Alfarah Lopez Almansa Oller 2016 Eng Struct

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Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86

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New methodology for calculating damage variables evolution in Plastic

Damage Model for RC structures
B. Alfarah a, F. López-Almansa b,⇑, S. Oller a
Technical University of Catalonia, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Campus Nord UPC, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Technical University of Catalonia, Architecture Technology Department, Avda. Diagonal 649, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) structures under severe demands, as strong ground motions, is
Received 8 January 2016 highly complex; this is mainly due to joint operation of concrete and steel, with several coupled failure
Revised 8 November 2016 modes. Furthermore, given the increasing awareness and concern for the important seismic worldwide
Accepted 10 November 2016
risk, new developments have arisen in earthquake engineering. Nonetheless, simplified numerical mod-
els are widely used (given their moderate computational cost), and many developments rely mainly on
them. The authors have started a long-term research whose final objective is to provide, by using
advanced numerical models, solid basis for these developments. Those models are based on continuum
Concrete Plastic Damage Model
Damage variables calculation
mechanics, and consider Plastic Damage Model to simulate concrete behavior. Within this context, this
Mesh-sensitivity paper presents a new methodology to calculate damage variables evolution; the proposed approach is
Numerical simulation based in the Lubliner/Lee/Fenves formulation and provides closed-form expressions of the compressive
Concrete structures and tensile damage variables in terms of the corresponding strains. This methodology does not require
Seismic behavior calibration with experimental results and incorporates a strategy to avoid mesh-sensitivity. A particular
algorithm, suitable for implementation in Abaqus, is described. Mesh-insensitivity is validated in a simple
tension example. Accuracy and reliability are verified by simulating a cyclic experiment on a plain con-
crete specimen. Two laboratory experiments consisting in pushing until failure two 2-D RC frames are
simulated with the proposed approach to investigate its ability to reproduce actual monotonic behavior
of RC structures; the obtained results are also compared with the aforementioned simplified models that
are commonly employed in earthquake engineering.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction situation more alarming: given the increasing awareness and con-
cern on the huge worldwide seismic risk, earthquake engineering
Under severe seismic excitation, structural behavior of build- has experienced in last years substantial advances. New design
ings and other constructions is highly complex. It involves, among and analysis strategies have been proposed, leading to relevant
other issues, soil-structure interaction, large strains and displace- developments. These developments rely on extensive testing and
ments, damage, plasticity, and near-collapse behavior. Moreover, numerical simulation; nonetheless, as discussed before, an impor-
in reinforced concrete structures, there are several coupled degra- tant number of numerical analyses are mainly conducted by using
dation and failure modes: cracking, crushing and spalling of con- simplified models. Therefore, there is a strong need of verifying the
crete, yielding and pull-out of tensioned reinforcement, and reliability of the new developments by comparison with analyses
yielding and buckling of compressed reinforcement. Therefore, in performed using more advanced simulation tools. Being aware of
earthquake engineering, advanced numerical simulations based this circumstance, the authors have started a long-term research
on continuum mechanics are strongly necessary; conversely, over- activity aiming to clarify this issue and to provide accurate and
simplified models are commonly used, as a result of their moderate reliable models that are based on continuum mechanics. This
computational cost. Furthermore, another circumstance makes the paper presents early results of this research.
Quasi-brittle materials, as concrete, exhibit nonlinear stress-
strain response mainly because of micro-cracking. Cracks are ori-
ented as the stress field and generate the failure modes. In tension,
⇑ Corresponding author at: Departament d’Estructures, ETSAB (UPC), Avda. failure is localized in a narrow band; stress-strain behavior is char-
Diagonal 649, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.
acterized by sudden softening accompanied with reduction in the
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. López-Almansa).
0141-0296/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86 71


F loading function
Roman letters. Lower case G/Gch/GF flow potential/crushing energy per unit area/fracture
ac/at/bc/bt dimensionless coefficients in Eqs. (15) and (16) energy per unit area
b epl
c =ec ratio (Eq. (28))
ch H Mohr-Coulomb yield surface function
c/c1/c2 cohesion/coefficients in Eq. (29) I1 first invariant of stress tensor
d/dc/dt damage variable/compression damage variable/tension J2/J3 second/third invariants of deviatoric stress tensor
damage variable Kc ratio of second stress invariants on tensile and compres-
f/fb0/fc0/fcm/ftm/fc0/ft0/fck stress strength/biaxial compressive yield sive meridians
strength/uniaxial compressive yield strength/concrete
compressive stress strength/concrete tensile stress Greek letters
strength/limit stress of linear compressive branch/limit e/ec/et/eel/epl/ecm/etm strain/compression strain/tensile strain/
stress of linear tensile branch/characteristic value of elastic strain/plastic strain/strain at compressive
concrete compressive strength strength/strain at tensile strength
fy/fu steel yield point/ultimate stress epl
c /et /ec /et /ec /et /e0c /e0t strains at Fig. 5; subindexes ‘‘c”, ‘‘t”,
pl el el ch ck el el

gc/gt compressive/tensile energies per unit volume dissipated ‘‘0c” and ‘‘0t” and refer to compression, tension, undam-
by damage along entire deterioration process aged compression and undamaged tension, respec-
hc =ht weighting factors accounting for stiffness recovery tively; superindexes ‘‘pl”, ‘‘el”, ‘‘ch” and ‘‘ck” and refer
leq mesh size (finite element characteristic length) to plastic, elastic, crushing and cracking, respectively
p hydrostatic pressure stress esh/eu steel strain that corresponds to onset of hardening/ulti-
q Von Mises-equivalent effective stress mate strain
r⁄ stress state; for uniaxial stress r⁄(r11) = 1 for tension e eccentricity of the plastic potential surface
and r⁄(r11) = 0 for compression / friction angle
sc/st coefficients accounting for stress state and stiffness h Lode similarity angle
recovery effects q octahedral radius
w/wc crack opening/crack opening at fracture r/r11/rt0/rc(1)/rc(2)/rc(3) stress/first principal uniaxial stress/
uniaxial tensile stress at failure/concrete compressive
Roman letters. Upper case stress at first/second/third segment
Db reinforcement bar diameter rc /rt effective compressive/tensile cohesion stress
E/E0/Eci modulus of deformation/undamaged modulus of defor- n distance from origin of stress space to stress plan
mation/tangent modulus of deformation of concrete for w dilatancy angle
zero stress
Es/Esh steel modulus of elasticity/slope of hardening branch

