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PDF Chapter Four Pulleys Sprockets Drums and Load Handling Attachments

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Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 89

4.1 Introduction
Pulleys are either fixed or movable in design. Fixed pulleys are used to change the
direction of the flexible appliance while movable pulleys are used to gain mechanical
advantage or speed. Several fixed and movable pulleys are combined in order to form a
pulley system for a gain in force or a gain in speed.

4.1.1 Fixed Pulleys

Fig. 4.1 Single Fixed Pulley

 Zo Q

Disregarding the resistance of the pulley, the pulling force F0 equals Q i.e. F0 Q 

without considering pulley resisting. But in reality due to the pulley resistance, F0 > Q,
the resistance being partly due to the stiffness of wire rope and partly due to frictional
resistance in the bearings.

The rope, due to its rigidity, is first deflected (Fig.4.2) by an amount e to the outside on
the running-on part and approximately the same amount to the inside on the running-off
part. Thus F0 is equal to the sum of Q, the resistance due to rigidity and resistance due
to friction.
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 90

a. Resistance due to the stiffness of the wire rope

R cos  eQ  R cos  eF

F R cos   e

Q R cos   e

R co s
 (4.1)
R co s

Fig.4.2 The Deflection of the Wire Rope on a Pulley

b. Resistance due to friction

We know that

P  Q  F0  2Q (4.2)

The resisting moment due to frictional resistance:

M  P 
  (4.3)

Frictional resistance in the bearings:

' '
d d
N  Q  F     Q  (4.4)
2R R

Where d' = pulley axle diameter

 = coefficient of friction

c. Total pulling force:

R cos   e
F Q (4.4)
R cos   e
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 91

The magnitude of   is called pulley factor of resistance, and

 is the pulley efficiency.


R cos   e
 
R cos   e

4.1.1 Movable Pulleys

Movable pulleys are classified into two, namely pulleys for a gain in force and pulleys
for a gain in speed. These pulleys have movable axles to which either a load or the force
is applied.

a. Pulleys for gain in force: The distance that effort moves is double that of the load,
and the speed at which the load is raised is half of that of the effort. (Fig 4.3)

where c = speed of force

v = speed of load

s = distance the force moves

h = distance the load moves

Fig.4.3 Single Movable Pulley for a Gain in Force




F + So = Q , F =  So =  (Q –F)

F = Q -F
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 92

F  Q
1 

Fo 2 1 
    (4.5)
F  2
1 

Where Fo  for   1.05,   0.975

b. Pulleys for gain in speed: The effort is applied at the axle of the pulley and moves at
half the speed of the load. The distance moved by the by the load is twice that of the

s 

c 

F  Q  S0  Q  Q  Q1   

Fig.4.4 Single Movable Pulley for a Gain in Speed

Fo 2Q 2
    (4.6)
F Q 1    1 

For   1.05,   0.975

4.2 Pulley Systems

Fixed pulleys and movable pulleys are combined to form pulley systems. The systems
can be for a gain in a force or a gain in speed.

4.2.1 Pulley systems for gain in force

Pulleys for a gain in force can further be divided into rope running of a fixed pulley and
rope running of a movable pulley (Fig 4.3&4.4).

a. Rope running off a fixed pulley

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 93

The number of parts of the line on which the weight is suspended is also equal to the
number of pulleys z. The transmission ratio i of the system is equal to z.

Neglecting pulley resistance


F0 z

And the actual effort F is given by

Q Q 
F = 
z  z

Where  = resultant pulley efficiency

efficienc y of the pulley system

= resultant resistance factor of the pulley system

Fig.4.5 Pulley System for a Gain in Force (Rope Running of a Fixed Pulley)

The total tension in the rope is

Q  S1  S2  S3    Sn

S1 S1 S1
 S1    
2 n 1
  

  
 1 1 1
 S 1      n 
1  n
     
2 1 1

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 94

 S1 
n 1
n 2
   1  n 1

 S1
n 1
 
n 1
n 2
     1

The sum in the brackets is a series of a geometric progression

n 1 n

n 1
n 2
    1   


  1  1

1   1
Q  S1 n 1

  1

or S1 
1  1

n 1
  1

 n z
Since F S1 and ‚ the resultant efficiency of the pulley system will be:
Fo Q Q
    (4.8)
F F .z Q
 z
1  1
( n 1)

