CCC-TRI-24 - Knight Errand (Part Three of The Storm Series)

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Part Three of the Storm Herald Trilogy

The fortress moves, slow yet inevitable in its trek across the land of Thar towards
the Sword Coast. On board are Baron Rajiram and his servant, Selise of Teshwave,
and the awoken defenses ready to keep the fortress afloat. Prepare for the assault.

A Four-Hour Adventure for 11th–16th Level Characters


Garrett Colón
Adventure Designer

Adventure Code: CCC-TRI-24 STORM 1-3

Optimized For: APL 13
Version: 1.4

Story Arc Coordinator: Garrett Colón

Editor: Sean Gonzalez
Formatting and Layout: Travis Legge
Senior Editor: David Jedlinsky
Organized Play: Chris Lindsay
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Alan Patrick, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks,
Lysa Chen

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all
other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are
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Before Play at the Table
Introduction Before you start play, consider the following:
Welcome to Knight Errand, a D&D Adventurers
League™ adventure, part of the official D&D • Read through the adventure, taking notes of
Adventurers League™ organized play system and anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself
The Role Initiative’s Storm Herald series. of while running the adventure, such as a way
This adventure takes place high above the you’d like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like
Moonsea, as the characters infiltrate an ancient to use in a combat. Familiarize yourself with the
floating sky fortress making its way to the Sword adventure’s appendices and handouts.
Coast. • Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you
This adventure is designed for three to seven in running this adventure—such as note cards, a
11th–16th level characters and is optimized for DM screen, miniatures, and battlemaps.
five characters with an average party level (APL) • Ask the players to provide you with relevant char-
of 13. Characters outside this level range cannot acter information, such as name, race, class, and
participate in this adventure. level; passive Wisdom (Perception), and anything
specified as notable by the adventure (such as
Adjusting This Adventure backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.)
This adventure provides suggestions in making
adjustments for smaller or larger groups, characters Playing the Dungeon Master
of higher or lower levels, and characters that are You have the most important role—facilitating the
otherwise a bit more powerful than the adventure enjoyment of the game for the players. You provide
is optimized for. You’re not bound to these adjust- the narrative and bring the words on these pages to
ments; they’re here for your convenience. life.
To figure out whether you should consider To facilitate this, keep in mind the following:
adjusting the adventure, add up the total levels of all You’re Empowered. Make decisions about how
the characters and divide the total by the number the group interacts with the adventure; adjusting
of characters (rounding .5 or greater up; .4 or less or improvising is encouraged, so long as you
down). This is the group’s APL. To approximate maintain the adventure’s spirit. This doesn’t allow
the party strength for the adventure, consult the you to implement house rules or change those of
following table. the Adventurers League, however; they should be
consistent in this regard.
Determining Party Strength Challenge Your Players. Gauge the experience
Party Composition Party Strength level of your players (not the characters), try to feel
3–4 characters, APL less than Very weak out (or ask) what they like in a game, and attempt to
3–4 characters, APL equivalent Weak deliver the experience they’re after. Everyone should
3–4 characters, APL greater than Average have the opportunity to shine.
5 characters, APL less than Weak Keep the Adventure Moving. When the game
5 characters, APL equivalent Average starts to get bogged down, feel free to provide
5 characters, APL greater than Strong hints and clues to your players so they can attempt
6–7 characters, APL less than Average to solve puzzles, engage in combat, and roleplay
6–7 characters, APL equivalent Strong interactions without getting too frustrated over
6–7 characters, APL greater than Very strong a lack of information. This gives players “little
victories” for figuring out good choices from clues.
Some encounters may include a sidebar that offers
Watch for stalling—play loses momentum when
suggestions for certain party strengths. If a partic-
this happens. At the same time, make sure that the
ular recommendation is not offered or appropriate
players don’t finish too early; provide them with a
for your group, you don’t have to make adjustments.
full play experience.
Party Strength: Deadly. Many Adventurers
League groups turn out to be stronger than the
Party Strength listed above would suggest. In such a
case, the DM and players should feel empowered to
raise the difficulty. To that end, a new party strength
of “Deadly” has been added to each encounter for
Very Strong parties whose players would like an
additional challenge.

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
Adventure Overview
Adventure Primer The adventure is broken down into four parts:
“War. War never changes.” Part 1 (Estimated Time: 45 Minutes).
—Fallout Series Characters start the adventure on the underside
of the castle, an old maintenance tunnel having
Adventure Background opened to allow them entry. They endure the
A fissure has opened in the Galena Mountains, just tunnel’s collection of traps and degraded magical
north of the Moonsea city of Hulburg, exposing effects to gain entry into the main castle.
ancient ruins that have been shaken awake by Part 2 (Estimated Time: 1 Hour 15 Minutes).
intruders and villains. As the shaking subsided, a Once inside, the castle’s interior is theirs to explore,
magnificent and terrifying sight filled the vision of break, and loot while they make their way to the
all in the region: Thousands of feet in the sky, the control room where Baron Rajiram and Selise
ancient giant fortress Skyelinjeheim moves forward reside. With strong wards blocking the control
to the Sword Coast, its shadow currently over the room’s entrance, the characters find a way to disrupt
Moonsea. the castle’s source of energy.
At its helm is Baron Rajiram, a cloud giant ready Part 3 (Estimated Time: 1 Hour 45 Minutes).
to use this power to regain his control and authority The defenses parted, the characters gain entrance
amongst his people. At his side is the enigmatic into the control room to confront Baron Rajiram but
Selise of Teshwave, who continues to feign her discover that Selise has turned on the Baron and
magical restraints set by the Baron. slain him. She demands control of the fortress and
Characters have spent the last two adventures, does not take no for an answer.
CCC-TRI-22, “On the Baron’s Trail” and CCC- Part 4 (Estimated Time: 15 Minutes). The after
TRI-23, “Sub Rosa,” searching for both the Baron effects of the character’s actions are realized, and
and Selise, with some mild aid from Selise’s two the fortress moves to its final destination. Where
siblings: Char and Abigail of Teshwave. Now they will it be, and what is the final outcome for Selise of
begin their adventure on the base of the floating Teshwave?
fortress, possibly met by those hired to help end this
threat, with choices to make. Adventure Hooks
Into the Fray. Characters who have played CCC-
Location and NPC Summary TRI-22 and CCC-TRI-23 will be starting directly
The following NPCs and locations feature prominently in this after the events of CCC-TRI-23, their current
adventure. location being the bottom of the fortress. Characters
Skyelinjeheim (SKEYE-linj-HIME). Subterranean ruins of that have not played the prior two adventures, or are
an ancient flying storm giant city recently discovered near playing them out of order, the following story hooks
Hulburg. can help bring said characters into the adventure.
Baron Rajiram (BAH-ron rah-JEER-am) He/Him. A male Remembering Beregost. A cloud giant fortress
cloud giant that was once an ambitious pirate lord. After his moving across the Moonsea brings back memories
defeat on the Sword Coast, at the city of Beregost, he has of the giant attacks that happened not too long ago,
since been looking for a way to regain his lost glory. He has including the burning city of Beregost. Stopping this
made a pact with an elder air elemental as a means to that new threat will help put the region at ease.
end. Zhentarim (Faction Assignment). The
Abigail (She/Her) and Char (They/Them) of Teshwave Zhentarim understand the power of a floating
(AH-beh-gale, CHAR of TESH-wave). Sibling pirates who have fortress or a powerful foe, and on the surface agree
since given up their ways and moved on to more respectable to scuttle the fortress into the Moonsea and kill the
work. Have been looking for their missing older sibling Baron . . . But if a Zhentarim member can retrieve
(Selise), and are willing to go to any length to ensure that she either a portion of the Baron or the navigation orb,
is safe to return to society. so much the better.

