Schukajlow, S., Rakoczy, K. Pekrun, R. 2023 Emotions and Motivation in Mathematics Education

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ZDM – Mathematics Education (2023) 55:249–267


Emotions and motivation in mathematics education: Where we are

today and where we need to go
S. Schukajlow1 · K. Rakoczy2 · R. Pekrun3,4,5

Accepted: 20 December 2022 / Published online: 18 January 2023

© The Author(s) 2023

Emotions and motivation are important for learning and achievement in mathematics. In this paper, we present an overview
of research on students’ emotions and motivation in mathematics. First, we briefly review how early research has developed
into the current state-of-the-art and outline the following key characteristics of emotions and motivation: objects, valence,
temporal stability (vs. variability), and situational specificity (vs. generality). Second, we summarize major theories in the
field (the control-value theory of achievement emotions, expectancy-value theory of achievement-related motivation, self-
determination theory of human motivation, and social-cognitive theory of self-efficacy). Third, we present an overview of
instructional characteristics that have been shown to foster emotions and motivation. Fourth, we provide an overview of the
contributions to the special issue on “Emotions and Motivation in Mathematics Education and Educational Psychology.”
Finally, we suggest directions for future research in the field with respect to advancing theory, improving measurement, and
considering diversity and inclusion.

1 Introduction the mathematics lesson at all”; T3 “Some students com-

plained that mathematics is so boring.” In these hypothetical
If you go to a mathematics classroom and observe students examples, the students and teachers are referring to affec-
who are working on mathematical problems, you might hear tive experiences that can be linked to emotional and moti-
the following student (S) voices. S1 “Solving this problem vational variables, such as enjoyment (S1), boredom (T3),
was really fun”; S2 “I asked myself, do I really need to solve value (S2), self-efficacy expectations (S3), engagement (T1),
this problem?”; or S3 “At the beginning, I was not sure and interest (T2). To analyze these and other constructs, sev-
whether I could solve this problem.” If teachers (T) shared eral theoretical approaches have been developed, and the
their observations after class, they might make the following following are frequently used: control-value theory (CVT),
statements. T1 “Most students were engaged in the problem expectancy-value theory (EVT), self-determination theory,
solving activity”; T2 “Two students were not interested in social-cognitive theory of self-efficacy, and interest theory.
In the following sections, we present constructs, theo-
ries, and results from research on students’ emotions and
* S. Schukajlow motivation. Emotions and motivation can be seen as learn-
[email protected]
ing outcomes or goals of mathematics instruction. They are
Institute of Mathematics Education and Computer Science also important prerequisites for cognitive outcomes (e.g.,
Education, University of Münster, Henriette‑Son‑Str. 19, knowledge) and can mediate effects of teaching on these
48149 Münster, Germany outcomes. Because of the diversity of topics in this area,
Department of Early Childhood and Teacher Education, we could not cover all relevant lines of research here. This
University of Giessen, Karl‑Glöckner‑Str. 21B, overview represents a summary of research on emotions and
35394 Giessen, Germany
motivation from the perspectives of mathematics education
Department of Psychology, University of Essex, Wivenhoe and educational psychology and is aimed at linking the two
Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, UK
research perspectives.
Institute for Positive Psychology and Education, Australian One strength of research in mathematics education is a
Catholic University, Sydney, Australia
strong orientation towards the content by taking into account
Department of Psychology, University of Munich, Munich, the specific characteristics of mathematics as a domain, as

250 S. Schukajlow et al.

well as mathematical topics or tasks to which emotions and their situational variant, whereas the dispositional part of
motivation refer. Two examples are a study on students’ emotions was largely ignored. Motivation was included as
motivation regarding modelling, word, and intramathemati- a subcategory of “beliefs about self” (McLeod, 1992, p.
cal problems for two different mathematical topics (Krawitz 580 ff). In the late 1990s, Middleton and Spanias (1999)
& Schukajlow, 2018) and a study on self-efficacy regarding described the state of research on motivation(s), which they
geometry versus algebra (Street et al., 2022). One strength characterized very broadly as reasons for human behavior,
of research in educational psychology is that it takes a more to the phases of toddlerhood: “… like a toddler, it seems to
general perspective by offering research that is clearly be going in many directions, frequently getting into trouble”
linked to theoretical models with a long research tradition (Middleton & Spanias, 1999, p. 79).
in psychology and education (e.g., see the long tradition in
research on achievement motivation in Wigfield & Cambria, 2.2 Trends in research and a modern view
2010). Current developments in society (e.g., changes in on concepts of emotions and motivation
education because of the COVID-19 pandemic and increased
attention to social-racial inequities) and the formulation of Since the middle of the decade of the 2000s, interest in affect
sustainable development goals (UNESCO, 2015) support the in mathematics education research, including motivation and
importance of students’ emotions and motivation. emotion, has increased. This trend is reflected in Research
The aim of this introduction is to provide an overview Forums and Discussion Groups at PME Conferences, the
of how research on emotions and motivation has devel- founding of the Topic Study Group “Affect and Teaching and
oped from the early 1990s to the current state-of-the-art, to Learning of Mathematics” at CERME conferences, and the
contribute to the structuring of the field by reviewing key publishing of a special issue on affect in Educational Studies
characteristics of emotions and motivation from different in Mathematics (Zan et al., 2006). An exemplary analysis
theoretical perspectives, and to summarize leading emotion of papers published in Journal for Research in Mathemat-
and motivation theories and teaching approaches for foster- ics (JRME) and Educational Studies in Mathematics (ESM)
ing emotions and motivation, particularly in mathematics. from 2002 to 2014 indicated an increasing percentage of
We also introduce the contributions to this special issue and publications on emotions and motivation in these two math-
discuss directions for future research. ematics education journals up to 17% in 2014 (Schukajlow
et al., 2017), even though the relative number of studies on
emotions remained very small (less than 4% in 2014).
2 State‑of‑the‑art in research on emotions To update the analysis, we analyzed all 95 original con-
and motivation tributions published in 2021 (77 and 18 articles published
in ESM and JRME, respectively) by using the same coding
2.1 Early research on emotions and motivation procedure. A trained master’s student coded the contribu-
tions. The first author of this paper then checked the codes
For a long time, research in mathematics education has for accuracy. The analysis revealed that 41% of the contribu-
focused on cognitive factors (e.g., knowledge), whereas tions addressed emotions or motivation in their studies, 4%
affective (i.e., in a broader sense, all noncognitive) fac- addressed emotions, 18% motivation, and 19% both emo-
tors were ignored. Early research was limited to addressing tions and motivation. Many of these studies included cogni-
affective constructs on a more general level, for example, by tive variables (e.g., analyses of solution processes or perfor-
assessing indicators of positive or negative attitudes toward mance tests). The surprisingly high percentage of papers that
mathematics (Leder, 1987) or students’ beliefs about them- addressed affect indicated a significant increase in interest
selves (Schoenfeld, 1983). Emotions were neglected, with in emotions and motivation. One reason for this unexpected
research on mathematics anxiety as one exception (Zan increase might be global changes that make the importance
et al., 2006). The turning point in research on emotions of social and emotional learning goals more obvious, such
and motivation in mathematics education was the develop- as the COVID-19 pandemic and a stronger focus on issues
ment of the taxonomy of affect by McLeod (1992), who of social and racial equity. Both topics received more atten-
differentiated beliefs, attitudes, and emotions along the tion in mathematics education recently, which is reflected
dimensions of intensity and temporal stability. Beliefs were in an open call in ESM for contributions on the COVID-19
suggested to be the least intense and the most stable. By pandemic in 2020. This call resulted in an unexpectedly high
contrast, emotions were considered to be the most intense number of submissions and papers published on the topic
and least stable among the affective constructs. Attitudes of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 in ESM (Chan et al.,
were anchored between beliefs and emotions concerning 2021).
these two key characteristics of affect. Importantly, emo- Concepts of emotions and motivation are defined very
tions were targeted as a distinct category but restricted to differently across authors and fields of research (Hannula

