Cloud Initiative 1-Lab Guide Lift and Shift Azure

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Securing Hybrid Cloud in Azure

Student Lab Guide

version 1
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15 December 2022
Table of Contents

LAB ACCESS USING THE AZURE PORTAL .................................................................... 5

Lab Environment ................................................................................................................................. 5

Azure Portal Lab Access....................................................................................................................... 5

LAB 1— SECURING HYBRID CLOUD IN AZURE ........................................................... 11

Objectives ............................................................................................................................................ 11

Lab Diagrams ....................................................................................................................................... 12

TASK 1 - CREATING A VIRTUAL NETWORK IN AZURE .................................................... 13

TASK 2 - DEPLOY LINUXSSH VIRTUAL MACHINE ........................................................... 22

TASK 3 - DEPLOY DVWA VIRTUAL MACHINE. .............................................................. 26

TASK 4 - DEPLOY FORTIGATE ACTIVE-PASSIVE ........................................................... 36

TASK 5 - CONFIGURE VNET PEERING FGAP.............................................................. 50

TASK 6 - CONFIGURE WORKLOAD SUBNET UDR ......................................................... 55

TASK 7 - CONFIGURE FORTIGATE ACTIVE PASSIVE ...................................................... 67

TASK 8 – CONFIRM VM OUTBOUND ACCESS .............................................................. 74

TASK 9 - DEPLOY FORTIGATE ACTIVE-ACTIVE ............................................................ 79

TASK 10 - CONFIGURE VNET PEERING FGAA ........................................................... 92

TASK 11 - CONFIGURE AZURE LB FOR INBOUND SSH .................................................. 97



TASK 14 - TEST INBOUND SSH TO LINUXSSH .............................................................. 113

TASK 15 - DEPLOYMENT OF FORTIWEB ACTIVE-ACTIVE ............................................... 114




 Lab Access Using the Azure Portal

Lab Access Using the Azure Portal

Lab Environment
This lab is configured to allow each student to have their own training lab environment using pre-
created Azure resource groups all in one shared Azure Subscription.

Azure Portal Lab Access

First, you must log in to the Azure Portal. Then, you will gain access to the lab environment.

To access the Azure Portal sign-in page

1. Open a browser, and then access the following URL:
2. Use the credentials shared with you by your instructors. If you didn’t find it, try looking at your junk
mail too. Look for an email with a subject of: MIS - Xperts Summit - Public Cloud Track - AZURE
LAB Credentials

Username: <user@domain received by email>

Password: <password provided by email>

3. Click Log in.

4. Click on your own account name in the upper right corner

5. Click on View Account (which will automatically open a new tab)

Securing Hybrid Cloud in Azure version 1 Student Lab Guide 5

 Lab Access Using the Azure Portal

Securing Hybrid Cloud in Azure version 1 Student Lab Guide 6

 Lab Access Using the Azure Portal

6. Click Change Password

7. Enter the necessary information to change your password then click Submit

Securing Hybrid Cloud in Azure version 1 Student Lab Guide 7

 Lab Access Using the Azure Portal

8. Upon seeing the following screen, this tab can be closed as the password was changed

9. If you want to change your Azure dashboard language you can follow the next steps:
9.1 Once you are logged into your Azure account click on gear icon in the upper right corner

9.2 Thenk click on Languaje + region

9.3 Then you can choose the language and regional format of your preference. In this case
“Español” to change the Dashboard language to Spanish.

Securing Hybrid Cloud in Azure version 1 Student Lab Guide 8

 Lab Access Using the Azure Portal

9.4 Click on Apply. A message will come up to ask if you are sure to change the language. Click
on OK and that will save the change you made.

10. Of note, in the Azure account, which is a new Azure subscription, only four resource groups will be
already there pre-created. All four will be used in this lab. No new ones can be created as
resource groups are used as the basis of the individualization of the security in the lab
11. Click on Resource Groups in the main page.

Securing Hybrid Cloud in Azure version 1 Student Lab Guide 9

 Lab Access Using the Azure Portal

12. Confirm the four resource groups are shown (with a different student number).

Securing Hybrid Cloud in Azure version 1 Student Lab Guide 10

 Lab Access Using the Azure Portal

LAB 1— Securing Hybrid Cloud in Azure

The customer Global Gas company is moving to Azure as a lift and shift. This is due to their main
datacenter and all its equipment is well passed its end of support by the various manufacturers.

The CIO is concerned about problems with the quality of communications and interruptions of the

The new CISO needs to improve the level of compliance and auditing in the multi-cloud environment

In preparation for moving the various workload, the IT network security department is setting up a
secure landing zone based on Azure Enterprise Scale using Fortinet.

You are part of this team and will be the main person deploying and configuring in Azure the various
network and security components.

• Configure Azure resources
• Familiarize with Fortinet architecture in Azure
• Gain an understanding of networking and security in Azure leveraging Fortinet

 Lab Access Using the Azure Portal

Lab Diagrams

Network Topology

Detailed Architecture

 Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

Our first step is going to be creation of a new VNET (Virtual Network) in the training Resource Group
for the workload VNET.