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
She is a trusted agent of theirs who disappeared
Part 1. Stowaways after the events at Beregost (Season 5). They
Estimated Duration: 45 Minutes believe she is under the effects of a spell, but do
Attached to the underside of the fortress, the not know the specifics.
characters must decide which path to pick. The • Each character chosen for the mission has been
fortress’ old secrets cause issues of their own, and given a 5,000 gp diamond as quick payment,
old acquaintances return again. along with cold weather gear, climbing equipment,
and a potion of superior healing.
General Features • To enter the fortress, it will have to be done phys-
Skyelinjeheim has the following general features.
ically and without the aid of spells (as described
Terrain. Worked stone, giant runes, dust and debris.
in the appendix “Teleportation & More”). The
Weather. A clear, cloudless day for beautiful viewing. Bitter
characters will be brought on the backs of mounts
wind and cold. Once in the tunnel, dry and stifling.
to the foundation and be left to enter on their own
Light. Bright light outside, darkness inside.
through a 3 feet wide crack in the foundation.
Smells and Sounds. Wind whistling through openings, the
• A bigger attack would alert whatever still guards
occasional giant words muttered by ghosts.
the fortress. This means that each character is
Giant Defenses: The appendix “Giant Defenses” contains
limited to a familiar or animal companion (if
information on exterior and interior defenses and guards
they have one) and one other minion of their
against various things. These are in effect throughout this
choice. If the characters object, the leaders vividly
adventure unless stated otherwise.
explain why they are down an entire contingent
of griffon riders. DM Discretion as to what that
means, though remember, this fortress was used
1A. Put a Fork in it to hunt ancient dragons.
The wind blows heavy and cold though your location on If the players ask if they were able to pre-cast
the underside of the fortress. Just minutes after it took spells or do other effects, they were given only ten
flight you were asked to meet with faction leaders and minutes to prepare and then leave. This was not
officials from around the Moonsea, all asking for your negotiable, as the fortress is picking up its pace and
aid in bringing the fortress crumbling in the waters will be beyond the Moonsea in 1 1/2 hours.
below. • This one hour thirty-minute time frame means
A fissure in the foundation of the fortress lays ahead that they will be able to safely take one short rest
of you, unknown in its contents and pitch black. while within the fortress. Two normal short rests
and their mission fails.
While the characters start in action, the following
information about their situation, and how they
• If characters are immediately coming from CCC-
TRI-23, spellcasters in their meeting pool their
arrived here, can be given. Important details
resources together and provide the characters
are bolded within their respective bullet points.
with the benefits of a long rest. This is to preserve
Truncate and ignore bullet points that your party
continuity between adventures and immersion,
might not care to hear or know about.
and is not to be used as a way to gain resources.
• Minutes after the fortress’ ascent, various groups
came to the rubble and ruin left behind in the Moving Forward
Galena Mountains. Survivors that could be found After you have given the players whatever informa-
were pulled free, and information traveled fast tion they wanted from above, their attention should
among them. return to the path in front of them: A 3-foot-wide
• Faction members and various representatives and 4-foot-tall wide crack extending deep into the
from around the region held council, and rapidly foundation. This size prevents Large or bigger
came to a conclusion: The fortress must be sized creatures from entering the cracks, unless
brought to crash into the Moonsea. No one could the characters have a way to shrink them down. If
trust one specific group to watch over it, and they did not recognize the size issue when told the
landing on solid ground would be problematic. crack size earlier, allow them to change their minion
They will have flying agents to bring the charac- selections, if needed and with DM discretion.
ters back safely from the main entrance, after
removing or destroying the navigation orb, which
• The path does not smell of anything and looks
as if a previous opening was simply widened
should disable the defenses.
when the fortress took flight. A successful DC 15
• As for the Baron and Selise of Teshwave? The
Wisdom (Survival) check will recognize that the
Baron is wanted dead or alive, and Selise is
empty noise is not natural and it must be guarded
wanted alive, particularly by the Lords’ Alliance.
by something.

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
Once they are ready, proceed to part 1b. In addition, Random Trap
the “Giant Defenses” effects described in part 1’s
d6 Random Trap
General Features section are now in effect.
1 Wrong Lever
1B. Maintenance Needed 2 Catch and Release
The characters work their way through a maze of 3 Reality Shards
spells and traps, meant to deter and kill creatures
4 Reverse Energy
trying to come through known tunnels.
The opening has widened and thinned in small 5 Re-Attunement
increments as you travel through it, no other sounds 6 Emptiness
or light accompanying you. As you come towards a
widening bend, every sense in your body urges you Recommended Pairings and Advice
to stop. Traps and magical effects can be received and dealt with
This dread the characters sense is more than in widely different ways, depending on the characters and
just a feeling: Ancient spells that once aided and group cohesion. Each magical effect will have an example of
brought small joys to the giants have intermingled how characters may overcome it, but it is intended to not be
with degraded traps set out to capture intruders the only solution. Work with your player’s actions and bring
from millennia ago. This overlap causes . . . inconsis- about a fun and enjoyable conclusion.
tencies in the tunnel. In addition, if you are running low on preparation time, or
• The tunnel becomes 15 feet wide and 15 feet tall want some pairings that work well together, here are some
and continues at the same size throughout this examples with info on how fast the pairing would go.
section. This was a maintenance tunnel for the • Maddening Darkness + No Trap (Fast Speed)
giants in the past, and was well protected. There A simple encounter, as Maddening Darkness is powerful
is no light in the tunnel, unless an encounter on its own. The magical effect causes damage and forces
specifies, so remind players that even with dark- characters to move quickly, and the tainted dead souls can
vision they have disadvantage on Perception skill be roleplayed extensively if desired. Remember, only
checks and a −5 to passive Perception. devil’s sight and true sight can see in it!
• Because of the original intent of the tunnels, • Delayed Blast Fireball + Wrong Lever (Average Speed)
giant type creatures, firbolgs, and goliaths do not A more pressing encounter, and one that can take some
trigger any traps or effects that they move by. In time to finish if characters are nervous or very cautious.
addition, they have advantage on all saving throws The triggering of the lamps plus the pressing matter of the
against trap and spell effects in this area. All other lever will leave characters torn on what to solve or handle,
creature types, except undead, trigger a trap. and some groups may never notice the delayed blast fireball
about to explode!
To decide which magical effects and traps are
in each 120 foot section of the path (with small
• Sunbeam + Catch and Release (Slow/Average Speed)
This encounter can be an average speed or slow speed
areas of safety in between), roll on the following
depending on the characters involved. Sun-sensitive
two tables to decide the encounters. If an effect
characters will have a tougher time navigating through this
or trap is rolled twice, re-roll and take the new
encounter, including breaking out of nets!
result. After three unique encounters, proceed to
“Developments.” Magic Effect 1. Maddening Darkness
Random Magical Effect What once was the resting place of multiple work-
ers due to a cave-in has developed as such: Their
d6 Magic Effect unrest over millennia has caused the area to be
1 Maddening Darkness filled with a non-magical effect, similar to a DC 18,
2 Flesh to Stone 8th level maddening darkness spell. These spirits
are so willful that they are immune to features that
3 Delayed Blast Fireball
turn undead.
4 Contagion Example Solution. Spells and abilities that effect
5 Sunbeam spirits or magical energy will suppress the effect for
6 Symbol 1d4 rounds. A more powerful effect might suppress
it for 1d6 rounds, or give the dead peace and close
the planar tear entirely.
Adjustments. For lower party strengths, reduce
the damage per turn within the effect by one die per
difficulty shift. For higher party strengths, increase

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
the saving throw DC by 1 per difficulty shift and Example Solution. Those trained in medical
increase the spell level to 9th level. work might understand what the supplies were
used for, and know how to neutralize the magical
Magic Effect 2. Flesh to Stone toxins emanating from it with something as simple
The giants once used prisoners and dragons as as a skill check or other ability in their repertoire.
material for their fortress by molding them into Adjustments. For lower party strengths,
stone. Over time, this process has degraded and creatures do not start with one failed saving throw
now affects anyone in this area regardless of to resist the disease. For higher party strengths,
command. When passed under, the walls ripple and the medicine box is hidden by a sequester spell and
glittering pebbles rain down: Two creatures within reapplies its effect to anyone not already affected,
60 feet are randomly targeted with a DC 18, 7th within 30 feet, at the start of every round.
level flesh to stone spell.
Example Solution. Characters may notice bits Magic Effect 5. Sunbeam
of old bones calcified and turned to stone before The night sky comforted workers, so gems were
being affected. A dispel magic spell might stop these grown in the tunnels to mimic it. Today these gems
effects, or breaking the walls might ruin the runes are dull, prone to cracking, and have flare-ups.
hidden under the surface. When a creature moves within 30 feet of the gems
Adjustments. For Weak party strength, reduce it triggers a flare-up that acts as a DC 18, 6th level
the saving throw DC by 2. For Very Weak party sunbeam spell. This effect changes position on
strength, the saving throw DC is reduced by 2 and initiative count 20 of every round, but the entire
the first saving throw against this effect is made tunnel section is continuously bathed in sunlight.
with advantage. Example Solution. Cunning thieves might pry
as many loose as they can, or others might smash
Magic Effect 3. Delayed Blast Fireball them or blast them or cover them up. Once half or
Even a giant cannot see innately in the dark. 8 more are tampered with, the effect ends.
metal torches, set in pairs at 30-foot intervals, cast Adjustments. For lower party strengths, no
continual flame on themselves when creatures enter adjustment. For higher party strengths, increase the
the area, ready to give their light to workers. One width of the sunbeam by 5 feet. In addition, increase
torch has subtly malfunctioned, and activates as a the damage per turn by one additional damage die
DC 18, 7th level delayed blast fireball that looks the per difficulty shift.
same as the other torches. It can be differentiated
with a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check, but Magic Effect 6. Symbol
only if being directly inspected up close. The floor is covered in various tools used to carve
Example Solution. If noticed, a creature may try stone and metal, broken down but still easy to
a Dexterity saving throw to grab it and move it far distinguish. In addition, a spellbook is tucked under-
away from the party before it explodes. It may also neath some of the tools, which can be seen with a
be disabled via such methods as dispel magic. DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check. The spellbook
Adjustments. For lower party strengths, reduce has a DC 18 symbol (discord) around the outside
the number of torches by 2 per difficulty shift, and cover and activates when the book is opened or
lower the base damage of the effect by 2d6 per when the book is moved 10 feet from its resting
difficulty shift. For higher party strengths, increase place. The owner wanted it kept hidden.
the spell level by one per difficulty shift, and crea- This spellbook contains investiture of stone, thun-
tures make saving throws to interact with the effect der step, and whirlwind. While written in Elvish, a
with disadvantage. giant child has drawn runes all over it, and those
you can read have child drawings around them . . .
Magic Effect 4. Contagion
Medical teams were always ready and willing to Trap 1. Wrong Lever
mend and tenderly care to giants in need. An open This section has a dead end, two levers on each
box of their rotten medical equipment lies open on side of the dead end. In Giant, the left lever reads,
the ground in the center of this section, its magical “To go right” and the right lever reads, “To go left”.
potency keeping it barely intact but causing side In reality, both switches are fakes that will trigger
effects. When a creature passes within 30 feet of the the ceiling to collapse on those below. To notice
medical box for the first time, they immediately con- the collapsible ceiling requires a successful DC 24
tract a DC 18, 5th level contagion spell, if they are Wisdom (Perception) check, as the giants expertly
able to contract diseases. The disease they contract crafted the ceiling.
is chosen at random from the spell’s description, To notice the real opening, a creature must suc-
and the afflicted characters begin with one saving ceed on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check
throw to resist the disease having already failed. to notice a slightly worn section of wall between the