Emotions and motivation in mathematics education: Where we are today and where we need to go 251

et al., 2019; Pekrun, 2021b). The diversity of approaches to affect other motivational variables and emotions in the same
emotions and motivation has enriched our understanding of individual or in other individuals in complex and nuanced
affect. However, many of the diverse emotional and motiva- ways. Acknowledging this idea, researchers assume the
tional constructs that have been proposed show conceptual existence of an “affect system” within an individual or group
overlap. For example, interest is closely related to intrinsic of individuals (Pepin & Roesken-Winter, 2015, p. xv ff.).
value in EVTs (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020), enjoyment is an Because of complexity in research on emotions and moti-
important part of the emotional aspects of the person-object vation, structuring along key characteristics is essential for
theory of interest (Krapp, 2005) and of intrinsic motiva- improving theories and generating cumulative empirical
tion (Ryan & Deci, 2020), and value appraisals are not only evidence.
antecedents but also components of enjoyment according
to the CVT of achievement emotions (cognitive component 2.3 Structuring the field: characteristics
of enjoyment in Pekrun 2006; Pekrun et al., 2022). This of emotions and motivation
overlap is reflected in the measurement of the constructs. A
statement such as “I enjoy doing mathematics” can be used Given the strong overlap and diversity in approaches used to
by researchers as an indicator of the enjoyment of mathemat- describe and study motivational and emotional processes, it
ics, value of mathematics, interest in mathematics, intrinsic is important to structure the field. Three key characteristics
motivation, or as even broader constructs, such as attitude of emotions and motivation are of crucial importance for
toward mathematics (see more on attitudes in Di Martino doing so, namely, valence, temporal stability, and the object
& Zan, 2015). (Schukajlow et al., 2017). A new characteristic that has
Clarity regarding differences and similarities between received increased attention recently is the situational nature
constructs on the conceptual and measurement levels is of affective constructs (Nolen, 2020; Wigfield et al., 2021).
essential for research on emotions and motivation. Recently, Given its importance to the new developments in the field,
Lawson and Robins (2021) discussed how to identify and we decided to include this characteristic in this overview.
deal with sibling constructs. The departure point for their Valence Valence refers to individuals’ perceptions of
considerations was the so-called jingle-jangle fallacy. The desirability or pleasantness. The valence of an affective
“jingle” fallacy occurs when the same construct has different construct can be positive, negative, or neutral. Positive or
labels. The “jangle” fallacy arises when different constructs negative valence is often used to characterize emotions or
have the same label. Because of the large number of different attitudes (Di Martino & Zan, 2015; McLeod, 1992; Pekrun,
motivational and emotional constructs used in the field, we 2006). Importantly, positive (i.e., pleasant) emotional or
see a clear threat for jingle-jangle fallacies to occur (Marsh motivational constructs (e.g., enjoyment or hope) are not
et al., 2019). Typical approaches for dealing with sibling always positively related to learning outcomes, and nega-
constructs are focusing on one sibling and ignoring the other tive (i.e., unpleasant) emotions (e.g., test anxiety) and moti-
(i.e., ignoring its relationship with other constructs and the- vation are not necessarily negatively related to academic
ories), acknowledging both siblings in theory and discus- achievement in mathematics. In these examples, enjoyment
sion (e.g., by indicating that an increase in interest might or hope have positive valences because they include pleasant
be interpreted as an increase in related constructs, such as feelings, whereas anxiety has a negative valence because it
intrinsic motivation or value), combining the two siblings in includes unpleasant feelings. Some motivational constructs
an overarching construct, or using statistical methods (i.e., (e.g., intrinsic motivation) can also be assigned a positive
controlling for the joint variance of siblings) to identify the valence, whereas other motivational constructs or beliefs
unique contribution of the specific construct. do not have a positive or negative valence by definition. For
Even though controlling for related constructs has its example, the belief that mathematics is a science of proce-
strengths, one limitation is that the breadth of the target dures is not per se related to desirability or pleasantness.
construct may be lost due to the partialling out of important Temporal stability Temporal stability versus variability
components (Lawson & Robins, 2021). For example, what has been acknowledged for a long time to be an impor-
would a scale on self-efficacy measure when academic self- tant characteristic of affect in psychology (Cattell, 1943;
concept is controlled for? Performing two types of analy- Eysenck, 1987) and later also in mathematics education
sis (i.e., one controlling for the joint variance and one not) (McLeod, 1992; Hannula, 2012) underlined the importance
might be a way to collect information about the robustness of this characteristic and made a call to distinguish between
of the analysis. This information can help to avoid artefacts theories that focus on more temporally stable aspects (i.e.,
in the interpretation of results. traits) and less temporally stable aspects (i.e., states). Indeed,
As motivational and emotional constructs build com- some theories focus mostly on states, such as the flow
plex systems within an individual or group of individuals, theory (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997), whereas other theories
changes in one motivational variable within a person can include state and trait components, such as situational and

252 S. Schukajlow et al.

Teaching and Learning

Mathemacs Science …

Competencies Topics Strategies …

Modelling Problem solving … Geometry Algebra … Monitoring Drawing

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9

Fig. 1  Objects in mathematics education

individual interest in theories of interest (Hidi & Renninger, groups or individuals (Nolen et al., 2015) by considering
2006; Krapp, 2005), or situational versus generalized confi- social norms (e.g., from right/wrong to more/less appropri-
dence in performing specific tasks in the case of self-efficacy ate mathematical models/results) and building new student
expectations (Bandura, 2003). Temporal stability is closely identities in the classroom (e.g., students who can pose a
related to the situational nature of emotions and motivation. meaningful problem).
Situational interest in solving a problem, or self-efficacy Objects Emotions and motivation are focused on dif-
expectations, often change not only dynamically over time ferent objects. Objects are addressed as important parts of
but depend on the situational context. By definition, states theories on emotions and motivation. In Pekrun’s (2006,
can vary across different situations. By contrast, traits can 2021a) CVT, achievement emotions are classified into the
be either generalized across types of situations (e.g., gen- following two groups on the basis of their objects: emo-
eral trait anxiety) or situation- or domain-specific (e.g., trait tions related to achievement activities (activity emotions,
mathematics anxiety). e.g., enjoyment and boredom) and emotions related to suc-
Situational specificity Situational characteristics of emo- cess or failure in outcomes of these activities (outcome
tions and motivation refer to their embeddedness in tasks, emotions, e.g., hope and anxiety). In theories of inter-
social environments, and sociocultural contexts. Social- est, researchers emphasize the importance of the object
cultural practices have repeatedly been emphasized in the of interest (Hidi & Renninger, 2006; Krapp, 2005). We
context of mathematical learning (Hannula, 2012), such assume a hierarchical structure of objects in teaching and
as the role of social-cultural norms for students’ expecta- learning (Fig. 1). On the highest hierarchical level, the
tions in problem solving (Yackel & Cobb, 1996). Situational object in education is teaching and learning, followed by
approaches to motivational constructs underline the embed- the teaching and learning of mathematics as a domain.
dedness of the individual in the social-cultural environment Mathematical teaching and learning are followed by cat-
(Nolen, 2020; Nolen et al., 2015; Wigfield et al., 2021). One egories, such as competencies, topics, strategies, and oth-
of the central aims of situational approaches is to account for ers, all of which are specified on the next lower level, for
interactions between individual and social-cultural factors example, as modelling competencies or problem solving
in specific situations. Situational factors in the generation competencies, mathematical topics (e.g., geometry or
and development of emotions and motivation are an essen- algebra), and strategies (e.g., the monitoring strategy or
tial part of models of emotions and motivation. Pekrun’s drawing strategy). Specific mathematical tasks are located
(2006, 2021a) CVT specifies how social environments influ- on the most basic and concrete level where researchers
ence students’ emotions by shaping their control and value might address emotions or motivation regarding the solv-
appraisals. Eccles’s EVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) includes ing of specific problems, such as the Monty Hall problem
the cultural milieu as a predictor of individuals’ percep- (Krauss & Wang, 2003). We argue that it is essential to be
tions, beliefs, achievement expectations, and achievement clear about the object of emotions and motivation in both
behavior. Self-determination theory considers competence, theoretical models and empirical research, as results might
autonomy, and social relatedness as three basic needs that be greatly dependent on the type of object. If emotions or
can be satisfied as a result of students’ interactions with the motivation that emerge during mathematics lessons focus
learning context (Ryan & Deci, 2020). Taking into account on nonmathematical content as an object, they can have
the nature of the situation in research on emotions and moti- different effects compared with emotions and motivation
vation might help overcome the marginalization of student that are related to mathematical tasks. For example, female

