1 s2.0 S1319610313000380 Main
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1 s2.0 S1319610313000380 Main
Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Warangal 506004, Andhra Pradesh, India
L.B. College, Warangal 506 007, Andhra Pradesh, India
Vimta Labs Ltd., Hyderabad 500 078, Andhra Pradesh, India
KEYWORDS Abstract In the present study a series of Co(II) complexes of formyl chromone Schiff bases have
Anticancer; been synthesized characterized by analytical, molar conductance, IR, electronic, magnetic suscepti-
Antioxidant; bility, thermal, fluorescence and powder XRD measurements and screened for various biological
DNA cleavage; activities (antimicrobial, antioxidant, nematicidal, DNA cleavage and cytotoxicity). In all the Co(II)
Fluorescence; complexes 1:2 metal to ligand molar ratio was obtained from analytical data. The molar conduc-
Formyl chromone; tance data confirm that all complexes are non-electrolytic in nature. Based on the electronic and
Nematicidal activity magnetic data, an octahedral geometry is ascribed for all the Co(II) complexes. Thermal behaviour
of the synthesized complexes illustrates the general decomposition patterns of the complexes. The
X-ray analysis data show that all the Co(II) complexes have triclinic crystal system with different
unit cell parameters. Metal complexes have greater antimicrobial activity than ligands. Antioxidant
and nematicidal activities indicate that the ligands exhibit greater activity when compared to their
respective Co(II) complexes. All ligands and Co(II) complexes of HL1 and HL2 showed consider-
able anticancer activity against Raw, MCF-7 and COLO 205 cell lines. All ligands and their Co(II)
complexes showed more pronounced DNA cleavage activity in the presence of H2O2.
ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 870 2462663; fax: +91 The Co(II) complexes have gained more significant applica-
8702459547. tions in the field of biology (Shahabadi et al., 2010; Hettich
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Laxma Reddy). and Schneider, 1997; Dixon et al., 1996; Peng et al., 2007).
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. These complexes have also been used as catalysts in the oxygen-
ation reactions of organic molecules (Pui et al., 2007). In recent
years, great efforts have been made on the design, synthesis and
development of new luminescent materials for a great array of
Production and hosting by Elsevier
applications in sensor technology, electroluminescent devices,
1319-6103 ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
70 P. Kavitha et al.
Molar conductivity
(mho1 mol1 cm2)
and Taylor, 1989).
O:D of treatedcells
% Cytotoxicity ¼ 1 100
O:D of untreatedcells
The IC50 (concentration of drug required to inhibit growth
of 50% of the cancer cells) values of all the compounds were
calculated using GraphPad Prism software tool.
2.5.5. DNA cleavage studies
The DNA cleavage activity of the Co(II) complexes was stud-
ied by agarose gel electrophoresis method. pUC19 plasmid was
cultured, isolated and used as DNA for the experiment. Test
samples (1 mg/ml) were prepared in DMF. 25 lg of the test
10.25 (10.26)
samples was added to the isolated plasmid and incubated for
2 h at 37 oC. After incubation, 30 ll of plasmid DNA sample
mixed with bromophenol blue dye (1:1) was loaded into the
electrophoresis chamber wells along with the control DNA,
5 M FeSO4 (treated with DNA) and standard DNA marker
containing TAE buffer (4.84 g Tris base, pH 8.0, 0.5 M
EDTA/1 L). Finally, it was loaded onto an agarose gel and
electrophoresed at 50 V constant voltage up to 30 min. After
the run, gel was removed and stained with 10.01 lg/ml ethi-
DNA marker. The same procedure was followed in the pres-
ence of H2O2 also.
