churning
(c) Seychelles (d) Vatican City (c) Thunder : Lightning (d) Grades : Merit
38. Rabies is a 52. Knife : Chopper :: ?
(a) helminthic disease (b) viral disease (a) Walking : Fitness (b) Swim : Float
(c) bacterial disease (d) protozoan disease (c) Scissors : Cloth (d) Quilt : Blanket
39. ‘Yellow Revolution’ is associated with the production of
(a) poultry (b) oil seeds Directions (Q.Nos. 53-57) There is a certain
(c) sunflower (d) gold relationship between two given words on one side of
(::) and one word is given on another side of (::) while
40. Which one of the following is the largest lagoon in India?
another word is to be found form the given alternative
(a) Vembanad lagoon (b) Chilka lagoon
(c) Pulicat lagoon (d) Kolleru
have the same relation with this word as the given
pair has select the best alternatives/relationship.
41. The Dul Hasti Power Station is based on which one of
the following rivers? 53. Reading : Knowledge :: Work : ?
(a) Beas (b) Chenab (c) Ravi (d) Sutlej (a) Experience (b) Engagement
(c) Employment (d) Experiment
42. Ozone layer above the surface of Earth provides a shield
against 54. Jungle : Zoo :: Sea : ?
(a) X-rays (b) ultra-violet rays (a) Aquarium (b) Harbour (c) Water (d) Fishery
(c) gamma rays (d) infra-red rays 55. Origami : Paper :: Ikebana : ?
43. The famous Kohinoor diamond was produced from one (a) Trees (b) Theatre
of the mines in (c) Flowers (d) Tapestry
(a) Orissa (b) Chhotanagpur
56. Crow : Carrion :: Leech : ?
(c) Bijapur (d) Golconda
(a) Bugs (b) Blood
44. Which Governor General is associated with Doctrine of (c) Meat (d) Bones
57. Insert : Extract :: Mighty : ?
(a) Lord Ripon (b) Lord Dalhousie
(a) Thin (b) Strong
(c) Lord Bentinck (d) Lord Curzon
(c) Frail (d) Feeble
45. ‘Vande Mataram’, the National Song, was a part of
(a) Durgesh Nandini (b) Saraswati Chandra Directions (Q.Nos. 58 and 59) Consider the
(c) Grihadaha (d) Anand Math statement and assumptions that follow. Which of
46. Where are the headquarters of Asian Development these assumptions is/are implicit in the statement.
Bank (ADB)? 58. Statement There is big boom in drug business and a
(a) Manila (b) Tokyo number of Jhuggi-Jhopari dwellers in Delhi can be seen
(c) Singapore (d) Hongkong pedaling with small pouches of smack and brown sugar.
47. ‘Stagflation’ is Assumptions
(a) inflation after deflations (b) deflation with growth I. Drug addiction is increasing in the country,
specially in the capital.
(c) inflation with depression (d) inflation with growth
II. All the big dons involved in the smuggling of drugs
live in jhuggi-jhopari areas.
Directions (Q.Nos. 48-52) Each question consist of III. Most of the jhuggi-jhopari dwellers would do
two words which have a certain relationship to each anything for money.
other, followed by four pairs of related words. Select (a) Only I is implicit
the pair which has the same relationship. (b) Only II is implicit
(c) Only III is implicit
48. Paper : Ream :: ? (d) I and III are implicit
(a) Eggs : Dozen (b) Books : Pile
(c) Twigs : Bush (d) Food : Packet 59. Statement ‘‘Use Riya cold cream for fair complexion.’’
An advertisement.
49. Error : Infallible :: ? Assumptions
(a) Cure : Irreversible (b) Flaw : Impeccable I. People like to use cream for fair complexion.
(c) Emotion : Invulnerable (d) Defect : Intolerable II. People are easily fooled.
50. Branch : Tree :: ? III. People respond to advertisements.
(a) Only I is implicit (b) I and II are implicit
(a) Crest : Wave (b) Bulb : Filament
(c) Only II is implicit (d) I and III are implicit
(c) Clothes : Cupboard (d) Water : Tao
Directions (Q.Nos. 60 and 61) Choose the word 74. A trader allows 10% discount on market price and gains
which is least like the other words in the group. 25%. If the market price of the article is ` 50, what is its
cost price?
60. (a) Beaker (b) Glass (c) Mug (d) Saucer (a) ` 36 (b) ` 45 (c) ` 25 (d) ` 55
61. (a) Pound (b) Yen (c) Ounce (d) Franc 75. A can do a piece of work in 25 days which B alone can
62. ‘Ecology’ is to ‘Environment’ as ‘Histology’ is to finish in 20 days. Both together work for 5 days and then
(a) Fossils (b) History A leaves off. How many days will B take to finish the
(c) Tissues (d) Hormones remaining work?
(a) 11 (b)12 (c) 13 (d)14
63. ‘Wax’ is to ‘Grease, as ‘Milk’ is to
(a) Drink (b) Ghee 76. 9 children can complete a piece of work in 360 days,
18 men can complete the same piece of work in 72 days
(c) Curd (d) Protein
and 12 women can complete it in 162 days. In how many
64. ‘Huppiness’ is to ‘Sorrow’ as ‘Comfort’ is to days, can 4 men, 12 women and 10 children together
(a) Hardship (b) Rest complete the piece of work?
(c) Poverty (d) Difficulty (a) 71 (b) 81 (c) 61 (d) 85
65. If A = C, B = D, C = E and so on, code the following 77. The interest on a certain sum of money is ` 67.20 and
REASON the discount on the same sum of money for the same
(a) TGCUPQ (b) TGCUQP time and at the same rate is `60. What is the sum?
(c) GTCUQP (d) UGCPPQ (a) ` 560 (b) ` 500 (c) ` 460 (d) ` 400
78. If the difference between SI and CI for 2 yr on a sum of
Directions (Q. Nos. 66-68) In the following money lent at 5% is ` 6, then the sum is
questions complete the series. (a) ` 2200 (b) ` 2400 (c) ` 2600 (d) ` 2000
66. A, I, B, J, C, K, ?,? 79. If the sum of a number of two digits and a number
(a) DM (b) EL formed by reversing the digits is 99, then what is the
(c) DL (d) EM sum of the digits of the original number?
67. BAT, EAT, ?, KAT (a) 9 (b) 81
(a) HAT (b) ITA (c) Cannot be known (d) 18
(c) HAU (d) IAT 80. The mean weight of 34 students of a school is 42 kg. If
68. GX, JU, NR, SO, ? the weight of the teacher be included, the mean rises by
400 g. Find the weight of the teacher (in kg).
(a) YL (b) VL
(a) 66 (b) 56 (c) 55 (d) 57
(c) XA (d) XB
69. If NOTE is written as PQVG, then TIME is written as 81. In the afternoon, a student read 100 pages at the rate of
60 pages/h. In the evening, when she was tired, she read
(a) VGKO (b) VKOG
100 more pages at the rate of 40 pages/h. What was her
(c) VQOG (d) VOKG
average rate of reading (in pages/h)?
70. If 7,2 = 59 and 9,1 = 810, then 5,3 is equal to (a) 48 (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 70
(a) 25 (b) 38
82. In two types of stainless steel, the ratio of chromium and
(c) 28 (d) 30 steel are 2:11 and 5:11, respectively. In what proportion
71. Ram went to a market and bought one copy of a should the two types be mixed, so that the ratio of
Mathematics book and two pencils for ` 165. Rahim chromium to steel in the mixed type become 7 : 32?
went to the same market and bought another copy of the (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 3 (c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 4
same book and ten pencils of the same brand for ` 169.
83. Of the three numbers, the ratio of the first and the
The price of each pencil was
second is 8 : 9 and that of the second and third is 3 : 4. If
(a) ` 0.50 (b) ` 1 the product of the first and third numbers is 2400, then
(c) ` 0.75 (d) ` 2 the second number is
72. A sofaset is marked at ` 20000. The shopkeeper allows (a) 45 (b) 40 (c) 30 (d) 35
successive discounts of 10%, 5% and 2% on it. What is 84. Out of a total population of 5000 people in a village, men
the net selling price? increased by 10% and women by 15%. Now, the total
(a) ` 17768 (b) ` 16648 population becomes 5600 in a year. The women
(c) ` 17598 (d) ` 16758 population in the village was originally
73. The circumference of a circle is equal to the perimeter of (a) 4000 (b) 3500 (c) 2000 (d) 3000
a square of side 22 cm. The area of the circle is 85. A discount series of 10%, 20% and 40% is equal to a
(a) 49 p cm2 (b) p cm2 single discount of
4 (a) 50.0% (b) 56.8% (c) 60.2% (d) 70.28%
(c) 28 p cm2 (d) 196 p cm2
Directions (Q.Nos. 86-89) In these questions, find the odd figure.
86. 88.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

