Rustiarini Dan Sudiartana - Board Political Connection and Tax Avoidance Ownership Structure As A Moderating Variable

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Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol.

8(2), 2021, pp 128-144

Board Political Connection and Tax Avoidance: Ownership Structure as

A Moderating Variable
Ni Wayan Rustiarini1*, I Made Sudiartana2
Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
*Corresponding author: [email protected]


Article history: This study aims to examine the relationship between political connection and tax avoidance
Received date: 2 May 2021 and the role of ownership structure as a moderating variable. Corporate tax avoidance is
Received in revised form: 20 July 2021 calculated using effective tax rate (ETR). The research population is manufacturing
Accepted: 2 August 2021 companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2019. Using purposive
Available online: 18 September 2021
method this study gathered data from 119 companies or 357 company-year observations.
This study revealed that political connection has a negative effect on ETR. This finding
indicates that the political connections may lead to nepotism practices with aim to reduce the
corporate tax burden. The managerial ownership strengthens the negative relationship
Institutional ownership, managerial
between political connection and ETR. However, institutional ownership weakens the
ownership, public ownership, tax
avoidance negative relationship between political connection and ETR. Contrary to these two results,
public ownership cannot moderate the political connection and ETR.

Koneksi dewan direksi dan penghindaran pajak: struktur kepemilikan

Citation: sebagai variabel moderasi
Rustiarini, N.W., Sudiartana, I.M., (2021),
Board Political Connection and Tax Avoidance:
Ownership Structure as A Moderating Variabel, ABSTRAK
Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis, 8(2), Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara koneksi politik dan penghindaran
133-150 pajak dan peran struktur kepemilikan sebagai variabel pemoderasi. Penghindaran pajak
perusahaan dihitung dengan menggunakan effective tax rate (ETR). Nilai ETR yang lebih
rendah menunjukkan tingkat penghindaran pajak yang lebih tinggi. Populasi penelitian
adalah perusahaan manufaktur di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2017 s.d. 2019. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode purposive sampling untuk mendapatkan 119 sampel atau 357 data
Kata Kunci: selama tiga tahun pengamatan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa hubungan politik
Kepemilikan manajerial, kepemilikan berpengaruh negatif terhadap ETR. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa koneksi politik
institusional, kepemilikan publik, mengarah pada upaya nepotisme dengan maksud mengurangi beban pajak perusahaan.
penghindaran pajak, Kepemilikan manajerial memperkuat hubungan negatif antara hubungan politik dan ETR.
Namun, kepemilikan institusional melemahkan hubungan negatif antara koneksi politik dan
ETR. Bertentangan dengan kedua hasil ini, kepemilikan publik tidak dapat memoderasi
hubungan politik dan ETR.

1. Introduction (Kontan, 2019). Moreover, tax avoidance practice

The tax avoidance phenomenon is an issue that is leads to fraud (corruption) that involves tax officials'
widely discussed in various countries. The condition bribery (CNN, 2016). As a result, tax
is marked by the emergence of significant figures in avoidance practices focus on academics (Huseynov
the ‘Panama paper’ case and various global et al., 2017; Mahaputra et al., 2018) and invite public
companies, including Apple, Gucci, and Google and mass media attention (Kanagaretnam et al.,
(Davis et al., 2015). In Indonesia, one of the 2016). Based on this phenomenon, empirical studies
multinational cigarette companies is suspect’d of tax on tax avoidance need to be explored.
evasion through PT. Bentoel International Investama

