Barium and Barium Compounds: Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

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This report contains the collective views of an international group of experts and does not

necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the United Nations Environment
Programme, the International Labour Organization, or the World Health Organization.

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33


Please note that the layout and pagination of this pdf file are not identical to those of the
printed CICAD

First draft prepared by

Dr Harlal Choudhury, National Center for Environmental Assessment, US Environmental Protection
Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, and
Mr Richard Cary, Health and Safety Executive, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the
International Labour Organization, and the World Health Organization, and produced within the
framework of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals.

World Health Organization

Geneva, 2001
The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), established in 1980, is a joint venture
of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Labour Organization (ILO),
and the World Health Organization (WHO). The overall objectives of the IPCS are to establish the
scientific basis for assessment of the risk to human health and the environment from exposure to
chemicals, through international peer review processes, as a prerequisite for the promotion of chemical
safety, and to provide technical assistance in strengthening national capacities for the sound management
of chemicals.
The Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) was
established in 1995 by UNEP, ILO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, WHO,
the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations Institute for Training and
Research, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Participating
Organizations), following recommendations made by the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and
Development to strengthen cooperation and increase coordination in the field of chemical safety. The
purpose of the IOMC is to promote coordination of the policies and activities pursued by the Participating
Organizations, jointly or separately, to achieve the sound management of chemicals in relation to human
health and the environment.

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Barium and barium compounds.

(Concise international chemical assessment document ; 33)

1.Barium - toxicity 2.Barium compounds - toxicity 3.Risk assessment

4.Environmental exposure I.International Programme on Chemical Safety

ISBN 92 4 153033 2 (NLM Classification: QV 618)

ISSN 1020-6167

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©World Health Organization 2001

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FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2. IDENTITY AND PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL PROPERTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3. ANALYTICAL METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4. SOURCES OF HUMAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5. ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORT, DISTRIBUTION, AND TRANSFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

6. ENVIRONMENTAL LEVELS AND HUMAN EXPOSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

6.1 Environmental levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

6.2 Human exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


HUMANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

8. EFFECTS ON LABORATORY MAMMALS AND IN VITRO TEST SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

8.1 Single exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

8.2 Irritation and sensitization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
8.3 Short-term exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
8.4 Medium-term exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
8.5 Long-term exposure and carcinogenicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8.6 Genotoxicity and related end-points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8.7 Reproductive toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8.8 Immunological and neurological effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

9. EFFECTS ON HUMANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

9.1 Case reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

9.2 Epidemiological studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

10. EFFECTS ON OTHER ORGANISMS IN THE LABORATORY AND FIELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

10.1 Aquatic environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

10.2 Terrestrial environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

11. EFFECTS EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

11.1 Evaluation of health effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

11.1.1 Hazard identification and dose–response assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
11.1.2 Criteria for setting tolerable intakes/concentrations or guidance values for barium and barium
compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
11.1.3 Sample risk characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ingestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Occupational (barium sulfate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
11.1.4 Uncertainties in the evaluation of health risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

11.2 Evaluation of environmental effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

12. PREVIOUS EVALUATIONS BY INTERNATIONAL BODIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

APPENDIX 1 — SOURCE DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

APPENDIX 2 — CICAD PEER REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

APPENDIX 3 — CICAD FINAL REVIEW BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL SAFETY CARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

RÉSUMÉ D’ORIENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

RESUMEN DE ORIENTACIÓN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Barium and barium compounds

FOREWORD 1701 for advice on the derivation of health-based

guidance values.
Concise International Chemical Assessment
Documents (CICADs) are the latest in a family of While every effort is made to ensure that CICADs
publications from the International Programme on represent the current status of knowledge, new informa-
Chemical Safety (IPCS) — a cooperative programme of tion is being developed constantly. Unless otherwise
the World Health Organization (WHO), the International stated, CICADs are based on a search of the scientific
Labour Organization (ILO), and the United Nations literature to the date shown in the executive summary. In
Environment Programme (UNEP). CICADs join the the event that a reader becomes aware of new informa-
Environmental Health Criteria documents (EHCs) as tion that would change the conclusions drawn in a
authoritative documents on the risk assessment of CICAD, the reader is requested to contact IPCS to inform
chemicals. it of the new information.

International Chemical Safety Cards on the Procedures

relevant chemical(s) are attached at the end of the
CICAD, to provide the reader with concise information The flow chart on page 2 shows the procedures
on the protection of human health and on emergency followed to produce a CICAD. These procedures are
action. They are produced in a separate peer-reviewed designed to take advantage of the expertise that exists
procedure at IPCS. They may be complemented by around the world — expertise that is required to produce
information from IPCS Poison Information Monographs the high-quality evaluations of toxicological, exposure,
(PIM), similarly produced separately from the CICAD and other data that are necessary for assessing risks to
process. human health and/or the environment. The IPCS Risk
Assessment Steering Group advises the Co-ordinator,
CICADs are concise documents that provide sum- IPCS, on the selection of chemicals for an IPCS risk
maries of the relevant scientific information concerning assessment, the appropriate form of the document (i.e.,
the potential effects of chemicals upon human health EHC or CICAD), and which institution bears the
and/or the environment. They are based on selected responsibility of the document production, as well as on
national or regional evaluation documents or on existing the type and extent of the international peer review.
EHCs. Before acceptance for publication as CICADs by
IPCS, these documents undergo extensive peer review The first draft is based on an existing national,
by internationally selected experts to ensure their regional, or international review. Authors of the first
completeness, accuracy in the way in which the original draft are usually, but not necessarily, from the institution
data are represented, and the validity of the conclusions that developed the original review. A standard outline
drawn. has been developed to encourage consistency in form.
The first draft undergoes primary review by IPCS and
The primary objective of CICADs is characteri- one or more experienced authors of criteria documents to
zation of hazard and dose–response from exposure to a ensure that it meets the specified criteria for CICADs.
chemical. CICADs are not a summary of all available data
on a particular chemical; rather, they include only that The draft is then sent to an international peer
information considered critical for characterization of the review by scientists known for their particular expertise
risk posed by the chemical. The critical studies are, and by scientists selected from an international roster
however, presented in sufficient detail to support the compiled by IPCS through recommendations from IPCS
conclusions drawn. For additional information, the national Contact Points and from IPCS Participating
reader should consult the identified source documents Institutions. Adequate time is allowed for the selected
upon which the CICAD has been based. experts to undertake a thorough review. Authors are
required to take reviewers’ comments into account and
Risks to human health and the environment will revise their draft, if necessary. The resulting second draft
vary considerably depending upon the type and extent is submitted to a Final Review Board together with the
of exposure. Responsible authorities are strongly reviewers’ comments.
encouraged to characterize risk on the basis of locally
measured or predicted exposure scenarios. To assist the
reader, examples of exposure estimation and risk 1
International Programme on Chemical Safety (1994)
characterization are provided in CICADs, whenever Assessing human health risks of chemicals: derivation
possible. These examples cannot be considered as of guidance values for health-based exposure limits.
representing all possible exposure situations, but are Geneva, World Health Organization (Environmental
provided as guidance only. The reader is referred to EHC Health Criteria 170).

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33
















1 Taking into account the comments from reviewers.

2 The second draft of documents is submitted to the Final Review Board together with the reviewers’ comments.
3 Includes any revisions requested by the Final Review Board.

Barium and barium compounds

A consultative group may be necessary to advise

on specific issues in the risk assessment document.

The CICAD Final Review Board has several

important functions:

– to ensure that each CICAD has been subjected to

an appropriate and thorough peer review;
– to verify that the peer reviewers’ comments have
been addressed appropriately;
– to provide guidance to those responsible for the
preparation of CICADs on how to resolve any
remaining issues if, in the opinion of the Board, the
author has not adequately addressed all comments
of the reviewers; and
– to approve CICADs as international assessments.

Board members serve in their personal capacity, not as

representatives of any organization, government, or
industry. They are selected because of their expertise in
human and environmental toxicology or because of their
experience in the regulation of chemicals. Boards are
chosen according to the range of expertise required for a
meeting and the need for balanced geographic

Board members, authors, reviewers, consultants,

and advisers who participate in the preparation of a
CICAD are required to declare any real or potential
conflict of interest in relation to the subjects under
discussion at any stage of the process. Representatives
of nongovernmental organizations may be invited to
observe the proceedings of the Final Review Board.
Observers may participate in Board discussions only at
the invitation of the Chairperson, and they may not
participate in the final decision-making process.

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY impurities are iron(III) oxide, aluminium oxide, silica, and
strontium sulfate.

This CICAD on barium and barium compounds Barite is used primarily as a constituent in drilling
was prepared by the US Environmental Protection muds in the oil industry. It is also used as a filler in a
Agency (EPA) and the United Kingdom’s Health and range of industrial coatings, as a dense filler in some
Safety Executive (HSE) to update the WHO Environ- plastics and rubber products, in brake linings, and in
mental Health Criteria monograph on barium (IPCS, some sealants and adhesives. The use dictates the
1990). The source documents were the US EPA’s particle size to which barite is milled. For example, drilling
Toxicological review of barium and compounds (US muds are ground to an average particle diameter of 44
EPA, 1998), the Agency for Toxic Substances and µm, with a maximum of 30% of particles less than 6 µm in
Disease Registry’s Toxicological profile for barium diameter.
(ATSDR, 1992), and the HSE’s Barium sulphate risk
assessment document, which concentrates on occupa- There is no evidence that barium undergoes
tional exposure (Ball et al., 1997). Current (1998) literature biotransformation other than as a divalent cation. The
searches for toxicological data were used in the toxicokinetics of barium ions would be expected to be
preparation of the US EPA (1998) review. Updated the same as the toxicokinetics of soluble barium salts.
literature searches of on-line databases were conducted Studies in rats using a soluble salt (barium chloride)
in January 1999 to identify any references containing have indicated that the absorbed barium ions are dis-
toxicological or ecological information on barium that tributed via the blood and deposited primarily in the
were published subsequent to those incorporated in the skeleton. The principal route of elimination for barium
above-listed source documents. Data on barium sulfate following oral, inhalation, or intratracheal administration
identified as of September 1997 were covered in the HSE is in the faeces. Following introduction into the respira-
document. A further literature search was performed up tory tract, the appearance of barium sulfate in the faeces
to April 1999 to identify any extra information published represents mucociliary clearance from the lungs and
since this review was completed. Information on the subsequent ingestion.
nature of the peer review and the availability of the
source documents is presented in Appendix 1. In humans, ingestion of high levels of soluble
Information on the peer review of this CICAD is barium compounds may cause gastroenteritis (vomiting,
presented in Appendix 2. This CICAD was approved as diarrhoea, abdominal pain), hypopotassaemia, hyper-
an international assessment at a meeting of the Final tension, cardiac arrhythmias, and skeletal muscle
Review Board, held in Helsinki, Finland, on 26–29 June paralysis. Insoluble barium sulfate has been extensively
2000. Participants at the Final Review Board meeting are used at large doses (450 g) as an oral radiocontrast
listed in Appendix 3. The International Chemical Safety medium, and no adverse systemic effects have been
Cards for barium (ICSC 1052), barium chlorate (ICSC reported. No experimental data are available on barium
0613), barium chloride (ICSC 0614), barium chloride sulfate; however, due to the limited absorption of barium
dihydrate (ICSC 0615), barium oxide (ICSC 0778), barium sulfate from the gastrointestinal tract or skin, it is
peroxide (ICSC 0381), and barium sulfate (ICSC 0827), unlikely that any significant systemic effects would
produced by the International Programme on Chemical occur.
Safety (IPCS, 1993, 1999a–f), have been reproduced in
this document. The acute oral toxicity of barium compounds in
experimental animals is slight to moderate. Intravenous
Barium is a dense alkaline earth metal that occurs infusion of barium chloride results in increased blood
in nature as a divalent cation in combination with other pressure and cardiac arrhythmias.
elements. In addition to its natural presence in the
Earth’s crust, and therefore its natural occurrence in Barium hydroxide is strongly alkaline and therefore
most surface waters, barium is also released to the corrosive. Barium nitrate caused mild skin irritation and
environment via industrial emissions. The residence time severe eye irritation in rabbits. The lack of reports of skin
of barium in the atmosphere may be up to several days. or eye irritation in humans, despite its widespread use,
suggests that barium sulfate, often used as a contrast
Barium sulfate exists as a white orthorhombic medium, is not a strong irritant. Useful information on
powder or crystals. Barite, the mineral from which barium the sensitization potential of barium compounds was not
sulfate is produced, is a moderately soft crystalline white identified.
opaque to transparent mineral. The most important

Barium and barium compounds

The kidney appears to be the most sensitive target Dissolved barium in aquatic environments may
organ in rats and mice exposed repeatedly to barium represent a risk to aquatic organisms such as daphnids,
chloride in drinking-water. Long-term studies of barium but it is apparently of lesser risk to fish and aquatic
exposure in laboratory animals have not confirmed the plants, although data are limited. No adverse effects
blood pressure, cardiac, and skeletal muscle effects seen have been reported in ecological assessments of
in humans and laboratory animals orally exposed to terrestrial plants or wildlife, although some plants are
acutely high levels. known to bioaccumulate barium from the soil.

Inhalation exposure of humans to insoluble forms

of barium results in radiological findings of baritosis,
without evidence of altered lung function and 2. IDENTITY AND PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL
pathology. Information on the toxicity of inhaled barium PROPERTIES
in animals is limited. Repeated exposure to barium oxide
via inhalation may cause bronchitis to develop, with
cough, phlegm, and/or shortness of breath. In a limited Barium (Ba; CAS No. 7440-39-3) is a dense alkaline
study, minor histopathological changes were seen in the earth metal in Group IIA of the periodic table (atomic
lungs of rats exposed to barium sulfate at 40 mg/m3 for number 56; atomic mass 137.34). The free element is a
5 h/day, 5 days/week, but there was no evidence of silver-white soft metal that oxidizes readily in moist air
fibrogenic potential. Animal studies involving respira- and reacts with water. Barium does not exist in nature in
tory tract instillation of barium sulfate have shown the elemental form but occurs as the divalent cation in
inflammatory responses and granuloma formation in the combination with other elements (ATSDR, 1992).
lungs; this would be expected with exposure to substan-
tial amounts of any low-solubility dust, leading to a Two commonly found forms of barium are barium
change in lung clearance and subsequently to lung sulfate (CAS No. 7727-43-7) and barium carbonate (CAS
effects. No. 513-77-9), often found as underground ore deposits.
These forms of barium are not very soluble in water:
Currently available data indicate that barium does 0.020 g/litre (at 20 °C) for barium carbonate and 0.001 15
not appear to be a reproductive or developmental hazard, g/litre (at 0 °C) for barium sulfate.
although animal studies are limited. Barium was not
carcinogenic in standard National Toxicology Program Barium sulfate exists as a white orthorhombic pow-
rodent bioassays. Although no in vivo data are der or crystals. Barite, the mineral from which barium
available, in vitro data indicate that barium compounds sulfate is produced, is a moderately soft crystalline white
have no mutagenic potential. opaque to transparent mineral. The most important
impurities are iron(III) oxide, aluminium oxide, silica, and
Oral intake from drinking-water and food is the strontium sulfate. Some of the more commonly
most prevalent route of exposure to barium compounds used synonyms of barium sulfate include barite, barytes,
for the general population. For the occupational environ- heavy spar, and blanc fixe.
ment, data from industry in the United Kingdom and
predictions made using the Estimation and Assessment The barium compound most commonly used in
of Substance Exposure (EASE) model suggest that toxicity studies is barium chloride (water solubility
exposures can be controlled to less than 10 mg/m3 8-h 375 g/litre at 20 °C).
time-weighted average (total inhalable dust). In some
situations, control will be to levels significantly below Additional physical/chemical properties of barium
this value. Short-term exposures may be higher than and barium compounds are presented in the
10 mg/m3 for some tasks. International Chemical Safety Cards reproduced in this
The critical end-points in humans for toxicity
resulting from exposure to barium and barium com-
pounds appear to be hypertension and renal function.
Using a no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) in 3. ANALYTICAL METHODS
humans of 0.21 mg barium/kg body weight per day, a
tolerable intake value of 0.02 mg/kg body weight per day
for barium and barium compounds has been developed Information on analytical methods for determining
in this document. barium levels in environmental samples is available in

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

Table 1: Analytical methods for determining barium in environmental samples.a,b

Sample matrix Preparation method method Detection limit Percent recovery

Air Collect sample on cellulose and extract FAAS No data No data

with hot acid; evaporate extract to
dryness and dissolve residue in acid

Air (occupational XFS 15 µg


Water Acidify sample and pass through ion- FAAS 3 mg/litre 11.6% RSD
exchange resin

Pass sample through ion-exchange FAES mg/litre levels No data


Extract sample with buffered HFA FAAS 5 mg/litre No data


No data GFAAS 7 mg/litre No data

Inject sample directly into graphite GFAAS 0.6 mg/litre (seawater) 13% RSD
furnace 0.2 mg/litre (fresh water)

Water and Digest sample and evaporate to FAAS, GFAAS, 100 mg/litre (FAAS) 94–113% (FAAS)
wastewater dryness; dissolve residue in acid ICP-AES 2 mg/litre (GFAAS) 96–102% (GFAAS)

Industrial Digest sample; mix with cation- XFS 290 mg/litre (on a 500- 5.1% RSD
wastewater exchange resin, dry, and analyse ml sample)

Unused Dissolve sample in 2-methylpropan-2- FAAS No data No data

lubricating oil ol: toluene (3:2); add potassium
naphthenate solution

a From ATSDR (1992); Ball et al. (1997).

b FAAS = flame atomic absorption spectroscopy; FAES = flame atomic emission spectroscopy; GFAAS = graphite furnace atomic
absorption spectroscopy; HFA = hexafluoroacetylacetone; ICP-AES = inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry;
RSD = relative standard deviation; XFS = X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy.