87. 89.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions (Q.Nos. 90-92) In these problem figure is hidden in the answer figures. Find the correct option.
90. Problem Figure Answer Figures 92. Problem Figure

(a) (b) (c) (d)

91. Problem Figure Answer Figures Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions (Q.Nos. 93-95) In these tests you will find an problem figure and four answer figures. You have
to select one diagram from the answer figures which fits into the blank column in problem figure in order to
complete it.
93. Problem Figure Answer Figures 95. Problem Figure

* * *

* * *

? ?
* (a) (b) (c) (d)

94. Problem Figure Answer Figures Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Directions (Q.Nos. 96-100) Find out which of the figures (a), (b), (c) and (d) can be formed from the prices
given in the figure (X).
96. Problem Figure Answer Figures 99. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(x) (a) (b) (c) (d) (x) (a) (b) (c) (d)

97. Problem Figure Answer Figures 100. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(x) (a) (b) (c) (d) (x) (a) (b) (c) (d)
98. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(x) (a) (b) (c) (d)

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (d) 30. (c)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (d) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (b) 45. (d) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (a) 49. (b) 50. (a)
51. (c) 52. (d) 53. (a) 54. (a) 55. (c) 56. (b) 57. (d) 58. (d) 59. (d) 60. (d)
61. (c) 62. (c) 63. (c) 64. (a) 65. (b) 66. (c) 67. (a) 68. (a) 69. (b) 70. (c)
71. (a) 72. (d) 73. (d) 74. (a) 75. (a) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (b) 79. (a) 80. (b)
81. (a) 82. (a) 83. (a) 84. (c) 85. (b) 86. (d) 87. (d) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (c)
91. (b) 92. (c) 93. (a) 94. (c) 95. (b) 96. (c) 97. (b) 98. (d) 99. (a) 100. (d)