Rustiarini, Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

Tax avoidance practice is a complex 2006; Wahab et al., 2021). However, other studies
phenomenon because it involves internal and found that the political connection reduces tax
external parties of the company. The company board avoidance (Ajili & Khlif, 2020; Putra &
determines tax management strategy from an Suhardianto, 2020). The empirical study's ambiguity
internal perspective, both the board of directors and motivates researchers to re-explore the role of the
commissioners (Wahab et al., 2021). Based on an board political connection to tax avoidance practices
external perspective, tax management involves and add a moderating variable to this relationship.
external parties such as institutional and community Third, several literature studies show that the
shareholders. Thus, politically connected company ownership structure (managerial, institutional, and
boards are an essential predictor in the choice of tax public ownership) influences corporate taxation
management strategies (Barford & Holt, 2013). policies. Nonetheless, other empirical studies
Meanwhile, the ownership structure plays a role in present conflicting research results. In managerial
aligning management and various stakeholders' ownership context, some studies have proven that
interests, mainly regarding saving corporate tax managerial ownership increasing tax avoidance
payments (Kovermann & Velte, 2019). (Boussaidi & Hamed, 2015; Multazam &
This research contributes to filling four research Rahamwaty, 2018), while other studies have found
gaps. First, the Directorate General of Taxes reports that managerial ownership has a negative effect on
that the manufacturing industry is the highest income tax avoidance (Pramudito & Sari, 2015; Sunarsih &
tax payer in Indonesia. It shows the existence of Oktaviani, 2016). Based on the institutional
corporate taxpayer compliance (, ownership perspective, institutional investors
2018). However, several empirical findings indicate perform a monitoring process to reduces the
tax avoidance practices in public companies. The tendency for aggressive tax behavior (Wahab et al.,
previous results by Mustika et al. (2018) reveal that 2021; Zemzem & Ftouhi, 2013). On the other hand,
the average cash effective tax rate is lower than the institutional shareholders want to minimize tax
statutory tax rate. Other studies also prove that tax payments to increase tax avoidance practices (Chen
payments are lower than the corporate tax rate et al., 2019; Huseynov et al., 2017; Khan et al.,
implemented in Indonesia (Mappadang et al., 2018; 2016). Other findings explain no relationship
Putra et al., 2019; Tanujaya & Valentine, 2020). This between institutional ownership and taxation
finding supports the phenomenon that shows many activities (Jamei, 2017; Sartaji & Hassanzadeh,
companies seeks to avoid taxes by reporting losses 2014). This study examines the role of managerial
continuously, one of which is the manufacturing and institutional ownership in the context of tax
industry (, 2016). avoidance.
Second, tax avoidance practices cannot be Fourth, this study also uses public ownership,
identified only based on company characteristics which has not been widely used in previous
(Francis et al., 2012). Considering tax avoidance as empirical studies. Several findings reveal that public
a politically charged topic (Barford & Holt, 2013), shareholders want companies to contribute to
several researchers have linked tax avoidance to development through fair tax payments (Puspita &
corporate executives' political affiliations. Harto, 2014; Schwartz & Duhigg, 2013). Thus, there
Nonetheless, the political connection factor has two is a negative relationship between public ownership
contradictory impacts: it can assist or create and tax avoidance (Chan et al., 2013). However,
nepotism (Adhikari et al., 2006). As a result, there other findings indicate that high public ownership
are inconsistencies in the previous results. Some increases companies' likelihood of tax avoidance
studies prove that political connection positively (Alexander, 2019; Bauwhede et al., 2003). Contrary
affects corporate tax aggressiveness (Adhikari et al., to these two groups of findings, Iqbal et al. (2020)
Rustiarini, Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

research failed to prove the relationship between management and shareholders, such as tax
public ownership and tax avoidance. This research avoidance. From an agency perspective, tax
can be a starting point for further research on public aggressiveness creates agency conflicts between
ownership in public companies' tax evasion practices shareholders' interests, management, and possible
in Indonesia. tax risks. The existence of information asymmetry
This study aims to prove ownership structures' between principal and agent increases management
role, namely managerial, institutional, and public opportunities to do tax avoidance. In this case,
ownership, as moderating variables between effective corporate governance is needed to monitor
political connection and tax avoidance. Corporate management performance. From a tax-avoidance
tax avoidance practices are calculated using the perspective, corporate governance plays a role in
Effective Tax Rate (ETR) indicator. The lower ETR aligning stakeholders' interests in optimizing
shows the rate of higher tax avoidance. This study company performance, primarily to streamline
uses 119 manufacturing companies on the Indonesia corporate tax payments (Kovermann & Velte, 2019).
Stock Exchange for three years of observation. The
test results show that the political connection has a Political connection and tax avoidance
negative effect on ETR. In connection with the Tax avoidance is an act of tax planning by
moderating variable's role, managerialownership taking advantage of existing regulatory weaknesses
strengthens the negative relationship between (Wang et al., 2020). The board of directors has a
political connection and ETR. Meanwhile, central role in managing company resources,
institutional ownership weakens the negative including selecting an efficient tax management
relationship between political connection and ETR. strategy to minimize taxable income (Frank et al.,
Contrary to these two results, public ownership 2009; Wahab et al., 2017). This strategy requires the
cannot moderate the political connection and ETR board of directors to manage taxes or take advantage
relationship. of tax authorities' affiliations (Taylor & Richardson,
The results contribute to theory and practice. 2014).
Theoretically, these findings contribute to corporate Five conditions explain that the board of
tax management literature, mainly political directors with political connections tends to practice
connections in tax management strategies. This more aggressive tax management (Kim & Zhang,
study also provides an understanding of the role of 2016). First, companies with political connections
ownership structure in tax management. In practice, are usually protected by politicians to have a lower
these findings help manufacturing company risk of tax audit detection and avoid future litigation
management to understand the impact of ownership risks (Ajili & Khlif, 2020). Second, the company's
structure on corporate tax management policies. ability to access information regarding
Ownership structure plays a vital part in positioning implementing future tax regulations allows
the interests of stakeholders and shareholders. companies to implement tax strategies (Wahab et al.,
2017). Political connections allow companies to
2. Literature review and hypotheses obtain information regarding tolerance for
development aggressive tax management (Ajili & Khlif, 2020;
Agency theory Faccio, 2016). Third, the market demands little
Agency theory discusses a contract between transparency of companies with political affiliations.
agent and principal. This contract aims to regulate As a result, it is difficult for regulators to identify its
the rights and obligations between the two parties actual financial condition (Christensen et al., 2015).
(Jensen & Meckling, 1976). Agency conflicts begin Fourth, companies can reduce political costs to
to emerge when appears different interests between become tax aggressive (Faccio, 2016). Fifth, a
Rustiarini, Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

