International Journal of Development Research 1
International Journal of Development Research 1
International Journal of Development Research 1
Article History: The work had as a maing goal approaching the economic and social aspects of the Programa
Received xxxxxx,
Received 17 th
2019 Aquisição de Alimentos – PAA (Food Acquisition Program) in the “Cocais” region in the State of
Received in
Received in revised
revised form
form Maranhãowith enphasis in the city of Caxias. As specific objectives, an analysis of the
2019 socioeconomic profile of the families benefited with the PAA was done, then identifying who are
Accepted 08
Accepted xxxxxxxxx,
2019 the supplier beneficiaries of the program; the operation of the purchase process and the
Published online
Published online 16
th 2019 2019
October, commercialization channels have also been verified. The research tool used was a case study. The
data collection method was a form with open and closed questions, which were answered by the
Key Words: researcher. From the researched benefited, 70% are from the female gender and 30% of the male
gender, 50% have age between 36-49 years old, people with ages between 18-35 representing
Income generation in the rural midst and
local agriculture development. 25% and people above 50 years old also representing 25% of the researched sample. Of the 44
individuals that participated in this study, 43% were self-declared brown, 25% Afro-Brazilian and
28% self declared as of a “brunette color”. It was observed that 61% of the beneficiaries did not
complete the Elementary School. Those who received the social benefit called “Bolsa Família”
are 54% being 75% of the female gender. The medium value received was of R$ 182.33, the
minimum was of R$ 77.00 and the maximum was of R$ 436.00. Lastly, 14.4% of the
commercialization have been done in free fairs and simultaneous direct selling, 14% done the
commercialization through intermediaries, 35% by direct selling and 36.6% by free fairs.
Copyright © 2019, Joabe Alves Carneiro and Adriana Estela Sanjuan Montebello. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation: Joabe Alves Carneiro and Adriana Estela Sanjuan Montebello. 2019. “Socioeconomic profile, operation, commercialization and income: a
case study of the paa in the city of caxias-maranhão”, International Journal of Development Research, 09, (10), 30295-30307.
INTRODUCTION In this way this politic has been highlighted as one of the
Grisaand Schneider (2015) believe that the ideas that income alternatives for familiar farmers due to the planning
culminated in the creation of the PAA unleashed possibilities and the production scale during the year. For the
anefeverscence around the institutional markets from the point development of this study, the city of Caxias in the State of
of view of food food and nutrition security, being the school Maranhão was chosen. The city is among the biggest economic
feeding a central element. Still, the authors affirm that the centers in the State, beyond that, it is an important political,
PAA opened a “window of opportunities” and generated cultural and polulational center. Caxias has an important ally
learnings for the construction of new actions. Carneiro and for the development of the city, the River It apecuruthat had an
Montebello (2018) affirm that the PAA contributed for the rual important part in the beginning of the settlement of the city
development of the country, applying more than R$ 3.9 because it facilitated the penetration in the interior of the State.
billions from 2003 to 2017, and that this resource resulted in It was still in its shores that the first sugar Mills and cotton
the enlargement of the number of familiar farmers that fields that supplied the manufactures of Caxias/MA were
participate as supply beneficiaries of the Program. operated, besides this, the River worked as an access for the
development of the commerce in the State. (SILVA AND
*Corresponding author: Alves Carneiro, CONCEIÇÃO, 2011). The predominant soils in the city are
Technologist in Logistics, Master in Agroecology and Rural Development, plane with sandy texture or of moderate relief from wavy to
Federal University of São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil wavy, this indicates the high potential for the development of
30296 Joabe Alves Carneiro et al. Socioeconomic profile, operation, commercialization and income: A case study of the paa in the city of caxias-maranhão
productive and sustainable agriculture, as long as it employ the margin of error of 10%, a 90% level of trust and the expected
adequate technologies (VALLADARES ET. AL. 2007). One proportion (p) of 50% were considered, being that the final
of the great is thmus for the development of the familiar number that was found, adjusted for finite populations, was of
agriculture of Caxias is in the land concentration. The data 38 farmers according to the methodology of Agrononik and
from the Censo Agropecuário (2017) revealed that the city Hirakata (2011).