14. Fortitude means ‘Courage’ shown by somebody who is 21. Use ‘has been’ in place of ‘is’. The sentence is in
facing great difficulties. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
15. ‘Imply’ and ‘Connote’ both means ‘to suggest’. 22. Use ‘can’t I’ in place of ‘can I’.
16. Vigilant means ‘very careful to notice any signs of 26. Sahara is the world’s largest desert. It is situated in
danger or trouble’. Africa. It contains approximately 10% area of the Earth.
17. Innate means ‘a quality, feeling etc., that you have 27. Lack of oxygen resulted in working stopage of many
when you are born’. Acquired means ‘to gain organs of our body.
something by your own efforts’. 28. Leather Research Institute is situated at Chennai, Silk
18. Reprisal means ‘a violent or aggressive act towards Research Institute is at Ranchi and Sugar Research
somebody because of something bad they have done Institute is at Kanpur.
to you’. 29. USA and Canada are separated by 49th parallel line.
19. Remove ‘has’. Simple Past Tense is required here. 30. Gurushikhar is a highest peak of the Aravallis
20. Use ‘more’ in place of ‘much’. Use of than clearly Mountain Range. Aravallis Mountain Range is the
indicates it. oldest Mountain Range of India.
+2 +2
31. Capital Market Regulator in India is SEBI (Security 65. Given, A ¾ ¾® C, B ¾ ¾® D and so on.
Exchange Board of India). SEBI came into effect on +2
\ R ¾ ¾® T
32. Nurjahan is also known as Mehr-un-Nisaa. She was E ¾ +¾2
the first lady, who introduced coins from her name. A ¾ ¾® C
She belonged to Mugal Emperor. S ¾ +¾2
33. United State of America has 3rd place in the list of +2
O ¾ ¾® Q
largest populated countries.
34. Glass is an amorphous (non-crystalline) solid material N ¾ +¾2
that exhibits a glass transition. Glasses are typically brittle 66. The pattern of series are as follows
and optically transparent. It is also called super cooled +1 +1 +1
liquid because when we freeze a liquid, it turns into a solid
with high viscosity and glass is the same thing. A I B J C K D L
36. The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee (1957) is
associated with Panchayati Raj. It recommeneded that +1 +1 +1
decision making should be decentralized and elected
local bodies should be established. 67. The pattern of series are as follows
38. Rabies is a viral disease that cause acute encephalitis B ¾ +¾
® E ¾ +¾ ¾3
® H ¾ +¾ ¾ 3
in warm-blooded animals. The disease is zoonotic, +0 +0 +0
A ¾¾ ¾® A ¾ ¾ ¾® A ¾ ¾ ¾® A
meaning it can be transmitted from one species to
another, such as from dog to humans, commonly by a T ¾ +¾
® T ¾ +¾¾0
® T ¾ +¾ ¾0
bit from an infected animal. 68. The pattern of series are as follows
48. Papers are bought in reams. Similarly, eggs are G ¾ +¾¾3
® J ¾ +¾¾4
® N ¾ +¾ 5
® S ¾ +¾ ¾6
-3 -3 -3 -3
bought in dozens. X ¾¾ ¾® U ¾ ¾ ¾® R ¾ ¾ ¾® O ¾ ¾ ¾® L
49. Second denotes the quality of being without the first. 69. As, Similarly,
50. First is a part of the second.
51. First causes the second. N ¾ +¾2
®P T ¾ +¾ 2
® V
+2 +2
52. Both knife and chopper are used for the same purpose O ¾ ¾® Q I ¾ ¾® K
i.e., cutting. Similarly, both quilt and blanket are used T ¾ +¾2
®V M ¾ +¾ 2
for protection from cold. +2
E ¾ ¾® G +2
E ¾ ¾® G
53. Second is acquired from the first.
54. The organisms living in a jungle are artificially reared 70. As, 7, 2 Þ (7 - 2) + (7 + 2) = 59
in a zoo. Similarly, the organisms living in the sea are and 9, 1 Þ (9 - 1) + (9 + 1) = 810
artificially reared in an aquarium. Similarly, 5, 3 Þ (5 - 3) + (5 + 3) = 28
55. First is an art associated with the second. 71. According to the question,
56. First feeds on the second. Cost price of ® (1 book + 2 pencils) = ` 165 . ... (i)
57. The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
Cost price of ® (1 book + 10 pencils) = ` 169 ... (ii)
58. Assumption I is implicit because of the words ‘‘big
boom in drug business’’ used in the given statement. On subtracting Eq. (i) from Eq. (ii), we get
Assumption II is not implicit because it is irrelevant. 8 pencils = ` 4
Assumption III is implicit because it is directly \ 1 pencil = = ` 0.50
follows from the given statement. 8
59. Assumption I is implicit because it is directly follows 72. Net equivalent discount for all successive discount
from the given statement. ì xy + yz + zx xyz ü
Assumption II is not implicit because it is vague. íx + y + z + + ý%
î 100 (100 )2 þ
Assumption III is implicit because whenever an
Here, x = - 10
advertisement is given it is assumed that it may be
followed. y =-5
60. All except ‘Saucer’ are used to contain liquids. z =-2
61. All except Ounce are names of currencies, while ounce ì æ 50 + 10 + 20 ö - (10 ´ 5 ´ 2)ü
= í - 10 - 5 - 2 + ç ÷+ ý
is a unit of weight. î è 100 ø (100 )2 þ
62. Ecology deals with the study of ‘Environment’.
æ 80 100 ö
Similarly, ‘Histology’ deals with the study of ‘Tissues’. = ç - 17 + - ÷ = - 17 + 0.8 - 0.01 = - 16.21
63. First is used to prepare the second. è 100 (100 )2 ø
64. The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
\Total discount = 16.21%
Net selling price = CP - Discount
20000 ´ 16.21 77. QInterest on sum - Total discount = Interest on total
[Discount = 16.21% CP] = 20000 -
100 discount
= 20000 - 3242 = ` 16758 . - ` 60 = Interest on ` 60
\` 6720
73. Circumference of circle = 2pr 1
Now, ` 7 = Inetrest on ` 60
Perimeter of square = 4a [Given, a = 22] Þ 2pr = 4a 5
22 1 60 1
Þ 2´ ´ r = 4 ´ 22 Þ r = 14 cm \ ` 67 = Interest on ´ 67
7 5 1 5
Area of circle = pr 2 = p(14) 2 = 196 p cm 2 5
60 ´ 5 336
74. Given, Marked price = ` 50 Hence, the required sum = ´ = ` 560
Discount = 10% 36 5
(100 - Discount) ´ MP æ r ö
Then, SP = 78. Difference = P ç ÷ (only for 2 yr)
100 è 100 ø
(100 - 10 ) ´ 50 2
= = ` 45 æ 5 ö
100 Þ 6 = Pç ÷
è 100 ø
Now, trader gain 25% at the CP
6 ´ 100 ´ 100
SP ´ 100 Þ P = = ` 2400
Then, CP = 5´5
(100 + Gain percentage)
45 ´ 100 45 ´ 100 79. Let the number of two digits is (10x + y )
= = = ` 36 \ The number formed by reversing the digits
(100 + 25) 125
= 10y + x
\ 10 x + y + 10y + x = 99
75. ( A + B )’s 5 day’s work
Þ 11x + 11y = 99
é1 1ù é 9 ù 9
=5 ê + ú = ê5 ´ ú = \ (x + y ) =
ë 25 20 û ë 100 û 20 11
é 9 ù 11 80. Total weight of student = Number of student ´ average
Remaining work = ê1 - =
ë 20 úû 20 = 34 ´ 42 = 1428 kg
1 11 Now, when teacher is included
work is done by B in 1 day. work is done by B in
20 20 total member = 34 + 1 = 35
æ 11 ö Average weight = 42 + 0.400 = 424 . kg
ç1 ´ 20 ´ days = 11 days÷
è 20 ø Similarly, their total weight = 424 . ´ 35 = 1484 kg
1 \weight of teacher = (Total weight including teacher
76. 9 children’s 1 day’s work = = 1 child’s
360 - Total weight excluding teacher)
1 = 1484 - 1428 = 56 kg
1 children 1 day’s work =
3240 81. In afternoon 100 pages at 60 page/h.
18 men’s 1 day’s work =
1 \Time taken to read 100 pages = = 166
. h
72 60
Þ 1 man’s 1 day’s work =
1 Similarly, in evening time taken = = 25
. h
1296 40
1 Total pages
12 women’s 1 day’s work = Now, average rate of reading =
162 Total time taken
1 100 + 100 200
Þ 1woman’s 1 day’s work = = = @ 48 pages/h
1944 . + 25
166 . 416
\(4 men + 12 women + 10 children)’s 1 day’s work 82. Ratio of chromium in type 1 stainless steel =
é 4 12 10 ù 13
=ê + +
ë 1296 1944 3240 úû Ratio of chromium in type 2 stainless steel =
é 1 1 1 ù 4 1 26
=ê + + = =
ë 324 162 324 úû 324 81
Ratio of chromium in mixed type steel =
Hence, they can finish the work in 81 days.
2 5 86. In all others, the two figures are different only in size
13 26
but they are similar in shape. But in option (d), the two
7 figures are different both in shape and size.
87. In all others, the inner two three-lined structure are
1 1
not opposite to each other. But in option (d), they are
The required ratio : opposite to each other.
78 39
1 88. In all others, there is a shaded element but in option
(c), all the elements are unshaded.
So, the required ratio = 78 = Þ1 : 2 89. In all other figures, the direction of arrow and the flag
1 78 is in same direction. But in figure (b), the flag does not
39 occur in the same direction as the arrow.
83. Let the numbers be a, b and c, 90.
Now, a : b = 8 :9 Þ b :c = 3:4
\ a : b : c = 8 ´ 3 : 9 ´ 3 : 9 ´ 4 = 24 : 27 : 36 = 8 : 9 : 12
a b c
\ = = =k
8 9 12
Þ a = 8 k , b = 9 k , c = 12k Hence, answer figure (c) is embedded in problem figure.
According to the question, 91.
8 k ´ 12k = 2400 Þ k 2 = = 25 Þ k = 5
8 ´ 12
\Second number = 9 k = 9 ´ 5 = 45
84. Let the women’s population in town = x
Hence, answer figure (b) is embedded in problem figure.
\ Let the men’s population in town = (500 - x )
Now, using condition given
Þ 10% of (5000 - x ) + 15% of x = 5600 - 5000
10 ´ (5000 - x ) 15 ´ x
Þ + = 600
100 100
50000 - 10 x + 15x Hence, answer figure (c) is embedded in problem figure
Þ = 600
100 93. Answer figure (a) will complete the problem figure.
Þ 5x + 50000 = 60000 Þ 5x = 60000 - 50000 94. Answer figure (c) will complete the problem figure.
10000 95. Answer figure (b) will complete the problem figure.
Þ x= \ x = 2000 96. Answer figure (c) can be formed from the pieces given
in the figure (X).
\Women’s population unitially was 2000. 97. Answer figure (b) can be formed from the pieces given
æ 100 ´ 90 ö æ 80 ö æ 60 ö in the figure (X).
85. Required discount = 100 - ç ÷ç ÷´ç ÷
è 100 ø è 100 ø è 100 ø 98. Answer figure (d) can be formed from the pieces given
100 ´ 90 ´ 80 ´ 60 in the figure (X).
= 100 - 99. Answer figure (a) can be formed from the pieces given
100 ´ 100 ´ 100 in the figure (X).
= 100 - 432
. = 56.8 100. Answer figure (d) can be formed from the pieces given
in the figure (X).
Air Force Common Admission Test

