3 Leventis2007
3 Leventis2007
3 Leventis2007
Three-Dimensional Core-Shell
Superstructures: Mechanically
Strong Aerogels
Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri,
Rolla, Missouri 65409
Received October 26, 2006
Nanocasting conformal polymer coatings on preformed three-
dimensional assemblies of nanoparticles, macroscopically classified
as aerogels, reinforces the interparticle necks and increases the
strength of the bulk material dramatically. For example, specific
compressive strengths are reported to be higher than those for mild
steel and aluminum, while the ability to store energy may surpass FIGURE 1. Scanning Electron Micrographs (SEM) at random spots
that of armor grade ceramics. Specific chemistries have been in the interior of fractured monoliths of: (A) a native base-catalyzed
developed for cross-linking skeletal nanoparticles with polyureas silica aerogel with bulk density Fb ) 0.169 g/cm3; and, (B) a similar
and polyurethanes, epoxies, and polystyrene, while the technology sample whose skeletal framework has been coated conformally with
has been demonstrated with 30 different nanoparticle networks a diisocyanate-derived polymer by a process referred to herewith
in addition to silica. as cross-linking, Fb ) 0.380 g/cm3. Reprinted in part with permission
from ref 16. Copyright 2002 American Chemical Society.
1. Introduction polymer coating around the filler, fusing the filler particles
together. For reasons that become evident below, we refer
From a materials perspective, nanotechnology uses mo-
to this process as cross-linking, and as such a “filler,” we
lecular science (chemistry and physics) to manipulate
identified silica in its lowest bulk-density form, the silica
matter in the 1–100 nm size regime in order to furnish
useful macroscopic properties. In that regard, improve-
Silica aerogels are mesoporous materials5 made by
ments in performance in terms of strength, modulus, and
supercritical fluid (SCF) drying of wet gels..6–9 The latter
wettability are accomplished by, for example, introducing
are prepared via the so-called sol–gel process,6–8 which
nanoparticles as fillers in plastics.1 Materials compatibility
usually involves acid- or base-catalyzed hydrolysis and
is improved by chemical bonding of the filler with the
condensation of silicon alkoxides:
polymer, enhancing properties beyond what is obtained
by simple mixing.2,3 Going a step further, that is if both
the dopant and the matrix consist of particles with similar
sizes, we may realize distinct advantages in certain ap-
plications, for example, in catalysis.4 On the basis of this
background, if the dopant and the matrix (i.e., the filler
and the polymer) are not only sized similarly, but also if
the relative amounts are comparable, their roles can be
reversed. Then, if the filler, or one of its forms, possesses where R is CH3 for TMOS and R is CH3CH2 for TEOS.
interesting properties of its own, those properties could
Just before drying, gelation solvents filling the meso-
be enhanced by chemical nanocasting of a conformal
pores are exchanged with liquid CO2 in an autoclave,
whose temperature is then raised above the critical point
Nicholas Leventis was born in Athens, Greece, in 1957. He received his B.S. of CO2 (32 °C, 73.8 bar), turning the entire volume of the
degree in chemistry from the University of Athens in 1980 and his Ph.D. in organic liquid into a SCF, which is vented off isothermally (e.g.,
chemistry/photochemistry from Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI) with at 40 °C). That process circumvents evaporation and
Peter Wagner in 1985. He spent three years as postdoctoral fellow with Mark
Wrighton at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA), and
prevents formation of a liquid–gas interfacial meniscus
he worked for six years in the private sector before coming to the Chemistry retreating through the pores of the wet gel. Hence, since
Department of the University of Missouri—Rolla (UMR) as an Assistant Professor no surface tension forces are ever exerted on the skeletal
in 1994, advancing to Associate Professor in 1999 and to Professor in 2007. Dr.
framework, as for example via evaporation during ambi-
Leventis was introduced to aerogels by Debra Rolison at NRL where he spent
the summer of 1998 as a Senior Faculty Fellow. During an extended leave from ent-pressure drying, SCF drying leaves the geometric
UMR (September 2002 to February 2006), Dr. Leventis joined as a Civil Servant dimensions of the wet gel unchanged, and the resulting
(GS-14 promoted to GS-15 in June 2005) the Polymers Branch of the NASA Glenn materials are very low density objects (0.003–0.8 g/cm3).
