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Work out Wiig lila H b \ c d 8 Estimate the answers to these questions by rounding the numbers to the nearest integer. a -6.15+9.93 b 7.88--9.13 1) e) -11.34-8,81 d 12.19-5.62 9 Bstimate the answers to these questions by rounding the numbers. jp a 728-83 b Si4+—321 ¢ | -888--111 d -61.1+-29.3 10. Two integers udd up to 2. One of the integers is 8. Whut is the other integer? 11 When you subtract one integer from unother integer, the answer i ‘One integer is |. Find the other integer AY 12. Here are sin intevers: -5, Use each int a [OI ‘Challenge |) .13- Copy und complete this addition table. wer once to Complete these additions. > Co ae ia I 3 |-2 1 | 6 14 Jubtraction table shows that 3 ~ 6 = 3, Copy and complete the table, 1.2 Multiplying and dividing integers 45 Copy and complete these addition pyramids. 16 This addition pyramid is more difficult than the pyramids We in Question 13. RAN Copy and complete the pyramid. Explain how you worked out the missing numbers. \ [3] [3] > 1.2 Multiplying and dividing integers Weekes cE | Work out a4 b 20=(-34+-2) Answer a 4x8=32,s04x- b First, do the addition Phi 5 y So,20+(-34 — Exercise 1.2 Focus 1 Work out: a lox-3)) be 4x9 Se | SRA | di) 7x9 2 Work out: a 442 b 4-6 -c. 80410 -d 63249 ph gonplete thin mul plication bre eel HH Gs +2) x a i (-64-4)x3 ((-2=-5)%=10 (10-4) +~2 | (5-134 f Ai i cael th i i { fi if “istimate th Ja) 423x-29 j I le | 6.1% 219) Srrintgers vith proach Ads ; a 4 The product of 2 ralsClntekibe saith a product of «18? Wy eH cian yuu be sure? \ | i I 1 1.2 Mubiplying Ww Copy and complete this multiplication grid. Challenge 12. In these diagrams, circles next t0 it “: @LG oe : HO OHO 1 Copy each diagram and fill in the squares MW Add the numbers in the squares in each diay the integer in a square is the product of the integers in the Copy and complete the diagram. All the Is there more than one solution? Have yo hers are integer found all of the solutions? Use the integers 3, 4 and ~$ to complete this calculation. (|! (CD alle 8 (1B) Whit isthe largest answer you can get when you put the int HH -4 and 7 in this calculation? f} Weer Hi © Give evidence 10 explai IXY 18 a Me product ora imtepers is 20. Hind the two integers. Hl b ‘The product of wo integers is —30. Find the lar: i € Cam you generalise the result of p. your answer, est possible value of the sum of the st possible sum of the two inteers. tavand part b? narra | ‘The multiples of 9 ure 9, 1g, 27, 36, 45. 5. The common multiples are 18, 36, 34,10. | The lowest common multiple is 18. 1 | Bxehcice 1.3 Hi | Focus i Write down the first four multiples off | | a4 bili ¢\\) (12 d 30 Pi 2 ie Tow many multiples of 10 are less than 100? 3 Work out the multiples of 8 that are less th J |B’ | Work but the muttipledlor'§ abut ure | ‘il © Write down the lowe: ian 50, sss than 50, st common multiple of § and 5. Vind the first five common multiples of 2 and 3 (ill, (ib. Copy and completel this ] The common multiples of entence and 3 ure multiples of] Hind the lowest common multiple of 2 and 3. Write down the first three common multiples of 6 and 4. b | Copy and Gonplete this hi The common multiple enten 6nd 4 ure multiples of i € Write down the lowest common multiple of 6 andi, é Vind the lowest common multiple of: i a | Band 10 b dand (0 ©. Sando \ | Ng ! k Mi We AML | Practice, Hl 7 Show that the muluples 0 of and v5 8 Find the lowest common ‘multiple of6 ind 14. qY 9 a Find the lowest common multiple oF Wo gand 2/14) a Tand 4 gi = b Is there an easy method to find the lowest common ‘multiple | ? eee of 7 and a number les than 72 | a ee le Decne aa | : than 7? : 40 Look at these numbers: 90 92 94.96.98 100 eae Z are Which number is a multiple of 9 and Loztbesyt 2 Hs this number the Lowest cam multiple? - = bi tf ii cipal ii acai ie 11 Work out the lowest common mul i Challenge | 12. Find the LOM of 3, 8 and 9. : qY 13 24x4=96 a Explain why 96 is a common In of 4.und 24, b 15.96 the lowest common multiple of 4 and 247 faye Wi 10 justify your answer, { MARA | \ 14° ‘Two numbers have a LCM.of 45, The two numbers add up} te \ | Find the two numbers. | 15 ‘The 1.CM of two numbers is 63, Work oul the Wo Atle is. 1 Answer i BAY a 24=1x24,2% 12,3x8,4x6 | The factors of 24 are 1, 2,3, 4,6,8, : b You must find the highest factor of 24 i a factor OF 80. 