  1

1   1

   
 n 1
z    1 

   1 1

Total efficiency   
  z    1 

The pulling force (effort)

Q n   1  z   1 
F  S1   Q  n   Q  z  (4.9)
1   n 1   1   1
 
 n 1    1 

The distance travelled by the point of the rope where the effort is applied is equal to

s  zh

and the speed of the rope is

c  zv
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 95

Where h = the height the load is lifted

v = is the speed of the load

b. Running of a movable pulley

When the rope runs off a movable pulley in a pulley system of z pulleys, the number of
rope parts on which the load is suspended is equal to one plus the number of pulleys.

Transmission ratio:

i  z 1

The ideal effort:

F0 
z 1

The actual effort:

 z  1 
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 96

Fig. 4.6 Pulley System for a Gain in Force (Rope Running off a Movable Pulley)

Employing the previously obtained equation (4.6) for S1 ,

S1  Q
n 1
1  
n 1
 
    1 

For F  S1 ,

Q Q 1 1  n 1
      (4.10)
F  z  1   z 1  ( n 1)  1
 
 Q z  1
 ( 1 )  n 1 
  n 1  
  1 

Since n  z  1 ,

1  ( z 1 )  1
Total efficiency,    z 
 z  1  1

Total load on the last leg

F 

z  1 

F  ( z 1)
 1  1
  z  z  1    1  z  1

  1
F  Q z (4.11)
 (z 1)

 1

s  hz  1

c  vz  1

In hoisting mechanism of winches and cranes, the pulling effort F=Sz+1 usually equals
the tension of the rope coiled around the drum. The system of pulleys running off a
movable pulley is the most frequent one in hoisting equipment. Considering a factor of
resistance   1.05‚ the efficiency curve for various numbers of pulleys is shown in
figure 4.7 below.
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 97

Fig. 4.7 Efficiency of Pulley System

4.2.2 Pulley System for a Gain in Speed

Pulley systems for a gain in speed are usually used in hydraulic and pneumatic lifts to
move the load faster than the piston as shown in Fig. 4.6.

Fig.4.8 Pulley System for a Gain in Speed

The working effort F provided by a hydraulic or pneumatic means is applied to a

movable frame while the load is suspended at the free end, F  . For the case shown

in Fig. 4.8 we have: 

1 1 1 1
 i  ; C  v; s  h
z 4 4 4

Example 4.1

It is required to determine the power requirement of the electromotor used in the

operation of the elevator of Fig. 4.9. The elevator moves at a linear velocity of 0.7m/s.
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 98

Cm 

O1 r

Given that - Cabin weight ( FA ) = 800kg

- Counter weight ( FC ) = 450kg
- Tensioner ( FT ) = 1820kg
- Pulley diameter (D) = 500mm FA

Determine the power requirement O2

i. neglecting the rigidity of the wire rope FT

ii. considering the rigidity of the wire rope

iii. Finally compare the power requirements obtained in both cases.
Fig.4.9 Schematic Representation of an


The system configuration, without considering the stiffness of the wire rope (Fig. 4.10a)
and taking into account the rigidity of the wire rope (Fig.4.10b&c), may be

schematically represented in the figure below.

a. Neglecting the rigidity of the wire rope:

On the lower pulley with the tensioner (fig. 4.10a)

F1 + F2= FT

-FT r + F2 (2r)=0

F2= 8927 N

F1= FT - F2 =8927 N

Furthermore, from Fig. 4.11,

F3= FA +F1=16775 N
F4= FC +F2=13341 N O1 r

F1 F2 Cm
Taking moment about O1 O1 r
e e

F3 r - Cm - F4 r = 0 Fc

O2 e e
After inserting the values and solving for Cm, O2 r


We get Cm = 858.5 Nm. FT FT F4

a) b) c)
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 99

v  r

v 0.75 rad
    6 Fig.5.10 Free Body Diagram of the System
r 0.125
12 5 s

The required power C m  5151W  5.2kW

b. Considering the rigidity of the wire rope, the value of e may be safely assumed
to be equal to 5mm. On the lower pulley with the tension (Fig. 4.10a)

F1 + F2 =Fr

FT (r-e) + F2 (2r)=0

F2= 8749 N

F1= FT- F2 =9106 N

From Fig.4.11, we have

F3 = FA +F1= 16954 N

F4 = FC +F2 = 13164 N

Taking moment about the centre of the upper wheel:

F3 (r + e) – Cm –F4 (r-e) = 0

F3 F4


F1 F2
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 100

Fig.4.11Free Body Diagram of the Wire Rope

From which we have Cm= 1098 Nm.

v 0.75 rad
    6
r 0.125 s

The required power: C m  6588W  6.6 KW .

