High Power Factor Power Design

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TELKOMNIKA, Vol. 11, No. 7, July 2013, pp.

3973 ~ 3980
e-ISSN: 2087-278X

High Power Factor Power Design

Zhang Jing-yi
The School of Information Engineering Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan, Hubei, China 430070
e-mail: [email protected]

The PFC circuit takes UCC28019 made by TI Company as the core of system control, realize the
power factor correction circuit functions, and the circuit power factor can be measured. Through a variety
of detection circuit, with the support SCM control. And 30V~36V output voltage regulator can be set; with
over-current protection circuits function, and be able to automatically back. Output current, voltage, and
little significant value are displayed by display modules.

Keywords: PFC; Voltage adjust; High-efficiency

Copyright © 2013 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
From the 1960s, with the development of power electronics technology, there were a
large number of power electronic devices emerged in the industrial and life domestic. For
instant, when the rectifier device and the electronic rectifier connected to the grid, the current of
the grid will produce a non-sinusoidal distortion, lead up to the voltage of the grid producing a
non-sinusoidal distortion and a higher harmonic which may affect the normal operation of other
electrical equipment, communications, it may also affect the safety of operation of the power
generation equipment if it is serious. So, how to improve the input current waveform and power
factor of power electronic devices has became an important factor which will be considered by
power electronic product development [1]. The traditional correction of power factor technology
is the passive PFC, linking a resonant filter in the AC side or a passive filtering network consist
of filtering inductance and filtering capacitance behind the rectifier bridge, make the input
current harmonic content satisfy harmonic limit requirements, so as to improve the power factor.
The passive PFC has some advantages like simple structure, high reliability, low cost, small
EMI etc. But the required low frequency filtering inductance and filtering capacitance value is
big, so may cause their large size, circuit heavy and hard to get good power factor. In order to
overcome this shortcomings, this paper introduces a design of high-power-factor power supply
based on active PFC, the use of active PFC realizes the power factor correction of circuit, make
the electricity equipment hanging on the side of the grid electricity into a closely pure impedance
load, not only can restrain power grid side harmonic current, improve the network side power
factor, reduce the high harmonics noise and pollution, improve the quality of power grid, also
make the power electromagnetic compatibility ability strengthened [2].

2. Schematic Designs
The system uses the technique of active PFC circuit to realize the power factor
correction, namely adding a power conversion circuit between the load of the rectifier circuit and
output capacitance, correct the input current to the same phase of the sine wave with the input
voltage. Application of high speed PIC18F66J10 PIC micro controller to process the sampling
signal will be able to accomplish the function such as voltage setting. System uses UCC28019
as the main control chip of the PFC circuit. UCC28019 is a controller with 8 pin and continuous
current mode (CCM), with minimal harmonic distortion can get close to the unit power factor
level, very suitable for the PFC application in the design. Plus control circuit and some auxiliary
circuit, can get the overall scheme of the system design, as shown in Figure 1.

Received February 8, 2013; Revised April 24, 2013; Accepted May 10, 2013
3974  e-ISSN: 2087-278X

Figure 1. The principle diagram of the overall scheme

220V alternating current (AC) transform to 18V alternating current after going through
the transformer, the voltage take into the PFC circuit after rectification. Circuit with special PFC
control chip UCC28019 as the core, used to correct the input current’s waveform in order to
improve the power factor of the circuit and the stability of the output voltage at the
corresponding level, and to realize the function of PFC [3]. Detection circuit acquire voltage and
current value for single chip microcomputer to process, used to ZLG7289 display module to
display voltage and current value, and single chip microcomputer output digital control signal
sent back to the PFC after circuit through a D/A conversion module, participate in controlling
output voltage. Auxiliary power is mainly used in the circuit to provide appropriate working

