Bihar Engineering University, Patna: End Semester Examination-2023

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Bihar Engineering University, Patna

End Semester Examination-2023

Course: B. Tech Semester: VIII Time: 03

Code: Subject: Computer Network Full Marks: 70


(i) The marks are indicated in the right hand margin.

(ii) There are NINE questions in this paper.

(iii) Attempt FIVE question in all.

(iv) Question No.1 is Compulsary.

Q.1 Choose the correct answer of the following (any seven Question only). [2x7=14]

I. Application layer is implemented on

a. End system b. NIC c. ethernet d. Route

II. Which of the following is not applicable for IP

a. Error handling b. Datagram format c. Packet handling d. Addressing

III. Which of the following task is not done by Data link layer

a. Framing b. error control c. flow control d. channel loading

IV. This layer is an addition to OSI model when compared with TCP/IP model

a. Application layer b. Presentation layer c. Session layer d. both b & c

V. Physical Layer translates logical communication request from ______ into hardware specific

a. Datalink layer b. Network layer c. Transport layer d. Application layer

VI. Which one of the following is not a function of network layer.

a. Routing b. congestion control c. inter-networking d. None of these

VII. Which of the following can act as a firewall

a. Host server b. web server c. Application server d. Proxi server

VIII. which Port no. is reserve for HTTP

a. 20 b. 21 c. 80 d. 121

IX. What is the term used when the main server sends mail to another mail server

a. FTP b. SMTP c. TCP/IP d. MIME

X. Which of the following topology arrangements is a point-to-point line configuration

a. Ring b. Mesh c. Star d. All of these

Q.2. What are the main objectives of transport layer? Explain with neat diagram process to process
delivery in transport layer. [14]

Q.3. (a) Explain sliding window mechanism with help of neat figure. [7]

(b) Draw IPv4 datagram format. Mention the significance of each fields.[7]

Q.4. What are Random Access Protocols? Explain the limitations of ALOHA and alternatives to
handle this problem. [14]

Q.5. What is firewall? Describe how firewall can be used to protect a network. [14]

Q.6. (a) Explain selective repeat ARQ protocol with help of neat figure. [7]

(b) What is Checksum? How is it calculated? Explain with proper example. [7]

Q. 7. An ISP is granted a block of addresses starting with (65,536 addresses). [14]
The ISP needs to distribute these addresses to three groups of customers as follows:
I. the first group has 64 customers, each needs 256 addresses.
II. the second group has 128 customers, each needs 128 addresses.
III. the third group has 128 customers, each needs 64 addresses.
Design the subblocks and find out howmany addresses are still available after these allocations.

Q.8. (a) Explain in detail about TCP/IP protocol suit with neat diagram. [7]

(b) Explain Distance vector routing protocol with neat diagram [7]

Q. 9 Write short notes on any two of the following: [ 7x2 ]

(a) SNMP and EMAIL

(b) HTTP and FTP

(c) cryptography
1. objective questions:

I. --> a

II. --> b

III -->d

IV --> d

V -->a

VI -->b

VII -->d

VIII -->c

IX -->b

X -->b

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