unloading stiffness. In compression, failure begins usually in the has preferential directions [30]. Some plastic isotropic damage
outside and is more complex, involving volumetric expansion, models have been proposed, e.g. [54,47,16,70,45,42,32,63]; these
strain localization, crushing, inclined slipping and spalling; models have shown good performance in capturing concrete
stress-strain behavior involves ductile hardening followed by soft- behavior in tests on full-scale structures [30,63]. Anisotropy can
ening and reduction in the unloading stiffness. In mixed stress be added to the damage to capture the anisotropy feature of con-
states, failure depends usually on the ratio between the principal crete both for compression and tension. Although anisotropic dam-
stresses; in tension-compression, failure is generated by the com- age models are complex and coupling with plasticity in the
pression of the material that is between the cracks. Noticeably, in application to practical engineering is not straightforward,
tension the behavior is closer to damage than to plasticity; con- researchers have investigated this issue and proposed plastic ani-
versely, in compression the participation of plasticity is higher. sotropic damage models, among others [67,73,44,35,59,37,17,38,
Nonlinear concrete response can be represented using plasticity 22,82,2]. Even if isotropic damage is a simplified assumption, it is
or damage theory. However, none of these formulations alone is considered in this work because of its simplicity and sufficient
able to describe adequately this phenomenon. Plastic models accuracy.
[21,50] might represent realistically the observed deformation in Coupled damage and plasticity models for concrete differ
high confined concrete but do not capture the stiffness degradation mainly in the coupling method and the damage evolution law. In
observed in experiments [32]. Damage-based models [57,58,20] the implicit methods [54,62,70], coupling is embedded in yield
are based on gradual reduction of the elastic stiffness; they can and damage criteria; damage evolution law is also implicit. Other
describe the stiffness degradation in tension and low confined researchers describe coupling using a single function. In this con-
compression, but are not suitable to capture the irreversible defor- text, [47,48] use a yield function; damage measure can be based
mations observed in experiments and the inelastic volumetric on some criteria or by postulating damage variables law. This func-
expansion in compression. In addition, fracture propagation can tion can be also interpreted as a damage loading [29]; the damage
be represented by embedded crack models, where standard FEM evolution law shall be imposed.
interpolations are enriched with strain or displacement disconti- Damage evolution law plays an important role in any damage
nuities [12,72,43]. These models can be used for high strain local- model, particularly when this law is imposed. A number of
ization problems (fracture). researchers have proposed different damage evolutions laws. Most
It is been widely accepted that coupling between damage and of them are based on splitting damage into compressive and tensile
plasticity models is essential to capture the nonlinear behavior of parts and each one is determined separately by its evolution law;
concrete [63]. Plasticity for concrete can be described with isotro- total damage is calculated with some combination rules e.g.
pic hardening; however, damage in many cases is not isotropic but [29,13,2,52]. Few evolution laws are based on general formulae
72 B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86

for calculating damage in compression and tension [36]. In most of models for verification and grounding of commonly used strategies
the available damage evaluating formulae the parameters need to in earthquake engineering and for proposal of new formulations.
be calibrated experimentally [58,29,13,36,2]; other approaches use
empirical formulation with some assumptions on stress invariants 2. Concrete Plastic Damage Model
[83] or with iterative procedures aiming to fit experimental results
[52]. As discussed in the Introduction, the structural behavior of RC
After these investigations, this paper proposes a new approach structures is highly complex, because the joint operation of con-
for obtaining damage variables. The need of proposing a new crete and steel. Concrete behavior is brittle, but, under stress rever-
methodology arises from their advantages: sal, tensile cracks might close, then broken parts being
reassembled. Conversely, steel behavior is ductile, with extremely
 Is based on the formulation by Lubliner and Lee/Fenves [53,47], rare fractures, and broken parts cannot be reunited. Therefore, con-
which is the base for the Abaqus plastic damage model for con- crete behavior can be better described with damage models,
crete. The proposed approach modifies this formulation and whereas plasticity models better represent steel behavior. Never-
obtains closed-form expressions of the damage variables in theless, since steel brings additional ductility, the behavior of con-
terms of the corresponding strains; these expressions are crete belonging to reinforced concrete can be even better described
derived after integration of concrete fracture and crushing with models that combine damage and plasticity. These models are
energy. particularly well suited for reproducing failure modes that are
 No calibration with experimental results is required. based on tensile cracking and compression crushing. In this paper,
 Implementation is particularly easy. steel behavior is simulated with a uniaxial plasticity model and
 Results are insensitive of mesh size, since a strategy aiming to concrete is described with a multiaxial model that considers paral-
avoid mesh-dependency is incorporated. lel combination of scalar (isotropic) damaged elasticity and non-
associated multi-hardening plasticity. This model is termed as
All these advantages make this methodology well suited for ‘‘Concrete Plastic Damage Model” (CPDM) along this paper. Was
practical applications. Noticeably, the default Abaqus model based proposed for monotonic, cyclic and dynamic behavior by [53]
on the Lubliner/Lee/Fenves approach requires that the uniaxial and was further developed by [47]. This model shows good perfor-
damage variables (i.e. the damage evolution) are provided by the mance in primarily uniaxial and biaxial stress states, but should
user, and no guidelines are provided. Therefore, defining the dam- not be used in case of significant triaxial compressive stresses.
age evolution is a big concern for any user of the Concrete Damage Fig. 1 displays uniaxial stress-strain plots typical of plasticity,
Plastic Model. In the proposed model, constant mesh size is damage and damage-plasticity models; loading branches are rep-
required in the elements corresponding to the same material. If resented with solid thick lines and unloading/reloading branches
elements with different size are employed for a single material, are plotted with dashed thin lines. E0 is the initial (undamaged)
their parameters should be defined individually for each size fol- elastic stiffness (deformation modulus), and eel and epl are the elas-
lowing the proposed methodology. tic (recoverable) and plastic (irrecoverable) strain, respectively.
This approach can consider any concrete constitutive law, either Fig. 1 shows that damage generates stiffness degradation [66] since
empirical (e.g. like formulations commonly recommended by the slope of unloading/reloading branch is (1  d) E0 where d is a
design codes) or directly based on particular experiments; notice- damage variable ranging between 0 (no damage) and 1
ably, any such constitutive law should account for mesh- (destruction).
sensitivity. In this paper, a particular algorithm that uses laws For uniaxial compression and tension, the stress-strain relation
based on European recommendations is derived; in this case, the under uniaxial loading in the damage-plasticity behavior displayed
only input parameters are concrete compressive strength and in Fig. 1c, can be written as:
mesh size. This algorithm is implemented in the software package
Abaqus [3]; could be also implemented in other computer codes rc ¼ ð1  dc ÞE0 ðec  eplc Þ ð1Þ
that contain Plastic Damage Model and that require values of dam-
age variables. rt ¼ ð1  dt ÞE0 ðet  eplt Þ ð2Þ
Mesh-insensitivity of the proposed methodology is validated in
a simple tension example. Accuracy and reliability are verified by Subindexes c and t refer to compression and tension,
simulating, with the said particular algorithm, a cyclic experiment respectively.
on plain concrete specimens. Furthermore, two laboratory experi- For uniaxial cyclic loading-unloading conditions, the damage
ments are described with the proposed approach to investigate its plasticity model assumes that the degradation in the elastic stiff-
capability to reproduce the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) ness is given by
framed structures. These experiments are monotonic pushing tests E ¼ ð1  dÞE0 ð3Þ
of 2-D RC frames. Obtained numerical results are also compared
with those from simplified models that are most commonly uti- In Eq. (3), E is the reduced tangent stiffness and d is a scalar
lized in earthquake engineering research and practice. Noticeably, degradation variable, which is a function of stress state and of com-
the objective of this comparison is not to highlight the superior pression and tension damage variables (dc and dt, respectively):
quality of the proposed approach, but to point out that using over- 1  d ¼ ð1  st dc Þð1  sc dt Þ ð4Þ
simplified models can led to significant errors.
This work considers full bonding between concrete and steel; it In Eq. (4), sc and st are dimensionless coefficients accounting for
is simulated by the ‘‘embedded element technique” [49]. This for- stress state and stiffness recovery effects, being given by
mulation has proven satisfactory for monotonic behavior of rein-
sc ¼ 1  hc ð1  r ðr11 ÞÞ ð5Þ
forced concrete. Conversely, cyclic comportment of RC structures
cannot be adequately reproduced with this assumption, because
st ¼ 1  ht r ðr11 Þ ð6Þ
actual bonding behavior involves sliding, thus leading to pinching
effects. For that reason, research aiming to incorporate other for- In Eqs. (5) and (6), r11 is the first principal uniaxial stress (pos-
mulations for describing bonding is currently in progress. Further itive for tension), r⁄ is a stress state parameter being r ðr11 Þ ¼ 1 for
long-term research will involve extensive use of the derived tension and r ðr11 Þ ¼ 0 for compression, and hc and ht are
B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86 73