disposes of an área of approximately 135,289 hectars, that are
distributed in 3,836 rural establishments, with94% having area
smaller than 100 hectars, those with area superior to 100
hectars represent about 5%, however 22,771 hectars are
distributed between the farmers with rural property up to 100
hectars that correspond to 16.8%. The main explanatory factor
for this result resides probably because of the cotton farming
economy of Maranhão in the 19th Century. The expansion of
this culture is associated to the enlargement of the large Figure 1. Formula of the sample calculation
estates, originated from the historical process of the donation
of sesmarias (the sixth part) and from slave work, both In total 44 forms were applied to the farmers, being 38 the
elementrs that were propelled from the accumulation of minimum level to be applied. In this way, the 6 (six) extra
commercial capital (TEIXERA, 2003). In this context the forms, in face of a finite population it increased the precision
present study has as a general objective approaching the degree about the data that was researched. In relation to the
economic and social aspects of the Programa Aquisição de intervalof trust, it was used a level of significance of 10%, that
Alimentos (Food Acquisition program) in the “Cocais” region is a level of significance with a good acceptability in scientific
in the State of Maranhão with enphasis in the city of Caxias. researches (Levy and Lemeshow 1980 Apud, Marotti et al.
The specific objectives are realizing an analysis of the 2008) All of the procedures that preceded the research were
socioeconomic profile of the beneficiated families with the done respecting the substantiated decision of the Council of
PAA program, identifying who are the supply beneficiaries of Ethics in Research (CEP). At the moment of the research, the
the program; verify the operation of the purchasing process participants signed the Free and Enlightened Term of Consent.
and the commercialization channels of the families that For the approach, initialy, there were set contacts with the City
participate in the program. As a hypothesis it is believed that Office of Agriculture, Rural Labor Syndicates and Community
the effects that are generated for the familiar farmers in the Leaders of each District and the objectives of the research
city of Caxias, with the implantation of the PAA facilitate the were explained as well as the verification of their agrément to
commercialization of the production, income generation in the take part. In the next stage the communities took knowledge of
rural midst, improvement in life quality, as well as the local the study through their community leaders, syndicate
development of agriculture and encouragement to the representatives and the City Hall, where they discurred about
permanence in the countryside. Beyond this introduction, the the subject to be approached and the formalization of the data
work is being organized in other four sections. In section two collection. The data collection must be performed directly in
the utilized methodological procedures are presented. In the source of information, that is, directly with the individual
section three the results of the research are discussed. In who the sample fell overm being a residence, a factory, a
section four the main final considerations of the work are company, agriculture, etc (FACHIN, 2001). In this way, the
commented. form was applied only to the individuals of the research
attending the recomendations by Fachin (2001). The talking
MATERIALS AND METHODS occurred personally and in an individual way, with duration
from 30 to 60 minutes, in their homes or rural establishments.
The study is going to use the tools of the qualitative and Pictures were also taken and short statements were recorded if
quantitative research by mean of a case study. The case study allowed. After doing all those stages of the research, the
is an empirical investigation that investigates a informations about this work are represented in form of texts
contemporaneous phenomenon in its real life context (YIN and in charts, graphics and maps.
Research Tools
Sample: The sample of the study refers to the supply
beneficiaries of thePrograma de Aquisição de Alimentos As a data collection method, for the effects of this study some
(PAA) of the city of Caxias in the State of Maranhão. “Forms” were prepared, which have a script os questions
According to Agrononik and Hirakata (2011), the size of the answered by the researcher, then, besides the face-to-face
sample depends on many factos such as: the variable that contact it is possible to obtain more complex and utile
interests the study, the kind of variable (quantitative or information (MARCONI; LAKATOS, 2003). One of the
qualitative), the existence or not of comparison among groups advantages of the form is the possibility of using almost the
(objective of study), the quantity of groups involved, the entire population segment: alphabetized, an alphabet,
power of the test, the level of significance and the size of the heterogeneous populations, etc (LAKATOS, 2003). The Form
effect. In the case of the existence of more than one interesting is fundamented in a series of ordained questions, successive
outcome, the size of the sample must be calculated for each and connected with the object of study. Thus, it can be
outcome. To get the quantity of forms to be applied the considered as a formal list, catalogue or inventory, destined to
expression. From (Figure 1) was used. To get to the finite data collection, resulting from observation or interrogatory.
population size of 82 farmers a search on the PAA plataform The filling is done by the investigator in measurement that he
was done. Data thatis connected to the Secretária de does the observations or receive the answers; it is his function
Informação e Gestão da Informação - SAGI (Secretary of to question and answer the Form while the information is
Information and Information Mananagement) of the MDS. A obtained. (FACHIN, 2001). In the elaboration of the Form,
30297 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 09, Issue, 10, pp. 30295-30307, October, 2019
open and closed questions were used. The open questions are
those that allow the researched to discurr spontaneously about
what is being questioned and the answers can be with their
own language. The closed questions are those in which the
researched choses his answer in a group of cathegories that
were elaborated with the question (FACHIN, 2001). In this
way, it was possible to collect wide information, with plenty of
diverse opinions, also direct and objective.
