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UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp.


UC Journal: ELT, Linguistics and Literature Journal

Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Algrenita Silvina Budjalemba and Listyani

Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salitiga, Indonesia
correspondence: [email protected]
received 10 November 2020; accepted 8 December 2020

Writing is one of the most difficult skills in learning English as a Second Language
(ESL) or English Foreign Language (EFL). Many language learners encountered
difficulties from the writing process. At the tertiary level, students are required to
produce academic essays, which are difficult and may frustrate students. The purpose of
this study was to analyze factors contributing to students’ difficulties in an Academic
Writing course based on the students’ perceptions. This study used a qualitative method.
The instruments used were open-ended questionnaires and interview protocol. In this
study, all the participants’ answers were coded and analyzed descriptively. The
participants were 22 students who were taking Academic Writing class for repeaters in
Semester I, 2018/2019 academic year, in an English Language Education Program, in a
university in Central Java, Indonesia. Questionnaire data were coded and classified by
the researcher. In conducting the interview, data were audio-recorded and transcribed.
Those data were analyzed to answer the research questions in this study. Based on the
findings, there were two factors that caused students’ difficulties in writing
academically. The two factors were internal and external. Internal factors consisted of
self-motivation, self-confidence, lack of knowledge and feeling of under pressure.
External factors consisted of the teacher’s teaching style, classroom atmosphere,
materials, and writing aspects. This research hopefully can help teachers and instructors
in developing appropriate teaching techniques in Academic Writing and minimize
students' difficulties in Academic Writing.

Keywords: Academic Writing, factors contributing difficulties

Writing is one of the most important and challenging skills for English as a Foreign
Language (EFL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) student. Writing in English
might be more difficult than other skills like listening, speaking and reading. At the
tertiary level, students who are learning EFL or ESL required to succeed in written and
oral production. Many students are worried about writing especially in English. Unlike
speaking, writing requires a lot of preparations and aspects, which have to be considered,
causing students to feel frustrated and nervous. One of the most problems students face
in writing is what should be written and how to write. One of the writing aspects that
most students faced is grammar. Grammar tends to make students hesitant to write. In


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UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

this case, students regarded have difficulties in writing. Sometimes, difficulties bring
students to feel nervous, anxious, and lack motivation.
In an English Language Education Program (ELEP), in a private university in
Central Java, Indonesia, Academic Writing class becomes one of the most challenging
courses for students because it is a preparatory class for students before writing a thesis
proposal. Students must pass the Intermediate Grammar course before taking this
course. Academic Writing is also known as the highest level of writing courses for
English Language Education students. Academic writing itself has the importance not
only to master English language but also to be successful in learning other disciplines
where English is the medium of instruction as stated by Al-Badi (2015).
In Academic Writing class, many students feel nervous and worried about their
writing because students have various difficulties in the world of writing such as
proficiency level, lack of motivation, lack of knowledge and so on. It can be seen from
students’ performance in writing classes, like organizing ideas, encountering arguments,
paraphrasing, synthesizing, summarizing, and grammatical problems.
Considering those problems and difficulties, we conducted this research with the
aim to find out and analyze what possible factors contributing to students’ difficulties
are in Academic Writing class. Two research questions were addressed: (1) What factors
caused students’ difficulties in Academic Writing class? (2) How did students handle
their difficulties in Academic Writing class? Hopefully, this research will help students
gain a better understanding of the factors and efforts in handling those difficulties.
Besides, it can also provide meaningful information for teachers andinstructors to create
a better learning atmosphere suitable for students.

Literature Review
The Definition of Academic Writing
Academic Writing course is the highest writing course in an English Language
Education Program, in a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. Previously
students would take some writing courses like Creative Writing, Procedural Writing,
Narrative Writing, and Writing for the Media. Those are the levels of writing courses
from the beginning to the advanced level. Academic Writing is the highest-level writing
course in this particular university. Abdulkareem (2013) confirms that “academic
writing has a fundamental impact on learners' progress in a second language”.
Therefore, students’ ability, knowledge, and creativity are needed in order to
produce a good piece of writing. In Academic Writing class, students are expected to be
able to argue, correlate arguments with the results of research done by experts, and
encounter arguments. Also, students need to apply writing procedures based on
applicable provisions, for example, the logical organization, syntheses, quotes,
summaries, grammar, mechanics, and avoidance of plagiarism.