Comparing the two values obtained, we can clearly see that the power requirement has
increased by about 20% when the rigidity of the wire rope is taken into consideration.
considerati on.

4.3 Design of chain and Rope sheaves and Sprockets

4.3.1 Rope Sheaves

Rope sheaves are usually made in the form of casting or weldment. They can be of a
fixed, movable and compensating design. The minimum diameter ( Dmin ) of the sheave
should be at least ten times the diameter of the hemp rope. Whereas Dmin for wire rope
should be

Dmin  e1  e2  d

Where e1 = factor depending on the hoisting device and its service

(Table 4.1).

e2 = factor depending on the rope construction (Table 4.2).

d= wire rope diameter

las t rope contact point  inside the groove (Fig 4.10) so

Care should be taken to keep the last
as to avoid rope run off with sharp bends.

Table 4.1 Permissible Values of K and e1

No Types of hoisting mechanism Drive Operating Factor Facto

Conditions K r e1
I Locomotive, caterpillar-mounted, Hand Light 4 16
tractor &track-mounted pillar Power Light 5 16
cranes(including excavators Power Medium 5.5 18
operating as cranes), cranes Power Heavy &very 6 20
&hoisting mechanisms at heavy
construction sites &temporary jobs

II All other types of cranes and Hand Light 4.5 18

hoisting mechanisms Power Light 5 20
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 101

Power Medium 5.5 25

Power Heavy &very 6 30
III Hand-operated winches with a load-
lifting capacity of up to 1 ton
mounted on various automotive
vehicles (automobiles, trucks, etc.) - - 4 12
IV Trolley hoisting - - 5.5 20
V Clamshell mechanisms(except for
pulleys in grabs) for hoisting
mechanisms of item I - - 5 20
VI Ditto, for hoisting mechanisms of - - 5 30
item II

Table 4.2 Values of e2 as to rope construction

Rope Construction Factor

Ordinary 6x19=114+1 core: Cross laid 1.00
Parallel laid 0.90
Compound 6x19=114+1 core:
a) Warrington
Cross laid 0.90
Parallel laid 0.85
b) Seale:
Cross laid 0.95
Parallel laid 0.85
Ordinary 6x37=222+1 core:
Cross laid 1.00
Parallel laid 0.90
The allowable angular deviation of the wire rope 
is calculated by

2 tan 
tan  max  (4.12)
0.7 K

Where   deviation of the rope from the plane of the sheave.

 

K 


Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 102

Fig4.12 Fleet Angle of Running-off Rope

Compensating pulleys, as they are stationary in operation, have smaller dimensions

about 60% of the minimum pulley diameter. As a rule sheaves are freely mounted on
rolling bearings of bronze bushings. Lubrication is applied to the unloaded part of the
bearing surface in the sheave. The ratio of the hub length to the diameter of the axle is

assumed within the range:  1.5 to 1.8 . The bushings of the sheaves can be checked
for unit pressure by:

P  (4.13)
d 

Where = length of the bushing

d = diameter of the sheave axle

Q = acting load

Depending on the peripheral velocity of the sheave hub hole surface, unit pressures
should not exceed the following values:

Table 4.3 Values of Unit Pressure as a Function of Velocity

V[m/s] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

P[kgf/cm] 75 70 66 62 60 57
57 55 54
V[m/s] 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
1.4 1.5 -
P[kgf/cm] 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 -

4.3.2 Sheaves and Sprockets for Chains

a. Sheaves for welded chains: These sheaves are usually made of cast iron. They are
mainly used for hand operated hoists and rarely they are used for power driven

devices. The minimum diameter of the chain sheave may be calculated by:
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 103