(a) Plasticity Model (b) Damage Model (c) Plastic Damage Model

Fig. 1. Representation of CPDM.

weighting factors ranging between 0 and 1. Factor hc accounts for keeps same meaning than for uniaxial condition, although replac-
re-closing of cracks after tension-compression reversal; ht repre- ing scalar factor r  with a multiaxial one [47].
sents recovery of crushed concrete after compression-tension Regarding plasticity model, yield condition is based on the load-
reversal. In this work, hc = 0.9 and ht = 0 is assumed; this means ing function F proposed in [53] with modifications suggested by
that 90% of the cracks close upon tension-compression reversal [47] to account for different tension and compression strength
and the crushed concrete does not experience any recovery. Eqs. evolution.
(5) and (6) show that sc and st also range between 0 and 1.
For a better understanding of the effect of sc and st coefficients, F¼ ðq  3ap þ bhrmax i  c  hrmax iÞ  rc ¼ 0 ð8Þ
Fig. 2 displays plots of uniaxial stress-strain loading-unloading 1a
behavior. The initial elastic branch with slope E0 reaches the
descending branch (Fig. 5.b) at peak point 1, then cracking begins; ðf b0 =f c0 Þ  1 rc 3ð1  K c Þ
a¼ ; b¼ ð1  aÞ  ð1 þ aÞ; c ¼
later, unloading starts at point 2. At that point, there is no compres- 2ðf b0 =f c0 Þ  1 rt 2K c  1
sion damage and dc = 0, r⁄ = 1, and sc = 1; therefore, Eq. (4) shows ð9Þ
that d = dt. Consequently, the linear unloading branch has slope
(1  dt) E0. In the way to stress reversing point 3, cracks begin clos- In Eqs. (8) and (9), hi is the Macaulay bracket, p is the hydro-
ing. After point 3, r⁄ = 0, sc = 1  hc, st = 1, dc = 0, and Eq. (4) shows static pressure stress, q is the Von Mises-equivalent effective stress
that d = (1  hc) dt. Therefore, the slope of the ongoing compression (effective stress accounts for stress divided by 1  d), and fb0 and fc0
segment of the branch depends on parameter hc; three options are are the biaxial and uniaxial compressive yield strengths, respec-
plotted in Fig. 2: (i) hc = 0 (no crack is closed) with slope (1  dt) E0, tively; since fb0 P fc0, a ranges between 0 (fb0 = fc0) and 0.5
(ii) hc = 0.5 (half of the cracks are closed) with slope (1–0.5 dt) E0, (f b0  f c0 ). rmax is the maximum principal effective stress, and
(iii) hc = 1 (all cracks are closed) with slope E0. Noticeably, in the rc and rt are the effective compressive and tensile cohesion stress,
third option (hc = 1), there is no compressive strength reduction. respectively. rc and rt are defined as rc ¼ rc =ð1  dc Þ and
At point 4, an unloading branch arises; at that point, r⁄ = 0, rt ¼ rt =ð1  dt Þ. Kc is the ratio of second stress invariants on ten-
sc = 1  hc, st = 1, and Eq. (4) shows that 1  d = (1  dc) [1  sile and compressive meridians.
(1  hc) dt] = 1  dc. Point 5 correspond again to stress reversal; The plasticity model assumes non-associated potential plastic
after it, provided that ht = 0, the slope of the ongoing branch is flow. The flow potential G is the Drucker-Prager hyperbolic func-
equal to (1  dt) (1  dc) E0. Point 6 is the peak for the reduced ten- tion given by:
sile strength; after it, cracking reinitiates and a new descending qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
branch is generated. G¼ ð2 rt0 tan wÞ2 þ q2  p tan w ð10Þ
For multiaxial condition, the stress-strain relationship is given
In Eq. (10), rt0 is the uniaxial tensile stress at failure, e is the
eccentricity of plastic potential surface, and w is the dilatancy
r ¼ ð1  dÞDel0 : ðe  epl Þ ð7Þ angle measured in p  q (deviatory) plan at high confining pressure.
As discussed previously, Kc is the ratio between the magnitudes
0 is the elastic stiffness tensor, and r and e are the
In Eq. (7), Del of deviatoric stress in uniaxial tension and compression; Kc ranges
stress and strain tensors, respectively. Scalar damage variable d between 0.5 (Rankine yield surface) and 1 (Von Mises). In this

Fig. 2. Uniaxial loading-unloading law.

74 B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86

study, Kc is obtained from the Mohr-Coulomb yield surface func- Table 1

tion in cylindrical coordinates [66]: Parameters of CPDM.

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi Kc W (°) fb0/fc0 e

Hðq; n; h; /; cÞ ¼ 2n sin/ þ 3q cos h  q sin h sin /  6c cos/ ¼ 0
0.7 13 1.16 0.1
In Eq. (11), q is the octahedral radius, n is the distance from the
origin of stress space to the stress plan, h is the Lode similarity parameters defined as crushing and fracture energies and leq is
angle, / is the friction angle, and c is the cohesion. In Eq. (11), the characteristic length of the element (Section 3.2).
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffi
q ¼ 2J2 , n = I1/ 3, and sin h ¼ 3 3=23J3
; I1 is the first invariant of Relation between compressive and tensile stress and, respec-
2J 2
tively, crushing and cracking strain, is established, according [53],
stress tensor and J2 and J3 are the second and third invariants of as:
deviatoric stress tensor, respectively.  
For n ¼ 0 and h = ±p/6 (negative/positive for tension/compres- rc ¼ f c0 ð1 þ ac Þexpðbc ech
c Þ  ac expð2bc ec Þ
sion meridian plans), the magnitudes of deviatory stress in uniaxial
compression and tension at yield (qc0 and qt0) and Kc are rt ¼ f t0 ð1 þ at Þexpðbt eck
t Þ  at expð2bt et Þ ð16Þ

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
2c 6cos/ 2c 6cos/ q 3  sin/ In Eqs. (15) and (16), fc0 and ft0 and are the compressive and ten-
qc0 ¼ qt0 ¼ K c ¼ t0 ¼ ð12Þ
3  sin/ 3 þ sin/ qc0 3 þ sin/ sile stresses that correspond to zero crushing (ech c ¼ 0) and to onset

By assuming that / = 32° [66], last equation in (12) shows that of cracking (eck
t ¼ 0), respectively; see Fig. 4. As well, ac, at, bc and bt