Emotions and motivation in mathematics education: Where we are today and where we need to go 253

students’ enjoyment of and interest in fashion was found 2.4 Achievement emotions

to result in lower engagement in mathematics and prevent
them from solving word problems (Boaler, 1994). Different theoretical traditions and research paradigms, such
Many prior studies have addressed mathematics as an as Darwinian, Freudian, or cognitive-psychological para-
object of emotions and motivation in questionnaires by digms, have shaped descriptions of emotional experiences
using a description of mathematical activities in the assess- and definitions of emotions in the past (Hannula, 2015).
ment of emotions (Bieleke et al., 2022), interest (Frenzel Contemporary definitions of emotions include multiple
et al., 2012), or motivation, or by using specific tasks, for components and emphasize the complexity of emotions by
example, to define self-efficacy expectations (Hackett & referring to affective, cognitive, physiological, motivational,
Betz, 1989; Street et al., 2017) or in experience-sampling and expressive parts (Shuman & Scherer, 2014). Depend-
studies. Some recent studies have also analyzed other ing on the object of emotions, researchers group emotions
objects, including competencies, mathematical practices, into epistemic, social, moral, topic-specific, or achievement
topics, or strategies (Krawitz & Schukajlow, 2018; Nuutila emotions (Pekrun, 2021a). Epistemic emotions focus on the
et al., 2020; Siefer et al., 2020; Ufer et al., 2017). In one generation of knowledge, and social and moral emotions
study, researchers assessed indicators of the hierarchical focus on other people or moral norms. Achievement emo-
structure of objects of enjoyment, from enjoyment of life tions are very important in the context of education, as they
via context- and situation-specific experiences of enjoy- are closely related to achievement-related activities (e.g.,
ment to activity-specific experiences of enjoyment, such as problem solving in a mathematics classroom) or outcomes
the enjoyment of mathematical tasks (Goetz et al., 2006). (e.g., school grades). Outcomes are usually differentiated
Importantly, objects of emotions and motivation are into past outcomes (e.g., pride about being successful on a
often complex in nature and include different aspects. For mathematics test) and future outcomes (e.g., fear of failure
example, Schukajlow et al. (2021a, b) analyzed strategy- on an upcoming mathematics test).
based emotions and motivation and their relationships with Research on emotions in education in recent decades—
the quantity and quality of drawing strategies and students’ and this special issue is no exception—has been anchored
performance. The emotional and motivational constructs to great extent in CVT. According to CVT (Pekrun, 2006,
were enjoyment, anxiety, self-efficacy, value, and cost 2021a; Pekrun et al., 2022), two types of appraisals are of
regarding the use of the drawing strategy while solving primary importance for the arousal of emotions in achieve-
geometrical modelling problems. These studies addressed ment-related settings. Control appraisals refer to the degree
a specific strategy (drawing strategy) and specific math- of controllability of actions and outcomes in a given situa-
ematical competencies (modelling competencies). The tion (e.g., confidence in solving mathematical problems in
results documented the importance of emotions and moti- class or on a test). Value appraisals refer to the perceived
vation for strategy quality, strategy use, and cognitive per- value of the activity or outcome (e.g., the value of learn-
formance outcomes. ing mathematics or the importance of mathematics grades).
We expect that emotions and motivation regarding more Many studies have empirically confirmed the proposed rela-
general objects (e.g., enjoying learning mathematics) might tionships between control and value appraisals and emo-
be more stable across time and contexts within an individual tions, including appraisals and emotions in mathematics.
compared with emotions and motivation regarding more spe- The growing body of studies on emotions has stimulated
cific objects, such as enjoying using the drawing strategy researchers to conduct meta-analyses on the link between
to solve a given mathematical problem or self-determined emotions and student achievement. Examples are a meta-
motivation while learning about different topics in the class- analysis of research on activity achievement emotions
room (Rakoczy et al., 2022). For research on relationships (Camacho-Morles et al., 2021), emotions in technology-
between emotions, motivation, and cognitive outcomes, a based learning environments (Loderer et al., 2020), and
degree of alignment between the objects targeted by out- single emotions, such as boredom (Tze et al., 2016) or math-
comes is crucially important. Clearly, it can be expected ematics anxiety (Barroso et al., 2021). One important char-
that constructs that target the same object should be more acteristic of CVT that has contributed to its popularity is the
strongly related than constructs that target different objects consideration of domain-specificity, which calls for research
(Goetz et al., 2013). on emotions in each domain, including mathematics. Indeed,
Here, we focused on four universal characteristics of students’ emotions can differ considerably across different
emotions and motivation, namely, valence, temporal stability domains. Students who are bored in mathematics might not
(vs. variability), situational specificity (vs. generality), and be bored in Latin, English, or music classes. Further, rela-
objects of emotions and motivation. These characteristics tionships between emotions (e.g., enjoyment) and learning
are addressed again in the final section on future directions. outcomes seem to be slightly stronger in mathematics than in
other domains (Camacho-Morles et al., 2021). Interestingly,