Creation steps
1. From the Azure Portal, click on Create a resource

2. A new page will be displayed. Search for Virtual Network in the search bar and hit enter.

 Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

3. Click on Virtual Network Azure service

 Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

4. In the new pane, click Create

 Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

5. The VNET wizard will be opened. Fill in using the table below
Subscription FTNT-Training
Resource group lcexp<your student number>-training
Instance Name workload-VNET
Region East US

6. Click on Next: IP Addresses or on the IP Addresses pane

 Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

7. Add into IPv4 address space and then click on “Add subnet”. The existing vNet
information must be deleted.

 Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

8. A new pane will open on the right side of the screen. Add a DMZ Network by adding
Subnet name DMZ-Protected-A
Subnet address range

9. Click on Add

 Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

10. The DMZ subnet will then appear in the VNET configuration

11. Click Next: Security or click on the Security pane, nothing will be changed there

 Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

12. Then click on Next: Tags or click on the Tags pane, there is nothing to change there either
13. Verify that everything is set accordingly and click Create

14. The deployment of the VNET will start

 Task 1 - Creating a Virtual Network in Azure

15. Upon completion of the deployment, go to the list of Resource Groups, select the training
Resource Group where after a few minutes the newly created VNET will appear (might require
web browser refresh).

16. The Workload VNET was successfully created

 Task 2 - Deploy linuxssh virtual machine

Task 2 - Deploy linuxssh virtual machine

Our next step is going to be creation of a new VM (Virtual Machine) into the workload VNET.

Creation steps
1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Create a resource

2. Click on Virtual machine on the page that will be displayed

Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below.
Some of those field will require additional click through wizards (Image, Size)

Subscription FTNT-Training
Resource group lcexp<your student number>-training
Virtual machine name linuxssh
Region (US) east US
Availability options No infrastructure redundancy required
Security Type Standard
Image Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS – Gen1 or Gen 2
Size Standard_B1s – 1vcpu, 1GiB memory
Administrator authentication type Password
Username azureadm
Password <choose your own>
Public inbound ports Allow selected ports
Select inbound ports SSH (22)

 Task 2 - Deploy linuxssh virtual machine

 Task 2 - Deploy linuxssh virtual machine

3. Click on Next: Disks (at the bottom) or click the Disk pane, there is nothing to change here
4. Click on Next: Networking (at the bottom) or click on the Networking pane.
5. In this Networking pane, change the Public IP address to None as shown

6. Click on Next: Management (at the bottom) or click on the Management pane, nothing will be
changed there

 Task 2 - Deploy linuxssh virtual machine

7. In the Monitoring pane, under Boot diagnostics select Enable with custom storage account. A
new drop-down box will appear. Select the pre-create storage account under Diagnostics storage

8. Click on Next: Advanced (at the bottom) or click the Advanced pane, there is nothing to change
9. Click on Next: Tags (at the bottom) or click the Tags pane, there is nothing to change here
10. Verify that everything is set accordingly and click Create

11. A new notification will appear saying the deployment is in progress

12. Upon completion of the deployment, go to the list of Resource Groups, select the training
Resource Group where after a few minutes the newly created VM will appear (might require web
browser refresh).
13. The linuxssh VM was successfully created

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

Our next step is going to be creation of the next VM (Virtual Machine) into the workload VNET. This
VM will be running the software DVWA.
From the project itself: D..n (word blocked out on purpose) Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) is a
PHP/MySQL web application that is d..n vulnerable. Its main goal is to be an aid for security
professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better
understand the processes of securing web applications and to aid both students & teachers to learn
about web application security in a controlled classroom environment.

The aim of DVWA is to practice some of the most common web vulnerabilities, with various levels of
difficulty, with a simple straightforward interface.

Creation steps
1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Create a resource

2. Click on Virtual machine on the page that will be displayed

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

3. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

Subscription FTNT-Training
Resource group lcexp<your student number>-training
Virtual machine name dvwa
Region (US) east US
Availability options No infrastructure redundancy required
Security Type Standard
Image Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS – Gen1
Size Standard_B2s – 2vcpu, 4GiB memory
Administrator authentication type Password
Username azureadm
Password <choose your own>
Public inbound ports Allow selected ports
Select inbound ports SSH (22), HTTP (80), HTTPS (443)

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

4. Click on Next: Disks (at the bottom) or click the Disk pane, there is nothing to change here
5. Click on Next: Networking (at the bottom) or click on the Networking pane.
6. In this Networking pane, change the Public IP address to None as shown

7. Click on Next: Management (at the bottom) or click on the Management pane, there is nothing to
change here

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

8. In the Monitoring pane, under Boot diagnostics select Enable with custom storage account. A
new drop-down box will appear. Select the pre-create storage account under Diagnostics storage

9. Click on Next: Advanced (at the bottom) or click the Advanced pane, there is nothing to change
10. Click on Next: Tags (at the bottom) or click the Tags pane, there is nothing to change here
11. Verify that everything is set accordingly and click Create

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

12. A new notification will appear saying the deployment is in progress

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

13. Upon completion of the deployment, click on Go to resource

14. The screen should look like this, if it does not yet, please wait around 5 minutes or so

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

15. In the Virtual machine left menu, scroll all the way down and select Serial console

16. Login with the previously created credentials (azureadm and the chosen password)

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

17. Install the docker subsystem by entering the following command:

sudo snap install docker

18. Next install DVWA by entering the following command:

sudo docker pull vulnerables/web-dvwa

19. Next configure DVWA to start using the following command (all in one line):
sudo docker run --restart=always --name dvwa -d -p 80:80

 Task 3 - Deploy dvwa virtual machine.