Table 1. There are no published methods for the quan- scintillation spectroscopy and spectrography (ATSDR,
titative measurement of barium particles (e.g., barium 1992). In general, analytical procedures measure total
sulfate) in air. NIOSH (1987) suggested a flame atomic barium ion present and do not allow for speciation of
absorption method to determine soluble barium particles barium compounds.
in air following collection on a cellulose ester membrane
filter and re-extraction with hot hydrochloric acid solu- Inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission
tion. Insoluble barium compounds require an ashing spectrometry is a relatively effective and sensitive
procedure prior to measurement. The estimated limit of method for measuring low levels of barium in water,
detection by this method is 2 µg per sample, and its blood, urine, and bones. Detection limits of 0.25 mg
precision is 2.5% at 43–180 µg per sample. Another barium/litre of urine, 0.6 mg barium/litre of blood, and
approach is to collect respirable dust samples and 0.0005 mg barium/g of bone have been achieved.
assess them gravimetrically (US OSHA, 1990). Atomic However, in a given sample containing barium, there is
absorption spectroscopy is the most commonly used potential for interference from spectral bands of other
analytical method for measuring low levels of barium and compounds (e.g., boric acid or sodium borate) that may
its compounds in air, water, wastewater, geological be present. Detection limits of 7 µg barium/litre of
materials, and various other materials. Sample prepara- erythrocytes and 66 µg barium/litre of plasma have been
tion typically involves digestion with nitric acid, obtained using neutron activation analysis (ATSDR,
although dilution with other agents may also be 1992).
employed to solubilize barium. Flame atomic absorption
spectroscopy and graphite furnace atomic absorption
spectroscopy are analytical methods used to determine 4. SOURCES OF HUMAN AND
levels of barium in water and wastewater in the ranges of ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE
parts per billion and parts per trillion. Other analytical
techniques include the less sensitive methods of X-ray Barium is the 16th most abundant non-gaseous
fluorescence spectroscopy and neutron activation element of the Earth’s crust, constituting approximately
analysis and the less commonly used methods of 0.04% of it. The two most prevalent naturally occurring

Barium and barium compounds

barium ores are barite (barium sulfate) and witherite Barium is also discharged in wastewater from metallur-
(barium carbonate). Barite occurs largely in sedimentary gical and industrial processes. Deposition on soil may
formations, as residual nodules resulting from weather- result from human activities, including the disposal of fly
ing of barite-containing sediments, and in beds along ash and primary and secondary sludge in landfills (IPCS,
with fluorspar, metallic sulfides, and other minerals. 1990). Estimated releases of barium and barium
Witherite is found in veins and is often associated with compounds to the air, water, and soil from manufacturing
lead sulfide. Barium is found in coal at concentrations up and processing facilities in the USA during 1998 were
to 3000 mg/kg, as well as in fuel oils (IPCS, 1990; 900, 45, and 9300 tonnes, respectively.1
ATSDR, 1992). Estimates of terrestrial and marine
concentrations of barium are 250 and 0.006 g/tonne,
respectively (Considine, 1976).
Barite ore is the raw material from which nearly all DISTRIBUTION, AND TRANSFORMATION
other barium compounds are derived. Barite is mined in
Morocco, China, India, and the United Kingdom. Crude
barite ore is washed free of clay and other impurities, Both specific and non-specific adsorption of bar-
dried, and then ground before use. Barite is usually ium onto oxides and soils have been observed. Specific
imported as crude ore or crushed ore for milling or as sorption occurs onto metal oxides and hydroxides.
ready-milled ore. Barite can be 90–98% barium sulfate. Adsorption onto metal oxides probably acts as a control
World production of barite in 1985 was estimated to be over the concentration of barium in natural waters.
5.7 million tonnes. Electrostatic forces account for a large fraction of the
non-specific sorption of barium on soil and subsoil. The
Because of its high specific gravity, low abrasive- retention of barium, like that of other alkaline earth
ness, chemical stability, and lack of magnetic effects, cations, is largely controlled by the cation-exchange
barite is used as a weighting agent for oil and gas well capacity of the sorbent. Complexation by soil organic
drilling muds, which counteracts high pressures encoun- material occurs to a limited extent. The Kd (soil sorption)
tered in the substrata (IPCS, 1990). It is also used as a value, the dissociation constant between sediment and
filler in a range of industrial coatings, as a dense filler in barium in sediments, is 5.3 × 105 ml/g (McComish & Ong,
some plastics and rubber products, in brake linings, and 1988).
in some sealants and adhesives. The use dictates the
source of barite used. Some sources produce very pure Examination of dust falls and suspended particu-
white barite, which is used in coatings, while barite from lates indicates that most contain barium. The presence of
other sources is off-white and is used in applications barium is mainly attributable to industrial emissions,
where the colour is unimportant. The use will also dictate especially the combustion of coal and diesel oil and
the particle size to which barite is milled. For example, waste incineration, and may also result from dusts blown
drilling muds are ground to an average particle diameter from soils and mining processes. Barium sulfate and
of 44 µm, with a maximum of 30% of particles less than 6 carbonate are the forms of barium most likely to occur in
µm in diameter. Barium and its compounds are used in particulate matter in the air, although the presence of
diverse industrial products ranging from ceramics to other insoluble compounds cannot be excluded. The
lubricants. Barium is used in the manufacture of alloys, residence time of barium in the atmosphere may be
soap, rubber, and linoleum; in the manufacture of valves; several days, depending on the particle size. Most of
as a loader for paper; and as an extinguisher for radium, these particles, however, are much larger than 10 µm in
uranium, and plutonium fires. Barium compounds are size and rapidly settle back to earth. Particles can be
used in cement, specialty arc welding, glass industries, removed from the atmosphere by rainout or washout wet
electronics, roentgenography, cosmetics, deposition.
pharmaceuticals, inks, and paints. They have also been
used as insecticides and rodenticides (e.g., barium meta- Soluble barium and suspended particulates can be
borate, barium polysulfide, and barium fluorosilicate). transported great distances in rivers, depending on the
rates of flow and sedimentation. Cartwright et al. (1978)
Anthropogenic sources of barium are primarily studied the chemical control of barium solubility and
industrial. Emissions may result from mining, refining, or
processing of barium minerals and manufacture of
barium products. Barium is released to the atmosphere
during the burning of coal, fossil fuels, and waste. 1
Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) database,
Office of Toxic Substances, US Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, DC, 1998.

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

showed that, for most water samples, barium ion con- earth metals from manganese dioxide, silicon dioxide, and
centration is controlled by the amount of sulfate ion in titanium dioxide under typical environmental conditions,
the water. by ion exchange (Bradfield, 1932; McComish & Ong,
1988). However, other alkaline earth metals displace
While some barium in water is removed by preci- barium from aluminium oxide (McComish & Ong, 1988).
pitation, exchange with soil, or other processes, most
barium in surface waters ultimately reaches the ocean. Barium sulfate in soils is not expected to be very
Once freshwater sources discharge into seawater, barium mobile because of the formation of water-insoluble salts
and the sulfate ions present in salt water form barium and its inability to form soluble complexes with humic
sulfate. Due to the relatively higher concentration of and fulvic materials. Under acid conditions, however,
sulfate present in the oceans, only an estimated 0.006% some of the water-insoluble barium compounds (e.g.,
of the total barium brought by freshwater sources barium sulfate) may become soluble and move into
remains in solution (Chow et al., 1978). This estimate is groundwater (US EPA, 1984).
supported by evidence that outer-shelf sediments have
lower barium concentrations than those closer to the Despite relatively high concentrations in soils,
mainland. only a limited amount of barium accumulates in plants.
Barium is actively taken up by legumes, grain stalks,
Marine concentrations of barium generally forage plants, red ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) leaves,
increase with depth, suggesting that barium may be and black walnut (Juglans nigra), hickory (Carya sp.),
incorporated into organisms in the euphotic zone and and brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) trees; Douglas-fir
subsequently sedimented and released in deeper waters (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees and plants of the genus
(IPCS, 1990). In laboratory testing, the uptake of barium Astragallu also accumulate barium (IPCS, 1990). Barium
by algae in culture media was 30–60% after 15 days of has also been shown to accumulate in mushrooms
exposure to barium concentrations of 0.04, 0.46, and (Aruguete et al., 1998). No studies of barium particle
4.0 mg/litre of medium, the relative accumulation being uptake from the air have been reported, although
inversely related to the barium concentration in the vegetation is capable of removing significant amounts of
medium and directly related to the exposure duration contaminants from the atmosphere. Plant leaves act only
(Havlik et al., 1980). Barium was not incorporated into as deposition sites for particulate matter. Although
organic components but was bound primarily to the cell levels of barium in wildlife have not been documented,
membrane or other non-extractable components. barium has been found in dairy products and eggs
Accumulation of barium ions (133Ba) in the cells of the (Gormican, 1970; IPCS, 1990), indicating that barium
alga Scenedesmus obliquus has been shown to increase uptake occurs in animals.
with increasing pH between pH 4 and 7, then remain
constant over the pH range 7–9 at a barium concentra- A bioconcentration factor (BCF) for soil to plants
tion of 10–6 mol/litre, with a calculated affinity constant was estimated as 0.4 (0.02 standard error of the mean
(Km ) of 4.8 (Stary et al., 1984). In a marine environment [SEM]), based on samples of a variety of plant species
contaminated with heavy metals (including barium), (mean barium concentration of 29.8 mg/kg [13.7 SEM])
Guthrie et al. (1979) measured barium concentrations of that were taken from a site in which the mean concentra-
7.7 mg/litre in water and 131.0 mg/kg wet weight in tion of barium in the soil was 104.2 mg/kg (9.5 SEM)
sediment. Among barnacles, crabs, oysters, clams, and (Hope et al., 1996). Based on the ratio of barium concen-
polychaete worms tested for barium content in this tration in the soil to whole-body barium concentration,
marine environment, only barnacles showed higher the same authors computed bioaccumulation factors of
concentrations of barium (40.5 mg/kg wet weight) than 0.2 (0.002 SEM) for terrestrial insects, 0.02 (0.0004 SEM)
that of the water. for white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), and 0.02
(0.0005 SEM) for hispid cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus).
Barium sulfate is present in soil through the natural Based on dissolved barium concentrations in surface
process of soil formation; barium concentrations are water of 0.07 mg/litre (0.02 SEM) and whole-body barium
high in soils formed from limestone, feldspar, and biotite concentrations of 2.1 mg/kg (0.5 SEM) in fish, measured
micas of the schists and shales (Clark & Washington, at the same study site, a BCF of 129.0 litres/kg (13.5
1924). When soluble barium-containing minerals weather SEM) was estimated. The authors also estimated mean
and come into contact with solutions containing depuration rates in white-footed mice and hispid cotton
sulfates, barium sulfate is deposited in available geologi- rats to be 0.4/day (0.01 SEM) and 0.2/day (0.01 SEM),
cal faults. If there is insufficient sulfate to combine with respectively, indicating that barium is “lost from these
barium, the soil material formed is partially saturated with receptors at a fairly rapid rate.” Field data were collected
barium. In soil, barium replaces other sorbed alkaline

Barium and barium compounds

during a single summer sampling event, and the authors present mainly in the form of insoluble salts (Kojola et
advise caution in extrapolating the results to terrestrial al., 1978). Levels of barium in Canadian water supplies
systems in general. have been reported to range from 5 to 600 mg/litre
(Subramanian & Meranger, 1984), and barium
There is no evidence that barium undergoes envi- concentrations ranging from 1 to 20 mg/litre have been
ronmental biotransformation other than as a divalent measured in municipal water in Sweden (Reeves, 1986).
cation (IPCS, 1990).
The concentration of barium in seawater varies
greatly among different oceans and varies with factors
such as latitude and depth within a given ocean. Several
6. ENVIRONMENTAL LEVELS AND studies have shown that the barium content in the open
HUMAN EXPOSURE ocean increases with the depth of water (Chow & Gold-
berg, 1960; Bolter et al., 1964; Turekian, 1965; Chow &
Patterson, 1966; Anderson & Hume, 1968). A Geosecs III
6.1 Environmental levels study of the south-west Pacific by Bacon & Edmond
(1972) found a barium profile of 4.9 mg/litre in surface
The levels of barium in air are not well docu- waters to 19.5 mg/litre in deep waters. Later studies by
mented, and in some cases the results are contradictory. Chow (1976) and Chow et al. (1978) corroborated these
Tabor & Warren (1958) detected barium concentrations values. Measured barium concentrations in the north-
ranging from <0.005 to 1.5 mg/m3 in the air in 18 cities east Pacific ranged from 8.5 to 32 mg/litre (Wolgemuth &
and 4 suburban areas in the USA. No distinct pattern Broecker, 1970). Bernat et al. (1972) found that barium
between ambient levels of barium in the air and the concentration profiles for the eastern Pacific Ocean and
extent of industrialization was observed. In general, the Mediterranean Sea ranged from 5.2 to 25.2 mg/litre
however, higher concentrations were observed in areas and from 10.6 to 12.7 mg/litre, respectively. Anderson &
where metal smelting occurred (Tabor & Warren, 1958; Hume (1968) reported concentrations in the Atlantic
Schroeder, 1970). In a more recent survey in the USA, Ocean ranging from 0.8 to 37.0 mg/litre in the equatorial
ambient barium concentrations ranged from 0.0015 to region and from 0.04 to 22.8 mg/litre in the North
0.95 mg/m3 (US EPA, 1984). In three communities in New Atlantic, with mean values of 6.5 and 7.6 mg/litre,
York City, USA, barium was measured in dust fall and respectively. In Atlantic Ocean waters off Bermuda,
household dust (Creason et al., 1975). With standard barium concentrations of 15.9–19.1 mg/litre have been
methods (US EPA, 1974), the dust fall was found to measured (Chow & Patterson, 1966).
contain an average of 137 mg barium/g, while the house
dust contained 20 mg barium/g. The background level of barium in soils is consid-
ered to range from 100 to 3000 mg/kg, with an average of
Barium is found in almost all surface waters that 500 mg/kg (Brooks, 1978).
have been examined (NAS, 1977). The concentrations are
extremely variable and depend on local geology, water Various studies document concentrations of bar-
treatment, and water hardness (NAS, 1977). Barium ium in Brazil nuts ranging from 1500 to 3000 mg/kg
concentrations of 7–15 mg/litre and 6 mg/litre have been (Robinson et al., 1950; Smith, 1971a). Barium is also
measured in fresh water and seawater, respectively present in wheat, although most is concentrated in the
(Schroeder et al., 1972). The mean barium content of stalks and leaves rather than in the grain (Smith, 1971b).
various US surface waters ranges from 43 to 57 mg/litre Tomatoes and soybeans also concentrate soil barium;
(Durum, 1960; Kopp, 1969; Kopp & Kroner, 1970; the BCF ranges from 2 to 20 (Robinson et al., 1950).
Schroeder, 1970; Bradford, 1971). The concentrations of Levels of barium found in other food items range from
barium in sediments of the Iowa River, USA, were <0.2 mg/kg in meats to 27 mg/kg in dry tea bags
measured to be 450–3000 mg/kg (Tsai et al., 1978), (Gormican, 1970). McHargue (1913) reported that the
suggesting that barium in the water is removed by barium content of dry tobacco leaves was in the range of
precipitation and silting. 88–293 mg/kg. Later measurements yielded 24–170 mg/
kg, with an average value of 105 mg/kg (Voss & Nicol,
Studies of drinking-water quality in cities in the 1960). Most of this barium is likely to remain in the ash
USA have revealed levels of barium ranging from trace during burning. The concentrations of barium in tobacco
to 10 mg/litre (Durfor & Becker, 1964; Barnett et al., 1969; smoke have not been reported.
McCabe et al., 1970; McCabe, 1974; Calabrese, 1977;
AWWA, 1985). Drinking-water levels of at least 1000 mg
barium/litre have been reported when the barium is

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

6.2 Human exposure barium through inhalation ranges from 0.09 to 26 mg/day.
Using 0.95 mg/m3 (the upper-end estimate of ambient
The most important route of exposure to barium barium concentrations from US EPA, 1984) and the
appears to be ingestion of barium through drinking- ventilation rates of ICRP (1974) for babies and adult
water and food. Particles containing barium may be males, a range of intakes via inhalation of 0.68–59
inhaled into the lung, but little is known regarding the mg/day can be estimated.
absorption of barium by this route.
The ICRP (1974) reported the total dietary intake of
Schroeder et al. (1972) estimated that the mean barium to be 0.75 mg/day, including both food and
daily intake of barium is 1.24 mg in food. Hamilton & fluids. Schroeder et al. (1972) estimated a total of
Minski (1972) estimated the total intake of barium from 1.33 mg/day, including food, water, and air (0.001 mg)
the diet to be 603 µg/day. The ICRP (1974) estimated intake.
barium intake from dietary sources to be approximately
0.67 mg/day. WHO (1996) reported daily dietary intake of Available data from industry in the United King-
barium for adults for the period 1970–1991 as 0.18 dom indicate that airborne exposure to barium sulfate
(minimum), 0.30 (median), and 0.72 (maximum) mg/person. can range from 3.5 to 9.1 mg/m3 (8-h time-weighted
In a number of dietary studies, the average intake of average [TWA], total inhalable dust) during the manual
barium ranged from 0.3 to 1.77 mg/day (Tipton et al., addition of barite to mixing hoppers in the oil drilling
1966, 1969; Gormican, 1970; ICRP, 1974). This is industry, with short-term (10-min TWA, total inhalable
equivalent to 0.004–0.025 mg barium/kg body weight per dust) exposures as high as 34.1 mg/m3. During the
day, assuming a 70-kg adult body weight. The barium processing of barite ore, in industries that typically use
content in school lunches from 300 schools in 19 states enclosed processes and local exhaust ventilation (LEV),
in the USA ranged from 0.09 to 0.43 mg/lunch, with a exposures usually ranged between 1.3 and 3.7 mg/m3
mean of 0.17 mg/lunch (Murphy et al., 1971). (total inhalable dust), with highest values in one factory
reaching 55.4 mg/m3. Exposure levels in the formulation
The barium content in drinking-water seems to of plastics and coatings, where the process is usually
depend on regional geochemical conditions. In a study enclosed and LEV is used, are in the region of 1–
of the water supplies of the 100 largest cities in the USA, 3.5 mg/m3 (Ball et al., 1997).
a median value of 0.43 mg/litre was reported; 94% of all
determinations were <0.100 mg/litre (Durfor & Becker, The wiring used in some speciality arc welding
1964). Assuming daily water consumption processes has been shown to contain 20–40% soluble
of 2 litres/person, this represents an average intake of barium compounds, and fumes produced during these
<0.200 mg barium/day. More recent studies by Letkie- processes contain 25% barium (Dare et al., 1984).
wicz et al. (1984) indicated that approximately 214 million Welders using such wire are exposed to estimated air-
people in the USA using public water supplies are borne concentrations of 2.2–6.2 mg soluble barium/m3
exposed to barium levels ranging from 0.001 to (NIOSH, 1978).
0.020 mg/litre. In certain regions of the USA, however,
barium levels may reach 10 mg/litre, and the average Personal air sampling in the vicinity of oven-
intake could be as high as 20 mg/day (Calabrese, 1977). charger and batch-mixer workers in art glass manufac-
Levels of barium in municipal water in Sweden as high as turing plants revealed median ambient air concentrations
20 mg/litre have been reported (Reeves, 1986). of 0.041 and 0.0365 mg barium/m3, respectively (Apostoli
et al., 1998). Mean concentrations of barium measured by
Due to the paucity of information on the levels of personal sampling methods in various locations within
barium in ambient air, it is difficult to estimate the intake ceramic factories in Spain ranged from 0.0012 to 0.0758
from this source. The levels of barium in air rarely exceed mg/m3 (Roig-Navarro et al., 1997).
0.05 mg/m3 (Tabor & Warren, 1958). This value can be
used to estimate daily barium intake via the lungs. Data from industry in the United Kingdom and
Assuming that the average lung ventilation rates for predictions made using the Estimation and Assessment
newborn babies, male adults undergoing light activity, of Substance Exposure (EASE)1 model suggest that
and male adults undergoing heavy activity are 0.5, 20,
and 43 litres/min, respectively (ICRP, 1974; IPCS, 1994),
the intake via inhalation would range from 0.04 to 3.1 1
EASE is a general-purpose predictive model for
mg/day. Other age groups and females are included in workplace exposure assessments. It is an electronic,
this range. Earlier, the ICRP (1974) reported that intake of knowledge-based, expert system that is used where
measured exposure data are limited or not available. The

Barium and barium compounds

exposures to barium sulfate can be controlled to less A wide range of absorption efficiencies has been
than 10 mg/m3 8-h TWA (total inhalable dust). In some reported in animal studies. The range of reported oral
situations, control will be to levels significantly below absorption for all animal studies was 0.7–85.0%. This
this value. Short-term exposures may be higher than this large variation may be explained in part by differences in
for some tasks. study duration (length of time that gastrointestinal
absorption was monitored), species, age, and fasting
EASE Version 2 predicts that during manual status of the animals; however, these experimental
addition of barite to mixing hoppers, exposure to barium parameters did not affect gastrointestinal absorption of
would be 2–5 mg/m3 with LEV and 5–50 mg/m3 without barium consistently among the different studies. The
LEV; during dry crushing and grinding, 2–10 mg/m3 with presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract appears to
LEV and 50–200 mg/m3 without LEV; and during dry decrease barium absorption, and barium absorption
manipulation in plastics formulation, in the range appears to be higher in young animals than in older ones
2–5 mg/m3 with LEV and 5–50 mg/m3 without LEV. These (US EPA, 1998).
predictions are consistent with the data from industry.
Richmond et al. (1960, 1962a,b) studied the gastro-
Barium sulfate is the major barium compound used intestinal absorption of barium chloride in several animal
in medicinal diagnostics; it is employed as an opaque species. Gastrointestinal absorption was approximately
contrast medium for roentgenographic studies of the 50% (barium chloride) in beagle dogs compared with
gastrointestinal tract, providing another possible source 30% (barium sulfate) in rats and mice. Using the 30-day
of human exposure to barium (IPCS, 1990). retention data from a study by Della Rosa et al. (1967),
Cuddihy & Griffith (1972) estimated gastrointestinal
absorption efficiencies of 0.7–1.5% in adult beagle dogs
and 7% in younger beagle dogs (43–250 days of age).
METABOLISM IN LABORATORY ANIMALS McCauley & Washington (1983) and Stoewsand et
AND HUMANS al. (1988) compared absorption efficiencies of several
barium compounds. Barium sulfate and barium chloride
were absorbed at “nearly equivalent rates” (based on
Information on the gastrointestinal absorption of blood and tissue levels) in rats following a single gavage
dose of similar barium concentrations (McCauley &
barium in humans is limited. Lisk et al. (1988) reported the
Washington, 1983). Similar concentrations of barium
results of a mass balance study of one man who
were found in the bones of rats fed diets with equivalent
consumed a single dose of 179.2 mg barium (species not
doses of barium chloride or barium from Brazil nuts.
reported) in 92 g of Brazil nuts; it was estimated that at
McCauley & Washington (1983) suggested that the
least 91% of the dose was absorbed. Barium excreted in
similarity in absorption efficiency between barium sulfate
the urine was 1.8 and 5.7% of the total dietary barium in
and barium chloride may have been due to the ability of
two subjects studied by Tipton et al. (1969). Thirty-
seven people were each administered a single dose hydrochloric acid in the stomach to solubilize small
(between 88 and 195 µg of barium) of one of five barium quantities of barium sulfate (barium chloride, barium
sulfate X-ray contrast media (Clavel et al., 1987). In 24 h, sulfate, or barium carbonate had been administered to
the rats at a concentration of 10 mg 133Ba/litre in the
the total amount of barium collected in the urine ranged
drinking-water at pH 7.0). This is supported by the
from 18 to 35 µg and showed a positive correlation with
finding that barium carbonate in a vehicle containing
the amount of barium ingested. The eliminated barium
sodium bicarbonate was poorly absorbed. The buffering
was stated to be in the range 0.16–0.26 µg/g of barium
capacity of sodium bicarbonate may have impaired the
administered. Another study also indicated that a very
hydrochloric acid-mediated conversion of barium car-
small proportion of barium sulfate was absorbed after
bonate to barium chloride. The results of these studies
ingestion of barium sulfate as a radiopaque (Mauras et
suggest that soluble barium compounds and/or barium
al., 1983).
compounds that yield a dissociated barium ion in the
acid environment of the upper gastrointestinal tract have
similar absorption efficiencies.

