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Water 2011, 3, 604-617; doi:10.


ISSN 2073-4441


Evaluating Hydrologic Response of an Agricultural Watershed

for Watershed Analysis
Manoj Kumar Jha

Civil Engineering Department, North Carolina A&T State University, 1601 E. Market St., Greensboro,
NC 27410, USA; E-Mail: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-336-334-7575; Fax: +1-336-334-7126.

Received: 6 April 2011; in revised form: 1 May 2011 / Accepted: 23 May 2011 /
Published: 3 June 2011

Abstract: This paper describes the hydrological assessment of an agricultural watershed in

the Midwestern United States through the use of a watershed scale hydrologic model. The
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was applied to the Maquoketa River
watershed, located in northeast Iowa, draining an agriculture intensive area of about
5,000 km2. The inputs to the model were obtained from the Environmental Protection
Agency’s geographic information/database system called Better Assessment Science
Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS). Meteorological input, including
precipitation and temperature from six weather stations located in and around the
watershed, and measured streamflow data at the watershed outlet, were used in the
simulation. A sensitivity analysis was performed using an influence coefficient method to
evaluate surface runoff and baseflow variations in response to changes in model input
hydrologic parameters. The curve number, evaporation compensation factor, and soil
available water capacity were found to be the most sensitive parameters among eight
selected parameters. Model calibration, facilitated by the sensitivity analysis, was
performed for the period 1988 through 1993, and validation was performed for
1982 through 1987. The model was found to explain at least 86% and 69% of the
variability in the measured streamflow data for calibration and validation periods,
respectively. This initial hydrologic assessment will facilitate future modeling applications
using SWAT to the Maquoketa River watershed for various watershed analyses, including
watershed assessment for water quality management, such as total maximum daily loads,
impacts of land use and climate change, and impacts of alternate management practices.
Water 2011, 3 605

Keywords: calibration and validation; hydrologic simulation; sensitivity analysis; SWAT

1. Introduction

Hydrology is the main governing backbone of all kinds of water movement and hence of
water-related pollutants. Understanding the hydrology of a watershed and modeling different
hydrological processes within a watershed are therefore very important for assessing the environmental
and economical well-being of the watershed. Simulation models of watershed hydrology and water
quality are extensively used for water resources planning and management. These models can offer a
sound scientific framework for watershed analyses of water movement and provide reliable
information on the behavior of the system. New developments in modeling systems have increasingly
relied on geographic information systems (GIS) that have made large area simulations feasible, and on
database management systems such as Microsoft Access to support modeling and analysis.
Furthermore, models can save time and money because of their ability to perform long-term
simulations of the effects of watershed processes and management activities on water quantity, quality,
and on soil quality [1].
Several watershed-scale hydrologic and water quality models such as HSPF (Hydrological
Simulation Program—FORTRAN) [2], HEC-HMS (Hydrologic Modeling System) [3], CREAMS
(Chemical, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems) [4], EPIC
(Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator) [5], and AGNPS (Agricultural Non-Point Source) [6] have
been developed for watershed analyses. While these models are very useful, they are generally limited
in several aspects of watershed modeling, such as inappropriate scale, inability to perform
continuous-time simulations, inadequate maximum number of subwatersheds, and the inability to
characterize the watershed in enough spatial detail [7]. A relatively recent model developed by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) called SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) [8] has proven
very successful in the watershed assessment of hydrology and water quality. According to [9], the wide
range of SWAT applications underscores that usefulness of model as a robust tool to deal with variety
of watershed problems. SWAT is a physically based model and offers continuous-time simulation, a
high level of spatial detail, unlimited number of watershed subdivisions, efficient computation, and the
capability of simulating changes in land management. An early application of the model by [10]
compared the results of SWAT to historical streamflow and groundwater flow in three Illinois
watersheds. The model was validated against measured streamflow and sediment loads across the
entire U.S. [11]. The effect of spatial aggregation on SWAT was examined by [12,13]. The SWAT
model was successfully applied to assess the impact of climate change in hydrology of the Upper
Mississippi River Basin [14] and the Missouri River Basin [15]. SWAT has been chosen by the
Environmental Protection Agency to be one of the models of their Better Assessment Science
Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) modeling package [16]. Gassman et al. [9] has
provided a comprehensive list of SWAT model application and categorized them under major study
Water 2011, 3 606