company with political affiliation allows the Studies about managerial ownership and tax
company to take risks, one of which is related to avoidance still show conflicting findings. The
aggressive tax management. empirical study found that managerial ownership
Some literature reveals that boards of directors significantly affects corporate tax aggressiveness
of companies with political affiliations tend to (Multazam & Rahamwaty, 2018). Managerial
engage in higher tax evasion activity. Managers are ownership has also positively correlated with the
not burdened with strict regulations and have a effective tax rate (Boussaidi & Hamed, 2015). Other
higher chance of avoiding tax control (Habib et al., findings reveal that managerial ownership
2017). This condition creates opportunities for decreasing tax avoidance (Pramudito & Sari, 2015).
companies to minimize tax payments. Political This condition indicates that management's share
affiliation also reduces the risk of companies being ownership can increase optimal supervision and
exposed by the media for tax evasion (Christensen et influence tax avoidance policies (Sunarsih &
al., 2015). If these actions are detected, politically Oktaviani, 2016). Contrary to previous studies, other
connected companies are also likely to avoid harsh researchers have failed to prove a relationship
penalties (Li et al., 2016). Political affiliation causes between managerial ownership and tax avoidance
tax authorities not to enforce tax compliance (Jamei, 2017; Tijjani & Peter, 2020). This study
effectively (Lin et al., 2018). Therefore, companies assumes that managerial ownership becomes a
that are connected politically tend to adopt a more strong incentive for management to make decisions
aggressive tax strategy (Kim & Zhang, 2016; Wahab that maximize the company's wealth, including their
et al., 2017), as well as making tax payments that are wealth. Management has the authority and
much lower than other companies (Adhikari et al., opportunity to make decisions that benefit
2006; Taylor & Richardson, 2014). Thus, the themselves (Mustapha & Ahmad, 2011). The
following hypothesis is formulated: hypothesis formulated is:
Ha1: Political connection has a negative effect on the Ha2: Managerial ownership strengthens the negative
ETR. relationship between political connections and ETR.

Political connection, managerial ownership, and Political connection, institutional ownership, and
tax avoidance tax avoidance
Managerial ownership is share ownership by Institutional ownership is one of the
internal company parties who actively make organizational governance elements that oversee its
company business decisions, such as the board of operational activities (Kovermann & Velte, 2019).
commissioners and directors. A literature review The large volume of shareholding motivates
shows that managerial ownership plays a role in institutional investors to monitor management
positioning management and shareholders' interests actions. Institutional shareholders are seen to
(Jensen & Meckling, 1976). However, it is the fact exercise optimal control over management actions,
that management's interests often dominate, thus particularly those related to tax avoidance (Ying et
creating agency problems. The existence of share al., 2015). Institutional investors also have the power
ownership by board members, directors, and to discipline managers by preventing tax planning
commissioners encourages them to protect their activities. Other studies also reveal that institutional
financial interests (Boussaidi & Hamed, 2015). As a ownership significantly reduces the effective tax
result, management can make decisions that rate. The greater the institutional ownership, the tax
optimize their benefits (Gotti et al., 2012), mainly in policy is less aggressive (Wahab et al., 2021;
tax avoidance practices. Zemzem & Ftouhi, 2013). Other studies have failed
Rustiarini, Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

