This document is a repayment schedule for a micro personal loan of 101,244 Indian rupees taken by Mr. Nikhil Mishra from HDFC Bank Ltd. over a period of 24 monthly installments. It shows the due date, installment amount, principal amount paid, interest amount paid, and outstanding principal amount for each installment. The total interest payable over the tenure of the loan is 21,252 Indian rupees and the loan will be fully repaid after the 24th installment.
This document is a repayment schedule for a micro personal loan of 101,244 Indian rupees taken by Mr. Nikhil Mishra from HDFC Bank Ltd. over a period of 24 monthly installments. It shows the due date, installment amount, principal amount paid, interest amount paid, and outstanding principal amount for each installment. The total interest payable over the tenure of the loan is 21,252 Indian rupees and the loan will be fully repaid after the 24th installment.
This document is a repayment schedule for a micro personal loan of 101,244 Indian rupees taken by Mr. Nikhil Mishra from HDFC Bank Ltd. over a period of 24 monthly installments. It shows the due date, installment amount, principal amount paid, interest amount paid, and outstanding principal amount for each installment. The total interest payable over the tenure of the loan is 21,252 Indian rupees and the loan will be fully repaid after the 24th installment.
This document is a repayment schedule for a micro personal loan of 101,244 Indian rupees taken by Mr. Nikhil Mishra from HDFC Bank Ltd. over a period of 24 monthly installments. It shows the due date, installment amount, principal amount paid, interest amount paid, and outstanding principal amount for each installment. The total interest payable over the tenure of the loan is 21,252 Indian rupees and the loan will be fully repaid after the 24th installment.