D  20d For hand driven

D  30d For power driven

Where d= diameter of the chain bar

The efficiency of a chain sheave is  = 0.95. The resistance of welded chains running
over sheaves to bending is ordinarily determined from the formula:

W  Q  (4.14)
Where R = radius of the sheaves

 (  0.1 to 0.2)
= coefficient of friction in the line joints (
Q = tension in the chain.
d’ = diameter of the shaft

b. Sprockets for Welded Chains : Sprockets are used as driving chain wheels of hand
operated hoists and winches. Sprockets are manufactured with small number of
teeth. Resistance of the chain to bending is determined
deter mined using equation 4.14.

The diameter of the sprocket can be found as follows:

From triangle AOC


2 2
AO  OC  AC

t d 
R  R  a
 
 2 

 
O z
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 104

Fig.4.13 Sprocket for Welded Chains where z = number of teeth

Expressing the value of a in terms2 of  , t and d,2 for small z = (  z  )

   
   
t   d
2R    (4.15)
 90
  90

 sin   cos 
 z   z 
Where t = inside
inside len
gth of the link
d = diameter of the chain bar
z = number of sprocket teeth; the minimum number of teeth z = 4

For z > 9 and for sufficiently small chain bar diameter ( d  16) then the second terms in
the previous formula can be neglected and

 
 
t t
D    (4.16)
 90
  90 0 
 sin  sin 

 z   z 
c. Sprockets for Rollers chains : Sprockets are manufactured from cast iron and
forged steel of steel castings. They are mainly used for hand-operated hoists and
winches. From triangle AOC of Fig.4.14.
t Ac 36 0
D  ; AO  ;  
18 0  Z
sin sin
z 2
Where t = pitch measured along the cord

z = teeth number; z min  8 Fig.4.14 Sprockets O

for Roller Chains

  0.95

If the load is to be raised to considerable heights, for long chains, the winches are
equipped with special chain collectors, for this purpose pins with elongated journals are
inserted in required distance.

4.4 Rope Drums

For hemp ropes, short length of drum is used with several layers of coils. The flange of
the drum should extend above the upper layer of rope by at least one rope diameter. The
drums are usually of the plain type with D  10d and  95 . 

Drums for steel wire rope are made of cast iron and rarely of steel castings. Helical
grooves are always used for wire ropes.
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 105

Number of turns on the drums

drums (z)
z   2 (4.17)

Where i = ratio of the pulley system

D = drum diameter
H = height to which the load is raised

The value 2 in equation 4.19 is added to account for the idle (or holding) turns. Length
of the helix on the drum:

l  z t

Where t is the pitch

Fig.4.15 Helical Grooves in Rope Drums

Leaving a length of about 5t for both sides’ flanges, the full length of the drum L is:

 Hi 
L   7 t (4.18)
 D 

If two ropes are coiled on the drum, the full length

l ength of the drum will be

 2 Hi 
L   9 t   1 (4.19)
 D 

Where 1 is the space in the middle of the drum (minimum of 3t).

The wall thickness of cast iron drum can be approximated by using the following

w= 0.02D  (0.6 to 1.0) cm (4.20)

4.4.1 Strength of the Drum: During operation the drum is subject to the combined
action of torsion bending and compression, where the effect of the latter is much
larger. One-half ring is separated from the body with the thickness of w and with the
width equal to the pitch t. The tension forces F are effective on the separated ring.
The force bearing on an element of an area is dA = tR d and dF = (d A) p. Where p
is the normal pressure on a unit drum surface. S is the sum of dS on the vertical
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 106

Fig.4.16 Forces Acting on a Drum

 

2F  2 Rd  tp cos  2 Rtp

2 2
cos d
0 0

2F  2R  tp

F 2F
p  
Rt Dt

From Lames formula: At the inner surface

2 2 2
D  d0 D
 in  pin
2 2
 2 p out
2 2
D  d0 D  d0

At the outer surface

2 2 2
D  d0 D
 out  2 pin
2 2
 p out
2 2
D  d0 D  d0

Where 
= internal stress

= external stress

p in = internal pressure

p out = external pressure

D= internal diameter

d o = outside diameter

Considering the forces in Fig.4.16 we have:

pin = 0 , pout = p , do = D  2 w
 in comp   2 pout 2
D2  d0
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 107