8 isa factor of 80 because 80 = = 10, ue VR Ae eae : i Py 12 is nota factor of 80 becul 24is nota factor of 80. The highest common factor of Exercise 1.4 Focus ai 1 Find the factors of: j a7) 2 b 3 c i 2 Vind the factors of: i \ a Sl b 32 i, 53 d 4 e 3 a ind ure common factors of 16 and 28 Hua b Pind the highest common factor of 16 and 28. \ ( 4 a Vind the common factors of 30 and 45 \ b Sind the highest common factor of 30 and 4S, f Practice — ae : all eae the highest common f yr of fae Wand 2) b 18and27__ 6 Find the highest common factor of | ! : ‘Tund4s sb Sand 75 ¢ 40und 72 d 24und35 : “ind the highest common factor of: \ (70nd 77 “bd | 7ana8s © 70und 84 i Find the highest common factor of 32 and 40. b Use your unswer to part a to simply the fraction 2. x AANA t 0 any the highest common factor of 52 and 91. = VA There ure 91 rooms in hotel 52 rooms are reverved., What Fraction of \ 5 19) b Gand 10 are consecuti anit 20m tat to mvake i conjecture a the bi > 1.5. Tests ern Answer The sum of thedigitsis3+9+4+8=24. 24 is divisible by 3, so 3948 is ulso divisible by 3. 3948 is even and divisible by 3, so 3948 is also divisible by 6. 24 is not divisible by 9, so 3948 is ulso not divisible by 9. Exercise 1.5 i : Focus 41 Use tests for divisibility to show 2 (a Show that 2739 is divisible by 11 b When the edigits are reversed, the 3 a Show that 67 108 is divisil * b 1367 108 divisible by 8? Give a reason for your answer, 4 © The number 3812* is divisible by 3. The final digit is missing. What Gin you say about the missing digit? Practice 5 What integers Ye a Use the digits than 12are factors of 7777? Yand 1 to. make a number that is divisible by 195 We b Can you arrange the digits 5,4, 2 und 1 to make a number that is divisible by: rst WA 7 322isdivisible by 7, Use this fact o find a number that is divisible by 7,2 and 3. 8B Vind the your answer, allest positive inteper that is nol factor Of 252. Give reasons for eee 1.6 Square roots and cube roots 9 Here are some numbers where all the digits ure 9: 9 99 999 9999 99999. Tn numbers where all the digits ure 9, which are multiples of 11? Challenge ee AN 412 X33 ‘A number is divisible by 15 if itis di a Show that 7905 is divisible by 15. ; b The number 208** is divisible by 15. Find the possible values rf of the two missing digits. singe Find three numbers less than 20 that are factors: of $e « Give reasons for your answers. Show that 8897 is divisible by only one number between | und 12. The numbers 4, 5, 6, ... are consecutive numbers fo example, 4567 - isa number with four consecutive digits. Find all the numbers with four consecutive di tha ore divisible by: ated b 3 corseebag nd yf ible by 3 and 5. Worked example: Work out $125 - V9. consecutive | cube number Answeli cube root p=5x5%5=1 . square number F=747=49,s0 V9 =7. square root Exercise 1.6 Focus 1 Work out { a Mea b wil c a 2 Work out: i a Ve c ¥25 dvi 3 Work out: =f Ww Boel os C42 KN 4 Work out: = E : a 64 Yea bJ25-¥125 cS 27-16 yah 5 Work out: | = ( a 216 b ¥512 c ¥1000 d Wf Practice 6 — Copy and complete: a =2 b =25 « ¥J=30 7 Copy and complete: oe a (=6 b g=10 « eu 8 Find the integer that is : a 38 b 220 c 370 9 V45 is between 6 and 7. Yo Write down a similar statement for: a root of the number 90 b VIS isu multiple of 3. What is Mustafa’s number? | Mustafa thinks of a number. The number is between 100 and 200. The square, Find all the numbers between 100 und 200 that have an integer Vind all the numbers between 100 and 200 that have an integer cube root Wa square root b Challenge 2 13 n factor of [4 2 Shy works out the square Foot ath wbrke Out the cube Pout of the susie poe oF Eg Jiale pebe tie muny newer if ghe fully the Cube Eagtitiest and then | Ey i 41.6 ‘Square roots and cube roots 14° 289 and 324 are two coustcutive quate numbers! Find the next ==“ square number after 324. 15 1331 and 1728 are two consecutive cube numbers. Find the next == Cube number after 1728. Show that 64 is a square number and a cube number. wi There is one number between 100 and 1000 that is a square number and a cube number. What is this number? ky ‘What method did you use to answer part b? Could you use the * : ba same method to look for another number that is both u square { ‘number und a cube number? z ti

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