3. System Implementation
3.1. Control Circuit Design and Parameter Calculation
Power factor corrections (PFC) circuit is the key of the design, and realizes the circuit of
the power factor correction function. The circuit diagram is shown in Figure 2. Circuit is double
closed-loop control structure, namely the current inner ring and outer ring joint control the value
of output voltage.
The 220V alternating current goes through transformer and rectifier bridge rectifier
feeding into the PFC circuit. In the Figure the current inner ring adjust inductance current, as
shown in Figure use RW1 to sample the input current waveform, sent to the UCC28019’s
ISENSE port(3 feet), compare with input voltage waveform put into VINS port (4 feet), influence
the output driver waveform output from the chip, change the condition of switch tube. Through
adjusting the mean value of the input current waveform, to achieve the purpose that the input
current waveforms change with voltage waveform, so as to improve the power factor of the
The output voltage of The PFC circuit respectively sampling divider R6 and R7,partial
pressure and synthetic into DA output signal and then send to the VSENSE port(6 feet) of
UCC28019, constitute stabilized voltage control ring with the internal 5V voltage reference of the
chip, realize the voltage adjustable setting at the same time. The drive signal of switch tube can
be adjusted by this ring when the voltage value higher than the set value, it works for hardware
to feedback and voltage regulator [4]. In addition, there is also a regulated role through the

TELKOMNIKA Vol. 11, No. 7, July 2013 : 3973 – 3980

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microcomputer software control; voltage regulator will have a better performance with two


Vi+ 方桥10A 266uH

R2 R6
L T1 1.2M 53K
U1 Q1 R5
4 1 Vs C10
22 10400uF/50V
N IRF840 R4 R8
C1 R3 10K R7 24k
TRANS1 160K 12K
R- Rw1 R+ 2.5uF/50V DA_OUT

Vi- 0.06 Rw2 36V-

J1 U2
L R1 1 8 JA3
2 270 GND GATE
N VCC 36V+
1 C4 2 1
7 36V-
Icomp VCC 2
CON2 JA4 102
Vi+ 3 6 CON2
1 Isense Vsense
JB2 Vi-
DA_OUT 4 5
1 VINS Vcomp
2 C7
CON2 JA5 C2 C3 3.3UF
R+ 102 0.47nF C8 C9
2 C5 R9 4.7uF 104
R- C6
1 10uF/35V 33.2K

Figure 2. PFC control circuit

The sampling resistance RW2 uses the constantan wire which with a little temperature
excursion and a high precision. All the resistance of the current of all the detection circuit in this
system will use constantan wire, in order to ensure the accuracy of the sampling current in the
system [5]. But when the current value is too large, the constantan wire will account for a certain
pressure drop, the pressure drop will influence the accuracy of the output voltage value, so in
the use of voltage compensation in the program design , to offset the impact of the constantan
wire [6].
In this design the flowing current can reach more than 7A when the switch tube
conduction, so choose the field-effect tube 75NF75 as PFC circuit switch tube with fast
switching speed, high input impedance, small driving power, small switching loss and the
maximum current for 75A.
Circuit inductance calculation can be expressed as follows:

Pout( m ax) 100w

I IN − RMS ( m ax) = = = 6.10 A
ηVIN ( m in) Pf 0.92 ×18v × 0.99

I IN − PEAK ( max ) = 2 I IN − RMS ( max ) = 2 × 6.10 A = 8.625 A (2)

I RIPPLE = ∆I RIPPLE × I IN − PEAK ( max ) = 1.725 A (3)

Vout D(1 − D) 36 × 0.5 × 0.5

LBST ( min ) ≥ = = 80.26µH (4)
f sw(tqp) I 65000 × 1.725

Current loop sampling resistor (constantan wire) can be calculated as follows:

High Power Factor Power Design (Zhang Jing-yi)

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Vsoc 0.66
RSENSE = = = 0.0556Ω (5)
I L-PEAK(max) ×1.25 9.49 ×1.25

3.2. Detection and Protection Circuit Design

The function of the circuit is acquiring each part of the electrical signal in the circuit and
the over current protection of the circuit [7].
Detection circuit part consists of voltage detection circuit, current detection circuit, the
load intelligent detection circuit and phase detection circuit. In order to realize the control
strategy, the system tests four individual: input rectifier voltage, input inductance current, output
voltage and output current.

