Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design 6th Edition Wight Solutions Manual

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Reinforced Concrete Mechanics And

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Chapter 13

13-1 Compute for the edge beam shown in Fig. P13-1. The concrete for the slab and
beam was placed in one pour.

Because the slab and the beam have the same elastic modulus, Eq. (13-9) reduces to  f 
1. Compute I b . The cross section of the beam is shown in Fig. S13-1.1 and I b is computed for the
shaded area.
13 in.
7 in.

20 in.

16 in. ≤ 28 in.

Fig. S13-1.1 Section through edge of slab.

Part Area, in.2 ytop , in. Aytop I own , in. Ay 2 ,in.4
Web 320 10 3200 10,670 663
Flanges 91 3.5 319 372 2331
  411   3519 Ib  14,030 in.4

ytop   8.56 in.
I g  14,030 in.4

2. Compute I s . The cross section of the slab is shown in Fig. S13-1.2 and I s is computed for the
shaded portion of the slab.

(108  8)  73
Is   3316 in.4

Fig. S13-1.2 Edge beam.

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3. Compute  f .

 f  Ib I  14,030 3316  4.23


13-2 Compute the column-strip and middle-strip moments in the long-span direction for
an interior panel of the flat-slab shown in Fig. 13-25. Assume the slab is 6 in. thick,
the design live load is 40 psf and the superimposed dead load is 5 psf for ceiling,
flooring, and so on, plus 25 psf for the partitions. The columns are 10 in.  12 in., as
shown in Fig. 13-25.

1. Compute the factored load.

6 
qu  1.2    150  5  25   1.6  40  190 psf
 12 
Note: if the local building code allows a live-load reduction, the 40-psf live load could be
multiplied by the appropriate reduction factor.

2. Compute the static moment in the long span of the slab.

n  14.5   13.5 ft
2  13.2 ft

The column strip extends the smaller of 2 4 or 1 4 on each side of the column centerline
(ACI Code Section 13.2.1). Thus, the column strip extends 13.2 4  3.3 ft on each side of column
centerlines. The total width of the column strip is 6.6 ft. Each half-middle strip extends from the
edge of the column strip to the centerline of the panel. The total width of two half-middle strips is
13.2  6.6  6.6 ft

The static moment M o can be calculated from Eq. (13-5),

190  13.2 13.52
 
Mo  2 n
  1  57 kip-ft
8 8 1000

3. Divide M o into negative and positive moments.

From ACI Code Section, for an interior span, the total moment is divided as follows:

Negative moment = 0.65M o  0.65  57  37 kip-ft

Positive moment = 0.35M o  0.35  57  20 kip-ft

4. Divide the moments between the column and middle strips.

Negative moments
From Table 13-3 for  f 1 2 1  0 (since there are no beam between the columns).
Column-strip negative moment = 0.75   37   27.8 kip-ft
Middle-strip negative moment = 0.25   37   9.3 kip-ft

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Half of the middle-strip negative moment, -4.7 kip-ft, goes to each of the adjacent half-middle
strip. Because the adjacent bays have the same width, 2 , a similar moment will be assigned to
the other half of each middle strip so that the total middle-strip negative moment is 9.3 kip-ft.
Positive moments
From Table 13-4 for  f 1 2 1  0 ,
Column-strip positive moment = 0.60  20  12 kip-ft
Middle-strip positive moment = 0.40  20  8 kip-ft

13-3 Use the direct-design method to compute the moments for the column-strip and
middle-strip spanning perpendicular to the edge of the exterior bay of the flat-plate
shown in Fig. P13-3. Assume the slab is 7.5 in. thick and supports a superimposed
dead load of 25 psf and a live load of 50 psf. There is no edge beam. The columns are
all 18 in. square.

1. Compute the factored load.

 7.5 
qu  1.2    150  25   1.6  50  223 psf
 12 
Note: if the local building code allows a live-load reduction, the 50-psf live load could be
multiplied by the appropriate factor.

2. Compute the static moment for the span perpendicular to the edge of the exterior bay
n  20   18.5 ft
2  19 ft

The column strip extends the smaller of 2 4 or 1 4 on each side of the column centerline
(ACI Code Section 13.2.1). Thus, the column strip extends 19 4  4.75 ft on each side of column
centerlines. The total width of the column strip is 9.5ft. Each half-middle strip extends from the
edge of the column strip to the centerline of the panel. The total width of two half-middle strips is
19  9.5  9.5 ft

The static moment M o can be calculated from Eq. (13-5),

223  19.0  18.52
 
Mo  2 n
  1  181 kip-ft
8 8 1000

3. Divide M o into negative and positive moments.

From ACI Code Section, for a “slab without beams between interior supports and
without edge beam”, the total moment is divided as follows:

Interior negative moment = 0.70M o  0.70 181  127 kip-ft

Positive moment = 0.52M o  0.52 181  94 kip-ft
Exterior negative moment = 0.26M o  0.26 181  47 kip-ft

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4. Divide the moments between the column and middle strips.

Interior negative moments

From Table 13-3 for  f 1 2 1  0 (since there are no beam between the columns),
Interior column-strip negative moment = 0.75   127   95 kip-ft
Interior middle-strip negative moment = 0.25   127   32 kip-ft

Half of the middle-strip negative moment, -16 kip-ft, goes to each of the adjacent half-middle
strip. Because the adjacent bays have the same width, 2 ,a similar moment will be assigned to
the other half of each middle strip so that the total middle-strip negative moment is 32 kip-ft.

Positive moments
From Table 13-4 for  f 2 1  0,
Column-strip positive moment = 0.60  94  56 kip-ft
Middle-strip positive moment = 0.40  94  38 kip-ft

Exterior negative moment

From Table 13-5, for  f 1 2 1  0 (since there is no beam parallel to 1 ) and for t  0 (since
there is no edge beam),
Exterior column-strip negative moment = 1.0  47  47 kip-ft
Exterior middle-strip negative moment = 0  47  0 kip-ft

13-4 For the slab configuration and loading conditions in P13-3, use the direct-design
method to compute moments for the edge-column strip and the middle strip
spanning parallel to the edge of the slab.

1. Compute the factored loads.

 7.5 
qu  1.2    150  25   1.6  50  223 psf
 12 
Note: if the local building code allows a live-load reduction, the 50-psf live load could be
multiplied by the appropriate factor.