to prove a relationship between institutional legal provisions (Alexander, 2019) and does not
ownership and tax evasion (Tijjani & Peter, 2020). damage the company's reputation (Christensen et al.,
This study predicts that institutional ownership 2015). As a result, public ownership motivates
reduces the positive effect of political connections company management to manage revenue
on tax avoidance. Institutional shareholders have opportunistically (Bauwhede et al., 2003).
large shareholdings. This characteristic focuses them In the relationship between political connection
on achieving long-term-oriented performance and tax avoidance, it is predicted that public
(Khurana & Moser, 2012). Also, shareholders are ownership reduces the influence of political
concerned about the impact of tax avoidance connection on tax avoidance. When a company
practices on the company's reputation, mainly if shares ownership with the public, the company must
detected by the tax authorities (Hanlon & Heitzman, implement public accountability (Khan et al., 2016).
2010). Tax avoidance detected by tax authorities High public ownership increases stakeholder
results in various risks, such as increasing tax pressure for companies to carry out financial
obligations, paying fines, and even damaging the management transparently and accountable,
company's reputation (Hanlon & Heitzman, 2010). including paying taxes. If companies practice tax
Researchers assume that institutional shareholders avoidance, this action can trigger public anger and
as the principal prefer to avoid the risks posed by tax assume that it does not contribute to the state
avoidance. Thus, institutional shareholders' (Schwartz & Duhigg, 2013).
involvement in monitoring activities reduce the Also, tax avoidance practices can increase
influence of political connections on tax avoidance: corporate risk (Scholes et al., 2014). Thus, there is a
Ha3: Institutional ownership weakens the negative negative relationship between public ownership and
relationship between political connection and ETR. tax avoidance (Chan et al., 2013). This study predicts
that public ownership reduces the positive effect of
Political connection, public ownership. and tax political connection and tax avoidance. Thus, the
avoidance hypothesis formulated is:
Public ownership is the shares owned by public Ha4: Public ownership weakens the negative
investors, both individual and institutional (Michel relationship between political connection and ETR.
et al., 2014). In the tax avoidance context, there are
two conflicting views regarding the role of public Political Tax
ownership. First, public ownership represents the connection avoidance
community's interests as one of its stakeholders. This
ownership expects the company to contribute to
Ownership structure:
development by paying taxes. The greater the public 1. Managerial ownership
ownership, the lower the tax avoidance (Puspita & 2. Institutional ownership
3. Public ownership
Harto, 2014). Thus, there is a negative relationship
between public ownership and tax avoidance (Chan Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
et al., 2013).
The relationship between political connection
Contrary to this view, another view argues that
variables, managerial ownership, institutional
high public ownership increases companies' tax
ownership, public ownership, and tax avoidance is
avoidance (Abdullah et al., 2019). The community
presented in Figure 1.
has expectations of its future cash flows that increase
its market value (Bauwhede et al., 2003; Shevlin et
al., 2013). The community may allow companies to
implement tax planning strategies without violating
Rustiarini, Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