There is no direct evidence in humans that barium

is absorbed by the respiratory tract. However,
Zschiesche et al. (1992) reported increased plasma and
model is in use across the European Union for the
occupational exposure assessment of new and existing

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

urine levels of barium compounds in workers exposed to bone (IPCS, 1990). Reeves (1986) noted that osseous
barium during welding, thus indicating that airborne uptake of barium was 1.5–5 times higher than that of
barium is absorbed either by the respiratory system or calcium or strontium. In the bone, barium is primarily
by the gastrointestinal tract following mucociliary clear- deposited in areas of active bone growth (IPCS, 1990).
ance. Following termination of barite exposure, Doig The uptake of barium into the bone appears to be rapid.
(1976) showed a clearing of lung opacities in workers. One day after rats were exposed to barium chloride
aerosols, 78% of the total barium body burden was
A suspension of 23, 233, or 2330 mg 133Ba in found in the skeleton; by 11 days post-exposure, more
isotonic saline was instilled into the trachea and then than 95% of the total body burden was found in the
blown into the “deep respiratory tract” of rats (Cember et skeleton (Cuddihy et al., 1974).
al., 1961). Four rats from each group were sacrificed at
intervals up to 20 days after administration, and lungs, The remainder of the barium in the body is found
kidneys, spleen, and tracheobronchial lymph nodes were in soft tissues, particularly aorta, brain, heart, kidney,
extracted and examined radiologically for the presence of spleen, pancreas, and lung (IPCS, 1990). High concen-
the 133Ba. The clearance half-time of the 133Ba from the trations of barium are sometimes found in the eye,
deep respiratory tract for all dose levels was determined primarily in the pigmented structures (Reeves, 1986).
to be between 8 and 10 days and was not influenced by McCauley & Washington (1983) found that 24 h after
the dose administered. Less than 0.1% of the instilled administration of an oral dose of 133BaCl2 to dogs, 133Ba
dose of 133Ba was detected in the tissues analysed levels in the heart were 3 times higher than in the eye,
(excluding lungs). skeletal muscle, and kidneys, which had similar concen-
trations. Levels in these tissues were higher than the
Animal studies provide evidence that barium com- whole-blood concentration, suggesting that they con-
pounds, including poorly water soluble barium sulfate, centrated barium.
are cleared from the respiratory tract. Collectively, these
studies suggest that barium is absorbed following inhal- Barium is excreted primarily in the faeces following
ation exposure. Morrow et al. (1964) estimated that the oral, inhalation, and parenteral exposure, but it is also
biological half-time of 131BaSO 4 in the lower respiratory excreted in the urine. At a normal intake level of 1.33 mg
tract was 8 days in dogs inhaling 1.1 mg barium sulfate/ barium/day (1.24, 0.086, and 0.001 mg/day from food,
litre for 30–90 min. Twenty-four hours after an intra- water, and air, respectively), humans eliminated
tracheal injection of 133BaSO 4, 15.3% of the radioactivity approximately 90% of the barium in the faeces and 2% in
was cleared from the lungs. The barium sulfate was the urine (Schroeder et al., 1972). Tipton et al. (1969)
cleared via mucociliary clearance mechanisms (7.9% of found similar results; in two men studied, 95–98% and
initial radioactive burden) and via lung-to-blood transfer 2–5% of the daily barium intake were excreted in the
(7.4% of radioactivity) (Spritzer & Watson, 1964). faeces and urine, respectively. In the tracheal instillation
Clearance half-times of 66 and 88 days were calculated study of Cember et al. (1961), urine and faeces were
for the cranial and caudal regions of the trachea in rats collected for 21 days in two high-dose animals. Faecal
intratracheally administered 2 mg 133BaSO 4 (Takahashi & elimination accounted for around two-thirds of the
Patrick, 1987). Cuddihy et al. (1974) showed uptake of radioactivity administered, and the urine for around 10%.
barium in the bone following inhalation exposure in rats. Overall, this study indicated that very little of the
administered barium is absorbed, with the majority of the
Differences in water solubility appear to account compound being eliminated in the faeces.
for observed differences in respiratory tract clearance
rates for barium compounds. The clearance half-times The biological half-times of barium of 3.6, 34.2, and
were proportional to solubility in dogs exposed to 1033 days were estimated in humans using a three-
aerosols of barium chloride, barium sulfate, heat-treated component exponential function (Rundo, 1967).
barium sulfate (likely oxidized), or barium incorporated in Following inhalation exposure to 140BaCl2–140LaCl2, a
fused montmorillonite clay particles (Cuddihy et al., half-time of 12.8 days was estimated in beagle dogs
1974). (Cuddihy & Griffith, 1972).

No data are available on dermal absorption of

barium compounds.

The highest concentrations of barium (approxi-

mately 91% of the total body burden) are found in the

Barium and barium compounds

8. EFFECTS ON LABORATORY following infusion of barium chloride (Mattila et al.,


8.2 Irritation and sensitization

8.1 Single exposure
Barium hydroxide is strongly alkaline and therefore
Acute oral LD 50 values in rats for barium chloride, corrosive. Topical and ocular applications (24-h
barium carbonate, and barium sulfide range from 118 to exposure) of barium nitrate and barium oxide in rabbits
800 mg/kg body weight (IPCS, 1990; ATSDR, 1992). caused mild skin irritation and severe eye irritation
Acute effects include fluid accumulation in the trachea, (RTECS, 1985). No data are available on skin or eye
intestinal inflammation, decreased liver/brain weight irritation caused by barium sulfate. However, the
ratio, darkened liver, increased kidney/body weight ratio, physicochemical properties of barium sulfate and the
and decreased body weight (Borzelleca et al., 1988). No lack of reports of skin or eye irritation in humans despite
data were available regarding the lethality of barium its widespread use, particularly for X-ray purposes,
sulfate in laboratory animals. suggest that barium sulfate is not irritating or corrosive
to either skin or eyes.
In rabbits administered single intratracheal doses
of 147Ba (85% barium sulfate) in the range of 0.015– Useful information on the sensitization potential of
0.6 ml/kg body weight, soft X-rays of the lungs revealed barium compounds was not identified.
dose-related shadows, and transient bronchopneumonia,
bronchitis, or bronchiolitis was observed (Uchiyama et 8.3 Short-term exposure
al., 1995).
Increased blood pressure was reported in rats
Barium sulfate instilled in the trachea or bronchus exposed to barium chloride in drinking-water for 1 month
of laboratory animals was present in the lungs for up to at an estimated daily dose of 7.1 mg barium/kg body
126 days after administration and induced local increases weight (Perry et al., 1983, 1985, 1989). No chemically
in the number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes 1 day related adverse effects were seen in rats exposed to up to
post-instillation, followed by an increase in macro- 2000 mg barium chloride dihydrate/litre in drinking-water
phages. Small foci of atelectasis or emphysema were (average daily doses of up to 110 mg barium/kg body
seen post-instillation, whereas hyperplasia and/or weight) for 15 days. In mice similarly exposed to up to
granulomas in bronchial tissue (without evidence of 692 mg/litre (average daily doses of up to 70 and 85 mg
pulmonary fibrosis) appeared between days 7 and 42 barium/kg body weight in males and females,
post-instillation (Huston & Cunningham, 1952; Willson respectively), the only significant adverse effect was an
et al., 1959; Nelson et al., 1964; Stirling & Patrick, 1980; increased relative liver weight in high-dose males (NTP,
Ginai et al., 1984; Slocombe et al., 1989). None of the 1994).
investigators reported systemic effects.
Muller (1973) exposed rats to barium sulfate dust at
Intravenous infusion of barium chloride into an exposure level of 40 mg/m3 (particle size 1–2 µm), 5
anaesthetized dogs (0.5–2 µmol/kg body weight per h/day, 5 days/week, for up to 8 weeks. Following a single
minute) or guinea-pigs (1.7 mg/kg body weight per exposure period, thickening of the alveolar septa, loss of
minute) resulted in increased blood pressure and cardiac ciliated epithelial cells, and formation of multicellular
arrhythmias (Roza & Berman, 1971; Hicks et al., 1986). epithelium were noted. At 14 days of treatment, rats
The study in dogs also reported skeletal muscle exhibited normal alveolar septa. However, the
flaccidity and paralysis (Roza & Berman, 1971). investigator reported unspecified changes in bronchiolar
Determination of plasma potassium concentrations in the epithelium that were still present following a 28-day
dogs revealed severe hypopotassaemia, which was recovery period.
attributed to an extracellular-to-intracellular shift of
potassium. Simultaneous infusion of potassium into the 8.4 Medium-term exposure
dogs abolished the cardiac effects and the skeletal
muscle flaccidity but did not affect hypertension. The NTP (1994) treated groups of rats (10 per sex per
hypertension did not appear to be mediated through the group) with barium chloride dihydrate in drinking-water
renin–angiotensin system, because it was not prevented at concentrations of 0, 125, 500, 1000, 2000, or
by bilateral nephrectomy of the dogs. Dose-dependent 4000 mg/litre for 13 weeks (average daily doses of 0, 10,
cardiac arrhythmias were also noted in conscious rabbits 30–35, 65, 110–115, or 180–200 mg barium/kg body
weight). Effects observed in the 4000 mg/litre rats

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

included reduced water consumption, significantly were characterized by tubule dilatation, renal tubule
reduced final mean body weights, and death of three atrophy, tubule cell regeneration, and the presence of
males and one female during the last week of the study. crystals, primarily in the lumen of the renal tubules.
It may be noted that the 4000 mg/litre (180–200 mg Relative and absolute thymus weights were decreased in
barium/kg body weight) dose is comparable to the LD 50 both sexes. Lymphoid depletions in spleen, thymus,
of 180 mg barium/kg body weight in rats. There were no and/or lymph nodes of 4000 mg/litre mice were attributed
clearly chemical-related clinical findings of toxicity or to reduced body weight and stress. A significant
cardiovascular (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, decrease in forelimb grip strength of 4000 mg/litre female
electrocardiogram) effects. Toxicologically significant (P mice, observed at 90 days, was attributed to debilitation;
# 0.01) organ weight changes consisted of increased no significant dose-related changes were observed in
absolute and relative kidney weights in 2000 and other neurobehavioural end-points. Cardiovascular tests
4000 mg/litre female rats, increased relative kidney were not performed in mice. The LOAEL is 495 mg/kg
weights in 4000 mg/litre male rats, and decreased body weight per day, based on nephropathy and
absolute and/or relative liver weights in 4000 mg/litre rats mortality at the 4000 mg/litre exposure level; the NOAEL
of both sexes. Organ weight changes in the kidney were is 205 mg/kg body weight per day.
considered to be associated with chemical-induced renal
lesions consisting of minimal to mild, focal to multifocal Tardiff et al. (1980) exposed male and female
areas of dilatation of the proximal convoluted tubules Charles River rats continuously to barium chloride in
seen in three rats of each sex at the 4000 mg/litre drinking-water for up to 13 weeks. The authors estimated
exposure level. Crystals were not present in the kidney doses as 0, 1.7, 8.1, or 38.1 mg barium/kg body weight
tubules. Decreased liver weights and lymphoid per day for males and 0, 2.1, 9.7, or 45.7 mg barium/kg
depletions in spleen, thymus, and/or lymph nodes of body weight per day for females. Rats were fed a diet of
4000 mg/litre rats were attributed to reduced body weight Tekland mouse/rat diet pellets, which contributed a
and stress. There were no biologically significant baseline dose of 0.5 µg barium/kg body weight per day.
changes in serum electrolytes or haematology values The only reported adverse effects were depressed water
that were considered to be chemical related. Significant consumption in the high-dose groups of both sexes and
decreases in the magnitude of undifferentiated motor slight decreases in relative adrenal weights in mid-dose
activity were observed at day 90 in 4000 mg/litre rats of males at 8 weeks and in all exposed groups of females at
both sexes. Marginal decreases in undifferentiated motor 13 weeks; these changes were not dose related. Blood
activity were seen in all other barium-exposed groups pressure and end-points sensitive for glomerular damage
except the 1000 mg/litre female rats. No significant or (electron microscopic examination or urinary excretion of
dose-related changes were observed in other neuro- protein) were not investigated.
behavioural end-points. Although NTP (1994) con-
sidered the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) In a series of longer-term histological, electron
to be 115 mg/kg body weight per day (the 2000 mg/litre microscopic, electrocardiographic, and blood pressure
exposure level), US EPA (1998) suggested that this level studies (McCauley et al., 1985), CD Sprague-Dawley rats
might be considered a lowest-observed-adverse-effect were given barium in drinking-water for various
level (LOAEL), based on significant (P # 0.01) increased durations and fed Purina rat chow (containing 12 mg
kidney weight in female rats and an observed LD 50 of 118 barium/kg) or Tekland rat chow (insignificant barium
mg/kg body weight in rats (RTECS, 1985). The NOAEL intake). In the histology studies, three exposure regi-
would then be 65 mg/kg body weight per day (the 1000 mens were used with the Purina rat chow diet, and the
mg/litre exposure level). estimated total barium intakes were 1, 1.15, 2.5, 16, or 38.5
mg/kg body weight per day for 36–68 weeks. Histo-
NTP (1994) also treated groups of mice (10 per sex logical evaluations of an extensive number of tissues did
per group) with barium chloride dihydrate in drinking- not reveal barium-related lesions. No alterations in
water at concentrations of 0, 125, 500, 1000, 2000, or 4000 haematocrit levels were observed. A retinal lesion (“focal
mg/litre for 13 weeks (average daily doses of 0, 15, 55–60, absence of the outer layers of the retina”) was observed
100–110, 200–205, or 450–495 mg barium/kg body but did not appear to be dose or duration related; its
weight). Adverse effects in the 4000 mg/litre groups relationship to barium exposure is uncertain. No
included death of 6 males and 7 females, chemical-related significant increases in incidences of neoplasms were
nephropathy in 10 males and 9 females, significantly observed in the barium-exposed rats, but the study dura-
reduced body weights in both sexes, reduced absolute tion is less than a lifetime and may not have been of
kidney weight in males, and increased relative kidney sufficient duration for the detection of late-developing
weight in females, relative to controls. Kidney lesions tumours.

Barium and barium compounds

In a 16-week blood pressure study (McCauley et dose females (the only indication of potential adverse
al., 1985), normotensive rats were fed Tekland rat chow renal effects). Thus, the 2500 mg/litre exposure level (60
(0.5 mg barium/kg body weight per day) and adminis- mg barium/kg body weight per day for males and 75 mg
tered barium in drinking-water or in 0.9% sodium chloride barium/kg body weight per day for females) may be a
solution as drinking-water (estimated daily barium doses chronic NOAEL or LOAEL for rats, depending on
of 0, 0.45, 1.5, 4.5, or 15 mg/kg body weight). Unilaterally interpretation of the increased relative kidney weight in
nephrectomized rats were similarly treated (estimated females. When considered together with the results in
daily doses of 0.15, 1.5, 15, or 150 mg barium/kg body the 13-week NTP (1994) study in rats, in which increased
weight), while groups of Dahl salt-sensitive and Dahl relative and absolute kidney weights were seen in female
salt-resistant rats received estimated daily doses of 0.15, rats receiving 2000 mg barium/litre in drinking-water (115
1.5, 15, or 150 mg barium/kg body weight in 0.9% sodium mg barium/kg body weight per day) and kidney lesions
chloride as drinking-water. The authors stated that all accompanied by increases in relative and absolute
groups showed fluctuations of blood pressure. No kidney weights were seen in female rats at 4000 mg/litre
indications of hypertension were observed, but there (180 mg barium/kg body weight per day), the increased
were no 0 mg barium/litre / 0.9% sodium chloride relative kidney weight in females of the 2-year study is
controls in the study. Electron microscopic examination suggestive of potential renal effects. Therefore, 75 mg
of kidneys in all the rats in the blood pressure studies barium/kg body weight per day is designated a chronic
demonstrated no changes in arteriolar vessel walls or in LOAEL and 45 mg barium/kg body weight per day a
tubules of the nephrons. However, structural changes in chronic NOAEL for female rats for renal effects in the
glomeruli were observed in the high-dose (150 mg NTP (1994) study. There were no significant increases in
barium/kg body weight per day) nephrectomized, Dahl incidences of neoplasms in the barium-exposed rats.
salt-sensitive, and Dahl salt-resistant groups. No Significant negative trends were observed in the
glomerular effects were seen at the next lower exposure incidences of mononuclear cell leukaemia in male rats,
level in any group of rats. benign and malignant adrenal pheochromocytoma in
male rats, and mammary gland neoplasms (fibroadenoma,
Data on the toxicity of barium compounds in adenoma, or carcinoma) in female rats.
animals following inhalation exposure are limited to a
study in which male albino rats were exposed to barium NTP (1994) also treated B6C3F1 mice (60 animals
carbonate at 0, 1.15, or 5.20 mg/m3 (0, 0.80, or 3.6 mg per dose group per sex) with drinking-water containing 0,
barium/m3) for 4 h/day, 6 days/week, for 4 months 500, 1250, or 2500 mg barium chloride dihydrate/litre for 2
(Tarasenko et al., 1977). At 5.20 mg/m3 (but not 1.15 years. Estimated daily doses were 0, 30, 75, or 160 mg
mg/m3), reported alterations included a 21% decrease in barium/kg body weight for males and 0, 40, 90, or 200 mg
body weight gain, a 32% increase in arterial pressure, barium/kg body weight for females. The animals were fed
altered haematological parameters, altered serum an NIH-07 mash diet; the barium content of the diet was
chemistry parameters, increased calcium levels in the not reported. Neurobehavioural and cardiovascular tests
urine, impaired liver function, and histological alterations were not performed. At the 15-month interim evaluation,
in the heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs. The authors noted the absolute and relative spleen weights of the 2500
that the heart, liver, and kidneys “had a character of mild mg/litre female mice were significantly (P # 0.01) lower
protein (‘granular’) dystrophy.” than those of the controls, and the absolute and relative
thymus weights of the 2500 mg/litre male mice were
8.5 Long-term exposure and marginally lower than those of the controls.
carcinogenicity Additionally, survival rates for the 2500 mg/litre mice at
the end of study were significantly (P # 0.01) lower than
NTP (1994) treated male and female F344/N rats (60 those of the controls, which was attributed to chemical-
animals per dose group per sex) with deionized drinking- related renal lesions. These renal lesions were
water containing 0, 500, 1250, or 2500 mg barium chloride characterized by tubule dilatation, renal tubule atrophy,
dihydrate/litre for 2 years. Daily doses of barium were tubule cell regeneration, hyaline cast formation,
estimated to be 0, 15, 30, or 60 mg/kg body weight for multifocal interstitial fibrosis, and the presence of
males and 0, 15, 45, or 75 mg/kg body weight for females. crystals, primarily in the lumen of the renal tubules.
The animals were fed an NIH-07 mash diet; the barium Lymphoid depletions in the spleen, thymus, and lymph
content of the diet was not reported. In this study, nodes were observed in 2500 mg/litre male and female
neurobehavioural and cardiovascular tests were not mice, particularly in animals that died early, and were
performed. Reported exposure-related effects included thought to be the result of debilitation associated with
reduced body weights in some mid- and high-dose rats, nephropathy. Thus, the chronic LOAEL in mice is 2500
dose-related decreased water consumption, and
significantly increased relative kidney weights in high-