254 S. Schukajlow et al.

the number of studies on emotions in mathematics varies memory resources (attention) through worrying about pos-
by study context and types of emotions. For example, in the sible failure, which reduces performance on cognitively
context of technology-based environments (Loderer et al., demanding tasks that require such resources. Therefore,
2020), researchers in many studies have analyzed students’ the overall effects of anxiety on task performance are nega-
anxiety in mathematics. Further, the social-cultural context tive in most students and under most conditions. Like other
might be important for emotion research. Studies found dif- emotions, anxiety might depend on students’ personal goals
ferent effects of emotions in Germany and the US or Canada. and classroom norms (Martínez-Sierra & García-González,
A systematic analysis of relationships between control 2017).
and value appraisals and mathematical achievements in dif- In line with this view, a recent meta-analysis of relation-
ferent countries using Trends in International Mathematics ships between anxiety and motivation in mathematics found
and Science Study data found that, in some countries, enjoy- that in only one of 73 studies researchers reported a positive
ment and boredom mediated these relationships in expected (nonsignificant) correlation (Li et al., 2021). Most studies
directions. In other countries, they did not mediate the rela- yielded moderate-sized negative correlations between anxi-
tionships, and in a few countries, the mediation was in the ety and motivation (mean r = − 0.48 for control appraisals,
opposite direction (Tze et al., 2021). For example, in Korea, e.g., self-efficacy; − 0.36 for value appraisals, e.g., interest
researchers found a negative association between control value). The relationships between mathematics anxiety and
and value appraisals and boredom but a positive association grades or test scores were also found to be negative (mean
between boredom and performance. rs = − 0.32 in Zhang et al., 2019; − 0.34 in Namkung et al.,
As students’ anxiety is often addressed in research on 2019; and − 0.28 in Barroso et al., 2021). The relationships
mathematics education (Hannula et al., 2019), we discuss between mathematics anxiety and cognitive achievement
research on this emotion in more detail. Anxiety is a pro- were stronger for Asian compared with European students
spective outcome emotion, as it focuses on possible failure (Zhang et al., 2019), for more difficult tasks (Namkung et al.,
in the future. Mathematics state test anxiety occurs before 2019), for high-stake tests (Namkung et al., 2019), and for
or during a test. Mathematics trait test anxiety is a tempo- secondary school students compared with primary school
rary, stable, habitual emotional disposition to respond with students (Barroso et al., 2021; Namkung et al., 2019; Zhang
anxiety to test situations in mathematics. In math-trait-test- et al., 2019).
anxious students, even thinking about taking a mathematical However, most of the existing studies used cross-sectional
test can trigger fear of failure, nervous feelings, worry, and study designs. Although corroborating that anxiety and per-
physiological arousal (e.g., increased heart rate and electro- formance in mathematics are linked, cross-sectional results
dermal activity). cannot offer information about the directions of these links.
According to CVT (Pekrun, 2006), anxiety arises when Only a few longitudinal studies have addressed the tempo-
students (a) feel they cannot control the situation, imply- ral ordering of mathematics anxiety and performance. In
ing that failure might be impossible to avoid (low control a two-wave path-analytic longitudinal study of seventh to
appraisals), and (b) ascribe a high level of importance to the ninth graders, Meece et al. (1990) found that students’ math
exam and possible failure (high value appraisals). Anxiety grades predicted their math anxiety, suggesting that math
in mathematics classes is triggered when a student values achievement may drive the development of anxiety beyond
mathematics classes but thinks they cannot avoid performing any effects of anxiety on achievement. In the analysis by
poorly in class. If a student does not care what happens in Pekrun et al. (2017), students’ math anxiety was a negative
mathematics classes or has a guaranteed way to avoid failure predictor of their math grades across five annual assess-
(e.g., by doing homework), there is no reason to be anxious. ments from Grades 5 to 9. In turn, math grades negatively
Anxiety is frequent in achievement settings and occurs often predicted subsequent math anxiety, thus demonstrating that
in situations with high demands. math anxiety and performance can be linked by reciprocal
Anxiety is a negative (i.e., unpleasant) emotion. However, effects over time (see the reciprocal effects model of emo-
this does not mean that it is always negatively related to tions and achievement in Pekrun et al., 2017).
performance outcomes (Goldin, 2014; Pekrun, 2006). Anxi- A few studies have identified the profiles of students who
ety can activate the motivation to avoid failure by invest- can benefit from mathematics anxiety. For example, in Wang
ing effort. Via avoidance motivation (forms of motivations et al.’s (2018) study, students with high math anxiety and
that are aimed at avoiding undesirable events; Elliot 1999), high motivation invested greater effort and more time in
anxiety can have positive indirect effects on performance. learning mathematics than students with low math anxiety
Furthermore, anxiety can facilitate the use of some learning and high motivation. Personal characteristics, such as mental
strategies (e.g., rigid rehearsal), which can be helpful under toughness (i.e., the ability to cope with a stressful situation,
some task conditions. On the other hand, anxiety under- see Hasty et al., 2021) or prior knowledge (Schukajlow et al.,
mines intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, it reduces working 2021a), were found to moderate the relationship between

Emotions and motivation in mathematics education: Where we are today and where we need to go 255

anxiety and achievement. In the study by Schukajlow et al., beyond the other two motivational components (Flake et al.,
(2021a), anxiety negatively affected modelling performance 2015; Jiang et al., 2018; Schukajlow et al., 2021b).
via the use of the drawing strategy in students with low prior On the basis of these empirical results and theoretical
knowledge, whereas the effects were in the opposite direc- considerations of the complexity of costs, some research-
tion in students with high prior knowledge. ers suggested that cost is a distinct and unique component
of motivation and relabeled the original model the expec-
2.5 Achievement motivation tancy-value-cost model (Barron & Hulleman, 2015). How-
ever, Eccles & Wigfield (2020) still distinguished cost as
In a broad understanding, motivation comprises reasons for an essential component of task value. They explained the
human behavior and represents psychological forces that empirical results by referring to the valence of costs. Typi-
shape the goal direction, intensity, and persistence of human cally, in line with conceptions of cost as negative value in
behavior (Middleton & Spanias, 1999; Wigfield et al., 2021). economic theories or Pekrun’s CVT, intrinsic, extrinsic, and
Achievement motivation shapes achievement behavior, attainment value are conceptualized and measured as having
including task choices and the effort invested in achievement a positive valence, whereas cost is seen as having a negative
tasks. Today, leading theories of motivation are grounded in valence. Simultaneously considering positive and negative
social-cognitive approaches (Wigfield et al., 2021). Some of sets of values (valuing vs. devaluing) might shed light on the
them integrate constructs of basic psychological needs (see meaningfulness of distinguishing between value and cost
more on basic psychological needs below). Prevalent moti- (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020). This approach was used in stud-
vational theories used in educational research are Eccles’ ies on reading (Wigfield et al., 2012), but to the best of our
EVT (Barron & Hulleman, 2015; Eccles & Wigfield, 2020), knowledge, has yet to be applied in mathematics.
self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2020), and self- Another important research direction involves analyz-
efficacy theory (Bandura, 2003). On the basis of the signifi- ing the unique contributions of each value component to
cance of the theories in the field, we primarily address the achievement and the roles of interactions between different
EVT and briefly refer to self-determination theory and the components of Eccles’ EVT. Importantly, expectancies have
theory of self-efficacy. repeatedly been found to predict mathematical performance
Eccles’ EVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2002, 2020) represents and grades, whereas task value is strongly associated with
a general framework designed to provide a theoretical foun- students’ choices, such as a decision to take an advanced
dation for research on achievement motivation. Generally, mathematics course in school or to study a STEM subject
at the core of EVT’s achievement motivation is the assump- at university (Meyer et al., 2019; Musu-Gillette et al., 2015;
tion that expectations of success and subjective task values Wigfield & Cambria, 2010). The importance of the type of
affect achievement-related choices and performance. Expec- achievement outcome for research on mathematics motiva-
tations of success refer to individuals’ beliefs that they are tion is further underscored by findings on the stronger asso-
able to attain success in a given domain or on a given task. ciations that expectancies and values have with grades than
As such, these expectations are similar to constructs such as with test performance (Meyer et al., 2019).
self-concept (I am good at mathematics) or self-efficacy (I Many studies have suggested that expectancies and task
am confident that I am able to solve this mathematics prob- value components are associated with learning outcomes
lem). In Eccles’ model, task values comprise four compo- in mathematics. In a study with sixth graders in England,
nents, namely, intrinsic/interest value (e.g., I like mathemat- researchers found positive associations between self-con-
ics), utility/extrinsic value (e.g., mathematics is important cept, value, and achievement in mathematics (Putwain et al.,
for my future studies), attainment value (e.g., being good 2019). However, the association between attainment value
at mathematics is part of who I am), and cost (e.g., doing and achievement was not significant, after self-concept,
mathematics requires too much time and effort). In the last attainment value, and their interaction were included in the
decade, the cost component received more attention, includ- model as simultaneous predictors of achievement. Similarly,
ing in research reported in the contributions to this special relationships of self-concept, interest value, utility value,
issue (Beswick et al., 2022; Jenifer et al., 2022). Originally attainment value, and cost with grades, final exam scores,
(Eccles et al., 1983), cost was suggested to consist of effort and test scores in mathematics, remained significant only for
cost (How much effort is needed to perform a task?), oppor- self-concept after self-concept and values were included as
tunity cost (How much time does performing one task take simultaneous predictors of achievement (Meyer et al., 2019).
away from doing alternative tasks?), and emotional cost Interactions between expectancies and values were found to
(anxiety about and the social cost of failure). In some stud- contribute to achievement in mathematics in the studies by
ies, cost was found to be a distinct factor. Cost could be Putwain et al. (2019) and Trautwein et al. (2012) but not in
statistically separated from expectancies and task value and the study by Meyer et al. (2019). There is initial evidence of
was found to predict achievement outcomes in mathematics reciprocal associations between motivation and achievement