20. Confirm that DVWA installed correctly using the following command:
sudo docker container ls

21. The DVWA VM was successfully deployed

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

The next step is the deployment of the of the FortiGate firewalls (in Active-Passive mode) along with
associated network resources including the virtual network for the Internet Egress Hub.

Creation steps
1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Create a resource

2. Type Fortinet next to the search icon and press Enter.

3. The following results will appear, look at the FortiGate Marketplace Entry

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

4. In that same FortiGate entry, click on Create, then click on Active-Passive HA with ELB/ILB

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

5. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

Subscription FTNT-Training
Resource group lcexp<your student number>-fgtap
Region (US) east US
FortiGate Administrative Username azureadm
FortiGate password <choose your own>
FortiGate Name Prefix fgap
FortiGate Image SKU Pay As You Go
FortiGate Image Version Latest

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

6. Click on Next: Instance or click on the Instance pane

7. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

Size 2x Standard F4s

Availability Option Availability Set

8. Click on Next: Networking or click on the Networking pane

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

9. Click Create new under Virtual network

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

10. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

Name hub-VNET
Address range

Subnet name Address range


11. Click OK to return to the networking pane

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

12. Confirm information entered matches the screen below and then click Next: Public IP

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

13. Under External Load Balancer, click Create new which will open a new pane on the right

14. In the right pane named Create public IP address, select SKU Standard

15. Repeat step 13 and 14 for both FortiGate fgap-FGT-A management and FortiGate fgap-FGT-B

16. Click on Next: Public IP Verification at the bottom

17. Confirm the Public IP have been validated

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

18. Click on Next: Advanced at the bottom, there is nothing to change in the Advanced pane
19. On the Review + create pane, verify that everything is set accordingly and click Create

20. A notification of the deployment start will display

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

21. This template deploys several resources, expect 5 minutes for the deployment to complete

22. Since there is a limit of 200 route tables for each individual Azure Subscription, and that the route
table deployed by this template is not being used, it needs to be deleted.
23. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

24. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtap resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

25. Scroll all the way down and click on the name fgap-RouteTable-ProtectedASubnet

26. In the left Route table menu, click on Subnets

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

27. Click on the three dots … on the right side and then Dissociate

28. Confirm by clicking on Yes

29. The right pane should now say No results.

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

30. Go back to on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtaa resource group and then scroll all the way
down and select the route table named fgap-RouteTable-ProtectedASubnet

31. Click on Delete on the top menu

 Task 4 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Passive

32. Type in yes to confirm and then click Delete

33. A notification will appear

34. Upon completion, the deployment is now complete

 Task 5 - Configure VNET Peering FGAP

Task 5 - Configure VNET Peering FGAP

The next step is the configuration of the virtual network (VNET) peering between the Workload VNET
and the FortiGate FGAP VNET to allow for intercommunications between the two VNETs.

Configuration steps
1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

2. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtap resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

 Task 5 - Configure VNET Peering FGAP

3. In the resource group pane, scroll down and click on the name hub-VNET

4. In the Virtual network left menu, scroll down to click Peerings

5. In the right pane, click + Add

 Task 5 - Configure VNET Peering FGAP

6. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

This virtual network outbound-to-workload

Peering link name
Remote virtual network workload-outbound
Peering link name
Remote virtual network workload-VNET
Virtual network

7. At the bottom of the pane, click Add

 Task 5 - Configure VNET Peering FGAP

8. Confirm the peering status shows Connected as per the screenshot below, you might have to
wait a few minutes occasionally clicking the Refresh button:

9. Next navigate away from this pane by click on Resource groups in the upper left menu

10. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-training resource group

11. In the right pane, click on the name of the linuxssh Network interface

 Task 5 - Configure VNET Peering FGAP

12. In the left Network interface menu, scroll all the way down and click on Effective routes

13. Confirm the routing entry for the VNET peering is showing as per below. This view is very useful
for troubleshooting Azure routing issues.

14. The VNET peering is complete

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

The next step is the creation and configuration of the user defined route to force the traffic destined to
the Internet from the workload DMZ subnet to go out via the FortiGate firewalls.

Creation and configuration steps

1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

2. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-training resource group name itself to open a new
pane on the right.

3. Click on the + Create in the upper middle

4. In the Marketplace pane, search for Route Table

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

5. At the bottom of the Route table entry, click on Create and Route table

6. In the Create Route table pane, use the following information from the table to fill out the page as
showed in the image below

Name Workload-ROUTETABLE
Propagate gateway routes no

7. Click on Next: Tags at the bottom, there is nothing to change in the Tags pane
8. Click on Review + create at the bottom

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

9. Click on Create after confirming the information entered.

10. As before a prompt will show that the deployment is in progress. From this point forward in the lab
guide, this step will be omitted for brevity

11. From the deployment completion screen, click on Home in the upper right corner

12. Click on Resource groups

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

13. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtap resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

14. In the resource group pane, scroll down and click on the name fgap-internalLoadBalancer

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

15. In the left Load Balancer menu, click on Frontend IP configuration

16. Make note of the IP address assigned by Azure to the Load balancer ( in this example)

17. Click back on home and then Resource groups

18. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-training resource group name itself to open a new
pane on the right.