2F D2  4 FD
 comp  2  =
Dt D
 d0

t D  d D  d 

D  d0  2D and D  d0  2w

  4 FD  F (4.22)
t 2D  2w tw

Allowable compressive stresses:

For cast iron 15-32 

= 1,000 kgf/cm2
Cast steel 
= 1,600 kgf/cm2
Welded drums (St 42) 
= 1,800 kgf/cm2

Allowable bending stresses:

For cast iron 

= 230 kgf/cm2
Steel casting 
= 1,800 kgf/cm2

Welded drums = 1,400 kgf/cm
As per attaching ropes on drums, ropes are fastened on drums by means of setscrews,
adjustable fastening and with the aid of fastening plate.

a. Friction Drums for Ropes

Friction drums are rope-driving drums in which motion is transmitted by friction

between the rope and drum. They have the advantage of being able to raise loads for
great heights and are used for winches and
and railway cars. Friction drums are capable of
handling long ropes by means of a small drum. There are three types
t ypes of friction drums.

i. Simple friction drums: they are provided with helical grooves for the rope, which
coils around them in one or several turns.
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 108

Fig.4.17 Single Friction Drum

Tension ration between on coming and running off parts of simple rope is described by
Euler’s formula:

F1  2n
 e (4.23)

Where S1  on coming force

S  running off (can be regulated by hand)


  coefficient of friction

n  number of coils

e  2.718 the base of the natural logarithm

F  F1  F2 Peripheral force on drum

Simple friction drums are used for

- The drives of trucks in rotary cranes with variable

vari able radius;
- Load transfer bridges;
- Cable cranes;
- Moving ratio and cars at docks and ports; and
- Hoisting anchors and hauling various loads.

ii. Double-Drum Friction Drive: In this case the rope is wound several times around
two parallel drums rotating in the same direction and driven by a single motor. The
tension force in the parts of the rope is

F1 F1
F2 
; F3 
 2
e 1 e  1

F1 F1
Fn 
 n 1
Fn 1

e  e  n

Where S1 = tension on the on coming leg of rope

S 2 , S 3 = tension in the intermediate parts

S n 1 = tension in the running off parts

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 109

 = arc of contact of the rope on one drum

n = bearing areas in contact between

bet ween the rope and both drums

1 = 0.995 = efficiency taking into account the rigidity of the rope in

one encirclement (disregarding the losses in the bearings).

s 1

s 1



Fig.4.18 Double Friction Drum

Total peripheral force on both drums

F  F1  Fn 1

The load on drum shaft I is

QI  F1  F2  F3    Fn

and on drum shaft II is

QII  F2  F3  F4    Fn 1

Losses in the bearings are

W  QI  QII  1
Where  1 = coefficient of friction in the
the bearings

d = diameter of the bearing journal

D = diameter of the drum.

The total efficiency of the drive is

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 110

 
F  W

c. Capstan: Capstans are usually arranged vertically, driven by an electromotor through

a worm gear drive and used to move railway cars. The rope is attached to the car by

means of a hook.
hook. During operation the rope winds around the capstan barrel which
revolves. The effort in the running
running off part of the rope helped by the operator
operator can be
calculated using equation 4.26.

s 2

s 1

Fig. 4.19 Capstan

F2 
 2n

Where n is the number of turns.

Since the wall of the capstan barrel is inclined, and axial down word force always
arises, helping the rope not to jump off the capstan barrel.

4.5 Load Handling Attachments

The load is usually handled by means of chain or rope slings attached to hooks of which
the two most popular design are standard (single) and ramshorn (double) hooks.
Standard and ramshorn hooks may be flat-die or closed-die forged or else made of a
series of shaped plates.

One-piece forged hooks are used for lifting loads up to 100tons while triangular and
laminated hooks can be employed to carry over 100 tons. Hooks are forged from law
carbon steel. In the process of production hooks are carefully annealed after forging and
machining. The inner diameter of the hooks should be greater than twice the diameter of
the standard wire rope (to accommodate two strands of rope) which suspends the load.
Generally hooks have trapezoidal sections made wider on the inside for better material

4.5.1 Forged Standard Hooks

The design process of a forged standard hook begins with tentative assumptions of the
proportions of a hook. In the subsequent stages
sta ges the hook is checked for strength and all
the proportions tentatively assumed are finally polished.