2. Compute the static moment for the span parallel to the edge of the slab.
n  19   17.5 ft
For the definition of 2 refer to Fig. 13-22 in the textbook.
20 9
Edge frame: 2,e    10.8 ft
2 12

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Interior frame: 2,i  20 ft

Generally, the column strip extends the smaller of 4 on each side of the column
2 4 or 1
19 9
centerline (ACI Code Section 13.2.1).Thus; the width of the edge-column strip is   5.5 ft
4 12
The half-middle strip extends from the edge of the column strip to the centerline of the panel. The
total width of two half-middle strips is 20  9.5  10.5 ft .
The static moment M o can be calculated from Eq. (13-5).
223  10.8  17.52
 
Edge frame: M o  2,e n
  1  92.2 kip-ft
8 8 1000
223  20  17.52
 
Interior frame: M o  2,i n
  1  171 kip-ft
8 8 1000

3. Divide M o into negative and positive moments.

From ACI Code Section, for the edge frame, the total moment is divided as follows:

Negative moment = 0.65M o,e  0.65  92.2  60 kip-ft

Positive moment = 0.35M o,e  0.35  92.2  32 kip-ft

For the interior frame, the total moment is divided as follows:

Negative moment = 0.65M o,i  0.65 171  111 kip-ft

Positive moment = 0.35M o,i  0.35 171  59.9 kip-ft

4. Divide the moments between the edge-column and middle strips.

Exterior negative moment

From Table 13-3, for  f 1 2 1  0 (since there is no beam between the columns),
Edge column-strip negative moment = 0.875  60  52.5 kip-ft
Middle-strip negative moment =   0.25  60  0.25  111 =21.4 kip-ft
1 
Note that   0.25  0.875   1.0
2 

Positive moments
From Table 13-4 for  f 2 1  0,
Edge column-strip positive moment = 0.80  32  25.6 kip-ft
Middle-strip positive moment =   0.40  32  0.40  59.9  =18.4 kip-ft

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1 
Note that   0.40  0.80   1.0
 2 

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13-5 A 7-in. thick flat-plate slab with spans of 20 ft in each direction is supported on 16
in.  16 in. columns. The average effective depth is 5.6 in. Assume the slab supports
its own dead load, plus 25 psf superimposed dead load and 40 psf live load. The
concrete strength is 4000 psf. Check two-way shear at a typical interior support.
Assume unbalanced moments are negligible.

1. Compute the factored uniform load.

( )

2. Check one-way shear.

One-way shear is critical at a distance from the face of the column. Thus, the critical
sections for one-way shear are A-A and B-B in Fig. S13-5.1. The loaded areas causing shear on
these sections are cross hatched. Their outer boundaries are lines of symmetry on which Vu  0 .
We will only check the shear for section A-A, since the check for section B-B is the same.

6 6

Fig. S13-5.1 Critical section for one-way shear at interior column.

(a) Compute Vu at section A-A.

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( )

(b) Compute Vc for one-way shear.

Because there is no shear reinforcement, we have Vn  V c and from Eq. (13-27),
( √ ) ( √ )⁄

Thus, the slab is OK for one-way shear.

3. Check two-way shear

Punching shear is critical on a rectangular section located at d 2 away from the column face, as
shown in Fig. S13-5.2. The critical perimeter is 21.6 in. by 21.6 in. The average d value for
determining the shear strength of the slab is d  5.6 in.

Fig. S13-5.2 Critical section for two-way shear at interior column.

(a) Compute Vu on the critical perimeter for two-way shear.

( )

(b) Compute Vc for the critical section.

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The length of the critical perimeter is bo  2  21.6  21.6  86.4 in.

Now, Vc is to be taken as the smallest of the following. From Eq. (13-24),
Vc  4 fc' bo d  4 1 4000  86.4  5.6  1
1000 
 122 kips

For Eq. (13-25),   1.0 (since column is square). Therefore,

 4
Vc   2    f c' bo d   2  4   1 4000  86.4  5.6  1
 

1000 
 184 kips

For Eq. (13-26),  s  40 for this interior column. Therefore,

 d 
 bo 
 40  5.6
Vc   s  2   fc' bo d  
 86.4

 2   1 4000  86.4  5.6  1
 1000  
 140 kips

Therefore, the smallest values is Vc  122 kips , so Vc  0.75 122  91.5 kips > Vu and the slab
is OK in two-way shear.

13-6 Assume the slab described in Problem 13-5 is supported on 10 in.  24 in. columns.
Check two-way shear at a typical interior support. Assume unbalanced moments
are negligible.

1. Compute the factored uniform load.

( )

2. See the solution to problem 13-5 for one-way shear calculations.

3. Check two-way shear

Punching shear is critical on a rectangular section located at d 2 away from the column face, as
shown in Fig. S13-6.2. The critical perimeter is 29.6 in. by 15.6 in. The average d value for
determining the shear strength of the slab is d  5.6 in.

(a) Compute Vu on the critical perimeter for two-way shear.

( )

(b) Compute Vc for the critical section.

The length of the critical perimeter is bo  2  29.6  15.6  90.4 in.

Now, Vc is to be taken as the smallest of the following. From Eq. (13-24),
Vc  4 fc' bo d  4 1 4000  90.4  5.6  1
1000 
 128 kips

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Fig. S13-6.2 Critical section for two-way shear at interior column.

For Eq. (13-25),    2.4 (since column is 10 in. by 24 in.). Therefore,

 

Vc   2    fc' bo d   2 

4 
 
  1 4000  90.4  5.6  1000  117 kips


For Eq. (13-26),  s  40 for this interior column. Therefore,

 d 
 o
b 
 40  5.6
Vc   s  2   fc' bo d  
 90.4

 2   1 4000  90.4  5.6  1
 1000 
 143 kips

Therefore, the smallest values is Vc  117 kips , so Vc  0.75 117  88 kips > Vu and the slab is
OK in two-way shear.

13-7 The slab shown in Fig. P13-7 supports a superimposed dead load of 25 psf and a live
load of 60 psf. The slab extends 4 in. past the exterior face of the column to support
an exterior wall that weighs 400 lbs/ft of length of wall. The story-to-story height is
9.5 ft. Use 4500-psi concrete and Grade-60 reinforcement.

(a) Select slab thickness.