Problems in Academic Writing

There are many problems that students encounter in an Academic Writing course.
A research conducted by Bacha (2012) reveals that “teachers find students' academic
writing weak”. According to Shang (2012) when students are asked to write an English
composition, they may get nervous because they are afraid of making mistakes in
language forms such as grammar and vocabulary. From a psychological perspective,
there are many factors that might occur in writing problems. As stated by Byrne (1988,

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

p.4), writing is complicated and difficult for most people who learn a second language
and native language because of particular psychological, linguistic, and cognitive
factors. It means that writing problems are not only faced by second language students
but also native language students (as cited in, Alfaki, 2015). Raimes (1983) thinks that:
When students complain about how difficult it is to write in a second language, they are
talking not only about the difficulty of finding the right words and using the correct
grammar but also about the difficulty of finding and expressing ideas in a new language.
(p. 13)”.
Raimes (1983) confirmed that problems often faced by students in Academic
Writing are not only about grammar, diction, and vocabulary, but also how to express
the idea into a target language using their language. “Other causes that could lead to the
difficulty in academic writing are L1 interference, inadequacy of ideas, and unclear
instructions of the task” (Chou, 2011). Similarly, Hedge (1988) thinks that students not
only have to consider the writing features, but they also have to be able to write in a high
degree of organization, appropriate grammar and vocabulary. Students often avoidor not
to put more attention on the content and context in Academic Writing. It happensbecause
students may only focus on grammar and vocabulary.
Another problem encountered by students is time pressure. It was proved by Cheng
(2004) on his research on National Taiwan Normal University students. He interviewed
27 students by using a semi-structured interview. The results showed that one of the
participants felt extremely anxious when writing under time pressure because the
teacher asked the students to write a draft in 60 minutes by following the composition
of writing.

Difficulties in Academic Writing

Academic Writing is formal writing in which it is different compared to other types
of writing. Nunan (1989) stated that writing is a very cognitive activity that requires
students to pay attention to various factors in writing (as cited in Fareed, Ashraf & Bilal,
2016). It is true that to be able to write, students have to follow a number of writing
aspects. In the case of Academic Writing, students are required to convey arguments and
develop ideas precisely.
Hyland (2003) classifies the organization of L2 writing in the different focus:
language structures, text functions, themes or topics, creative expression, composting
process, content, genre and contexts of writing. Referring to those organizations,
students need to consider all of the rules in their writing process. Sometimes, some
students lack confidence and are unmotivated after knowing the numbers of
Moreover, many students have difficulty in finding appropriate theories, combining
ideas, correcting sentence structure, and they still feel doubts in writing. Those
difficulties may occur because students' English language proficiency is relatively low.
Furthermore, linguistic aspects such as grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling
are included as factors that affect students’ writing performance.

Factors Contributing to Writing Difficulties

Alfaki (2015) classified several factors that contribute to writing problems and
difficulties. They are as follows.

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

The Nature of Writing Process

Writing is a complex process that requires students mastering the grammatical
devices, conceptual thinking and judgmental elements (Byrne, 1988 & Heaton, 1990, as
cited in Alfaki, 2015). Abu (2001) also stated that writing is a difficult skill for native
speakers and non-native speakers because they are required to fulfill writing
components such as content, organization, purpose, audience, vocabulary, punctuation,
spelling, and mechanics. As supported by Al-Khairy (2013), that “the major problems
comprise grammatical errors, the inappropriate choice of vocabulary, irregular verbs,
and incorrect punctuation and spelling”. The best reason is that the role of writing skills
as written production should be communicative and successful in entertaining readers.
Lack of Learners’ Motivation
One of the most important things in writing is the topic. Students tend to feel bored
and have difficulties writing because of unfamiliar topics. According to Davies (1998),
students will be encouraged to write and motivated because they are interested in the
topic. Silva (1997) believed that allowing students to choose their topics can increase
their motivation to write (as cited in Thomsan, 2003). Students are given freedom to
decide their topic in the hope that it will improve their writing quality. Other than that,
Zamel (2017) stated that writing class should consider the purpose of writing itself.