256 S. Schukajlow et al.

over time as proposed in Eccles’ EVT. As Eccles and Wig- analysis and included weak positive relationships between
field (2020) noted, “Today’s choices and performances “external” as well as “introjected” motivation and anxiety.
become tomorrow’s past experience” (p. 3). For example, In Bandura’s social-cognitive theory, people are seen as
values were reciprocally associated with mathematics grades active agents in the social environment who can regulate and
in upper secondary school in the study by Weidinger et al. adapt their behavior. Central to this theory are self-efficacy
(2020). Further, expectancies and values were found to be expectations, which comprise “the beliefs in one’s capabili-
related to engagement in inquiry-based learning (Fielding- ties to organize and execute the courses of action required to
Wells et al., 2017) and to the complexity and quantity of produce given attainments” (Bandura, 2003, p. 3). Accord-
the problems generated by students in research on problem ing to self-efficacy theory, students with high self-efficacy in
posing (Guo et al., 2020). mathematics will engage in problem solving more intensely
As noted above, social-cultural influences are very impor- and more often, demonstrate higher persistence and effort,
tant for motivation, a trend that was recently reflected by and consequently achieve better learning outcomes, such as
changing the name of the expectancy-value model to the higher mathematical performance, grades, or final degrees.
situated expectancy-value model (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020). Four main sources of self-efficacy were proposed (Bandura,
These influences refer to developmental aspects of motiva- 2003), namely, students’ own (mastery) experiences in engag-
tion. From early on, children interact with parents, other ing with math tasks, vicarious experiences while observing
children, and adults in specific situations. Complex interac- others during a mathematical activity, verbal persuasion from
tions between parents’ characteristics and beliefs and the others, and the level of arousal during a mathematical activity.
child’s characteristics predict how motivation develops in Many studies have found a positive association between self-
childhood. More research on these interactions is needed efficacy and achievement outcomes in mathematics and iden-
(Eccles & Wigfield, 2020). tified sources of self-efficacy in mathematics (e.g., Schunk &
Self-determination theory is another important theo- DiBenedetto 2020; Usher et al., 2019).
retical framework with specific relevance for learning and
achievement. Self-determination theorists posit the existence
of three basic psychological needs (Ryan & Deci, 2020), 3 Instructional methods for improving
namely, the needs for autonomy, competence, and related- students’ emotions and motivation
ness. These needs direct human actions across different areas
of life. In education, the need for autonomy can be satisfied, Identifying instructional methods for improving students’
for example, when students can make their own decisions emotions and motivation is important for research in mathe-
and choose their own actions in accordance with their per- matics education, from both theoretical and practical perspec-
sonal goals, without external pressure. Students experience tives. A growing number of systematic reviews, meta-analy-
competence, for example, when they feel mastery and have ses, and overviews have focused on the analysis of multiple
opportunities to improve their knowledge. The need for aspects of instruction in research on emotions and motivation
relatedness is satisfied when students feel they belong and (Camacho-Morles et al., 2021; Higgins et al., 2019; Lazowski
are connected to others. & Hulleman, 2016; Rosenzweig & Wigfield, 2016; Rosen-
The fulfillment of basic needs experienced by students zweig et al., 2022; Savelsbergh et al., 2016). However, the
was frequently shown to be positively related to learning number of overviews focusing on emotions and motivation
outcomes. For example, research has shown that students’ in mathematics instruction is limited (for an exception, see
autonomy and competence while solving modelling prob- Hannula et al., 2019). Because intervention studies offer a
lems in class was positively related to interest at posttest, great deal of information for practice, we focused on this
and the experience of competence was positively related to kind of study. We analyzed the contributions addressed in
performance and procedural knowledge (Achmetli & Schu- systematic reviews and meta-analyses and selected studies
kajlow, 2019; Schukajlow & Krug, 2014). Supporting basic from the domain of mathematics. We included interventions
need satisfaction can increase intrinsic motivation, interest, that were aimed at affecting emotions or motivation in math-
and the internalization of external demands. In this theory, ematics and structured the overview of instructional meth-
motivation is viewed as a continuum ranging from amoti- ods according to the affective variables that were addressed
vation via several forms of extrinsic motivation to intrin- (see Table 1). In some studies, researchers used emotion- and
sic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2020). The overall positive motivation-related variables as item-level indicators of atti-
relationships between intrinsic motivation and learning out- tudes or affect. In these studies, we interpreted changes in
comes were supported by a recent meta-analysis on student attitudes or affect as changes in the underlying constructs.
motivation (Howard et al., 2021). The relationships between We grouped the interventions according to the following four
extrinsic forms of motivation (“external,” “introjected,” and groups of outcome variables: (a) emotions; (b) expectancies
“identified” motivation) and outcomes were mixed in this (including self-efficacy), values, and cost; (c) basic needs;

Emotions and motivation in mathematics education: Where we are today and where we need to go 257

Table 1  Overview of instructional methods

Emotions and motivation as outcome variables Interventions in mathematics

Emotions Instruction in basic need satisfaction, emotional support, and self-regulation (Held & Hascher,
Prompting students to develop multiple solutions (Schukajlow & Rakoczy, 2016)
Problem posing (Voica et al., 2020)
Teacher-oriented instruction and student-centered teaching method (Durandt et al., 2022;
Parhizgar & Liljedahl, 2019; Schukajlow et al., 2012)
Offering choices and personalization of computer games (Cordova & Lepper, 1996)
Expectancy, value, and cost Utility-value intervention from writing an essay about the relevance of mathematics for life
(Brisson et al., 2017; Gaspard et al., 2015; Hulleman et al., 2010; Kosovich et al., 2019)
Utility-value intervention from evaluating quotes from interviews about the relevance of math-
ematics (Brisson et al., 2017; Gaspard et al., 2015, 2021)
Offering choices and the personalization of word problems (Høgheim & Reber, 2015)
Instruction on technology, such as an augmented reality intervention (Chen, 2019; Higgins
et al., 2019)
Teacher-oriented instruction and student-centered teaching method (Durandt et al., 2022;
Parhizgar & Liljedahl, 2019; Schukajlow et al., 2012)
Instruction in basic need satisfaction, emotional support, and self-regulation (Brandenberger
et al., 2018)
Training in strategy use and self-regulation (Marcou & Lerman, 2007; Ramdass & Zimmerman,
Problem posing (Voica et al., 2020)
Prompting students to develop multiple solutions (Schukajlow et al., 2019)
Instruction in basic need satisfaction, emotional support, and self-regulation (Brandenberger
et al., 2018)
Formative assessment and feedback (Rakoczy et al., 2019; Ramdass & Zimmerman, 2008)
Basic needs (competence, autonomy, social Offering choices and personalization of computer games (Cordova & Lepper, 1996)
relatedness) and intrinsic motivation Prompting students to develop multiple solutions (Achmetli & Schukajlow, 2019; Schukajlow &
Krug, 2014)
Process-oriented feedback (Rakoczy et al., 2013)
Interest Offering task choices and the personalization of word problems (Bernacki & Walkington, 2018;
Høgheim & Reber, 2015)
Reading comprehension prompts (Krawitz et al., 2022)
Utility-value intervention from writing an essay about the relevance of mathematics for life
(Hulleman et al., 2010; Kosovich et al., 2019; Liebendörfer & Schukajlow, 2020)
Teacher-oriented instruction and student-centered teaching method (Durandt et al., 2022;
Parhizgar & Liljedahl, 2019; Schukajlow et al., 2012)
Prompting students to develop multiple solutions (Achmetli & Schukajlow, 2019; Schukajlow &
Krug, 2014)
Process-oriented feedback (Rakoczy et al., 2013)