AFCAT Model Paper 5

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-5) You have one brief passage with five questions following the passage. Read the
passage carefully and choose the best answer to each questions out of the four alternatives.
If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for
thinking as you do. If someone maintains that two and two are five or the Iceland is on the Equator, you feel pity rather than anger,
unless you know as little of arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your own contrary conviction.
1. If someone else’s opinion makes us angry, it means that
(a) we are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for becoming angry
(b) there may by good reasons for his opinion but we are not consciously aware of them
(c) our own opinion is not based on good reason and we know this subconsciously
(d) we are not consciously aware of any reason for our own opinion
2. ‘‘Your own contrary conviction’’ refers to
(a) the fact that you feel pity rather than anger
(b) the opinion that two and two are four and that Iceland is a long way from the Equator
(c) the opinion that two and two are five and that Iceland is on the Equator
(d) the fact that you know so little about arithmetic or geography
3. Conviction means
(a) persuasion (b) disbelief (c) strong belief (d) ignorance
4. The writer says if someone maintains that two and two are five you feel pity because you
(a) have sympathy (b) don’t agree with him (c) want to help the person (d) feel sorry for his ignorance
5. The second sentence in the passage
(a) builds up the argument of the first sentence by restating it from the opposite point of view
(b) makes the main point which has only been introduced by the first sentence
(c) simply adds a further point to the argument already stated in the first sentence
(d) illustrates the point made in the first sentence