3.2.1. The Phase Detection Circuit

This design calculate the power factor value by means of the difference of phase of
input voltage and current, so, you need a circuit to acquire the phase relationship between
voltage and current, we acquire the phase difference through the phase detection circuit [8].
Phase detection circuit including current phase detection and voltage phase detection, detection
circuit as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

+5V R17 510K

+5V R18 +3.3V

U3 3K
R10 10K 1 8 R13 10K U4
2 7
-IN +VS R14 10K 4.7K
3 6
Vi+ R11 120K +IN Output
JB4 4 5 LM393 Q2
-VS REF 1K R19
Vi+ Vuo1
Vi- AD620 R15 10K -5V
Vi- R12 20K C11 R16
CON2 104 10K
-5V -5V

Figure 3. Voltage phase detection circuit

R21 10M GND R25 2.6K

C12 C16 R29 1.25M
104 R30 +3.3V
R22 2.2K 104
R- U5 3K
R26 10K

1 8 U6
JB5 0.06 C13 2 7
-IN +VS 4.7K
R+ Rw1 3 6
1 104 +IN Output
R- 4 5 R27 10K Q3
2 R23 2.2K -VS REF LM393 R31 Vio1
CON2 R+ AD620 R28 1K
C14 C15 10K
R24 10M 104
104 TLP521
-5V -5V

Figure 4. Current phase detection circuit

3.2.2. Intelligent Load Detection Circuit

The system uses intelligent load detection circuit with over-current protection, after
debugging, the system can automatically return to normal. Circuit diagram as shown in Figure 5
shows, the current only go through the relay contact when the system good running, the relay
controlled disconnect when add heavy duty happened flow [9]. If the load is adjusted for big
resistance form, according to the series partial pressure principle, the difference pressure of
diode and 2k resistance ports decreases, and use the software to determine whether it is in the
safe load range. When the load reduce, microcomputer control relay to be closed, make the
circuit returned to normal.

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D3 R33


Q4 HG4100
RB1 R34

36V- Rw3



Figure 5. Intelligent load detection circuit

3.2.3. Voltage Sampling Circuit

Output voltage detection and current detection adopts high precision instrument
amplifier AD620 to realize, the circuit is shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7. By changing the
compensation resistance RG between 1 and 8 feet in AD620 chip to change the magnification G
in AD620 chip. The relationship between them is G = +1

R35 10M R43 100K R44 5K +5 Vuo2
C17 2
U7 C22
R36 2.K 102 1 8 CON2
2 7
C18 -IN +VS
3 6 104 Vuo2
R37 2.7K 104 +IN Output
4 5
C19 AD620 R46 5K D4
R38 10M 102 C23
-5V 10uF
C20 R45 R47 2.7V
500 2K
R39 10K
UM1 C21 R51
LMV358 UM2 500
104 R48 R50
6.8K 5K D5
J6 Ur1 LMV358 10uF
CON2 2.7V
Ur1 R40 R41 R49
2 510K 30K

Figure 6. Voltage sampling circuit

From the above discussion, use the constantan wire as sampling resistance of
current detection circuit, the constantan wire value and the detected voltage value is small,
therefore, the signal must be accurately amplified by AD620 before sending to the
microcomputer to calculate processing. The current detection circuit is shown in Figure 7.

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R52 10M
R56 1K R57 1K C30
Is1 R53 2.7K 102 U8

1 8
Rw3 C27 2 7
-IN +VS R58 2K
0.06 3 6 Vio2
104 +IN Output
4 5
Is2 R54 2.7K -5V -VS REF
R59 1K
C28 C29 AD620
J8 R55 10M 102 0.01uF R60 R61 Vio2
3K 3K 1
2 CON2
-5V +5V

Figure 7. Current detection circuit

3.3. Microcomputer control circuit and A/D conversion circuit

As a part of the control circuit in this design, the microcomputer is the system controller
as well as to realize the function of data processing and operation. The Design select the high
speed PIC18F66J10 microcontroller, there are A/D conversion module and other analog and
digital circuit integrated on the chip. PIC18F66J10 microcontroller receives the voltage from the
detection circuit and analog current signals, converted to digital signals then sending to digital
display module to display, at the same time, send the signal to D/A converter by SPI interface
after process by the software, then it will output a analog control signal, send back to the PFC
circuit after going through a resistor network, constitute a double feedback control [10].
The output signal of microcomputer can realize the control to the circuit only before
passing a D/A conversion circuit, the design uses MCP4922 with a low power consumption and
a D/A converter to realize the digital-to-analog conversion of the signal. The circuit is shown in
Figure 8.