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

mg/litre (160 mg barium/kg body weight per day for In similarly exposed Charles River CD white mice
males and 200 mg barium/kg body weight per day for (36–54 per sex) (Schroeder & Mitchener, 1975b), dosages
females). The next lower exposure level, 1250 mg/litre (75 from drinking-water were 1.18 mg barium/kg body weight
mg barium/kg body weight per day in males and 90 mg per day for males and 1.20 mg barium/kg body weight per
barium/kg body weight per day in females), is a chronic day for females (US EPA, 1988). Growth and body
NOAEL. The incidences of neoplasms in the barium- weights were not affected by the barium treatment.
exposed mice were not significantly higher than in Histology of the heart, lung, liver, kidney, and spleen
control mice. In the 2500 mg/litre female mice, the was normal. In males, longevity (defined as the mean life
incidences of several neoplasms were significantly lower span of the last surviving five animals of each sex in
than in the controls; the authors attributed this finding each treatment group) was significantly reduced. The
to the marked reduction in survival in the barium- mean life span, however, was not affected. The
exposed animals. incidences of lymphoma leukaemia and lung tumours in
the male and female mice exposed to barium were not
Schroeder & Mitchener (1975a) exposed Long- significantly different from the incidences in the control
Evans rats (52 per sex per group) to 0 or 5 mg barium/litre mice.
(as barium acetate) in drinking-water from weaning to
natural death (approximately 2 years). Dosages from Perry et al. (1983, 1985, 1989) exposed female
drinking-water were 0.61 mg barium/kg body weight per weanling Long-Evans rats to 0, 1, 10, or 100 mg barium/
day for males and 0.67 mg barium/kg body weight per litre (as barium chloride) in drinking-water for 1, 4, and 16
day for females based on reference body weights and months. Drinking-water was fortified with five essential
water intakes from US EPA (1988). The diet was charac- metals (1 mg molybdenum/litre, 1 mg cobalt/litre, 5 mg
terized as a “low metal” diet, and it included 60% rye copper/litre, 10 mg manganese/litre, and 50 mg zinc/litre).
flour, 30% dried skim milk, 9% corn oil, 1% iodized All animals received a rye-based diet with low trace metal
chloride, and assorted vitamins; the barium content was content based on that used by Schroeder & Mitchener
not reported. Barium had no significant effect on the (1975a,b). After 8 months of exposure to 10 mg/litre,
growth of males, but increased the growth of older mean systolic blood pressure had increased by 6 mmHg
females. The incidence of proteinuria in males exposed to (800 Pa) and continued to be significantly elevated
barium for approximately 152 days (at 173 days of age) through 16 months (+4 mmHg [530 Pa]). Significant
was significantly higher than in controls. Female rats at increases in mean systolic blood pressure were evident
532 and 773 days of age had higher serum cholesterol at 100 mg/litre starting at 1 month (+12 mmHg [1600 Pa])
concentrations, and males at these ages had serum and continuing through 16 months (+16 mmHg [2130
glucose levels different from controls; the authors Pa]). An additional 12 rats, exposed for 16 months to 100
attached no biological or toxicological significance to mg/litre, exhibited a reduction of ATP and
these serum chemistry results. Histopathology of heart, phosphocreatinine content of the myocardium,
lung, kidney, liver, and spleen did not reveal alterations. depressed rates of cardiac contraction, and depressed
No significant increases in the number of gross tumours electrical excitability (compared with 18 control rats).
were observed in the barium-exposed male or female rats. Since this study used a diet low in essential metals,
specifically calcium, the observation of barium chloride-
Kopp et al. (1985) treated weanling female Long- related effects on hypertension in rats is of questionable
Evans rats with barium chloride in their drinking-water significance to humans.
(100 mg/litre) for 16 months and compared them with a
control group supplied with water containing no barium. 8.6 Genotoxicity and related end-points
All animals received a standard rye-based diet, low in
heavy metal content. Random batches of this feed were There is a limited amount of information available
assayed for metal content and contained 1.5 µg barium/g on the genotoxicity of barium compounds. No in vivo
feed. Average final body weights for both groups were studies have been conducted. Most in vitro studies
found to be the same (control, 421 g; 100 mg barium/litre, have found that barium chloride and barium nitrate did
431 g). Furthermore, the measured haematological not induce gene mutations in bacterial assays with or
characteristics as well as feed and water consumption without metabolic activation. Ames assays with
were not affected during the 16-month experiment. Salmonella typhimurium strains TA1535, TA1537,
However, a significant increase in the average systemic TA1538, TA97, TA98, and TA100 with or without
blood pressure was detected in the barium-exposed rats metabolic activation (Monaco et al., 1990, 1991; NTP,
after 1 month exposure and thereafter. 1994), rec assays with Bacillus subtilis strains H17 and
H45 (Nishioka, 1975; Kanematsu et al., 1980), and a
microscreen assay with Escherichia coli with metabolic

Barium and barium compounds

activation (Rossman et al., 1991) have produced negative Tarasenko et al. (1977) also reported that a shorten-
results with barium chloride. Negative results have also ing of the mean duration of the estrous cycle and an
been observed for barium nitrate in the rec assay using alteration in the proportion of mature and dying ovarian
B. subtilis strains H17 and H45 (Kanematsu et al., 1980). follicles were observed in rats exposed to 13.4 mg barium
Barium chloride induced gene mutations in L5178Y carbonate/m3 (9.3 mg barium/m3) for 4 months, compared
mouse lymphoma cells with, but not without, metabolic with a control group. These effects were not observed in
activation (NTP, 1994). Neither barium acetate nor barium rats exposed to 3.1 mg/m3 (2.2 mg barium/m3). The
chloride decreased the fidelity of DNA synthesis in authors also reported that rats in the 13.4 mg/m3 group
avian myeloblastosis virus DNA polymerase (Sirover & gave birth to underdeveloped offspring that showed
Loeb, 1976). In mammalian cells, barium chloride did not considerable mortality and slow body weight gain during
induce sister chromatid exchanges or chromosomal the first 2 postnatal months.
aberrations in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells, with
or without activation (NTP, 1994). In summary, except for 8.8 Immunological and neurological effects
the mouse lymphoma assay, results of in vitro tests
have been generally negative. Only limited information is available on the immu-
notoxicity and neurotoxicity of barium compounds
8.7 Reproductive toxicity (IPCS, 1990). Intravenous infusion of barium chloride
into anaesthetized dogs resulted in muscle flaccidity and
Data on the reproductive and developmental paralysis, which appeared to result from severe hypo-
toxicity of barium compounds are limited. Decreased potassaemia (Roza & Berman, 1971).
ovary weight and ovary/brain weight ratio were seen in
female rats administered oral gavage doses of 198 mg
barium/kg body weight per day, once a day for 10 days
(Borzelleca et al., 1988). In single-generation reproduc- 9. EFFECTS ON HUMANS
tive toxicity studies in rats and mice (Dietz et al., 1992),
groups of 20 male and 20 female F344/N rats and B6C3F1
mice were exposed to barium chloride dihydrate in 9.1 Case reports
drinking-water for up to 60 days. The barium chloride
dihydrate concentrations were 0, 1000, 2000, or Intentional or accidental ingestion of barium com-
4000 mg/litre (estimated by the authors to be 0, 50, 100, pounds (i.e., barium carbonate, barium chloride) causes
and 200 mg/kg body weight per day) for the rats and 0, gastroenteritis (vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain),
500, 1000, or 2000 mg/litre (estimated by the authors to hypopotassaemia, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias,
be 0, 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg body weight per day) for the and skeletal muscle paralysis. Potassium infusion is used
mice. The authors measured weekly body weight clinically to reverse the toxic effects of barium (Diengott
changes and water consumption, which were used to et al., 1964; Gould et al., 1973; IPCS, 1990; US EPA, 1990,
estimate daily barium exposure in both mice and rats. 1998).
After the completion of the exposure period (60 days),
males and females from the same dosage groups were According to RTECS (1985), the lowest lethal acute
housed together until there was evidence of mating or oral doses for barium chloride and barium carbonate are
until the end of the mating period (8 days). This rodent 11.4 and 57 mg/kg body weight, respectively; for barium
study reported fertility index, fetal and maternal toxicity, carbonate, a dose as low as 29 mg/kg body weight
and developmental toxicity end-points in fetus and causes flaccid paralysis, paraesthesia, and muscle
neonates. There were no indications of reproductive or weakness.
developmental toxicity in any of the exposure groups.
However, the results should be interpreted cautiously Opacities were detected on lung X-rays of three
because of below-normal pregnancy rates in all groups patients for up to 2 years following accidental aspiration
of exposed, as well as control, rats and mice. of barium sulfate orally administered for observation of
the gastrointestinal tract (Buschman, 1991).
Ridgeway & Kanofsky (1952) examined the
developmental toxicity of barium by injecting 20 mg In a case report involving the grinding of barite
barium chloride into the yolk sac of developing chick ore, a worker was exposed over a period of 10 years to
embryos. When injection was made on day 8 of devel- extremely high total dust concentrations (approximately
opment, developmental defects were observed in toes. In 212 000 particles/cm3 for 1.5 h and 60 000 particles/cm3 for
contrast, no effects were seen when injection was made 1 h), although it was not stated how these measurements
on day 4 of development. were made (Pendergrass & Greening, 1953). Analysis

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

indicated that 49% of the workplace airborne dust was and food were provided, and subjects were instructed to
barium sulfate, although particle size was not stated. consume only what was provided. The subjects were
After 2 years of exposure to the barite ore dust, fine also instructed to keep their level of exercise constant
nodulation was observed on lung X-rays, apparently and to abstain from alcohol, and smokers were told to
due to the presence of barium sulfate. The presence of smoke consistently throughout the study. Systolic and
barium sulfate in the lung tissue was confirmed by chem- diastolic blood pressures were measured in the morning
ical analysis and light microscopy at autopsy 11 years and evening. Blood was collected at the beginning and
after cessation of exposure. Several histopathological periodically, particularly as four consecutive daily
findings were observed, including fibrosis (although samples at the end of each of the three study periods.
mostly characteristic of silicosis). The histopathological Twenty-four-hour urine collections were performed at
findings were considered to be due to the silica and the end of each study period. Twenty-four-hour
anthracite exposure; the X-ray opacities seen were continuous electrocardiographic monitoring was
attributed to the presence of the barium sulfate. performed on 2 consecutive days at the end of each
study period.
In an extensive study, temperature and pulse rate
measurements were taken as an indication of an acute Blood pressures were not significantly affected by
inflammatory response for 291 humans administered a barium exposure (Wones et al., 1990). A trend towards
single unstated dose of a 50% w/v barium sulfate sus- increased total serum calcium with barium exposure was
pension for bronchographic purposes (Nelson et al., noted but was not considered to be clinically significant.
1964). The method of administration was unstated, but No significant changes were observed in plasma total
the suspension was presumed to have been instilled cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
into the trachea and then blown into the lungs. In or high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, LDL:HDL
154 patients, there was radiological evidence of the ratio, and apolipoproteins A1, A2, and B. Serum glucose,
presence of barium sulfate in the bronchial tree at the albumin, and potassium levels and urinary levels of
time of the last available X-ray (various time points sodium, potassium, or metanephrines (catecholamine
ranging from <1 week to >1 year after administration); in breakdown products) were unchanged.
135 patients, on the other hand, there was no radio- Electrocardiograms revealed no changes in cardiac cycle
logical evidence of residual barium sulfate in the lungs intervals, including the QT interval; the study authors
1 year after bronchography. Forty-one of these patients noted that the lack of shortening of the QT interval
exhibited complete elimination of the barium sulfate from provided evidence that the slight increase in serum
the lungs within 1 week; it was stated that in some of calcium was not clinically significant. In addition, no
these patients, this clearance occurred within 24 h. significant arrhythmias, no increase in ventricular
irritability, and no apparent conduction problems were
Wones et al. (1990) administered 1.5 litres/day of seen with barium exposure. This study did not identify a
distilled drinking-water containing various levels of LOAEL; the NOAEL is 0.21 mg barium/kg body weight
barium chloride to 11 healthy male volunteers aged per day.
27–61 years (mean 39.5 years, median 41 years). None of
the subjects was taking any medications, and none had Transient cell transformations resembling severe
hypertension, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. premalignant dysplasia were noted following single
Barium concentrations in the drinking-water consumed topical applications (four times at intervals of 4–6 weeks)
by the subjects prior to the study were known to be very of 1.25 mmol barium chloride/litre to the cervix of a
low. No barium was added for the first 2 weeks, which woman with no known history of abnormal cervical
served as a control period; drinking-water containing cytology (Ayre, 1966). In another case (Ayre
5 mg barium/litre (0.14 mg barium/kg body weight per & LeGuerrier, 1967), cell transformations similar to
day using reference values of 2 litres/day for water extreme dysplasia and resembling cell findings of cancer
consumption and 70 kg for body weight) was adminis- in situ were observed following a single topical appli-
tered for the next 4 weeks, and drinking-water containing cation of 1.25 mmol barium chloride/litre (mixed with
10 mg barium/litre (0.21 mg barium/kg body weight per equal amounts of 70% dimethylsulfoxide) to the cervix.
day) was administered for the last 4 weeks of the study.
Diets were controlled to mimic US dietary practices 9.2 Epidemiological studies
(barium content of the diet was not determined, but the
authors mentioned that a typical hospital diet provides Brenniman & Levy (1984) reported an ecological
0.75 mg barium/day, or 0.011 mg barium/kg body weight epidemiological study of mortality and morbidity in
per day using a 70-kg reference weight). All beverages populations living in communities in Illinois, USA, with
elevated levels of barium in municipal drinking-water

Barium and barium compounds

(2–10 mg/litre, 0.06–0.3 mg barium/kg body weight per weighted Z test for prevalence rates, and analysis of
day assuming water consumption of 2 litres/day and variance for blood pressures. No significant differences
weight of 70 kg) or low levels of barium in drinking-water in mean systolic or diastolic blood pressures or in
(0.2 mg/litre, 0.006 mg barium/kg body weight per day). history of hypertension, heart disease, stroke, or kidney
Barium was the only drinking-water contaminant that disease (which included serum and urinary protein and
exceeded drinking-water regulations of the time in any of creatinine levels) were found for men or women of the
the public drinking-water supplies. The communities two communities. A more controlled study was con-
were matched for demographic characteristics and ducted on a subpopulation of the McHenry and West
socioeconomic status. Communities that were Dundee subjects who did not have home water
industrialized or geographically different were excluded. softeners, were not taking medication for hypertension,
Although the study attempted to exclude communities and had lived in the study community for more than 10
with high rates of population change, two of the four years. No significant differences were observed between
high-barium communities had about 75% change in the mean systolic or diastolic blood pressures for men or
population between 1960 and 1970; these were kept in women of these subpopulations in the low-barium (0.1
the study for lack of satisfactory replacements. mg barium/litre, 0.0029 mg barium/kg body weight per
day assuming water ingestion of 2 litres/day and 70-kg
In the mortality study (Brenniman & Levy, 1984), body weight) and elevated-barium communities (7.3 mg
age-adjusted mortality rates for cardiovascular diseases barium/litre, 0.21 mg barium/kg body weight per day).
(combined), heart diseases (arteriosclerosis), and all
causes for both sexes together were significantly higher The database on the toxicity of inhaled barium
in the elevated-barium communities compared with the compounds in humans consists primarily of studies of
low-barium communities for the years 1971–1975. These occupational exposure to barium sulfate or barite ore or
differences were largely confined to the population 65 to unspecified soluble barium compounds. Several case
years of age or older. This study did not measure the reports (e.g., Pendergrass & Greening, 1953; Seaton et
barium exposure of individual subjects and did not al., 1986) and a prospective study conducted by Doig
control for several important variables, such as popula- (1976) have reported baritosis in barium-exposed
tion mobility (approximately 75% turnover in two of the workers. Baritosis is considered to be a benign pneumo-
four high-barium communities from 1960 to 1970), use of coniosis resulting from the inhalation of barite ore or
water softeners that would remove barium from and add barium sulfate. The most outstanding feature of baritosis
sodium to the water supply, use of medication by study is the intense radiopacity of the discrete opacities that
subjects, and other risk factors, such as smoking, diet, are usually profusely disseminated throughout the lung
and exercise. As a result, it is not possible to assign a fields; in some cases, the opacities may be so numerous
causal relationship between mortality and exposure to that they appear confluent. The Third Conference of
barium. Experts on Pneumoconiosis (ACGIH, 1992) noted that
barium sulfate produced a non-collagenous type of
The morbidity study (Brenniman & Levy, 1984) pneumoconiosis in which there is a minimal stromal
was conducted on two Illinois, USA, communities, reaction that consists mainly of reticulin fibres, intact
McHenry and West Dundee, which had similar demo- alveolar architecture, and potentially reversible lesions.
graphic and socioeconomic characteristics, but a 70-fold The available human data on baritosis suggest that the
difference in barium concentrations in drinking-water. accumulation of barium in the lungs does not result in
The mean concentration in McHenry’s drinking-water medical disability or symptomatology. A decline in the
was 0.1 mg barium/litre, whereas the mean concentration profusion and opacity density, suggesting a decrease in
in West Dundee’s drinking-water was 7.3 mg the amount of accumulated barium in the lung, has been
barium/litre. The levels of other minerals in the drinking- observed several years after termination of exposure.
water of the two communities were stated to be similar.
Subjects (2000) were selected randomly from a pool that Doig (1976) reported on a series of cross-sectional
included every person 18 years of age or older in a examinations of workers at a barite grinding facility.
random sample of blocks within each community. All During the initial investigation in 1947, five workers
subjects underwent three blood pressure measurements employed for more than 3.5 years were examined. No
(taken over a 20-min period with a calibrated electronic evidence of baritosis was observed in any of the
blood pressure apparatus) and responded to a health workers. In 1961, eight workers (26–45 years of age, mean
questionnaire that included such variables as sex, age, 32 years) employed for 3.5–18 years (mean 9 years) were
weight, height, smoking habits, family history, examined (one of these workers was also examined in
occupation, medication, and physician-diagnosed heart 1947). Seven of the workers reported no respiratory
disease, stroke, and renal disease. Data were analysed symptoms; one worker reported a slight occasional
using the signed rank test for age-specific rates, the