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

19. Scroll down and click on the name itself of the route table workload-ROUTETABLE

20. In the Route table menu on the left, click on Routes

21. In the right pane, click on + Add

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

22. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

Route name default

Address prefix destination IP Addresses
Destination IP address/CIDR ranges
Next hop type Virtual appliance
Next hop address

23. Click Add

24. Confirm the route was created properly as below

25. Scroll down on the Route table left menu to Subnets

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

26. Next click on + Associate

27. Use the following information from the table to fill out the right pane as showed in the image
below, then click Accept

Virtual network Workload-VNET

Subnet DMZ-Protected-A

28. Confirm the subnet association was successful as per the screen below:

29. Click on Home in the upper left corner

30. Click on Resource groups

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

31. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-training resource group

32. In the right pane, click on the name of the dvwa Network interface, the number that is part of the
name is random for each student.

33. In the left Network interface menu, scroll down to click on Effective routes

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

34. In the right Effective routes pane, confirm the user defined route previously defined as per below

35. Click on Home in the upper left corner

36. Click on Resource groups

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

37. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-training resource group

38. In the right pane, click on the name of the linuxssh Network interface. The numbers that are part
of the name are random.

 Task 6 - Configure Workload subnet UDR

39. In the left Network interface menu, scroll all the way down and click on Effective routes

40. In the right Effective routes pane, confirm the user defined route previously defined as per below

41. The user defined route has been deployed successfully

 Task 7 - Configure FortiGate Active Passive

Task 7 - Configure FortiGate Active Passive

The next step is the configuration of the FortiGate firewalls deployed in Active-Passive mode located
in the Inbound VNET.

Configuration steps
1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

2. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtap resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

3. In the right pane, click on the public IP named fgpa-FGT-A-MGMT-PIP

 Task 7 - Configure FortiGate Active Passive

4. Make note of the public IP address of the management interface of FortiGate fgap-FGT-A, in this example

5. Open a new web browser tab to https of that public IP address, in this
example, and log in using the credentials of azureadm and the previously chosen password.

6. Go back to the lcexp<your student number>-fgtap resource group

7. In the right pane, click on the public IP named fgpa-FGT-B-MGMT-PIP

 Task 7 - Configure FortiGate Active Passive

8. Make note of the public IP address of the management interface of FortiGate fgap-FGT-B, in this example

9. Open another new web browser tab to https of that public IP address, in
this example, and log in using the credentials of azureadm and the previously chosen password.

10. On both FortiGate web browser tabs dismiss the FortiGate Setup prompt by clicking Later

11. Dismiss the subsequent prompt as well by clicking OK

 Task 7 - Configure FortiGate Active Passive

12. Near the upper right corner, confirm the FortiGate selected says HA: Primary. If it says HA:
Secondary, change to the web browser tab of the other FortiGate

13. In the left FortiGate menu of the primary FortiGate, click on System and then on HA, ensure that
both FortiGate are showing under the status of Synchronized. This typically takes 5 minutes.

14. In the same FortiGate menu, click on Network, then Static Routes, then + Create New

 Task 7 - Configure FortiGate Active Passive

15. Use the following information from the table to fill out the New Static Route as showed in the
image below then click OK

Destination Subnet

Gateway Address
Interface port2

16. Confirm the routing entries with the screen below

17. In the same FortiGate menu, click on Policy and Objects, then Firewall Policy, then + Create

 Task 7 - Configure FortiGate Active Passive

18. Use the following information from the tables to fill out the Policy as showed in the image below
then click OK

Name Default-Outbound
Incoming Interface port2
Outgoing Interface port1
Source Create New Address
Name workload-VNET
Type Subnet
Destination all
Service ALL
AntiVirus Enabled with default
Web Filter Enabled with default
DNS Filter Enabled with default
Application Control Enabled with default
IPS Enabled with default
SSL Inspection certificate-inspection
Log Allowed Traffic All Sessions

 Task 7 - Configure FortiGate Active Passive

19. Confirm the Policy created with the screen below

20. You have completed the configuration of the FortiGate Active Passive firewalls

 Task 8 – Confirm VM outbound access

Task 8 – Confirm VM outbound access

The next step is the confirmation of the traffic destined to the Internet from the VMs in the workload
DMZ subnet to go out via the FortiGate FGAP firewalls located in the outbound VNET.

Creation and configuration steps

1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

2. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-training resource group name itself to open a new
pane on the right.

3. In the right pane, click on the name of the dvwa Virtual Machine

 Task 8 – Confirm VM outbound access

4. In the Virtual machine left menu, scroll all the way down and select Serial console

5. Login with the previously created credentials (azureadm and the chosen password)

6. Next confirm the VM has outbound access by using the command below

7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for VM linuxssh

 Task 8 – Confirm VM outbound access

8. Next in the same FortiGate menu, click Log & Report then Forward Traffic. Confirm the traffic is
indeed passing through the FortiGate

9. In the same FortiGate menu, click on Policy and Objects, then Firewall Policy, then confirm the
number of bytes transferred is also increasing in that particular security policy

10. Due to service quota limitations in the Azure training account, the entire content of the FGAP
resource groups needs to be deleted. In a normal production environment, this would not happen.
11. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

12. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtap resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

 Task 8 – Confirm VM outbound access

13. Click on the ⬜ (square) next to the Name header to automatically select all the items in the
resource group

14. Click on Delete on the top menu

 Task 8 – Confirm VM outbound access

15. Type in yes to confirm and then click Delete

16. A notification will appear (omitted for brevity)

17. Upon completion, this task is now complete

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

The next step is the deployment of the of the FortiGate firewalls (in Active-Active) along with
associated network resources including the virtual network for the Internet Ingress Hub.