Directions (Q.Nos. 6-10) Select the most appropriate word form the alternatives against each number.
Left handed persons can do certain things better than those who are right handed. They generally find it more (6) to learn languages
and Mathematics, but have an advantage when it (7) to music or sports. Recent research shows that the reason for (8) or
right-handedness, and the qualities (9) go with each of these, (10) lie in differences in the construction of the brain.
6. (a) easy (b) difficult (c) hard (d) rigid
7. (a) come (b) come (c) comes (d) coming
8. (a) left (b) right (c) lame (d) handicapped
9. (a) those (b) these (c) who (d) that
10. (a) might (b) must (c) may (d) need
Directions (Q.Nos. 11-13) In the following Directions (Q.Nos. 22-25) In these questions given
questions, a part of the sentence is underlined. Below below, some parts of the sentences have errors and
are given alternatives to the underlined part at (a), some have none. Find out which part of a sentence
(b) and (c) which may improve the sentence. Choose has an error corresponding to the appropriate letter
the correct alternative. In case no improvement is (a), (b), (c). If a sentence is free from error, blacken
needed, your answer is (d). the oval corresponding to (d).
22. Many a battle (a)/ were fought (b)/ on the soil of India.
11. I have not finished to paint the door. (c)/ No error (d)
(a) painting (b) the paint of
(c) the painting (d) No improvement 23. He advised me (a)/ from exerting myself too much (b)/
just before the examinations. (c)/ No error (d)
12. She usually does not leave for work until she finished all
her chores. 24. The school offers many opportunities (a)/ of meeting
helpful people reading useful books (b)/ and obtain
(a) finishes (b) has finished
information about a variety of public career. (c)/
(c) had finished (d) No improvement
No error (d)
13. The article should not exceed more than hundred words. 25. Have you got (a)/ all the equipments (b)/ for making
(a) exceed beyond (b) exceed than films? (c)/No error (d)
(c) exceed (d) No improvement
26. ‘Nirmal Gram Puraskar’ is related with
(a) sanitation (b) environment
Directions (Q.Nos. 14-16) In the following
(c) unemployment (d) food production
questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one
which can be substituted for the given 27. Which of the following is called a ‘Bankers Cheque’?
words/sentence. (a) Demand Draft (b) Debit Card
(c) Pay Order (d) Fixed Deposit
14. A disease which is spread by direct contact.
(a) Contagious (b) Infectious 28. Which of the following taxes is not levied by the Union
(c) Epidemic (d) Endemic
(a) Wealth tax (b) Profession tax
15. The study of Ancient Civilizations. (c) Excise duty (d) Income tax
(a) History (b) Anthropology
(c) Enthnology (d) Archaeology
29. Who was the First Woman President of the Indian
National Congress?
16. An animal story with a moral. (a) Annie Besant (b) Aruna Asaf Ali
(a) Fable (b) Tale (c) Anecdote (d) Parable (c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Vijayalakshmi Pandit
30. Who of the following was known as Deshbandhu?
Directions (Q.Nos. 17-19) In the questions given (a) Aurobindo Ghosh. (b) Chittranjan Das
below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one (c) Dadabhai Naoroji (d) Jyotiba Phule
which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
31. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly
17. Mendicant matched?
(a) Reformer (b) Dealer (c) Beggar (d) Adviser
National Park State
18. Instinctive
(a) Kanha National Park Madhya Pradesh
(a) Helpful (b) Inherent (c) Crucial (d) Strong
(b) Sultanpur National Park Haryana
19. Clone (c) Ranthambore National Park Gujarat
(a) Trace (b) Copy (c) Make (d) Mould (d) Bandipur National Park Karnataka
32. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
Directions (Q.Nos. 20 and 21) In these questions (a) Carbon dioxide (b) Methane
given below choose the word opposite in meaning to (c) Nitrous oxide (d) Nitrogen
the given word.
33. The mass of water vapour per unit volume of air is
20. Feeble known as
(a) Rickety (b) Weak (a) relative humidity (b) specific humidity
(c) Infirm (d) Robust (c) absolute humidity (d) variable humidity
21. Adulterate 34. Which one of the following layers of the atmosphere is
(a) Contaminate (b) Purify responsible for the deflection of radio waves?
(c) Wash (d) Stain (a) Troposphere (b) Stratospher
(c) Mesosphere (d) lonosphere
35. Who built the famous Gol Gumboz at Bijapur? 49. (a) Tomato (b) Carrot
(a) Yusuf Adil Shah (b) Mahmmand Adil Shah (c) Ginger (d) Potato
(c) Ibrahim Adil Shah (d) Ahmed Adil Shah
50. (a) Light-Heavy (b) Crime-Blame
36. Vasco Da Gama discovered the sea-rotue to India in (c) Short-Long (d) Man-Woman
which one of the following years?
51. (a) Petrol-Car (b) Electricity-Television
(a) 1498 (b) 1492
(c) Ink-Pen (d) Dust-Vacuum cleaner
(c) 1494 (d) 1453
37. The Lodhi dynasty was founded by 52. (a) Tongue (b) Teeth
(c) Nose (d) Ear
(a) Ibrahim Lodhi (b) Sikandar Lodhi
(c) Bahlol Lodhi (d) Khizr Khan
Directions (Q.Nos. 53-55) Consider the statement
38. The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is and assumptions that follow. Which of these
(a) acetylene (b) ethylene
assumptions is/are implicit in the statement.
(c) ethane (d) carbon dioxide
39. CPU refers to 53. Statement The address of the Principal to the
students, ‘‘Dear students, if you want a healthy mind,
(a) Central Processing Unit (b) Control Program Unit
listen to music.’’
(c) Central Program Unit (d) Control Program Usage
40. The unit of radioactivity is I. Normally students like to follow good advice.
(a) angstrom (b) candela II. It is desirable to develop a healthy mind.
(c) fermi (d) curie III. It is the duty of the Principal to advise the students.
(a) I and II are implicit (b) II and III are implicit
41. The Pulitzer Prize is associated with which of the (c) I and III are implicit (d) None is implicit
(a) Environmental Protection (b) Civil Aviation 54. Statement ‘Smoking is injurious to health’ -A warning
(c) Journalism (d) Olympic Games printed on the cigarette packets.
42. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of I. People read printed matter on a cigarette packet.
India? II. People take careful note of a warning.
(a) President (b) Parliament III. Non-smoking promotes health.
(c) Prime Minister (d) Chief Justice of India (a) Only I is implicit (b) I and II are implicit
43. The Drafting of the Constitution was completed on (c) Only II is implicit (d) All are implicit
(a) 26th January, 1950 (b) 26th December, 1949 55. Statement The Central Government has directed the
(c) 26th November, 1949 (d) 30th November, 1949 State Governments to reduce Government expenditure
44. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly? in view of the serious resource crunch and it may not be
(a) Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru (b) Sardar Patel able to sanction any additional grant to the states for the
next six months.
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (d) Dr. BR Ambedkar
45. The Konkan Railway connects I. The State Government are totally dependent on
(a) Goa-Mangalore Central Government for its expenditures.
(b) Roha-Mangalore II. The Central Government has reviewed the
(c) Kanyakumari-Mangalore expenditure account of the State Government.
(d) Kanyakumari-Mumbai III. The State Governments will abide by the directive.
(a) None is implicit (b) II and III are implicit
46. Indian Parliament means (c) Only III is implicit (d) All are implicit
(a) Rajya Sabha—Lok Sabha
(b) Rajya Sabha—Lok Sabha—Prime Minister
(c) President of India—Rajya Sabha—Lok Sabha
Directions (Q.Nos. 56-58) Complete the series.
(d) President of India—Vice-President of India—Lok 56. R, Q, O, L, H, ?
Sabha—Rajya Sabha (a) B (b) C (c) A (d) D
47. Which one of the following rivers of India does not make 57. 2 ,10, 26, 50, ?
a delta? (a) 82 (b) 85 (c) 72 (d) 70
(a) Ganges (b) Godavari (c) Mahanadi (d) Tapti
(a) STHO (b) GXHW
Directions (Q. 48-52) Choose the word which is
(c) SHTG (d) GTHS
least like the other words in the group.
59. If E = 5 and TEA = 26, then TEACHER is equal to
48. (a) Dog (b) Horse (a) 70 (b) 55 (c) 60 (d) 62
(c) Goat (d) Fox
60. If 20 + 3 = 15 and 15 + 4 = 30, then 12 + 6 is equal to 72. A tradesman marks his goods at such a price that after
(a) 27 (b) 17 (c) 20 (d) 30 allowing a discount of 15%, he makes a profit of 20%.
What is the marked price of an article whose cost price is
61. In a certain code, SURFER is written as RUSREF, how ` 170?
is KNIGHT written in that code?
(a) ` 220 (b) ` 200 (c) ` 240 (d) ` 260
73. The compound interest on ` 30000 at 7% per annum for
Directions (Q.Nos. 62-66) There is a certain a certain time is ` 4347. The time is
(a) 2 yr (b) 2.5 yr (c) 3 yr (d) 4 yr
relationship between two given word on one side of
(::) and one word is given on another side of (::) while 74. A certain scheme of investment in simple interest
another word is to be found from the given declares that it triples the investment in 8 yr. If you
want to quadruple your money through that scheme,
alternatives, have the same relation with this word you have to invest it for
as the given pair has. Select the best alternatives (a) 12 yr (b) 11 yr 6 months
relations. (c) 10 yr 8 months (d) 10 yr
62. Mother : Child :: Cloud : ? 75. The number of bricks required for a wall which is 8 m
(a) Weather (b) Rain long, 6 m high and 22.5 cm thick, if each brick measures
(c) Thunder (d) Water 25 cm ´ 11.25 cm ´ 6 cm, is
(a) 6200 (b) 6550 (c) 7000 (d) 6400
63. Venerate : Worship :: Extol : ?
(a) Glorify (b) Homage 76. The sum of both digits of a two digit number is 7. If the
(c) Compliment (d) Recommend digits of the number are interchanged, the number so
formed is greater than the original number by 27. Find
64. Pyrophobia : Fire :: Ochlophobia : ? the original number.
(a) Horses (b) Crowd (a) 25 (b) 26 (c) 27 (d) 28
(c) Light (d) Foreigners
77. Which is the greatest out of the following numbers?
65. Wealth : Amass :: Grains : ? (a) (2 + 2 + 2 )2 (b) [(2 + 2 )2 ]2
(a) Pool (b) Collect
(c) (2 ´ 2 ´ 2 )2 (d) 43
(c) Hoard (d) Squander
66. Monotony : Variety :: Crudeness : ? 78. A tradesman gives 4% discount on the marked price and
gives 1 article free for buying every 15 articles and thus
(a) Refinement (b) Raw
gains 35%. The marked price is above the cost price by
(c) Sobriety (d) Simplicity
(a) 20% (b) 39% (c) 40% (d) 50%

