Lesson 3 Verbs and WO
Lesson 3 Verbs and WO
Lesson 3 Verbs and WO
Ru-verbs are all verbs that end in either –eru (える) or –iru (いる).
It helps to think of the verbs in romaji to picture what their endings are.
For example:
たべる (taberu) This ends in –eru, so it is a –ru verb.
U-VERBS are the Verbs that end with any other combination of
The majority of verbs in Japanese are u-verbs, since they end with any
syllable as long as it isn’t /-eru/ or /-iru/.
For example:
はなす(hanasu) This doesn’t ends in –eru or -iru, so it is an u-verb.
All these verbs you see here are listed in their DICTIONARY FORMS.
This means the verb has not been conjugated yet and is in its basic,
untouched form. It is the way the verb looks like in the dictionary. It is
similar to the English INFINITIVE FORM.
(As we discussed, we normally use the dictionary forms to converse for
non-formal situations)
ます and ません are VERB ENDINGS that are used when you
conjugate verbs into the polite form present tense.
They do not mean anything by themselves – you need a verb before
them in order to give them meaning.
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Each verb type has a different conjugation rule/pattern for the present
tense polite form.
RU - Verb Conjugations
1. In the dictionary form, drop the –ru
2. Add ます (for present affirmative) or ません (for present negative)
Remember! For る verbs, in the dictionary form, just drop the る and
add ~ます (for present affirmative) or ~ません (for present negative).
For all ru-verbs, just drop the る and add ~ます for present positive, and
~ません for present negative. Now, it’s all conjugated!
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U-Verb Conjugations
1. In thedictionary form,change the entire last syllable of the verb (-ku, -
mu, -su, etc.) into an i-ending (-ki, -mi, -shi, etc.)
2. Then, add ます (for present affirmative) or ません (for present
のむ (to drink)
PRESENT NEGATIVE: のみません (doesn’t drink)
Remember to change the last syllable ending in –u to an –i! Now you
can use it in a sentence.
Remember! For う verbs, in the dictionary form, just convert the last
syllable ending in –u to a syllable ending in –i. Then, add ~ます (for
present affirmative) or ~ません (for present negative).
For all u-verbs, just convert the last syllable of the dictionary form
(which ends with an –u) into a syllable ending with (-i). Then, add ~ま
す for present positive, and ~ません for present negative. Now, it’s all
くる (to come)
PRESENT NEGATIVE: きません (doesn’t come)
For all irregular verbs, just memorize the ~ま す and ~ません forms.
They don’t subscribe to any patterns, so you just have to remember these
2 conjugations. Now, it’s all done!
Once it is conjugated, these verbs are ready to use in a sentence.
Direct Object Particle を
Another scenario:
1. Idon’tdrinkcoffee.(negativeform!)
わたし は コーヒーを のみません。
2. BUT, (I) drink tea. (affirmative form!) でも、(わたし は) おちゃ を