 Determine the thickness to limit deflections.

From Table 13-1, the minimum thicknesses of the four typical slab panels are as follows:

Panel 1-2-A-B (corner; treat as exterior), and panels 2-3-A-B and 1-2-B-C (exterior)

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Maximum n   20 12  16  224 in.

Minimum h  n
  7.47 in.
30 30

Panel 2-3-B-C (interior)

Maximum n  224 in.
Minimum h  n   6.78 in.
33 33

Try h  8.0 in.

 Check the thickness for shear. We should check the shear at columns A2 and B2

The tributary area for column A2 is cross-hatched in Fig. S 13-7.1 The factored uniform load can
be calculated as:
8 
qu  1.2    150  25   1.6  60  246 psf
 12 
Note that if the area of any of the panels exceeded 400 ft 2 , it would be possible to reduce the live
load before factoring it.

Fig. S 13-7.1 Initial critical shear perimeters and tributary areas for column A2.

The critical shear perimeter is located at d 2 away from the interior column face and 4 in. from
the exterior column face, as shown in Fig. S 13-7.1. In the following calculation for the factored
shear force transmitted to column A2, the shear force multiplier of 1.15 required for the first
interior support will be applied directly to the appropriate tributary lengths. Then,
davg  8  0.75  0.5  6.75 in. (assuming 3 in. clear cover and No. 4 bars as slab
bo  22.75  2  23.38  69.5 in.
  12   22.75  23.38  
Vu  246   9  1.15  9  10        1.2  400  9 1.15  9    60700 lbs  61 kips
  12   144 

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From Eq.(13-25),
  1
 4
 2    6.0  4 (does not govern)
 
From Eq. (13-26),
 s  30 , for an exterior slab-column connection
 sd   30  6.75 
  2    2   4.91  4.0 (does not govern)
 bo   69.5 

Thus, using Eq. (13-24):

 
Vc   4 fc' bo d  0.75  4 1 4500  69.5  6.75  11000  94.4 kips > Vu
Note: Vu Vc  0.65  0.75
For this ratio, ACI Code Section permits modification of  f for moment transfer about an axis
parallel to the edge of the slab. With that information and because this ratio is below 0.8, the slab
thickness at this connection should be sufficient for checking shear and moment transfer about an
axis perpendicular to the edge of the column. Shear check for column B2 follows the same
procedure as for column A2. Thus, use an 8-in. slab. Final shear checks will be made in part (c)
after completing the flexural design of the slab.

(b) Use the direct design method to compute moments, and then design the
reinforcement for the column and middle strips associated with column line

Because there is no edge beams,  f  0

 Compute moments in the slab strip along column line 2

A2 B2 C2
1 (ft) 20.0 20.0
n (ft) 18.67 18.67
2 (ft) 18.0 18.0
qu (ksf) 0.25 0.25
Mo  2 n
(kip-ft) 196 196
Moment Coef. -0.26 0.52 -0.70 -0.65 0.35 -0.65
Moments (kip-ft) -51 +102 -137 -127 +69 -127

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 Compute moments in the slab strip along column line 1

A1 B1 C1
1 (ft) 20.0 20.0
n (ft) 18.67 18.67
2 (ft) 10.0 10.0
qu (ksf) 0.25 0.25
Mo  2 n
(kip-ft) 109 109
Moment Coef. -0.26 0.52 -0.70 -0.65 0.35 -0.65
Moments (kip-ft) -28 +57 -76 -71 +38 -71
Wall load (kip/ft) 0.48 0.48
q  2
Wall M o  wall n 21 21
Moments from wall
-5.5 11 -15 -14 +7 -14

 Distribute the negative and positive moments to the column and middle strips and design the

In each panel, the column strip extends 0.25  min  1 , 2   0.25  18 12  54 in. on each side
of the column lines. The total width of the column strip is 2  54 in.= 108 in.  9 ft . The width of
the middle strip is 9 ft. The edge strip has a width of 54 in.  12 in.  66 in.  5.5 ft .

Place the steel in the long direction close to the surface of the slab. Try No. 4 bars. Thus,
d  8  0.75  0.25  7.0 in.

Compute trial As required at the section of maximum moment (column strip at B2). The largest
M u is 102.3 kip-ft. Assuming that  jd  0.95 ,
102.3  12,000
As (trial)   3.42 in.2
0.9  60,000  0.95  7.0
Compute a and check whether the section is tension controlled:
3.42  60,000
a  0.82 in.
0.85  4500   5.5  12 
c  1.00 in.
Clearly, the section is tension-controlled; therefore,   0.9 .
Compute the value of jd : jd  7.0   6.59 in.
Assuming that a is constant for all sections (conservative assumption), compute a constant for
computing As :

M u  12,000
As (in.2 )   0.0337 M u (kip-ft) (Eq. A)
0.9  60,000  6.59

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The values of As required in the following table are computed from Eq. (A).
From ACI Code Section 13.3.1,
As ,min  0.0018bh for Grade-60 reinforcement. Maximum bar spacing is 2h (ACI Code
Section 13.3.2), but not more than 18 in. (ACI Code Section Therefore maximum is
16 in.

Edge column strip:

As,min  0.0018   5.5 12   8  0.95 in.2
5.5  12
Minimum number of bar spaces   4.1
Therefore, the minimum number of bars is 5.
Other strips:
As,min  0.0018   9 12   8  1.56 in.2
The minimum number of bars is 8.

