BLS Ahmad Hafiz 01

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 Basic life support is the recognition of sudden cardiac arrest and
activation of the emergency response system, followed
by the resuscitation, and rapid defibrillation.
 According to the WHO Pakistan has one of the highest
mortality rates from accidental deaths therefore assessment and
comparison of BLS knowledge in health professional is crucial.
 Basic life support is a level of medicine care which is used for
victims of life threatening illnesses or injuries until they can be
given full medical care at a hospital.
 Cardic arrest occur when the heart stops pumping in a regular
In this situation ,early defibrillation is the key to returning the
victims heart back to normal rhythm.
CPR(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) is a life saving technique.
 CPR is a lifesaving action used in emergencies when someone is not
breathing or their heart is not beating.
 It aims to keep blood and oxygen flowing through the body when a
person's heart and breathing stopped.
 According to the American heart association ,CPR can double or
triple the chances of survival after cardiac arrest.
 The primary goal of CPR is to keep blood flow active until medical
professionals arrive.
1. start compression with in 10 second of recognition of cardiac arrest.
2.Push hard ,push fast, compress at a rate of 100 to120/min with a
depth of,
 At least 2 inches 5cm for adult.
 At least 2 inches (5cm) for children.
 At least 1 ½ (4cm) for infants.
3.Allow complete chest recoil after each compression.
4.Give effective breaths that make the chest rise
5.Avoid excessive ventilation
6.ventilate adequately 2 breaths after 30 compression ,each
breath deliver over one second, each causing chest rise.

Inside hospital cardiac arrest

1. Surveillance and prevention
2. Recognition and activation of emergency response system
3. Immediate high quality CPR
4. Rapid Defibrillation
5. Advance life support and post arrest care

Outside hospital cardiac arrest

1.Recognition and activation of emergency response system
2.Immediate high quality CPR
3.Rapid Defibrillation
4.Basic advance emergency medical services
5.Advance life support and post arrest care

Verify Scene Safety for Responsiveness, and get Help

1.verify that the scene is safe for you and the victim.
2.Check the responseiveness.tap the victims shulder
and shut ,Are you okay.
3.If the victims are not responsive, shut for nearby help.
4.Active emergency response system.
5.If you are alone ,get the AED and emergency equipment.
if someone is available, send that person to get help.
Assess for Breathing and Pulse

To minimize delay in starting CPR,assess breathing at the same

time as you check pulse. This should take no more than 10 seconds.
6.Check for breathing ,check the victim's chest.
7.Locate the trachea ,using 2-3 fingers.
8.Slide these 2-3 fingers into the groove between the trachea and
the muscles at the side of the neck, where you can feel the
carotid pulse.
9.Feel for a pulse for at least 5 but no more than 10 seconds.
1.Position yourself at the victims side.
2.Make sure that the victim is lying face up on the firm flat surface.
3. Position your hands and body to perform chest compression,
put the heel of one hand in the center of the victims chest, on
the lower half of the breast bone.
Put the heel of your other hand on top of the first hand.
4.Straighten your arms and position your shoulder directly over
your hands.
5.Give chest compression at a rate of 100-120/min.
6.Press down at least 2 inch 5cm with each compression.
7.At the end of each compression ,make sure you allow
the chest to recoil completely.
1.Place one hand on the victim forehead and push your
palm to tilt the head back. the finger of the other hand under the bony part
of the lower jaw near the chin.
3.lift the jaw to bring the chin forward.
4.Position yourself at the victim's side.
5.Place the pocket mask on the victim face, using the
bridge of the nose as guide for correct position.
6.Seal the pocket mask against the face.
7.Perform head tilt –chin lift to open the airway.
8.Deliver the breath over one second ,enough to make
the victims chest rise.
1.Position yourself above the victims head.
2.Place the mask on the victims face using the bridge of the nose
as a guide for correct position.
3.Use the E-C clamp technique to hold the mask in the place while
you lift the jaw to hold the airway open.
4.Squeeze the bag to give breaths(1 second each)while watching
the chest rise.
5.Deliver each breath over one second, whether or not you use
supplementary oxygen.
The automated external defibrillator is a device that recognize ventricular
dysrhythmias and deliver shock at the right time. The treatment
For ventricular fibrillation is defibrillation or, the delivery of an
Electric shock to the heart through the victims chest wall.
1.Power on, the AED if needed, some device will power
on automatically when you open the lid.
2. Attach AED pads to the victim's bare chest.
3.Clear the victims and allow the AED analyze the rhythm.
4. when the AED prompt you Clear the victims during analysis, Be sure that no one is
touching the victim.
5.If the AED advice a shock ,it will tell you to clear the victim and will deliver a shock
,look to sure no one in contact with the victim, press the shock button.
6.If no shock is needed ,and after any shock delivery, immediately resume CPR,
start with chest compression.
7.After about 5 cycle or 2 minutes CPR,the AED will prompts you to repeat steps 3,4.
Rescuer task in 2-Rescuer CPR
(Rescuer 1 (Compressions) at the victims side)
 Make sure the victim is face up on a firm, flat surface.
 Perform chest compressions.
 Compress at a rate 0f 100-120/min
 Compress the chest at least 2 inches for adults.
 Allow the chest to recoil completely after each compression.
 Use a compression to ventilation ratio 30:2.
 Count compression out loud.
 Switch compressor about every 5 cycle or every two minutes.
(or more frequently if fatigued)
Rescuer 2 (breaths)
(At the victims head)
Maintain open airway by using either head tilt –chin lift .
Give breath ,watching for chest rise and avoiding excessive ventilation.
Encourage the first rescuer to perform compression that are deep
enough and fast enough.
When only two rescuer are available ,switch compressors about every
5 cycle or every minutes.
Child basic life support
Verify scene safety ,check for responsiveness, and get help
1.verify that the scene is safe for you and the victim.
2.Check the responseiveness.tap the victims shoulder and shut ,
Are you okay.
3.If the victims are not responsive, shut for nearby help.
4.Active emergency response system.
Assess for breathing and pulse
5.check the breating ,check the victim chest.
6.Palpate a carotid or femoral pulse.
7.Feel the pulse and breathing for at least 5 but no more than
10 seconds.
8.Add compression if pulse remain 60/min or less with signs of
poor perfusion.
Chest compression technique