Inadequate Time
According to Guantum and Chakraverty (2002), writing is one of the most
important parts of language learning, which requires a lot of time to think about the
topic. It was shown that students often run out of deadlines because in the writing
process students need to brainstorm ideas, organize ideas, draft, re-read their writing
(Hedge, 1988, as cited in Alfaki, 2015).

Lack of Practice
Similar to other language skills that writing also required students to practice those
languages that they have learned. If students only learn the skill without practice,
knowledge means nothing. Grabe and Kaplan (1996) believed that writing never comes
instantly; instead, it needs effort and practice. The more students practice, the more
they master the skills.

Teachers’ feedback
Some students get confused about the teacher's feedback while consulting their
writing. Some teachers may give short or unclear feedback to students. Zamel (1985)
stated that teacher feedback can be effective in responding to students’ writing rather
than examiners because some students feel afraid or worry about their own writing (as
cited in Alfaki, 2015). Moreover, Can (2009) states that “conflicting feedback provided
by instructors from different departments in an institution might lead to the lack of
students' confidence in their writing skills”.

Previous Studies
Many pieces of research about writing had been done in the language learning
process. Writing is complicated because people generally hate to write. Cheng (2004)
investigated National Taiwan Normal University students on his research using

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

primary data from the participants like open-ended questionnaires, writing

assignments, and in-depth interviews. Cheng’s findings on the results and discussions
showed that teachers should provide students the freedom to choose their topic or
interested in it. Besides that, teachers should be giving motivation for students to learn
to write by creating relaxed communication with the students without worrying about
making mistakes.
Fareed, Ashraf, and Bilal (2016) investigated problems and factors that hampered
Pakistani undergraduate students in their writing skills. Their research found the major
problems in terms of linguistic proficiency, writing anxiety, lack of ideas, L1 reliance,
and lack of organizational structure. The other challenges included teachers, teaching
methods, the examination system, lack of practice, classroom large, and lack of
motivation and ideas.
In Indonesia, research on the factors contributing to students’ difficulties in
Academic Writing class has been done a lot. However, it seems that only a few pieces
of research were conducted on how students handle their difficulties. Therefore, this
study aimed to fill the gap so that it can help students gain a better understanding of
their difficulties and provide information for teachers and instructors in teaching
Academic Writing or other writing areas.

Context of the Study
This research was conducted in an Academic Writing class by the end of Semester
I 2018/2019 in an English Language Education Program, in a private university, in
Central Java. The total number of subjects was twenty-two students.

This study involved English Language Education Program students who were taking
Academic Writing class for repeaters in the Semester I 2018/2019. The 22 students
came from different batches: batch 2013, batch 2014, batch 2015, and batch 2016.

Data Collection Instruments

This instrument used qualitative data. Qualitative researchers can use several
techniques in data collection namely observation, field notes, interviews,
questionnaires, and examining records (Gay et al., 2006). To collect the data, this study
employed two of them, namely questionnaires and an interview protocol.

Data Collection Procedures

The research used open-ended questionnaires to collect the data. The
questionnaires were distributed at the end of the class session. The questionnaire
consisted of six questions to identify factors contributing to students’ difficulties. The
questionnaire questions and interviews were conducted in the students' native language
to avoid misunderstanding. The follow-up interview aimed at clarifying the students'
statements in the questionnaires. The interview used semi-structured interviews so that
students could share their perspectives and enable the researchers to ask additional
questions to explain the particular issue.