Deployment steps
1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Create a resource

2. Type Fortinet next to the search icon and press Enter.

3. The following results will appear, look at the FortiGate Marketplace Entry

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

4. In that same FortiGate entry, click on Create, then click on Active-Active LoadBalanced with

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

5. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

Subscription FTNT-Training
Resource group lcexp<your student number>-fgtaa
Region (US) east US
FortiGate Administrative Username azureadm
FortiGate password <choose your own>
FortiGate Name Prefix fgaa
FortiGate Image SKU Pay As You Go
FortiGate Image Version Latest

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

6. Click on Next: Instance or click on the Instance pane

7. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

Size 2x Standard F2s

8. Click on Next: Networking or click on the Networking pane

9. Click Create new under Virtual network

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

10. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below,
removing any default information

Name inbound-VNET
Address range

Subnet name Address range


11. Click OK to return to the networking pane

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

12. Confirm information entered matches the screen below and then click Next: Public IP

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

13. Under Public IP address, click Create new which will open a new pane on the right

14. In the right pane named Create public IP address, select SKU Standard then click OK to return to
the left pane

15. Click on Next: Public IP Verification at the bottom, then click on Accept
16. Confirm the Public IP has been validated

17. Click on Next: Advanced at the bottom, there is nothing to change in the Advanced pane
18. Click on Next: Review + create at the bottom

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

19. On the Review + create pane, verify that everything is set accordingly and click Create

20. This template deploys several resources, expect 5 minutes for the deployment to complete

21. Since there is a limit of 200 route tables for each individual Azure Subscription, and that the route
table deployed by this template is not being used by this lab, it needs to be disassociated and then

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

22. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

23. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtaa resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

24. Scroll all the way down and click on the name fgaa-RouteTable-ProtectedASubnet

25. In the left Route table menu, click on Subnets

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

26. Click on the three dots … on the right side and then Dissociate

27. Confirm by clicking on Yes

28. The right pane should now say No results.

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

29. Go back to on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtaa resource group and then scroll all the way
down and select the route table named fgaa-RouteTable-ProtectedASubnet

30. Click on Delete on the top menu

 Task 9 - Deploy FortiGate Active-Active

31. Type in yes to confirm and then click Delete

32. A notification will appear

33. Upon completion, the deployment is now complete

 Task 10 - Configure VNET Peering FGAA

Task 10 - Configure VNET Peering FGAA

The next step is the configuration of the virtual network (VNET) peering between the Workload VNET
and the FortiGate FGAA VNET to allow for intercommunications between the two VNETs.

Configuration steps
34. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

35. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtaa resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

 Task 10 - Configure VNET Peering FGAA

36. In the resource group pane, scroll down and click on the name inbound-VNET

37. In the Virtual network left menu, scroll down to click Peerings

38. In the right pane, click + Add

 Task 10 - Configure VNET Peering FGAA

39. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

This virtual network inbound-to-workload

Peering link name
Remote virtual network workload-inbound
Peering link name
Remote virtual network workload-VNET
Virtual network

40. At the bottom of the pane, click Add

 Task 10 - Configure VNET Peering FGAA

41. Confirm the peering status shows Connected as per the screenshot below, you might have to
wait a few minutes occasionally clicking the Refresh button:

42. Next navigate away from this pane by click on Resource groups in the upper left menu

43. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-training resource group

44. In the right pane, click on the name of the linuxssh Network interface

 Task 10 - Configure VNET Peering FGAA

45. In the left Network interface menu, scroll all the way down and click on Effective routes

46. Confirm the routing entry for the VNET peering is showing as per below. This view is very useful
for troubleshooting Azure routing issues.

47. The VNET peering is complete

 Task 11 - Configure Azure LB for inbound SSH

Task 11 - Configure Azure LB for inbound SSH

The next step is the creation of the appropriate Azure Load Balancer rules to permit inbound SSH
traffic destined to the linuxssh VM.

Configuration steps
1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

2. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtaa resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

3. Click on the Load Balancer name of fgaa-ExternalLoadBalancer in the left pane

 Task 11 - Configure Azure LB for inbound SSH

4. In left Load balancer menu, click on Load balancing rules

5. Click on + add on the right pane to create a new load balancing rule

 Task 11 - Configure Azure LB for inbound SSH

6. Use the following information from the table to fill out the page as showed in the image below

Name ssh-to-linuxssh
Frontend IP address fgaa-ELB-ExternalSubnet-FrontEnd
Backend pool fgaa-ELB-ExternalSubnet-BackEnd
Port 22
Backend port 2022
Health probe lbprobe (TCP:8008)
Session persistence Client IP and protocol
Floating IP Enable

7. Click on Add at the bottom of the pane

 Task 11 - Configure Azure LB for inbound SSH

8. Confirm the load balancing rule added with the screen below

9. You have completed this task

 Task 12 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active config synchronization

Task 12 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active

config synchronization

The next step is the configuration of the configuration synchronization of the FortiGate firewalls
deployed in Active-Active mode located in the Inbound VNET by leveraging a FortiOS feature typically
used in autoscaling groups or VM scale sets. The feature will work even though this deployment does
not use autoscaling groups / VM scale sets.

Configuration steps
1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

2. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtaa resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

3. Click on the Load Balancer name of fgaa-ExternalLoadBalancer in the left pane

 Task 12 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active config synchronization

4. In left Load balancer menu, click on inbound NAT rules

5. In the right pane, make note of the Frontend IP and Frontend port for both FortiGate fgaa-FGT-A
and FortiGate fgaa-FGT-B for the HTTPS admin access

 Task 12 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active config synchronization

6. Open a new web browser tab to https of the FrontEnd IP address along with the port for FortiGate
fgaa-FGT-A, in this example, and log in using the credentials of
azureadm and the previously chosen password.