For example the extrativism, an economic activity of the city The AF in Caxias has an important relevance in the economy,
that concentrated in the exploration of the babaçu coconut, it because besides generating occupation in the field, it is also
lost strenght in the last decades. Dourado and Boclin (2008) responsible for guaranteeing good part of the food that get to
affirm that the economic lost of babaçu is related to the the Free Fairs. Therefore, the AF is a segment of extreme
extinction of the forests and occupation of the spaces by importance for the income to the people of Caxias, being the
pasture or agricultural projects, by the difficulties not yeat strengthen of this segment, the key to reduce hunger and
overcame from the babaço exploration in a way to make it a povery, because it allows that the small producer gave access
competitive product. In this way, the agriculture and livestock, to land, water, markets, technology and credits.(Organização
slowly leave the characteristics of extensive and survival das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e Agricultura - FAO,
activities and acquire a gait and quality of agrobusiness. Other 2012). The representative of FAO in Brazil affirms that the
cycle of monoculture that stated to dawn, starting in the decade “familiar agriculture is an influent tool to guarantee the food
of 1980 in many cities, among then Caxias, that is located in safety of the population worldwide and of the future
the Eastern mesoregion of Maranhão. National companies generations” (FAO, 2012). In 2010, 16.2 millions of Brazilians
turned to the cultivation of eucalyptus focused in the lived in extreme poverty and 46.7% lived in rural areas, the
production of celulose and wood extraction of the native wood higher quantitative of Brazilians in the extreme poverty
for the production of vegetable coal were installed (PAULA situation in the Northeast region: 9.61 millions of people
ANDRADE, 1995 and GASPAR, 2010). To Botelho, (59.1% of the extremely poor of the country). Of the total of
Almeida; Ferreira (2012), some problems were provoked by the extremely poor in the Northeast, more than the half
the introduction of the agrobusiness in the East of Maranhão, (52.5%) were in the rural areas (Falcão and Costa, 2014). The
such as: extreme poverty grew in the entire country during the crisis
from 2014 to 2017 with more intensity in the Northeast region.
“The Strong clue of land grabbing. In this way the Facing these facts, the importance of the AF desserves special
resulting consequence of this territorial expansion was attention for the treatment of this public above-mentioned with
given due to the change in the daily life activities of the public politics that generate positive results. It is highlighted
rural workers that before this took from the field the that the AF is a generator of richess and food. There are
sustaining of their families and produced food, now they thousands of families that depend on and live of the familiar
see themselves forced to work in the big companies” agriculture (Zyger, 2017).
Even in face of these historical facts that have been muffling
the development of the small rural producer, 24% of the
population of Caxies live in the rural zone and has potential to This item of results presents the socioeconomic profile of the
promote the familiar agriculture (AF), whereas it is presente in beneficiaries of the PAA by mean of the following variables:
the three administrative districts of the city. The IBGE gender and age, characteristics of the beneficiary about their
Agropecuary Census (O CensoAgropecuário do IBGE) of color/ethnicity; local of the household; experience as familiar
2017 learned that in the city, the numbr of establishments with farmer; schooling level; land condition; social benefits; family
áreas up to 4 tax modules represent more than 95%. This fact, labor that is employed in the rural establishment; current
according to the Law Number 11.326/2006,has characteristics occupation; and familiar income per person in the house.
where the familiar agriculture can be practiced, taking into
consideration the pre-requirements of the size of the área, that Gender and Age of the PAA-Caxias beneficiaries: Of the
establishes that the AF practice to areas with the maximum beneficiaries that were researched, 70% are female. The
sixe of 4 tax modules. According to the chart of basic indexes operations in which the direct beneficiarie were men accounts
of the Sistema Nacional de Cadastro Rural (National System for 30% of the operations (Figure 4). The big percentual of
of Rural Register), the tax module in Caxias is fixed in 55 women participating in the PAA can be explained by the
hectars (BRASIL/INCRA, 2010). creation of diverse politics turned to their empowerment.