3. Results and discussion
The physical and analytical data of Co(II) complexes are de-
picted in Table 1. All Co(II) complexes were colored and very
stable at room temperature, soluble in DMF and DMSO. Ana- 63.19
lytical data confirm the metal to ligand molar ratio is 1:2 in all
Black (76)
atom of carboxylic group with the metal ion (Padmaja et al., as well as the observed and calculated mass loss percentages
2011). The stretching vibrations of S–H have no significant of all Co(II) complexes are illustrated in Table 4. The TG
role, since its band is very weak in HL4 ligand. However, par- graphs of [Co(L1)2]ÆH2O and [Co(L4)2]Æ2H2O complexes are
ticipation of the SH group in chelation is ascertained from the given in Fig. 3. The results show a good agreement with the
shift of t(C–S) at 790 cm1 in the ligand to lower frequencies theoretical formula as suggested from the analytical data
by 40 cm1 in the complex (Soliman and Mohamed, 2004). (Table 1). The data reveal the following findings; [Co(L1)2]ÆH2O
Further, the coordination of nitrogen and oxygen atoms was was thermally decomposed in three steps. The first decomposi-
supported by the appearance of a non-ligand bands at 600– tion step with estimated mass loss 3.17% (cald. mass loss
400 cm1 region due to the t(Co–N) and t(Co–O), respec- 2.98%) within the temperature range of 30–89 C, may be
tively. From the above spectral data, it was concluded that attributed to the liberation of hydrated molecule. The second
Schiff base ligands acts as monobasic tridentate ligands with and third steps were found within the temperature range of
ONO/ONS donor sites. 90–456 C with an estimated mass loss of 82.73% (cald. mass
loss 84.64%), which corresponds to the loss of total organic
3.2. Electronic and Magnetic studies part present in the complex. The final step horizontal plateau
was observed greater than 457 C with estimated mass loss
The electronic spectra and magnetic measurements were con- of 14.10% (cald. mass loss 12.38%) regarded as CoO as resi-
ducted in order to obtain the geometry of the complexes. due. In the case of [Co(L2)2]Æ3H2O complex, the first step at
The electronic absorption spectra of the ligands and their 30–76 C range by estimated mass loss of 8.00% (cald. mass
Co(II) complexes were recorded in solid state at room temper- loss 7.75%), may be attributed to the loss of three water
ature. The electronic spectral data and magnetic moments of molecules. The second and third decomposition steps are with-
the complexes are summarized in Table 3. The electronic spec- in temperature range 77–571 C, with an estimated mass loss
tra of HL4 and its Co(II) complex are shown in Fig. 2. The of 81.32% (cald. mass loss 81.5%), accounting for the expul-
electronic spectra of all ligands showed two bands. One band sion of the total organic part. The remaining mass loss is
within the range of 25,000–27,000 cm1 is attributed to the 10.68% (cald. mass loss 10.75%), regarded as CoO residue.
n fi p* transitions. Another band within the range of 31,000– [Co(L3)2]Æ2H2O complex decomposed in three successive steps.
37,000 cm1 is due to the p fi p* transitions. The electronic The first step corresponds to the mass loss of two water mole-
spectra of all the Co(II) complexes showed three bands cules with an estimated mass loss of 5.98% (cald. mass loss
around. 8000, 16,000, and 24,000 cm1 assigned to the 4T1g 5.76%) at the temperature range of 30–80 C. The second
(F) fi 4T2g (F) (m1), 4T1g (F) fi 4A2g (F) (m2) and 4T1g and third steps occur within the temperature range of 81–
(F) fi 4T1g (P) (m3) transitions, respectively which are charac- 457 C with an estimated mass loss of 81.74% (cald. mass loss
teristic of octahedral geometry (AbouEl-Enein et al., 2007). 82.25%), which may be attributed to the loss of organic part.
The octahedral geometry of Co(II) complexes is further sup- The remaining mass loss is 12.28% (cald. mass loss 11.99%),
ported by the ratio of m2/m1, which lies in the range of 1.8– regarded CoO as residue. The TG curve of [Co(L4)2]Æ2H2O
2.0. Various ligand field parameters like 10Dq, B and b were complex also decomposed in three stages. The first estimated
calculated for all the Co(II) complexes. The nephelauxetic mass loss of 5.59% (cald. mass loss 5.49%) observed in the
parameter b is calculated from the B(complex)/B(free ion) where temperature range of 30–99 C is due to the loss of hydrated
B(free ion) is 1124 cm1. The values of b are in the range of molecules. The second and third steps are found in the temper-
0.81–0.88, indicating that the covalent character of metal li- ature range of 100–483 C with an estimated mass loss of
gand r-bond is low. At room temperature, the magnetic mo- 82.72% (cald. mass loss 83.07%), corresponding to the loss
ment values of the Co(II) complexes lie in the range of 4.0– of total organic molecules. The final product obtained in this
5.0 BM. These values are in good agreement with those re- complex also may be due to the formation of CoO.
ported for the octahedral structure (Ajibade et al., 2006). Based on all the spectral data, an octahedral geometry has
been proposed for all Co(II) complexes (Fig. 4.).