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

cough. No abnormal symptoms were noted during the mineral ores. At the time of the study, four processes
physical examination of seven of the workers; were in operation: “ozide process,” which involved
crepitations dispelled by cough were observed in one blending several grades of zinc oxide; “ozark process,”
worker (not the same worker reporting an occasional which involved bagging very pure zinc oxide powder;
cough). Pneumoconiosis was detected in the “bayrite process,” which involved grinding and mixing
radiographs of seven workers. Three other workers several grades of barium-containing ores; and “sher-tone
employed for 1 month to 1 year were also examined in process,” which involved mixing inert clays with animal
1961. Two of these workers reported having slight tallow. A medical evaluation was performed on 61
coughs, but no abnormal findings were observed during current workers (91% participation). Information on
the physical examination, and the chest radiographs demographics, frequency of various symptoms
were normal. The concentration of barium in the dust occurring during the previous 2 months, chemical expo-
was not measured. Barite samples were analysed for sure, occupational history, and smoking history, as well
quartz, silica, and iron content. No quartz was detected, as history of renal disease, allergies, and hypertension,
and the total silica and total iron (as iron oxide) was obtained from directed questionnaires. In addition,
concentrations were 0.07–1.96% and 0.03–0.89%, spot urine and blood samples and blood pressure mea-
respectively. surements were taken. Exposures to barium, lead,
cadmium, and zinc were estimated from 27 personal
Ten of the 11 workers examined in 1961 were re- samples collected over a 2-day period. In the seven
examined in 1963 (18 months later) (Doig, 1976). Two new personal breathing-zone samples collected from the
cases of pneumoconiosis were diagnosed. Thus, 9 of 10 bayrite area, the levels of soluble barium ranged from
workers exposed to barium sulfate for 1.5–19.5 years 87.3 to 1920.0 mg/m3 (mean 1068.5 mg/m3), lead levels
(mean 8.2 years) had well-marked baritosis. Three of ranged from not detected to 15.0 mg/m3 (mean
these workers reported a slight or occasional cough, and 12.2 mg/m3, excluding two samples in which lead was not
none had dyspnoea. Among the nine workers with detected), zinc levels ranged from 22.4 to 132.0 mg/m3
baritosis, three did not smoke, four smoked 1 pack/day, (mean 72 mg/m3), and all seven samples had no
and two smoked >1 pack/day. In six of the seven workers detectable levels of cadmium. Soluble barium was also
with previously diagnosed baritosis, no significant detected in breathing-zone samples in the ozark area
changes in the degree of pneumoconiosis were (10.6–1397.0 mg/m3, mean 196.1 mg/m3), ozide area
observed; an increase in the number of opacities was (11.6–99.5 mg/m3, mean 46.8 mg/m3), and sher-tone area
observed in the seventh worker. Spirometric lung (114.3–167.5 mg/m3, mean 70.45 mg/m3).
function tests (vital capacity, flow rate, and forced
expiratory volume) were performed in five workers. For Two approaches were used to analyse the results
three of these workers, the results of the lung function of the health survey (NIOSH, 1982). In the first approach,
tests were similar to predicted normal values (89–119% the workers were divided into five groups based on
of predicted values). Lung function was below normal in current job assignments. Of the 61 current workers, 14
the other two workers (70–85% of predicted values). It is worked in the bayrite area (mean duration 3 years). No
questionable whether the impaired lung function was statistically significant increases in the incidence of
related to barium exposure. One of the two workers was subjective symptoms (e.g., headache, cough, nausea) or
an alcoholic and heavy smoker, and the other had a differences in mean blood lead levels, number of workers
fibrotic right middle lung lobe that probably resulted with blood lead levels greater than 39 mg/dl, mean free
from a childhood illness. erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) levels, mean
haematocrit levels, mean serum creatinine levels, number
The barite grinding facility closed in 1964, and of workers with serum creatinine levels greater than 1.5
follow-up examinations were performed in 1966, 1969, mg/dl, number of workers with blood urea nitrogen
and 1973 on five of the workers (Doig, 1976). Termination (BUN) levels greater than 20 mg/dl, blood pressure, or
of barium exposure resulted in a decline in the profusion mean urine cadmium levels were observed between the
and density of opacities. In 1966, there was a slight different groups of workers. In the second approach, the
clearing of opacities; by 1973, there was a marked workers were divided into seven groups based on past
decrease in profusion and density. No significant job assignments. One group consisted of 12 workers
changes in lung function were observed during this 10- working in barium process areas (bayrite process and
year period. other processes no longer in operation at the facility that
involved exposure to barium ores and barium carbonate)
NIOSH (1982) conducted a health survey of past for at least 5 years; barium exposure levels were not
and present workers at the Sherwin Williams Company’s reported for this group of workers. The results of the
Coffeyville, Kansas, USA, facility. Work performed at health survey for the barium-exposed workers were
the facility included grinding, blending, and mixing

Barium and barium compounds

compared with results for 25 workers who stated that was not observed in group B, which had a barium
they had never worked in barium process areas. No exposure level similar to that of group A.
statistically significant differences in mean age, number
of years employed, number of current or past smokers,
prevalence of subjective symptoms, mean FEP levels,
mean haematocrit levels, mean urine cadmium levels, 10. EFFECTS ON OTHER ORGANISMS IN
mean $-2-microglobulin levels, or the prevalence of THE LABORATORY AND FIELD
workers with elevated serum creatinine, BUN, or urine
protein levels were observed between the two groups.
The number of workers with elevated blood pressure 10.1 Aquatic environment
(defined as systolic pressure >140 mmHg [>18.7 kPa] or
diastolic pressure >90 mmHg [>12 kPa] or taking Toxicity of barium to selected aquatic organisms is
medication for hypertension) was significantly higher in summarized in Table 2. A 48-h no-observed-effect level
the barium-exposed group than in the comparison group. (NOEL) of 68 mg/litre was calculated for water fleas
The number of workers in the barium group with blood (Daphnia magna) exposed to various concentrations of
lead levels of >39 mg/dl was lower than in the barium (LeBlanc, 1980). In contrast, Biesinger &
comparison group; however, the difference was not Christensen (1972) reported 48-h and 21-day LC50 values
statistically significant. Additionally, there was no sig- of 14.5 and 13.5 mg/litre, respectively, a 16% impairment
nificant difference between mean blood lead levels in the of reproduction at 5.8 mg/litre, and a 50% impairment at
barium-exposed workers (24 mg/dl) and the comparison 8.9 mg/litre during the 21-day tests. Khangarot & Ray
group (32 mg/dl). (1989) reported 24- and 48-h EC50 (the concentration
resulting in 50% immobilization) values of 52.8 and 32.0
The health effects associated with occupational mg/litre, respectively, for daphnids exposed to barium
exposure to barium during arc welding with barium- sulfate. A reported 48-h EC50 value for developmental
containing stick electrodes and flux-cored wires were effects in the mussel Mytilus californianus was 0.189
investigated by Zschiesche et al. (1992). A group of mg/litre (Spangenberg & Cherr, 1996). For two aquatic
18 healthy welders not using barium-containing amphipod species (Gammarus pulex and
consumables in the past 10 days was divided into three Echinogammarus berilloni), Vincent et al. (1986)
groups: group A (n = 8, mean age 30.4 years) performed reported 24-, 48-, 72-, and 96-h LC50 values of 3980, 395,
arc welding with barium-containing stick electrodes, 255, and 238 mg/litre and 336, 258, 162, and 122 mg/litre,
group B (n = 5, mean age 43.6 years) performed arc respectively, in eucalcic water; LC50 values in oligocalcic
welding with barium-containing self-shielded flux-cored water were 1260, 533, 337, and 227 mg/litre and 308, 197,
wires, and group C (n = 5, mean age 32.0 years) 151, and 129 mg/litre, respectively. The 30-day LC50
performed arc welding with barium-containing self- values for two species of crayfish ranged from 39 to 61
shielded flux-cored wires using welding guns with built- mg/litre; the 96-h values were comparable (Boutet &
in ventilation systems. All welders performed welding Chaisemartin, 1973). Heitmuller et al. (1981) reported a
with barium-free consumables on Thursday and Friday NOEL in the sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon
of the first week of the study. Barium-containing variegatus) of 500 mg/litre.
consumables were used during week 2 of the study and
on Monday of week 3. The subjects welded for an Growth of Anacystis nidulans (a cyanobacterium)
average of 4 h/day. The average barium concentrations in an environment containing 50 mg barium chloride/litre
in the breathing zones were 4.4 (range 0.1–22.7), 2.0 was similar to that of controls. Higher concentrations of
(0.3–6.0), and 0.3 (0.1–1.5) mg/m3 for groups A, B, and C, barium resulted in a concentration-related increase in
respectively. No exposure-related subjective adverse growth inhibition; almost complete inhibition was
health symptoms or neurological signs were found. No reported at barium chloride concentrations $750 mg/litre
significant differences between pre- and post-shift (Lee & Lustigman, 1996). Wang (1986) reported a 96-h
electrocardiogram, pulse rate, whole-blood pH, base EC50 (growth) of 26 mg barium/litre in duckweed (Lemna
excess and standard bicarbonate, or plasma concen- minor) in deionized water. However, in river water,
trations of sodium, magnesium, and total and ionized barium showed no toxic effect on growth of duckweed.
calcium were observed. During week 2, decreases in The lack of an adverse effect in the river water was
plasma potassium concentrations were observed in shown to be due to precipitation of barium from the river
groups A and C; the levels returned to the normal range water as sulfate. Stanley (1974) investigated the toxic
under continuation of barium exposure and were not effects of barium on the growth of Eurasian watermilfoil
statistically different from levels during week 1 (no (Myriophyllum spicatum). Root
barium exposure). This drop in serum potassium levels

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

Table 2: Toxicity of barium to selected aquatic organisms.a

Static/ Temperature Hardness LC50/EC50

Organism flow b (°C) pH (mg/litre) Duration (mg/litre) Reference

Water flea static 21–23 7.4–9.4 173 24 h LC50 >530 LeBlanc (1980)
(Daphnia magna)
static 21–23 7.4–9.4 173 48 h LC50 410
(fresh water)

7.4–8.2 44–53 48 h LC50 14.5 Biesinger &

Christensen (1972)
7.4–8.2 44–53 21 days LC50 13.5

static 11.5–14.5 7.2–7.8 235–260 24 h EC50 52.8 d Khangarot & Ray


static 11.5–14.5 7.2–7.8 235–260 48 h EC50 32.0 d

Crayfish (Orco- flow 15–17 7.0 96 h LC50 78 Boutet & Chaisemartin

nectes limosus) (1973)
flow 15–17 7.0 30 days LC50 59
(fresh water)
flow 15–17 7.0 30 days LC50 61 c

Crayfish (Austro- flow 15–17 7.0 96 h LC50 46

flow 15–17 7.0 30 days LC50 39
pallipes pallipes)
(fresh water) flow 15–17 7 30 days LC50 43 c

Sheepshead static 25–31 10–31 e 96 h LC50 >500 Heitmuller et al. (1981)

minnow (Cyprino-
don variegatus)
(marine water)

a Adapted from IPCS (1990).

b static = static conditions (water unchanged for the duration of the test); flow = intermittent flow-through conditions.
c Test conducted with a food source.
d EC50 = concentration resulting in 50% immobilization.
e Salinity (0/00).

weight was the most sensitive parameter measured and 11. EFFECTS EVALUATION
showed a 50% reduction, relative to controls, at a barium
concentration of 41.2 mg/litre.
11.1 Evaluation of health effects
Barium sulfate is the principal constituent of
drilling muds used in oil drilling operations. These 11.1.1 Hazard identification and dose–response
muds also contain metals other than barium. No deaths assessment
occurred in a number of unspecified marine fish,
crustaceans, and molluscs exposed to various levels (as Barium enters the body primarily through the
high as 7500 mg/kg) of drilling mud for an unspecified inhalation and ingestion processes. The degree of
period of time (Daugherty, 1951). Other studies reported absorption of barium from the lungs and gastrointestinal
reduced populations of molluscs and/or annelids tract varies according to animal species, solubility of the
exposed to barite in estuarine water, but it could not be compound, and age of the animal. Studies in rats using a
determined whether the results were due to larval soluble salt (barium chloride) have indicated that the
avoidance of barite or to barite toxicity (Tagatz & Tobia, absorbed barium ions are distributed via the blood and
1978; Cantelmo et al., 1979). deposited primarily in the skeleton.

10.2 Terrestrial environment The principal route of elimination for barium

following oral, inhalation, or intratracheal administration
In general, barium has been shown to inhibit the is in the faeces. Following introduction into the respira-
growth of bacteria, fungi, mosses, and algae (IPCS, tory tract, the appearance of barium sulfate in the faeces
1990). Other relevant information was not identified. represents mucociliary clearance from the lungs and
subsequent ingestion.

Barium and barium compounds

In humans, ingestion (accidental or intentional) of external abnormalities in rats and mice exposed to
of barium compounds may cause gastroenteritis (vomit- barium chloride in drinking-water (Dietz et al., 1992). The
ing, diarrhoea, abdominal pain), hypopotassaemia, low pregnancy rates in all groups, including controls,
hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, and skeletal muscle limit the usefulness of this study.
paralysis (IPCS, 1990; US EPA, 1990, 1998; ATSDR,
1992). The toxicity is dependent on the water solubility Oral exposure studies in rats and mice (Schroeder
of the barium compound; the lack of case reports of & Mitchener, 1975a,b; McCauley et al., 1985; NTP, 1994)
systemic toxicity despite the routine oral administration did not find significant increases in tumour incidence
for many years of approximately 450 g barium sulfate as a following long-term exposure. The design of the
radiocontrast medium indicates that this practically McCauley et al. (1985) and Schroeder & Mitchener
insoluble barium compound is not toxic by the oral route. (1975a,b) studies was inadequate for carcinogenicity
Due to its limited absorption by the dermal route, evaluation. In the McCauley et al. (1985) study, small
systemic toxicity is not anticipated. numbers of animals of one sex were exposed to relatively
low concentrations of barium chloride for less than a
Medium- and long-term oral exposure animal lifetime. The absence of adverse effects suggests that
studies (McCauley et al., 1985; NTP, 1994) provide the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) may not have been
evidence that the kidney is a sensitive target of barium achieved in this study. In the Schroeder & Mitchener
toxicity in rats and mice fed a nutritionally adequate diet. (1975a) rat study, only the incidence of total gross
Hypertension has been observed in studies in which rats tumours was reported; the lack of adverse effects
were fed a marginally adequate diet, particularly one with suggests that the only dose used was lower than the
inadequate calcium levels (Perry et al., 1983, 1985, 1989). MTD. The decrease in longevity in the mouse study by
Schroeder & Mitchener (1975b) suggests that the MTD
Although limited due to the small population size may have been achieved in this study. However, it
(2000) and lack of individual measurements of exposure, appears that only two types of cancer were examined
longer-term human studies (Brenniman & Levy, 1984; (leukaemia and lung tumours).
Wones et al., 1990) have not found adverse effects
following oral exposure to relatively low concentrations The design of the rat and mouse NTP (1994) oral
of barium in drinking-water. studies was adequate to assess carcinogenicity. These
studies used an adequate number of animals per group,
Inhalation of barium carbonate powder was exposed animals for 2 years, tested several dosage
associated with hypopotassaemic paralysis in a male levels, and examined an extensive number of tissues. The
worker (Shankle & Keane, 1988). decreased survival and histological alterations in the
kidneys of the mice and the increased kidney weights in
Several case reports (Pendergrass & Greening, the rats suggest that the MTD was achieved in both of
1953; Seaton et al., 1986) and a cross-sectional exami- these studies. No carcinogenic effects were observed in
nation of workers at a barite grinding facility reported by either species. In fact, significant negative trends in the
Doig (1976) indicated reversible baritosis in workers incidence of leukaemia, adrenal tumours, and mammary
exposed to airborne barite ore or barium sulfate. Upon gland tumours were observed in the rats.
exposure termination, there was an apparent decrease in
barium levels in the lung (Doig, 1976); the barium-related Available data indicate that barium salts would not
lesions were also potentially reversible (ACGIH, 1992). A be expected to have genotoxic potential, and the weight
NIOSH (1982) survey indicated prevalence of of evidence from in vitro studies is negative.
hypertension in workers exposed to an unspecified
concentration of barium; these results should be Topical and ocular applications of barium nitrate
interpreted cautiously, because it is likely that the caused skin and eye irritation in rabbits. Barium
workers were also exposed to other metals, including hydroxide and barium oxide irritate the eye, skin, and
lead, which has a known hypertensive effect. respiratory tract. Physicochemical properties of barium
sulfate and the lack of reports of skin or eye irritation in
Data on the toxicity of inhaled barium to animals humans despite its widespread use, particularly for X-ray
are limited; studies have deficiencies that preclude their purposes, suggest that barium sulfate is not irritating or
usefulness for hazard identification or dose–response corrosive to either skin or eyes. Similarly, there is a lack
assessment. of reports of either skin or respiratory tract sensitization,
suggesting that barium sulfate is not a sensitizer.
A reproductive/developmental toxicity study did
not find any significant alterations in reproductive end-
points or in gestation length, pup survival, or occurrence

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

11.1.2 Criteria for setting tolerable intakes/ Therefore, the tolerable intake can be calculated as
concentrations or guidance values for the NOAEL of 0.21 mg/kg body weight per day divided
barium and barium compounds by an uncertainty factor of 10 to account for some data-
base deficiencies and potential differences between
No single study is appropriate as the basis for a adults and children, giving a tolerable intake of
lifetime tolerable intake for barium. The US EPA (1998) 0.02 mg/kg body weight per day.
developed a reference dose (RfD) of 0.07 mg/kg body
weight per day with a uncertainty factor of 3 applied to a Regarding inhalation exposure, the human
NOAEL of 0.21 mg/kg body weight per day for barium (Pendergrass & Greening, 1953; Doig, 1976; Seaton et al.,
based on a weight-of-evidence approach that focuses on 1986) and animal inhalation (Muller, 1973; Tarasenko et
four co-principal studies: the Wones et al. (1990) al., 1977) and intratracheal (Tarasenko et al., 1977;
experimental study in humans, the Brenniman & Levy Uchiyama et al., 1995) studies suggest that the
(1984) epidemiological study, and the medium- and long- respiratory system is a target of barium toxicity. The data
term exposure rat studies that employed adequate diets also suggest that systemic effects, such as hyper-
and investigated both cardiovascular and renal end- tension, may occur following inhalation exposure
points (NTP, 1994). The McCauley et al. (1985) study of (Tarasenko et al., 1977; NIOSH, 1982; Zschiesche et al.,
unilaterally nephrectomized rats was used to support the 1992). The human studies cannot be used to derive a
identification of the kidney as a co-critical target. In reference concentration (RfC) for barium because
addition, the approach includes a consideration of exposure concentrations were not reported. Although
supporting information from single-exposure and the NIOSH (1982) study measured barium breathing-zone
mechanistic studies as well as from medium-term and levels for some groups of workers, the barium exposure
long-term exposure studies of animals on low-mineral levels were not measured in the group of workers with
diets. the increased incidence of hypertension. The deficient
reporting of the methods and results of the only animal
The identification of hypertension as a health end- medium-term/long-term inhalation exposure studies
point of concern is supported by findings of hyperten- (Muller, 1973; Tarasenko et al., 1977) precludes deriving
sive effects in humans who ingested acutely high doses an RfC for barium from the animal data.
of barium compounds, in workers who inhaled dusts of
barium ores and barium carbonate, in experimental Under EPA’s Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk
animals given barium intravenously, and in rats exposed Assessment (US EPA, 1986), barium would be classified
to barium in drinking-water while on restricted diets. as Group D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity.
Based on these findings, lower-dose human studies were Although adequate long-term oral exposure studies in
conducted to examine the potential effects on blood rats and mice have not demonstrated carcinogenic
pressure in humans and on both blood pressure and effects, the lack of adequate inhalation studies precludes
kidney function in animals. Although the experimental an assessment of the carcinogenic potential of inhaled
study by Wones et al. (1990), together with the epide- barium. Under the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen
miological study by Brenniman & Levy (1984), did not Risk Assessment (US EPA, 1996, 1999), barium is consid-
report any significant effects on blood pressure, they ered not likely to be carcinogenic to humans following
establish a NOAEL in humans of 0.21 mg barium/kg oral exposure, and its carcinogenic potential cannot be
body weight per day. The animal data suggest that the determined following inhalation exposure. Thus,
kidney may also be a sensitive target for ingested barium derivation of slope factors and unit risk values is
from low-level exposure (Schroeder & Mitchener, 1975a; precluded.
NTP, 1984; McCauley et al., 1985); although the human
studies investigated hypertensive effects, the clinical Barium compounds exhibit close relationships with
surveillance data did not uncover any renal dysfunction calcium and strontium, which are also alkaline earth
or any other health abnormalities. Therefore, 0.21 mg metals. Owing to its similarity to calcium in its chemical
barium/kg body weight per day is used as the basis to properties and because it lies below calcium in the
derive the tolerable intake for barium. The use of a periodic table, barium is thought to interact with calcium
NOAEL from human studies increases the confidence in through biochemical pathways involving calcium
the derivation of the tolerable intake value, which is binding protein and compete for binding sites (IPCS,
defined as an estimate (with uncertainty spanning 1990). Hypertensive effects of barium in rats (Perry et al.,
perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily exposure of 1989) may have been due to inadequate calcium levels in
the human population (including sensitive subgroups) the diet.
that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of
deleterious effects during a lifetime.