Division of moment to column and middle strip: north-south strips

Edge Middle Column Middle Column

Column Strip Strip Strip Strip Strip
Strip Width, ft 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 5.5
Exterior Negative Moments A1 A2 A3
Slab moment (kip-ft) -28 -51 -51
Moment Coef. 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
Distributed moments to
-28 0.0 0.0 -51 0.0 0.0 -51
Wall moment (kip-ft) -5.5
Total strip moment (kip-ft) -33.5 0.0 -51 0.0 -51
Required As (in. ) 1.13 0.0 1.72 0.0 1.56
Minimum As (in. ) 0.95 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56
Selected Steel 6 #4 9 #4 9 #4 9 #4 9 #4
As (in.2 ) provided 1.20 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80
End Span Positive
Slab moment (kip-ft) 57 102 102
Moment Coef. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.6
Distributed moments to
34.2 22.8 20.4 61.2 20.4 20.4 61.2
Wall moment (kip-ft) 11
Total strip moment
45.2 43.2 61.2 40.8 61.2
Required As (in. ) 1.52 1.45 2.06 1.37 2.06
Minimum As (in. ) 0.95 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56
Selected Steel 8 #4 10 #4 10 #4 10 #4 10 #4
As (in.2 ) provided 1.60 2.00 2.00* 2.00 2.00*

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First Interior Negative

Moments B1 B2 B3
Slab moment (kip-ft) -76 -137 -137
Moment Coef. 0.75 0.25 0.125 0.75 0.125 0.125 0.75
Distributed moments to
-57 -19 -17.1 -102.3 -17.1 -17.1 -102.3
Wall moment (kip-ft) -15
Total strip moment
-72 -36.1 -102.3 -34.2 -102.3
Required As (in. ) 2.43 1.22 3.45 1.15 3.45
Minimum As (in. ) 0.95 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56
Selected Steel 8 #5 9 #4 11 #5 9 #4 11 #5
As (in.2 ) provided 2.48 1.80 3.41* 1.80 3.41*
Interior Positive Moments
Slab moment (kip-ft) 38 69 69
Moment Coef. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.6
Distributed moments to
22.8 15.2 13.8 41.1 13.8 13.8 41.1
Wall moment (kip-ft) 7
Total strip moment (kip-
29.8 29 41.1 27.6 41.1
Required As (in. ) 1.00 0.98 1.36 1.04 1.36
Minimum As (in. ) 0.95 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56
Selected Steel 6 #4 9 #4 9 #4 9 #4 9 #4
As (in.2 ) provided 1.20 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80
Interior Negative Moments C1 C2 C3
Slab moment (kip-ft) -71 -127 -127
Moment Coef. 0.75 0.25 0.125 0.75 0.125 0.125 -0.75
Distributed moments to
-53.2 -17.8 -15.9 -95.2 -15.9 -15.9 -95.2
Wall moment (kip-ft) -14
Total strip moment (kip-
67.2 -33.7 -95.2 -31.8 -95.2
Required As (in. ) 2.26 1.14 3.21 1.07 3.21
Minimum As (in. ) 0.95 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56
Selected Steel 8 #5 9 #4 11 #5 9 #4 11 #5
As (in.2 ) provided 2.48 1.80 3.41 1.80 3.41
As(provided) < As(required) is o.k. because adjacent positive moment regions are over-designed
and some moment redistribution can occur in ductile slabs.

(c) Check two-way shear and moment transfer at columns A2 and B2. Neglect
unbalanced moments about column line 2.

Column A2

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The critical perimeter is at d 2 from the face of the column, where d is the average depth. At all
exterior ends, the reinforcement is No. 4 bars and davg  6.75 in. The shortest perimeter results
from the section shown in Fig. S13-7.2 and the perimeter dimensions are,
b 1  20 in.  d 2  23.38 in.
b 2  16 in.  d  22.75 in.
For moments about the z  z axis,
2   23.38  5.69   23.38 2
y AB   7.86 in.
2  23.38  5.69    22.75  5.69 
Therefore, cAB  7.86 in. and cCD  15.52 in.
For moments about the w  w axis,
cCB  cAD   11.38 in.

As calculated in part (a), Vu  61 kips .

For slabs designed by the direct-design method, the moment transferred from the slab to the
column axis z-z is 0.3M o , and using the moments calculated from part (b),

0.3  M o  0.3 196  58.8 kip-ft (acting about the centroid of the shear perimeter).

Fig. S 13-7.2 Critical section- ColumnA2

From part (b), we found that the unbalanced moment due to the wall moments is 7 kip-ft and
assuming that the loads acts at 2 in. from the edge of the slab,
 23.38  2.0  7.86  13.52 in. from centroid

The total moment to be transferred is,

M z  z  58.8  7   50.9 kip-ft

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Note that the unbalanced moment about column line 2  M w w  is neglected as stated in the

From Eq. (13-32), calculate the fraction of moment transferred by flexure,

1 1
f    0.60
2 2
1 b1 b2 1  23.38 22.75
3 3
ACI Code Section allows  f to be increased to 1.0 if Vu Vc and the resulting  is less
than 0.375b within a width of c2  3h centered in the column. From part (a), Vu Vc  0.65 .
Therefore, take  f  1.0 and check the reinforcement required.

Width effective for flexure  c2  3h  16  3  8  40 in.

Effective width  c2  2ct  c2  2c1 (second expression governs)
Effective width  16  2 16  48 in.

Assume that  jd  0.95d  , with d  7.0 in.

50.9  12,000
As   1.70 in.2
0.9  60,000  0.95  7.0
The steel provided is 9 No. 4 in a column strip width of 9 ft  108 in. , or roughly 13.5 on centers.
The bars within the 40 in. effective width can be used for the moment transfer. Place four
column-strip bars into this region and add 5 No. 4 bars, giving As  1.8 in.2 in the effective width.
Recompute As ,
1.80  60,000
a  0.71 in.
0.85  4500  40

50.9  12,000
As (in.2 )   1.70 kip-ft (steel chosen OK)
 0.71 
0.9  60,000   7 
 2 
The reinforcement ratio is,
A 1.8
 s   0.0064
bd 40  7
and from Eq. (4-24),
0.85  0.825  4500  0.003 
b     0.0311 ,
60,000  0.003  0.00207 
and thus, 0.375b  0.0117  0.0064 and we can use  f  1.0 . As a result, it is not necessary to
transfer any of the moment about z-z axis by eccentric shear stresses.

Column B2
The critical perimeter is shown in Fig. S 13-7.3 and the centroidal axes pass through the centers
of the sides.
bo  2  22.75  22.75  91 in.

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The factored shear force transmitted to column B2 is,

  22.75  22.75  
Vu  246   9  1.15  9 10 1.15  10       101500 lbs  102 kips
  144 

Fig. S 13-7.3 Critical section- Column B2

From Eq.(13-25),
 4
 2    6.0  4 (does not govern)
 
From Eq. (13-26),
 s  40 , for an interior slab-column connection
 sd   40  6.75 
  2    2   4.97  4.0 (does not govern)
 ob   91 

Thus, using Eq. (13-24):

 
Vc   4 fc' bo d  0.75  4 1 4500  91 6.75  11000  124 kips > Vu
Since, Vu Vc  0.82  0.4 no adjustment will be permitted in the ratio of unbalanced moment
resisted by eccentric shear.
The moment about x-x axis to be transferred comes from part (b) and is the difference between
the negative moments on the two sides of column B2, i.e. M u , x  x  137  127  10 kip-ft .