For most children ,either one or two hands can be used to compress the
For most children ,the compression technique will be the same as for
an adult.
For very small child 1 handed compression may be adequate to achieve
the desired compression depth.
Compress the chest at least one third of the anteroposterior diameter of
the chest (about 2 inches or 5cm) with each compression.
Infant basic Life support
Verify scene safety ,check for responsiveness ,and get help
1.verify that the scene is safe for you and the victim.
2.Check the responsiveness. ,Are you okay.
3.If the victims are not responsive, shut for nearby help.
4.Active emergency response system.
Assess for Breathing and pulse
5.check the breating ,check the victim chest.
6.Palpate the brachial pulse.
7.Feel the pulse and breathing for at least 5 but no more than
10 seconds.
09.Add compression if pulse remain 60/min or less with signs of
poor perfusion.
2-Finger technique(1 rescuer)
1.Place the infant on a firm, flat surface.
2.Place 2 fingers in the center of the infants chest ,just below
the nipple line, on the lower half of the breast bone .
3.Give compression at a rate of 100-120/min .
4.Compress at least one third the AP diameter of the infant chest
(1 ½ inches or 4 cm).
5.Allow the chest to fully recoil.
6.After each compression ,open airway with head tilt-chin lift and
give two breath.
7.Contineue compression and breath in a ratio of 30:2 and use AED
as soon as it is available.
Thumb –Encircling hands technique
1. Place infant on the flat, firm surface.
2.Place both thumbs side by side in the center of the infant chest on
the lower half of the breast bone. Encircle the infants chest
and support the infant back with the finger of both hand.
3.With your hand encircling the chest ,use both thumb to press
the breast bone at a rate of 100-120/min.
4.Compress at least one third the AP diameter of the infant chest
(about 1 ½ 0r 4 inches)
5.After each compression ,pause briefly for the second rescure to
open the airway with head tilt-chin lift and give two breath, each over
one second.
6.Continue compression and breath ration of 15:2(02 rescure).
1.Ask, Are you choking, if the victim nods ,yes, and can
not talk, severe airway obstruction is present.
Take steps immediately to relieve the obstruction.
2.Give abdominal thrust or Heimlich maneuver/
(or chest thrusts for obese and pregnant).
3.Repeat abdominal thrusts( chest thrusts ) until effective
or victim become unresponsive.
4. If victim become unresponsive activate
emergency response system .
5.Lower the victim to the floor, begin CPR,starting
chest compression, do not check pulse.
6.Before you deliver breath, look into the mouth, if you
see a foreign body that can be easily removed, removed it.
7.Continue CPR until advance provider arrive.
1.If the victim can not make a sound or breath, severe
airway obstruction is present.
2.Give up to 5 slaps and 5 chest thrusts.
3. If victim become unresponsive activate
emergency response system .
4.Lower the victim to the floor, begin CPR,starting
chest compression, do not check pulse.
5.Before you deliver breath, look into the mouth, if you
see a foreign body that can be easily removed, removed it.
6.Continue CPR until advance provider arrive.

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