Note. The table depicts the main aspects of the interventions

and (d) interest. As some interventions analyzed effects on 2022). They assumed that this intervention would affect emo-
different affective variables, the same intervention can be tions via control and value appraisals. The analysis revealed
found several times in the overview. no changers in control and value appraisals and consequently
Emotions Intervention studies targeting students’ emotions no effects on emotions. Positive effects of student-oriented
addressed effects of attribution training (Hamm et al., 2014), teaching compared with teacher-centered instruction on how
changes in value appraisals (Gläser-Zikuda et al., 2005), a con- much secondary school students enjoyed solving mathemati-
trol-value intervention (Hoessle et al., 2021), and other kinds cal problems were found after a 10-lesson teaching unit on
of instruction. To the best of our knowledge, no attribution modelling problems (Schukajlow et al., 2012). The authors
training programs were examined in mathematics, and only explained the effects as positive effects of cooperative teach-
a few interventions analyzed the effects of emotions in math- ing methods implemented as part of a student-oriented teach-
ematics classes via changes in value appraisals. In a series of ing method. Similar effects were also found in Parhizgar and
lessons and workshops for teachers and students in mathemat- Liljedahl’s (2019) study, which addressed emotions as part of
ics over 2 school years, researchers tested an intervention on an attitude questionnaire. Durandt et al. (2022) did not find
basic need satisfaction, emotional support, and self-regulation positive effects of a student-oriented teaching method in engi-
in low-achieving secondary school students (Held & Hascher, neering students (cooperative group work, training in strategy

258 S. Schukajlow et al.

use, and scaffolding self-regulation with a solution plan) on assessment in mathematics on self-efficacy was investigated
emotions (e.g., anxiety) about solving modelling problems in two intervention studies. Rakoczy et al. (2019) found that
addressed as part of affect questionnaires. Prompting students process-oriented feedback given by teachers in the context
to develop multiple solutions was found to increase enjoyment of a formative assessment intervention fostered students’
and decrease boredom in class (Schukajlow & Rakoczy, 2016). self-efficacy compared with feedback in the form of grades.
Problem posing was found to enhance positive emotions and Ramdass and Zimmerman (2008) showed a positive effect of
to reduce negative emotions compared with problem solving, monitoring and self-assessment, as another form of formative
indicating that asking prospective teachers to pose problems assessment, on the accuracy of self-efficacy ratings.
and present their arguments about possible solutions is a prom- Basic needs We grouped studies that assessed students’
ising type of instruction (Voica et al., 2020). perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness into this
Expectancy and value In the EVT framework, most inter- category. Many studies used self-determination theory as a
vention studies have addressed the relevance of the learning theoretical framework and analyzed the effects of manipu-
content and researchers have analyzed effects on personal lating basic need satisfaction on emotions and motivation
utility value, interest, and achievement-related behavior (Brandenberger et al., 2018; Held & Hascher, 2022; Voica
(Rosenzweig et al., 2022). In this type of intervention, stu- et al., 2020). However, only a few studies have analyzed
dents were usually asked to reflect on the relevance of the whether students experienced higher basic need satisfac-
learning content on the basis of a researcher-supplied text tion during the intervention. Primary school students who
(Gaspard et al., 2021) or to write an essay explaining the were offered choices and the personalization of a computer
relevance of the mathematical content to their friends or game in arithmetic reported higher competence in playing
parents (Hulleman et al., 2010). Writing essays on the rel- a mathematical computer game (Cordova & Lepper, 1996).
evance of mathematics for future life increased perceived Prompting the development of multiple solutions (i.e., solu-
utility value in algebra courses, with larger effects in male tions based on different assumptions about missing infor-
than in female community college students (Kosovich et al., mation in modelling problems) affected students’ perceived
2019). Positive effects on utility value were found from satisfaction of autonomy and competence needs (Achmetli
personalizing the context of word problems (Høgheim & & Schukajlow, 2019; Schukajlow & Krug, 2014). Rakoczy
Reber, 2015). New technologies (e.g., implementation of et al., (2013) analyzed the impact of process-oriented feed-
augmented reality in mathematics instruction) increased back compared with grades on perceived competence and
motivation and decreased anxiety in lower secondary school found that students felt more supported in their need for
students (Chen, 2019). Moreover, a meta-analysis demon- competence after process-oriented feedback.
strated overall positive effects of technology (videos, soft- Interest Offering choices and the personalization of word
ware, and feedback based on the software) on motivation problems were found to increase interest (Høgheim & Reber,
in mathematics (Higgins et al., 2019). Training in cogni- 2015; Howard et al., 2021; Patall et al., 2008) offered students
tive, metacognitive, and—in some studies—also coopera- word problems embedded in different interest areas (e.g., mov-
tive strategies were found to be promising interventions ies, music, or gaming) and demonstrated that when students
that affect motivational and achievement-related outcomes. can choose problems from their area of interest, then their situ-
Students’ strategy training was found to improve students’ ational and individual interest increases. Further, researchers
self-efficacy in arithmetic (Ramdass & Zimmerman, 2008). analyzed the effects of the personalization of mathematical
No positive effects of student-oriented teaching approaches content by using word problems for the development of tabu-
were found for students’ self-efficacy or values compared with lar, graphical, and symbolic representations of functions. On
teacher-centered instruction (Durandt et al., 2022; Schukajlow the basis of students’ out-of-school interests, standard versions
et al., 2012). Prompting students to develop multiple solu- of the context presented in word problems were adjusted to
tions (i.e., applying one vs. two mathematical procedures personal interests, such as computer games (Bernacki & Walk-
while solving real-world problems) improved self-efficacy ington, 2018): “A racing game has a train that weaves through
expectations in students with low initial self-efficacy (Schu- tracks and tunnels and travels at a rate of 2.9 feet per second.
kajlow et al., 2019). In a study of secondary school students, The train is currently 100 feet from the start of the course and
researchers found positive effects of supporting students’ moving toward the finish line.” Researchers found positive
basic need satisfaction, emotional support, and self-regula- effects of personalization on situational and individual math-
tion on intrinsic motivation but no effects on self-concept in ematics interest in high school students (Bernacki & Walk-
mathematics (Brandenberger et al., 2018). Likewise, a simi- ington, 2018; Høgheim & Reber, 2015). Further, increasing
lar intervention did not affect self-concept, self-efficacy, or students’ involvement and ease of comprehension by offering
value (Held & Hascher, 2022; Narciss, 2008) emphasized the task-specific reading comprehension prompts increased stu-
self-efficacy-enhancing function of another aspect of instruc- dents’ situational interest in solving modelling problems in
tion, namely, feedback. The impact of feedback and formative Germany and Taiwan (Krawitz et al., 2022).

Emotions and motivation in mathematics education: Where we are today and where we need to go 259

