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‫هـ‬1444 ‫ رمضان‬2 :‫اجلمعة‬ ‫دولـة اإلمـارات العـربية المتحـدة‬

‫م‬2023/3/24:‫الموافق‬ ‫اهليئة العامة للشؤون اإلسالمية واألوقاف‬

The Character of the Fasting Person

First Khutbah
All praises are due to Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most
Generous, the One who has bestowed upon us the gift of
the month of Ramadan. O Allah, our Lord, to You belongs
all praise. We believe in You, Your Angels, Your Divine
Books, Your Messengers, in the Last Day, and in Your
Divine decree, both its good and the apparent bad.
‫ربـنا إنـنا سمعنا مناديا يـنادي لليما ن ِمنوا بربم فَمنا ربـنا‬
‫فاغفر لنا ذنوبـنا وكفر عنا سيئاتنا وتـوفـنا مع البـرار‬
Our Lord, indeed we have heard a caller calling to
faith, [saying], 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have
believed. Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove
from us our misdeeds and cause us to die with the
righteous. [Qur'an: 3:193]
We testify that there is nothing worthy of worship except
You, the uniquely One, who has no partners in His one-
ness. We are content with You as our Lord, Islam as our
religion, and our Sayyid, Sayyiduna Muhammad, as our
Prophet. O Allah, send Your peace and blessings upon him
and upon his family, his companions and whomsoever
follows him in guidance until the Last Day.
To Continue: I advise you, O slaves of Allah and myself,
with the Taqwa of Allah, for verily Allah says: ‫يا نيـها الذين‬
‫ِمنوا كتب عليم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قـبلم‬
‫لعلم تـتـقو‬
O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as
it was decreed upon those before you that you may
become righteous [Qur'an: 2:183]
O Believers: We praise Allah and we ask Him that He
make us reach the blessed month, in which the believer
increases in his devotion and draw near to Allah through
the different deeds of worship that have been
recommended in this month. From the greatest of such
deeds we can perform is fasting, which is a worship of both
the body and the soul. For in fasting the body abstains from
the things that would break the fast, and the soul beautifies
itself through the most praiseworthy of attributes. The
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
‫إ إنما الصيام من اللغو والرفث‬،‫ليس الصيام من الك والُر‬
The fasting is not [just] abstaining from food and drink,
rather it is [also] an abstaining from false speech and
sexual immorality. [Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah]
This is the deeper reality of fasting, so the fasting person
abstains from food and drink and all the things that break
the fast. By this he becomes aware of the value of the
blessed month and the immensity of this worship, so he
observes its sanctity and esteems its value. Beyond this,
though he should also abstain and 'fast' with his hearing,
his sight, from the things that would corrupt the fast. So, he
should be gentle and soft in his relationships, tender and
compassionate in his dealings, pure and wholesome in his
speech, both within his home and outside, at his work with
his profession, in both his comings and goings, whilst he is
driving his car, or sitting at his desk. Jabir ibn Abdallah
(may Allah be pleased with him and his father) states:
،‫إذا صمت فـليص سمعك وبصرك ولسانك عن المذ‬
‫والمحارمإ وليمن عليك وقار وسمينة يـوم صيامكإ ول تجع‬
‫يـوم فطرك وصومك سواء‬
If you fast, then fast with your ears, your eyes, your
speech, abstain from lies, from the impermissible [in all
these things]. And let there be in you a serenity and
tranquility on the day of your fasting. Do not let the
days in which you are not fasting and the days in which
you are fasting the same.
[Shuab ul Iman by Imam Al-Bayhaqi]
O Allah accept our fast, and bless us with devotion to You,
and accept all of us for Your obedience and bless us with
obedience towards Your Messenger (peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him), and obedience towards those whom
You have ordered us to show obedience towards, in
accordance with Your saying: ‫يا نيـها الذين ِمنوا نطيعوا الله‬
‫ونطيعوا الرسول ونولي المر منم‬
O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the
Messenger and those in authority among you. [Qur'an:
I say this and I seek forgiveness for myself and for you, so
seek His forgiveness, indeed He is the most forgiving, most

Second Khutbah
All praises are due to Allah, the uniquely One. And may
peace and blessings be upon our Sayyid, Sayyiduna
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and
upon all of his companions. I advise you slaves of Allah and
myself with the Taqwa of Allah, so have Taqwa of Him.
O Fasting Believers: From the character of the fasting
person, is that they preserve and safeguard their blessings,
and not wasting the things they have been given, as Allah
says: ‫المسرفين‬ ‫وكلوا واشربوا ول تسرفوا إنه ل يحب‬
And eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He
likes not those who commit excess. [Qur'an: 7:31]
So, let the one who fasts set some food aside for other
people, for his neighbors, for those close to him as guests,
for in such a case he will acquire the reward of someone
who feeds others alongside his fast. This is what was
indicated by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) who said: ‫من فطر صائما؛ كا له مث نجرهإ غيـر‬
‫ننه ل يـنـقُ من نجر الصائ شيئا‬
Whoever provides the food for a fasting person to
break his fast with, then for him is the same reward as
the fasting person without anything being diminished
from the reward of the fasting person. [Tirmidhi]
So, the joining between fasting and feeding others are from
the means by which a person can gain entry into Paradise,
as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

said: ‫إ في الجنة غرفا تـرى ظهورها من بطونهاإ وبطونـها من‬
Indeed, in Paradise there are chambers, whose outside
can be seen from their inside, and whose inside can be
seen from their outside.
A man stood up and said: Who are they for, O Messenger
of Allah? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) said:
‫ الملمإ ونطع الطعامإ وندام الصيام وصلى لله‬،‫لمن نطا‬
‫باللي والناس نيام‬
For those who speak well, feed others, fast regularly,
and perform salat [for Allah] during the night while the
people sleep. [Tirmidhi]
With this we ask You O Allah that You send Your prayers
and blessings upon all of the Prophets and Messengers,
especially on the seal of them, our master, our Prophet,
Sayyiduna Muhammad.
O Allah send Your peace and blessings upon him, and
upon his family, his companions, all of them. And send
your blessings upon the righteous and rightly guided
Khulafa: Sayyiduna Abu Bakr, Sayyiduna Umar,
Sayyiduna Uthman and Sayyiduna Ali, and upon all of the
companions and those of the righteous who come after
them, may Allah be pleased with them all.
O Allah, grant success to the UAE President HH
Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to the Vice-President
and his Brothers, their Highnesses, the Rulers of the

Emirates and guide them to all that which is good and what
pleases You.
O Allah, bestow your mercy on the late Sheikh Zayed,
Sheikh Maktoum, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed and the other
late UAE Sheikhs who have passed on to Your mercy. We
ask you to admit them into Paradise by Your grace.
O Allah have mercy on those martyred for Your sake, and
grant them intercession for their people, and grant their
families patience and a great reward. And have mercy, our
Lord, upon all of the believers, the living and the dead.
Believers, remember Allah and He will remember you,
forget Him not, lest you be forgotten. Be grateful for your
blessings and you will be increased therein. So, stand up
for prayer.

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