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

Data Analysis Procedures

The data were analyzed through theme analysis. After students filled out the
questionnaires, the data were coded and themes drawn by the researchers. The chosen
participants who gave unique statements in the questionnaires were contacted and
interviewed individually. During the interview process, note taking and audio
recording were done. The data from audio-recorded were transcribed. All the data were
discussed in the findings and conclusions drawn.

Findings and Discussion

Findings of this study have been divided into three parts, general problems in
Academic Writing, internal and external factors contributing to writing problems, and
student’s efforts in handling difficulties in Academic Writing.

General Problems in Writing

According to the data, students had different kinds of problems in writing
academically. Mostly, students encountered problems in terms of mechanical
problems. They are grammatical problems, lack of vocabulary, Academic Writing
content and context, and the structure of Academic Writing.
First, 14 out of 22 students had problems with grammar. One of the problems was
stated by Participant 4.

Excerpt 1:
“I have difficulties in determining appropriate grammar in my writing. In this
class, we must understand grammar. This class uses unfamiliar vocabulary,
very formal, even there were some words I have not heard yet.” (Participant
4/ Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

Second, 9 out of 22 students had problems with vocabulary. One of the problems was
mentioned by Participant 12.

Excerpt 2:
“I felt confused and had difficulties in choosing academic vocabulary. The
lack of academic vocabulary makes my difficulty in understanding articles
that have much foreign vocabulary.” (Participant 12/ Questionnaire on
November 27, 2018)

Besides academic vocabulary, another problem was mentioned by Participant 22.

Excerpt 3:
“I feel distressed and confused about finding the right conjunctions. The
language used differs from the one used in the previous writing class because
the language is too academic.” (Participant 22/ Questionnaire on November
27, 2018)

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

Participant 8 recognized she had difficulties in arranging words. Academic writing

requires formal writing. Students generally had problems in sentence structures and the
rules of Academic Writing. It was experienced by Participant 19.

Excerpt 4:
“I felt lazy to write because I did not understand the structure and rules in
Academic Writing. Also, vocabulary and structures are difficult.” (Participant
19/ Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

In general, students had many ideas in their first language (L1). However, writing
in the first language (L1) and the second language (L2) was very different. Therefore,
students experienced difficulties in the development of ideas, content and context,
writing structures, and mechanical problems. From the various problem that has been
mentioned, the researchers classified two factors that caused students’ difficulties in
Academic Writing, they are an internal and external factor.

Internal and External Factors Contributing to Writing Problems

In this study, it was found that the student respondents experienced both internal
factors and external factors. Included in internal factors were self-motivation, self-
confidence, lack of knowledge and feeling of under pressure. While external factors
were the teacher's teaching style, classroom atmosphere, materials, and writing aspects.
The detailed explanation about the factors is elaborated below.

Internal Factors
The research found 22 Academic Writing students who found internal factors in
which they encountered various difficulties in writing academically. From the internal
factors, there were four things that affected students’ performance in writing
academically such as self-motivation, self-confidence, lack of knowledge, and feeling
under pressure.
Grammar was found as the major factor encountered by the student respondents.
Students could spend so much time checking whether the grammar was correct or not.
This problem influenced their motivation in writing. One of the participants who
experienced this was Participant 1

Excerpt 5:
“I feel confused and afraid not to get an idea smoothly to write. I also feel
difficulty in grammar and lack of vocabulary. My biggest difficulty is
grammar and ideas.” (Participant 1/ Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

Similar difficulty was expressed by Participant 18.

Excerpt 6:
“I feel afraid of being wrong because I do not have experience in writing
academically. Besides, I have difficulties with vocabulary and grammar.”
(Participant 18/ Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

It showed that those participants felt unconfident and lacked knowledge in the case
of vocabulary, grammar, and ideas. According to Alves (2008) one the reasons why
students are unable to perform good writing is because they lack writing purpose, for
example, they do not know what they are writing for, for who and why. To be able to
write, students need to brainstorm their ideas in order to know the topic to be written.
Brainstorm helps students to organize their ideas before they form their thoughts into
writing. One of them was participant 20.