Prompting students to develop multiple solutions for according to their objects, such as emotions about the self,
modelling problems affected interest (Achmetli & Schu- mathematics, or teachers/classmates (Middleton et al., 2022),
kajlow, 2019; Schukajlow et al., 2019; Schukajlow & or according to valence (e.g., positive and negative emotions
Krug, 2014). In two studies involving secondary school in Panero et al., 2022). Math anxiety received specific atten-
students, researchers found positive effects of student- tion (Jenifer et al., 2022; Putwain & Wood, 2022).
centered teaching on situational interest compared with The prevalent motivation theory used in the contribu-
teacher-oriented instruction (Parhizgar & Liljedahl, 2019; tions was EVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020), which served as
Schukajlow et al., 2012), whereas no effects of this teach- the theoretical framework for the contributions by Beswick
ing method were found in a study involving engineering et al. (2022), Böswald and Schukajlow (2022), Gaspard
students (Durandt et al., 2022). Writing an essay about et al. (2022), Jenifer et al. (2022), Middleton and Wiezel
the relevance of mathematics for life affected not only (2022), and Rach (2022). Other important motivational
expectancies and values but also interest in mathematics theories considered in the contributions were self-deter-
(Hulleman et al., 2010; Kosovich et al., 2019). A mixed mination theory and Bandura’s (2003) social-cognitive
methods study involving preservice teachers documented theory of self-efficacy, which were used simultaneously or
the importance of deep reflections about applications of separately in the contributions by Hettinger et al. (2022),
mathematics (modelling problems) for the effects of a rele- Rach (2022), Skilling and Stylianides (2022), and Zhang
vance intervention on interest in mathematics (Liebendör- et al. (2022). In other papers (Renninger et al., 2022; Seah,
fer & Schukajlow, 2020). Consequently, the quality of the 2022; Skilling & Stylianides, 2022), researchers addressed
reflections was found to be an important mediator of the Hidi and Renninger’s (2006) theory of interest develop-
effects of the relevance intervention. For process-oriented ment, a cognitive engagement framework (Skilling & Styl-
feedback, there was no total effect on interest, but there ianides, 2022), or a theory of well-being as value fulfil-
was an indirect effect on the development of interest via ment (Tiberius, 2018) in the contribution by Seah (2022).
perceived competence support (Rakoczy et al., 2013). That The prevalent assessment instruments used in the con-
is, the more competence-supportive the feedback was per- tributions were questionnaires that have been validated
ceived to be, the more interest students developed. in research on emotions and motivation. Researchers
In this overview, we identified the following types of inter- addressed a wide range of emotional and motivational con-
ventions that aimed to promote students’ emotions and motiva- structs in their contributions. Some of the contributions
tion in mathematics: (a) student-centered teaching, (b) offering linked the constructs to achievement outcomes (e.g., test
choices during learning, (c) adjusting the learning content to performance or final grades). In Table 2, we grouped the
students’ personal interests, (d) prompting students to develop contributions according to the theories they used.
multiple solutions, (e) utility value interventions, (f) problem
posing, (g) instruction in basic need satisfaction, emotional
support, and self-regulation, (h) strategy use and self-regula- 4.1 Contributions anchored in control‑value theory
tion training, and (i) reading comprehension prompts. For most
of these interventions, positive effects on affective variables Bieleke et al. (2022) collected data documenting the validity of
were found. However, some studies yielded no effects on one the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Mathematics (AEQ-
or several affective variables, and thus, the findings were not M), which measures enjoyment, pride, anger, anxiety, shame,
consistent. This lack of consistency may be due to differences hopelessness, and boredom in mathematics. The analysis sup-
between studies in theories, intervention methods, fidelity of ported the expected internal structure of the AEQ-M and its
the implementation of the intervention, study design, samples, external relationships to learning outcomes. Putwain and Wood
sociocultural contexts, and the measures used to assess out- (2022) showed reciprocal negative relationships between con-
comes. More intervention research is needed to consolidate the trol and anxiety. Although anxiety predicted lower value, value
existing evidence, clarify what works, and generate cumulative was unrelated to subsequent anxiety. Schubert et al. (2022)
evidence that is suited to guide practice in mathematics educa- demonstrated that control and value appraisals were related
tion in evidence-based ways. to positive and negative emotions. Enjoyment and curiosity
mediated the relationships between appraisals and students’
attention and motivation during the proof construction task.
4 Contributions to this special issue
4.2 Contributions anchored in expectancy‑value
In the studies documented in this special issue (see Table 2 for theory
an overview), researchers assessed various achievement emo-
tions (Bieleke et al., 2022) and epistemic emotions (Schubert Beswick et al. (2022) identified three motivational profiles
et al., 2022). Further, in some papers, emotions were grouped in male students, namely, Positively Engaged, Disengaged,

Table 2  Overview of the contributions in the special issue

Contribution Theories Constructs Assessment Participants

Contributions anchored in Pekrun’s CVT
Bieleke, Goetz, Yanagida, Botes, CVT (Pekrun, 2006) Enjoyment, pride, anger, anxi- Self-reports, grades, test scores Secondary school students, Germany
Frenzel, Pekrun ety, shame, hopelessness, and
boredom, motivation, strategies,
Putwain, Wood CVT (Pekrun, 2006) Anxiety, control and value apprais- Self-reports, test scores Grade 5 students, UK
als, performance
Schubert, Pekrun, Ufer CVT (Pekrun, 2006) Control and value appraisals, epis- Self-reports, experimental task Undergraduate university students,
temic emotions, attention, motiva- performance Germany
tion, performance
Contributions anchored in Eccles’ EVT
Beswick, Watt, Granziera, Geiger, EVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) Expectancies, values, costs, achieve- Self-reports Male primary and low-secondary
Fraser ment goals, student-perceived school students, Australia
classroom and teacher factors,
school well-being, and mathemati-
cal engagement
Böswald, Schukajlow EVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) Value, self-efficacy Self-reports Preservice teachers, Germany
Theory of self-efficacy (Bandura,
Gaspard, Parrisius, Nagengast, EVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) Value, relevance support Self-reports, grades, test scores Ninth-grade students, Germany
Jenifer, Levine, Beilock EVT (Barron & Hulleman, 2015) Anxiety, expectations, cost Self-reports, grades Undergraduate university students,
Contributions anchored in self-determination theory, interest theory, or well-being theory
Renninger, Gantt, Lipman Model of interest development (Hidi Interest, achievement Self-reports, test scores Undergraduate university students,
& Renninger, 2006) USA
Seah Theory of well-being as value fulfil- Values Self-reports Grade 3 students, China
ment (Tiberius, 2018)
Zhang, Yang, Kaiser Self-determination theory (Ryan & Cognitive engagement, intrinsic and Self-reports, grades Secondary school students, China
Deci, 2020) extrinsic motivation, achievement
Contributions anchored in multiple theories
Hettinger, Lazarides, Schiefele Theory of self-efficacy (Bandura, Self-efficacy, emotional support, Self-reports, test scores Teachers and ninth-grade students,
2003) interest Germany
Self-determination theory (Ryan &
Deci, 2020)
Middleton, Wiezel, Jansen, Smith CVT (Pekrun, 2006) Self-efficacy, self-regulation, inter- Self-reports, videos Secondary school students, US
EVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020) est, emotions, academic and social
Panero, Castelli, Di Martino, CVT (Pekrun, 2006) Attitude components (emotions, Self-reports Preservice teachers, Switzerland
Sbaragli Theory of self-efficacy (Bandura, self-efficacy)
S. Schukajlow et al.
Emotions and motivation in mathematics education: Where we are today and where we need to go 261

and Struggling Ambitious, which were differently predicted

by mastery classroom goal structure, perceived peer valu-
Undergraduate university students, ing of mathematics, and teacher enthusiasm. Böswald and
Schukajlow (2022) found specific differences between
teachers’ ratings of their own and hypothetical students’
value and self-efficacy beliefs depending on the type of
problem, as well as a positive correlation between teach-
Teachers, UK

ers’ judgments of their own and their students’ value and



self-efficacy. Gaspard et al. (2022) showed that effects of

an intervention promoting utility value were larger when
students perceived higher relevance support before and after
the intervention. Jenifer et al. (2022) emphasized the role
Coding of responses based on items

of anxiety by showing that highly math-anxious students

reported allocating smaller proportions of their study time
to problem-solving (ranked as the most effortful study strat-
egy) compared with their less anxious peers.
to video-vignettes
Self-reports, grades

4.3 Contributions anchored in self‑determination


theory, interest theory, or well‑being theory

Renninger et al. (2022) demonstrated that interest corre-

sponds to and potentially scaffolds the comprehension of
mathematical argumentation. Seah (2022) revealed that Chi-
nese students valued perseverance for their mathematical
Values, competency, autonomy,

well-being significantly more than other factors (e.g., math-

ematical engagement, relationships, or meaningfulness).
Zhang et al. (2022) showed that motivation was positively
related to cognitive engagement, and cognitive engagement
was positively related to intrinsic motivation.


