CHAPTER 8 - Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash (N I Dung)
CHAPTER 8 - Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash (N I Dung)
CHAPTER 8 - Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash (N I Dung)
1. Fraud
Congress addressed this issue by passing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) . Under SOX,
all publicly traded U.S. corporations are required to maintain an adequate system of
internal control. Corporate executives and boards of directors must ensure that these
controls are reliable and effective. In addition, independent outside auditors must
attest to the adequacy of the internal control system. Companies that fail to comply are
subject to fines, and company officers can be imprisoned. SOX also created the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) to establish auditing standards
and regulate auditor activity.
3. Internal Control
+ All the related methods and measures adopted within an organization to safeguard
+ Enhance the reliability of accounting records,
+ Increase the efficiency of operations, and
+ Ensure compliance with laws and regulations.
Internal control systems have five primary components:
+ A control environment. organization values integrity and that unethical activity
will not be tolerated. referred to as the “tone at the top.”
+ Risk assessment. Companies must identify and analyze the various factors that
create risk for the business and must determine how to manage these risks.
The control activities are the backbone of the company’s efforts to address the risks it
faces, such as fraud. The specific control activities used by a company will vary,
depending on management’s assessment of the risks faced. This assessment is heavily
influenced by the size and nature of the company.
Many retailers solve this problem by having registers with multiple drawers. This allows
the identification of a particular employee with a specific drawer.
- Maureen Frugali, a training supervisor at Colossal Healthcare, included fictitious
claims in the training program for trainees. These fictitious claims were supposed to
be sent to the Accounts Payable department to prevent payment. However, Maureen
didn't report all of them, allowing some to be paid to entities under her control.
→ The health-care company did not adequately restrict the responsibility for
authorizing and approving claims transactions. The training supervisor should not have
been authorized to create claims in the company’s “live” system.
The work of one employee should, without a duplication of effort, provide a reliable basis
for evaluating the work of another employee.
For example, the personnel that design and program computerized systems should not
be assigned duties related to day-to-day use of the system. Otherwise, they could
design the system to benefit them personally and conceal the fraud through day-to-day
=> These abuses are less likely to occur when companies divide the sales tasks
*Sales activities (making a sale, shipping (or delivering) the goods to the customer,
billing the customer, and receiving payment)
=> These abuses are less likely to occur when companies divide the sales tasks: The
salespeople make the sale; the shipping department ships the goods on the basis of the
sales order; and the billing department prepares the sales invoice after comparing the
sales order with the report of goods shipped.
Lawrence Fairbanks, the assistant vice-chancellor of communications at Aesop
University, exploited his authority to make departmental purchases under $2,500 by
occasionally buying expensive personal items. To conceal his actions, he created fake
vendor invoices with descriptions that resembled legitimate departmental purchases and
submitted them to accounting and accounts payable for payment.
→ The university had not properly segregated related purchasing activities. Lawrence
was ordering items, receiving the items, and receiving the invoice. By receiving the
invoice, he had control over the documents that were used to account for the purchase
and thus was able to substitute a fake invoice.
- The accountant should have neither physical custody of the asset nor access to it.
- Likewise, the custodian of the asset should not maintain or have access to the
accounting records
- The custodian of the asset is not likely to convert the asset to personal use when one
employee maintains the record of the asset, and a different employee has physical
custody of the asset
Companies should establish procedures for documents. First, whenever possible,
companies should use pre numbered documents, and all documents should be accounted
=> Prenumbering helps to prevent a transaction from being recorded more than once,
or conversely, from not being recorded at all.
Second, the control system should require that employees promptly forward source
documents for accounting entries to the accounting department.
=> This control measure helps to ensure timely recording of the transaction and
contributes directly to the accuracy and reliability of the accounting records.
Employees at Mod Fashions Corporation's design center were required to provide
receipts for travel expense reimbursement. Some designers colluded to commit fraud by
submitting duplicate claims for the same expenses. Each of them submitted different
types of receipts for the same expense, resulting in all of them receiving full
reimbursement for the expense.
→ Mod Fashions should require the original, detailed receipt. It should not accept
photocopies, and it should not accept credit card statements. In addition, documentation
procedures could be further improved by requiring the use of a corporate credit card
(rather than a personal credit card) for all business expenses.
Physical controls relate to the safeguarding of assets and enhance the accuracy and
reliability of the accounting records.
This picture shows example of these controls.
At Centerstone Health, where insurance applications are scanned and accessible online,
two friends, Alex from record-keeping and Parviz the sales agent, devised a scheme.
They identified applications without a listed sales agent, and after hours, Alex added
Parviz's name to the hard-copy applications. Parviz received the commissions, which they
shared, despite these applications not originally involving a sales agent.
→ Centerstone Health lacked crucial physical controls that could have prevented the
fraud. The mailroom should have been securely locked during non-business hours, with
tightly controlled access during business hours. Additionally, the scanned applications'
security was compromised because all employees had the same password as their user ID,
which was accessible to everyone. This allowed unauthorized access to the scanned
applications and enabled Alex to enter the system using another employee's password.
Bobbi Jean Donnelly, the office manager at Mod Fashions Corporation's design center,
committed fraud by filing expense-reimbursement requests for her personal clothing
purchases. She managed to hide this fraudulent activity because she was responsible for
reviewing and sometimes signing off on all expense reports, including her own.
Additionally, she manipulated the budget by coding her expenses to under-budget items
to avoid detection.
→ Bobbi Jean's boss should have verified her expenses, but he estimated them at
$10,000 per year when they were actually over $115,000. He didn't review her reports
or the budget, citing being "too busy," allowing the fraud to go unnoticed.
Ellen Lowry, the desk manager, and Josephine Rodriguez, the head of housekeeping at
the Excelsior Inn, conspired to earn extra money. Ellen provided cash-paying guests
with significant discounts, keeping the cash and not registering the guests in the hotel's
system. She marked the rooms as unavailable for "routine maintenance," and Josephine,
the head of housekeeping, cleaned these rooms during the guests' stay.
→ Ellen, the desk manager, had a fraud accusation in her past, which a thorough
background check could have revealed. The hotel only discovered the fraud when Ellen
was absent due to illness, highlighting the need for a system of mandatory vacations and
rotating days off for detection.
The human factor plays a significant role in the effectiveness of internal control
systems. Employee fatigue, carelessness, or indifference can undermine even a
well-designed system. Collusion among employees can also compromise controls,
particularly segregation of duties.
The size of a business can impose limitations on internal control. Small companies often
struggle to segregate duties or provide independent verification. Statistics show that
smaller companies, those with fewer than 100 employees, are at higher risk for employee
theft, with a median loss of $147,000, which can pose a significant threat to their