3. Research method results have the opposite function of tax avoidance

Population and sample (Gaaya et al., 2019). A higher ETR value indicates
The research population is all manufacturing lower tax avoidance behavior and vice versa (Frank
companies on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. This et al., 2009).
study used a purposive sampling method with the The moderating variable is ownership structure,
following criteria: a) registered manufacturing consisting of managerial ownership, institutional
companies for 2017-2019; b) the company's annual ownership, and public ownership. Managerial
report is accessible; c) the company has the data ownership is share ownership owned by the
needed; d) the data is normally distributed. Based on company's board of directors or commissioners
these criteria, there were 119 company samples or (Berke-Berga et al., 2017). The measurement of
357 observational data for the three years. managerial ownership is carried out using dummy
variables because of the limited number of
Measurement of research variables companies with this type of ownership. Using the
This study uses a political connection as an percentage of shares as a measurement indicator will
independent variable. Political connection is a result in many companies not meeting the specified
condition that indicates a political relationship criteria. If the directors and commissioners have
between the directors or commissioners and external share ownership, then the value is given 1, and vice
parties in the company, in which both parties benefit versa. Institutional ownership implies the percentage
from the political relationship. The criteria used to of shares owned by institutional investors, such as
identify the occurrence of political relations are if the banks, insurance companies, or investment
board of directors or board of commissioners is: 1) a companies. The measurement of this variable uses
member of the people's representative council, the percentage of shares owned by institutional
member of the executive, or an official in a investors compared to its total number in circulation
government institution, member of the military, or a (Tijjani & Peter, 2020). Public ownership is share
political party; 2) former members of the people's ownership by public investors (society). This
representative assembly, former members of the variable is measured using the percentage of shares
executive branch, or former officials in government owned by the public compared to its total number of
institutions, former members of the military, or shares in circulation (Michel et al., 2014).
former members of political parties (Antonius & This study uses two control variables, namely
Tampubolon, 2019; Supatmi et al., 2019). The company size and leverage. Larger companies tend
measurement uses a dummy variable, namely the to be more involved in tax avoidance than smaller
board of directors with a political connection, code companies (Gaaya et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2014;
1, and code 0 if otherwise. Richardson et al., 2013). However, other empirical
This study's dependent variable is tax studies suggest that large companies have less
avoidance, which is defined as a company activity aggressive tax behavior to maintain their reputation
aiming to reduce corporate tax payments (Hanlon & (Gaaya et al., 2019; Richardson et al., 2015).
Heitzman, 2010). The indicator used the Effective Therefore, this study controls for the role of size in
Tax Rate (ETR). ETR is seen as the correct corporate tax avoidance behavior. The firm size
measurement because it can detect indications of tax variable is measured using the natural logarithm of
deductions through loopholes in the applicable total assets (Gaaya et al., 2019). The second control
legislation and tax shelters (Dyreng et al., 2017). variable is leverage. Previous empirical studies
ETR is calculated by dividing the company's income revealed a positive relationship between leverage
tax expense with profit before tax (Gaaya et al., and tax avoidance (Badertscher et al., 2013;
2019; Tijjani & Peter, 2020). ETR measurement Richardson et al., 2015). In this study, the level of
Rustiarini, Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

corporate leverage is measured using the debt to variables also show a low mean value, namely 0.19
equity ratio, as tested in previous studies (Tijjani & (19.00%). Contrary to managerial ownership, the
Peter, 2020). institutional ownership variable has a relatively high
mean value of 63.24%. Meanwhile, the average size
Technical data analysis of public ownership is 24.17%. The tax avoidance
This study examines the ownership structure's variable proxied by ETR has an average value of
role, namely managerial ownership, institutional 0.19 (19.00%).
ownership, and public ownership. The ownership is Table 1. Descriptive statistics
a moderating variable in the relationship between Variable N Min. Max. Mean
political connection and tax avoidance. The data
Political 357 .00 1.00 .27 .44
analysis tool used to test the research hypothesis is connection
moderated regression analysis. The statistical model Managerial 357 .00 1.00 .19 .40
is formulated in the following equation: Institutional 357 10.41 99.21 63.24 21.69
Equation Model 1: Public 357 .79 70.60 24.17 14.34
Effective 357 -.33 .59 .19 .15
Equation Model 2: tax rate
TA=β0+β1PC+β2MO+β3IO+β4PO+β5PC*MO+β6 Firm size 357 11.17 29.11 14.97 4.43
Leverage 357 -6.58 9.85 2.77 2.21
PC*IO+β7PC*PO+β7Firm_Size+β8Lev+e …… (2) Valid N 357
Where: (listwise)
TA = Tax avoidance Source: Statistic test output (2021)
β0 = Constant Compared to the statutory tax rate in 2017-2019
β1- β7 = Regression coefficient of 25.00%, corporate tax payments are lower than
PC = Political connection the corporate tax rate applicable in Indonesia. This
MO = Managerial ownership figure indicates that there is tax avoidance in
IO = Institutional ownership manufacturing companies in Indonesia. Meanwhile,
PO = Public ownership firm size and leverage variables have an average of
PC* MO = The interaction between political 14.97 and 2.77.
connection and managerial
Hypothesis test results
This study conducted a classical assumption
PC*IO = The interaction between political
test, namely normality, multicollinearity,
connection and institutional
heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation. This study
excluded nine companies that had outlier data.
PC*PO = The interaction between political
Furthermore, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed
connections and public ownership
that all observed data were normally distributed (α>
Firm_Size = Firm size
0.05). Relates to the multicollinearity test, the results
Lev = Leverage
show a tolerance value of more than 0.1 and a VIF
e = Error
value of less than 10. Thus, there is no
4. Result and discussion multicollinearity in the regression model.
Descriptive statistics Heteroscedasticity testing was carried out using the
Table 1 shows that the political connection Glejser test. The test results show that all
variable has an average of 0.27. This figure reflects independent variables have a significance above
that the board political connection has a low value, 0.05 or no heteroscedasticity. The autocorrelation
which is only 27.00%. Managerial ownership test results showed that the Durbin-Watson value
Rustiarini, Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

