Path Paper 2 Qbank

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General instructions
• Paper 2 includes SYSTEMIC PATHOLOGY.
• Care has been taken to avoid mistakes.
• **** indicates most important questions.
• ** indicates questions to be read.
• # indicates future questions.

• Highlighted by yellow most repetitive questions.



1. Describe etiopathogenesis of diabetes. What are the


2. 40 year female presents with post coital bleeding and foul smelling
discharge per vagina. She lost 15% wt in 2 months, with loss of
a. What is your diagnosis ?
b. What etiopathogenesis of this condition?
c. What are the morphological features?****
3. 20 years female H/o pain, swelling, tenderness over lower and of right
femur since 3 months. Suddenly developed breathlessness during her
treatment and died, clinical autopsy conducted. Answer the following:
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Mention two investigations to arrive at diagnosis?
c) Aetio pathogenesis of the lesion?
d) Gross and Microscopic picture of the lesion
e) Mention two autopsy confirmed lesions leading to death?****

4.Discuss Aetio-pathogenesis, Pathologic lesions, laboratory diagnosis and
complications of rheumatic heart disease?####

5. Describe the etiopathogenesis, gross and microscopy of chronic


6. A 35 years, old man was admitted with history of painless cervical and
axillary lymphadenopathy. He had history of loss of weight, fever and night
sweating and was found to have cutaneous anergy. No hepatosplenomegaly.
a) What is your most probable diagnosis?
b) Give the classification of the condition.
c) Describe the morphology of any two types.****

7. Define and classify bronchogenic carcinoma.

Discuss the aetiopathogenesis and morphology of various sub types.**

8. A 50 years old man collapses suddenly while climbing the stairs with
severe chest pain and profuse sweating.
a) What is your clinical diagnosis?
b) Discuss the aetiopathogenesis of the condition.
c) What are the complications that may follow the condition?******

9. A 12 year old boy presented with fever, oliguria and high coloured urine.
He had sore throat three weeks back.
i) What is your probable diagnosis?
ii) Describe the etiopathogenesis of the condition
iii) What are the relevant investigations?

10. Define and classify cirrhosis of liver.
Describe the morphological features of most common type cirrhosis of

11. A 50 year old man with complains of severe chest pain and sweating.
a) What is the most possible diagnosis for this patient?
b) Enlist the risk factors and discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis and
complications of this disease.
c) Enlist the biochemical tests and their role in diagnosis of this disease.
( Note: Myocardial infarction is a commonly asked question provided the
case history will differ.)

12. Classify inflammatory bowel diseases. Discuss briefly the

etiopathogenesis, gross and microscopic morphology of Crohns Disease.
Enlist the complications of Crohns Disease. Enumerate the differences
between Crohns disease and Ulcerative colitis. VVIP QUESTION ******

13. Thirteen year old female child had massive edema with puffiness of face
with decreased urine output.
a. What is the most probable diagnosis ?
b. What can be the most probable renal pathology in this child ? c. Write in
detail about minimal change disease.****

14. Classify neoplasms of thyroid. Write in detail about papillary carcinoma


15. 44 year old nulliparous women presented with hard, fixed non tender
mass of about 6x4x4 cm in the upper outer quadrant of right breast with
axillary lymphadenopathy.
a. What is your probably diagnosis.
b. Discuss in detail the prognostic & predictive factors of your diagnosis.
( For breast cancer mostly the question will be more towards invasive breast

16. Classify ovarian neoplasms.

Discuss in detail the molecular pathogenesis and morphology of serous

17. 50 Yr old Male with painless firm Testicular swelling, with loss of
testicular sensation.
(a) What is your probable Diagnosis.
(b) Discuss classification and Etiopathogenesis.*****

18. Tumors of liver – classification, Etiopathogenesis and prognosis.

19. A sixty year old male presented with anaemia, loss of weight, abdominal
pain,persistent abdominal distension and vomiting. Upper GI endoscopy and
biopsy done. A.what is the probable diagnosis?
B.write the etiopathogenesis and morphology of the disease.*****

20. Enumerate the risk factors for atherosclerosis.

Discuss briefly the pathogenesis and morphology of atheroma.#####

21. a) 65/M presented with bleeding PR. Colonoscopy revealed a hard mass
in rectosigmoid. What is your diagnosis?
b) Discuss the various neoplasms arising in rectosigmoid, in detail about
morphological types and staging system.*****