Kc = 0.7. Fig. 3 represents the yield surface in deviatory plan for are dimensionless coefficients to be determined. Replacing Eqs.
several values of Kc ranging from 0.5 to 1. CM and TM account (15) and (16) in Eq. (14), provides the following relations among
for compression/tension meridian plans, respectively. gc and gt and such coefficients:
Eqs. (10), (8) and (9) show that the concrete behavior depends f c0  ac  f  at 
on four constitutive parameters Kc, w, fb0/fc0, e; it can be assumed gc ¼ 1þ g t ¼ t0 1 þ ð17Þ
bc 2 bt 2
that w = 13° [80]. Table 1 describes the values used in this study.
Coefficients bc and bt can be obtained by replacing g c ¼ Gch =leq
3. Proposed methodology for calculating damage variables and g t ¼ GF =leq in Eq. (17):

f c0 leq  ac  f leq  at 
3.1. General description bc ¼ 1þ bt ¼ t0 1þ ð18Þ
Gch 2 GF 2
The proposed approach for calculating the damage variables By substituting results (15)–(17) in Eq. (13), the proposed ten-
starts from definition of compressive and tensile variables as the sile and compressive damage functions are derived:
portion of normalized energy dissipated by damage:
Z Z dc ¼ 1  2ð1 þ ac Þexpðbc ech
c Þ  ac expð2bc ec Þ
1 ech
c 1 eck
t 2 þ ac
dc ¼ rc dech
c dt ¼ rt deck
t ð13Þ
gc 0 gt 0
In Eq. (13), e and e are the crushing and cracking strains
ch ck dt ¼ 1  2ð1 þ at Þexpðbt eck
t Þ  at expð2bt et Þ
c t 2 þ at
respectively, see Fig. 5. Normalization coefficients gc and gt repre-
Therefore, provided that coefficients ac and at are not zero:
sent the energies per unit volume dissipated by damage along
the entire deterioration process: 1
Z 1 Z 1
expðbc ech
c Þ ¼ 1 þ ac  1 þ ac ð2 þ ac Þdc ð21Þ
gc ¼ rc dech
c gt ¼ rt deck
t ð14Þ
0 0  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Eqs. (13) and (14) show that dc and dt range between 0 (no dam- expðbt eck
t Þ ¼ 1 þ at  1 þ at ð2 þ at Þdt ð22Þ
age) and 1 (destruction). Fig. 4 describes the meaning of gc and gt.
Noticeably, the energies per unit area and per unit volume are By zeroing derivatives of rc and rt (Eqs. (15) and (16), respec-
related by g c ¼ Gch =leq and g t ¼ GF =leq ; Gch and GF are material tively) with respect to, respectively, crushing and cracking strain,
maximum values fcm and ftm (Fig. 5) are obtained:

f c0 ð1 þ ac Þ2 f t0 ð1 þ at Þ2
f cm ¼ f tm ¼ ð23Þ
4ac 4at
Eq. (23) provide:
ac ¼ 2ðf cm =f c0 Þ  1 þ 2 ðf cm =f c0 Þ  ðf cm =f c0 Þ ð24Þ

at ¼ 2ðf tm =f t0 Þ  1 þ 2 ðf tm =f t0 Þ  ðf tm =f t0 Þ ð25Þ

These developments complete the description of the proposed

methodology. Parameters ac, at, bc and bt can be determined from
Eqs. (24), (25) and (18) in terms of fcm, fc0, ftm, ft0, leq, Gch and GF.
Then, the damage functions can be calculated according Eqs. (19)
and (20). An implementation of the proposed approach using the
concrete behavior described in next subsection is presented in
Fig. 3. Yield surface in the deviatory plan for several values of Kc. Section 3.3.
B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86 75

(a) Compression (gc) (b) Tension (gt)

Fig. 4. Parts of energy dissipated by damage.

(a) Compression (b) Tension

Fig. 5. Assumed uniaxial model of concrete behavior.

3.2. Uniaxial concrete behavior (in MPa) [19]. In the initial linear branch, E0 is the secant modulus
that corresponds to 0.4 fcm stress.
This subsection describes the concrete uniaxial stress-strain law Third (descending) segment is given by:
that is selected for implementation. Fig. 5a and b explain the com- 1
2 þ cc f cm ecm e2 c
pressive and tensile models, respectively; noticeably, tensile model rcð3Þ ¼  cc ec þ c c ð27Þ
is smeared, i.e. strain includes both crack opening and actual tensile 2f cm 2ecm
strain between cracks. Fig. 5 displays the constitutive laws (thick
solid lines) and the unloading/reloading branches (thin dashed p2 f cm ecm eplc
cc ¼ h   i2 b¼ ð28Þ
lines). Fig. 5 corresponds to the damage-plasticity behavior
2 Gch
 0:5f cm ecm ð1  bÞ þ b fEcm0 ech
depicted in Fig. 1c. The ascending compressive segments in leq

Fig. 5a follow the Model Code recommendations [19] and the In Eqs. (27) and (28), Gch is the crushing energy per unit area
descending segment is engendered as [45]. Tensile stress-strain [45], and leq is the characteristic length, which depends on the
relation consists of an initial linear segment and a nonlinear mesh size, the type of finite element and the crack direction
descending branch [81,76], as shown in Fig. 5b. Both compressive [64,45]. Assuming idealized behavior of single band of cracks, the
and tensile descending branches are generated to ensure nearly characteristic length can be determined after the mesh size; [60]
mesh-independency; the regularization approach is based on relate the crack width with the square root of the finite element
selecting the softening branches of concrete constitutive laws area for 2D elements. In this work, brick solid elements are uti-
depending on mesh size. In Fig. 5, fcm and ftm represent compressive lized; the characteristic length is taken as the volume divided by
and tensile stress strength, respectively; corresponding strains are the largest face area.
ecm and etm, respectively. According to [19], it is assumed that Based on experimental observations, b = 0.9 (Eq. (28)) can be
ecm = 0.0022, fcm = fck + 8 (fck is the characteristic value of concrete initially assumed. After calculating the damage variables, the aver-
compressive strength), and f tm ¼ 0:3016f ck ; these stresses and age value of b along the relevant strain range is obtained; iterative
the deformation modulus are expressed in MPa. In Fig. 5a, ech
c and calculations are performed until reaching convergence. The final
eel0c are the crushing and elastic undamaged components of strain; value of b affects the softening branch of the compressive stress-
eplc and
eelc are the plastic and elastic damaged components. In strain relation (Eqs. (27) and (28)); therefore, the dissipated crush-
ing energy will be changed. Anyway, this effect is not very intense.
c and e0t are the cracking and elastic undamaged strain
Fig. 5b, el
Eq. (27) shows that the descending branch approaches asymp-
components; et and eel
t are the plastic and elastic damaged totically zero; therefore, a fictitious maximum strain shall be
components. selected for calculation purposes. The maximum strain value shall
First segment in Fig. 5a is linear, rcð1Þ ¼ E0 ec , reaching 0.4 fcm; fulfill that the crushing energy in Eq. (32) is equal to the area under
second (ascending) segment (in between 0.4 fcm and fcm) is quadra- the corresponding compressive stress-strain law multiplied by the
tic [19]: characteristic length.
 2 Regarding tensile behavior, the ratio between tensile stress
Eci fec  eecmc rt(w) (for crack width w) and maximum tensile strength ftm, is
rcð2Þ ¼  cm  f cm ð26Þ given by [40]:
1 þ Eci ef cm
 2 eecmc
" #
rt ðwÞ w
w w
In Eq. (26), Eci is the modulus of deformation of concrete for ¼ 1 þ c1 ec2 wc  ð1 þ c31 Þec2 ð29Þ
f tm wc wc
zero stress, given by Eci ¼ 10000f cm and E0 = (0.8 + 0.2 fcm/88) Eci
76 B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86