Directions (Q.Nos. 67-70) The following questions 79. A contractor undertook to do a work in 60 days. He
consist of two words that have a certain relationship employed 50 workers to carry out the job, but after
40 days he found that only half work had been done.
to each other, followed by four alternatives. Select the Now, how many more worker should he employ to finish
best alternatives that has relationship as the original the work in time?
pair of words. (a) 50 (b) 100 (c) 150 (d) 200
67. Trilogy : Novel : : ? 80. Anil went to the market with some money. He spent th
1 8
(a) Gun : Cartridge (b) Rice : Husk part of his money to purchase a tie and of the
(c) Milk : Cream (d) Serial : Episode 4
remainder to purchase a shirt. Finally, he purchased a
68. Despotic : Tyranny : : ? 1
(a) Authoritarian : Superiority (b) Generous : Liberality handkerchief by spending of what still remained. After
(c) Skillful : Celebrity (d) Suspect : Illegality all his shopping he was left with ` 72. How much did he
69. Genuine : Authentic : : ? has at first?
(a) Mirage : Illusion (b) Ocean : Water
(c) Breeze : Cyclone (d) Fear : Threat (a) 128 (b) 129 (c) 130 (d) 131

70. Chalk : Blackboard : : ? 81. From 2008 to 2009, the sales of a book decreased by 80%.
If the sales in 2010 were the same as in 2008 by what
(a) Type : Paint (b) Table : Chair
per cent did it increase from 2009 to 2010?
(c) Ink : Paper (d) Door : Handle
(a) 80 (b) 100 (c) 120 (d) 400
71. A sum of ` 7000 is divided among A, B and C in such a
way that the shares of A and B are in the ratio 2 : 3 and 82. The ratio of milk to water in three containers, each with
those of B and C are in the ratio 4 : 5. The share of B is similar capacity are 3 : 2, 7 : 3 and 11 : 4 respectively, the
contents of all three containers are emptied into single
(a) ` 1600 (b) ` 2000
vessel, then proportion of milk and water in it will be
(c) ` 2400 (d) ` 3000
(a) 61 : 29 (b) 61 : 30 (c) 5 : 4 (d) 29 : 61
83. Pushpa purchased 170 kg of Jowar at ` 5.80 per kg and decreased by 20%, then to get the average increased by
mixes it with 130 kg of Jowar purchased and 5%, C will be increased by
` 5.30 per kg. She sells the mixture to earn a profit of (a) 90 (b) 100 (c) 150 (d) 180
` 1.61 per kg. What should be the selling price of mixture
per kg?
85. A trader purchases a watch and a wall clock for ` 390. He
sells them making a profit of 10% on the watch and 15%
(a) ` 5.12 (b) ` 5.68 (c) ` 5.82 (d) ` 5.58
on the wall clock. He earns a profit of ` 51.50. The
84. Three numbers A, B and C are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. Their difference between the original prices of the wall clock
average is 600. If A is increased by 10% and B is and the watch is equal to
(a) ` 110 (b) ` 100 (c) ` 80 (d) ` 120

Directions (Q.Nos. 86-88) In these problem figure hidden in the answer figures. Find the correct option.
86. Problem Figure Answer Figures 88. Problem Figure

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Answer Figures
87. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions (Q.Nos. 89-92) In these tests find the odd figure act.
89. 91.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

90. 92.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

Directions (Q.Nos. 93-97) There are two sets of figures namely the problem figures containing five figures 1,
2, 3, 4, 5 and answer figures (a), (b), (c), (d). You have to select one figure from the answer figures which will
continue the same series as given in the problem figures.
93. Problem Figures 94. Problem Figures
? = ? = + + – + – + – +
? = – –
= ? = ?
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Answer Figures Answer Figures
= – + – + – +
? ? ? = –
= = ?
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)
95. Problem Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
97. Problem Figures
Answer Figures

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(a) (b) (c) (d)
Answer Figures
96. Problem figures