From Eq. (13-32), calculate the fraction of moment transferred by flexure (x-x axis),
1 1
f    0.6
2 2
1 b1 b2 1  1
3 3
The torsional moment of inertia can be calculated from Eq. (13-34),
 b d 3 db3  b 
J c  2  1  1   2  b2 d   1 
 12 12  2
Where d  6.75 in. and b1  b2  22.75 in. Thus, J c  54150 in.4

By inspection, the reinforcement that is already in the slab is adequate for moment transfer.

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From Eq. (13-30) and neglecting unbalanced moment about column line 2 (i.e. about axis y-y),
M u (shear transfer)    M u  1  0.6 10  4 kip-ft  48,000 lb-in.

 Muc 48,000  11.38
  12.1 psi
Jc 45,150
102,000 124,000
u (max)   12.1  166 psi  12.1 psi=178 psi  c   202 psi
91 6.75 91 6.75
Thus, the shear is OK at this column.

13-8 Refer to the slab shown in Fig. P13-7 and the loadings and material strengths given
in Problem 13-7.

(a) Select slab thickness.

Problems 13-7 and 13-8 refer to the same flat-slab. As a result, the thickness of the slab was
chosen in part (a) of problem 13-7. Thus, use an 8 in. thick slab.

(b) Use the direct design method to compute moments, and then design the
reinforcement for the column and middle strips associated with column line

Because there is no edge beams,  f  0

 Compute moments in the slab strip along column line A
A1 A2 A3
1 (ft) 18.0 18.0
n (ft) 16.67 16.67
2 (ft) 11.0 11.0
qu (ksf) 0.25 0.25
M o  u 2 n (kip-ft) 96 96
Moment Coef. -0.26 0.52 -0.70 -0.65 0.35 -0.65
Moments (kip-ft) -25 +50 -67 -62 +34 -62
Wall load (kip/ft) 0.48 0.48
q  2 16.7 16.7
Wall M o  wall n
Moments from wall -4.3 8.7 -11.7 -10.9 +5.8 -10.9

 Compute moments in the slab strip along column line B

B1 B2 B3
1 (ft) 18.0 18.0
n (ft) 16.67 16.67
2 (ft) 20.0 20.0
qu (ksf) 0.25 0.25

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Mo  2 n
(kip-ft) 174 174
Moment Coef. -0.26 0.52 -0.70 -0.65 0.35 -0.65
Moments (kip-ft) -45 +90 -122 -113 +61 -113
 Distribute the negative and positive moments to the column and middle strips and design the

In each panel, the column strip extends 0.25  min  1 , 2   0.25  18 12  54 in. on each side
of the column lines. The total width of the column strip is 2  54 in.= 108 in.  9 ft . The width of
the middle strip is 9 ft. The edge strip has a width of 54 in.  12 in.  66 in.  5.5 ft .

Place the steel in the long direction close to the surface of the slab. Try No. 4 bars. Thus,
d  8  0.75  0.25  7.0 in.

Compute trial As required at the section of maximum moment (column strip at B2). The largest
M u is 91.5 kip-ft. Assuming that  jd  0.95 ,

Compute a and check whether the section is tension controlled:

The section is tension-controlled; therefore,   0.9 .

Compute the value of jd : ⁄

Assuming that a is constant for all sections (conservative assumption), compute a constant for
computing As (Eq. A):

The values of As required in the following table are computed from Eq. (A).

From ACI Code Section 13.3.1,

As ,min  0.0018bh for Grade-60 reinforcement. Maximum bar spacing is 2h (ACI Code
Section 13.3.2), but not more than 18 in. (ACI Code Section Therefore maximum is
16 in.
Edge column strip:
As,min  0.0018   5.5 12   8  0.95 in.2
5.5  12
Minimum number of bar spaces   4.1
Therefore, the minimum number of bars is 5.
Other strips:
As,min  0.0018   9 12   8  1.56 in.2
The minimum number of bars is 8.

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Division of moment to column and middle strip: east-west strips

Edge Middle Column

Column Strip Strip Strip
Strip Width, ft 9.0 9.0 9.0
Exterior Negative Moments A1 B1
Slab moment (kip-ft) -25 -45
Moment Coef. 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
Distributed moments to
-25 0.0 0.0 -45
Wall moment (kip-ft) -4.3
Total strip moment (kip-
-29.3 0.0 -45
Required As (in. ) 0.99 0.0 1.52
Minimum As (in. ) 0.95 1.56 1.56
Selected Steel 5 #4 8 #4 8 #4
As (in.2 ) provided 1.00 1.60 1.60
End Span Positive Moments
Slab moment (kip-ft) 50 90
Moment Coef. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6
Distributed moments to
30 20 18 54
Wall moment (kip-ft) 8.7
Total strip moment (kip-
38.7 38 54
Required As (in. ) 1.31 1.28 1.82
Minimum As (in. ) 0.95 1.56 1.56
Selected Steel 7 #4 8 #4 10 #4
As (in.2 ) provided 1.40 1.60 2.00
First Interior Negative
Moments A2 B2
Slab moment (kip-ft) -67 -122
Moment Coef. 0.75 0.25 0.125 0.75
Distributed moments to
-50 -17 -15 -91.5
Wall moment (kip-ft) -11.7
Total strip moment (kip-
-51.7 -32 -91.5
Required As (in. ) 1.75 1.08 3.09
Minimum As (in. ) 0.95 1.56 1.56
Selected Steel 9 #4 8 #4 10 #5
As (in.2 ) provided 1.80 1.60 3.10

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Interior Positive Moments

Slab moment (kip-ft) 34 61
Moment Coef. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6
Distributed moments to
20.4 13.6 12.2 36.6
Wall moment (kip-ft) 5.8
Total strip moment (kip-ft) 26.2 25.8 36.6
Required As (in. ) 0.89 0.87 1.24
Minimum As (in. ) 0.95 1.56 1.56
Selected Steel 5 #4 8 #4 8 #4
As (in.2 ) provided 1.00 1.60 1.60

13-9 For the corner column (A1) in Fig. P13-7 and the loadings and material strengths
given in Problem 13-7, select a slab thickness to satisfy ACI Code strength
requirements for two-way shear and moment transfer, and deflection control.