In Eq. (29), c1 = 3, c2 = 6.93 [40], and wc is the critical crack 7. Build the first/second/third segments of the concrete
opening. Eq. (29) shows that rt(0) = ftm and rt(wc) = 0. Therefore, uniaxial compressive law: rcð1Þ ¼ E0 ec /Eq. (26)/Eq. (27). In
wc can be considered as the fracture crack opening. Eq. (30) [40] Eq. (27), strain is bounded; the selected upper bound should
relates wc with the tensile strength and fracture energy GF per unit fulfill the condition that the crushing energy Gch (Eq. (32)) is
area: reached.
8. Build the first/second segment of the concrete uniaxial ten-
wc ¼ 5:14GF =f tm ð30Þ
sile law: rtð1Þ ¼ E0 et /Eqs. (29) and (33).
According to [19], GF (N/mm) can be calculated as 9. Calculate the damage parameters according Eq. (34):
0:18 ck þ8Þ
0:453f ck
GF ¼ 0:073f cm ð31Þ ac ¼ 7:873; at ¼ 1; bc ¼ 1:97ðf
leq ; bt ¼ GF
leq .

10. Calculate the compressive/tensile damage variables (dam-

In Eq. (31), fcm is expressed in MPa. The ratio between crushing
age evolution) according to Eqs. (19)/(20).
and fracture energies can be assumed proportional to square of the
11. Calculate the compressive and tensile plastic strains as
ratio between compressive and tensile strengths [65]:
indicated in Fig. 5: eplc ¼ ech
c  rc dc =ð1  dc ÞE0 , et ¼ et 
pl ck

¼ cm GF ð32Þ rt dt =ð1  dt ÞE0 .
f tm epl
12. Calculate the average value of ratio b ¼ ech
and compare with
In this work, the actual crack spacing is not studied, it has been the assumption in step 1. Repeat until reaching convergence.
assumed that there is a single crack per element. This supposition
is suitable for global-purpose simulation. After this assumption, in Once convergence is reached, the major output are curves of
the descending segment of the tensile stress-strain curve (Fig. 5b), compressive/tensile stress and damage variables vs. crushing/
the strain can be obtained in terms of the crack opening from the cracking strain, respectively; in Section 3.4, Fig. 7 presents some
following kinematic relation: examples. These plots constitute the input of the implementation
et ¼ etm þ w=leq ð33Þ in any model describing the global structural behavior. This algo-
rithm is suited for software package Abaqus [3,51,18]. Noticeably,
This subsection describes the concrete uniaxial concrete behav- the proposed approach can be also fitted for other computer codes
ior; next subsection describes their implementation in the pro- and for other concrete formulations, either empirical (code-type)
posed approach. or directly based on experiments.
Time integration follows an implicit formulation, and the global
3.3. Implementation algorithm is generated by imposing energy balance. In this work,
analyses are conducted for large displacements, although not for
Following the formulation described in the previous section, large strains.
coefficients ac, at, bc and bt (Section 3.1) can be determined. Coeffi-
cient ac is obtained by replacing fc0 = 0.4 fcm (Fig. 5a) in Eq. (24).
3.4. Mesh-insensitivity verification
Fig. 5b shows that ftm = ft0, then Eq. (25) shows that at = 1. Coeffi-
cient bc can be determined from Eq. (18) by replacing fc0 = 0.4
When the material exhibits softening, finite element size influ-
fcm = 0.4 (fck + 8) MPa. Coefficient bt is determined by replacing
2=3 ences significantly the entire model behavior due to localization
at = 1 and f t0 ¼ f tm ¼ 0:3016f ck [19] in Eq. (18). Therefore:
since the dissipated energy decreases upon mesh refinement. This
1:97ðf ck þ 8Þ
0:453f ck can be solved by the so-called mesh regularization techniques. One
ac ¼ 7:873 at ¼ 1 bc ¼ leq bt ¼ leq of the simplest remedy is the Crack Band Method; it uses energy-
Gch GF
based scaling of the softening part of the stress-strain relation [9].
This technique can be considered as a simple and effective method
In the last two expressions in Eq. (34), fck is expressed in MPa. for practical engineering analysis and has been implemented in
After parameters ac, at, bc and bt, damage variables dc and dt are many concrete plastic damage models, among others [32,22]. More
determined by Eqs. (19) and (20) in terms of crushing and cracking advanced techniques are the so-called Non-Local approaches; they
strain, respectively. are based on introducing non-locality in the constitutive model.
A particular implementation of the proposed methodology by This non-locality can be incorporated into an integral format
using the previously described concrete constitutive law (Sec- [10,11]; this approach has been implemented in different plastic
tion 3.2) is described next. All stress values are in MPa. damage models [33,63]. Another strategy for incorporating non-
locality is including higher-order deformation gradients in the
1. The input data are the concrete compressive strength fck, the model [69]. This has been implemented in several plastic damage
parameters in Table 1, the mesh size leq , and the ratio b (eqn. models [5,1].
(28)). Initial assumption is b = 0.9. As the model of [53] is the base of this work and this model uses
2. Calculate the compressive/tensile stress strength the fracture energy-based regularization to describe the softening
fcm = fck + 8/f tm ¼ 0:3016f ck .
2=3 in tension and compression, the crack band technique is consid-
3. State the strain at compressive stress strength as ered. Then both fracture and crushing energies are scaled in rela-
ecm = 0.0022. tion to the finite element size. The main assumption in this
4. Calculate the initial tangent modulus of deformation of con- technique is that damage is localized in a single raw of elements;
1 this is true for the physical failure mechanism of concrete in ten-
crete Eci ¼ 10000f 3cm and the undamaged modulus of defor-
  sion but is not exactly right for compression. Uniaxial compression
mation E0 ¼ Eci 0:8 þ 0:2 f88
. tests show a great relation between boundary conditions, concrete
5. Calculate the fracture/crushing energy (N/mm) strength, size, and failure mechanism [46,77]. It varies between
 2 cone failure and vertical splitting modes. Cone failure occurs when
GF ¼ 0:073f cm /Gch ¼ ff cm
GF . friction at top and bottom sections restraints lateral expansion;
6. Calculate the critical crack opening wc ¼ 5:14GF =f tm . this mode is characterized by inclined slip bands at each corner
B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86 77

(a) Coarse mesh (200 mm) (b) Medium mesh (50 mm) (c) Fine mesh (25 mm)
Fig. 6. Uniaxial tension example.

