SAHL Application Form - April 2023 - Interactive

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SA Home Loans Application Form

Personal details Main applicant Surety Co-applicant Surety

Title Mr Mrs Ms Dr Prof Initials Mr Mrs Ms Dr Prof Initials

First name

Last name

SA ID/passport no

Date of birth dd / mm / yyyy Male Female dd / mm / yyyy Male Female

Marital status COP ANC Foreign Divorced COP ANC Foreign Divorced

Population group African Indian White Coloured African Indian White Coloured

SA Home Loans is required to request your population group to assist Government in monitoring lending practices in terms of the Home Loans and Mortgage Disclosure Act, 2000

Mobile number

Telephone number

Email address

Country of residence

Residential address

Code Code

Employment type Salaried permanent employee Self-employed Salaried permanent employee Self-employed
Salaried fixed term contract Not employed Salaried fixed term contract Not employed

Employer/ business name


Employed since dd / mm / yyyy dd / mm / yyyy

Loan details

I want to purchase a property

Purchase price R Deposit amount R

As a first-time property buyer, I want to know if I qualify for a once-off cash subsidy (FLISP). y n

I want to switch my home loan from another institution to you Outstanding balance R

Cash required R Estimated market value R

With the cash I will be settling debt renovating this property or other

I want to raise finance on my unbonded property Estimated market value R

Cash required R

Loan term (months) Capitalise Fees y n

Property details

Property address


Occupancy type Primary residence (Owner occupied) Investment property Holiday home

Initial SA Home Loans (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2006/035436/07. Please refer to our website for further details. SA Home Loans is a Registered Credit Provider. Registration Number NCRCP1735. Page | 1
I qualify for a housing subsidy and confirm my home loan instalment will be paid by salary deduction Yes No

Banking details Main applicant/Surety Co-applicant/Surety

Debit orders will be on your salary account on your payment date, if your salary is received on the 29th, 30th or 31st the debit order will be on the 1st of the following month

Bank name

Account number

Debit order account y n y n

Alternate details Main applicant/Surety Co-applicant/Surety

Bank name

Account number

Debit order account y n y n

Statement of income and expenditure

Monthly income and expenditure statement (Only required once per household)

Applicant’s income Household expenses

Income Monthly Living expenses Monthly

Gross salary/CTC/Drawings R R
Commission/overtime R R
Public transport/fuel costs
Less payroll deductions R R
R Education R
Net income
Medical R
Additional income Rates/Levies/Water/Electricity R

Net rental R Child support R

Investments R
Debt obligations Monthly
Other income 1 R
R Mortgage bond/s
Other income 2
Vehicle finance
Total monthly income a R Credit card/s
Personal loan/s
Retail accounts
Description of other income 1:
Other debt obligations
Other expenses Monthly

Housekeeping and gardening R

Description of other income 2:
Insurance policies R

Security R

Cellular/Internet/Telephone/TV R
Description of other expenses 1:
Other expenses 1 R

Other expenses 2 R

Description of other expenses 2: Total monthly expense b R

Current deficit/Surplus a b R

Number of dependants

With the proceeds of the sale of my existing property I will be settling debt. y n

My existing accommodation/rental expense will fall away. y n Initial SA Home Loans (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2006/035436/07. Please refer to our website for further details. SA Home Loans is a Registered Credit Provider. Registration Number NCRCP1735. Page | 2
Applicant/s declarations Main applicant/Surety Co-applicant/Surety
To proceed with this application we need to conduct a credit check. y n y n
Do you consent to the credit check?

Do you agree to SA Home Loans accessing your bank statements y n y n

and payslips directly from the source of those documents?

Have you been under debt review or debt counselling within y n y n

the last 12 months?

Have you been insolvent, sequestrated or under administration y n y n

order within the last 12 months?

I consent to receiving direct marketing of home loan related products and services from
SA Home Loans group by way of electronic communication (email and WhatsApp).

Instead of email and WhatsApp I would prefer: Telephonic SMS

We will not share any customer or mailing lists with third parties for the purposes of marketing. You have the right to opt out of receiving direct marketing
from SA Home Loans by informing us in writing.

Application declarations
1. I/We hereby declare that I/we have provided all relevant information required 8. I/We hereby consent to the collection, processing and retention by SA Home
for purposes of assessing my application and all information provided is true, Loans Group of my/our personal and/or special personal information for the
accurate and correct. I/We confirm that I/we have the legal capacity to enter purposes of:
into an agreement. I/We confirm that I/we am/are able to afford the repayments •
providing products to me/us or persons or entities related to me/us
of the home loan finance I/we am/are seeking. •
maintaining products

2. I/We confirm that the statement of income and expenditure on page 2 of 3 has

debt enforcement

been completed by me/us or under my/our instruction and that the information

insurance claim processes

reflected is true, complete and accurate.

deceased estates processes

searching of or updating credit bureau information
3. I/We undertake to inform the Lender immediately in writing should any •
marketing (where permitted)
information change that could prejudice SA Home Loans Group. •
administrative processes, including quality, risk, client or vendor management
processes for statistical or research purposes, for business related purposes
4. /We am/are aware that this application is subject to the standard terms,
including the raising of funding, and transmission to other countries (for
conditions and credit criteria applicable to home loan finance as determined by
example for cloud storage).
the SA Home Loans Group.
9. I/We have been made aware of my/our right and the process to request SA
5. I/We consent to SA Home Loans Group sharing information with the:
Home Loans Group to:
•surety, should a surety be added to the home loan account.

correct my/our personal information and/or special personal information
•department of Human Settlements and its Development Finance Institutions,
from their records.
for FLISP subsidy applications.

object to the processing and/or further processing of my/our personal
6. I/We hereby consent to SA Home Loans Group carrying out identity and fraud and/or special personal information and/or withdraw my consent. I/We
prevention checks and sharing information relating to this application with the acknowledge that SA Home Loans Group may continue to process my/our
South African Fraud Prevention Services personal information even if I/we have withdrawn my/our consent where
such processing is necessary to pursue a lawful or legitimate purpose.
7. I/We authorise SA Home Loans Group to submit this home loan application
and personal information to any other financial institution on my/ our behalf to
secure a home loan as required by me/us over the specified property.

Name Signature Date dd / mm / yyyy

Name Signature Date dd / mm / yyyy

Name Signature Date dd / mm / yyyy

Name Signature Date dd / mm / yyyy SA Home Loans (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number 2006/035436/07. Please refer to our website for further details. SA Home Loans is a Registered Credit Provider. Registration Number NCRCP1735. Page | 3

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