30299 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 09, Issue, 10, pp. 30295-30307, October, 2019
Land condition in Caxias medium value received by each beneficiarie was of R$ 182.33,
the minimum was of R$ 77.00 and the maximum was of R$
436.00. The beneficiaries affimed that they used the received
resources to acquire medication, food, school supplies, paying
the electric energy bills and others.
Purchase operation and income inside the PAA in the city The PAA in the city, although presente an evolution in the
of Caxias participation of the supplying beneficiaries, still can be
perfected. One of the problems that was observed in the field
Since the launching of the PAA in 2003, the first signed research corresponds to delas in the receiving of the payment
contracts with the program in the city of Caxias happened in after the delivery of the products as seen in Chart 3.
the year of 2011.In this occasion, three projects were approved
with resources from the Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social It has been perceived as well the lack of knowledgment of the
(Ministry of Social Development). The modality was Compras operation of the program by the part of the producers, and the
com Doação Simultânea –CDS (Purchase with Simultaneous absence of capacitation refering to the burocratic process of
Donation), serving in this ocasion to three Rural Producers the program and the continuous rural technical assistance. For
Associations and the released amount was of R$ 160,760.80 the improvement of the program, the path would be
and 43 supplying beneficiaries were attended. The Chart 2 capatication of the titular beneficiaries, besides this, looking
presents the participation time of the PAA beneficiaries and forward to capacitate other members of the familiar nucleous,
the frequence of signed contracts. as an example, the sons and daughters of the farmers,
considering that the research data showed that 61% of the
Chart 2. Time participating in the PAA and frequency of beneficiaries have incomplete Elementary School. Entertaining
contracted the capacitation in workshops about the program, it could aid
in the clarification and proportionate a better understanding.
Total number of Participation time in Frequency of Percentual Beyond this, the knowledgement by the farmers and members
benefited the PAA contracted (%)
of the familiar nucleous would allow a more eficiente planning
15 1 to 2 years Every year 34,09
13 2 to 3 years Every year 29,55 in the execution of the production and commercialization
16 3 to 4 years Every year 36,36 activities. The research found a lack of involvement of the
Source: Field research, (2019) Syndicate of Rural Workers of the city. About 81% of the
interviewed affirmed to be necessary more actions by the
Chart 3. Punctuality of payments of PAA reported by the Syndicate that could improve or ease the access to the PAA.
researched farmers
It was also observed that 52% of the beneficiaries reported that
Number of farmers Sometimes late Recurrently late On time
the Syndicate should act with more frequence with the
44 18,18 % 27,27% 54,55%
communities to identify the families that actually are rural
Source: Field research (2019).
producers that fit the Law Number 11.326 of July 24th of 2006
that establishes the guidelines to the National Politics of
It is highlighted that between the interviewed producers, the Familiar Agriculture and Rural Familiar Entrepeneurships. For
signed contrats are individual and not by means of connections the PAA beneficiaries a more effective action of the
with entities. Therefore, it is noted that 34.09% of the farmers Syndicates in the rural communities would ease the
are recent to the program. They had their contracts signed to identification of the farmers that are the public of the PAA,
provide to the PAA in 2016-2017, putting in discussion the sccording to what the producers said:
lack os mechanism of the local public powers in searching
public politics that generate income and ocupation in the rural “When the people that are not farmers have the DAP in
midst. Considering that the PAA was launched in 2003 and the their hands, they can have access to the PAA and to the
first hirings in Caxias happened in 2011, that is, after 8 years. PRONAF. About the PAA, they take the opportunity out
of us, who work sunrise-to-sunrise to produce something
The research found that 61% of the farmers took knowledge of to sell to the PAA aindsustain our families. Usually, as I
the PAA through the Secretary of Agriculture of the city,15% hear about, they buy products in the fair or at Ceasa in
by the neighboors, 10% by the Programa Brasilsem Miséria Teresina and sell as if they had produced it. That is bad for
(Program Brazil Without Misery), 11% by associations and us, producers.The presence of the Syndicate in the
3% through the technical assistance service. Of the total of communities is important to avoid this problem, because it
researched, all affirm participating in the meetings promoted is the orgain that representes us and we pay monthly the
by the City Hall explaining how is the purchase process tuition” (Rural producer Benefitiated of the PAA, city of
through the PAA. Among the difficulties pointed in relation to Caxias, 2018). “The Syndicate of Rural Workers has the
the processing of the program, 10% pointed to difficulties with role of representing and defending our rights and not only
the documents to legalize the participation in the program, that distributing the DAP to everyone. It is necessary to act
is, faced a discomfort to acquire the Aptitude Declaration to more frequently in the field for the strengthening of
the PRONAF. familiar agriculture. It is necessary oversee the DAPs that
they issue to verify if the person lives where he says he
To receive the payment of the products, the researched farmers lives and produces what he says he produces.” (Rural
affirmed that it was individual, by mean of a bankcard proper producer Benefitiated of the PAA, city of Caxias, 2018).