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
switches. Pushing on the worn section pushes the Residual Trap Effects
dead end to the side, showing the way forward.
d4 Effect
If either lever is pulled, the roof collapses and
each creature within 80 feet of the dead end 1 The energy of the spell cascades, causing painful
must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be spikes to grow throughout the caster’s body as the
energy tries to escape. The caster takes 1d10 force
knocked prone. If they failed by 5 or more they are
damage per spell level. This damage cannot be
also stunned for 1d4 rounds. In addition, as the resisted, mitigated, or transferred.
debris hits the ground two 6th level, DC 18 glyph of
2 The shards of energy react to the caster’s spell
warding spells explode, their center points being 20
as if the caster were a giant, and work to fix their
feet away and 60 feet away from the dead end. The “abnormalities”. The caster immediately loses the
explosions trigger the dead end to collapse, showing ability to speak all languages except Giant. If they
the way forward. did not know Giant, they immediately learn it. These
effects end at the end of the adventure.
Trap 2. Catch and Release
Four nets are hidden behind swirling runes in the 3 Wild magic explodes from the spell, causing the caster
and every creature within 30 feet of the caster to roll
walls and ceiling, set to capture intruders alive.
on the Wild Magic Surge table found in the Player’s
Each net has a 5-foot square pressure trigger that Handbook.
activates with 20 pounds or more: One on each wall
4 As if to stop the spell from occurring, the energy in
and two on the floor.
this section of the tunnel quickly tries to remove the
If activated, a net covers a 10-foot-square area. caster’s components. If the spell required a somatic
Those in the area are trapped under the net and component, the appendages used are switched
are restrained, and those that fail a DC 15 Strength with another creature in the tunnel with similar
saving throw are also knocked prone from the heavy appendages. If the spell required a verbal component,
nets. A creature can use its action to make a DC 15 the caster’s vocal cords (and voice) are switched with
Strength check, freeing itself or another creature another creature’s in the tunnel. If the spell required
within its reach on a success. The net has AC 15 material components, they are replaced with a plain,
and 40 hit points, and dealing 10 slashing damage unassuming rock that acts as their spell focus.
to the net destroys a 5-foot-square section of it, Each of these effects end at the end of the adven-
freeing any creature caught in that section. ture, all parts and items returning to normal.
To notice the nets inside of the swirling runes
and/or the pressure plates requires a successful Trap 4. Reverse Energy
DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. From there, the The air shimmers and vibrates with energy from the
four pressure triggers can be disabled with a DC 18 Positive and Negative Planes of Energy, constantly
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. forming and breaking apart as it erupts around
the area. While in this area, all healing spells
Trap 3. Reality Shards instead deal necrotic damage, and all necrotic
What once was an elemental trap has collapsed and damage instead heals hit points. Any healing done
transformed, the air thick with volatile wild energy is doubled, but any damage taken is also doubled
that is painful to anything moving through without while here.
the utmost caution. Every 15 feet of movement In addition, for the duration of this adventure,
through this area requires a character to succeed all healing potions that are not stowed in another
on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 11 (2d10) dimension become potions of poison, all potions of
force damage on a failed save, or half as much vitality instead give a level of exhaustion and waste
damage on a successful one. If a creature tries to half of a creature’s total hit die, and potions of invul-
dash, they make the saving throw every 15 feet with nerability instead give vulnerability to all damage.
disadvantage. Other items should follow similar changes and are
Additionally, if a creature casts a spell within 30 up to DM discretion (with party input).
feet of this trap, they must roll a d4 and have the These item changes can be noticed with an iden-
following effect immediately happen. Once done, tify spell or other similar means, and are reversed
the spell continues until completed. once outside of the fortress.

Trap 5. Re-Attunement
Every three rounds, multiple waves of energy flow
through and around the area, showing each school
of magic. Creatures can feel their bonds to magic
and items changing over the three rounds, and a
successful DC 21 Intelligence (Arcana) check allows
the creature to be aware of the potential effects.

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
Each creature with magical items that require Trap 6. Emptiness
attunement, and whose items are within 60 feet If there was a trap here, it has long since broken
their body, must roll a d6 and have the following down and become useless. Instead, there is silence
effect happen to them immediately. This includes and a creature’s own thoughts and sounds.
simulacra and other creatures under their control.
Re-Attunement Effects
Once three unique rolls of each encounter table
d6 Effect have occurred, the characters reach the end of the
1 Make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw. On a
maintenance tunnel. A nondescript, thick metal
failure, one attuned item is immediately unattuned door with a broken lock bars the way, and the
at random. On a success, the creature takes 3d12 characters can rest in this small section if needed.
force damage for each currently attuned item. When they are ready, proceed to part 2a.
2 Make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw. On a XP Reward. In addition, each character receives
failure, the creature’s alignment is reversed: Lawful 1,000 XP for making their way through the mainte-
becomes Chaotic, Good becomes Evil, Neutral stays nance tunnel.
the same. If this alignment change would make a
character unable to play (Neutral Evil or Chaotic
Evil), they instead become True Neutral or Chaotic
Neutral, player’s choice. This alignment change
reverts back to normal at the end of this adventure.
On a success, the creature gains advantage on the
next saving throw of their choice in this adventure,
as the planar energy gives them glimpses into the
3–4 Make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure,
the character gains disadvantage on their next
mental (Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) saving
throw as their minds become hazy with memories
not of their own.
On a success, the creature gains a physical feature
akin to a cloud giant (silver/blue hair, cloud colored
skin, eyes change color, etc.) and gains the giant
subtype until the end of the adventure.
5 Make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw. On a failure,
the creature’s second lowest base ability score and
their second highest base ability score are reversed
until the end of this adventure.
On a success, the creature gains the benefit of
the death ward spell and gains double their total
character level in temporary hit points.
6 Make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw. On a
failure, one randomly unattuned item is immediately
attuned, replacing a randomly chosen attuned item
if the creature is already attuned to three items. On
a success, the creature takes 3d12 force damage for
each attuned item.
As the energy plays with their bodies, repeated
exposure is problematic. If a creature makes this
roll four times, they immediately lose the ability to
attune properly and can attune to only two magic
items during the rest of this adventure. This reduces
to one magic item at five rolls, and no magic item
attunements at six rolls. After six rolls, the energy
ceases to work on the creature. The only way to
resolve this imbalance is by taking three long rests.

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
Roleplaying the Siblings
Part 2. Skyelinjeheim Proper Siblings that hail from the Moonsea, neither of them recalls
Estimated Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes their actual hometown. They chose Teshwave as their
Once inside the fortress, players need to explore adopted city, as they grew up there, and have added that to
and find a way to enter the control tower on the their names. Both have dark mahogany skin, curly hair, and
second floor. The Teshwave Siblings are here to eyes as dark and blue as the Moonsea.
help, expediting the process. Abigail (She/Her) is the quieter of the two, keeping a
watchful eye on her sibling at all times. When she does
General Features speak, she is curt, tactful, and above all else precise with her
Skyelinjeheim has the following general features. levelheadedness.
Terrain. Worked stone, giant runes, dust and debris, ruined Char (They/Them) is the ever-fluid of the two, in
decorations and signs of wealth and power. mannerisms, gender, and in battle. When Char speaks, Char
Weather. Cold, dry wind whistling through the fortress. is boastful and happy to be the center of attention. In battle,
Light. Bright light from windows and arrow slits, unless melee range is where Char is the most commanding and
otherwise noted. deadly. When Char is quiet, Char is either thinking, calculating
Smells and Sounds. Wind whistling through openings, the the next move, or doubting previous actions.
occasional giant words muttered by ghosts, creaking walls While they are generally sarcastic and irreverent, they are
and floors. very serious when it comes to their older sibling Selise.
Giant Defenses: The “Giant Defenses” DM handout
contains information on exterior and interior defenses and Aren’t You Dead?
guards against various things. These are in effect throughout
Characters may have encountered or heard of these siblings
this adventure unless stated otherwise.
before, from either CCC-TRI-03, “Fences & Swords” or CCC-
Rests: Be sure to remind the players that there is time for a
TRI-04, “Birds of a Feather.” Some may have sent them to
short rest, if they have not taken one already. Once Part 2 is
their death at the hands of the Lord’s Alliance, or even killed
complete, there will be no time for any rests.
them themselves. For these characters, the siblings will be
somewhat ruder, but will state that, luckily for the characters,
2a. What a Surprise neither they, nor their patron (whom they will not discuss)
When the characters open the door from the main- bear any grudges.
tenance tunnel into great hall, read the following
box text. • The siblings have cleared portions of the fortress,
but still cannot enter the control room at the top
As the iron door begins to open, two familiar voices
of the main hall. It is magically warded like the
reach you.
rest of the fortress, and they have tried everything
“Dammit Rajiram, let us in! Our sibling is not a
they have to brute force their way in.
The sound of metal on stone rings repeatedly . . .
• Characters can inspect the control room doors
and come to the same conclusion, with those
The voice belongs to Char of Teshwave, visibly proficient in Arcana recognizing that it is unsta-
frustrated and hitting a dagger against a reinforced ble and can be broken by doing other tasks in
door at the top of a small set of steps leading up. the fortress.
Abigail is sitting back, resting against a pillar and • Char and Abigail know their sibling and the Baron
visibly agitated. The signs of recent battle are all are up above, as the Baron sent multiple sets of
over the room, both Char and Abigail also showing forces to harass them. To little success.
some damage. They are both expecting other adven- • To speed up the rest of the process, the siblings
turers to enter the fortress though, with Abigail’s would like to split the workload with the
passive Perception of 25 (with truesight) keeping a characters: There is a giant shrine that they have
watchful eye. not cleared, and an arcane room that “was too
delicate for their expertise”.
Their Plan • Both of those locations are in side rooms of the
If the characters are spotted, or actively make their main hall, but the siblings want to quickly clear
presence known, the Teshwave siblings are relieved the inner bailey and areas outside of the main
to see them. Use the following bullet points and hall.
sidebar to roleplay and give information as needed. • “We’re great distractions.” —Char
• If the characters do not trust them, they are more
than happy to be subjected to spells such as a
zone of truth to prove their honesty. They do not