Excerpt 7:
“I am feeling difficulty in writing because I have to pay attention to all the
writing aspects such as grammar, content, explanation of quotation and et
cetera. Also, grammar is too difficult.” (Participant 20/ Questionnaire on
November 27, 2018)

The difficulties experienced by Participant 20 showed that students tend to feel

confused about which part of writing to start that caused them to feel unmotivated to
write. The lack of motivation caused students to be lazy and lack the confidence to
write. The intention is part of the motivation which causes students hard to build. It
was mentioned by Participant 9.

Excerpt 8:
“At first, I felt normal but was a bit afraid of developing the theme and
grammar. I also have difficulties in raising my intention in developing a theme
for my writing.” (Participant 9/ Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

It is confirmed by Wallace (1996) that students need to articulate their initial

intention. Intention to write is necessary for students to avoid their laziness or lack of
motivation to write. Moreover, intention helps students to keep writing on track and to
make it easier for them to develop their own writing such as organizing thought, and
more practice to write. Students' lack of writing intention may cause them to feel under
pressure. The feeling of under pressure could cause students difficulties in developing
their ideas and writing thousands of words. It was stated by Participant 3, that he felt
pressure to write thousands of words and develop his ideas because it was the first time
for him to write.

Excerpt 9:
“I'm feeling confused and pressured because it is the first time for me to write.
I have difficulties with grammar. Also, I felt pressured when the teacher asked
me to write thousands of words and have to develop the ideas.” (Participant
3/ Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

The other factors affected students' writing difficulties were the students'
background knowledge. The difficulties were experienced by Participant 21. She stated
that the lack of background knowledge and the low English proficiency level greatly
influenced the process of her writing. It is the fact that L2 mastery limitations can
inhibit students, not only in writing but also in a variety of skills such as listening,
speaking, and reading. The internal factors are summarized in the Table. 1.

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

Table 1. Internal Factors Contributing to Students’ Difficulties in Academic Writing

Internal Factors The cause of problems felt by students
Student’s self-motivation Laziness in reading essays and journals, the
intention to write, confuse, challenged to
write, and difficulty in paying attention
Student’s self-confidence The feeling of nervousness, fear, and doubt

Student’s lack of knowledge The fear in developing a theme, grammar

and vocabulary, lack of ideas, difficulties
in finding the right conjunctions
Student’s feeling of under Revising essay based on teacher’s
pressure feedback, the requirement to write
thousands of words, difficulties to develop

External Factors
In addition to the internal factors, the external factors also contribute to the
difficulties faced by students. It was revealed that there were four factors included in
external factors are the teacher’s teaching style, classroom atmosphere, materials, and
writing’s aspect. One of the participants who experienced this is Participant 6. She

Excerpt 10:
“I feel awkward for not getting used to academic writing. The teacher's
explanation and methods used were a little confusing. I have difficulty
adapting to that method.” (Participant 6/ Questionnaire on November 27,

Teacher’s teaching styles were different and not all of the styles implemented by
teachers were suitable to the students. On the other hand, students have their own
learning styles. It is proven by Awla (2014) through her research that there should be
a balance between teacher and student’s learning style. Then, it could be concluded
that once the balance is achieved, the teacher and students may have good
communication in the classroom and therefore, it will be easier for students to consult
their writing to the teacher.
Furthermore, in the follow-up interview, Participant 6 explained that she did not
understand the teacher’s instruction clearly especially while the teacher was giving an
explanation related to their writing in class. A similar situation was felt by Participant
5 and 7 that they had difficulty in understanding the teacher’s explanations.