areas. A search tool is placed at the Iowa State University’s website [17] where all up-to-date SWAT
articles could be searched and retrieved.
Besides successful application of physically based models, there are several issues that question the
model output such as uncertainty in input parameters, nonlinear relationships between hydrologic input
features and hydrologic response, and the required calibration of numerous model parameters. These
issues can be examined with sensitivity analyses of the model parameters to identify sensitive
parameters with respect to their impact on model outputs. Proper attention to the sensitive parameters
may lead to a better understanding and to better estimated values and thus to reduced uncertainty [18].
Knowledge of sensitive input parameters is beneficial for model development and leads to a model’s
successful application. Arnold et al. [19] performed a sensitivity analysis of three hydrologic input
parameters of the SWAT model against surface runoff, baseflow, recharge, and soil evapotranspiration
on three different basins within the Upper Mississippi River Basin. Spruill et al. [20] selected fifteen
hydrologic input variables of the SWAT model and varied them individually within acceptable ranges
to determine model sensitivity in daily streamflow simulation. They found that the determination of
accurate parameter values is vital for producing simulated streamflow data in close agreement with
measured streamflow data. Two simple approaches of sensitivity analysis were compared using the
SWAT model on an artificial catchment [18]. In both approaches, one parameter was varied at a time
while holding the others fixed except that the way of defining the range of variation was different: the
first approach varied the parameters by a fixed percentage of the initial value and the second approach
varied the parameters by a fixed percentage of the valid parameter range. They found similar results
for both approaches and suggested that the parameter sensitivity may be determined without the results
being influenced by the chosen method. The paper identified several most sensitive hydrologic and
plant-specific parameters but emphasized that sensitivities can be different for a natural catchment
because of oversimplification of the processes in the chosen artificial catchment. Sexton et al. [21]
used the mean value first-order reliability method to determine the contribution of parameter
uncertainty to total model uncertainty in streamflow, sediment and nutrients outputs in a small
Maryland watershed. Shen et al. [22] used the First-Order Error Analysis method to analyze the effect
of parameter uncertainty on model outputs. Zhang et al. [23] used genetic algorithms and Bayesian
Model Averaging to simultaneously conduct calibration and uncertainty analysis. Tolson and
Shoemaker [24] compared two approaches of uncertainty analysis and fond dynamically dimensional
search (DDS) more efficient than traditional generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE)
technique. Similarly, various tools and techniques have been used to assess model parameter
sensitivity and for uncertainty analysis.
In this study, SWAT was applied to the Maquoketa River watershed, located in northeast Iowa
(Figure 1). The goal of this study is to understand the complex interrelationships between topography,
land use, soil characteristics and climate with respect to the hydrological response of the watershed.
The specific objectives were to identify the SWAT’s hydrologic sensitive parameters relative to the
estimation of surface runoff and baseflow, and to calibrate and validate the model for streamflow. The
influence coefficient method was used to examine surface runoff and baseflow responses to changes in
model input parameters. The parameters were ranked according to the magnitudes of response variable
sensitivity to each of the model parameters, which divide high and low sensitivities. The SWAT model
was calibrated by varying the values of sensitive parameters (as identified in the sensitivity analysis)
Water 2011, 3 607

within their permissible values and then compared simulated streamflow with the measured
streamflow at the watershed outlet. This modeling application study facilitates future applications of
the SWAT model for watershed-based hydrological assessment and solving agricultural water quality
problems in the agricultural region.

