Health Assessment Lec
Health Assessment Lec
Health Assessment Lec
Mental status – refers to a client’s level of cognitive a. Level of consciousness and mental status
functioning and emotional functioning.
Observe the client’s level of consciousness
Mental health – is an essential part of one’s total health -ask client’s name, address and phone number
and is more than just the absence of mental disabilities - ask the client to identify where they currently
or disorders. are, the day, and the
-approximate time
Mental disorder – is any condition characterized by
cognitive and emotional disturbances, abnormal Observe behavior and affect
behaviors, impaired functioning.
Observe dress and grooming
Factors Affecting Mental Health
Observe hygiene
Economic and social factors, such as rapid changes,
stressful work conditions, and isolations. Observe facial expressions, eye contact, and affect
Changes of impairments in the structure and function of Globally, one in seven 10-19-year-olds experiences a
other neurologic system mental disorder, accounting for 13% of the global
burden of disease in this age group.
Psychosocial development level and issues
Depression, anxiety and behavioral disorders are among
the leading causes of illness and disability among
Collecting Subjective Data: The Nursing Health adolescents.
Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29
Biographic data year-olds.
WHO’s Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean He declared that ego not only mediates between the
has developed a mental health training package for id’s abrupt impulses and the superego’s moral
educators. demands but that it can positively affect a person’s
development as more skills and experience are
Selected client concerns gained.
Risk for suicide associated with depression, suicidal Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Toddler years
tendencies, developmental crisis, lack of support from 18 months to three years)
systems, loss of significant others, and poor coping
mechanisms and behaviors Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt (Preschool years from three
to five)
Risk for delayed growth and development
associated with living in a confined unhealthy Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority (Middle school years
environment that restricts stimulation and activity. from six to 11)
Selected client concern Stage 5: Identity vs. Confusion (Teen years from 12 to
Actual client concerns
Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young adult years from
Anxiety associated with awareness of increasing 18 to 40)
memory loss
Stage 7: Generativity vs. Stagnation (Middle age from
Fear associated with memory loss 40 to 65)
Poor coping skills associated with sudden stroke Stage 8: Integrity vs. Despair (Older adulthood from 65
and loss of use of extremities to death)
Confusion associated with dementia, head injury, Piagets’s Theory of Cognitive Development
stroke, and alcohol or drug abuse
Dr. Jean Piaget described himself as a genetic
Decreased memory recall associated with dementia, epistemologist.
stroke, head injury, and alcohol or drug abuse
His theory is a description and an explanation of the
Inability to dress and groom self associated with growth and development of intellectual structures.
confusion and lack of caregiver resources/support.
He focused on how a person learns, not what the
person learns.
2 Types of Pain