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
care about the fortress, but they want the Baron intricately carved giant hands, palms facing up to
dead and their older sibling rescued. the ceiling. The walls are covered in depictions of
• They also are acutely aware of the speed of the various giants working on the castle, waging war
fortress, and do not wish for more trouble. against dragons, and the left wall (in relation to
• “Selise has been a devout worshiper of The where they enter in the north) is one large mural.
Red Knight and done lots of work for the Lords’ • In front of the mural are six giant statues in
Alliance. We’ve done a lot of bad . . . And we don’t supplication to the mural. Most of their frames
want that life to be forced on her.” —Abigail have melted into the floor and mural.
The siblings don’t have much more to say, as they • While they have been here for some time,
are antsy to go break more defenses and get on with a successful DC 16 Intelligence (History or
their plan. If the characters still do not trust them, Religion) check will recognize that these are
both siblings get irritated and point to the control petrified giants, and the mural they are in front of
room door. is depicting hundreds of other giants giving praise
to one in the center who is double the size of all
• “We need each other’s help. Smashing enough others: The giant god Annam the All-Father.
things should break the magical barrier keeping • If the characters successfully recognize what this
that door shut, and we don’t have enough time to room is for, they will also know that giants abhor
be wary. We’re leaving to do what we can, we hope outsiders that enter their sacred spaces. This
you do the same” —Char allows the characters to not be surprised as the
If the characters try to stop them, which is unlikely, giants awaken!
the siblings both trigger dimension door with a Once 30 seconds has elapsed after the giants
contingency etched into their clothing. Each auto- awaken, a wall of force spell blocks the door frame,
matically suffer no ill effect from the teleportation keeping it from being immediately used to escape.
effect table, as their patron bends fate to allow Two stone giant statues and a cloud giant smiling
them to escape. In addition, this hostility will cause one statue attack. Do not forget that if they do not
complications in part 3. recognize what the statues and mural were for, that
If the characters agree to work with the siblings, the giants have a surprise round (unless the charac-
they both smile and head off, pointing to the two ters have something that negates surprise rounds).
rooms they did not clear. Proceed to either part 2b,
“Giant Shrine” or part 2c, “Arcane Power.” As if struck by lightning, multiple giant statues spring
to life, stone turning to mottled flesh as inorganic
Part 2b. Giant Shrine sounds escape their mouths, rock flowing into
The characters go down a majestic path to a shrine outstretched and deformed hands to form rudimentary
that stone giants created, while helping to build this weapons the size of grown men that begin to swing
fortress and defend it afterwards. The old bodies do towards you.
not take kindly to being disturbed.
The doors to the shrine are intricately carved with Tricks of the Trade
images of giants, all working tirelessly surrounding This entire combat is to remove intruders from the
a much larger giant. The doors are ajar with enough giant shrine. The following tips can help make this
space to peer within and see a long staircase encounter interesting and smooth.
descending into the foundations. The steps wind
for a few hundred feet before opening into a grand The giants are constructs. While they look lifelike, their souls
are not in their bodies and should be treated as constructs
mausoleum, coated in a millennia’s amount of dust.
(do not breathe, cannot be affected by poison, etc.).
While characters stay in the staircase, nothing Remember that certain spells and items deal extra damage
will happen to them. Anything exiting the stairs, to them, and when dead they cannot be interacted with via
be it spell, familiar, or the characters, will start to spells such as speak with dead.
awaken the giants whose statue-like bodies line a The spells can be dispelled. The glyphs on the giant weapons
wall of the shrine. They do not fully awaken for 30 power their elemental weapon spells. These can be
seconds, so keep an eye on the clock. In addition, dispelled to help ease combat.
while in their statue form, they do not register as Race is important. Firbolg and goliath characters will find
undead or alive for the purposes of detection. themselves ignored in combat and will only be attacked if
those characters deal damage first. Even then, the attacks
If and when they do enter it and look around, the
are reluctant and non-lethal. On the other hand, kobolds
following information can be found (before the giant and dragonborn are actively sought out for attacks. The
attack). giants will provoke attacks of opportunity and go through
• The room itself is 30 feet tall, 70 feet long, and detrimental effects when needed to attack these races.
50 feet wide. The floor consists entirely of two They will attack until they are destroyed due to their
construct logic.

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
The giants and the walls. Having worshipped in this room Developments
before being re-animated as constructs, statues are able to
When the giants are destroyed, the room begins to
move through the walls. They meld in, move through, and
exit without taking extra actions. A giant will never end its
degrade and a part of the barricade to the control
turn entirely hidden in a wall or mural, always keeping its room also degrades.
arms and head available to attack with if possible. When the characters are ready to move on, pro-
ceed to part 2c if they have not completed it. If they
have completed part 2c, proceed to part 3. There
Setting up the Encounter is no time for a short rest once both 2b and 2c are
All APLs completed.
The cloud giant smiling one(s) act on initiative count 20, and
all other giants act on initiative count 15.
Also, every giant is a construct in addition to its normal type,
and has truesight to 120 ft.
Very Weak
• Stone Giant: AC 17, 126 hp
The stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder) pre-cast at
3rd level on its greatclub, without concentration.
• Cloud Giant Smiling One: AC 15, 230 hp
• Stone Giant (2): AC 17, 126 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder) pre-cast
at 3rd level on its greatclub, without concentration.
• Cloud Giant Smiling One: AC 15, 230 hp
The cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold) pre-cast at 3rd
level on its morningstar, without concentration.
• Stone Giant (2): AC 17, 146 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder) pre-cast
at 5th level on its greatclub, without concentration.
• Cloud Giant Smiling One: AC 15, 262 hp
The cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold) pre-cast at 5th
level on its morningstar, without concentration.
• Stone Giant (2): AC 17, 146 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder) pre-cast
at 5th level on its greatclub, without concentration.
• Cloud Giant Smiling One (2): AC 15, 262 hp
Each cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold) pre-cast at
5th level on its morningstar, without concentration.
Very Strong
• Stone Giant (3): AC 17, 166 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder) pre-cast
at 7th level on its greatclub, without concentration.
• Cloud Giant Smiling One (2): AC 15, 295 hp
Each cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold) pre-cast at
7th level on its morningstar, without concentration.
• Stone Giant (3): AC 17, 166 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder) pre-cast
at 7th level on its greatclub, without concentration.
• Cloud Giant Smiling One (2): AC 15, 295 hp
Each cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold) pre-cast at
7th level on its morningstar, without concentration.
It can also innately cast wall of force 1/day, without using
spell components, as a bonus action.