Barium and barium compounds

11.1.3 Sample risk characterization Occupational (barium sulfate)

There are a number of different approaches to Another sample risk characterization is based on
assessing the risks to human health posed by chemicals. occupational exposure primarily to barium sulfate in the
For example, barium sulfate is the most likely substance United Kingdom. In general, the highest typical levels of
of occupational concern and is of very low toxicity. exposure appear to occur in offshore drilling activities.
Since exposure estimates can vary widely, the risk The highest exposures for which measured data are
characterizations below are provided as examples for available apparently occur during addition of the barite
illustrative purposes. ore from the bulk hopper to the mud mixing tank. There
are no concerns for human health with typical exposures Ingestion that arise during drilling activities if the machinery is
enclosed and LEV used. However, where the machinery
Dog and rat pharmacokinetic studies (Taylor et al., is not enclosed and appropriate LEV is not available,
1962; Cuddihy & Griffith, 1972) suggest that gastro- modelled data indicate that exposures could be much
intestinal absorption of barium may be higher in young higher, on the order of several tens of mg/m3 of total
animals than in older ones. Brenniman & Levy (1984) inhalable dust. The consequences for human health of
examined persons 18–75+ years of age living in the long-term exposures at such high levels are not clear.
community for more than 10 years. It is likely that this
study included adult residents who were exposed to Because of the low exposures involved, there are
elevated barium levels as children, but it may not no concerns for human health during the processing of
account for all of the uncertainty. The barium database barite ore where LEV is used. A similar conclusion can
consists of subchronic and chronic toxicity studies in be drawn regarding its use in the formulation of plastics
three species (humans, rats, and mice) and a marginally and coatings, although, from modelled data, exposures
adequate first-generation reproductive/developmental could be much higher and the human health picture less
toxicity study. The rat and mouse study (Dietz et al., reassuring in these industries if LEV is not used. The
1992) gave no indication that developmental or repro- extremely high personal sampling values for total
ductive end-points are more sensitive than other end- inhalable dust (55 mg/m3 8-h TWA) measured at one
points; interpretation of the study results is limited by factory milling barite ore merit further consideration. At
very low pregnancy rates in all groups, including con- present, workers wear powered respirators that should
trols, and examination of a small number of develop- substantially reduce the current level of personal
mental end-points. No modifying factor is proposed for exposure to levels below those measured in the atmos-
this assessment. phere.

The US EPA (1998) derived an RfD of 0.07 mg/kg If occupational exposures are controlled to less
body weight per day for barium, based on the NOAEL of than 10 mg/m3 (total inhalable dust, which is primarily of
0.21 mg/kg body weight per day for no adverse health low toxicity) as an 8-h TWA, it would appear that there
effects identified in the Wones et al. (1990) and are no significant risks to human health.
Brenniman & Levy (1984) human studies, with an
uncertainty factor of 3 to account for some database 11.1.4 Uncertainties in the evaluation of health risk
deficiencies and potential differences between adults
and children. The primary route of exposure to barium An area of scientific uncertainty concerning the
appears to be ingestion in drinking-water and food. A non-cancer hazard assessment for barium is the identi-
daily intake of 0.03–0.60 mg barium/kg body weight per fication of the most sensitive end-point of barium
day from drinking-water can be estimated using the toxicity in humans. The results of the NTP (1994)
drinking-water concentration of 1–20 mg/litre, a reference medium-term rat study suggest that renal effects may be
consumption rate of 2 litres/day, and a body weight of 70 a more sensitive end-point than hypertension. However,
kg. IPCS (1990) reported several published estimates of it is not known if a similar relationship would exist
dietary intake of barium by humans, ranging from 300 to following long-term exposure or in humans. The
1770 mg barium/day, with wide variations; this is Brenniman & Levy (1984) human study examined the
equivalent to a range of 4–25 mg barium/kg body weight effect of barium on blood pressure but did not inves-
per day, assuming a 70-kg adult body weight. Hence, tigate sensitive renal end-points (kidney disease was
populations consuming high dietary barium levels may assessed by a health questionnaire only). The long-term
have intakes approximating or exceeding the oral RfD rat study (NTP, 1994) did not measure blood pressure.
value of 0.07 mg/kg body weight per day and the Another area of scientific uncertainty is whether any
tolerable intake of 0.02 mg/kg body weight per day. toxicological or toxicokinetic differences exist between
children and adults. Animal data (Taylor et al., 1962;

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

Cuddihy & Griffith, 1972) suggest that gastrointestinal The potential for toxicity might be increased in areas
absorption may be higher in children than in adults. where barium is released to surface waters or in animals
feeding on plants that accumulate high levels of barium
The overall confidence in the tolerable intake value from barium-rich soils (Robinson et al., 1950).
calculated in section 11.1.2 is medium, reflecting medium
confidence in the principal studies and in the database. Although Stanley (1974) found reduced root
There is medium confidence in the human co-principal weight in Eurasian watermilfoil exposed to a barium
studies because LOAELs for hypertension and kidney concentration of 41.2 mg/litre, there is no indication that
disease were not identified. The lack of cardiovascular barium is toxic to aquatic plants at the highest concen-
measurements (heart rate, blood pressure, or tration (15 000 mg/litre) reported from environmental
electrocardiogram recordings) in the long-term animal sampling.
studies that used adequate diets (NTP, 1994) reduces the
confidence in the animal co-principal studies. Confi- Barium concentrations of 5.8 mg/litre have been
dence in the database is medium because of the exis- observed to impair reproduction and growth in daphnids
tence of medium-term and long-term human studies, during 21-day tests (Biesinger & Christensen, 1972). In
medium-term and long-term animal studies in more than 96-h tests using amphipods, LC50 values in the range of
one species, and a reproductive/developmental study in 122–238 mg/litre were reported (Vincent et al., 1986). A
rats and mice. 48-h EC50 (developmental) value in the mussel Mytilus
californianus is 0.189 mg/litre (Spangenberg & Cherr,
11.2 Evaluation of environmental effects 1996). The 30-day LC50 values for freshwater crayfish
range from 39 to 61 mg/litre (Boutet & Chaisemartin,
Barium is present in soil at an average concentra- 1973).
tion of 500 mg/g (Brooks, 1978). Concentrations ranging
from 0.04 to 37 mg/litre (mean approximately 7.1 mg/litre) There is little information on the potential for
and from 7.0 to 15 000 mg/litre (average 50 mg/litre) have adverse effects in fish exposed to barium compounds. In
been measured in ocean and fresh waters, respectively the only study located, an LC50 value in sheepshead
(Anderson & Hume, 1968; Schroeder et al., 1972; Reeves, minnows was greater than 500 mg/litre (Heitmuller et al.,
1986). Levels of barium in the air are generally #0.05 1981).
mg/m3 (Tabor & Warren, 1958). In a more recent survey
in the USA, ambient barium concentrations ranged from Based on toxic effects observed in daphnids
0.0015 to 0.95 mg/m3 (US EPA, 1984). Barium salts are no (Biesinger & Christensen, 1972), mussels (Spangenberg
longer used in developing countries as pesticides and & Cherr, 1996), and other aquatic organisms exposed to
rodenticides. barium concentrations that were within the upper range
of those concentrations measured in surface waters, it
No information was located concerning the appears that aquatic environments with relatively high
potential for toxicity in plants or animals exposed to barium concentrations may represent a risk to some
ambient airborne barium. Based on available studies in aquatic populations. However, the paucity of informa-
laboratory animals exposed to barium in controlled tion on environmental effects of exposure to barium com-
atmospheres, environmentally encountered levels of pounds precludes a critical evaluation of environmental
barium in air would not be expected to pose a toxic threat risk.
to wildlife or flora.

Soluble barium compounds are capable of being

transported through the environment and absorbed by 12. PREVIOUS EVALUATIONS BY
organisms (IPCS, 1990). Barium may accumulate in INTERNATIONAL BODIES
different parts of plants (IPCS, 1990). There is no
indication that barium is toxic to terrestrial plants.

Barium was evaluated in the WHO Guidelines for

No studies were located regarding toxic effects in
drinking-water quality, and a guideline value of 0.7 mg
terrestrial animals orally exposed to barium compounds
barium/litre was established (WHO, 1996).
present in the environment. Based on laboratory studies
reporting a chronic oral NOAEL of 45 mg/kg body
weight per day in rats and measured mean levels of
barium in the environment, it is not likely that animals
would be adversely affected via oral exposure to typical
barium concentrations encountered in the environment.

Barium and barium compounds

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Health (NIOSH Publication No. 86-103). Tabor EC, Warren WV (1958) Distribution of certain metals in the
atmosphere of some American cities. Archives of industrial
Rundo J (1967) The retention of barium-133 in man. health, 17:145–151.
International journal of radiation biology, 13:301–302.

Barium and barium compounds

Tagatz ME, Tobia M (1978) Effect of barite (BaSO 4) on develop- US EPA (1996) Proposed guidelines for carcinogen risk assess-
ment of estuarine communities. Estuarine and coastal marine ment. Federal register, 61(79):17959–18011.
science, 7:401–407.
US EPA (1998) Toxicological review of barium and compounds.
Takahashi S, Patrick G (1987) Long-term retention of 133Ba in the Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency
rat trachea following local administration as barium sulfate (
particles. Radiation research, 110:321–328.
US EPA (1999) Guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment.
Tarasenko NY, Pronin OA, Silayev AA (1977) Barium Review draft. July, 1999. Washington, DC, US Environmental
compounds as industrial poisons (an experimental study). Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum (NCEA-F0644).
Journal of hygiene, epidemiology, microbiology and
immunology, 21:361–373. US OSHA (1990) Qualitative X-ray fluorescence analysis of
workplace substances. Washington, DC, US Department of
Tardiff RG, Robinson M, Ulmer NS (1980) Subchronic oral Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
toxicity of BaCl 2 in rats. Journal of environmental pathology and
toxicology, 4:267–275. Vincent M, Debord J, Penicaut B (1986) Action comparée de la
toxicité de chlorures métalliques et d’un molluscicide organique
Taylor DM, Bligh PH, Duggan MH (1962) The absorption of de synthèse, la N-trityl-morpholine, sur deux amphipodes dulca-
calcium, strontium, barium and radium from the gastrointestinal quicoles Gammarus pulex et Echinogammarus berilloni. Annales
tract of the rat. Biochemical journal, 83: 25–29. de recherches veterinaires, 17(4):441–446.

Tipton IH, Stewart PL, Martin PG (1966) Trace elements in diets Voss RL, Nicol H (1960) Metallic trace elements in tobacco.
and excreta. Health physics, 12:1683–1689. Lancet, 2:435–436.

Tipton IH, Stewart PL, Dickson J (1969) Patterns of elemental Wang W (1986) The effect of river water on phytotoxicity of Ba,
excretion in long term balance studies. Health physics, Cd and Cr. Environmental pollution, 11:193–204.
WHO (1996) Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 2nd ed. Vol.
Tsai F, Buchanan EB Jr, Drake L (1978) The analysis of 2. Health criteria and other supporting information. Geneva,
sediments from the Iowa River. The science of the total World Health Organization.
environment, 9:277–285.
Willson J, Rubin R, McGee T (1959) The effects of barium
Turekian KK (1965) Barium in ocean water profiles. Transactions sulphate on the lungs. A clinical and experimental study.
— American Geophysical Union, 46:168. American journal of roentgenology, 82:84–94.

Uchiyama K, Nakajima I, Hayashi T (1995) Influence of a barium Wolgemuth K, Broecker WS (1970) Barium in sea water. Earth
sulfate preparation (Ba 147) on lungs of rabbits following single and planetary science letters, 8:372–378.
dose intratracheal administration. Oyo Yakuri , 50:123–134.
Wones RG, Stadler BL, Frohman LA (1990) Lack of effect of
US EPA (1974) Methods for chemical analysis of water and drinking water barium on cardiovascular risk factors.
wastes. Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency Environmental health perspectives, 85:1–13.
(EPA 625/6-74-003a).
Zschiesche W, Schaller KH, Weltle D (1992) Exposure to soluble
US EPA (1984) Health effects assessment for barium. Prepared barium compounds: an interventional study in arc welders. Inter-
for the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, US national archives of occupational and environmental health,
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Cincinnati, 64:13–23.
OH, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Health and
Environmental Assessment, Environmental Criteria and
Assessment Office (EPA 540/1-86-021).

US EPA (1986) Guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment.

Federal register, 51(185):33992–34003.

US EPA (1988) Recommendations for and documentation of

biological values for use in risk assessment. Prepared for the
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, US
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Cincinnati,
OH, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Health and
Environmental Assessment, Environmental Criteria and
Assessment Office (EPA 600/6-87/008).

US EPA (1990) Drinking water criteria document on barium.

Prepared for the Criteria Standards Division, Office of Drinking
Water, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Cincinnati, OH, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Health and Environmental Assessment, Environmental Criteria
and Assessment Office (NTIS PB91-142869).

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

APPENDIX 1 — SOURCE DOCUMENTS occupational health and hygiene from industry, trade unions,
and academia.

The members of the WATCH committee at the time of the

US Environmental Protection Agency: peer review were:
Toxicological review of barium and compounds
Mr S.R. Bailey (Independent Consultant)
(US EPA, 1998) Professor J. Bridges (University of Surrey)
Dr H. Cross (Trades Union Congress)
Copies may be obtained from: Mr D. Farrer (Independent Consultant)
Dr A. Fletcher (Trades Union Congress)
US Environmental Protection Agency Dr I.G. Guest (Chemical Industries Association)
National Center for Environmental Assessment Dr A. Hay (Trades Union Congress)
26 West Martin Luther King Drive Dr L. Levy (Institute of Occupational Hygiene,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 Birmingham)
USA Dr T. Mallet (Chemical Industries Association)
Mr A. Moses (Independent Consultant)
The toxicological review document has received peer Dr R. Owen (Trades Union Congress)
review both by EPA scientists and by independent scientists Mr J. Sanderson (Independent Consultant)
external to EPA. External reviewers included Dr M. Goldman
(University of California, Davis, USA), Dr A. Gregory (Techto
Enterprises, USA), and Mr P. Mushak (PB Associates, USA).
Subsequent to external peer review, this assessment has
undergone an Agency-wide review process whereby the
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Program Manager has
achieved a consensus approval among the Office of Research
and Development; Office of Air and Radiation; Office of
Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances; Office of Solid
Waste and Emergency Response; Office of Water; Office of
Policy, Planning, and Evaluation; and Regional Offices.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease

Registry: Toxicological profile for barium
(ATSDR, 1992)

Copies may be obtained from:

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Division of Toxicology/Toxicology Information Branch
1600 Clifton Road, NE, E-29
Atlanta, Georgia 30333

The profile has been reviewed by scientists from ATSDR,

the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National
Toxicology Program, and other federal agencies. It has also
been reviewed by a panel of nongovernment peer reviewers,
including Dr J. Borowitz (Purdue University, USA), Dr J. Gould
(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), and Dr A. Reeves
(Wayne State University, USA).

United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive:

Barium sulphate risk assessment document
EH72/9 (Ball et al., 1997)

The authors’ draft version is initially reviewed internally by

a group of approximately 10 HSE experts, mainly toxicologists
but also involving other relevant disciplines, such as
epidemiology and occupational hygiene. The toxicology section
of the amended draft is then reviewed by toxicologists from the
United Kingdom Department of Health. Subsequently, the entire
criteria document is reviewed by a tripartite advisory committee
to the United Kingdom Health and Safety Commission, the
Working Group for the Assessment of Toxic Chemicals (WATCH).
This committee comprises experts in toxicology and

Barium and barium compounds



The draft CICAD on barium and barium compounds was Helsinki, Finland, 26–29 June 2000
sent for review to institutions and organizations identified by
IPCS after contact with IPCS national contact points and
Participating Institutions, as well as to identified experts. Members
Comments were received from:
Mr H. Ahlers, Education and Information Division, National
M. Ball, Health and Safety Executive, Bootle, Merseyside, Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH,
United Kingdom USA

M. Baril, International Programme on Chemical Safety/ Dr T. Berzins, National Chemicals Inspectorate (KEMI), Solna,
Institut de Recherche en Santé et en Sécurité du Travail Sweden
du Québec, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dr R.M. Bruce, Office of Research and Development, National
D. Bayliss, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Center for Environmental Assessment, US Environmental
US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Mr R. Cary, Health and Safety Executive, Liverpool, United
R. Benson, US Environmental Protection Agency, Denver, Kingdom (Rapporteur)
Dr R.S. Chhabra, General Toxicology Group, National Institute
T. Berzins, National Chemicals Inspectorate, Solna, of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC,
Sweden USA

R. Chhabra, Department of Health and Human Services, Dr H. Choudhury, National Center for Environmental Assessment,
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
Dr S. Dobson, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Monks Wood,
P. Edwards, Protection of Health Division, Department of Abbots Ripton, United Kingdom (Chairman)
Health, London, United Kingdom
Dr H. Gibb, National Center for Environmental Assessment, US
L. Hall, Pharmacokinetics Branch, Environmental Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA
Toxicology Division, National Health and Environmental
Effects Research Laboratory, US Environmental Dr R.F. Hertel, Federal Institute for Health Protection of
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA Consumers and Veterinary Medicine, Berlin, Germany

H. Nagy, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Ms K. Hughes, Priority Substances Section, Environmental
Health, Washington, DC, USA Health Directorate, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

E. Ohanian, Office of Water, US Environmental Dr G. Koennecker, Chemical Risk Assessment, Fraunhofer

Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA Institute for Toxicology and Aerosol Research, Hanover,
B. Sjögren, Toxicology and Risk Assessment, Swedish
National Institute for Working Life, Stockholm, Sweden Ms M. Meek, Existing Substances Division, Environmental
Health Directorate, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
S. Soliman, Department of Pesticide Chemistry, Faculty
of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt Dr A. Nishikawa, Division of Pathology, Biological Safety
Research Centre, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo,
M. Vojtísek, National Institute of Public Health, Japan
Srobarova, Prague, Czech Republic
Dr V. Riihimäki, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health,
P. Yao, Ministry of Health, Institute of Occupational Helsinki, Finland
Medicine, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine,
Beijing, People’s Republic of China Dr J. Risher, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry,
Division of Toxicology, US Department of Health and Human
K. Ziegler-Skylakakis, GSF - National Research Center for Services, Atlanta, GA, USA
Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Oberschleissheim,
Germany Professor K. Savolainen, Finnish Institute of Occupational
Health, Helsinki, Finland (Vice-Chairman)
A. Zitting, Unit of Risk Assessment, Department of
Toxicology and Industrial Hygiene, Finnish Institute of Dr J. Sekizawa, Division of Chem-Bio Informatics, National
Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan

Dr S. Soliman, Department of Pesticide Chemistry, Faculty of

Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

Ms D. Willcocks, National Industrial Chemicals Notification and

Assessment Scheme, Sydney, NSW, Australia


Dr R.J. Lewis (representative of European Centre for

Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals), Epidemiology and
Health Surveillance, ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences, Inc.,
Annandale, NJ, USA


Dr A. Aitio, International Programme on Chemical Safety, World

Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (Secretary)

Dr P.G. Jenkins, International Programme on Chemical Safety,

World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Dr M. Younes, International Programme on Chemical Safety,

World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

October 1999
CAS No: 7440-39-3 Ba
RTECS No: CQ8370000 Atomic mass: 137.3
UN No: 1400


FIRE Flammable. Many reactions may NO open flames, NO sparks, and Special powder, dry sand, NO
cause fire or explosion. NO smoking. NO contact with water. hydrous agents, NO water.