Excerpt 11:
“First, I felt strained in academic writing. I have difficulty in academic writing
because the teacher is boring. Besides, the teacher's explanation is unclear.”
(Participant 5/ Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

Excerpt 12:
“I feel challenged to write academically. I have difficulties in understanding
teachers' explanations. When a teacher gives explanations, his voice does not
sound clear. Also, I have difficulty in comparing paragraphs.” (Participant 7/
Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

Also, students faced difficulties in understanding the teachers’ requests. For

example, in terms of giving assignments related to students’ writing or classroom
activities, the instructions were found to be very unclear and confusing. This was
expressed by Participant 4 and 22.

Excerpt 13:
“I have difficulty determining the right grammar. We have to understand fully
about grammar in this class. Also, finding the right vocabulary is hard for me.
I think this class uses unfamiliar vocabulary, very formal, even some
vocabulary I have never heard before. Several times the teacher often asked
us to do A but at the next meeting he said B. This was enough to make us
confused because sometimes we were not ready to do B.” (Participant 4/
Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

It has to be noted that the teacher acted as the facilitator in the classroom. To be a
facilitator means to help students who were consulting their work and explain necessary
materials related to students’ needs.
Likewise, the learning environment influenced a student's successful writing. The
effectiveness of student learning in the classroom becomes a factor that is as important
as knowledge. This was revealed by Participant 1 and 2. It was stated by Participant 2
in answering questions related to the difficulties encountered.

Excerpt 14:
“I first felt surprised to be academic written by journalists. I had difficulties
in grammar and the classroom atmosphere. The factor is the lesson hours take
place during sleepy hours.” (Participant 2/ Questionnaire on November 27,

From this situation, students automatically became lazy and concentrated less on
writing which caused them to be uncomfortable in class. Student’s discomfort in the
class causes them to get demotivated. The statements expressed by students were
supported by Listyani (2018) on her research on process writing. Her research results
showed that the effectiveness and success of the implementation process writingstrategy
depend on the classroom atmosphere and situation. As a matter of fact, studentsprefer
learning in a comfortable classroom atmosphere and time because it can boost their
energy and make it easier in developing ideas, although some students do not careabout
the situation itself. Therefore, classroom setting in such times needs to be taken into
account for the suggestion, for the future classroom design.
Regardless of the classroom atmosphere, the materials used in Academic Writing
are considered as the factors that cause students’ difficulties. In Academic Writing there
are two skills used which include reading and writing skills. One of the factors

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

experienced by students that affect their writing performance is reading journals and
articles, as mentioned by Participant 12, 13, & 14. These participants mentioned that
the language used in those journals and articles are too academic and too difficult to
understand. It can be said that the students lacked the ability to read journals and
articles while those tools were needed for students to get references for writing. It is
shown that there is a relationship between internal factors (the lack of knowledge such
as vocabulary and grammar) and external factors (reading journals and articles). This
occurs because journals and articles use academic language which is unfamiliar and
hard for students to understand. As this result raises the fact, students can experience
both of these factors simultaneously. Writing has rigid rules which cause students to
be difficult to follow and pay attention to. It was stated by Participant 15.

Excerpt 15:
“I feel very ordinary in this class but to be considerate. In Academic Writing
class, the context is more academic because it is not as flexible as other writing
classes. I also have difficulties in the context and grammar used.” (Participant
15/ Questionnaire on November 27, 2018)

It is true that Academic Writing context is more academic compared to the other
writing classes such as Creative Writing, Narrative Writing, and Procedural Writing
which give the opportunity for students to write freely. Hence, the writing pressure is
not too much. Students can decide their topic and develop their ideas without relying on
experts and reading journals and articles. Therefore, Academic Writing as a genre allows
students to write academically based on a predetermined context. Moreover, it helps
students cultivate critical thinking and creativity in writing. Here, the genre of Academic
Writing is argumentative writing in which students are required to confront their ideas,
seeking supporting statements from experts and rebuttal ideas. The external factors are
summarized in Table. 2

Table 2. External factors contributing to students’ difficulties in Academic Writing

