Exam4 v4 2022KEY

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Write your Course ID# in the NAME: For GradeScope, please write your FIRST and

box below. LAST name in CAPITAL letters WITHIN the box:

I. _________________/70
April 20, 2022 II. _________________/15
Biochemistry II III. _________________/15
BI/CH 422/622
TOTAL _________________/100

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. (70 points; 3 points each, except as noted)

Choose the BEST answer to the question by WRITING the appropriate letter
in the BOX to the left of each question.

1. Which of the following statements about gluconeogenesis is true?

A. Gluconeogenesis uses the same glycolytic enzymes except for just two in
the beginning which are used to circumvent the exergonic pyruvate kinase
reaction, and to synthesize PEP.
B. Regulation of gluconeogenesis uses the allosteric effector, Fru 1,6P2,
whereas glycolysis is regulated by the effector, Fru 2,6P2.
C. Pyruvate carboxylase fixes CO2 in much the same way as rubisco.
D. Since both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis involve enzymes exclusively in
the cytosol, they must be coordinately regulated.
E. The exergonic nature of the fructose bisphosphatase step is important for
helping make the whole gluconeogenesis pathway favorable.
2. Which of these chloroplast enzymes is not regulated by light through the use of

A. rubisco
B. fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
C. ribulose-5-phosphate kinase
D. glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
E. sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase

3. Absorption of a photon in the chloroplast of a photosynthetic organism is not

associated with which one of the following?
A. release of most of the energy as fluorescence
B. antenna molecules
C. exciton transfer
D. possible eventual transfer of energy to a photochemical reaction center
E. transfer of energy from a chlorophyll molecule in a light-harvesting
complex to another chlorophyll or other light-absorbing molecules

4. Glucagon (in liver) and epinephrine (in muscle):

A. activate glycogen phosphorylase and inactivate glycogen synthase.

B. inhibit glycogen synthesis and activate glycogenolysis.
C. act by raising the concentration of cyclic AMP (cAMP).
D. act through a protein kinase
E. all of the above.
5. The light reactions in photosynthetic higher plants:
A. do not require chlorophyll.
B. serve to produce light so that plants can see underground.
C. result in the splitting of H2O, yielding O2.
D. produce ATP and consume NADH.
E. balance out the heavy reactions
Page 2
6. The standard reduction potentials (E o ') for the following half reactions
are given.

Fumarate + 2H+ + 2e- succinate Eo' = +0.031 V

FAD + 2H+ + 2e- FADH2 Eo' = -0.219 V

If you mixed succinate, fumarate, FAD, and FADH2 together, all at l M

concentrations and in the presence of succinate dehydrogenase, which of
the following would happen initially ?

A. Both fumarate and succinate would become oxidized; both FAD and
FADH2 would become reduced.
B. Fumarate would become reduced, FADH2 would become oxidized.
C. Succinate would become oxidized, FAD would become reduced.
D. Succinate would become oxidized, FADH2 would be unchanged because
it is a cofactor, not a substrate.
E. No reaction would occur, because all reactants and products are
already at their standard concentrations.

7. In the light-independent ("dark") reactions of photosynthesis, the biosynthesis

of 1 mole of hexose from 6 moles of carbon dioxide requires:

A. 18 moles of NADPH and 18 moles of ATP.

B. 18 moles of NADPH and 12 moles of ATP.
C. 12 moles of NADPH and 18 moles of ATP.
D. 12 moles of NADPH and 12 moles of ATP.
E. no NADPH and 12 moles of ATP.

8. The sequence of events in the response of hepatocytes to elevated glucagon is:

1. phosphorylated PFK-2/FBPase-2 rapidly degrades Fru2,6P2 shutting off
glycolysis and activating gluconeogenesis.
2. adenylate cyclase is activated
3. glucagon binds to its receptor on the cell surface
4. PKA phosphorylates PFK-2/FBPase-2
5. cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is activated
A. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5
B. 3, 2, 4, 5, 1
C. 3, 2, 5, 4, 1
D. 3, 5, 4, 2, 1
E. 5, 2, 3, 1, 4
9. Glucokinase, an isozyme of hexokinase, is _____________
A. more active in cytosol when blood glucose concentrations are low.
B. has a lower Km value for glucose than the other hexokinase isozymes.
C. is found in muscle and is important for partitioning glucose between
glycolysis and gluconeogenesis.
D. is inhibited by glucose 6‑phosphate.
E. is sequestered in the nucleus and released when either glucose or
Fru1P binds to the complex, allowing its migration to the cytosol.
10. Which of the following statements about the light reactions in photosynthetic
plants is false?
A. There are two distinct photosystems, linked together by cytochrome b6f
B. A membrane-bound ATPase couples ATP synthesis to a proton-motive force.
C. The ultimate source of electrons for the process is H2O.
D. The ultimate electron acceptor is O2.
E. No CO2 is fixed during the light reactions.
Page 3
11. The processes of oxidative phosphorylation coupled to electron transfer (in
mitochondria) and photophosphorylation (in chloroplasts) resemble each other
in certain respects. Which below is correct?
A. each contain a chain of membrane-bound electron carriers and
electron transfer leads to establishment of a proton-motive force.
B. each uses light as a source of reducing power
C. each produces NADPH as a product
D. each uses O2 in the same way