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Answer Figures

Directions (Q.Nos. 98-100) In these figures you will find an problem figure and four answer figures. You
have to select one diagram from the answer figures which fits into the order. Column incomplete figure into
98. Problem Figure Answer Figures 100. Problem Figure Answer Figures

? (a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

99. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(a) (b) (c) (d)

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (d)
21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (c) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (b) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (d)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (d) 49. (a) 50. (b)
51. (d) 52. (b) 53. (a) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (d) 59. (c) 60. (a)
61. (c) 62. (b) 63. (a) 64. (b) 65. (c) 66. (a) 67. (d) 68. (b) 69. (a) 70. (c)
71. (c) 72. (c) 73. (a) 74. (a) 75. (d) 76. (a) 77. (b) 78. (d) 79. (a) 80. (a)
81. (d) 82. (a) 83. (d) 84. (d) 85. (a) 86. (b) 87. (b) 88. (c) 89. (c) 90. (d)
91. (a) 92. (b) 93. (b) 94. (d) 95. (a) 96. (a) 97. (b) 98. (d) 99. (a) 100. (c)
17. Mendicant means ‘living by asking people for money 55. Assumption I is not implicit because nothing is
and food’. mentioned about the ‘‘Sources of income of the State
18. Instinctive means ‘based on instinct not thought or Governments’’ in the given statement.
training’. Assumption II is implicit because it is directly follows
19. Clone means ‘an exact copy of something’. from the given statement.
20. Feeble means ‘very weak’. Robust means ‘strong and Assumption III is implicit because it is assumed that
healthy’. the directive may be followed.
21. Adulterate means ‘to make less pure by making 56. The pattern of series are as follows
another substance’. Purify means’ to make something R Q O L H C
pure by removing substance that are dirty or
harmful’. –1 –2 –3 –4 –5
22. Use ‘was’ in place of ‘were’ many a is used with a 57. The pattern of series are as follows
singular noun and a singular verb.
23. Use ‘not to exert’ in place of ‘from exerting’. 2 10 26 50 82
24. Use ‘obtaining’ in place of ‘obtain’. +8´1 +8´2 +8´3 +8´4
25. Use ‘equipment’ in place of ‘equipments’.
38. Ethylene is a hydrocarbon with the formula C 2H 4 . It is 58. The pattern of series are as follows
a colourless flammable gas with a faint ‘sweet and +2 +2 +2
musky’ odour when pure. It is an important natural –2 –2 –2
plant hormone, used in agriculture to force the
+2 +2 +2
ripening of fruits. B D F H
39. A Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the hardware within a –2 –2 –2
computer that carries out the instructions of a computer
program by performing the basic arithmetical, logical 59. Given, E = 5
and input/output operations of the system. 20 5 1
40. The unit of radioactivity is curie (Ci). and T E A Þ 20 + 5 + 1 = 26
1 curie = 3.7 ´ 10 10 radioactive decays per second. 20 5 1 3 8 5 18
41. The Pulitzer Prize is associated with the field of \
journalism’ and ‘literature’. T E A C H E R Þ 20 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 8 + 5 + 18
42. The Chief Election Commissioner of India is appointed = 60
by the President of India. The tenure of CEC is 6 yr or 60. As, 20 + 3 Þ (2 + 0 + 3) ´ 3 = 15
till he get 65 yr of age which ever he gets first. and 15 + 4 Þ (1 + 5 + 4) ´ 3 = 30
44. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the President of the Similarly, 12 + 6 Þ (1 + 2 + 6 ) ´ 3 = 27
Constituent Assembly also he was the first President
61. As,
of Independent. India.
48. All except Fox are domestic animals, while fox is a wild S U R F E R
49. All except Tomato grow underground. R V S R E F
50. Except Crime-Blame, all others two words are
opposite to each other. Similarly,
51. Second works with help of first. K N I G H T
52. Except ‘Teeth’, all others are sense organs.
53. Assumption I is implicit because it is assumed that
good advice may be followed. I N K T H G
Assumption II is implicit because of the words ‘a
healthy mind’ used in the given statement. 62. First gives birth to the second.
Assumption III is not implicit because it is irrelevant. 63. The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.
64. Pyrophobia is a morbid fear of fire. Similarly,
54. Assumption I is not implicit because it is irrelevant.
ochlophobia is a morbid fear of crowds.
Assumption II is implicit because it is assumed that a
65. Second is the name given to the act of accumulating
warning may be effective.
the first.
Assumption III is not implicit because the given 66. The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
statement does not imply that non-smoking promotes 67. Second is a part of the first.
68. Second is the quality possessed by the first. 74. Let the principle be ` x.
69. The words in each pair are synonyms of each other. Then, amount = ` 3x
70. First is used to write on the second. Simple interest = Amount - Principle
71. Ratio of share of A and B = 2 : 3
= 3x - x = ` 2x
Ratio of share of B and C = 4 : 5 P ´ R ´T
Now, Ratio of A, B and C Now, SI =
2 : 3 x ´ R ´8
Þ 2x =
4 : 5 100
2 ´ 100
= 2 ´ 4 : 4 ´ 3 : 3 ´ 5 = 8 : 12 : 15 Þ R=
Now, B’s share = ´ 7000 = ` 2400 Þ R = 25%
Now, to quadruple it takes T yr.
(100 + Profit percentage) ´ CP
72. SP = Here, A = ` 4x, P = ` x, SI = 4x - x = ` 3x
100 P ´ R ´T
(100 + 20) ´ 170 SI =
= = ` 204 100
100 x ´ 25 ´ T
Now, marked price - 15% of marked price = SP Þ 3x =