22. Discuss the etiopathogenesis of viral hepatitis and in detail about

serological evaluation.#######

23. Describe the etiology, pathogenesis and morphology of infective

endocarditis. Write a note on non infected vegetations.####

24. 75 year male presented with dyspnea and sweating of sudden onset. He
is a known hypertensive and diabetic for 15 years. On examination he has
weak pulse. What is the diagnosis? Write about pathogenesis of the above
disorder. Write in detail about the morphological changes that occur.*****

25. 55 year old post menopausal women presented with hard lump 6 x 6 cm
in upper outer quadrant of left breast. FNA – revealed cluster of pleomorphic
a) Whatisyourclinicaldiagnosis?Discusstheetiopathogenesis,molecular
mechanism of carcinogenesis of the disease. Discuss about prognostic and
predictive factors of the disease.*****VVVIP QUESTION

26. Classify ovarian neoplasms. Discuss in detail about surface epithelial


27. A 50 year old male presents with cough, dyspnoea, and intermittent
haemoptysis for two months along with loss of weight and appetite. He is a
chronic smoker for the past 3 decades. CT chest revealed mass lesion in the
right lobe of lung.
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) Discuss in detail the classification, morphological features and the
Paraneoplastic syndromes associated with it.******

28. Define nephritic syndrome. Enlist the causes of nephritic syndrome.

Discuss in detail the pathogenesis and morphology in MPGN (Membrano
Proliferative Glomerulo Nephritis).

29. A 60 year old postmenopausal anorexic, cachectic woman has an

ulcerated and friable cervix that bleeds on touch. These features were
accompanied by foul smelling vaginal discharge.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Discuss in detail the aetiopathogenesis and morphological features of your
c) Enlist the investigations that will enable diagnosis.*******


General instructions:
Questions highlighted with yellow are must read questions.
Questions highlighted with green are most repetitive
Questions are grouped into set of 20 for better

Read the questions given first which are of great

importance. ( Total 38 questions)

1. Pathogenesis and morphology of silicosis.****

2. Pathology, morphology and clinical features of Hirschsprung’s disease.****
3. Risk factors and types of carcinoma breast.*****
4. Write about the pathogenesis and complication of diabetes mellitus.
7.Nephrotic syndrome.****
9. Grave’s disease.****
12. Bronchiectasis.****
13. Infective endocarditis.
14.Basal cell carcinoma.****
15. Atherosclerosis.****
16. Crohns disease.
17. Aneurysmal bone cyst.
18. Alcoholic liver disease.
19. Phaeochromocytoma.*****
20.Adult polycystic kidney disease.####
21. Sarcoidosis.
22. Cholelithiasis.
23. Liquid base cytology.####
24. Aneurysm.
25.Cushing syndrome.
26. Asbestosis****
27.Chronic pancreatitis.
28. Lupus nephritis.***
29. Peptic ulcer disease.
30. Dysgerminoma.****
31. Phyllodes tumor.####
32. Primary pulmonary tuberculosis.
33. Papillary carcinoma thyroid.
34. Mesothelioma.****
36. Ghons complex.
37.Pleomorphic adenoma.****
38.Osteogenic sarcoma.****
1. Pathogenesis of bronchial asthma.****
2. Barrett esophagus.****
3. Cholelithiasis.####
4. Renal cell carcinoma.####
5. Benign prostatic hypertrophy.**
6. Gynaecomastia.****
7. Cretinism.
8. Osteoclastoma (giant cell tumor).****
10. Cardio myopathy.****

1. Hamartomas.
2. Crescentic glomerulo nephritis.
3. Gross and Microscopic picture of semenoma testis.
4. Laboratory diagnosis of Hepatitis.####
5. Gross and Microscopic picture of amoebic dysentery colon. #####
6. Haemolytic – uremic syndrome.#####
7. Haemochromotosis.*****
8.APUD cell tumors (amine precussor uptake and decarboxylation).####
10. Astrocytoma.####

1. Duchenne muscular dystrophy. ****

2. Cartilage – forming tumors.
3.Malignant melanoma.****
4. Minimal change nephropathy.####
5. Hydatidiform mole.*****

1. Opportunistic lung infections in AIDS.****

2. Renal changes in diabetes mellitus.****
3. Metabolic cirrhosis.****
4. Thyroditis.****
5. Liposarcoma.****
6. Working formulation classification of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.
7. Pagets disease of bone.
8. Medulloblastoma.****
9. Etiopathogenesis of carcinoma cervix.****
10. Gauchers disease.****

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