(a) Make the check for moment transfer in only one principal direction (use the
more critical direction).

First determine the thickness to limit deflections:

From Table 13-1, the minimum thicknesses of the corner panel is (treat it as an exterior
 in 
Maximum n   20 ft  12   16 in  224 in
 ft 
224 in
Minimum h  n   7.47 in
30 30
Like Problem 13-8, try h  8.0 in

Now check whether this thickness is OK for shear at column A1, considering moment transfer in
the more critical direction:
Note that if the area of any of the panels exceeded 400 ft 2 , it would be possible to
reduce the live load before factoring it, but this is not the case for column A1. Therefore the
factored uniform load acting on the corner panel is:
 
 8 in lb 
qu  1.2    150 3  25 psf   1.6  60 psf  246 psf
 12 in ft 
 ft 

Although the shear force acting on the first interior column face is amplified by 1.15, the ACI
Code does not permit reducing the tributary shear area for an exterior column to below 0.5 in
either principal direction. Also note that the critical shear perimeter is located at d 2 away from
the interior column faces.
davg  8 in  0.75 in  0.5 in  6.75 in

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bo  2  16 in  4 in  6.75 in / 2   46.8 in

  
   23.4 in 2  
Vu  246 psf  10 ft  1 ft    9 ft  1 ft       26100 lb  26.1 k
  in 2  
  144 2  
  ft  
Now calculate the ultimate shear stress given this Vu and moment transfer in the more critical
V  M c
vu  u  v u
bo d Jc
1 1
v 1 1  0.4
2 2
1 b1 / b2 1 1
3 3
b1  b2  23.4 in
c  16 in
d  b1  6.75 in   23.4 in 
2 2

cAB    5.85 in
2  b1d  b2 d  4  23.4 in  6.75 in 
 b d 3 db 3 b  

J c   1  1  b1d  1  cAB    b2 dcAB 2

 12 12 2  
 23.4 in   6.75 in 3 6.75 in   23.4 in 3  23.4 in  

Jc     23.4 in  6.75 in    5.85 in  

 12 12  2  

 23.4 in  6.75 in   5.85 in 


J c  18,600 in 4
And, the more critical moment transfer axis is along column line 1, which is presented in the
solution to Problem 13-7.
M u  28 k-ft

Finally, we can calculate the maximum combined shear stress considering moment transfer in the
more critical direction as follows:
0.4   28 k-ft  12 16 in
Vu  v M u c 26.1 k ft
vu      0.198 ksi  198 psi
bo d Jc 46.8 in  6.75 in 18,600 in 4

Now compare compute vn to check whether this level of shear stress is acceptable.

  4 f c'  0.75  4  1  4500 psi  201 psi

  4  4
 vn     2   f c'  0.75   2    4500 psi  302 psi
     1 
  d 
  s  2  f c'  0.75   20  6.75 in  2   4500 psi  246 psi
  bo   46.8 in 

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 vn  201 psi  198 psi  vu OK
(b) Make the check for moment transfer in both principal directions, but permit
a 20 percent increase in the maximum permissible shear stress calculated at
the corner of the critical shear perimeter.

From part (a),

  
   23.4 in 2 
Vu  246 psf  10 ft  1 ft    9 ft  1 ft       26100 lb  26.1 k
  in 2 
  144 
  ft 2 
M u1  28 k-ft
Following the same procedure shown in Problem 13-7, the moment in the E-W direction is:
M u 2  25 k-ft

Now we can calculate the maximum combined shear stress considering moment transfer in both
principal directions as follows:
V  M c  M c
vu  u  v u1  v u 2
bo d Jc Jc
in in
0.4   28 k-ft   12  16 in 0.4   25 k-ft  12 16 in
26.1 k ft ft
vu   
46.8 in  6.75 in 18,600 in 4 18,600 in 4
vu  0.301 ksi  301 psi

Now compare compute vn to check whether this level of shear stress is acceptable.

  4 f c'  0.75  4  1  4500 psi  201 psi

  4  4
 vn     2   f c'  0.75   2    4500 psi  302 psi
    1
  d 
  s  2  f c'  0.75   20  6.75 in  2   4500 psi  246 psi
  bo   46.8 in 
Even allowing for a 20% increase in the maximum permissible shear stress, a slab thickness of 8
in does not seem to be deep enough to satisfy this shear check. Repeat with h = 9.5 in.
davg  9.5 in  0.75 in  0.5 in  8.25 in
bo  2  16 in  4 in  8.25 in / 2   48.3 in
  
   24.1 in 2 
Vu  246 psf  10 ft  1 ft    9 ft  1 ft   
    26100 lb  26.1 k
  in 2 
  144 
  ft 2 
b1  b2  24.1 in
d  b1  8.25 in   24.1 in 
2 2

cAB    6.03 in
2  b1d  b2 d  4  24.1 in  8.25 in 

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 b d 3 db 3 b  

J c   1  1  b1d  1  cAB    b2 dcAB 2

 12 12 2  
 24.1 in   8.25 in 3 8.25 in   24.1 in 3  24.1 in  

Jc     24.1 in  8.25 in    6.03 in  

 12 12  2  

 24.1 in  8.25 in   6.03 in 


J c  25, 200 in 4
So, now the shear stress demand is:
V  M c  M c
vu  u  v u1  v u 2
bo d Jc Jc
in in
0.4   28 k-ft   12  16 in 0.4   25 k-ft  12 16 in
26.1 k ft ft
vu   
48.3 in  8.25 in 25, 200 in 4 25, 200 in 4
vu  0.227 ksi  227 psi
If a 9.5 in deep slab is used, then 227 psi  vu  1.2 vn  241 psi .

(c) Check one-way shear for a critical diagonal section across the corner near
the corner column.