A simple forged standard hook is shown in Fig 4.20. The diameter a and the overall
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 111

proportions of a standard hook are given.

Fig. 4.20 Forged Standard Hook

a. Calculation of Hook Dimensions

For the shank: The threaded portion of the hook shank is checked for tensile stress.

t 
  all  500kgf/cm2
d 1

For steel on steel, Pall = kgf /cm2

(300 to 350) kgf

The minimum height of the hook nut is determined from the permissible compressive
stresses (Fig. 4.21) in the thread and is given by:

p all  Area  Q

Area 
 d0
 d1
 n , and n 

4 t

Q  p all 
 d0
 d1
 
4 t
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 112

H  (4.25)

 d 21 p

where t = thread pitch

d0 = major diameter of thread

d1 = minor diameter of thread

P = safe unit compression stress

h = thread height

H = nut height

n = number of threads

Fig.4.21 Hook Thread Dimensions

For small lifting capacity less than 5 tons, hook are provided with “Vee” thread and for
high lifting capacity greater than 5 tons preference is given to trapezoidal or buttress

The unit stress on the saddle (Fig. 4.20 and Table 4.4) of the hook can be found from

Q M M 1 
      (4.26)
A Ar Ar x   r

Where  = unit stress for the fibre at a distance y from the neutral axis

Q = load on the hook kgf

of the critical cross-section here cross-section I cm
A = area of
r = radius of curvature
curvature of the neutral axis at the critical cross-
x = factor depending on the shape of the cross-section and the
curvature of the beam
y = distance from the fibre to the neutral axis. y is negative if
the fibre is between the centre of curvature and the natural
axis; and is positive if the fibre is on the other side of the
neutral axis,cm
M = bending moment kgf.cm. M is positive if it cause the hook
curvature to increase (its radius decrease) or negative if
the curvature decreases.
Since the load tends to
t o open the hook,
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 113


M   Q.r   Q0.5a  e1  d2 d1

r  R2  R2 
x  1   2
b  b1
 b2
  ln  b1
 b 
2  b2 b1
A  d  R1 
1 y
A  y  r dA r

Fig. 4.22 The Critical Cross-section I-II

b. Tensile Stress in the Inner Fibre


M   Q0.5a e1 
r  0.5a  e1
Y   e1

And h=a

In the equation 4.26 for , we obtain

Q Q0.5a  e1  0.5  e1  1 y
I   Q  
 r Ar  yr

Q 0.5a  e1   1 y 
 1   1   
A r   y  1 

Q 1 2e
I    1   safe all - Maximum tensile stress
A x a

i.e. the maximum unit tensile stress of the inner fibres of the section is:

Q 1 2e1
t      all
A  a

c. Compressive Stress in the Outer Fibre


M  Q0.5a  e1 
r  0.5a  e ; h  e1  e2
r  0.5a  h  e2
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 114

and y  e2

In the equation 4.26 for , we obtain

Q 1 e2
 II      
- maximum compressive stress
A  2

In the above calculations the maximum tensile,  I and compressive,  II stresses, the
allowable stress  all should not exceed 1500 kgf/cm2.

4.5.2 Solid Triangular Eye Hooks

Solid triangular eye hooks are usually employed in cranes with high lifting capacity
(over 100 tons) and occasionally in medium power cranes. The major problem faced by
using these hooks is that slings carrying the load must be passed through the eye. They
are produced by forging in one piece.

Bending moment in the bow (from investigation):

M1 

Bending moment where the sides adjoin the bow

M2 


Fig. 4.23 Solid Triangular Eye Hook

Tensile force acting on the sides:

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 115

P 

2 cos

Where   angle between the inclined sides

  bow spans measured along the neutral line of the sections.

