Report Synthesis Aspirin Greef Rose Aulia 22923010
Report Synthesis Aspirin Greef Rose Aulia 22923010
Report Synthesis Aspirin Greef Rose Aulia 22923010
Cover : (Maks.5)
Purpose : (Maks.5)
Introduction : (Maks.10)
Tools and materials : (Maks.5)
Method : (Maks.5) (_____________________________________)
Result and discussion : (Maks.55) Lecturer,
Conclusion : (Maks: 5)
References : (Maks.5)
Attachment : (Maks.5) (Prof. Allwar, Ph.D.)
I. Experimental Goal
To study the synthesis of ester compound.
II. Introduction
Aspirin is an effective analgesic (pain reliever), antipyretic (fever reducer) and anti-
inflammatory agent and is one of the most widely used non-prescription drugs. The use
of aspirin had its origin in the 18th century, when it was found that an extract from the
bark of willow trees was useful in reducing pain and fever. The active ingredient in
willow bark was later found to be salicylic acid. The structure of salicylic acid is shown
below. Although salicylic acid was effective at reducing pain and fever, it also had
some unpleasant side effects. It is irritating to the lining of the mouth, esophagus, and
stomach, and can cause hemorrhaging of the stomach lining. In 1899, the Bayer
Company in Germany patented a drug they called aspirin, which was a modification of
salicylic acid (Kristian, 2007).
Acetylation reaction is a reaction of acetyl group revenues (-COCH3) which is
applied into the phenol group. In this case, phenol acts as a nucleophilic group being
acetyl act as electrophiles. Aspirin has the molecular formula C9H8O4, which is also
known as acetyl salicylic acid, acentria, aspirin, and acetophen. The properties of
● Its shape is like a crystal needle, with a glossy white color, and is odorless.
● Its specific weight is 1,36 g / mL.
● It is stable in dry measurement but decomposes in boiling water.
● It has no smell, but in the wet air it is gradually hydrolyzed into acetic acid and
salicylic acid that causes odor of acetic acid.
● It can be used as an analgesic and antipyretic because it is not stable. Therefore,
aspirin is used in the form of solid consistency, eg. tablets, capsules, powders and
suppositories. In the form of oil, aspirin can cause itching and skin diseases. Aspirin is
mostly combined by acetophenetidum and caffeine known as apc. Aspirin is easily
hydrolyzed by the intense heat, when coupled with FeCI3 which will give the color
purple. The structure of aspirin are as follows:
a. Dry salicylic acid
b. Concentrated sulfuric acid
c. Distilled Water
d. Acetic acid anhydride
e. Pure alcohol
f. Iron (III) chloride
1. Pour in 5 grams of salicylic acid into a 100 mL flask, 7,5 g of acetic acid anhydride
and 5 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid.
2. Shake the mixture until it perfectly dissolve.
3. Then heat over a water heater (the temperature inside the flask is maintained at 50-
60 ° C) while stirring for 15 minutes
1. Let it cool while still stirring, and add 150 mL of water
2. Then strain it with the aid of suction.
1. The purification is done by recrystallization.
2. The solvent used is a mixture of 15 mL of 96% alcohol and 37,5 mL of distilled
water. 3. Put in the crystal in a solvent and heat it until all crystals dissolve, then cool
it gradually.
4. The mixture will result in gorgeous needle-like crystals.
5. The crystal is then tested with a reagent of iron (III) chloride.
The synthesis of aspirin was obtained by an esterification reaction by reacting
concentrated anhydrous salicylic acid and acetic acid with a concentrated sulfuric acid
catalyst and recrystallization for purification with a % yield of 98.47% and the FeCl3
test produced a purple color.
Baysinger, G. 2004. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 85th ed. America:
CRC Press.
Cahyono. 1991. Segi Praktisi dan Metode Pemisahan Senyawa Organik. Semarang:
FMIPA Universitas Diponegoro.
Kristian, R. 2007. Asam Salisilat dan Phenol. Banten: Teknik Kimia Universitas
Ageng Tirtayasa
Work Scheme
1. 2.
Purification Crystal
% Rendemen
Data Analysis
Is known :
Weight of empty filter paper: 0.6145 grams
Weight of filter paper + aspirin crystals: 6.7357 grams
Weight of pure aspirin crystals: 6.1212 grams
mass of anhydrous acetic acid = p.V = 1.08 gram/cm3. 7.5 ml = 7.875 grams
moles of anhydrous acetic acid = mass : Mr = 7.875 grams : 102, gram/mol = 0.0772 mol
Filtered with a Buchner filter and pump White precipitate and clear filtrate were
vacuum obtained.
Filtered with a Buchner filter and vacuum White needle-shaped crystals are obtained.
Weight of empty filter paper 0,6145 gram
Filter paper weight + aspirin crystals 6,7357 gram
Weight of pure aspirin crystals 6,1212 gram
% Aspirin crystal yield 98,47%
Tested with FeCl3 solution The result is purple