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Part 2c. Arcane Batteries inspiration, one channel divinity, one druid wild-
shape, half of their available ki points, half of their
This room is covered in glyphs, runes, and crystals
lay on hands pool, half of their available sorcery
the size of halflings. Characters will need to disable
points, their lowest available mystic arcanum,
this room to break down the control room door.
their arcane recovery.
The archway and hall leading to the arcane room that Crystal Short Circuit Effect
the Siblings described is . . . Rather plain. The heavy
stone doors are well worn and open, with “CAUTION: Party Strength Spell Slot Drained
HIGH ENERGY” written in Giant above the door. Very Weak & Weak Odd roll—Level 2 spell slot.
What lies inside is impressive: The floor and walls are Even roll—Level 3 spell slot.
covered in runes and other intricate designs, the air Average & Strong Odd roll—Level 4 spell slot.
humming with energy emanating from multiple crystals Even roll—Level 5 spell slot.
laid out at key points. Very Strong & Deadly Odd roll—Level 6 spell slot.
Even roll—Level 7 spell slot.
This room is one of the ways that the Baron
and his recently deceased minions powered the • Once removed from its original position, the
control room wards, and a wrong decision can be holder of the crystal must set the crystal down
problematic. in a position that routes the energy away from
Due to the energy in the room, any spells cast in the door without causing backlash. This can be
or into the room (1st level or higher) trigger a wild accomplished with either a DC 18 Intelligence
magic surge directly on the spellcaster. Use the wild (Arcana) skill check, a DC 20 Intelligence
magic table available in the Player’s Handbook, (Investigation) skill check, or a DC 22 Wisdom
underneath the Wild Magic Sorcerer. (Perception) skill check. This cannot be a passive
To successfully clear the room, and reduce the skill check, as the complexity is too nuanced for
power of the control room wards, four crystals must casual observation. A failure will short circuit the
be manipulated successfully. room and the holder of the crystal, causing a roll
on the “Residual Trap Effects” table on page 7.
• A DC 18 Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill check is If a 1 is rolled, use the spell slot selection listed
required to make their way to one of the crystals. above to decide the damage from the raw energy
A failed skill check causes the energy grid to unleashed. If a 4 is rolled, ignore it and roll again.
short, dealing 12 (2d10) psychic damage and 12 • If a crystal is attacked, the energy (be it magical
(2d10) force damage, but they do make it to a or kinetic) reverberates through the energy grid,
crystal. If two creatures try to work at the same as the crystal is immune to all damage while in
time in the room itself, each one makes this skill the grid. The creature attacking rolls for damage
check with disadvantage as the arcane energy as if it was a critical hit, and all creatures in the
becomes unstable from multiple foreign bodies. fortress that are not the Baron or one his minions
Other sources of help and aid should be encour- take the rolled damage and lose a spell slot as
aged, and give the person in the room advantage. listed above.
This can be a mastermind’s Help action, skilled
allies giving advice, etc. Be generous. Development
• Once a creature reaches a crystal, they must Once four crystals are removed from the arcane
make a DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check grid, and the grid itself redirected, a portion of
or DC 23 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) skill check. the control room wards break. In addition, each
A failure causes the crystal to short out as it is character receives 1,000 XP.
removed, causing 12 (2d10) psychic damage and Proceed to part 2b if it has not been cleared or
12 (2d10) force damage. In addition, the creature proceed to part 3 if both areas have been cleared.
is drained of a spell slot, as decided by the party’s There is no time for a short rest once parts 2b and
APL and a die roll as shown below. If they do not 2c are completed.
have that spell slot level available, it takes the
highest spell slot available up to the rolled level.
If a creature did not have spell slots to lose, or
if losing a spell slot would not be even a minor
setback (such as a party with multiple wands and
staffs), they instead have another feature drained
as their body loses power and strength. Choose
one of the following: one action surge, half of
their available rages, half of their available bardic

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
• Baron Rajiram (death giant) floats in the air in
Part 3. End of the Line the center of the room, held in place by a sphere
Estimated Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes of wind and energy as his tattered robes flit about.
The characters have gained access to the control In his hand is a red halberd, embedded in the
tower and will finally come face to face with the body of Selise of Teshwave directly in front of
Baron. But what they find will not meet their him. A sharp twist causes her to exhale one last
expectations. time, determination still in her eyes as the light is
snuffed from them.
General Features • Characters with a passive Perception of 14 or
The control room on top of the main hall has the following
higher will notice that the halberd seems to be
general features.
fighting against the Baron’s hand, trying to break
Terrain. This 120-foot-wide, 100-foot-long, 40-foot-tall
free . . . until the characters are fully present. It
room is made entirely of smooth, worked stone. Furniture
then goes still, as if waiting for something.
and debris litter the room in various places.
• The navigation orb for the fortress is embedded
Weather. The ceiling is magically crafted to allow sunlight
in his chest, acting as the conduit for the sphere
to shine into the room. The sun’s excess heat is dissipated to
as it glows softly. This acts as a casting of globe of
keep the room pleasant in temperature.
invulnerability (no concentration, level set by party
Light. Sunlight, bright but not glaring, in the entire room.
strength), and imposes disadvantage on ranged
No dim light or dark locations.
attack rolls.
Smells and Sounds. Old, damp, stone. The sound of swiftly
• Freshly made scorch marks and gouges cover the
moving air through the area.
walls and floor, debris strewn everywhere.
Actions Matter. Confirm which characters participated Characters can make various skill checks to notice
in Season 5 Tier 3 adventures, or DDEP05-02, “Ark of the the following bullet points about the Baron, and the
Mountains.” The Baron might remember their faces from halberd in his hand:
previous interactions in Durlag’s Tower or on the airships in • DC 19 Wisdom (Medicine) skill check. Rajiram’s
battle, and will focus his attacks and attention on them. body is different from reports: He is a storm giant
instead of the cloud giant that he once was, and
3a. Eviction Notice appears to be undead. In addition, his body seems
to crackle with energy and tendrils of air as if
The doors to the upper levels of the main hall open,
the sounds of flowing air all they hear. The Baron
has made his move.
• DC 19 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check.
Recognizes the navigation orb’s effect on the
Returning to the main hall, the doors to the upper Baron (see above bullet points).
levels are wide open, their wards gone. Sunlight and a • DC 23 Intelligence (Nature) skill check. The
stiff breeze flow down the stairs. air flowing in the room has an intelligence to it,
testing the characters equipment and weight. It
Those with a passive Perception of 20 or higher seems to stem from the orb and the Baron’s body.
can hear a fight upstairs, and the sound of liquid
If a creature touches the navigation orb, one of
dripping down the stairs.
two things will happen, without using the Baron’s
If the characters go upstairs before the minute
is up, be it stealthy or otherwise, please read the
following box text. • If the creature is willfully touching the orb in
hopes of attaining power or joining the Baron,
As you make your way upstairs, the fortress begins to they are immediately subjected to the spell-like
shake and heave side to side. As suddenly as it starts, it effects of an 8th level dominate monster, and they
stops, the sound of metal hitting floor ringing through make the DC 21 saving throw with disadvantage.
the air and a trickle of blood flows gently down the • If a creature is willfully touching the orb for other
steps. A deep giant voice echoes down the stairs in reasons, such as attempting to pull it free of the
Common, confidence oozing from its tone. Baron’s torso, they are immediately subjected
“I know there are others here: The fortress shows all. to the spell-like effects of an 8th level dominate
Come forward, and witness the end of the Red Knight’s monster, DC 21.
For either bullet, if the creature fails they are under
When the characters do arrive at the second floor, the direct control of the Baron for 1 hour, as per the
the sight that greets them is as follows: spell description. A creature that succeeds on the
saving throw takes 4d12 psychic damage and can

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
continue to touch the orb without making another Setting up the Encounter
saving throw.
Pre-Cast Spells
What the Baron Wants Baron Rajiram has the following spells and effects on him
as combat starts (by potions, spell scrolls, and other effects
The Baron’s goal is twofold: Resolve the pact that he
used by Selise of Teshwave, before she broke free and was
has made with a powerful elder air elemental, and
subsequently killed while her siblings were banished): death
gain new servants that can be under his control.
ward, fly, foresight, freedom of movement, heroes’ feast, mind
• Rajiram will not speak of his pact with the elder blank, skill empowerment (athletics), true seeing.
elemental, as he believes to have it under control.
Very Weak & Weak
What he will speak about his how he has used
Selise of Teshwave to fuel a ritual to further his
• Baron Rajiram (Death Giant): AC 20, 192 hp, Init +0 (Adv)
Globe of invulnerability is cast at 6th level
plans, and happened to pull in her siblings as
Add 1 Legendary Resistance per day
well. They are either dead, or on the Elemental
Plane of Air, but either way they have served their
• Storm Giant Zombie: AC 16, 185 hp, Init +1
Remove Necrotic Lightning Storm
• He will try and convince the characters (if they Average & Strong
do not immediately try and attack him) that • Baron Rajiram (Death Giant): AC 20, 247 hp, Init +0 (Adv)
his power is only growing, and that those who Globe of invulnerability is cast at 7th level
currently rule over the Sword Coast are unworthy Add 2 Legendary Resistances per day
After all, if the Red Knight’s Chosen could not • Storm Giant Zombie: AC 16, 185 hp, Init +1
stop him, what hope do other powers have?. Remove Necrotic Lightning Storm
• If the characters can deceive the Baron, be it Very Strong
through multiple skill checks or other means, • Baron Rajiram (Death Giant): AC 20, 247 hp, Init +0 (Adv)
Rajiram will drop the globe of invulnerability Globe of invulnerability is cast at 8th level
effect to openly speak with them. He can turn it Add 3 Legendary Resistances per day
back on with an action if needed. Add haste from a glyph of warding
• Characters who get past the globe of invulnera- • Storm Giant Zombie: AC 16, 231 hp, Init +1
bility and successfully cast dispel magic on the Deadly
Baron (while within the globe) will remove all of If a creature hits the baron with a melee weapon or other
the pre-cast spells from his being and cause the form of direct contact, it must make the saving throw against
navigation orb to stutter. This disrupts the globe the dominate monster effect listed on the previous page for
of invulnerability for several rounds, depending on the Navigation Orb.
party APL: • Baron Rajiram (Death Giant): AC 20, 247 hp, Init +0 (Adv)
• Very Weak & Weak: 4 rounds. Globe of invulnerability is cast at 8th level
• Average & Strong: 3 rounds. Add 3 Legendary Resistances per day
• Very Strong: 2 rounds. Add haste and holy weapon from two glyphs of warding
• Deadly: 1 round. • Storm Giant Zombie (2): AC 16, 231 hp, Init +1
• Lastly, if a character can remove the navigation
orb from Rajiram’s torso, it causes catastrophic Developments
effects and immediately starts part 3b. As the fight progresses, the Baron’s form becomes
If the Baron believes that the characters will not join more and more elementally fueled, crackling with
his cause, or gets attacked or threatened, combat lightning and air surging out of his wounds. If the
shortly follows as a storm giant zombie is pulled navigation orb is attacked, the same effects apply.
from the floor to join him in combat. The characters should be aware that something is
changing, for better or worse.
Once Baron Rajiram is reduced to 0 hit points,
or the navigation orb is removed from his body,
proceed to part 3b. Storm giant zombies that are
still alive crumble apart and do not participate in
part 3b.