35 3
30 Fine 25 mm Fine 25 mm
25 Medium 50 mm Medium 50 mm
Coarse 200 mm Coarse 200 mm
σc (N/mm2)

σt (N/mm2)
5 0.5

0 0
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
(a) Compressive stress vs. crushing strain (b) Tensile stress vs. cracking strain

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8 Fine 25 mm

Fine 25 mm Medium 50 mm
0.6 Medium 50 mm 0.6 Coarse 200 mm
dc Coarse 200 mm dt
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
(c) Compressive damage variable vs. crushing (d) Tensile damage variable vs. cracking strain
Fig. 7. Results of the proposed algorithm for the uniaxial tension example using coarse, medium and fine meshes.

and crushing in the middle zone for very stocky specimens. Verti- This subsection describes the application of the proposed
cal splitting mode can happen for highly slender specimens when methodology to the problem of uniaxial tension of a
the effect of friction is negligible. Intermediate failure scenarios 200 mm  200 mm  200 mm cube, as described in Fig. 6. The
can occur for different degrees of friction and slenderness; they cube is discretized with a uniform mesh of 3D 8-node hexahedron
are characterized mainly by inclined shear band zone. Regarding solid finite elements (C3D8R). Fig. 6 displays three sketches of the
damage localization under compression, experimental observation cube discretized with a coarse mesh (leq = 200 mm, one element), a
by [46,76,41] showed strain localization; analytical investigation medium mesh (leq = 50 mm, 64 elements) and a fine mesh
by [56] showed that the concept of fracture energy in tension holds (leq = 25 mm, 512 elements), respectively. The objective of this
true for compression. This gives the evidence to use the fracture analysis is to verify the allegedly low sensitivity to mesh size.
energy-based regularization in describing the softening of concrete This problem is analyzed with the algorithm described in Sec-
under compression [78]. tion 3.2. Table 2 displays the values of the parameters for each
In this subsection the capacity of proposed methodology to mesh size. Any of the values of parameter b in Table 2 is the result
overcome mesh insensitivity is verified for a uniaxial tension prob- of an independent iterative process starting from 0.9. For consis-
lem. Given the above considerations, it is apparent that the uniax- tency, the final value is independent on this initial assumption.
ial compression case cannot be verified in the same way. For The algorithm is implemented in Abaqus code [3]. The displace-
practical engineering applications, behavior is mainly controlled ment is applied incrementally; for coarse/medium/fine meshes, the
by bending and there will be mixed stresses states with high stress maximum number of iterations is 4, 6 and 5, respectively.
gradients; therefore, the possible inaccuracies will have little effect Fig. 7 presents the plots that constitute the major inputs for this
on overall results. implementation. Fig. 7a and b display plots of compressive/tensile
78 B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86

stress vs. crushing/cracking strain, respectively; Fig. 7c and d dis-

play plots of compressive/tensile damage variable vs. crushing/ Fine mesh (25 mm)
cracking strain, respectively. Fig. 7 shows that the inputs are 80 Medium mesh (50 mm)
strongly dependent on the mesh size; conversely, outputs are

Force (kN)
Coarse mesh (200 mm)
expected to be almost independent on it. Noticeably, compressive 60
Closed-form solution
plots are displayed only for information.
Given that the problem under consideration is extremely sim- 40
ple, a closed-form solution can be provided. This solution is derived
from the uniaxial tensile constitutive law given by Eq. (29) Displacement (mm)
(Fig. 5b), with the critical crack opening wc obtained from Eq. 0
(30) (wc = 0.273 mm). 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
After the implementation in Abaqus of the plots displayed in
Fig. 8. Force-deflection plots for the uniaxial tension example using coarse,
Fig. 7, Fig. 8 presents the force- displacement plots that are medium and fine meshes.
obtained for each mesh size. For comparison purposes, Fig. 8 con-
tains also the aforementioned closed-form solution. Fig. 8 shows a
satisfactory agreement among the plots for the three mesh sizes;
this observation corroborates the mesh-insensitiveness of the pro-
posed methodology. As well, numerical results match analytical 20

Stress (MPa)
ones, thus confirming the accuracy. Noticeably, the best match is
provided by the coarse mesh; this circumstance can be explained 15
because a single element is the closest representation of the
closed-form solution. On the other hand, the result of the fine mesh 10
is better that the one of the medium mesh; certainly, further
refinements would lead to higher accuracy.
The area under the plots in Fig. 8 (between the peak and the dis- 0
placement for zero stress in the closed-form solution) is equal to 0 200 400 600
5.5149, 5.6358 and 5.3965 Nm for coarse, medium and fine Number of points
meshes, respectively. These quantities represent the fracture work;
it can be converted into fracture energy per unit area (GF) dividing Fig. 9. Input force law for the plain concrete test.
by the area perpendicular to the applied displacement following
the regularization method [9]; results are: 0.1379, 0.1409 and
0.1349 N/mm for coarse, medium and fine meshes, respectively. stress-strain plots and Fig. 10b shows the evolution of damage
Comparison with the values indicated in Table 2 shows a satisfac- variable (d) in terms of strain. In points ‘‘N” in Fig. 10b, the abscissa
tory agreement. corresponds to measured values of strain and the ordinate corre-
sponds to damage determined applying Eq. (3) to the experimental
plots in Fig. 10a, as average for each pair of unloading and reload-
3.5. Experimental validation on a specimen test ing branches. In the numerical plots in Fig. 10b, the horizontal seg-
ments belong to constant damage along unloading and reloading
Accuracy and reliability of the proposed methodology are veri- branches.
fied by simulating one experiment with the particular algorithm Fig. 10a shows a satisfactory agreement between numerical and
described in Section 3.3 and with the formulation to determine experimental results, particularly in terms of envelope curve;
the damage variables described in [13] (Section 1). The experiment noticeably, envelope results from both models are almost identical
[74] consisted in imposing a cyclic force law to a number of plain (because the same uniaxial constitutive laws have been consid-
concrete cylinders. Fig. 9 displays the imposed force law (in terms ered). Fig. 10b shows an adequate agreement between the experi-
of stress). mental damage (at the measured strains) and the numerical
This experiment had been previously simulated [2,6]. In the damage calculated with the proposed approach, given that points
work [2] a coupled plasticity-damage model was used; the numer- ‘‘N” are highly close to the numerical curve.
ical algorithm was coded and then implemented in the commercial
package Abaqus. In the reference [6], this experiment was 4. Simulation of monotonic testing of RC frames
described with a hysteretic stress–strain model developed for
unconfined concrete. 4.1. First frame test
The simulated test refers to a cube element with 125 mm side;
it is discretized with a single element. The algorithm is imple- This experiment [79] is a quasi-static test consisting of pushing
mented in Abaqus code [3]. The maximum number of iterations monotonically until failure a laboratory, single-span, two-story,
is 2, and loading increment is 4  104 mm. Table 3 displays the planar RC frame. Fig. 11b and c display front and side views of
values of the parameters. the tested frame, respectively. Fig. 11a and d exhibit cross sections
Fig. 10 displays major outputs of the simulations, compared of columns and beams, respectively. In Fig. 11 dimensions are in
with the corresponding experimental results. Fig. 10a exhibits mm. Fig. 11b shows that both columns were loaded with constant

Table 2
Parameters for the mesh-insensitivity verification example.