Q = load

Compressive force P1 acting on the bow is

Q 
P1  tan
2 2

Maximum stress in the bow

 
M bend 
P1   all
w A

Where M bend   P1 x [kgf.cm]

w = Sectional modulus[cm3]

A = Cross-sectional area [cm 2]

x = moment arm of the compressive force P1

The safe stress 

= 800kgf/cm2
Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 116

Table 4.4 Principal Design Values for Single Hooks

Lifting Area of Distance b/n Radius of Radius of Distance b/n zero line Distance b/n
capacity critical centroid and mouth a/2 hook Design area [cm ] Shape factor and centroid zero line and
Q[tons] section A inner contour [cm] curvature = -2(f1-f2)/A = /(1+ )[cm] inner contour
[cm2] Xc [cm]  [cm] f1 f2 h2 = xc - [cm]
0.25 3.44 1.13 1.5 2.63 0.138 0.278 0.081 0.196 0.934
0.5 5.87 1.56 2.0 3.56 0.227 0.488 0.089 0.292 1.268
1.0 10.26 1.98 2.5 4.48 0.437 0.919 0.094 0.384 1.596
1.5 17.52 2.63 3.0 5.63 0.760 1.578 0.0935 0.481 2.149
2.0 28.70 3.30 3.5 6.80 1.381 2.800 0.098 0.610 2.690
3.0 41.10 3.96 4.0 7.96 1.690 3.970 0.110 0.787 3.173
5.0 58.00 4.61 4.75 9.36 2.930 5.720 0.0961 0.820 3.790
7.5 77.80 5.40 5.5 10.90 3.551 7.730 0.108 1.060 4.340
10.0 104.00 6.28 6.4 12.78 4.250 10.500 0.120 1.185 5.095

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 117

4.5.3 Hinged Triangular Hooks

In handling heavy loads, preference is given to hinged triangular hooks. This is due to the
fact that hinged triangular hook does not have the difficulties, both in manufacturing and in
service, encountered by using solid triangular eye hook.

Unit stress in the links (assuming the bow in suspended on four links)

 

4 cos

 A
' (4.27)

Permissible value of 
is 
t ,all
=1,200 kgf/cm2.

The unit stress in the bow (assumed as a curved beam)

p1 M M e1
     (4.28)
A AR xAR R  e

where M   P1  x

Q 
P1  tan
2 2

e1 = distance between the neutral axis

and the fibres carrying the greatest load.

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 118

Fig. 4.24 Three-Joint Built-up Hooks

2 4 6
 1 a
1 a  5 a
For an ellipse x          (4.29)
4 R 8  R 64  R 

Where a is the major axis of the ellipse or the diameter of a circle.

The shank eye stress is check by Lame Formula of equations 4.25 and 4.26.

p D2  d 2
 
t 
2 2
D d

where p 

4 cos bd
b = eye width

4.6 Crosspieces for Hooks

The pivoted crosspiece in the side plates of casings is usually reinforced with straps or
shackles made of plate steel. The crosspiece is forged from steel and provided
provided with turned
trunnions at the ends. The diameter of the hole for the hook shank must be larger than the
shack itself.

Fig.4.25 Crosspiece for Hooks

The maximum bending moment is

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 119

 Q Q d1 Q  d1 
M max     =     (4.30)
2 2 2 4 4  2 

M max
b 
I h
where W = section modulus  ; c 

c 2
3 3
1 bh 1 d h
W  12  h  -

12 h
   
2 2

2 2 2
h b h d2 h
  = b  d  2
6 6 6
6 M max
b    all
h b  d 2 

= 600 – 1000 kgf/cm2 for good quality carbon steel

4.6.1 Trunnions

The bending moment for the crosspiece trunnions is

QS 
M2    S1  (4.32)
22 

Where S = shackle thickness

S 1 = side plate thickness

b  M For bending
  all

W 

Unit pressure between the casing and trunnions is

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 120

p (4.33)
2 d S  S 1 

Example 4.2

Select by calculation the ropes, pulleys and drum required for an electric overhead
travelling crane with a lifting
lifti ng magnet of the hoisting equipment shown below in fig.4.22.

Given data:

Lifting capacity Q=5,000kg

Lifting height H=8m

Weight of lifting magnet G=2,000kg

Weight of lifting tackle Go=120kg

Number of rope parts Z=4

Medium service duty


1. Maximum tension in the rope:

Q  G  G0 
F 

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 121

Fig.4.26 Hoisting Equipment

Where  is efficiency of the pulley system 0.94 

5000  2000  120 

F   1,900 kg
4  0.94

Since the lifting height is small, we disregard

disre gard the weight of the rope.