Research Center (Cleveland, OH), where he directed research on polymer-cross-
linked aerogels. Dr. Leventis has been the recipient of the ACS Arthur K. Doolitte Microscopically, typical base-catalyzed silica aerogels
Award (1992), the NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal (2005), and consist of randomly distributed pearl-necklace-like strings
one of the 2005 Nano50 Awards. Besides aerogels, his interests include physical
organic chemistry, electrochemistry, polymers, and inorganic materials. * Telephone: (573) 341-4391. E-mail: [email protected].
874 ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH / VOL. 40, NO. 9, 2007 10.1021/ar600033s CCC: $37.00 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 05/09/2007
Mechanically Strong Aerogels Leventis
FIGURE 5. CP-MAS 13C NMR characterization of the carbonyl region of (A) N3300A (CDCl3), (B) the product of the reaction of N3300A with
methanol (CDCl3), (C) the product of the reaction of N3300A with isopropylamine (solid sample), (D) the product of the reaction of N3300A and
water (solid sample), and (E) the N3300A cross-linked aerogel with a Fb of ∼0.38 g/cm3 (solid sample). Reprinted from ref 17, Copyright 2004,
with permission from Elsevier.
Scheme 1. Mechanism of Cross-Linking a Silica with a Diisocyanatea bonding between the two components.22 By the same
token, however, it is also noted that the benefit from
developing even weak hydrogen bonding between an
interpenetrating polymer (e.g., poly-2-vinylpyridine) and
surface silanols has not gone unnoticed.23 On the other
hand, polymer cross-linking as defined here is conceptu-
ally related to Einarsrud’s work on reinforcing aerogels
by rendering interparticle necks wider via postgelation
treatment of silica with TEOS.24 Nevertheless, although
silica itself has a high compressive strength, reinforcing
silica with silica does not realize the synergistic benefit of
reinforcing necks with a high tensile strength material like
a polymer. In this context, rubbery materials produced
by reactive incorporation of hydroxyl-terminated poly-
dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in both xerogels and aerogels
have been discussed by Mackenzie in terms of three
a Reprinted from ref 17, Copyright 2004, with permission from Elsevier. models; at one extreme, silica particles separated from one
another are yet connected by PDMS, while at the other
bath under the same conditions. All containers develop extreme, silica particles are in contact with each other and
pressure during the cross-linking reaction, and the identity also bridged (cross-linked in our terminology) with
of the evolving gas (CO2) was confirmed by FTIR. In PDMS.25,26 The shortcoming of using a sol incorporating
certain experiments involving two-step gels (acid-cata- a cross-linker that competes for the same functional
lyzed hydrolysis followed by base-catalyzed gelation20), groups (Si-OH) involved in gelation is that it provides no
reducing the amount of gelation water hampered the control for tuning-in high stiffness and strength versus
ability of wet gels to cross-link.17 On the other hand, rubbery behavior. This kind of issue was encountered
cutting down the number of postgelation wash steps had when the isocyanate was included in our sol: gelation was
the opposite effect, yielding denser gels with a progressive retarded tremendously (days instead of minutes), while
loss of porosity.21 Of course, our data do not exclude the the mechanical properties of the resulting aerogels did not
possibility that a certain amount of polymer is surface- improve significantly.16
bound by one end only. Cross-linked aerogels, however,
do not contain free isocyanate (by 13C NMR and IR),
suggesting that all dangling tethers are eventually hydro-
3. Three Degrees of Freedom in the Design of
lyzed and terminated with amine. Cross-Linked Aerogels
The cross-linked aerogels described above are distinctly Once it was evident that interparticle tethers consist of
different from reinforced sol–gel materials by interpen- polyurea, the immediate question became whether urea
etrating organic polymers with no provisions for covalent formation can be induced from the attachment point on
Mechanically Strong Aerogels Leventis
FIGURE 8. CP-MAS 29Si NMR of aerogels made with TMOS (A) and
a 3:1 TMOS:APTES volume ratio (B).
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