Let marked price = ` x
Þ T = 12 yr
15 ´ x 100 x - 15 x
Þ x- = 204 Þ = 204 75. According to the question,
100 100
204 Number of bricks required = Volume of Wall
Þ x= ´ 100 = ` 240 Volume of Brick
85 800 ´ 600 ´ 22 .5
\Marked price = ` 240 25 ´ 1125
. ´6
73. P = 30000
= 6400 bricks
R = 7%
76. Let the number be (10x + y ).
CI = 4347
Q x +y =7 ...(i)
T =?
and (10y + x ) - (10 x + y ) = 27
Using formula for compound interest
9y - 9 x = 27
éæ R ö
T ù
CI = P ê ç1 + or y -x =3 ...(ii)
÷ - 1ú
êë è 100 ø úû From Eqs. (i) and (ii),
éæ T ù x = 2 and y = 5
7 ö
Þ 4347 = 30000 ê ç1 + ÷ - 1ú \Original number = 25
êë è 100 ø úû
77. Q(2 + 2 + 2)2 = (6 )2 = 36
4347 æ 107 ö Þ [(2 + 2)2 ]2 = (42 )2 = (16 )2 = 256
Þ + 1= ç ÷
30000 è 100 ø
Þ (2 ´ 2 ´ 2)2 = (8 )2 = 64
30000 + 4347 æ 107 ö Þ (4)3 = 64 and (3) 4 = 81
Þ =ç ÷
30000 è 100 ø
\[(2 ´ 2)2 ]2 is the largest number.
34347 æ 107 ö
Þ =ç ÷ 78. Let the CP each article be ` 100.
30000 è 100 ø Then, CP of 16 articles = (100 ´ 16 ) = ` 1600
11449 æ 107 ö æ 135 ö
Þ =ç ÷ SP of 15 articles = ç1600 ´ ÷ = ` 2160
10000 è 100 ø è 100 ø
107 ´ 107 æ 107 ö
T 2160
Þ =ç SP of each article = = ` 144
÷ 15
100 ´ 100 è 100 ø
2 T
If SP is ` 96, marked price = ` 100
æ 107 ö æ 107 ö æ 100 ö
Þ ç ÷ =ç ÷ If SP is ` 144, marked price = ç ´ 144÷ = ` 150
è 100 ø è 100 ø è 96 ø
\ T = 2 yr \Marked price = 50% above CP
1 1 81. Decrease in sale = 80% from 2008 to 2009
79. Remaining work = 1 - =
2 2 Now, sales of 2010 are same as in 2008.
Number of remaining days = 60 - 40 = 20 æ 100 ´ a ö
1 \Increase in sales = ç ÷%
\In 40 days work is done by = 50 workers è 100 - a ø
2 æ 100 ´ 80 ö
1 Here, a = 80% = ç ÷
Þ In 1 day work is done by = 50 ´ 40 è 100 - 80 ø
2 100 ´ 80
1 50 ´ 40 = = 400%
Þ In 20 days work is done by = 20
2 20 82. Conventional Method
\Number of more workers to be employed 3x + 2x = 5x = a
= 100 - 50 = 50 7y + 3y = 10y = a
Short Trick 11z + 4z = 15z = a
A ´ D A 1 ´ D1
= Where, a = volume of each container
W W1 10y = 5x
1 5x 1
Here, A = 50, D = 40, W = \ y = = x
2 10 2
A 1 = Number of workers required to do the Again, 15z = 5x
remaining work 5 1
\ z= x= x
D1 = Number of remaining days 15 3
W1 = Remaining work Total quantity of milk in mixture = 3x + 7y + 11z
50 ´ 40 = A1 ´ 20 7x 11x 61
1/ 2 1/ 2 = 3x + + = x
2 3 6
50 ´ 40
Þ A1 = = 100 Total quantity of water in mixture
20 3x 4x 29 x
Number of more workers to be employed = 2x + + =
2 3 6
= 100 - 50 = 50 61x
80. Suppose Anil had ` 1 at first Milk
1 1 \ = 6 = 61 : 29
Money spent for purchasing the tie = of ` 1 = ` Water 29 x
8 8 6
1 7
\ Remainder = 1 - = ` 83. CP of 1kg CP of 1kg
8 8 of cheaper of dearer
1 7 Jowar Jowar
Money spent for purchasing the shirt = of ` (`5.30) (`5.80)
4 8
32 Mean price (x)
7 7 28 - 7 21
\Remainder money = - = =`
8 32 32 32
\Money spent for purchasing handkerchief 5.80 – x x – 5.80
1 21 3
= of =` Quantity of cheaper jowar = 130 = 13
7 32 32 Quantity of dearer jowar 170 17
21 3 18
\Remaining money = - =` 13 580. -x
32 32 32 \ = Þ x = ` 5.58
17 x - 530.
=` 84. Let A = x, B = 2x and C = 3x. Then,
x + 2x + 3x
Money at first with Anil = 72 ¸
9 = 600
16 3
16 Þ x = 1800
= 72 ´ = ` 128 Þ x = 300
\The numbers are 300, 600, 900. 88.
New average = 105% of
é 105 ù
600 = ê ´ 600 ú = 630
ë 100 û
Let 110% of 300 + 80% of 600 + y = 630 ´ 3 Answer figure (c) is hidden/ embedded in the problem
é 110 ù é 80 ù figure.
Þê ´ 300 ú + ê ´ 600 ú + y = 1890 89. Except figure (c) all other figures have 6 lines.
ë 100 û ë 100 û
90. All others are geometrical structures and have some
Þ (330 + 480 ) + y = 1890 straight lines but option (d) is not a geometrical
Þ y = (1890 - 810 ) = 1080 structure.
Increase in C = (1080 - 900 ) = 180 91. In all others, there is only one vertical line at the
85. Let the cost price of watch = ` x optical and of horizontal line where as in option (a)
\Let the cost price of wall clock = ` (390 - x ) there are two such lines.
92. In all others, vertically opposite sides are parallel to
Now, using condition given
each other but in option (b), they are not parallel.
10% of x + 15% of (390 - x ) = 5150 . 93. In each step, the elements move in the sequence.
10 ´ x 15 ´ (390 - x ) 94.
Þ + = 5150 In each step, the clockwise-end element moves to the
100 100 anti-clockwise-end position.
Þ 10 x + 5850 - 15x = 5150 95. Both the larger and the smaller squares move to the
5x = 5850 - 5150 = 700 adjacent corner anti-clockwise in each turn. Also, the
700 shading in the smaller square moves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.....
Þ x= = 140 steps anti-clockwise sequentially and the shading in
5 the larger square moves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...... steps
\CP of watch = ` 140 and CP of wall clock clockwise sequentially.
= (390 - 140 ) = ` 250 96. One, two, three, one, two , three ..... arcs get inverted
Difference between their prices sequentially. This inversion takes place in an
= (250 - 140 ) = ` 110 anti-clockwise direction.
97. Similar figure reappears in every second step. Each
time the first figure reappears, the elements
interchange positions in the order. And, each time the
second figure reappears, the elements interchange
positions in the order.
Answer figure (b) is hidden/embedded in the problem

98. Answer figure (d) will complete the problem figure.

99. Answer figure (a) will complete the problem figure.
Answer figure (b) is hidden/embedded in the problem 100. Answer figure (c) will complete the problem figure.

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