Figure 1. Location of the Maquoketa River watershed (Northeast Iowa), and weather stations.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. SWAT Model Description

The SWAT model is a long-term, continuous simulation watershed model. It operates on a daily
time step and is designed to predict the impact of management on water, sediment, and agricultural
chemical yields. The model is physically based, computationally efficient, and capable of simulating a
high level of spatial detail by allowing the division of watersheds into smaller subwatersheds. SWAT
models water flow, sediment transport, crop/vegetation growth, and nutrient cycling. The model allows
users to model watersheds with less monitoring data and to assess predictive scenarios using
alternative input data such as climate, land-use practices, and land cover on water movement, nutrient
cycling, water quality, and other outputs. Major model components include weather, hydrology, soil
temperature, plant growth, nutrients, pesticides, and land management. Several model components
have been previously validated for a variety of watersheds.
In SWAT, a watershed is divided into multiple subwatersheds, which are then further subdivided
into Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs) that consist of homogeneous land use, management, and soil
characteristics. The HRUs represent percentages of the subwatershed area and are not identified
spatially within a SWAT simulation. The water balance of each HRU in the watershed is represented
by four storage volumes: snow, soil profile (0–2 meters), shallow aquifer (typically 2–20 meters), and
Water 2011, 3 608

deep aquifer (more than 20 meters). The soil profile can be subdivided into multiple layers. Soil water
processes include infiltration, evaporation, plant uptake, lateral flow, and percolation to lower layers.
Flow, sediment, nutrient, and pesticide loadings from each HRU in a subwatershed are summed, and
the resulting loads are routed through channels, ponds, and/or reservoirs to the watershed outlet.
Detailed descriptions of the model and model components can be found in [8,25].

2.2. Maquoketa River Watershed and SWAT Input Data

The Maquoketa River watershed (MRW) covers 4,867 km2 of predominantly agricultural land in
northeast Iowa (Figure 1). The MRW is one of 13 tributaries of the Mississippi River that have been
identified as contributing some of the highest levels of suspended sediments, nitrogen, and phosphorus
to the Mississippi stream system [26]. These pollution loads are attributed mainly to agricultural
nonpoint sources and result in degraded water quality within each watershed, in the Mississippi River,
and ultimately in the Gulf of Mexico.
Land use, soil, and topography data required for simulating the watershed were obtained from the
BASINS package [27]. Topographic information is provided in BASINS in the form of Digital
Elevation Model (DEM) data. The DEM data were used to generate variations in subwatershed
configurations such as subwatershed delineation, stream network delineation, and slope and slope
lengths using the ArcView interface for the SWAT model (AVSWAT) [28]. Land-use categories
provided in BASINS are relatively simplistic, including only one category for agricultural land
(defined as ―Agricultural Land-Generic‖ or AGRL). Agricultural lands cover almost 90% of the MRW;
the remaining area is mostly forest. The soil data available in BASINS comes from the State Soil
Geographic (STATSGO) database [29], which contains soil maps at a 1:250,000 scale. Each
STATSGO map unit is linked to the Soil Interpretations Record attribute database that provides the
proportionate extent of the component soils and soil layer properties. The STATSGO soil map units
and associated layer data were used to characterize the simulated soils for the SWAT analyses.
The daily climate inputs consist of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures, solar
radiation, wind speed, and relative humidity. In case of missing observed data or the absence of
complete data, the weather generator within SWAT uses its statistical database to generate
representative daily values for the missing variables for each subwatershed. Historical daily
precipitation and daily maximum and minimum temperatures were obtained from the Iowa weather
database [30] for the six climate stations located in or near the watershed (see Figure 1). The
management operations required for the HRUs were defaulted by AVSWAT and consisted simply of
planting, harvesting, and automatic fertilizer applications for the agricultural HRUs.

2.3. Influence Coefficient Method

The influence coefficient method is one of the most common methods for computing sensitivity
coefficients in surface and ground water problems [31]. The method evaluates the sensitivity by
changing each of the independent variables, one at a time. A sensitivity coefficient represents the
change of a response variable that is caused by a unit change of an explanatory variable, while holding
the rest of the parameters constant:
Water 2011, 3 609

F F P1 , P2 ,..., Pi  Pi ,....P N   F P1 , P2 ,..., Pi ,....P N 

 (1)
P Pi

where F is the response variable, P is the independent parameter, and N is the number of parameters
considered. The sensitivity coefficients can be positive or negative. A negative coefficient indicates an
inversely proportional relation between a response variable and an explanatory parameter.
To meaningfully compare different sensitivities, the sensitivity coefficient was normalized by
reference values, which represent the ranges of each pair of dependent variable and independent
parameter. The normalized sensitivity coefficient is called the sensitivity index and is given as [32]:
Pm F
si  (2)
Fm P

where si is the sensitivity index, and Fm and Pm are the mean of lowest and highest values of the
selected range for the explanatory parameter and the response variable, respectively. A higher absolute
value of sensitivity index indicates higher sensitivity and a negative sign shows inverse proportionality.

