Logical Reasoning
Logical Reasoning
Logical Reasoning
Table 1: Examples of templates for context statements (in pseudo-language) and user queries (in natural language)
Reasoning Answer Action Example Output
Required in Context Type
Yes Yes Inform Is the first one cheaper than the second one? inform <true/false>
Yes Yes Inform Which one is the cheapest? inform <item_name>
Yes Yes Select Add the cheapest to my cart. select <item_name>
Yes No Constraint Give me something cheaper <relation> <attribute> <value>
No − No Answer Find yogurt. NoAnswer
Table 2: Output space. In cases where there are multiple answers/constraints, they are concatenated with and.
For query about the color user may use keywords such
as: [darker, lighter, warmer, red, blue, ..., etc. ] one, and
attribute values are red, blue, dark blue, .... etc. which doesn’t
overlap with none of the attributes that we have already in
our training dataset, i.e., diet, flavor, price, and
For query about the calories user may use keywords
such as: [healthier, higher calories, more energetic..., etc.
] one, and attribute values are numeric value that are shared
possibly with price and rating [considering we have done
unit normalization for attributes]