was 1,894, with a du value of 1,863 and a 4-du value 0.000. These results indicate that a board of directors
of 2,137. Thus, there is no autocorrelation. After and commissioners with political connections can
performing the classical assumption test, the next increase tax avoidance. The lower the ETR value,
test is to test Model 1, presented in Table 2. the higher of company tax avoidance. Thus, the test
Table 2 shows that the board political results accept the first hypothesis. The next test is to
connection has a negative effect on ETR. The test the moderation effect formulated in Model 2,
political connection indicates the negative presented in Table 3.
coefficient direction with a significance value of
Table 2. Model 1 test results
Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients
Variables t Sig Conclusion
Beta Std.Error Beta
(Constant) 27.883 2.457 11.348 .000
PC -24.330 1.337 -.697 -18.201 .000 Ha1 is supported
Firm Size -.001 .001 -.019 -.482 .630
Leverage -.003 .003 -.050 -1.257 .210
R .698
R Square .487
Adjusted R Square .483
F significant value .000
Variable dependent: ETR
Source: statistics output (2021)
Table 3 presents the interaction test results for 51.10%. Other factors influence the remaining
the three ownership structure types: managerial 48.9%. Furthermore, this study identified the types
ownership, institutional ownership, and public of moderating variables, shown in Table 4. Table 4
ownership. The statistical test results present an shows that the interaction test results for the political
Adjusted R Square value of 51.10%. This figure connection and managerial ownership variable on
indicates that the independent and moderating ETR have a negative coefficient and a significance
variable influencing the tax evasion variable is value of 0.038.
Table 3 Model 2 test results
Variables Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients t Sig
B Std.Error Beta
(Constant) 30.431 3.936 7.732 .000
PC -47.561 9.108 -1.362 -5.222 .000
MO -1.910 2.045 -.049 -1.969 .049
IO .000 .000 -.035 -.674 .501
PO -.001 .001 -.097 -.934 .351
PC_MO -4.269 3.506 -.073 -2.148 .038
PC_IO .003 .001 .508 2.644 .009
PC_PO .003 .001 .278 1.217 .224
Firm Size .000 .001 .013 .324 .746
Leverage -.003 .003 -.043 -1.080 .281
R .724 Adjusted R Square .511
R Square .524 F significant value .000
Variable dependent: ETR
Source: statistics output (2021)
Where: IO = Institutional ownership
ETR = Effective tax rate PO = Public ownership
PC = Political connection Firm_Size = Firm size
MO = Managerial ownership Lev = Leverage
Ni Wayan Rustiarini, I Made Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