EXPLOSION Finely dispersed particles form Prevent deposition of dust; closed

explosive mixtures in air. system, dust explosion-proof
electrical equipment and lighting.



Inhalation Cough. Sore throat. Local exhaust or breathing Fresh air, rest. Refer for medical
protection. attention.

Skin Redness. Protective gloves. Remove contaminated clothes.

Rinse skin with plenty of water or
shower. Refer for medical attention.

Eyes Redness. Pain. Safety goggles. First rinse with plenty of water for
several minutes (remove contact
lenses if easily possible), then take
to a doctor.

Ingestion Do not eat, drink, or smoke during Rinse mouth. Refer for medical
work. attention.


Sweep spilled substance into sealable containers. UN Hazard Class: 4.3

Carefully collect remainder, then remove to safe UN Pack Group: II
place. Chemical protection suit including
self-contained breathing apparatus. Do NOT wash
away into sewer.


Transport Emergency Card: TEC (R)-43G12 Separated from halogenated solvents, strong oxidants, acids. Dry. Keep
under inert gas, oil or oxygen-free liquid.

Prepared in the context of cooperation between the International

IPCS Programme on Chemical Safety and the European Commission
International © IPCS 2000
Programme on

Physical State; Appearance Routes of exposure
YELLOWISH TO WHITE LUSTROUS SOLID IN VARIOUS The substance can be absorbed into the body by ingestion.
Effects of short-term exposure
Physical dangers The substance irritates the eyes, the skin and the respiratory
Dust explosion possible if in powder or granular form, mixed tract.
with air.

Chemical dangers
The substance may spontaneously ignite on contact with air (if
in powder form). The substance is a strong reducing agent and
reacts violently with oxidants and acids. Reacts violently with
halogenated solvents. Reacts with water, forming
flammable/explosive gas (hydrogen - see ICSC 0001), causing
fire and explosion hazard.

Occupational exposure limits

TLV: 0.5 mg/m3 (as TWA) (ACGIH 1999).

Boiling point: 1640°C Density: 3.6 g/cm3
Melting point: 725°C Solubility in water: reaction


Reacts violently with fire extinguishing agents such as water, bicarbonate, powder, foam, and carbon dioxide.
Rinse contaminated clothes (fire hazard) with plenty of water.


Neither the EC nor the IPCS nor any person acting on behalf of the EC or the IPCS is responsible
LEGAL NOTICE for the use which might be made of this information

©IPCS 2000
October 2000
CAS No: 13477-00-4 Chloric acid, barium salt
RTECS No: FN9770000 BaCl2O6 / Ba(ClO3)2
UN No: 1445 Molecular mass: 304.2
EC No: 017-003-00-8


FIRE Not combustible but enhances NO contact with flammable In case of fire in the surroundings:
combustion of other substances. substances. NO contact with all extinguishing agents allowed.
Many reactions may cause fire or organic substances, metal powders,
explosion. ammonium salts, and reducing

EXPLOSION Risk of fire and explosion on Do NOT expose to friction or shock. In case of fire: keep drums, etc.,
contact with : see Chemical Prevent deposition of dust; closed cool by spraying with water. Combat
Dangers. system, dust explosion-proof fire from a sheltered position.
electrical equipment and lighting.



Inhalation Cough. Sore throat. (See Ventilation (not if powder), local Fresh air, rest. Artificial respiration if
Ingestion). exhaust, or breathing protection. indicated. Refer for medical

Skin Redness. Protective gloves. First rinse with plenty of water, then
remove contaminated clothes and
rinse again. Refer for medical

Eyes Redness. Pain. Safety goggles, or eye protection in First rinse with plenty of water for
combination with breathing several minutes (remove contact
protection. lenses if easily possible), then take
to a doctor.

Ingestion Abdominal pain. Blue lips or Do not eat, drink, or smoke during Rinse mouth. Induce vomiting
fingernails. Blue skin. Confusion. work. (ONLY IN CONSCIOUS
Convulsions. Diarrhoea. Dizziness. PERSONS!). Rest. Refer for
Headache. Nausea. medical attention.
Unconsciousness. Vomiting.


Consult an expert if large spill! Sweep spilled O Symbol Do not transport with food and
substance into containers; if appropriate, moisten Xn Symbol feedstuffs.
first to prevent dusting. Wash away remainder with R: 9-20/22
plenty of water. Do NOT absorb in saw-dust or other S: (2-)13-27
combustible absorbents. Do NOT let this chemical UN Hazard Class: 5.1
enter the environment. (Extra personal protection: UN Subsidiary Risks: 6.1
P2 filter respirator for harmful particles). UN Pack Group: II


Transport Emergency Card: TEC (R)-812 Separated from combustible and reducing substances,
NFPA Code: H2; F0; R1; ox ammonium-containing substances, metal powders, food and feedstuffs.

Prepared in the context of cooperation between the International

IPCS Programme on Chemical Safety and the European Commission
International © IPCS 2000
Programme on

Physical State; Appearance Routes of exposure
COLOURLESS CRYSTALLINE POWDER The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation and
by ingestion.
Chemical dangers
Shock-sensitive compounds are formed with organic Inhalation risk
compounds, reducing agents, ammonia-containing agents, and Evaporation at 20°C is negligible; a harmful concentration of
metal powders. The substance decomposes violently on heating airborne particles can, however, be reached quickly when
producing oxygen and toxic fumes, causing fire and explosion dispersed, especially if powdered.
hazard. The substance is a strong oxidant and reacts with
combustible and reducing materials. Effects of short-term exposure
The substance irritates the eyes, the skin and the respiratory
Occupational exposure limits tract. The substance may cause effects on the blood and
TLV (as Ba): 0.5 mg/m3 (as TWA) A4 (ACGIH 1999). 0.5 mg/m3 nervous system, resulting in formation of methaemoglobin.
EC OELs Exposure could cause hypokalemia, resulting in cardiac
disorders and muscular disorders. The effects may be delayed.
Medical observation is indicated. Exposure may result in death.

Decomposes below melting point: 250°C Solubility in water, g/100 ml: 27.4 (good)
Density: 3.2 g/cm3

The substance is harmful to aquatic organisms.

Depending on the degree of exposure, periodic medical examination is indicated. The symptoms of paralysis do not become
manifest until some hours have passed. Specific treatment is necessary in case of poisoning with this substance; the appropriate
means with instructions must be available. Rinse contaminated clothes (fire hazard) with plenty of water. 10294-38-9 is a CAS
registry number for Barium chlorate, monohydrate. Will turn shock-sensitive if contaminated with: see Chemical Dangers.


Neither the EC nor the IPCS nor any person acting on behalf of the EC or the IPCS is responsible
LEGAL NOTICE for the use which might be made of this information

©IPCS 2000
October 1999
CAS No: 10361-37-2 BaCl2
RTECS No: CQ8750000 Molecular mass: 208.27
UN No: 1564
EC No: 056-004-00-8


FIRE Not combustible. Gives off irritating In case of fire in the surroundings:
or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire. all extinguishing agents allowed.




Inhalation Cough. Sore throat. (See Ventilation (not if powder), local Fresh air, rest. Artificial respiration if
Ingestion). exhaust, or breathing protection. indicated. Refer for medical

Skin Redness. Pain. Protective gloves. Remove contaminated clothes.

Rinse skin with plenty of water or

Eyes Redness. Pain. Safety spectacles, or eye protection First rinse with plenty of water for
in combination with breathing several minutes (remove contact
protection. lenses if easily possible), then take
to a doctor.

Ingestion Abdominal cramps. Convulsions. Do not eat, drink, or smoke during Induce vomiting (ONLY IN
Dullness. Unconsciousness. work. Wash hands before eating. CONSCIOUS PERSONS!). Rest.
Vomiting. Refer for medical attention.


Sweep spilled substance into sealable containers; if T Symbol Do not transport with food and
appropriate, moisten first to prevent dusting. R: 20-25 feedstuffs.
Carefully collect remainder, then remove to safe S: (1/2-)45
place. Do NOT let this chemical enter the UN Hazard Class: 6.1
environment. (Extra personal protection: P2 filter UN Pack Group: III
respirator for harmful particles).


Transport Emergency Card: TEC (R)-61G64c Separated from food and feedstuffs.

Prepared in the context of cooperation between the International

IPCS Programme on Chemical Safety and the European Commission
International © IPCS 2000
Programme on

Physical State; Appearance Routes of exposure
ODOURLESS, COLOURLESS CRYSTALS The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of
its aerosol and by ingestion.
Occupational exposure limits
TLV (as Ba): 0.5 mg/m3 (ACGIH 1999). Inhalation risk
Evaporation at 20°C is negligible; a harmful concentration of
airborne particles can, however, be reached quickly when

Effects of short-term exposure

The substance irritates the eyes, the skin and the respiratory
tract. The substance may cause effects on the nervous system.
Exposure could cause hypokalaemia, resulting in cardiac
disorders and muscular disorders. Exposure may result in

Boiling point: 1560°C Density: 3.9 g/cm3
Melting point: 960°C Solubility in water, g/100 ml: 36

The substance is harmful to aquatic organisms.

Specific treatment is necessary in case of poisoning with this substance; the appropriate means with instructions must be available.


Neither the EC nor the IPCS nor any person acting on behalf of the EC or the IPCS is responsible
LEGAL NOTICE for the use which might be made of this information

©IPCS 2000
October 1999
CAS No: 10326-27-9 BaCl2. 2H2O
RTECS No: CQ8751000 Molecular mass: 244.3
UN No: 1564
EC No: 056-002-00-7


FIRE Not combustible. Gives off irritating In case of fire in the surroundings:
or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire. all extinguishing agents allowed.




Inhalation Cough. Sore throat. (See Ventilation (not if powder), local Fresh air, rest. Artificial respiration if
Ingestion). exhaust, or breathing protection. indicated. Refer for medical

Skin Redness. Protective gloves. Remove contaminated clothes.

Rinse skin with plenty of water or

Eyes Redness. Safety spectacles, or eye protection First rinse with plenty of water for
in combination with breathing several minutes (remove contact
protection. lenses if easily possible), then take
to a doctor.

Ingestion Abdominal pain. Nausea. Do not eat, drink, or smoke during Rinse mouth. Induce vomiting
Diarrhoea. Vomiting. Weakness. work. (ONLY IN CONSCIOUS
Dullness. Unconsciousness. PERSONS!). Rest.


Sweep spilled substance into sealable containers; if Xn Symbol Do not transport with food and
appropriate, moisten first to prevent dusting. R: 20/22 feedstuffs.
Carefully collect remainder, then remove to safe S: (2-)28
place. Do NOT let this chemical enter the Note: A
environment. (Extra personal protection: P2 filter UN Hazard Class: 6.1
respirator for harmful particles). UN Pack Group: III


Transport Emergency Card: TEC (R)-61G64c Separated from food and feedstuffs.

Prepared in the context of cooperation between the International

IPCS Programme on Chemical Safety and the European Commission
International © IPCS 2000
Programme on

Physical State; Appearance Routes of exposure
WHITE SOLID IN VARIOUS FORMS The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of
its aerosol and by ingestion.
Chemical dangers
The substance decomposes on heating producing toxic fumes. Inhalation risk
Evaporation at 20°C is negligible; a harmful concentration of
Occupational exposure limits airborne particles can, however, be reached quickly when
TLV (as Ba): 0.5 mg/m3 (ACGIH 1999). dispersed, especially if powdered.

Effects of short-term exposure

The substance irritates the eyes, the skin and the respiratory
tract. The substance may cause effects on the nervous system.
Exposure could cause hypokalaemia, resulting in cardiac
disorders and muscular disorders. Exposure may result in

Melting point: 113°C (see Notes) Solubility in water, g/100 ml at 26°C: 37.5 (good)
Density: 3.86 g/cm3

The substance is harmful to aquatic organisms.

The apparent melting point caused by loss of crystal water is given.
Specific treatment is necessary in case of poisoning with this substance; the appropriate means with instructions must be available.
Also consult ICSC 0614 (Barium chloride).


Neither the EC nor the IPCS nor any person acting on behalf of the EC or the IPCS is responsible
LEGAL NOTICE for the use which might be made of this information

©IPCS 2000
October 1999
CAS No: 1304-28-5 Barium monoxide
RTECS No: CQ9800000 Barium protoxide
UN No: 1884 Calcined baryta
EC No: 056-002-00-7 BaO
Molecular mass: 153.3


FIRE Not combustible. In case of fire in the surroundings:

NO water.




Inhalation Cough. Sore throat. Local exhaust or breathing Fresh air, rest. Refer for medical
protection. attention.

Skin Redness. Pain. Protective gloves. Remove contaminated clothes.

Rinse skin with plenty of water or
shower. Refer for medical attention.

Eyes Redness. Pain. Safety spectacles, or eye protection First rinse with plenty of water for
in combination with breathing several minutes (remove contact
protection if powder. lenses if easily possible), then take
to a doctor.

Ingestion Abdominal pain. Diarrhoea. Do not eat, drink, or smoke during Rinse mouth. Induce vomiting
Nausea. Vomiting. Muscle work. (ONLY IN CONSCIOUS
paralysis. Cardiac arrhythmia. PERSONS!). Give plenty of water to
Hypertension. Death. drink. Refer for medical attention.


Sweep spilled substance into containers. Carefully Xn Symbol Airtight. Do not transport with food
collect remainder, then remove to safe place. Do R: 20/22 and feedstuffs.
NOT let this chemical enter the environment. (Extra S: (2-)28
personal protection: P2 filter respirator for harmful Note: A
particles). UN Hazard Class: 6.1
UN Pack Group: III


Transport Emergency Card: TEC (R)-61G64c Separated from food and feedstuffs. Dry. Well closed.

Prepared in the context of cooperation between the International

IPCS Programme on Chemical Safety and the European Commission
International © IPCS 2000
Programme on

Physical State; Appearance Routes of exposure
YELLOWISH-WHITE SOLID IN VARIOUS FORMS The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of
its aerosol and by ingestion.
Chemical dangers
The solution in water is a medium strong base. Reacts violently Inhalation risk
with water, dinitrogen tetraoxide, hydroxylamine, sulfur trioxide, Evaporation at 20°C is negligible; a harmful concentration of
and hydrogen sulfide causing fire and explosion hazard. airborne particles can, however, be reached quickly when
Occupational exposure limits
TLV (as Ba): 0.5 mg/m3 (as TWA) (ACGIH 1999). Effects of short-term exposure
MAK as Ba: 0.5 ppm; (1996) The substance irritates the eyes, the skin and the respiratory
tract. The substance may cause effects on the nervous system.
Exposure could cause hypokalaemia, resulting in cardiac
disorders and muscular disorders. Exposure may result in

Boiling point: about 2000°C Density: 5.7 g/cm3
Melting point: 1923°C Solubility in water, g/100 ml at 20°C: 3.8

The substance is harmful to aquatic organisms.

Reacts violently with fire extinguishing agents such as water.
Specific treatment is necessary in case of poisoning with this substance; the appropriate means with instructions must be available.
NEVER pour water into this substance; when dissolving or diluting always add it slowly to the water.


Neither the EC nor the IPCS nor any person acting on behalf of the EC or the IPCS is responsible
LEGAL NOTICE for the use which might be made of this information

©IPCS 2000
October 1999
CAS No: 1304-29-6 Barium dioxide
RTECS No: CR0175000 Barium superoxide
UN No: 1449 BaO2
EC No: 056-001-00-1 Molecular mass: 169.3


FIRE Not combustible but enhances NO contact with combustibles In case of fire in the surroundings:
combustion of other substances. reducing agents and acid(s). all extinguishing agents allowed.

EXPLOSION Risk of fire and explosion on

contact with combustible
substances and reducing agents.



Inhalation Burning sensation. Cough. Local exhaust or breathing Fresh air, rest. Half-upright position.
Laboured breathing. Shortness of protection. Artificial respiration if indicated.
breath. Sore throat (see Ingestion). Refer for medical attention.

Skin Redness. Skin burns. Pain. Protective gloves. Protective First rinse with plenty of water, then
clothing. remove contaminated clothes and
rinse again.

Eyes Redness. Pain. Blurred vision. Safety goggles, or face shield, or First rinse with plenty of water for
eye protection in combination with several minutes (remove contact
breathing protection if powder. lenses if easily possible), then take
to a doctor.

Ingestion Abdominal pain. Vomiting. Do not eat, drink, or smoke during Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce
Diarrhoea. work. vomiting. Refer for medical


Sweep spilled substance into containers, then O Symbol Do not transport with food and
remove to safe place. Do NOT absorb in saw-dust Xn Symbol feedstuffs.
or other combustible absorbents. Do NOT let this R: 8-20/22
chemical enter the environment. (Extra personal S: (2-)13-27
protection: P2 filter respirator for harmful particles). UN Hazard Class: 5.1
UN Subsidiary Risks: 6.1
UN Pack Group: II


Transport Emergency Card: TEC (R)-51G12 Separated from combustible and reducing substances, food and feedstuffs.
NFPA Code: H1; F0; R0; ox Dry.

Prepared in the context of cooperation between the International

IPCS Programme on Chemical Safety and the European Commission
International © IPCS 2000
Programme on

Physical State; Appearance Routes of exposure
WHITE OR GREY TO WHITE POWDER. The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of
its aerosol and by ingestion.
Chemical dangers
The substance decomposes on heating and on contact with Inhalation risk
water or acids producing oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, which Evaporation at 20°C is negligible; a harmful concentration of
increases fire hazard. The substance is a strong oxidant and airborne particles can, however, be reached quickly when
reacts violently with combustible and reducing materials. dispersed.

Occupational exposure limits Effects of short-term exposure

TLV (as Ba): 0.5 mg/m3 (TWA) (ACGIH 1999). The substance irritates the eyes the skin and the respiratory
tract. The substance may cause effects on the nervous system.
Exposure could cause hypokalaemia, resulting in cardiac
disorders and muscular disorders.

Decomposes below boiling point at 800°C Relative density (water = 1): 5.0
Melting point: 450°C Solubility in water: poor

The substance is harmful to aquatic organisms.

Specific treatment is necessary in case of poisoning with this substance; the appropriate means with instructions must be available.
Rinse contaminated clothes (fire hazard) with plenty of water.


Neither the EC nor the IPCS nor any person acting on behalf of the EC or the IPCS is responsible
LEGAL NOTICE for the use which might be made of this information

©IPCS 2000
October 1999
CAS No: 7727-43-7 Barium sulphate
RTECS No: CR0600000 Blanc fixe
Artificial barite
Molecular mass: 233.43


FIRE Not combustible. Gives off irritating In case of fire in the surroundings:
or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire. all extinguishing agents allowed.



Inhalation Local exhaust or breathing Fresh air, rest.


Skin Protective gloves. Remove contaminated clothes.

Rinse skin with plenty of water or

Eyes Safety spectacles. First rinse with plenty of water for

several minutes (remove contact
lenses if easily possible), then take
to a doctor.

Ingestion Do not eat, drink, or smoke during Rinse mouth.



Sweep spilled substance into containers; if

appropriate, moisten first to prevent dusting. (Extra
personal protection: P1 filter respirator for inert


Prepared in the context of cooperation between the International

IPCS Programme on Chemical Safety and the European Commission
International © IPCS 2000
Programme on

Physical State; Appearance Routes of exposure
ODOURLESS, TASTELESS, WHITE OR YELLOWISH The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of
CRYSTALS OR POWDER. its aerosol.