Assume that the critical section for one-way shear at this corner column occurs at a 45 degree
angle from either of the exterior edges, at a distance, d, from the most interior corner. If we
assume that d = 6.75 in, as in part (a), the length of the critical section is as follows:
 2   4 in  16 in   2  6.75 in   70 in

  
   35.0 in 2 
Vu  246 psf  10 ft  1 ft    9 ft  1 ft   
    25000 lb  25.0 k
  in 2 
  144 
  ft 2 

The capacity of the section is:

Vn  Vc  6.75 in  70.0 in  0.75 1.0  2  4,500 psi  6.75 in  70.0 in  47,500 lb  47.5 k

Therefore, a slab with h = 8 in will not fail in one-way shear along this diagonal failure plane.

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13-10 For the slab system shown in Fig. P13-7, assume the slab has four equal spans in the
north-south direction and three equal spans in the east-west direction. Use the
loading and material strengths given in Problem 13-7 and assume a slab thickness of
7.5 in.

(a) Use an equivalent-frame method to analyze the factored design moments

along column line 2 and compare the results with the moments used in part
(b) of Problem 13-7.

For this solution, structural analysis software is used to model an equivalent frame used
to represent the column line in question. Before this can be done, an appropriate equivalent frame
must be defined, which is done here following recommendations from the text.

Column properties:
Ag  16 in 16 in  256 in 2
16 in  16 in 

Ig   5460 in 4
I e  I g  5460 in 4
Note that a full 9.5 ft of column will be modeled above and below the slab. These
elements will be fixed at their ends.

Beam properties:
In the positive bending regions and the negative bending regions near interior columns:
  0.5 ,   0.5
bh3  2 h3 0.5  18 ft  12 in/ft   7.5 in 

Ig     3800 in 4
12 12 12
I e   I g  0.5I g  1900 in 4

In the negative bending regions near exterior columns (assumed to be 0.2  1 ft long):
  0.2 ,   0.33
bh3  2 h3 0.2  18 ft 12 in/ft   7.5 in 

Ig     1520 in 4
12 12 12
I e   I g  0.33I g  500 in 4

Loads to be applied:
 
 7.5 in lb lb  lb k
qD  18 ft    150 3  25 2   2140  2.14
 12 in ft ft  ft ft

 ft 
 lb  lb k
qL  18 ft   60 2   1080  1.08
 ft  ft ft
use qU  1.2qD  1.6qL with appropriate pattern loading schemes for each location

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Location Equivalent Frame Analysis with Direct Design Method

Software-Based Model (From Problem 13-7)
Column A-2 -62.8 k-ft -51 k-ft
Midspan A-B 80.3 k-ft 102 k-ft
Exterior of col. B-2 -156 k-ft -137 k-ft
Interior of col. B-2 -130 k-ft -127 k-ft
Midspan B-C 64.5 k-ft 69 k-ft
Column C-2 -126 k-ft -127 k-ft
Note that the remaining locations along column line 2 are symmetrical across column C-2.

Some discussion should be presented in the solution, in addition to this table, commenting on the
relative precision of the two approaches, noting that neither is necessarily accurate nor “correct”,
although they are hopefully close to reality. It might be noted that similar discrepancies show up
when the results of a software analysis of a frame system are compared with the results from
using an ACI moment coefficient approach.

(b) Use an equivalent-frame method to analyze the factored design moments

along column line A and compare the results with the moments used in part
(b) of Problem 13-8.

For this solution, structural analysis software is used to model an equivalent frame used
to represent the column line in question. Before this can be done, an appropriate equivalent frame
must be defined, which is done here following recommendations from the text.

Column properties:
Ag  16 in 16 in  256 in 2
16 in  16 in 

Ig   5460 in 4
I e  I g  5460 in 4
Note that a full 9.5 ft of column will be modeled above and below the slab. These
elements will be fixed at their ends.

Beam properties:
In the positive bending regions and the negative bending regions near interior columns:
  0.5 ,   0.5
( )

In the negative bending regions near exterior columns (assumed to be 0.2  1 ft long):
  0.2 ,   0.33
( )

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to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Loads to be applied:

( )( )

( )( )
use qU  1.2qD  1.6qL with appropriate pattern loading schemes for each location

Location Equivalent Frame Analysis with Direct Design Method

Software-Based Model (From Problem 13-7)
Column A-1 -52.5 k-ft -29.3 k-ft
Midspan A1-A2 46.9 k-ft 58.7 k-ft
Exterior of col. A-2 -89.6 k-ft -78.7 k-ft
Interior of col. A-2 -78.8 k-ft -72.9 k-ft
Midspan A2-A3 39.4 k-ft 39.8 k-ft
Note that the remaining locations along column line A are symmetrical across Midspan A2-A3.

Some discussion should be presented in the solution, in addition to this table, commenting on the
relative precision of the two approaches. It should be mentioned that neither is necessarily
accurate nor “correct”, although they are hopefully close to reality. It might be noted that similar
discrepancies show up when the results of a software analysis of a frame system are compared
with the results from using an ACI moment coefficient approach.

13-11 For the same floor system described in Problem 13-10 and the loading and material
strengths given in Problem 13-7, assume the slab thickness has been selected to be
6.5 in.

(a) For a typical interior floor panel, calculate the immediate deflection due to
live load and compare to the limit given in ACI Code Table 9.5 (b).

This solution will follow the approach shown in Example 13-16.

Step 1: Compute the immediate deflection of an interior column strip, which should be taken in
the N-S direction, as these are the longer span column strips. Take the span between columns B-
2 and C-2 as the interior span in question.

First compute Ma. The loads we must consider for deflection calculations are:
6.5 in lb
Dead load: 1.0   Dead Load    150 3  25 psf  106 psf
in ft
Service load: 1.0   Dead  Live   106 psf  60 psf  166 psf
Construction load: 2.0  Slab Dead Load   2  81.3 psf   163 psf
Therefore, cracking will be governed by the service load. Since we know that the moments
calculated in Problem 13-7b are based on an area load of 246 psf, we can take Ma to be 166/246 =
0.675 times the column strip moments calculated in Problem 13-7b, as follows:
Negative moment at B-2 and C-2: 0.675   95.2 k-ft   64.3 k-ft
Positive moment at midspan: 0.675  41.1 k-ft  27.7 k-ft

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Now compute Mcr:

  6.5 in  1
7.5 4500 psi  9 ft  12
fr I g ft 12
M cr    383,000 lb-in  31.9 k-ft
yt 3.25 in
It is a safe bet that the slab will be cracked in both the positive and negative moment
regions regardless, due to temperature and shrinkage effects.

