Child, Malnutrition Part 1 2023

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Key Public Health Problems

Malnutrition – part 1

Public Health and Community Nutrition

NTN 2153
Dr. Thilanka Ranathunga
• Give understanding about the consequences of
under nutrition and over nutrition in Sri Lanka and
selected countries in the world
• Give understanding about the magnitude of the
malnutrition in Sri Lanka and other countries
• Identify the reasons/ risk factors for malnutrition
• Identify the current programmes conducted in Sri
Lanka and other countries
• Suggest new programs
• State the statistics of malnutrition among people in
different stages of life in Sri Lankan
• Describe the reasons, risk factors of malnutrition in
Sri Lanka
• Describe the current methods used to overcome
under nutrition in Sri Lanka and other countries
• Describe the methods available in Sri Lanka to
overcome the malnutrition
• Suggest the methods to overcome the malnutrition
in Sri Lanka
Weight for age < –2 standard deviations (SD) of the WHO Child Growth
Standards median

Height for age < –2 SD of the WHO Child Growth Standards median

Weight for height < –2 SD of the WHO Child Growth Standards median
Percentages of prevalence of under nutrition
to define as a public health problem
Double burden of under nutrition and
over nutrition in the world
What is the triple burden of
Consequences of child malnutrition
Consequences of child malnutrition
• Cognitive impairments : Low school performance
• Growth retardation
• Premature deaths
• Increase risk of NCDs
• Reduced adults work performance
• Low earning capacity in adults
• Poor immunity
• Loss of Gross Domestic Production (GDP)
• Economic and social cost
• Social and economic burden – increased health care
Reasons for under nutrition in infants,
children and pregnant mothers
• Reasons of under nutrition can be categorized to
three categories
1. Basic
2. Underline
3. Immediate
Q : Mention the basic, underline and immediate
factors for undernutrition in children under 5 year.
Reasons for undernutrition
• Poor maternal education
• Poor access to mass media
• Infectious diseases
• Worm diseases
• Poor sanitation : low availability of clean water, toilet
• Poverty
• Less access to health services (specially in estate sector)
• Low birth space : low knowledge about family planning
• Child marriage
• Food insecurity
• Q : Think about other factors
Reasons for over nutrition in school
• High availability/consumption of junk foods/fast
foods, soft drinks
• Availability of vender machines
• Low quality foods availability in school canteens
• Busy education schedule
• Poor education among mothers and school children
about nutrition and healthy meals
• Q : list down some more factors.
Global actions against malnutrition in Children
1. GAP : Global action plan to reduce wasting
Global actions against malnutrition in Children
2. Global database
Public health nutrition strategies to
overcome under nutrition in Sri Lanka
• Policies in Sri Lanka :
• National poverty alleviation programmes – Samurdhi selection
• Multi-sector action plan for nutrition
national strategic plan for adolescence health
• National strategy for infants and child feeding
• National policy on maternal and child health
• Provision of health services : Child and maternal clinics
• National nutrition action plan
• Health promotion policy
• Infants and Young child feeding guidelines
Activities included;
• Conduct education programmes (eg : at maternal
clinics), by NGOs, private organizations and
government organizations.
• Conducts nutrition assessment programmes for
infants, school children and keep records
• Income generated programmes
• Provide facilities for animal rearing and home
• Food subsidy programmes
• Provision of Food Stamps
• Nutrition Surveys
• Provision of proper sanitary facilities
• Provide funds to conduct researches
• Encourage exclusive BF
• Vaccination programmes
• Proper new born care
• Growth monitoring
• Provision of food and nutrient supplements
• Nutrition education programmes for health
professionals, preschool teachers
• Prepare and disseminate reading
materials/posters/ leaflets
• De-worming treatments
• Prevent child abuse
• Encourage parents and teachers to check school
• Policies to make available the healthy foods in food
• School physical activity programmes

• Q : Suggest some new programmes to combat

under nutrition in Sri Lanka
Challenges to overcome the child

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