External Factors The cause of problems felt by students
Teacher’s teaching style Unclear teacher’s explanation and
instructions, unfavorable characters of the
teacher, confusing teaching and learning
methods, Requirements of tasks,
difficulties in adapting teacher’s teaching
Classroom atmosphere Classroom situation, Time and setting of
the classroom, Rigid rules in Academic
Writing (not
Materials Difficulties in reading journals, unfamiliar
language, Complicated tasks, Citing from a
source (quotation)

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

Writing’s aspect Difficulties in Academic context and


Academic language (diction, conjunction)

Student’s Efforts in Handling Difficulties in Academic Writing

Despite all factors encountered, the student respondents had their own ways of
handling those difficulties. There were 18 out of 22 Participants who could handle their
difficulties while the rest of the 4 Participants had not yet found an effective way.
From those results, most students were aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
The efforts made by these participants were to read related articles (expressed by
Participants 1, 7, 15, and 21), consulting dictionary
(Participant 2, 10 and 12), consulting writing to teacher and classmates (Participant
3, 14, and 20), using technology such as the internet, Grammarly, and plagiarism
checker (Participant 11 and 15), and learning from writing template given by the teacher
(Participant 13).
One of the participants practiced writing (Participant 16) while Participant 17
decided to have some refreshing moments from the boredom to write. All the efforts
mentioned by the participants depended on their feelings about writing. They had
various feelings towards writing in which students had a different sense of comfort too.
For example, students felt comfortable working in groups, working with peers, and
working individually to write. Students could find their ways to solve their writing
problems and difficulties. Some of the participants were well organized, but some of
them were not. This phenomenon is normal because each student has their own learning
styles and preferences. However, some participants still could not find an effective way
and struggled hard to write academically.
After facing various difficulties in this class, some students felt improved during
the writing process. The improvements that they experienced specifically are in
developing ideas, the use of academic vocabulary, appropriate grammar use, word
compose techniques, and paraphrasing techniques. Additionally, students felt that their
confidence increased and were not afraid anymore to write.

Writing is a complicated skill in the second language learning or foreign language
learning process. At the tertiary level, students encountered various problems and
difficulties, especially in Academic Writing. This study analyzed factors which
contribute to students' difficulties in Academic Writing. The two factors, based on the
students’ opinions, were internal and external factors. To be able to write academically,
students should follow the predefined writing rules such as organizing ideas,
paraphrasing, synthesizing, summarizing, linguistic, and mechanics. Moreover, the
writing stages that require students to complete in the writing process are planning,
revising, and editing (Listyani, 2018).
Referring to those rules, the researchers can conclude some related points. First,
grammar learning needs to take teachers or instructors who are teaching writing skills
into account. Grammar becomes a major factor for Academic Writing students. Both
teachers and students should pay attention to not only the content of the academic

UC Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2020, pp. 135-149

essays, but also grammar. Without good grammar, the message in the essays may not
be successfully delivered and may cause misunderstanding.
Secondly, the teaching styles applied by teachers also need to be considered because
several students have difficulty adapting to the teaching styles such as teachers’ way of
giving materials, giving instructions, and giving feedback. Third, the classroom
atmosphere and students’ learning hours are also worth considering. Thereby, the
learning process can run well and effectively.
Fourth, students need to be encouraged to practice writing and reading skills. By
reading, students get many ideas, references, and knowledge. Also, students are
accustomed to using academic vocabulary and sentence structures in their writing.
With the existence of problems and difficulties encountered, students can find their
ways that can help them perform better in Academic Writing class. Students will be
aware of their level of writing and encourage them to practice more in their ways.
Therefore, Academic Writing teachers and instructors should develop appropriate
teaching methods, approaches, and styles in which minimize students' difficulties in
writing academically. It serves as the pedagogical implication of this present study.
This research only found out and analyzed factors that contributed to students'
difficulties in Academic Writing. This research still has many shortcomings, and
therefore further research is needed. Future researchers can research these factors by
using similar methods in different writing classes with larger participants, then these
shortcomings can be solved.

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