to receive the PAA resources. The farmer himself exclusively
does the food transport in the rural communities to the While the commercialization of the production have always
headquarters of the Secretary of Agriculture in which is the been a neck to the farmers, in the case of Caxias, the difficulty
food bank, in 100% of the cases. But, the farmers have is since the bad rodas, what makes difficult the access of the
organized in groups so the transportation cost becomes farmers to the headquarters of the city in which the fairs
smaller. It has also been observed that the farmers need to pass happen, until the low prices payd for the product, even smaller
through a long distance to make their deliveries, considering than in the local market. The study also highlights two
that the city has many problems with infrastructure, such as the moments of the researched group of individuals, the first is the
condition of the rural rodas and bridges in precary condition. form of commercialization of the products before the PAA that
30303 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 09, Issue, 10, pp. 30295-30307, October, 2019
is, how the farmers used to sell their products, and the secon, town. In this case, the sell happens door-to-door. The
would be after the researched group of farmers passed to researched producers report that the disadvantages of selling in
participate in the PAA. the neighboor communities and in the town is by the fact that
many times they could not sell all of the product, having some
losses like wasting time, the value of transportation and
misplaced products. The forms of transportation are cars
(stockings), motorcycles and bicycles. A really common action
that also happens in the rural zone of Caxias, in which the
middlemen (in the case of the intermediaries) buy the
agriculture and livestock products from the producers and sells
them back to the retail business or straight to the consumer
with a margin of profit. According to the reports from the
farmers, the prices are low, but usually they pay at sight and
also, if they do not sell they lose the production of the land,
this when tey cannot sell the productio by other channels of
Food Receiving and Distribution Central: other grat restaurants and others. It is observed the constant effort of the
neck observed in the city. It was noticed the absence of supplying farmers of the PAA, in a way of searching
a Food Receiving and Distribution Central of the PAA. alternatives to guarantee a higher productivity and a better
According to the researched, the delivery worked in an quality to overcome the obstacles that are imposed to their
improvised shed without the minimum packaging activity, such as weather variations, problems with
structure for the perishable products. This situation is infrastructure, commercialization and others.
contrary to the demands of the MDS, that defines the
characteristic Food Receiving and Distribution Central:
The local of delivering food must have the necessary
structure for the reception and packaging of the food.
The environment must be clean and the structure
compatible with the kinds of food that are being
received, it may be necessary to dispose of cooling and
freezing equipments (MDS/MANUAL OPERATIVO
DO PAA, 2014).
establishment that was visited it was observed that the farmers have University education, 2% have completed the Elementary
themselves decided to cultivate beans by tradition, besides the school, 5 % have incomplete High school, 2% were
work being done by the members of the family. The other two alphabetized and 7% declared they have completed the High
highlighted cultures are corn (16%) and manioc tree (11%). school. The predominant land condition are the squatters with
Corn became an option of great economic value to the 34%. The beneficiaries that receive Bolsa Família are 54%,
producers thanks to a grood price and also by the significant being of the female gender 75%. The medium value is of R$
demand for the product in natura through the PAA. 182.33, the minimum of R$ 77.00, and the maximum of R$
436.00. In relation to the participation time of the farmers in
Both the beans, corn and manioc tree are products traditionaly PAA that was verified that it is concentrated between 1 to 4
cultivated in the region. According to the benericiaries they do years. Besides that, it refers to the punctuality of the payment,
not present many plagues and illnesses, they are easy to in which 54% of the researched reported to always pay in time.