7. Open another web browser tab to https of the FrontEnd IP address along with the port for
FortiGate fgaa-FGT-B, in this example, and log in using the
credentials of azureadm and the previously chosen password.

 Task 12 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active config synchronization

8. On both FortiGate web browser tabs dismiss the FortiGate Setup prompt by clicking Later

9. Dismiss the subsequent prompt as well by clicking OK

On the Dashboard Status of FortiGate fgaa-FGT-A, confirm Auto Scaling is not configured and then
open a CLI Console prompt by clicking on the upper right icon of >_

10. In the CLI Console enter the following commands:

config system auto-scale
set status enable
set sync-interface "port2"
set role primary

 Task 12 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active config synchronization

11. On the Dashboard Status of FortiGate fgaa-FGT-B, confirm Auto Scaling is also not configured
and then open a CLI Console prompt by clicking on the upper right icon of >_

12. In the CLI Console enter the following commands:

config system auto-scale
set status enable
set sync-interface "port2"
set role secondary
set primary-ip

13. Exit out of the CLI Console then confirm the secondary mode of Autoscale configuration of
FortiGate fgaa-FGT-B on the upper right corner of the Dashboard Status. This might require a
wait of approximately 5 minutes

14. On the web browser tab of FortiGate fgaa-FGT-A also exit out of the CLI console and confirm the
Autoscale configuration

15. This task is now complete

 Task 13 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active Routing and Security Policies

Task 13 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active

Routing and Security Policies

The next step is the configuration of the configuration the static routes and security policies of the
FortiGate firewalls deployed in Active-Active mode located in the Inbound VNET. This will allow
inbound traffic to the DMZ protected Subnet located in the workload VNET

Configuration steps
1. From the main Azure Portal, click on Resource groups

2. Click on the lcexp<your student number>-fgtaa resource group name itself to open a new pane
on the right.

3. Click on the Load Balancer name of fgaa-ExternalLoadBalancer in the left pane

 Task 13 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active Routing and Security Policies

4. In left Load balancer menu, click on inbound NAT rules

5. In the right pane, make note of the Frontend IP and Frontend port for FortiGate fgaa-FGT-A for the
HTTPS admin access

6. Open a new web browser tab to https of the FrontEnd IP address along with the port for FortiGate
fgaa-FGT-A, in this example, and log in using the credentials of
azureadm and the previously chosen password.

 Task 13 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active Routing and Security Policies

7. In the left FortiGate menu of fgaa-FGT-A click on Network, then Static Routes, then + Create

8. Use the following information from the tables to fill out the New Static Route as showed in the
image below then click OK

Destination Subnet

Gateway Address
Interface port2

9. Confirm the routing entries with the screen below

 Task 13 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active Routing and Security Policies

10. In the same FortiGate menu, click on Policy and Objects, then Virtual IPs, then + Create New

11. Use the following information from the table to fill out the New Virtual IP as showed in the image
below then click OK

Name Public-LB-IP
Interface Any
Type Static NAT
External IP address/range FGAA LB Frontend IP ( in this example
from step 5)
Map to IPv4 address/range
Port Forwarding TCP
Port Mapping Type On to one
External service port 2022
Map to IPv4 22

 Task 13 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active Routing and Security Policies

12. Confirm the Virtual IP created with the screen below:

13. In the same FortiGate menu, click on Policy and Objects, then Firewall Policy, then + Create

 Task 13 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active Routing and Security Policies

14. Use the following information from the table to fill out the Policy as showed in the image below
then click OK

Name ssh-to-linux
Incoming Interface port1
Outgoing Interface port2
Source all
Destination Public-LB-IP (Virtual IP)
Service SSH
Log Allowed Traffic All Sessions

 Task 13 - Configure FortiGate Active-Active Routing and Security Policies

15. Confirm the Policy created with the screen below

16. Open another web browser tab to https of the FrontEnd IP address along with the port for
FortiGate fgaa-FGT-B, in this example, and log in using the
credentials of azureadm and the previously chosen password.
17. Click on Log in Read-Only

18. In the left FortiGate menu of fgaa-FGT-B click on Network, then Static Routes. Confirm the
static route created on FortiGate fgaa-FGT-A is synchronized over to FortiGate fgaa-FGT-B

19. In the same FortiGate menu, click on Policy and Objects, then Firewall Policy. Confirm the
Policy created on FortiGate fgaa-FGT-A synchronized over to FortiGate fgaa-FGT-B

20. You have completed this task

 Task 14 - Test inbound SSH to linuxssh

Task 14 - Test inbound SSH to linuxssh

The next step is to test the entire configuration by confirming SSH access into linuxssh VM is

Task steps
1. Open an SSH connection from you own laptop to the FrontEnd IP address ( in this
example). The screenshot below show the popular PuTTY software, but any suitable SSH client
can be used.

2. Confirm you can login as per below

3. This task is now complete

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-


The next step is the deployment of the FortiWeb web application firewall deployed in Active-Active
mode located in the Inbound VNET. This deployment is done using an ARM template located in the
Fortinet GitHub.