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CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand
3b. Storm Herald of this combat, the Red Knight smiting through
their weapon and the wielder’s body.
Baron Rajiram loses control, unleashing a powerful
foe that will do more damage than the fortress
• The character’s voice gains the effect of the
thaumaturgy spell for the duration of the fight, a
ever could. He believed his pact with the elder air
god-like feminine voice layered over their own in
elemental made him the Storm Herald, but he did
righteous fury.
not realize that the final part of the ritual had yet
to be completed. Once his undead life force is no Tricks of the Trade
longer powering the navigation orb, the transforma- The elder tempest is a force of nature, and reason-
tion begins by absorbing his body, and joining his ing with it is not an option. It must be destroyed or it
essence with an elder tempest. The Storm Herald will range across Faerûn, wreaking havoc.
emerges. It’s stormy weather. Be sure to read the Living Storm
portion of the tempest’s stat block. It imposes multiple
The navigation orb explodes, obliterating the Baron
environmental effects on the battlefield.
with it. From within the cloud of the explosion comes a The tempest does not need to be close. The tempest will stay
storm that fills the room with gale force winds and rain at range whenever possible, using its Lightning Storm and
before quickly destroying the roof and multiple walls, Lightning Strike to attack at a distance.
expanding rapidly to fill the sky miles across. From Be the storm. When an opportunity presents itself, the
within the storm, a serpent over 100 feet long begins tempest will use its Screaming Gale legendary action to
to snake through the sky, and a familiar giant’s voice knock foes off of the fortress and down to the ground
echoes through the thunder. below. Characters who try to secure themselves to the floor
“We come to herald the coming storm, the rain with things like climbing gear can still take damage from
being moved, but should not fall off.
and wind that will cleanse those unworthy. Fall to the
The Baron is helping to power the storm. Baron Rajiram is
ground and perish in your waste.” now fully absorbed into the tempest, due to the pact he has
As the words trail through the air, a broken halberd made. Spells or other effects that would remove him from
on the ground glows with a crimson light. the body will remove all temporary hit points and other
effects that were gained from his absorption. Continue the
The elder tempest is empowered by the absorption combat with the regular elder tempest stat block.
of the Baron, giving it temporary hit points, spell The Red Knight’s Aid. Be sure to make the fight and the
effects, resistances, and extra damage, as detailed in knight’s aid cinematic and impactful. This is the climactic
the “Setting up the Encounter” sidebar. battle, and the players should feel it!

The Red Knight’s Halberd

The glowing halberd is the last weapon used by
Selise of Teshwave, unable to complete her task
from the Red Knight due to the Baron’s meddling.
• The knight chess piece etched on the handle is
known as the symbol of the Red Knight, and is
known by most characters without needing a
successful skill check.
• All characters can hear a feminine voice inside
of their heads, praising their prowess and asking
for their aid in striking down the Baron and what
he has become. If someone is willing to wield the
halberd, they will become her Chosen and give
the party powerful (and needed) aid.
• If a character agrees and moves to wield the
halberd, it will fly to their hands and immediately
impart the following: The wielder and each of
their allies immediately gains 60 temporary hit
points and sprouts crimson ethereal wings that
provide a fly speed of 120 feet. The wielder of the
halberd also gains the following effects, which
can be transferred to another character only if
the wielder falls unconscious in battle and the
halberd is taken:
• The halberd counts as a +2 weapon and does an
additional 3d8 radiant damage for the duration

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Setting up the Encounter
Pre-Cast Spells
The elder tempest has the following spells on it as combat
starts, due to its absorption of Baron Rajiram, even if they
were previously dispelled or removed (in addition to gaining
temporary hit points and other effects per party strength):
foresight, mind blank, true seeing. Attempts to use dispel magic
against these effects are made with disadvantage, as the
Weave roils with the elemental’s raw power.
Very Weak & Weak
• Elder Tempest: AC 19, 264 hp + 192 temp hp, Init +9 (adv)
Add 18 (4d8) necrotic damage to Thunderous Slam
Add advantage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects
Average & Strong
• Elder Tempest: AC 19, 301 hp + 247 temp hp, Init +9 (Adv)
Add 18 (4d8) necrotic damage to Thunderous Slam
Add advantage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects
Add a recharged Hellfire Orb attack
Very Strong
• Elder Tempest: AC 19, 356 hp + 247 temp hp, Init +9 (Adv)
Add 18 (4d8) necrotic damage to Thunderous Slam
Add advantage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects
Add a recharged Hellfire Orb attack
Increase Legendary Resistance to 4 per day
• Elder Tempest: AC 19, 416 hp + 308 temp hp, Init +9 (Adv)
Add 18 (4d8) necrotic damage to Thunderous Slam
Add advantage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects
Add a recharged Hellfire Orb attack
Increase Legendary Resistance to 5 per day.

Developments & Treasure

Once the tempest and Baron Rajiram are destroyed,
the fortress begins to descend as its navigation orb
has been destroyed. Pieces of the Baron’s corpse
fall to the ground and are partially recoverable—his
robes have a spell scroll of geas and 20,000 gp in
the form of platinum and gems stuffed in a bag.
The halberd that was glowing transforms at the
tempest’s defeat, turning into a manual of gainful

Zhentarim Faction Assignment

While escaping the crashing fortress, Zhentarim
agents need to bring back a portion of the Baron for
their assignment to be a success.

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Part 4. Epilogue
Estimated Duration: 15 minutes
With the assault on Skyelingeheim complete, were
characters able to stop it and Baron Rajiram’s plan?
And what of Selise of Teshwave and her siblings?

Full Success
Safely back on land, the characters can watch the
fortress descend faster and faster until it slams into
the Moonsea, the mission a success.
Once back, the factions and local powers will hold
a festival in their honor, the Baron and the fortress
vanquished. The only exception to this cheer is
the Lord’s Alliance, who will be frustrated to hear
that Selise was subverted and is currently missing.
They are still thankful for the character’s efforts,
regardless of Selise’s predicament.

Partial Success
If the party took more than one short rest, the
fortress was able to overfly the Moonsea, and was
over inhabited land when it fell. With the fortress
crashed on dry land, the mission is a partial
The different factions and local powers imme-
diately begin to squabble over who should have
control over the ruins, with no end in sight. In addi-
tion, the Lord’s Alliance is frustrated to hear that
Selise was subverted and is currently missing. They
think another group was behind the Baron’s action,
affecting future storylines involving this adventure.

With the fortress either flying on to the Sword
Coast, or the elder tempest freed and allowed to
attack anything in its wake, the mission is a total
failure. The heroes’ names are not said in praise
but in anger, and the world must contend with the
ineffectiveness. Perhaps there will come a day to fix
what they have wrought.

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Manual of Gainful Exercise
Rewards Wondrous item, very rare
Make sure players note their rewards on their This leather-bound book is emblazoned with a
adventure log sheets. Give your name and DCI crimson red chess piece, the knight. The inside of
number (if applicable) so players can record who the manual describes hundreds of training regi-
ran the session. ments for warfare and self-defense, ingraining some
of them into your mind as the magic within is used.
Experience This item can be found in Player Handout 1.
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated
foes, and divide by the number of characters present Giant Spellbook
in the combat. For non-combat experience, the This spellbook contains investiture of stone, thun-
rewards are listed per character. der step, and whirlwind. While written in Elvish, a
giant child has drawn runes all over it, and those
Combat Awards you can read have drawings around them like a
Name of Foe XP Per Foe coloring book.
Stone Giant 2,900
Cloud Giant Smiling One 7,200 Potion of Superior Healing
Death Giant (Storm) 18,000 Potion, rare
Storm Giant Zombie 10,000 This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s
Elder Tempest 50,000 Guide.

Non-Combat Awards Spell Scroll of Geas

Scroll, rare
Task or Accomplishment XP Per Character
Maintenance Tunnel 1,000 This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s
Arcane Batteries 1,000 Guide.

The minimum total award for each character Renown

participating in this adventure is 10,125 experience Each character receives one renown at the conclu-
points. sion of this adventure.
The maximum total award for each character Members of the Zhentarim that successfully
participating in this adventure is 13,500 experience bring back a portion of Baron Rajiram’s body earn
points. one additional renown point.
Treasure DM Reward
The characters receive the following treasure, In exchange for running this adventure, you earn
divided up amongst the party. Treasure is divided DM Rewards as described in the D&D Adventurers
as evenly as possible. Gold piece values listed for League Dungeon Master’s Guide (ALDMG).
sellable gear are calculated at their selling price, not
their purchase price.

Treasure Awards
Item Name GP Value
Diamond Payment 5,000 each
Baron Rajiram 20,000

Consumable magic items should be divided up

however the group sees fit. If more than one char-
acter is interested in a specific consumable magic
item, the DM can determine who gets it randomly
should the group be unable to decide.
Permanent magic items are divided according to
a system detailed in the D&D Adventurers League
Dungeon Master’s Guide.