Next, we have to compute Icr and Ie. For simplicity, we will assume that the reinforcement
selected in Problem 13-7 is used in this slab as well.
Negative moment region:
11 0.31 in 2
  0.00486
9 ft  12  6.5 in
29,000,000 psi
n  7.58
57,000 4500 psi
 n  0.0368
k  2 n    n    n  2  0.0368   0.0368  0.0368  0.237
2 2

I cr  b  kd   Ast n  d  kd 
3 2

1 in
  9 ft  12   0.237  5.4 in   3.41 in 2  7.58  5.4 in  0.237  5.4 in   514 in 4
3 2

3 ft
M 
 31.9 k-ft 

I e  I cr   I g  I cr   cr   514 in 4  2470 in 4  514 in 4 

   753 in


 a 
M 64.3 k-ft
Positive moment region:
I e  I g  2470 in 4
So, the weighted average value of Ie is:
I e( average)  0.7 I em  0.15  I e1  I e 2   0.7  2470 in 4  0.15  753 in 4  753 in 4   1950 in 4

Now we can calculate the immediate deflection due to live load. Using the same logic described
in Example 13-16, assume that 67.5% of the loads will be carried by the column strip.
wL  60 psf 18 ft  0.675  0.729 k/ft  60.8 lb/in
wD  106 psf 18 ft  0.675  1.29 k/ft  107 lb/in
 in 
60.8 lb/in   20 ft  12 
wL 4  ft 
 L (column strip max)  0.0048   0.0048   0.130 in
EI 57,000 4500 psi  1950in 4
 in 
4 107 lb/in   20 ft  12 
 D (column strip max)
 0.0026  D  0.0026   ft 
 0.124 in
EI 57,000 4500 psi  1950in 4

Step 2: Compute the immediate deflection of an interior middle strip, which should be taken in
the E-W direction, as these are the shorter span middle strips. Take an interior span between
column lines 2 and 3.

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First compute Ma. The loads we must consider for deflection calculations are:
6.5 in lb
Dead load: 1.0   Dead Load    150 3  25 psf  106 psf
in ft
Service load: 1.0   Dead  Live   106 psf  60 psf  166 psf
Construction load: 2.0  Slab Dead Load   2  81.3 psf   163 psf

Therefore, cracking will be governed by the service load. Since we know that the moments
calculated in Problem 13-7b are based on an area load of 246 psf, we can take Ma to be 166/246 =
0.675 times the slab strip moments calculated using the loading described in Problem 13-7b.
Negative moment at B-2 and C-2: 0.675   28.3 k-ft   19.1 k-ft
Positive moment at midspan: 0.675  24.4 k-ft  16.5 k-ft

Now compute Mcr:

7.5 4500 psi 11 ft 12   6.5 in  1
fr I g ft 12
M cr    468,000 lb-in  39.0 k-ft
yt 3.25 in
It is unlikely that the middle strip will be significantly cracked given that the moments
which control the cracking state are so far below the cracking moment for the strip section.
Therefore, we can assume that:
Negative moment region:
I e  I g  3020 in 4
Positive moment region:
I e  I g  3020 in 4
And therefore the weighted average value of Ie is obviously:
I e( average)  3020 in 4

Now we can calculate the immediate deflection due to live load. Using the same logic described
in Example 13-16, assume that 32.5% of the loads will be carried by the middle strip.
wL  60 psf  20 ft  0.325  0.390 k/ft  32.5 lb/in
wD  106 psf  20 ft  0.325  0.689 k/ft  57.4 lb/in
 in 
4 32.5 lb/in  18 ft  12 
 L (middle strip max)
 0.0048  L  0.0048   ft 
 0.029 in
EI 57,000 4500 psi  3020in 4
 in 
4 57.4 lb/in  18 ft  12 
 D (middle strip max)
 0.0026  D  0.0026   ft 
 0.028 in
EI 57,000 4500 psi  3020in 4

Step 3: Compute the maximum immediate total deflection in the panel due to the live load, and
compare against allowable deflections according to ACI Code limits.
 L(max)  0.130 in  0.029 in  0.159 in

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20 ft  12
ACI Code Limit  / 360  ft  0.667 in We are OK.
(b) For the same floor panel, calculate the total deflection after the attachment
of partitions and compare to the limit given in ACI Code Table 9.5(b) for
partitions that are not likely to be damaged by long term deflections.
Assume that 85 percent of the dead load is acting when the partitions are
attached to the structure and assume that 25 percent of the live load will be
sustained for a period of one year.

We will assume that the total expected deflection after the attachment of partitions is a
sum of the following:

1. Dead load
Assuming that 85% of the dead load is already acting when the partitions are
attached, consider 15% of the immediate deflection due to dead load affects the
Dead immediate  0.1 (0.124 in  0.028 in)  0.015 in

2. Live load
Assume that the total instantaneous deflection due to live load could occur at any
time once the partitions are attached, so include the full instantaneous deflection
due to live load.
Live immediate  0.159 in

3. Long term deflections

Assume that the full dead load acts plus 25% of the live load over the
course of a year. Use the suggested deflection coefficient of 3.0 to adjust
for long-term amplification effects.
Long term  3.0   0.124 in  0.028 in  0.25  0.159 in   0.575 in

Therefore, the total expected deflection felt by the partitions is:

 partitions   Dead immediate   Live immediate   Long term
 partitions  0.015 in  0.159 in  0.575 in  0.749 in

Compare this to the ACI limit for slab systems supporting partitions which are not
likely to be damaged by large deflections:
20 ft  12
ACI Code Limit  / 240  ft  1.0 in We are OK.

13-12 Repeat the questions in Problem 13-11 for the following panels.

(a) An exterior panel along the west side of the floor system.

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This solution will follow the same lines as the solution for Problem 13-11. The column
strip in question will still be taken along the N-S direction. The major change will lie in the
definition of moments acting in the column and middle strips.

(b) An exterior panel along the north side of the floor system.

This solution will follow the same lines as the solution for Problem 13-11. The column
strip in question will still be taken along the N-S direction. The major change will again lie in the
definition of moments acting in the column and middle strips.

(c) A corner panel.

This solution will again follow the same lines as the solution for Problem 13-11. The
column strip in question will still be taken along the N-S direction. The major change will still lie
in the definition of moments acting in the column and middle strips.


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