12. All of the enzymes listed below involved in the flow of carbon from glucose
to lactate (glycolysis), and are also involved in the reversal of this flow
(gluconeogenesis) except :
A. phosphoglucoisomerase.
B. phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1).
C. enolase.
D. 3-phosphoglycerate kinase.
E. aldolase.

13. Which of the following substrates cannot contribute to net gluconeogenesis in

mammalian liver? In other words, it is not anaplerotic and/or glucogenic.
A. alanine
B. palmitate
C. a-ketoglutarate
D. glutamate
E. odd-chain fatty acids
14. Which one of the following statements about gluconeogenesis in the liver is not
A. For starting materials, it can use carbon skeletons derived from
certain amino acids.
B. It requires metabolic energy (ATP or GTP).
C. It is one of the ways that mammals maintain normal blood glucose
levels between meals.
D. It employs the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase.
E. It consists entirely of the reactions of glycolysis, operating in
the reverse direction.

15. In the hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, ___________ is

released when sources of energy are abundant, and __________ is released
when there is a need for energy. The former leads to storage of glucose as
_____________, and the later leads to the breakdown of glucose polymers.
A. insulin; glucagon; starch
B. insulin; glucagon; glycogen
C. glucagon; insulin; starch
D. glucagon; insulin; glygogen
E. insulin; cortisol; glycogen

16. The evolution of two distinct photosystems was necessary _______.

A. due to the energy difference in the reduction potentials from
oxidation of water to reduction of NADP+, which is larger than the
energy of a single photon of light.
B. due to the complexity of the process, which needed two mechanisms
C. because making water into NADPH, and making oxygen into gas, are
two separate reactions
D. because the energy in a photon can only excite one chlorophyll
and two are needed to make dioxygen
E. because two is always better than one.
Page 4
17. Which of the following is true of glycogen synthase?
A. It catalyzes addition of glucose residues to the nonreducing end
of a glycogen chain through (a1Æ4) bonds.
B. The conversion of an active to an inactive form of the enzyme is
controlled by a high concentration of citrate.
C. Activation of the enzyme involves a phosphorylation.
D. The enzyme has measurable activity only in liver.

18. The synthesis of glycogen, as well as starch and sucrose:

A. uses glucose 1-phosphate as the direct substrate for synthesis.
B. uses a sugar nucleotide as the direct substrate for synthesis.
C. takes place in liver and muscle of mammals.
D. involves addition of a sugar residue at the reducing end of the
growing polymer.

19. Glycogenin:
A. is the gene that encodes glycogen synthase.
B. is the enzyme that creates the primer on which new glycogen
particles are initiated.
C. is the enzyme responsible for forming branches in glycogen.
D. regulates the synthesis of glycogen.
E. catalyzes the conversion of starch into glycogen.

20. The light-independent ("dark") reactions of photosynthetic plants (2 pts):

A. cannot occur in the light.
B. are driven ultimately by the energy of sunlight.
C. are important to plants, but ultimately of little significance
for any bacteria or animals.
D. include reactions catalyzed by transaldolase and transketolase.
E. yield ATP, which is required for the light reactions.

21. Which of the enzymes listed below catalyzes the major anaplerotic
reaction to replenish the TCA cycle in animals.
A. anaplerotase.
B. pyruvate dehydrogenase
C. pyruvate decarboxylase
D. pyruvate carboxylase
E. PEP carboxylase

22. Which of these enzymes is not part of the Calvin cycle (2 pts)?
A. transketolase
B. aldolase
C. glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
D. phosphofructokinase-1
E. 3-phosphoglycerate kinase

23. When transketolase acts on fructose 6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-

phosphate, the products are:
A. xylulose 5-phosphate and ribose 5-phosphate.
B. xylulose 5-phosphate and erythrose 4-phosphate.
C. 3-phosphoglycerate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.
D. dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate.
24. In humans, gluconeogenesis:
A. helps to reduce blood glucose after a fat-rich meal.
B. is essential in the conversion of fatty acids to glucose.
C. can result in the conversion of protein into blood glucose.
D. requires the enzyme hexokinase.
E. requires ATP, but not NADH.
Page 5
II. MATCHING. (15 points)
WRITE the best choice as a LETTER in the BOX(s) to the left of each number.