2.4. Simulation Approach

The AVSWAT model (ArcView interface of the SWAT model) was used in the watershed
delineation process, which includes processing of DEM data for stream network delineation followed
by subwatershed delineation. A total of 25 subwatersheds were delineated for the entire MRW (see
Figure 1). The subwatersheds were then further subdivided into HRUs that were created for each
unique combination of land use and soil. Recommended thresholds of 10% for land cover and 5% for
the soil area were applied to limit the number of HRUs in each subwatershed.
After the model setup, SWAT was executed with the following simulations options: (1) the Runoff
Curve Number method for estimating surface runoff from precipitation, (2) the Hargreaves method for
estimating potential evapotranspiration generation, and (3) the variable-storage method to simulate
channel water routing. A simulation period of 1988 through 1993 was selected for the sensitivity
analysis. Several model runs were executed for each input parameter with a range of values, keeping
simulation options and other parameters’ values constant. The sensitivity index was calculated for each
parameter from the average annual values for surface runoff and baseflow separately. The analysis
provided information on the most to least sensitive parameters for flow response of the watershed.
Facilitated by the sensitivity analysis, the model was calibrated for the same period against the
measured streamflow data at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) stream gage (Station # 05418500).
The model was then validated for the period 1982 through 1987. Two statistical approaches were used
to evaluate the model performance: coefficient of determination (R2) and Nash-Sutcliffe simulation
efficiency (E). The R2 value is an indicator of the strength of relationship between the observed and
simulated values; and, E indicates how well the plot of observed versus simulated value fits the 1:1
line. If the R2 value is close to zero and the E value is less than or close to zero, the model prediction is
considered unacceptable. If the values approach one, the model predictions become perfect.
Water 2011, 3 610

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Sensitivity Analysis

A total of eight model input parameters were selected for sensitivity analysis based on extensive
literature review on potential sensitive parameters of the SWAT model. These were curve number
(CN), soil evaporation compensation factor (ESCO), plant uptake compensation factor (EPCO), soil
available water capacity (SOL_AWC), baseflow alpha factor (ALPHA_BF), groundwater revap
coefficient (GW_RAVAP), and deep aquifer percolation coefficient (RECHRG_DP). Table 1 lists the
model parameters along with their initial estimates and acceptable ranges. Details on the model
parameters and their functions can be found in [20]. The initial estimate value of a model parameter is
the average and most applicable value for that particular parameter and is defaulted by the model
interface. Most of the model inputs in the SWAT model are process-based except for a few important
variables such as runoff curve number, evaporation coefficients, and others that are not well defined
physically. These parameters, therefore, must be constrained by their applicability limits.
In the sensitivity analysis, surface runoff and baseflow were treated as the response or dependent
variables, while model parameters were the explanatory or independent variables. The sensitivity
coefficients and indices were examined to characterize surface runoff and baseflow under different
parameter ranges. Table 2 summarizes the sensitivity coefficients and sensitivity indices of all
parameters corresponding to the changes in surface runoff and baseflow volumes in response to
changes in the model parameter. In general, the higher the absolute values of the sensitivity index, the
higher the sensitivity of the corresponding parameter. A negative sign indicates an inverse relationship
between the parameter and response variable. Results in Table 2 indicate that the surface runoff was
sensitive, from most to least, to CN, ESCO, SOL_AWC, and EPCO for the selected variation range,
while baseflow was sensitive, from most to least, to CN, ESCO, SOL_AWC, RECHRG_DP,
GW_REVAP, ALPHA_BF, and GW_DELAY. Surface runoff was not found directly sensitive to
ALPHA_BF, GW_REVAP, GW_DELAY, and RECHARG_DP, while baseflow was sensitive to all
parameters considered in this study.