Mesh leq (mm) fck (MPa) fcm (MPa) ftm (MPa) Gch (N/mm) GF (N/mm) b ac at bc bt
Coarse 200 25 33 2.58 22.43 0.137 0.6 7.873 1 581 5648
Medium 50 25 33 2.58 22.43 0.137 0.914 7.873 1 145.2 1412
Fine 25 25 33 2.58 22.43 0.137 0.967 7.873 1 72.6 706
B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86 79

Table 3
Parameters for the simulation of the plain concrete test.

fck (MPa) fcm (MPa) ftm (MPa) Gch (N/mm) GF (N/mm) b ac at leq (mm) bc bt
18 26 2.07 20.7 0.1312 0.8 7.873 1 125 310.48 2960

Experimental Results 1
[Birtel, Mark 2006] 0.8
Proposed Approach


Proposed Approach
10 0.4
Experimental Results

5 0.2 [Birtel, Mark 2006]

0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Strain Strain
(a) Stress-strain (b) Damage-strain
Fig. 10. Comparison between experimental and simulated results for the plain concrete test.

forces, and that pushing consisted in imposing a displacement law modulus is 23.67 GPa. Poisson ratio and shear deformation modu-
to the top left joint. Noticeably, since there were no distributed lus were estimated as 0.2 and 9.86 GPa, respectively. The steel
forces acting on the beams, there was no cracking prior to the lat- parameters were obtained from coupon tests; the stress-strain
eral pushing. The tested frame was widely instrumented, thus pro- plots were approximately trilinear: an initial linear elastic branch,
viding extensive information of the damage progression. a horizontal yielding plateau and a plastic hardening branch.
Concrete mechanical parameters were determined from stan- Table 4 displays the most relevant figures regarding reinforcement
dard cylinder tests. The characteristic value of compressive steel. In Table 4, bars No. 20 and 10 correspond to longitudinal and
strength is 30 MPa and the average value of secant deformation transverse reinforcement, respectively (Fig. 11a and d). Db is the


(a) Column

y y y
x z 800

(b) Front view of tested frame (c) Side view of (d) Beam section
tested frame
Fig. 11. First frame experiment [34].
80 B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86

bar diameter, fy/fu are the yield point/ultimate stress, Es is the steel tions are not related, since ratios epl c =ec
and eplt =et
do not
modulus of elasticity, Esh is the slope of the hardening branch, esh is approach zero when damage variables dc and dt are close to 1.
the strain that corresponds to the onset of hardening, and eu is the Fig. 14a shows that the average value of ratio b (Eq. (28)) is approx-
ultimate strain. imately 0.75 (Table 5).
Fig. 12 summarizes the results of the experiment. Fig. 12a dis- For comparison, simulations of [79] experiment with simplified
plays plots of pushing force vs. top level displacement. The first concentrated and distributed plasticity models are also presented.
observed damage was flexural cracking at the end sections of the The concentrated plasticity model is implemented in software
first level beam, for force 52.5 kN and displacement 2 mm; this package SAP-2000 v.16 [23] by using the general frame formula-
instant can be considered as the overall yield point, since, after that tion [8], without accounting for shear-generated deformation.
point, the capacity curve became nonlinear. Under force 145 kN Second-order effects are taken into account. Zero-length flexural
and displacement 9.3 mm, flexural cracks were perceived at the and axial-flexural hinges are assigned to beams and columns,
columns bases, and shear cracks were simultaneously detected at respectively. As well, shear hinges are considered for both types
the first story beam. When force reached 264 kN and displacement of members. Hinges are located at faces of joints. In flexural and
26.4 mm, first steel yielding was perceived in the bottom tensioned axial-flexural hinges, parameters of initial and further branches
longitudinal reinforcement of the left end section of the first story are obtained according [4] and [31], respectively. In shear hinges,
beam; for force 287 kN and displacement 31.6 mm, the top ten- parameters of initial branch are obtained according to [4], and
sioned longitudinal reinforcement of the right end section of the after-yield behavior is assumed to be totally brittle. Neither
first story beam also yielded. For force 323 kN and displacement shear-flexural interaction nor shear-axial-flexural interaction is
52.5 mm, the longitudinal reinforcements of the column bases considered.
yielded as well, and hinges at the ends of the first story beam The distributed plasticity models are implemented in package
failed; this failure involved yielding of longitudinal reinforcement, SeismoStruct V6.5 [71]. Two types of models are utilized to simu-
and crushing of compressed concrete. Then, for force 329 kN and late both frame experiments. First type adopts the classical
displacement 74.7 mm, similar failure was apparent at the column displacement-based finite element formulation [39,55] and second
bases. Almost simultaneously, same failure affected at ends of sec- type is based on the more recent force-based formulation [75,61].
ond story beam. Afterwards, lateral stiffness was almost non- Throughout this paper, these models are termed as DB and FB,
existent; therefore, collapse mechanism consisted in formation of respectively. FB approach does not impose any displacement field,
six hinges. The experiment was terminated, for pushing force and equilibrium is strictly and continuously satisfied. In the DB
332 kN and lateral displacement 150 mm, due to stroke limitations models, each member is discretized with four 2-node finite ele-
of the actuator, see Fig. 12a. Fig. 12b and c display images of the ments. In the FB models, a single element with five integration
damaged bottom section of the right column, and the top left con- points represents each member. For both FB and DB models, sec-
nection, respectively. tions are discretized into 250 fibers. Second-order effects are
The main objective of this experiment was to investigate the accounted for. As in the concentrated plasticity model, the interac-
influence of shear-related effects in the overall structural behavior; tion between shear and flexure is not taken into consideration.
the results showed that approximately 20% of the nonlinear lateral Fig. 15 displays experimental results (Fig. 12a) plotted together
displacement was due to shear effects. Noticeably, at failure, with numerical results obtained with the proposed methodology
around 12% of the overturning moment was due to P  D effects. and the abovementioned simplified models. Descriptions of
Supplementary information regarding this experiment is available observed damage states are also displayed.
in [24]. Plots from Fig. 15 shows the superior ability of the proposed
This test had been previously simulated by some of the authors methodology to reproduce the experimental results along the
of this work [7,27,28], and by other researchers [34]. Barbat et al. whole displacement range. It captures the initial stiffness, the
used a viscous damage model, which was implemented in a fiber onset of overall yielding, the sequence of damage progression
model with Timoshenko frame elements. Faleiro et al. imple- and the final state. Noticeably, ‘‘overall yielding” does not refer
mented a damage plasticity formulation in a finite element model to steel yielding but to inception of overall nonlinear behavior,
with planar 2D elements. Güner employed commercial software due to cracking of tensioned concrete. Regarding the lumped plas-
packages and an ad-hoc fiber model developed at University of ticity model, accuracy can be considered satisfactory, given the
Toronto. important simplifications involved in that model. Fig. 15 shows
The [79] test is simulated implementing the proposed method- that the concentrated model describes satisfactorily the initial
ology in Abaqus code [3] by using the particular algorithm slope, but fails to predict the cracking and, therefore, the onset of
described in Section 3.3. The maximum number of iterations is overall yielding. The yielding branch is almost horizontal because
10, and loading increment ranges between 1011 mm and of second order effects. The maximum capacity in terms of force
0.01 mm. Table 5 displays the selected values of parameters. is underestimated because of the conservative assumptions in
Fig. 13 displays the finite element mesh; the left part depicts steel the predefined plastic hinges. The final failure is earlier because
discretization with 2-node truss elements (T3D2) and the right the actual ductility of members is also underestimated by the
part describes concrete discretization with 3D 8-node hexahedron assumed moment-rotation laws. Regarding the distributed plastic-
solid elements (C3D8R). ity models, Fig. 15 shows that they perform better, particularly FB.
Fig. 14a displays plots of ratio epl
c =ec vs. ec ; Fig. 14b displays
ch ch
DB model exhibits less accuracy, because the mesh is too coarse.
analogous plots for the tensile behavior. Fig. 14 highlights that, However, these models cannot capture adequately the gradual pro-
in the proposed methodology, damage and plastic energy absorp- gression of the global softening after the initial overall yielding,

Table 4
Reinforcement steel parameters for the first frame experiment.