The results imply that managerial ownership connection variables affects the ETR (α = 0.009).
strengthens the negative relationship between Therefore, institutional ownership cannot be a
political connection and ETR. Testing the predictor or explanatory variable, only as a
managerial ownership moderation variable shows moderating variable. In this research model, the
that this variable can significantly affect the ETR, institutional ownership variable acts as pure
both alone (α = 0.049) and interacting with the moderation (Solimun et al., 2017). Thus, these
political connection variable (α = 0.038). This result findings are consistent with the third hypothesis.
implies that this variable has a dual role, namely, an The interaction test results between the political
explanatory/predictor variable and a moderating connection and public ownership variables on the
variable. Therefore, managerial ownership is a ETR reveal an insignificant statistical number,
quasi-moderation variable (Solimun et al., 2017). which is 0.224. This empirical finding proves that
Thus, the results support the second hypothesis. public ownership variables do not affect ETR, both
Testing the interaction variables of political alone (α = 0.351) and interacting with political
connection and institutional ownership on ETR has connections (α = 0.224). In this case, the public
a positive coefficient direction and a significance ownership variable does not act as an predictor
value of 0.009. This statistical result means that variable or moderating variable. Public ownership
institutional ownership weakens the political variables only have the potential as moderating
connection's negative influence and the ETR. The variables, both theoretically and empirically.
results also confirm that institutional ownership acts Therefore, public ownership is a potential
as pure moderation. The independent test results moderation or homologous moderation (Solimun et
show that institutional ownership does not al., 2017). Thus, these statistical results do not
significantly affect ETR (α = 0.501). The interaction support the fourth hypothesis.
between institutional ownership and political
Table 4 Summary of test result for moderation variable
Unstandardized Standardized
Variables coefficients coefficients t Sig Remark
B Std.Error Beta
PC → ETR -47.561 9.108 -1.362 -5.222 .000
MO → ETR -1.910 2.045 -.049 -1.969 .049 Ha2 Accepted
PC*MO → ETR -4.269 3.506 -.073 -2.148 .038
PC → ETR -47.561 9.108 -1.362 -5.222 .000
IO → ETR .000 .000 -.035 -.674 .501 Ha3 Accepted Pure Moderation
PC*IO → ETR .003 .001 .508 2.644 .009
PC → ETR -47.561 9.108 -1.362 -5.222 .000
Ha4 Homologiser
PO → ETR -.001 .001 -.097 -.934 .351
Rejected Moderation
PC*PO → ETR .003 .001 .278 1.217 .224
Source: Statistic output (2021)

This study also controls for firm size and leverage have a negative effect on ETR. This figure indicates
factors that are considered to influence tax avoidance that directors and commissioners with political
practices. The test results in Table 4.3 show that the connections increase tax avoidance practices. The
firm size variable has a significance value greater lower ETR value implies that companies tend to do
than 0.05, namely 0.746 and 0.281. Thus, these two tax avoidance. Companies with political affiliations
variables do not affect corporate tax avoidance. generally lack transparency in managing the
company (Kim & Zhang, 2016). It is not uncommon
Political connection and tax avoidance for these companies to receive guarantees or
Based on the testing of the first hypothesis preferential treatment from the government (Faccio,
result, the political connection board is proven to
Rustiarini, Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

2016). The existence of political connections will decisions that can maximize their wealth as
protect company management from the risk of shareholders (Kamardin, 2014).
litigation in the future Management experience in the In the context of taxation, managerial ownership
political realm also influences its strategy in can align the company's interests to make tax savings
managing its tax payments (Putra & Suhardianto, with the interests of management to improve the
2020). Politically connected board members will company's cash position. This study's results note
take advantage of this condition to benefit from tax that the percentage of managerial ownership in the
avoidance (Zhang et al., 2017). Company boards sample companies is relatively small. Chen and Yu's
affiliated with tax regulators also have a low risk of (2012) findings reveal that when management has a
tax detection (Kim & Zhang, 2016). Another minor shareholding in the company, its
advantage is that companies have a network to dysfunctional behavior increases. Management has
access tax regulations and law enforcement efforts an incentive to falsify disclosure of financial
(Ajili & Khlif, 2020). Previous empirical findings statements because reported earnings will form the
prove that companies have higher tax avoidance basis for determining the manager's remuneration. It
behavior when politically affiliated with tax is also the case with corporate tax management
regulators (Taylor & Richardson, 2014). Boards of policies. Managerial share ownership provides an
directors with political connections with tax opportunity for company managerial parties with
authorities tend to reduce tax compliance political connections to make financial decisions that
enforcement efforts (Lin et al., 2018). As a result, benefit the company and the management itself. The
companies with political affiliation have lower tax company board considers that tax avoidance
payment effectiveness than companies without measures will save the company's cash, using other
political affiliation (Adhikari et al., 2006; Kim & operational activities. Thus, managerial ownership
Zhang, 2016; Wahab et al., 2017). strengthens the negative relationship between the
board political connection and ETR.
Political connection, managerial ownership, and
tax avoidance Political connection, institutional ownership, and
The second hypothesis testing results show that tax avoidance
managerial ownership strengthens the negative Testing the third hypothesis proves that
relationship between the political and effective tax institutional ownership weakens the negative
rates. These statistics indicate that share ownership relationship between political connection and
by the company's internal parties also determines effective tax rate. Institutional shareholders
strategic decisions and company performance generally have high share ownership. In this study,
(Multazam & Rahamwaty, 2018). Managerial the average institutional share ownership is 63.24%
ownership encourages management to save their which indicates high ownership. In this case,
company's financial interests (Boussaidi & Hamed, institutional share ownership does not only minimize
2015). In this case, managerial ownership aligns the agency conflicts between principal and agent
interests of principals and agents and the company's (Wahab et al., 2021). Institutional investors have a
interests with themselves. Management's self- strong incentive to monitor management
interest often dominates in the company. As a result, performance. Institutional shareholders discipline
managers tend to make corporate strategic decisions and motivate managers to maximize firm value in
that optimize their benefits (Gotti et al., 2012), one the long term by preventing tax planning activities
of which is corporate tax management. The greater (Tijjani & Peter, 2020).
the percentage of shares owned by the company Institutional ownership also influences the
board, the greater the board's potential to make company's management strategy (Minnick & Noga,
Ni Wayan Rustiarini, I Made Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