4.4 Contributions anchored in multiple theories

Hettinger et al. (2022) showed that teacher self-efficacy for

Self-determination theory (Ryan &

Self-determination theory (Ryan &

student engagement positively predicted student-perceived

Cognitive engagement framework
EVT (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020)

(Skilling & Stylianides, 2022)

but not teacher-perceived emotional support, which in turn

positively predicted students’ mathematics interest. With a
longitudinal path analysis, Middleton et al. (2022) revealed
that motivation predicted emotions in mathematics classes.
Panero et al. (2022) analyzed the longitudinal develop-
Deci, 2020)

Deci, 2020)

ment of math attitudes and demonstrated how different


dimensions of these attitudes influence each other. Rach

(2022) found that individual characteristics (e.g., interest)
in university mathematics were strong predictors of task
values. Task values fluctuated only slightly across different
situations within students, and task values were positively
related to effort, autonomy, and competence. The analysis
of video vignettes by Skilling and Stylianides (2022) indi-
cated that slightly more than half of the teachers favored a
Skilling, Stylianides
Table 2  (continued)

controlling style regarding students’ strategy use, whereas

other teachers preferred a teaching style that promoted stu-

dents’ autonomy in strategy use.


262 S. Schukajlow et al.

5 Summary and future directions objects of emotions and motivation. Valence and temporal
stability (vs. variability) are well-known characteristics
Research on emotions and motivation has received grow- that are considered in many taxonomies in the field. The
ing attention in recent decades. In recent years, analyzing situational nature and objects of constructs have received
the development of relative numbers of papers in two math- increased attention recently. Addressing these characteris-
ematics journals from 2014 to 2021, we found a substantial tics might help clarify similarities and differences between
increase in papers that included emotional and motivational constructs and contribute to structuring the field.
variables. After a long period in which cognitive approaches The structure of the objects of emotions and motivation
were dominant, this development signals an affective turn in and their relevance to explaining relationships with learning
research on mathematics education. The increasing recognition outcomes have not been sufficiently investigated and deserve
of the importance of emotions and motivation is equivalent to more attention (with exceptions such as Goetz et al., 2006).
similar developments in other disciplines, from the humanities Developing theoretical models of the hierarchical structure
to economics, psychology, and the neurosciences, during the of the objects of emotions and motivation and of relation-
past three decades. In recent years, additional drivers of this ships between objects (e.g., topics, competencies, or strat-
development may have had challenges (e.g., the COVID-19 egies) may be important for advancing measurement and
pandemic or issues of social and racial diversity), which are research in the field.
more often addressed now in mathematics education research.
We hope that the trend toward acknowledging the rele- 5.2 Empirical paradigms: between‑person
vance of emotions and motivation in mathematics education and within‑person research
will continue in the future. The summary of concepts and
theories of emotions and motivation and related intervention To examine the causal mechanisms linking different emo-
research that we provided in this overview may serve as a tional and motivational processes and their relationships
basis for future research. We view the following issues as with learning and achievement, it will be important to use
critical for future research. within-person analytical paradigms. The field is currently
dominated by studies inspecting between-person distributions
5.1 Theory development of variables and the links between these distributions. This
is true for both nonexperimental field studies and laboratory
The conceptual overlap between constructs is an important experiments. The former use the between-person covaria-
characteristic of research on emotions and motivation (Di tion of variables to investigate their relationships, the latter
Martino & Zan, 2015; Hannula et al., 2019). It results from between-subject experimental designs. A major problem with
diversity in the theoretical approaches applied to investigate this approach is that between-person data are not suited for
affective variables. It is crucial but challenging to overcome drawing conclusions about the within-person causal mecha-
the resulting fragmentation that is typical in the field. We nisms that explain relationships between variables, except
call for more theoretical and empirical work that addresses when specific conditions (e.g., ergodicity) that are rarely
conceptual similarities and differences between constructs, met (Murayama et al., 2017; Voelkle et al. 2014) hold. In
such as self-concept and self-efficacy (Marsh et al., 2019), field studies, the between-person and within-person covari-
and contributes to their integration, with a specific focus on ation of variables can diverge widely (Hamaker et al., 2015;
mathematics. Orth et al., 2021). In between-subject experiments, differ-
In our discussion of the overlap of constructs, we noted ences between experimental conditions may mask differen-
how researchers deal with sibling constructs, such as sta- tial effects for different groups of participants. As such, to
tistically controlling for a sibling in the analysis. As noted, elucidate the mechanisms that drive the effects of emotions
such a covariate might pose a threat to validity because it and motivation on learning, future studies should focus on
can result in excluding relevant components of the target complementing between-person research with within-person
construct from measures of the construct. Careful considera- study designs (e.g., for a within-person analysis of students’
tion before controlling for variables, combining constructs emotions and learning outcomes, see Pekrun et al., 2023).
rather than keeping them separate, and combining alterna-
tive analyses of findings with and without the exclusion of 5.3 Measures and dynamic processes
variables are possible strategies for avoiding such a fallacy.
For researchers working in the field of emotions and moti- On a related note, we call for more research on differences
vation, we recommend considering the following key char- between measures. To what extent do research findings
acteristics of affective variables: valence, temporal stability depend on the type of assessment? For example, self-report
(vs. variability), situational specificity (vs. generality), and items can refer to specific mathematical problems or to

Emotions and motivation in mathematics education: Where we are today and where we need to go 263

mathematics as a whole domain. The appropriate level of are essential for progress in the field given the increasing
generality may depend on principles of construct symmetry numbers of studies on affective variables.
and the outcomes to be predicted. Another question is, how
can measures beyond self-reports contribute to the assess-
ment of emotions and motivation? As the majority of theo- 5.6 Intervention research and changing
ries emphasize the importance of individuals’ interpretation educational practices
of external events for the generation of emotions and moti-
vation, self-reports remain the primary method. However, Finally, our review of intervention studies identified prom-
alternative measures (e.g., analyses of facial expressions ising instructional approaches that can promote beneficial
or parameters of physiological arousal) can contribute to a emotions or motivation. However, the findings are partly
more comprehensive assessment of emotions and motivation inconsistent, thus indicating a strong need for replication
during learning. studies and for identifying boundary conditions for positive
Challenges in the measurement of emotions and moti- effects of teaching approaches. Prior research has revealed
vation are especially likely to arise in research with pre- that individual differences, such as students’ gender, prior
school and primary school children (Batchelor et al., 2019). knowledge, or initial levels of affect (Kosovich et al., 2019;
However, research with young children is crucial for under- Schukajlow et al., 2019), as well as contextual factors, such
standing the early development of emotions and motivation as social norms, learning content, duration of the interven-
in mathematics, including the development of relations tion, or the quality of engagement during the intervention
between emotions and motivation, on the one hand, and (Higgins et al., 2019; Liebendörfer & Schukajlow, 2020;
cognitive variables, on the other (Di Martino, 2018). Rosenzweig et al., 2022) might influence the effectiveness
Dynamic processes of emotions and motivation and the of the teaching approaches. There is a need for research to
interplay of situational factors and dispositional factors systematically investigate the roles of possible moderators
(traits) in shaping these processes have received grow- and related methods to personalize interventions. Further-
ing attention recently and should be considered in future more, there is a need for research that can transcend the
research. Experience-sampling methodology that allows intervention approach and explore how affectively sound
researchers to collect data in multiple data collection waves changes in educational practices can be implemented in the
during learning can contribute to this research. mathematics classroom and in educational institutions more
generally on a large scale. For example, researchers should
investigate how instructional settings and practices can sup-
5.4 Considering diversity and inclusion
port students in regulating their emotions and motivation in
ways that promote their development.
Testing and, if needed, revising theories from the perspective
of marginalized student groups is another important critical
point. Theories of emotions and motivation have primarily Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt
been developed and tested in samples from Western, edu- DEAL.
cated, industrialized, rich, and developed (WEIRD) countries,
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
whereas students from other sociocultural contexts have been bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
underrepresented. Testing the validity of existing theories to tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
explain emotions and motivation in students who are discrimi- as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
nated against because of their racial, cultural, or social belong-
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
ing is an open avenue for future research (for an example, see included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
the study with Chinese students by Zhang et al., 2022). otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
5.5 Synthesis of empirical findings
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http://​creat​iveco​mmons.​org/​licen​ses/​by/4.​0/.
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