25. For each item on the left, match it to its function from the right-hand

column. Items on the right will be used only once or not at all. (6 pts)

A. hormonally controlled phosphorylation/

1. Glyoxylate/Kornberg Cycle
B. the committal step for this pathway is

2. Gluconeogenesis catalyzed by phosphoenolpyruvate

3. Glycogen synthesis C. the committal step for this pathway is
catalyzed by glycogen synthase
D. the committal step for this pathway is

4. Pentose phosphate pathway
catalyzed by pyruvate carboxylase

5. Regulation of glycolysis E. the committal step for this pathway is

versus gluconeogenesis glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

F. concentration of 3-phosphoglycerate
6. Regulation of FBPase-2 and G. concentration of malate
PFK-2 H. citrate synthase is the key enzyme
discovered by Hans Krebs
I. concentration of Fru-2,6P2
J. concentration of Fru-1,6P2
K. malate synthase is the key enzyme
discovered by Hans Kornberg

26. Match the intermediates or cofactor from the list in the right-hand column that
are/is used by each enzyme on the left. Put the corresponding letter in the BOX
to the left of each numbered enzyme. Items on the right may be used more than

once. (5 pts)

1. transaldolase A. has FeS cluster

B. TPP (thiamine pyrophosphate) cofactor
2. Ribose 5-phosphate isomerase
C. uses only acid/base catalysis to activate

a water molecule

3. transketolase D. free-radical intemediate

E. divalent-metal stabilized enolate/
4. Rubisco carbanion intermediate

F. enzyme-stabilized endiol intermediate
5. 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
G. base-catalyzed hydride elimination
followed by β-ketoacid decarboxylation

H. Schiff-base stabilized enolate/


I. phosphorolysis of thioester
Page 6

26. Experiments: For each scientist on the left, match to the key experiment or
result for which they are known. (4 pts)

□ 1. Robert (Robin) Hill A. using radioactive water (18O), showed that

dioxygen from photosynthesis comes from
2. Severo Ochoa

B. using radioactive carbon (14C), showed that
the carbon is initially assimilated and
3. Melvin Calvin appears in 3-phosphoglycerate

□ 4. Samuel Ruben and Martin

C. using redox indicators, showed that light
causes evolution of dioxygen in

D. showed that the electron acceptor in the

light-induced production of dioxygen in
photosynthesis was NADP+

EXTRA CREDIT. Glucose-6-phosphate (Glc6P) can be utilized for FOUR possible fates in
the liver. Each fate is given as a molecule and/or place next to a box. In each box,
indicate the product of the first enzymatic step from Glc6P leading to each fate
(abbreviations OK). Then, in the boxes near each arrow, name the enzyme that catalyzes
this step. Finally, put a check mark in the small box next to each enzyme if the enzyme
is allosterically regulated in its activity. (10 pts)

Glycogen Blood

Glucose 6-phosphate

Mitochondria/Pyruvate Rib 5-P

III. MECHANISMS & PATHWAYS. (15 points) Page 7
Fill in boxes as directed for each question.

28. RUBISCO: provide arrows for the reaction mechanism to convert one of the key
intermediates shown to another key intermediate in the mechanism, then draw the
structure of that intermediate bound to the Mg2+ on the bottom. Name each intermediate
in the appropriate box. (5 pts)

29. CALVIN CYCLE: This is for the end of stage 3

of the cycle. It involves starting with 10
moles of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GA3P) to
generate 6 moles of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate.
Fill in the blanks for the missing names
(abbreviations OK) of intermediates, enzymes,
and/or stoichiometry. (10 pts)

2 10 GA3P 4
2 DHAP 2 Fru6P
+ (b)

(d) (e)

2 Xyl5P


2 Sed1,7P2
(a) (b)
2 Sed7P +

2 Rib5P + 2 Xyl5P


6 Rub5P

6 Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (Rub1,5P2)

Answer Key for Exam 4 04/20/22 Page 1
No. on
Test Correct Answer
1 E
2 A 25 1. K 26 1. H 27 1. C
3 A 2. B 2. F 2. D
4 E 3. C 3. B 3. B
5 C 4. E 4. E, F 4. A
6 B 5. I 5. G
7 C 6. A
8 C
9 E
10 D
11 A
12 B
13 B
14 E
15 B
16 A
17 A
18 B
19 B
20 B
21 D
22 D
23 B
24 C

Glc 1-P Glucose

X Glc-6-Pase
phosphohexose isomerase
or just X Glc-6-P dehydrogenase
or phosphoglucoisomerase
Fru 6-P its only 6-phospho
indirect gluconolactone
Answer Key for Exam 4 04/20/22 Page 2
No. on
Test Correct Answer



Rub5P Epimerase

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