2010). Institutional shareholders' presence improves implement tax planning strategies as long as they do
the monitoring function, particularly in fulfilling not violate legal provisions (Alexander, 2019).
corporate tax obligations and responsibilities as However, the results contradict the previous
good citizens (Wahab et al., 2021) conducted by result. This study failed to prove that public
institutional investors will increase as their holdings ownership reduces the negative effect of the board
increase (Ying et al., 2015). Institutional ownership political connection on tax avoidance. This condition
can require politically affiliated companies to is because public ownership does not substantially
properly carry out tax obligations not to lose political influence corporate strategic decisions, particularly
benefits or gains (Christensen et al., 2015; Mills et in the corporate tax management strategy. In this
al., 2012). Given that tax avoidance activities study, the average number of public ownership was
increase the company's potential and risk exposure 24.17%. This figure indicates that the community
(Scholes et al., 2014), institutional investors tend to has not played a significant role in the supervisory
avoid tax aggressive behavior (Wahab et al., 2021; function of management decision-making. Also,
Zemzem & Ftouhi, 2013). Shareholders focus more communities may not focus on corporate tax
on the impact of tax avoidance practices on company management strategies and ignore corporate tax
reputation (Hanlon & Heitzman, 2010). High avoidance practices. The public is generally more
institutional shareholders' presence encourages concerned with the profit that the company receives
companies to increase company loyalty to the to increase its shares' market value.
government through tax payments (Putra &
Suhardianto, 2020). The supervision process by 5. Conclusions
institutional ownership intensively can mitigate Tax avoidance practice is a complex
political connections on tax aggressiveness. Thus, phenomenon because it involves corporate boards
institutional investors can reduce the negative effect and shareholders. The presence of company boards
of the board political connection on corporate tax with political connections is considered in choosing
aggressive behavior. a tax management strategy. Also, tax management
policies must consider the ownership structure to
Political connection, public ownership, and tax align company management and stakeholders'
avoidance interests. This study aims to identify ownership
The fourth hypothesis's statistical testing results structures' role, namely managerial, institutional,
show that public ownership variables do not affect and public ownership, as moderating variables in the
the relationship between political connection and relationship between board political connection and
effective tax rate. Previous research has found two tax avoidance. Corporate tax avoidance practices are
different views regarding the role of public calculated using the ETR indicator. The lower the
ownership in tax avoidance. The first view states that ETR value, the higher the company tax avoidance.
public ownership represents the interests of society. The test results reveal that the political connection
Generally, people expect companies to contribute to lowers the ETR value and indicates high tax
the state through tax payments (Chan et al., 2013; avoidance. This finding also confirms that political
Puspita & Harto, 2014). However, another view connections within the company are not merely a
argues that high public ownership increases provision of assistance but also creates nepotism.
companies' likelihood of tax avoidance (Abdullah et Therefore, the process of political lobbying by
al., 2019). This condition is motivated by high public corporate boards reduce the company's tax burden.
expectations of future cash flows to increase its The presence of managerial ownership also
market value (Shevlin et al., 2013). Companies can strengthens the negative influence of political
connections on ETR. Thus, managerial ownership is
Rustiarini, Sudiartana / Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol. 8(2), 2021 pp. 128-144

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