Bar No. Db (mm) fy (MPa) fu (MPa) Es (GPa) Esh (MPa) esh eu

20 19.5 418 596 192.5 3100 0.0095 0.0669
10 11.3 454 640 200 3100 0.0095 0.0695
B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86 81

(b) Right (c) Top left connection

(a) Force-displacement plot
column base
Fig. 12. Results of first frame experiment [79].

Table 5
Parameters for simulation of the first frame experiment.

fck (MPa) fcm (MPa) ftm (MPa) Gch (N/mm) GF (N/mm) b ac at leq (mm) bc bt
30 38 2.912 23.93 0.1405 0.75 7.873 1 50 156.83 1554.54

due to lack of consideration of the concrete tensile strength.

Noticeably, the negative slope of the final branches is due to
second-order effects.
To further highlight the capacity of the proposed methodology
to capture damage progression, Figs. 16–18 display the damage
predicted for some of the previously described stages. Fig. 16 dis-
plays the distribution of the tensile damage variable for force
52.5 kN and top level displacement 2 mm; it corresponds to the
first cracking at end sections of 1st story beam. Fig. 16a and b refer
to the first story right beam-column connection and to the overall
frame, respectively. Fig. 16a shows that cracking (indicated with
lighter gray) actually occurred in the top part of beam, since the
tensile damage variable reaches values close to one. Fig. 16b shows
that the overall distribution of cracking fits the expected pattern
according to structural analysis principles, with onset of cracking
in the bottom part of the first story right beam-column connection.
Figs. 17 and 18 refer to the final state. Fig. 17a and b display dis-
y tributions of the scalar damage variable (d) for the right column
x base and the top left beam-column connection, respectively.
Fig. 18 refers to the right column base, describing both the final
z state and the evolution from the undamaged state. Fig. 18a and c
represent the distribution of the compressive and tensile damage
variables, respectively; Fig. 18b and d display, for selected finite
Fig. 13. Finite element discretization of the first frame experiment. elements, plots of such variables vs. top level displacement, respec-

1 1

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004
(a) Compression (b) Tension
Fig. 14. Variation of ratio between plastic and crushing/cracking strains for the first frame experiment.
82 B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86

Force (KN)
1st story beam
350 steel yielding
287 kN, 31.6 mm

column bases steel yielding
250 1st story beam hinging column bases hinging
323 kN, 52.5 mm 2nd story beam hinging
329 kN, 74.7 mm
1st story beam steel yielding
200 264kN, 26.4 mm
Experimental Results
column base cracking
Concentrated Plasticity Model
150 1st story beam cracking
145kN, 9.3 mm Distributed Plasticity Model (FB)

100 Distributed Plasticity Model (DB)

Proposed Approach
1st story beam cracking
50 52.5 kN, 2 mm

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Displacement (m)

Fig. 15. Experimental and simulated capacity curves for the first frame experiment.

(a) Distribution of dt at the first story right (b) Distribution of dt at the frame
beam-column connection
Fig. 16. Tensile damage variable for force 52.5 kN and displacement 2 mm for the first frame experiment.

(a) Right column base (b) Top left connection

Fig. 17. Distribution of d at the final state of the first frame experiment.

tively. In all the images, higher damage corresponds to lighter grey. age distributions fit the expected results. Comparison between
Figs. 17 and 18 show that the observed phenomena are adequately Fig. 17a and the observed damage in Fig. 12b shows a satisfactory
reproduced by the proposed methodology, since the obtained dam- fit, since cracking and crushing are detected by the obtained higher
B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86 83

values of d. Comparison between Fig. 17b and the observed dam- ues close to 1; this circumstance is observed in Fig. 12b.
age in Fig. 12c shows also a satisfactory match. Fig. 18a and c Fig. 18b and d shows that cracking occurs for smaller displacement
shows that there is hinging, since both damage variables attain val- (approximately 10 mm) than crushing (more than 150 mm).

Compressive damage




0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
Top level displacement (m)

(a) Distribution of dc at the final state (b) Evolution of dc

Tensile damage





0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02
Top level displacement (m)

(c) Distribution of dt at the final state (d) Evolution of dt

Fig. 18. Damage at the right column base for the first frame experiment.


(a) Beam section

y z
x x

(b) Tested frame (c) Column section

Fig. 19. Second frame experiment. [14,15]
84 B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86

4.2. Second frame test and that displacement was imposed to the top left joint. Notice-
ably, as in the first frame test, given the absence of distributed
This experiment [68] is a quasi-static test consisting of impos- loads on beams, there was no initial cracking.
ing a displacement law to a laboratory single-span, single-story Mechanical parameters of materials are based on nominal val-
2-D RC frame. Fig. 19b describes the tested frame, and ues. The characteristic value of the concrete compressive strength
Fig. 19a and c display beam and columns sections, respectively. is 20 MPa (C20/25, [26]), and the steel yield point is 400 MPa for
Fig. 19b shows that both columns were loaded with constant forces the longitudinal reinforcement and 500 MPa for the stirrups [25].

Table 6
Parameters for simulation of the second frame experiment.

fck (MPa) fcm (MPa) ftm (MPa) Gch (N/mm) GF (N/mm) b ac at leq (mm) bc bt
20 28 2.222 21.12 0.133 0.9 7.873 1 25 65.48 626.67

Force (KN)




Experimental Results
Concentrated Plasticity Model
Distributed Plasticity Model (FB)
Distributed Plasticity Model (DB)

5 Proposed Approach

0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10
Displacement (m)

Fig. 20. Experimental and simulated capacity curves for the second frame experiment.

Compressive damage





0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Lateral displacement (m)
(b) Evolution of dc
(a) Distribution of dc at the final state

Tensile damage





0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Lateral displacement (m)
(c) Distribution of dt at the final state (d) Evolution of d t

Fig. 21. Damage at the right column base for the second frame experiment.
B. Alfarah et al. / Engineering Structures 132 (2017) 70–86 85

As described in Fig. 19c, in the critical end segments (‘‘confinement nism, and final state. All failure and degradation modes are ade-
sections”), closer stirrup spacing was used; the lengths of these quately simulated: tensioned concrete cracking, compressed
segments are 40 cm in beam and 30 cm in columns. concrete crushing, and reinforcement steel yielding. The aforemen-
This frame had been previously simulated by [14,15] by using tioned simplified models provide less accuracy, being not able to
concentrated and distributed plasticity models. reproduce all the involved phenomena.
Analogously to [79] experiment, this test is simulated imple- Research for extending the proposed methodology to cyclic
menting the algorithm in Abaqus code [3]. The maximum number comportment of RC structures is currently in progress. The final
of iterations is 10, and loading increment ranges between objective is to derive models that are appropriate for simulating
0.0001 mm and 0.01 mm. Table 6 displays the selected values of complex behavior of RC structures under strong ground motions.
the parameters.
The [68] experiment is simulated with the proposed methodol- Acknowledgements
ogy. For comparison, simulations with simplified concentrated and
distributed plasticity models are also included. Similarly to Fig. 15, This work has received financial support from Spanish Govern-
Fig. 20 displays experimental results together with numerical ment under projects BIA2014-60093-R, MAT2014-60647-R and
results from the proposed approach and the said simplified models. CGL2015-6591 and from European Commission under projects
FB and DB refer to force-based and displacement-based, ERC-2012-AdG-320815 and PIRSES-GA-2013-612607. These sup-
respectively. ports are gratefully acknowledged.
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