Table 1. Parameter ranges and initial values used in the sensitivity analysis.
Variable Model initial
Model parameter Range
name estimates
Curve Number (for AGRL) CN 69–85 77
Soil evaporation compensation factor ESCO 0.75–0.95 0.95
Plant uptake compensation factor EPCO 0.01–1 1.0
Soil available water capacity (mm) SOL_AWC ±0.04 -
Baseflow alpha factor ALPHA_BF 0.05–0.8 0.048
Groundwater revap coefficient GW_REVAP 0.02–0.2 0.02
Groundwater delay time (day) GW_DELAY 0–100 31
Deep aquifer percolation fraction RECHRG_DP 0–1 0.05

Further analysis was conducted for the top three most influencing parameters: CN, ESCO, and
SOL_AWC. CN, an empirically established dimensionless number, is related to land use, soil type, and
antecedent moisture condition, and is well-accepted for rainfall-runoff modeling. Figure 2(a) shows the
Water 2011, 3 611

response of surface runoff and baseflow when CN was changed from −10% to +10% with an
increment of 5%. As expected, higher CN values resulted in increased surface runoff and decreased
baseflow, and vice versa; but the rate of change of surface runoff was not consistent with that of
baseflow. Baseflow was found to be affected more than surface runoff for different CN values.
Figure 2(b) shows the impact of ESCO on surface runoff and baseflow as its value decreased from
defaulted 0.95 to lower values. ESCO adjusts the depth distribution for evaporation from the soil to
account for the effect of capillary action, crusting, and cracking. Decreasing ESCO allows lower soil
layers to compensate for a water deficit in upper layers and causes higher soil evapotranspiration,
which in turn reduces both surface runoff and baseflow. ESCO was found to have a higher impact on
baseflow than surface runoff as evident by the rate of decrease in flow values (Figure 2(b)).

Figure 2. Sensitivity of surface runoff and baseflow to (a) CN, (b) ESCO, and (c) SOL_AWC.
Water 2011, 3 612

Table 2. Sensitivity indices of model parameters.

Parameter Response variable (Surface Runoff) Response variable (Baseflow)

Parameter Pm F
Mean F Pm F ΔF
Mean F
P1 P2 F1 F2 F1 F2 Fm P
Pm Fm P Fm P Fm P

CN 77 85 69 16 77 310 173 137 241 8.57 2.73 21 181 −160 101 −10.0 −7.63

ESCO 0.95 0.5 1 0.5 0.75 214 249 −34 231 −68.9 −0.22 69 110 −41 90 −82.2 −0.69

EPCO 1 0.01 1 0.99 0.505 264 249 15 256 15.09 0.03 124 110 14 117 14.1 0.06

SOL_AWC 0.04 −0.04 0.08 0.04 232 259 −27 246 −336 −0.05 95 135 −40 115 −503 −0.17

ALPHA_BF 0.048 0.8 0.75 0.424 249 249 0 249 0 0 110 114 −4 112 −4.7 −0.02

GW_REVAP 0.02 0.02 0.2 0.18 0.11 249 249 0 249 0 0 110 95 15 102 85.6 0.09

GW_DELAY 31 0 100 100 50 249 249 0 249 0 0 108 106 1 108 0.0 0.01

RECHARG_DP 0.05 0 1 1 0.5 249 249 0 249 0 0 113 91 22 102 22.3 0.11
Water 2011, 3 613

Similarly, sensitivity of the model to SOL_AWC values from the default is shown in Figure 2(c).
Higher values of SOL_AWC means higher capacity of soil to hold water and thereby causing less
water available for surface runoff and percolation, and vice versa. As can be seen in Figure 2(c),
increase in values of SOL_AWC leads to decrease in both surface runoff and baseflow. Opposite trend
can be seen for decrease in SOL_AWC values, but the rate of change was found to be different. While
surface runoff was found to be affected same way for both increase and decrease of SOL_AWC,
baseflow was found to be affected more for decreasing SOL_AWC. In any case, baseflow was again
found to be affected more than surface runoff.
While sensitivity analysis is a routine process, it is imperative for successful calibration and
application of the model. Sensitivity of a parameter in one watershed may not reflect the same level of
sensitivity on another watershed. It can vary from watershed to watersheds and therefore needs to be
examined thoroughly before the calibration starts.

