Module 5

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Learning Module 5: Concept and Strategies of Physical Fitness

Intended Learning Outcomes:

 Determine the benefits derived from being physically fit;

 Compute your target heart rate;
 Create a one-week meal plan

Values of Physical Fitness

The values of exercise are not limited to the body; they also contribute to the
sound mental health. Exercise makes a person feel better; his attitudes towards others
will be friendlier. He is happier, makes wiser decisions, and his world in general looks
Vitality - muscles are basis of all body actions. They increased in strength with
activity and deteriorate from lack of it. Fit muscles use less energy to perform the same
tasks, leading to an increase in vitality.
Posture – a physically fit person is able to maintain his general postural
alignment better than one with weak musculature.
Strong Back – strong and well-developed lower back muscles can be a help in
preventing lower back pain in later life.
Personal Satisfaction – physical fitness is measurable achievement, one that
can engender a feeling of pride and personal satisfaction.
Appearance – fitness is factor in weight control. Diet alone is not be the best
method of maintaining proper body proportions. A combination of diet and exercise is
the best approach.
Organic Fitness – the efficiency and capacity of the organic system, particularly
the heart and the lungs are increased through regular and vigorous exercise. There is
growing conviction that regular exercise can play a major role in the prevention of
degenerative heart disease in later life.
Social Relations – physical fitness can be a factor in good peer relations. It is
necessary for making wholesome activities that offer opportunities for social
Relaxation – regular physical exercise contributes to the ability to relax and is a
factor in reducing tension.
General Health – fitness improves general health and is essential for full and
vigorous living.

7 Aspects of Physical Fitness

1. Good nutrition
2. Proper amount of daily needs
3. Adequate rest and relaxation
4. Medical and dental care
5. Physical activity and recreation
6. Health and personal hygiene
7. Satisfying work
Factors Affecting Fitness
1. Tobacco and Fitness
Smoking speeds up the pulse rate, raises the blood pressure, contracts
the blood vessels, and may cause their damage. Smoking also been linked to
many diseases. For example, the correlation between cancer and smoking has
been established. There is considerable evidence to indicate smoking as
detrimental to the maintenance of Physical Fitness. There is no evidence to show
that smoking contributes to a higher level of performance.

2. Alcohol and Fitness

Alcohol is depressant. It represents the central nervous system, thus
affecting memory, judgment and decision. The control of the lower brain center is
lost, reaction time is slowed, physical and emotional pain is reacted to more
slowly. An individual who strives to improve and maintain his physical fitness
should not venture to form drinking as a habit. Athletic coaches are almost
unanimous on saying that drinking hinders physical performance. There is an
evidence to show that it improves performance in any way.

3. Drugs and Fitness

The use of drugs such as amphetamines (found in pills), marijuana, LSP
(lysergic diethylamide acid), cocaine, heroine, and similar drugs has become one
of the greatest problems in our society today. These drugs detach a person from
reality. They make him oblivious danger. They induce a sense of well-being
bypostponing feeling of fatigue. When one has started a habit of use, it is difficult
to stop.

Benefits of Physical Fitness

1. General Health
 Improves your overall health
 Makes you feel good
 Improves your quality of life
 Enhances your appearance
 Improves your skin tone

2. Mental Health and Well-being

 Boost your intellectual capacity
 Helps you manage stress more effectively
 Alleviates depression
 Reduces your level of anxiety
 Helps you sleep better
 Boost your self-esteem and confidence
 Helps relieve and prevent migraine headaches
 Bolsters efforts to quit smoking
 Helps reverse some of the effects of smoking

3. Functional Capacity
 Boost your energy level
 Builds your muscular strength and endurance
 Increases bone density
 Increases your stamina and ability to do continuous work
 Improves your flexibilty
 Provides protection against injury
 Improves your posture

4. Weight Management
 Helps you lose weight and prevent weight gain
 Elevates yout metabolism so you burn more calories everyday
 Lowers incidence of obesity

5. Cardiovascular Health
 Strengthen your heart and lowers your hear rate
 Reduces your risk of heart disease
 Decreases your blood pressure
 Lessens your risk of stroke

6. Disease Prevention
 Boost your immune system
 Improves control of blood sugar
 Increases HDL (good) cholesterol and lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol
 Strengthens your circulatory systems and lungs
 Reduces the risk of developing all kinds of diseases, including colon
cancer, breast cancer, type II diabetes (adult onset diabetes), lung
disease and more

7. Pain Management
 Helps bolster pain tolerance
 Reduces backaches
 Makes pregnancy and childbirth easier

8. Aging and Longevity

 Slows aging process
 Adds active years to your life
 Helps you maintain the indipendent lifestyle
 Reduces your riskof fractures and osteoporosis

Basic Nutrition

The relations of nutrition, diet and weight control to exercise is important in a

program involving physical activity.
Nutrition is a way in which any living thing takes in food and uses it for growth
and energy. Food substances for life are called nutrients. Food provides us with 6 basic
1. Carbohyrdates
2. Fats
3. Proteins
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
6. Water

Health Habits and Balanced Diet

1. Eat balanced meal everyday
2. Follow a consistent eating pattern
3. Maintain your ideal weight
4. Eat low-calorie snacks and avoid junk foods
5. Cut down on high-fat foods and eat lean meat
6. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day
7. Eat amidst a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere
8. Food supplements may be taken if necessary

Example of one week meal plan

Target Heart Rate Gabuat, J. (2015)

The medically-based karvonen formula below is the most precise method to

calculate target heart rate because it takes into account your resting heart rate.

Calculate Your Average Resting Heart Rate

1. Find your pulse with your fingers, not your thumb, while lying on bed before you
get up in the morning.
2. Count your pulse for 15 seconds and multiply by four, or 30 seconds multiply by
Example: if you count 32 beats in 30 seconds, your resting heart rate is 64
3. Record your heart rate for 5 days.
4. Add the five days’ resting heart rates together and divide by five to find the
average resting heart rate.

Click here for more info about Heart Rate


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