Local Technical Working Group On Age-Friendly Cities and Communities
Local Technical Working Group On Age-Friendly Cities and Communities
I. Objectives
The meeting aims to:
finalize the TOR of TWG on AFCC;
formalize the formation of TWG on AFCC at the local
consolidate and finalize the AFCC Indicators; and
discuss issues and concerns pertaining to the
development and implementation of AFCC Indicators
in the project areas.
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
V. Workshop Agenda/Program
Time Person’s
Allotted Responsible
- Opening Prayer
9:00 – 9:30 - National Anthem
am - Opening Remarks
- Introduction of
9:30 - Kumustahan with TWG
10:00 am Members
Discussion of Agenda
Finalization of TOR
Formation of TWG
10:00 – Facilitators/
Consolidation of AFCC
12:00 nn Attendees
Steps on implementing
AFCC Indicators
12:00 –
1:00 pm
1:00 – 2:30 Continuation…… Facilitator/
pm Discussion per Agenda Attendees
2:30 – 3:00 Discussion on the Issues and
pm Concerns
3:00 – 4:00 Marites
Formulation of Agreements
pm Elizon
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
Municipal Social
Welfare and
Enrique A.
7 MSWDO Head Development Office
(MSWDO) – Matag-
ob, Leyte
Federation of Senior
Gloria R. Citizens Association
8 OCMC Member
Pelayo of Villaba – Villaba,
Federation of Senior
Castrence C. Federation Citizens Association
Isidro President of Merida – Merida,
Ricardo Brago
Federation Federation of Senior
President Citizens Association
10 of Isabel– Isabel,
by Maria
PDAO Head Isabel, Leyte
Ralita Ceniza
Kananga Federation
Federation of Senior Citizens
11 Liza Turtogo
President Association –
Kananga, Leyte
Emily N. Executive Coalition of Services
Beridico Director of the Elderly, Inc.
Director for
Mr. Faustito Easter Visayas State
13 Extension
Amador Aure University
Fr. Philip Jong Kkotongnae Philippine
14 Center Director
Yun Park Inc.
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
Terms of Reference
I. Introduction
COSE, through the support of Misereor, currently
implementing a 3-year project titled, Enhancing Social
Accountability towards Responsive and Age-
friendly Local Government Units of Leyte and
Bulacan, Philippines. The project aims to contribute to
an improvement in the living situation of disadvantaged
older people in 10 target municipalities. Specifically, it
aims that:
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
II. Objectives
Specifically, the TWG aims to:
1. Develop the age-friendly cities and communities’
2. Formulate the guide on how to implement the age-
friendly cities and communities’ indicators at the
local level;
3. Guide the Local Government Units in the
implementation of age-friendly cities and
communities; and
4. Document the experiences of LGUs in the
implementation of age-friendly cities and
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
V. Membership Criteria
The TWG membership will adhere to these criteria:
Representative from an LGU and CSOs
Able to read and write
Willing to be trained
With good sense of leadership
With Knowledge and expertise on the ageing related
Must have the willingness and commitment for the
realization of programs/projects for the age-friendly
She/he must have an integrity
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
Ormoc City –
Represented BOD Ormoc City
by Paquito Member/OCMC
T. Jayme Chairman
Social Welfare
Enrique A. Development
7 MSWDO Head
Odtuhan Office
Federation of
Senior Citizens
Gloria R.
8 OCMC Member Association of
Villaba –
Villaba, Leyte
Federation of
Senior Citizens
Castrence Federation
9 Association of
C. Isidro President
Merida –
Merida, Leyte
Federation of
Brago Federation
Senior Citizens
Association of
10 Represented
Isabel– Isabel,
by Maria
Ralita PDAO Head
Isabel, Leyte
Federation Kananga
11 Liza Turtogo
President Federation of
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
Senior Citizens
Association –
Coalition of
Emily N. Executive
12 Services of the
Beridico Director
Elderly, Inc.
Mr. Faustito Director for Easter Visayas
13 Amador Extension State
Aure Services University
Philippine Inc.
Fr. Philip
Center Pope Francis
14 Jong Yun
Director Complex
Center for the
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
Consolidated Output
Steps Activity Documents
Courtesy call to
barangay senior
STEP 1: Courtesy call Communication
to LCE/ Consultation letters,
with barangay senior attendance,
citizens/ associations minutes of the
involved meeting
bying od of the
AFCC concept
wit LCE
STEP 2: Profiling of
Profiling of base
base data of senior SCRIS form
STEP 3: Issuance of
EO in organizing
Reference for
Composition duties
Identify AFCC, by laws
and functions,
programs that and constitution,
are age friendly local government
Orientation on TWG
(roles and function)
Coordination with
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
FCSA, barangay
STEP 4: Planning
(The current situation
analysis) and
Formulate Mission,
Vision, Mandate of
Formulation of Reference for
Planning for the
goals and AFCC, by laws
objectives of AFCC and constitution,
activities and
Making of plan of local government
action/strategic code
Action plan
projects, activities)
indicators (Time
frame, responsible
persons, funding,
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
Submission of
STEP 5: Submit the
the Strategic
strategic plan to LCE Strategic Plan
for approval
STEP 6: Endorse to Encourage SB to
Prints ads/flyers
Sangguniang Bayan approve
social media
for adoption (SB ordinance
STEP 7: Agreement
Memorandum of
Implementation of between LGU
PPAs MOA signing and OSCA
STEP 8: Monitoring Assessment of
and Evaluation of the effectivity of Evaluation Form
PPAs the program
Simultaneously, the AFCC Indicators can now be submitted
to DILG for consideration in the “Seal of Good
Submission of
resolution/ordinance Submission of
to DILG for inclusion the ordinance to
minutes of the
as one of the criteria DILG for
of the seal of good inclusion
Once adopted by the Adoption of the
DILG, the inclusion of DILG, and the Ordinance,
age-friendly indicator, release for seal minutes of the
the seal of good of good meeting
governance follows governance
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
Consolidated Output
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
7. Public Establish
Awareness mechanism to
share updates to
the public about
older persons
issues, concerns,
privileges, etc.
8. Physical A clean and safe Implementation of
Environment physical accessibility law (e.g.
environment – BP344)
sanitation Clean and safe
Installed perimeter physical environment
fence for safety of (e.g. proper disposal
older persons of waste, etc.)
Access to bike Access to clean and
lanes where older safe potable water
persons can drive Access to safe roads
safely & pedestrians (e.g.
Access to safe and ramps, non-slippery,
accessible roads age-friendly
with visible crossings, etc.)
pedestrians and
Access to banks
and other financial
service providers
buildings for senior
citizens and PWDs
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
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Local Technical Working Group on
Age-friendly Cities and Communities:
First Regular Meeting
March 4, 2022 | Hotel Alejandro, Tacloban City, Leyte
programs, services,
and policies (e.g.
Clear allotment of
budget for the
programs, services,
and policies
(e.g. 1% IRA, etc.)
Active and regular
engagement of older
persons during
planning and
implementation of
programs, services,
and policies of older
Formulation and
implementation of
older persons plan of
actions – health,
social, economic, etc.
13. Disaster N/A Safe and age-friendly
Risk food (nutritious)
Reduction and during emergency
Management response (not
(DRRM) noodles/sardines)
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