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Appendix. Dramatis Personae
The following NPCs are featured prominently in
this adventure:
Abigail of Teshwave (She/Her) Abigail is one
of the Teshwave siblings. Quieter than Char and
always keeping a watchful eye on them. When
she speaks, she is curt, tactful, and above all else
precise with her levelheadedness.
Char of Teshwave (They/Them) Ever-fluid in
mannerisms, gender, and in battle. When Char
speaks, they are boastful and happy to be the center
of attention. In battle, melee range is where Char
is the most commanding and deadly. When Char is
quiet, they are either thinking, calculating the next
move, or doubting previous actions.
Baron Rajiram. A cloud giant whose bid to claim
the ancient artifacts from the wars between dragons
and giants has not ended. While he was severely
weakened in a previous conflict, his access to the
fortress and need for power has earned him a pact
with one of the powerful elder air elementals. By
sacrificing his life to serve it, he has been raised as
Storm Herald: an undead storm giant paladin.

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Source: Volo’s Guide to Monsters
Appendix. Monster/NPC Statistics Death Giant (Storm)
Cloud Giant Smiling One Huge undead, chaotic evil
Huge giant (cloud giant), chaotic neutral Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 247 (19d8 + 95)
Hit Points 262 (21d12 + 126) Speed 50 ft.
27 (+8) 11 (+0) 23 (+6) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
26 (+8) 12 (+1) 22 (+6) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 17 (+3)
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +9, Cha +10
Saving Throws Con +10, Int +6, Cha +7 Damage Resistances necrotic, poison
Skills Deception +11, Insight +7, Perception +7, Sleight Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
of Hand +9 Languages Abyssal, Common
Senses passive Perception 17 Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)
Languages Common, Giant Magic Resistance. The death giant has advantage on
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Innate Spellcasting. The giant’s innate spellcasting Marshal Undead. Unless the death giant is
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). It can innately incapacitated, it and undead creatures of its choice
cast the following spells, requiring no material within 60 feet of it have advantage on saving throws
components: against features that turn undead.
At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light Spellcasting. The death giant is a 19th-level spellcaster.
3/day each: feather fall, fly, misty step, telekinesis Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
1/day each: control weather, gaseous form 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). It has the following
Spellcasting. The giant is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its paladin spells prepared:
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to 1st level (4 slots): command, compelled duel, searing
hit with spell attacks). The giant has the following bard smite
spells prepared: 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, magic weapon
Cantrips (at will): minor illusion, prestidigitation, vicious 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, elemental weapon
mockery 4th level (3 slots): banishment, staggering smite
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, disguise self, silent image, 5th level (2 slots): destructive wave (necrotic)
Tasha’s hideous laughter
2nd level (3 slots): invisibility, suggestion Actions
3rd level (2 slots): major image, tongues Multiattack. The death giant makes three longsword
Keen Smell. The giant has advantage on Wisdom attacks.
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 8) slashing damage, or
Actions 23 (3d10 + 8) slashing damage if used with two hands,
Multiattack. The giant makes two attacks with its plus 18 (4d8) necrotic damage.
morningstar. Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range 60/240
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage. Hellfire Orb (1/Day). The death giant hurls a magical
The attack deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage if the giant ball of fire that explodes at a point it can see within
has advantage on the attack roll. 120 feet of it. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 60/240 centered on that point must make a DC 18 Dexterity
ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage. saving throw. The sphere spreads around corners. A
The attack deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage if the giant creature takes 35 (10d6) fire damage and 35 (10d6)
has advantage on the attack roll. necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
Change Shape. The giant magically polymorphs into
a beast or humanoid it has seen, or back into its true Parry. The death giant adds 6 to its AC against one
form. Any equipment the giant is wearing or carrying melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the death
is absorbed by the new form. Its statistics, other than knight must see the attacker and be wielding a melee
its size, are the same in each form. It reverts to its true weapon.
form if it dies. Source: DDAL06-03 Crypt of the Death Giants

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Elder Tempest Legendary Actions
Gargantuan elemental, neutral
The tempest can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Armor Class 19 from the options below. Only one legendary action
Hit Points 264 (16d20 + 96) option can be used at a time and only at the end of
Speed 0 ft., fly 120 ft. (hover) another creature’s turn. The tempest regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
23 (+6) 28 (+9) 23 (+6) 2 (−4) 21 (+5) 18 (+4) Move. The tempest moves up to its speed.
Lightning Strike (Costs 2 Actions). The tempest can
Saving Throws Wis +12, Cha +11 cause a bolt of lightning to strike a point on the
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and ground anywhere under its storm. Each creature
slashing from nonmagical attacks within 5 feet of that point must make a DC 20
Damage Immunities lightning, poison, thunder Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) lightning
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned a successful one.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Screaming Gale (Costs 3 Actions). The tempest
Languages — releases a blast of thunder and wind in a line that is 1
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) mile long and 20 feet wide. Objects in that area take
Air Form. The tempest can enter a hostile creature’s 22 (4d10) thunder damage. Each creature there must
space and stop there. It can move through a space as succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. 22 (4d10) thunder damage and be flung up to 60 feet
in a direction away from the line. If a thrown target
Flyby. The tempest doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks
collides with an immovable object, such as a wall or
when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.
floor, the target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the tempest fails a for every 10 feet it was thrown before impact. If the
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. target would collide with another creature instead,
Living Storm. The tempest is always at the center of a that other creature must succeed on a DC 19
storm 1d6 + 4 miles in diameter. Heavy precipitation Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and
in the form either rain or snow falls there, causing be knocked prone.
the area to be lightly obscured. Heavy rain also
Source: Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
extinguishes open flames and imposes disadvantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
In addition, strong winds swirl in the area covered by
the storm. The winds impose disadvantage on ranged
attack rolls. The winds extinguish open flames and
disperse fog.
Siege Monster. The tempest deals double damage to
objects and structures.

Multiattack. The tempest makes two attacks with its
thunderous slam.
Thunderous Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit,
reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (4d6 + 9) thunder
Lightning Storm (Recharge 6). All other creatures
within 120 feet of the tempest must each make a DC
20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) lightning
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. If a target’s saving throw fails by 5 or
more, the creature is also stunned until the end of its
next turn.

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Stone Giant Storm Giant Zombie
Huge giant, neutral Huge undead (storm giant), chaotic good
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
Hit Points 126 (11d12 + 55) Hit Points 231 (22d12 + 88)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 50 ft., swim 50 ft.
23 (+6) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 9 (−1) 29 (+9) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 3 (−4) 17 (+3) 5 (−3)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +8, Wis +4 Saving Throws Str +14, Con +9, Wis +8, Cha +2
Skills Athletics +12, Perception +4 Skills Arcana +1, Athletics +8, History +1, Perception
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 +2
Languages Giant Damage Resistances cold
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Damage Immunities lightning, thunder, poison
Stone Camouflage. The giant has advantage on Condition Immunities poisoned
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain. Senses passive Perception 20
Languages understands Common and Giant but can’t
Actions speak
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Multiattack. The giant makes two greatclub attacks. Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the storm giant
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution
one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken,
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 60/240 unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a
ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage. success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 17
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Actions
Multiattack. The giant zombie makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Rock Catching. If a rock or similar object is hurled target. Hit: 30 (6d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage.
at the giant, the giant can, with a successful DC 10 Necrotic Lightning Storm (Recharges 5–6). The giant
Dexterity saving throw, catch the missile and take no explodes in a magical lightning storm. Each creature
bludgeoning damage from it. within 10 feet of the giant must make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) lightning damage and 27
(6d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
Source: DDAL06-03 Crypt of the Death Giants

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Deadly Party Strength (23,100 XP)
Appendix. Encounter Setup • Stone Giant (3): AC 17, 166 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder)
Part 2b pre-cast at 7th level on its greatclub, without
All Party Strengths • Cloud Giant Smiling One (2): AC 15, 295 hp
• The cloud giant smiling one(s) act on initiative Each cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold)
count 20, and all other giants act on initiative pre-cast at 7th level on its morningstar, without
count 15. concentration.
• Also, every giant is a construct in addition to its It can also innately cast wall of force 1/day, with-
normal type, and has truesight to 120 ft. out using spell components, as a bonus action.
Very Weak Party Strength (10,100 XP)
• Stone Giant: AC 17, 126 hp 2900
The stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder)
pre-cast at 3rd level on its greatclub, without
• Cloud Giant Smiling One: AC 15, 230 hp 7200xp

Weak Party Strength (13,000 XP)

• Stone Giant (2): AC 17, 126 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder)
pre-cast at 3rd level on its greatclub, without
• Cloud Giant Smiling One: AC 15, 230 hp
The cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold)
pre-cast at 3rd level on its morningstar, without

Average Party Strength (13,000 XP)

• Stone Giant (2): AC 17, 146 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder)
pre-cast at 5th level on its greatclub, without
• Cloud Giant Smiling One: AC 15, 262 hp
The cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold)
pre-cast at 5th level on its morningstar, without

Strong Party Strength (20,200 XP)

• Stone Giant (2): AC 17, 146 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder)
pre-cast at 5th level on its greatclub, without
• Cloud Giant Smiling One (2): AC 15, 262 hp
Each cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold)
pre-cast at 5th level on its morningstar, without