+5V 3.3V
C31 C32 +15V
U9 104
1 14 C33 104
J10 104 2 13
3 12
4 11
5 10
6 9
7 8 DA_OUT
MCP4922 R62 J11
+5V CON2

Figure 8. MCP4922 D/A conversion circuit

The analog signal of D/A module is not directly used to control the output voltage signal,
but rather to achieve the purpose of control the value of the output voltage by combining a VS
signal from the UCC28019 through a feedback resistance network, as shown in Figure 9.
As follows:

V O U T − 5 5 − V SE T 5
= + (6)
53 24 12
5 × 53 53 5 × 53
VOUT = − V SET + +5 (7)
24 24 12
= 38.125 − 2.2V SET

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Figure 9. Feedback resistor network

4. Software Design
The tasks of software system are as follows: current sampling (over-current protection),
voltage sampling, current/voltage phase difference detection, power factor operation, man-
machine interface communication and voltage control PID arithmetic [11]. The System uses
time-sharing multitasking way to coordinate the task. The CPU time is divided into a small time
slice to 1 ms as a unit, each time slice assign a task, (already to ensure that each task period of
time less than 1 ms), every ten ms as a cycle. Voltage and current phase detection through the
interrupt to achieve, voltage, and current input to the CPU external interrupt port, acquisition two
interrupt time to determine the phase difference power factor [12].

5. Results and Performance Analysis

As shown in Table 1, the maximum output voltage is 36.10V in this high power factor
power design, the minimum output voltage is 35.96, the maximum absolute value of the error is
0.1V, the maximum error is 0.27%, less than 2%, and the precision is very high.

Table1 Voltage regulation test table

Vi(V) 0.5 1 1.5 2

15 36.04 36.00 35.97 35.96

16 36.07 36.03 35.98 35.97
17 36.06 36.04 35.99 35.97

18 36.07 36.05 36.02 35.99

19 36.10 36.08 36.02 35.98

When the U2 transform from 15V to 22V, the voltage regulation Su(Io=2A) is
U − U15
Su = 21 × 100%
When the output current value is up to 2.5A, the over-current protection of output
current will start up automatic.
Observing the distortion factor of the testing waveform with an oscilloscope when the
vice side current of the transformer is sine wave is 2.2%. Observing the waveform of circuit
current and voltage, the oscilloscope displays the current waveform leading voltage 260 µs,
calculating the power factor value is about 99.7%, is very close to the showed value of power
factor detection 99.6%.
In addition, we have done a power factor measurement display module, current and
voltage sampling and display circuit can achieve a high precision and accuracy, and the
measurement error of current and voltage and power factor is less than 2%[13]. In the

High Power Factor Power Design (Zhang Jing-yi)

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transformer's vice edge is 18V AC, we adjust the value of the load, which makes the current for
different values, to verify the accuracy of voltage display value and the actual value, is recorded
as Table 2.

Table 2. The error of Output current and voltage

Load Measured value U0 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00
0.5A Actual value U1 30.11 31.08 32.13 32.89 34.12 35.09 36.12
Error 0.37% 0.25% 0.41% 0.33% 0.35% 0.26% 0.33%
Load Measured valueU2 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00
1A Actual value U3 30.03 31.06 31.95 33.10 34.17 35.10 36.09
Error 0.1% 0.19% 0.16% 0.3% 0.2% 0.27% 0.25%
Load Measured value U4 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00
1.5A Actual value U5 30.03 31.05 32.09 33.06 34.10 35.12 36.08
Error 0.1% 0.18% 0.28% 0.2% 0.24% 0.34% 0.25%
Load Measured value U6 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00
2.0A Actual value U7 30.01 31.07 32.05 33.11 33.92 35.01 36.05
Error 0% 0.22% 0.15% 0.3% 0.236% 0% 0.14%

6. Conclusion
As it is showed in the test data, the design has been good to complete the expected
meter goal, the value of power factor reaches as high as 99%, and the stability is good. But
there are also some deficiencies, such as there is clutter in output, and there is a large error
between the output voltage set value and actual output value, etc., these problems need to
improve in the future study [14].

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TELKOMNIKA Vol. 11, No. 7, July 2013 : 3973 – 3980

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