3.2. Calibration and Validation

Calibration of the model was performed by comparing the simulated streamflow with the
monitoring data from the field. Measured data at the watershed outlet (USGS gaging station
# 05418500, Maquoketa River near Maquoketa, Iowa) was divided into two groups including
variations of wet, dry and normal years. Years 1988 to 1993 were selected for calibration while years
1982 to 1987 for validation. During the calibration process, the model’s input parameters were
adjusted, as guided by the sensitivity analysis, to match the observed and simulated streamflows. Table
3 lists the final calibrated values of the model variables. A time-series plot of the measured and
simulated monthly streamflows (Figure 3) shows that the magnitude and trend in the simulated
monthly flows closely followed the measured data most of the time. The measured and simulated
average monthly flow volumes were 22.28 and 24.08 mm, respectively. The statistical evaluation
yielded an R2 value of 0.86 and an E value of 0.85, indicating a strong correlation between the
measured and predicted flows.

Table 3. Final calibrated values of SWAT parameters for Maquoketa River watershed.

Parameter Value
CN (for AGRL only) 72
ESCO 0.85
SOL_AWC −0.04
Water 2011, 3 614

Figure 3. Monthly time series of predicted and measured streamflow at USGS gauge
05418500 (watershed outlet) for the 1988-93 calibration period.

Figure 4. Monthly time series of predicted and measured streamflow at USGS gauge
05418500 (watershed outlet) for the 1982-87 validation period.

During the validation process, the model was run with input parameters set during the calibration
process without any change. All input data including land use and soil was considered stationary
except the meteorological inputs. Figure 4 shows the time-series plot of simulated versus measured
monthly streamflow. The measured and simulated average monthly flow volumes for the validation
period were 23.40 and 23.44 mm, respectively. The R2 and E values between the measured and
simulated streamflows were 0.69 and 0.61, respectively. Statistical evaluation of the model output for
both calibration and validation was found to satisfy the criteria suggested by Moriasi et al. [1].
It is emphasized that the hydrological calibration is the first step in understanding the complex
hydro-geological process of the watershed. Sensitivity analysis of model parameters helps understand
response behavior of the watershed due to complex hydro-geologic interactions. Once the hydrologic
Water 2011, 3 615

condition represented by the model is satisfied, the model can be taken to a next level for water
quality analyses.

4. Conclusions

Information about a model’s sensitivity to input parameters benefits model development and leads
to its successful application to solve water resources problems. This study assessed and identified
sensitive hydrologic parameters of the SWAT model to using the influence coefficient method, as
determined in an application to the agriculture dominated watershed (Maquoketa River watershed) in
the Midwest United States. Surface runoff was found to be sensitive, from most to least, to CN, ESCO,
SOL_AWC, and EPCO for the selected variation range, while baseflow was found to be sensitive,
from most to least, to CN, ESCO, SOL_AWC, RECHRG_DP, GW_REVAP, ALPHA_BF, and
GW_DELAY. Model sensitivities to the three most influencing parameters for both surface runoff and
baseflow—CN, ESCO, and SOL_AWC—were further evaluated. Sensitivity analysis provides good
insight into the model input parameters and demonstrates that the model is able to simulate
hydrological processes very well. The output of this study is consistent with other studies which tested
sensitivity of SWAT parameters. Among several studies, Arnold et al. [18] and Spruill et al. [19] also
found the same top three parameters, CN, ESCO and SOL_AWC, to be the most sensitive parameters
to consider for hydrological response of the watershed.
Based on the assessment of model parameters to which the model is most to least sensitive, SWAT
was calibrated and validated for streamflow at the watershed outlet. The calibration process used
measured data for the period 1988–1993 and yielded a strong correlation (R2 = 0.86 and E = 0.85)
between measured and simulated flow volumes. Model validation was performed for the period
1982–1987 and generated an R2 value of 0.69 and E value of 0.61. This study indicates that the SWAT
model can be an effective tool for accurately simulating the hydrology of the Maquoketa River
watershed. Accurate flow simulations are required to accurately predict sediment loads and chemical
concentrations, and to simulate various scenarios related to cropping and alternative management to
mitigate water quality problems in the region.


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