Very Strong Party Strength (23,100 XP)

• Stone Giant (3): AC 17, 166 hp
Each stone giant has elemental weapon (thunder)
pre-cast at 7th level on its greatclub, without
• Cloud Giant Smiling One (2): AC 15, 295 hp
Each cloud giant has elemental weapon (cold)
pre-cast at 7th level on its morningstar, without

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3a. Eviction Notice Part 3b. Storm Herald
Pre-Cast Spells Pre-Cast Spells
Baron Rajiram has the following spells and effects The elder tempest has the following spells on him
on him as combat starts (by potions, spell scrolls, as combat starts, due to its absorption of Baron
and other effects used by Selise of Teshwave, Rajiram even if they were previously dispelled or
before she broke free and was subsequently killed removed (in addition to gaining temporary hit points
while her siblings were banished): death ward, fly, and other effects per party strength): foresight, mind
foresight, freedom of movement, heroes’ feast, mind blank, true seeing. Attempts to use dispel magic
blank, skill empowerment (athletics), true seeing. against these effects are made with disadvantage, as
the Weave roils with the elemental’s raw power.
Very Weak & Weak Party Strength (28,000 XP)
• Baron Rajiram (Death Giant): AC 20, 192 hp, Very Weak & Weak Party Strength (50,000 XP)
Init +0 (Adv) • Elder Tempest: AC 19, 264 hp + 192 temp hp,
Globe of invulnerability is cast at 6th level Init +9 (adv)
Add 1 Legendary Resistance per day Add 18 (4d8) necrotic damage to Thunderous
• Storm Giant Zombie: AC 16, 185 hp, Init +1 Slam
Remove Necrotic Lightning Storm Add advantage on saving throws against spells
and other magical effects
Average & Strong Party Strength (28,000 XP)
• Baron Rajiram (Death Giant): AC 20, 247 hp, Average & Strong Party Strength (50,000 XP)
Init +0 (Adv) • Elder Tempest: AC 19, 301 hp + 247 temp hp,
Globe of invulnerability is cast at 7th level Init +9 (Adv)
Add 2 Legendary Resistances per day Add 18 (4d8) necrotic damage to Thunderous
• Storm Giant Zombie: AC 16, 185 hp, Init +1 Slam
Remove Necrotic Lightning Storm Add advantage on saving throws against spells
and other magical effects
Very Strong Party Strength (28,000 XP) Add a recharged Hellfire Orb attack
• Baron Rajiram (Death Giant): AC 20, 247 hp,
Init +0 (Adv) Very Strong Party Strength (50,000 XP)
Globe of invulnerability is cast at 8th level • Elder Tempest: AC 19, 356 hp + 247 temp hp,
Add 3 Legendary Resistances per day Init +9 (Adv)
Add haste from a glyph of warding Add 18 (4d8) necrotic damage to Thunderous
• Storm Giant Zombie: AC 16, 231 hp, Init +1 Slam
Add advantage on saving throws against spells
Deadly Party Strength (38,000 XP) and other magical effects
If a creature hits the baron with a melee weapon or Add a recharged Hellfire Orb attack
other form of direct contact, it must make the saving Increase Legendary Resistance to 4 per day
throw against the dominate monster effect listed on
page 13 for the Navigation Orb. Deadly Party Strength (50,000 XP)
• Baron Rajiram (Death Giant): AC 20, 247 hp, • Elder Tempest: AC 19, 416 hp + 308 temp hp,
Init +0 (Adv) Init +9 (Adv)
Globe of invulnerability is cast at 8th level Add 18 (4d8) necrotic damage to Thunderous
Add has 3 Legendary Resistances per day Slam
Add haste and holy weapon from two glyphs of Add advantage on saving throws against spells
warding and other magical effects
• Storm Giant Zombie (2): AC 16, 231 hp, Init +1 Add a recharged Hellfire Orb attack
Increase Legendary Resistance to 5 per day.

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Appendix. Giant Defenses
The fortress has several active defense systems,
described here.
Perimeter Defenses and Plane Shifting. The
entire fortress exterior is protected by a permanent
effect similar to a 9th level globe of invulnerability,
which cannot be dispelled. In addition, planar magic
(such as banishment or plane shift) and telepor-
tation magic (such as misty step, dimension door,
arcane gate, etc.) do not work to enter, exit, or bring
outside things into the fortress. If a spell or spell like
effect is used as outlined above, the resources are
expended but no effect occurs.
Walled Off. Every wall in the fortress has AC 18,
Damage Threshold 30 (any damage from a single
source that does not deal over 30 damage deals 0
damage), immutable form (immunity to any spell or
effect that would alter its form) unless it is done by
a creature with the giant subtype, blocks Ethereal
travel and teleportation through them, has immunity
to psychic and poison damage, and resistance to all
other forms of damage.
Teleportation & More. Due to failed telepor-
tation experiments done by the previous owners,
teleportation magic brings strange effects while
within the fortress walls. All creatures in the
fortress can sense something is wrong, but those
with an ability or spell that allows them to teleport
innately know that trying to use said ability or spell
might be catastrophic, but do not know any specific
If a creature or object not being worn or carried
is subjected to an effect or spell that teleports them
(such as misty step, the Shadow Monk’s class fea-
ture, etc.), it must roll a d20 with no modifiers and
have the corresponding effect on the “Teleportation
& More” appendix table happen to it. This roll is
not a saving throw or ability check, but rather the
unstable environment reacting to the effect.
VIG’s. All of these effects besides those outlined
in “Teleportation & More” are ignored by the giants
that once lived here, in whatever form, and those
that are attuned to the control sphere, such as
Baron Rajiram.

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require adaption! It’s hard to be in someone else’s
Appendix. Teleportation & More shoes . . .
If a creature or object not being worn or carried is • Once outside the fortress, any swapped heads will
subjected to an effect or spell that teleports them revert back to their original bodies by spending 20
(such as misty step, the Shadow Monk’s class downtime days next to it, during which no other
feature, etc.), it must roll a d20 with no modifiers activity can happen as the heads swap and then
and have the corresponding effect happen to it. This recalibrate.
roll is not a saving throw or ability check, but rather
the unstable environment reacting to the effect. 1-2
The teleportation fails, resources expended. In
16–20 addition, one of the following bullet points happens
The teleportation works as intended, following the as the Weave breaks down and reforms in response:
rules set forth in the “Giant Defenses” appendix.
• If a creature made this roll, it must make a DC 20
11–15 Charisma saving throw as its body gets scattered
The teleportation works as intended, following the like dust across the planes. This saving throw can
rules set forth in the “Giant Defenses” appendix. In only be modified with their own innate abilities
addition, the creature must roll a d4 and consult the (class features, feats, base stat bonus, proficiency
table listed in part 1b, trap 3. bonus). Any other influence, from other creatures
to magic items to spells, is negated.
6–10 On a failure, the creature is paralyzed for 1d6
The teleportation fails, resources expended. In rounds as their entire being resets, and takes
addition, one of the following bullet points happens 95 (10d10 + 40) force damage, which ignores
as the aftereffects ripple through the weave: temporary hit points, resistances, and immunity. If
• If an object not being worn or carried makes this this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it is
roll, a non-mechanical physical property changes disintegrated and subject to the rules outlined in
permanently. the disintegrate spell.
• If a creature made this roll, instead of teleporting On a success, the creature is instead stunned
to their destination, the creature randomly trades for 1d3 rounds and takes half damage. If this
an appendage with another creature in the same damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it is
room. The trading creatures must be of the same disintegrated and subject to the rules outlined in
size and have similarly functioning appendages. the disintegrate spell.
This mishap is permanent while in the fortress • Anything that is not a creature automatically
and does not impose mechanical changes, so fails. Non-magical items are unable to be brought
the characters can roleplay it as they want. Once back save for a wish spell, and magical items are
outside the fortress, it will revert back in seconds. launched across the planes. To recover an item
requires 50 downtime days to hunt it down and
3–5 bring it back. If a creature chooses not to find
The teleportation goes horribly wrong and fails, magic items lost in this way, their magic item
resources expended. In addition, one of the follow- count is not reduced due to their choice.
ing bullet points happens as reality shudders:
• If an object made this roll, its physical form loses
stability and immediately explodes with a 5th
level synaptic static starting from its position. This
cannot be countered, and the saving throw and
subsequent damage bypass all resistances. Once
it explodes, it crumbles to dust if it is non-magical.
• If a creature made this roll, instead of teleporting
to their destination, the creature randomly trades
heads with another creature in the fortress that it
is friendly with.
This mishap is permanent while in the fortress,
imposing the effects of three levels of exhaustion
as each head tries to pilot their original body from
a different one! This also messes with effects that
require line of sight, and other changes that will

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Player Handout 1. Magic Item
During the course of this adventure, the characters
may find the following permanent magic item:

Manual of Gainful Exercise

Wondrous item, very rare
This book describes fitness exercises, and its words
are charged with magic. If you spend 48 hours
over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book’s
contents and practicing its guidelines, your Strength
score increases by 2, as does your maximum for
that score. The manual then loses its magic, but
regains it in a century.
This leather-bound book is emblazoned with a
crimson red chess piece, the knight. The inside
describes hundreds of training regiments for war-
fare and self-defense, ingraining some of them into
your mind and muscles as the magic is used.
This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 27
CCC-TRI-24 Knight Errand

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