Deployment steps
1. Open a web browser tab to go to the following URL:

2. Download the file to your local machine

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

3. Unzip the zip file to a suitable folder

4. Located in that folder will be the template file deploy_fwb_ha.json

5. From the main Azure Portal, click on Create resource

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

6. Enter Template deployment in the search box then click on the first inline result that comes up

7. Click on Create on the Template deployment page

8. Click on Build your own template in the editor

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

9. Click on Load file

10. Open the file deploy_fwb_ha.json previously downloaded

11. Click Save at the bottom left once the template uploaded successfully

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

12. To fill in the template parameters, the Subscription Id and Tenant Id will have to be manually
discovered. This situation is rather common with customers, thus why these steps were devised

13. Open a new browser tab to then click on the upper right triple bar icon (≡) to
open the left Azure menu, then click on All services

14. Click on Subscriptions

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

15. Copy and paste the Subscription ID to a text editor or similar tool

16. In the same web browser tab, click on the upper right triple bar icon ( ≡) to open the left Azure
menu, then click on Azure Active Directory

17. Copy and paste the Tenant ID to a text editor or similar tool

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

18. Use the following information from the table to fill out the template as showed in the image below
then click Review + Create at the bottom

Subscription FTNT-Training
Resource group lcexp<your student number>-fwb
Region (US) east US
Subscription ID <from step 15>
Tenant ID <from step 17>
Restapp ID <from the email sent>
Restapp Secret <from the email sent>
Resource Name Prefix fwbha
Vm Sku Standard_F2s_v2
Vm Admin Username azureadm
Vm Authentication Type password
Vm Admin password <choose your own>
Vm Ssh Public Key <blank>
Vm image type OnDemand
Vm image Version latest
Vm Count 2
Vnet New Or Existing existing
Vnet Resource Group lcexp<your student number>-fgtaa
Vnet Name inbound-VNET
Vnet Address Prefix
Vnet Subnet1 Name ExternalSubnet
Vnet Subnet1 Prefix
Vnet Subnet2 Name InternalSubnet
Vnet Subnet2 Prefix
Load Balancer Type Public
Fortiweb Ha Mode active-active-high-volume
Fortiweb Ha Group Name fwbaa
Fortiweb Ha Group Id 2
Fortiweb Ha Override disable
Storage Account Name <blank>
Storage Access Key <blank>
Storage License Container Name <blank>

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

19. Confirm that validation passed then click Create at the bottom

20. Once the deployment is complete, click Go to resource group

21. In the right pane, click on the name fwbha-vm1

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

22. In the right pane under tags, make note of the ha-role of the FortiWeb VM, whether it is Slave or
23. In the left Virtual machine menu, click on Networking

24. In the right Networking pane, copy the NIC Public IP of fwbha-external-nic1

25. Open a web browser tab to https of that public IP address and port 8443, in this example, and log in using the credentials of azureadm and the
previously chosen password.

26. Repeat steps 21 to 25 to open an additional web browser tab to the public IP address of

 Task 15 - Deployment of FortiWeb Active-Active

27. On the web browser page of the Slave FortiWeb VM (fwbha-vm1 in this example) confirm that
both cluster members are displayed in the System Information widget,
and that the status of HA: Secondary is displayed in the upper right corner.

28. On the web browser page of the Master FortiWeb VM (fwbha-vm2 in this example) confirm that
both cluster members are displayed in the System Information widget,
and that the status of HA: In sync is displayed in the upper right corner.

29. This task is now complete

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active

Routing and Policies

The next step is the configuration of the static routes and content routing policies of the FortiWeb web
application firewalls deployed in Active-Active mode located in the Inbound VNET.

Configuration steps
1. Navigate to the lcexp<your student number>-fwb resource group, then click on the name fwbha-
loadbalance Load Balancer.

2. In the left Load balancer menu, click on Frontend IP configuration, and then make note of the IP
address in the right pane ( in this example). This will be used later.

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

3. Using the FortiWeb Master web GUI used in task 15 or re-open it in a web browser tab to https of
the public IP address and port 8443 of the FortiWeb Master member. in
this example, and log in using the credentials of azureadm and the previously chosen password.
This is not using the load balancing FrontEnd IP.

4. On that web browser page, in the left FortiWeb menu, click on Network, then click on Route and
click on +Create New

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

5. Use the following information from the tables to fill out the New Static route that will allow Fortiweb
to reach workload subnet. Then click on OK
Destination IP
Gateway Address
Interface port2

6. On that web browser page, in the left FortiWeb menu, click on Network, then Virtual IP, then
+Create New

7. The Create Virtual IP form will be opened. Fill in using the table below then click OK
Name dvwa-virtual-ip
IPv4 Address <IP address from step 2>/32
IPv6 Address ::0
Interface port1

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

8. In the same left FortiWeb menu, click on Server Objects, then expand Server, then click Virtual
Server, then click +Create New

9. In the Edit Virtual Server pane, enter dvwa-virtual-server as name then click OK. Click on
+Create New in the same right pane

10. In the New Virtual Server item right pane, select the Virtual IP dvwa-virtual-ip then click OK

11. In the same Edit Virtual Server pane, click on +Create New to create an additional entry

12. In the New Virtual Server item right pane, enable Use Interface IP and then select port1 then
click OK

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

13. You will see the following configuration:

14. In the same left FortiWeb menu, click on Server Objects, then expand Server, then click Server
Pool, then click +Create New