Chemical dangers Inhalation risk

Reacts violently with aluminium powder. Evaporation at 20°C is negligible; a nuisance-causing
concentration of airborne particles can, however, be reached
Occupational exposure limits quickly.
TLV: 10 mg/m3 (ACGIH 1999).
Effects of long-term or repeated exposure
Lungs may be affected by repeated or prolonged exposure to
dust particles, resulting in baritosis (a form of benign

Melting point (decomposes): 1600°C Solubility in water: none
Density: 4.5 g/cm3


Occurs in nature as the mineral barite; also as barytes, heavy spar.


Neither the EC nor the IPCS nor any person acting on behalf of the EC or the IPCS is responsible
LEGAL NOTICE for the use which might be made of this information

©IPCS 2000
Barium and barium compounds

RÉSUMÉ D’ORIENTATION est un solide cristallin blanc de dureté moyenne, opaque

à transparent. Ses impuretés les plus importantes sont
l’oxyde ferrique, l’oxyde d’aluminium, la silice et le
Ce CICAD relatif au baryum et à ses composés a sulfate de strontium.
été préparé par l’Environmental Protection Agency des
Etats-Unis d’Amérique (US EPA) et par le Health and La barytine est principalement utilisée comme
Safety Executive (HSE) du Royaume-Uni afin de mettre à constituant des boues de forage dans l’industrie
jour la monographie de la série WHO Environmental pétrolière. On l’utilise également comme charge dans
Health Criteria consacrée au baryum (IPCS, 1990). Les divers revêtements industriels, comme charge dense
documents utilisés sont Toxicological review of barium dans certains plastiques et produits du caoutchouc,
and compounds de l’US EPA (US EPA, 1998), dans les garnitures de freins et dans certains produits de
Toxicological profile for barium de l’Agency for Toxic scellement et adhésifs. La granulométrie de la barytine
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 1992) et après broyage est déterminée par l’usage auquel elle est
Barium sulphate risk assessment document du HSE, qui destinée. Par exemple, pour les boues de forage, le
porte essentiellement sur l’exposition professionnelle diamètre moyen des particules doit être de 44 :m, avec
(Ball et al., 1997). Le document de l’US EPA (1998) un maximum de 30 % de particules de moins de 6 :m.
s’appuie sur une recherche des données toxicologiques
dans la littérature, effectuée en 1998. Une nouvelle Rien ne montre que le baryum subisse une bio-
recherche a été effectuée en janvier 1999 sur les bases de transformation autre que celle d’un cation divalent. La
données en ligne afin de trouver toutes les références toxicocinétique des ions baryum devrait être la même que
bibliographiques contenant des données toxicologiques celle des sels solubles de baryum. Des études chez le rat
ou écologiques sur le baryum, et postérieures à celles portant sur un sel soluble (chlorure de baryum)
citées dans les documents susmentionnés. Le document indiquent que les ions baryum absorbés sont distribués
du HSE couvre les données sur le sulfate de baryum dans l’organisme via la circulation sanguine et se
arrêtées au mois de septembre 1997. Une nouvelle déposent principalement au niveau du squelette.
recherche documentaire sur la période allant jusqu’en L’élimination du baryum après administration par voie
avril 1999 a été effectuée afin d’identifier toutes les orale, par inhalation ou par voie intratrachéale se fait
informations supplémentaires postérieures à ce essentiellement par voie fécale. Après introduction dans
document. On trouvera à l’appendice 1 des indications les voies respiratoires, l’apparition de sulfate de baryum
sur les modalités de l’examen par des pairs et sur les dans les fèces traduit une évacuation mucociliaire depuis
sources documentaires. Les renseignements concernant les poumons suivie d’une ingestion.
l’examen du CICAD par des pairs font l’objet de
l’appendice 2. Ce CICAD a été approuvé en tant Chez l’homme, l’ingestion en grande quantité de
qu’évaluation internationale lors d’une réunion du composés solubles du baryum peut provoquer une
Comité d’évaluation finale qui s’est tenue à Helsinki gastro-entérite (vomissements, diarrhée, douleurs
(Finlande) du 26 au 29 juin 2000. La liste des participants abdominales), une hypokaliémie, de l’hypertension, des
à cette réunion figure à l’appendice 3. Les fiches arythmies cardiaques et une paralysie des muscles
d’information internationales sur la sécurité chimique squelettiques. Le sulfate de baryum insoluble est
pour le baryum (ICSC 1052), le chlorate de baryum (ICSC largement utilisé en doses importantes (450 g) par voie
0613), le chlorure de baryum (ICSC 0614), le chlorure de orale comme milieu de contraste radiologique sans que
baryum dihydraté (ICSC 0615), l’oxyde de baryum (ICSC des effets indésirables généraux soient signalés. On ne
0778), le peroxyde de baryum (ICSC 0381) et le sulfate de dispose pas de données expérimentales sur le sulfate de
baryum (ICSC 0827) établies par le Programme baryum mais, du fait de sa faible absorption au niveau
international sur la Sécurité chimique (IPCS, 1993, 1999a- des voies digestives ou de la peau, il est peu probable
f) sont également reproduites dans ce document. qu’il donne lieu à des effets généraux notables.

Le baryum est un métal alcalino-terreux dense qui La toxicité orale aiguë des composés du baryum
se trouve dans la nature à l’état de cation divalent en chez l’animal d’expérience est faible à modérée. La
combinaison avec d’autres éléments. Outre sa présence perfusion intraveineuse de chlorure de baryum entraîne
naturelle dans l’écorce terrestre et par conséquent dans une hypertension et des arythmies cardiaques.
la plupart des eaux de surface, il est aussi libéré dans
l’environnement par les rejets industriels. Son temps de L’hydroxyde de baryum est fortement alcalin et
séjour dans l’atmosphère peut atteindre plusieurs jours. donc corrosif. Le nitrate de baryum provoque une
irritation modérée de la peau et une forte irritation
Le sulfate de baryum se présente sous forme de oculaire chez le lapin. L’absence d’observations
poudre ou de cristaux orthorhombiques. La barytine, d’irritation cutanée ou oculaire chez l’homme malgré un
minerai à partir duquel est produit le sulfate de baryum, usage répandu montre que le sulfate de baryum, souvent

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

utilisé comme milieu de contraste, n’est pas un irritant Les critères de toxicité chez l’homme pour l’expo-
puissant. On n’a pas trouvé d’informations utiles sur le sition au baryum et à ses composés sont l’hypertension
potentiel de sensibilisation des composés du baryum. et les troubles de la fonction rénale. En prenant dans le
présent document une dose sans effet indésirable
Le rein semble l’organe cible le plus sensible chez observé (NOAEL) chez l’homme de 0,21 mg de baryum
les rats et souris exposés de façon répétée à du chlorure par kg de poids corporel par jour, on est parvenu à une
de baryum dans l’eau de boisson. Lors d’études de dose tolérable de 0,02 mg/kg de poids corporel par jour
toxicité chronique chez l’animal d’expérience, les effets pour le baryum et les composés du baryum.
du baryum sur la tension artérielle, la fonction cardiaque
et les muscles squelettiques, observés chez l’homme et Le baryum dissous dans les environnements
chez l’animal après exposition orale aiguë, n’ont pas été aquatiques peut constituer un risque pour des
confirmés. organismes aquatiques comme les daphnies, mais
apparemment dans une moindre mesure pour les
L’exposition humaine par inhalation à des formes poissons et les plantes aquatiques, même si on ne
insolubles de baryum entraîne des manifestations dispose que de données limitées. Aucun effet
radiologiques de barytose sans signes d’atteinte de la indésirable n’a été observé lors de bilans écologiques
fonction pulmonaire ni de pathologie pulmonaire. On ne réalisés sur la flore et la faune terrestres, bien que l’on
dispose que de données limitées à ce sujet chez l’animal. connaisse chez certaines plantes une bioaccumulation
L’exposition répétée à l’oxyde de baryum par inhalation du baryum présent dans le sol.
peut provoquer l’apparition d’une bronchite avec toux,
expectoration muqueuse et/ou dyspnée. Dans une étude
limitée, des altérations histopathologiques mineures ont
été observées dans les poumons de rats exposés au
sulfate de baryum à raison de 40 mg/m3 pendant 5 heures
par jour, 5 jours par semaine, mais sans indication de
potentiel fibrogène. Des études sur l’animal avec instil-
lation de sulfate de baryum dans les voies respiratoires
ont montré une réponse inflammatoire et la formation de
granulomes pulmonaires, mais ce type de réponse
s’observe en cas d’exposition à des quantités impor-
tantes de n’importe quelles poussières de faible solu-
bilité, qui entraîne des modifications de la clairance
pulmonaire et des effets sur le poumon.

D’après les données disponibles, le baryum ne

semble pas comporter de risques pour la reproduction ou
le développement, même si les études chez l’animal sont
limitées. Lors des essais biologiques standard du
National Toxicology Program sur des rongeurs, le
baryum ne s’est pas montré cancérogène. Malgré
l’absence de données in vivo, les résultats obtenus in
vitro indiquent que les composés du baryum sont
dépourvus de potentiel mutagène.

L’ingestion avec l’eau de boisson et les aliments

est la voie la plus fréquente d’exposition aux composés
du baryum dans la population générale. En ce qui
concerne l’environnement professionnel, les données en
provenance de l’industrie au Royaume-Uni et les
prévisions réalisées avec le modèle EASE (Estimation
and Assessment of Substance Exposure) indiquent que
l’exposition pourrait être abaissée jusqu’à moins de
10 mg/m3 en moyenne pondérée sur une durée de
8 heures (total des poussières inhalables). Dans certains
cas, les taux pourront être abaissés à des valeurs encore
plus faibles. L’exposition à court terme pourra dépasser
10 mg/m3 pour certains travaux.

Barium and barium compounds

RESUMEN DE ORIENTACIÓN El sulfato de bario existe como polvo o cristales

ortorrómbicos de color blanco. La barita, mineral del cual
se obtiene el sulfato de bario, es un mineral cristalino
Este CICAD sobre el bario y los compuestos de moderadamente blando de color blanco entre opaco y
bario fue preparado por la Agencia para la Protección del transparente. Las impurezas más importantes son el
Medio Ambiente de los Estados Unidos (EPA) y la óxido de hierro (III), el óxido de aluminio, la sílice y el
Dirección de Salud y Seguridad del Reino Unido (HSE) sulfato de estroncio.
para actualizar la monografía de los Criterios de Salud
Ambiental de la OMS correspondiente al bario (IPCS, La barita (sulfato de bario) se utiliza fundamen-
1990). Los documentos originales fueron el Examen talmente como elemento constitutivo de los lodos de
toxicológico del bario y sus compuestos de la EPA (US perforación en la industria del petróleo. También se
EPA, 1998), el Perfil toxicológico del bario de la emplea como relleno en una serie de revestimientos
Agencia para el Registro de Sustancias Tóxicas y industriales, como relleno denso en algunos plásticos y
Enfermedades (ATSDR, 1992) y el documento de productos de caucho, en los cojinetes del embrague y en
Evaluación del riesgo del sulfato de bario de la HSE, algunos selladores y adhesivos. El tamaño de las
que se concentra en la exposición ocupacional (Ball et partículas al que hay que triturar la barita depende del
al., 1997). En la preparación del examen de la US EPA uso. Por ejemplo, los lodos de perforación se trituran
(1998) se realizó una búsqueda de datos toxicológicos hasta un diámetro medio de las partículas de 44 :m, con
actualizados (1998) en la bibliografía. En enero de 1999 se un máximo del 30% de las partículas con un diámetro
hizo una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos en inferior a 6 :m.
línea actualizadas para identificar cualquier referencia
con información toxicológica o ecológica sobre el bario No hay pruebas de que el bario sufra biotransfor-
publicada después de las incorporadas a los mación distinta de la de catión divalente. Cabe suponer
documentos originales enumerados más arriba. Los que la toxicocinética de los iones de bario es la misma
datos sobre el sulfato de bario localizados hasta que la de las sales solubles de bario. Los estudios en
septiembre de 1997 figuraban en el documento de la HSE. ratas utilizando una sal soluble (cloruro de bario) han
Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica ulterior hasta abril puesto de manifiesto que los iones de bario absorbidos
de 1999 para determinar cualquier información adicional se distribuyen a través de la sangre y se depositan
publicada antes de la conclusión de este examen. La fundamentalmente en el esqueleto. La vía principal de
información relativa al carácter del examen eliminación del bario tras la administración oral, la
colegiado y a la disponibilidad de los documentos inhalación o la instilación intratraqueal son las heces.
originales se presenta en el apéndice 1. La Tras la introducción en el tracto respiratorio, la aparición
información sobre el examen colegiado de este CICAD de sulfato de bario en las heces se debe a una elimina-
aparece en el apéndice 2. Este CICAD se aprobó como ción mucociliar de los pulmones y la posterior ingestión.
evaluación internacional en una reunión de la Junta de
Evaluación Final, celebrada en Helsinki (Finlandia) del 26 En las personas, la ingestión de concentraciones
al 29 de junio de 2000. La lista de participantes en esta elevadas de compuestos de bario solubles puede provo-
reunión figura en el apéndice 3. Las Fichas car gastroenteritis (vómitos, diarrea, dolor abdominal),
internacionales de seguridad química para el bario (ICSC hipopotasemia, hipertensión, arritmias cardíacas y
1052), el clorato de bario (ICSC 0613), el cloruro de bario parálisis de los músculos esqueléticos. El sulfato de
(ICSC 0614), el dihidrato de cloruro de bario (ICSC 0615), bario insoluble se ha utilizado ampliamente en dosis
el oxido de bario (ICSC 0778), el peróxido de bario (ICSC elevadas (450 g) como medio de radiocontraste oral y no
0381) y el sulfato de bario (ICSC 0827), preparadas por el se han notificado efectos sistémicos adversos. No se
Programa Internacional de Seguridad de las Sustancias dispone de datos experimentales sobre el sulfato de
Químicas (IPCS, 1993, 1999a-f), se reproducen en este bario; sin embargo, debido a su absorción limitada a
documento. partir del tracto gastrointestinal o la piel, es poco
probable que pueda tener un efecto sistémico signifi-
El bario es un metal alcalinotérreo denso que se cativo.
encuentra en la naturaleza como catión divalente en
combinación con otros elementos. Además de su pres- La toxicidad aguda por vía oral de los compuestos
encia natural en la corteza terrestre y, por consiguiente, de bario en animales experimentales es de ligera a
en la mayor parte de las aguas superficiales, el bario moderada. La infusión intravenosa de cloruro de bario
también se libera al medio ambiente a través de las produce un aumento de la presión sanguínea y arritmias
emisiones industriales. Su tiempo de permanencia en la cardíacas.
atmósfera puede durar hasta varios días.
El hidróxido de bario es fuertemente alcalino, y por
consiguiente corrosivo. El nitrato de bario provocó una

Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 33

irritación cutánea leve e irritación ocular grave en mantener a un nivel inferior a 10 mg/m3 en un promedio
conejos. La falta de información acerca de la irritación ponderado por el tiempo de ocho horas (polvo inhalable
cutánea u ocular en las personas, a pesar de su uso total). En algunas situaciones se podrá contener a
generalizado, parece indicar que el sulfato de bario, niveles muy inferiores a éste. En algunas tareas se
utilizado con frecuencia como medio de contraste, no es pueden producir exposiciones breves a concentraciones
un irritante fuerte. No se encontró información útil sobre superiores a 10 mg/m3.
el potencial de sensibilización de los compuestos de
bario. Los efectos finales críticos en las personas para la
toxicidad derivada de la exposición al bario y los
El riñón parece ser el órgano destinatario más compuestos de bario parecen ser la hipertensión y la
sensible en las ratas y los ratones expuestos repetida- disfunción renal. Utilizando una concentracione sin
mente a cloruro de bario en el agua de bebida. En efectos adversos observados (NOAEL) en las personas
estudios de exposición crónica al bario con animales de de 0,21 mg de bario/kg de peso corporal al día, se ha
laboratorio no se han confirmado los efectos en la obtenido en este documento un valor de la ingesta
presión sanguínea y los músculos cardíacos y esquelé- tolerable de 0,02 mg/kg de peso corporal al día para el
ticos observados en las personas y en los animales de bario y los compuestos de bario.
laboratorio tras la exposición oral a concentraciones muy
elevadas. El bario disuelto en el entorno acuático puede
representar un riesgo para organismos acuáticos como
La exposición de las personas a formas insolubles los dáfnidos, pero al parecer el riesgo es menor para los
de bario por inhalación da lugar a resultados radiológi- peces y las plantas acuáticas, aunque los datos son
cos de baritosis, sin pruebas de alteración de la función limitados. No se han notificado efectos adversos en
y la histología pulmonares. La información sobre la evaluaciones ecológicas de plantas terrestres o de flora y
toxicidad del bario inhalado en los animales es limitada. fauna silvestres, aunque se conocen algunas plantas
La exposición repetida al oxido de bario por inhalación capaces de bioacumular bario del suelo.
puede provocar bronquitis, acompañada de tos, flemas
y/o disnea. En un estudio limitado se observaron
cambios histopatológicos pequeños en los pulmones de
ratas expuestas a sulfato de bario en concentraciones de
40 mg/m3 durante cinco horas al día, cinco días a la
semana, pero no se obtuvieron pruebas del potencial
fibrogénico. En los estudios en animales utilizando la
instilación de sulfato de bario en las vías respiratorias se
han puesto de manifiesto respuestas inflamatorias y
formación de granulomas en los pulmones; cabe esperar
este efecto de la exposición a cantidades importantes de
cualquier polvo de baja solubilidad, debido a un cambio
en la eliminación pulmonar y el consiguiente efecto en
los pulmones.

Los datos actualmente disponibles indican que el

bario no parece representar un peligro para la reproduc-
ción o el desarrollo, aunque los estudios en animales son
limitados. El bario no fue carcinógeno en las biovalora-
ciones normalizadas realizadas con roedores en el marco
del Programa Nacional de Toxicología. Aunque no se
dispone de datos in vivo, los datos obtenidos in vitro
indican que los compuestos de bario no tienen potencial

La ingesta oral con el agua de bebida y los

alimentos es la vía más frecuente de exposición a los
compuestos de bario para la población general. En el
entorno ocupacional, los datos de la industria británica
y los pronósticos realizados mediante el modelo de
Estimación y evaluación de la exposición a sustancias
(EASE) parecen indicar que las exposiciones se pueden


Azodicarbonamide (No. 16, 1999)

Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate (No. 26, 2000)
Benzyl butyl phthalate (No. 17, 1999)
Beryllium and beryllium compounds (No. 32, 2001)
Biphenyl (No. 6, 1999)
1,3-Butadiene: Human health aspects (No. 30, 2001)
2-Butoxyethanol (No. 10, 1998)
Chloral hydrate (No. 25, 2000)
Crystalline silica, Quartz (No. 24, 2000)
Cumene (No. 18, 1999)
1,2-Diaminoethane (No. 15, 1999)
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine (No. 2, 1998)
1,2-Dichloroethane (No. 1, 1998)
2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123) (No. 23, 2000)
N,N-Dimethylformamide (No. 31, 2001)
Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) (No. 27, 2000)
Ethylenediamine (No. 15, 1999)
Ethylene glycol: environmental aspects (No. 22, 2000)
2-Furaldehyde (No. 21, 2000)
HCFC-123 (No. 23, 2000)
Limonene (No. 5, 1998)
Manganese and its compounds (No. 12, 1999)
Methyl chloride (No. 28, 2000)
Methyl methacrylate (No. 4, 1998)
Mononitrophenols (No. 20, 2000)
Phenylhydrazine (No. 19, 2000)
N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine (No. 9, 1998)
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane (No. 3, 1998)
1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (No. 11, 1998)
o-Toluidine (No. 7, 1998)
Tributyltin oxide (No. 14, 1999)
Triglycidyl isocyanurate (No. 8, 1998)
Triphenyltin compounds (No. 13, 1999)
Vanadium pentoxide and other inorganic vanadium compounds (No. 29, 2001)

To order further copies of monographs in this series, please contact Marketing and Dissemination,
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