cultivate and do not require too muck technique, and it rains The commercialization channels of the producers were the
enough in the region to develop the production. Researches PNAE, the direct sale (door-to-door and in the own residence),
have been showing that the PAA has been impacting the free fairs or the intermediaries before the PAA.
reality of the farmers with the application of the resources that
are received, then, the researched were questioned about the With the entry of the farmers in the PAA, the sales in free fairs
income that was obtained with the program and invested in the lost the strenght, from 36% to 31%, the direct sale from 35%
property. to 24%, the sale to the intemediaries remained stable with
14%, the PNAE raised from 2% to 17% and 14% of the
Chart 4. Quantity of beneficiaries by king of investment with the farmers that practice the 3 channels of selling (direct sale, free
income from the PAA fairs and PAA).It also have been concluded that the barriers in
the commercialization envolve the questionof sanitary
Total Benefits by adequation, the question of distribution and receiving the food
Income obtained with PAA
Quant.of kind of %
invested in the property
Benef. investment as well as the question of the production transport of the small
Infrastructure of the producer. The city of Caxias strill represents a small coverage
44 34 77,27 given to the great search for it. Besideds that, the program
44 12 27,27 generated income and sustainability of prices to the familiar
(buildings); farmers. From the researched sample, 100% affirm that had
Acquisition of machinery and
44 1 2,27 improvements in their incomes with the sales to the PAA, 82%
Acquisitionofautomobils 44 1 2,27 think that the prices are above the values practiced in the local
Animal acquisition 44 3 6,82 market, 7% think that they are the same as those practiced in
Graduation course 44 0 - the market and 1% affirm that in some products the local
Investment in agriculture 44 29 65,91
Family expenses 44 44 100,00 market pays better. While the prices payd, 95.5% consider as
Acquisition of household goods fair, 4.5% think that the prices should improve. The activities
44 3 6,82
(durable) with more financial income inside the PAA were beans (25%),
corn (16% and manioc tree (11%). Therefore, it is concluded
Chart 4 presents the main occurrencies in which finds that that the PAA was directed to comply exclusively with the
77.27% decided to invest in the comfort of the household and Family agriculture, and the program has shown positive results
65.91% in the agricultural investment. about fomenting the rural development, the social and
productive inclusion, and the valorization of work and the
Considerations acknowledgement of the importance of the familiar farmers.
However, it is necessary to work in the continuous
The present work demonstrated the depiction of the PAA in improvement of the operational processes, avoiding then the
the city of Caxias, Maranhão. This research is important discomfort to the farmers that are related to the
because it was possible to verify that Caxias is one of the cities commercialization, transport, punctualities in payment,
of the Northeast, which have been accessing the PAA the documents, technical assistance, and capacitation among
most, and that it showed itself to the State as a great income others. For further studies are suggested deeper analysis in the
receptor and life improvement agente in the lives of the small importance of the women in the practice of rural activitires,
farmers.In addition, the city of Caxias fits as one of the main this is due to the importance of them in the fortification of the
cities to access the Program. Between the research results, it familiar agriulture. Beyond this, they assume an important role
can be identified that the researched participants of the in the contribution to the family income. As shown in figures
program are 70% of the female gender and 30% male. The age 17 and 18, the female labor have been guaranteeing
range of the PAA beneficiatires in the city of Caxias between socioeconomic inclusion, decreasing then the invisibility of the
36-49 years old if 50%, those which ages are between 18-35 role of women in the rural midst. Other study should be
represent 25% and people above 50 years old also represent verifying how the farmers can attract other forms of
25%. The age range of the female gender between 36-49 socioeconomic sustainability that ensure and complemente the
concentrates 45% of the researched women, while in the male activities done through public politics. Besides that, other
gender, 62% present ages between 36-49 years old. In studies about the discussion of the furute of politics and
addition, the biggest part self-declared as of brown ethnicity programs for familiar agriculture are important and
(43% of the participants of the research). Of the 44 participants complemente the presente work.
of the study, 90% live in the rural zone, 10% in the urban zone
and 100% of the researched have experience as farmers and REFERENCES
have always been farmers. The level of schooling is distributed
in the following way: 61% do not have completed Elementary ________. MDA. Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário.
School, 16% are alphabetized, 5% have technic education, 2% (2017). Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do
30307 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 09, Issue, 10, pp. 30295-30307, October, 2019