15. In the right Edit Server Pool pane, enter a name of dvwa-server-pool and then click OK

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

16. In the same Edit Server Pool pane, click on +Create New to create a new server pool rule

17. Confirm the IP address of the dvwa VM by navigating in a new web browser tab to Resource
groups, then to lcexp<your student number>-training resource group, then clicking on the VM
name of dvwa. Look in the Networking properties

18. In the same FortiWeb tab, in the New Server Pool Rule pane on the right, enter the IP of the
dvwa VM from step 14 then click OK

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

19. In the same left FortiWeb menu, click on Policy, then expand Server Policy, then click +Create

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

20. The New Policy form will be opened. Fill in using the table below then click OK

Name dvwa-server-policy
Deployment Mode Single Server/Server Balance
Virtual Server dvwa-virtual-server
Server Pool dvwa-server-pool
Protected Hostnames <blank>
Replacement Message Predefined

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

21. Open a new web browser tab to the load balancer frontend IP of step 2 on port 80, in this example. Login with username admin and Password of password

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

22. Click on Create / Reset Database

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

23. Login in again with the same credentials

24. Click on DVWA security in the left menu

25. Change the security level to low if not already at that level by choosing Low in the pulldown menu
and then by clicking Submit

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

26. Next in the left DVWA menu, click on Command Injection

27. Enter an IP address to ping, for example then click Submit

28. Notice the response is a standard 100% packet loss output.

 Task 16 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Routing and Policies

29. Next enter an IP address followed by a semicolon and then a Linux command, for example pwd; pwd

30. Notice not only the ping command executed but also the Linux pwd command in the output

31. This task is now complete

 Task 17 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Security Policies.

Task 17 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active

Security Policies.

The next step is the configuration of the security policies of the FortiWeb web application firewalls
deployed in Active-Active mode located in the Inbound VNET.

Configuration steps
1. Open a web browser tab (if not already open) to https of the public IP address and port 8443 of
the master FortiWeb VM, in this example, and log in using the
credentials of azureadm and the previously chosen password.

2. On that web browser page, in the same left FortiWeb menu, click on Policy, then expand Server
Policy, click on dvwa-server-policy name and then click on Edit

 Task 17 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Security Policies.

3. In the right pane of Edit Policy, scroll down to Web Protection Profile, and choose Inline
Standard Protection from the pull-down menu then click OK

4. (Login into the DVWA into a new web browser tab if not already logged in) Next in the left DVWA
menu, click on Command Injection

 Task 17 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Security Policies.

5. Next enter an IP address followed by a semicolon and then a Linux command, for example pwd; pwd

6. Notice the FortiWeb now blocks this Command injection

 Task 17 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Security Policies.

7. Go back to the Master FortiWeb console to investigate the attack logs. In the same left FortiWeb
menu, click on Log&Report, then expand Log Access, click on Attack.
This attack is classified as Generic Attacks and you can even identify which input parameters
were detected as threats. To review the log detail just click on each one.

If you don’t find the command injection attack log in the Master FortiWeb VM, look on the Slave
FortiWeb VM attack log, as it’s possible that your request was handled by the secondary unit.

8. This task is now complete

 Task 17 - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Security Policies.

 Extra Task - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Traffic logging

Extra Task - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active

Traffic logging

Traffic logging is a great feature when troubleshooting connectivity issues, but it implies a heavy
resource consumption. Since the release of FortiWeb v7.0.2, you can only enable traffic logging via CLI.
In previous releases, this option was available directly in the GUI.
To enable traffic logging, you will use the following commands in the Master FortiWeb VM.
config log traffic-log
set packet-log {enable | disable}
set status {enable | disable}

Configuration steps
1. Open a web browser tab (if not already open) to https of the public IP address and port 8443 of
the master FortiWeb VM, in this example, and log in using the
credentials of azureadm and the previously chosen password.

On that web browser page, in the same left FortiWeb menu, click on Command Line symbol.

 Extra Task - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Traffic logging

2. Introduce the following commands to enable traffic logging:

config log traffic-log
set packet-log enable
set status enable

3. To avoid unnecessary resource consumption, FortiWeb will not generate traffic log for all server
policies unless specified. After enabling status in config log traffic-log, you also need to
enable the traffic log setting in Server Policy through GUI or CLI config server-policy
On that web browser page, in the same left FortiWeb menu, click on Policy, then expand Server
Policy, click on dvwa-server-policy name and then click on Edit

 Extra Task - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Traffic logging

4. In the right pane of Edit Policy, scroll down to Log Config, and turn on the Enable Traffic Log
option, then click OK

 Extra Task - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Traffic logging

5. Generate additional traffic in the protected web application. Open a new web browser tab to the
load balancer frontend IP on port 80, in this example. Login with username
admin and Password of password

6. Next in the left DVWA menu, click on SQL Injection, and type the number 1 in the User ID field
and then Submit.

You can repeat this step, with number 2, 3, 4 and 5 to generate additional traffic.

 Extra Task - Configure FortiWeb Active-Active Traffic logging

7. Go back to the Master FortiWeb console to verify the traffic logs. In the same left FortiWeb menu,
click on Log&Report, then expand Log Access, click on Traffic.
You can review the log detail by clicking on each one.

If you review the Traffic Log in the Slave FortiWeb VM you will notice that they are different
from the Master Traffic Log. The reason is because Master and Slave are working in an
Active-Active configuration, and acting as standalone FortiWeb but with configuration
synchronization, and hence there are no log replication.

8. This task is now completed.


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