Personal Loan Agreement

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I. THE PARTIES. This Personal Loan Agreement (“Agreement”) made this

…………… is between:

Borrower: ………………………………………….. with a mailing address

of ………………………………………….. (“Borrower”) and agrees to
borrow money from:

Lender: ………………………………………….. with a mailing address of

………………………………………….. and agrees to lend money to the
Borrower under the following terms:

II. LOAN AMOUNT. The total amount of money being borrowed from the Lender
to the Borrower is $................ (“Borrowed Money”).

III. INTEREST RATE. The Borrowed Money shall: (check one)

☐ - Bear Interest. The Borrowed Money shall bear interest at a rate of

……% compounded: (check one)
☐ - Annually
☐ - Monthly
☐ - Other: ………………

☐ - NOT Bear Interest. There shall be no interest associated with the

Borrowed Money. The Borrower’s only obligation to the Lender is to
repay the principal balance.

IV. TERM. The total amount of the Borrowed Money, including principal and
interest, shall be due and payable on …………………… (“Due Date”).

V. PAYMENTS. The Borrower agrees to repay the Borrowed Money to the

Lender under the following payment schedule: (check one)

☐ - Weekly Payments. The Borrower agrees to repay the Lender on

the …………. of each week until the Due Date.

☐ - Monthly Payments. The Borrower agrees to repay the Lender on

the ………….. of each month until the Due Date.

☐ - Lump Sum. The Borrower agrees to repay the Lender, in full, on

the Due Date.

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☐ - Other. …………………………………………..

Hereinafter known as the “Payment Schedule.” All payments made by the

Borrower shall be first applied to any accrued interest and second to the
principal balance.

VI. LATE PAYMENT. If the Borrower is late by more than ……. days for any
payment due, it shall be considered late. If a payment is late, the Borrower
shall be: (check one)

☐ - Charged a Late Fee. The Borrower shall be charged a late fee equal

1st Month ……….

2nd Month ……….
3Rd Month ……….
4th Month recovery of borrowed funds.

☐ - Not Charged a Late Fee. The Borrower shall not be charged a late

VII. SECURITY. As part of this Agreement, the Borrower agrees to: (check one)

☐ - Pledge Security. The Borrower agrees to secure this Agreement

by pledging the following collateral:
………………………………………….. (“Security”).

In the event the Borrower defaults under this Agreement, the Lender
shall obtain possession of the Collateral: (check one)
☐ - In its entirety and without discount to the amount owed.
☐ - Equal to the amount owed of which a sale may be required.

☐ - Not Pledge Security. This Agreement shall not be secured by any

property or asset of the Borrower.

VIII. ACCELERATION. The Lender shall have the right to declare the Borrowed
Money to be immediately due and payable, including interest owed, if any of
the events are to occur:

a. Late Payment. If any payment is late that is due under the Payment
Schedule of more than 15 days;
b. Default. If the Borrower should default on any of the conditions of this
Agreement; or

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c. Security. If assets or property that are pledged as Security as part of
this Agreement are transferred or sold.

IX. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof

shall, for any reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, neither
the remainder of this Agreement nor the application of the provision to other
persons, entities, or circumstances shall be affected, thereby, but instead
shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law.

X. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and governed by the

laws located in the state of ………………………………………….. (“Governing

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower and Lender have executed this Agreement as of

the day and year first above written.

Borrower’s Signature: _____________________ Date: _____________

Print Name: _____________________

Lender’s Signature: _____________________ Date: _____________

Print Name: _____________________

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The Guarantor, known as ………………………………………….., agrees to be liable
and pay the Borrowed Amount, including principal and interest, in the event of the
Debtor’s default. The Guarantor agrees to be personally liable under the terms and
obligations of the Debtor in this Agreement.

Guarantor’s Signature: _____________________ Date: _____________

Print Name: _____________________

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Loan Checklist
1. Filled out loan form
2. Guarantor signed form
3. Security in form of title deeds or vehicles
4. Signed Guarantor Addendum
5. Certified copy of the proof of ownership of loan security should be in the name
of the applicant if not in applicant’s an affidavit or agreement of sale signed
and certified will be required with a certified copy of ID of previous owner.
6. Proof of address
7. Certified copy of ID

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