2. The number of rope bends and the ratio Dmin :


According to Fig.4.11, the number of bends for a pulley system in diagram (a) will equal to
n  3. From Table 4.2 and with n  3,  23 .

3. The rope cross-section:

Taking the design of the rope with number of wires i  222 , 
 16000kg/cm , safety
factor K=6(Kmin=5.5 medium duty), then

4. Choice of the rope:

A( 222 ) 
 b d 
   36000
 K Dmin 

  1.72
7255cm 2 ( 17
1722.5 mm 2 )
 16000 1 
   36000
 6 23 

According to DIN standard (Table 4.5) the nearest value of the cross-sectional area A for a
rope with 222 wires is 174.4mm 2. Therefore, rope diameter, d = 22mm, wire diameter,  =
1mm, breaking load of the rope
r ope = 27,900kg.

The maximum
maximum permissible
permissible tension
tension in the rope
rope should
should not exceed

F 27 ,900 kg
Sw    4 ,650kg
K 6

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 122

Since the maximum tension is 1,900kg, then the choice of the rope is correct.

5. Diameter of the drum and lower pulley in the block frame:

The minimum permissible diameter of the pulley is given by Dmin  e1 e2 d and from Table
4.6 and 4.7 taking the value of e1 25, e2 1.  

Dmin  e1 e2 d  25  1  22  550 mm., we take D = 600mm.

6. Diameter of the compensating pulley:

Since the diameter of the compensating pulley can be 40% less than the diameter of blocks
carrying the load, D1  0.6 D  0.6  600  360 mm., we take D1 = 400mm.

7. Radius of grooves on the drum: from the table 5.5 below a standard grove has r1 = 9mm.

8. Pitch of the groove helix on the drum: from the table below the pitch is s = 19mm.
9. Number of turns on each side of the drum:

Hi 8 2
z   2   2  11turns
D 3.14  0.6

10. Full length of the drum:

 2 Hi 
L   9  s  L1
 D 

 2z  2  9 s  L1  211  2  9   27  100  829 mm.

Where L1is free space between the right and left-hand groove(equal
approximately to the distance between the lower pulleys of the block
frame). We take L1 =100mm.

11. The wall thickness of a cast-iron drum:

  0.02D  0.6 1.0  cm

  0.02D  1  0.02  60  1  2.2 cm(22mm).

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 123

Table 4.5 Radius and pitch for a standard groove on drums.

Example 4. 3

Calculate the strength of a hook crosspiece shown in the figure below. Useful load lifting
capacity Qc = 5,000kg and weight of the hook and grabbing tongue G =1,000kg.

( take 
= 600 … 1000kg./cm2 ) S1  8

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 124

Fig. 5.27 Crosspiece of a Hook


Q 1

Q/2 Q/2 d2


Critical cross-section

1. Strength calculation of the crosspiece:

The maximum bending moment is

M b max  L  0.5d 1 

where Q  Qc  G

 22  0.5  11  24,750kg.cm.

The moment of resistance

W  b  d 2 h 2

 14  56 2  54cm 3
Then the unit stress in the crosspiece is

M bmacx
 

  460kg / cm 2 which is permissible.

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 125

2. Checking the crosspiece trunnions:

The bending moment for the crosspiece trunnions is

Q S  S1
M2  
2 2

where S = shackle thickness

thickness and

S1 = side plate thickness

6 ,000 4  0.8
M2    7 ,200 kg .cm
2 2

The moment of resistance is

 3
Wtr  d

  5  12.5cm
3 3


The unit stress in the trunnion is

M2 7 ,200

2    576 kg . / cm 2 which is permissible.
Wtr 12.5

Q 6 ,000
The unit pressure on the trunnion is P    12 5kg . / cm 2 which
2 d S  S1  2  54  0.8 
is quite negligible.

Pulleys, Sprockets, Drums and Load Handling Attachments 126

Review Questions

1. Describe and classify pulley systems.

2. For what purposes do we use sheaves for welded chains, and sprockets for welded and
roller chains?

3. Describe the three types of friction drums.

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