3.3. Thermal studies
3.4. Fluorescence spectra
Thermogravimetric studies (TG) for the Co(II) complexes were
carried out from room temperature to 800 C. The stages of The emission spectra of all ligands and their Co(II) complexes
decomposition, temperature range, decomposition products have been measured in the solid state at room temperature.
Table 3 Magnetic, electronic spectral data and ligand field parameters of Co(II) complexes.
Compound Absorption maxima Tentative assignments Magnetic moment m2/m1 10Dq (cm1) B (cm1) b
(cm1) (B.M)
[Co(L1)2]ÆH2O 8853 T1g(F) fi 4T2g(F) (m1) 4.05 1.82 7328 918 0.94
16181 T1g(F) fi 4A2g(F) (m2)
24154 T1g(F) fi 4T1g(P) (m3)
[Co(L2)2]Æ3H2O 8679 T1g(F) fi 4T2g(F) (m1) 4.99 1.86 7524 915 0.81
16205 T1g(F) fi 4A2g(F) (m2)
23562 T1g(F) fi 4T1g(P) (m3)
[Co(L3)2]Æ2H2O 8980 T1g(F) fi 4T2g(F) (m1) 5.01 1.95 8533 955 0.98
17513 T1g(F) fi 4A2g(F) (m2)
23752 T1g(F) fi 4T1g(P) (m3)
[Co(L4)2]Æ2H2O 8912 T1g(F) fi 4T2g(F) (m1) 4.98 1.86 7671 949 0.97
16583 T1g(F) fi 4A2g(F) (m2)
24390 T1g(F) fi 4T1g(P) (m3)
A=C and X=O/S/COO
A=N and X=O
Table 5 MIC values (lg/ml) for antimicrobial activity of ligands and their Co(II) complexes.
Compound Bacillus subtilis Staphylococcus aureus Proteus vulgaris Klebsiella pneumoniae Candida albicans
HL1 – – – – –
HL2 80 80 80 80 80
HL3 – – – – –
HL4 – – – – –
[Co(L1)2]ÆH2O 80 80 80 80 80
[Co(L2)2]Æ3H2O 30 20 30 20 30
[Co(L3)2]Æ2H2O 50 50 50 50 55
[Co(L4)2]Æ2H2O 80 80 – 80 –
Kanamysin 04 10 08 11 –
Clotrimazole – – – – 10
Table 6 Nematicidal activity (% mortality) values of ligands and their Co(II) complexes.
Compound After 24 h After 48 h
250 (lg/ml) 150 (lg/ml) 50 (lg/ml) 250 (lg/ml) 150 (lg/ml) 50 (lg/ml)
HL2 51 35 18 70 51 28
HL3 55 38 20 77 57 33
[Co(L1)2]ÆH2O 7 – – 10 – –
[Co(L2)2]Æ3H2O – – – – – –
[Co(L3)2]Æ2H2O 5 – – 7 – –
[Co(L4)2]Æ2H2O – – – – – –
35, 40, and 30 nm for Co(II) complexes of HL1, HL2, HL3 and bacteria and fungi strains. However [Co(L4)2]Æ2H2O complex
HL4, respectively. does not show activity against P. vulgaris and C. albicans. In
comparison, the activity of all the strains was increased by li-
3.6. Biological studies gands when coordinated with Co(II) ion. Many literature re-
ports reveal that, inactive or less active compounds become
3.6.1. Antimicrobial activity more active upon coordination/complexation (Kulkarni
The MIC values of the antimicrobial activity of the ligands and et al., 2011; Nejo et al., 2010). This can be explained based
their Co(II) complexes are presented in Table 5. From the re- on the Overtones concept and Chelation theory. According
sults, the ligands either exhibited no activity or having low to to the Overtones concept, chelation/coordination reduces the
moderate activity against bacteria and fungi strains. But their polarity of the metal ion mainly because of partial sharing of
Co(II) complexes showed moderate to good activity compared its positive charge with donor groups within the whole chelate
to the standard antibiotics. Among all the Co(II) complexes, ring system. This process of chelation thus increases the lipo-
[Co(L2)2]Æ3H2O complex showed effective activity against all philic nature of the central metal atom, which in turn, favors
Synthesis, characterization, biological activity and DNA cleavage studies of tridentate Schiff bases 77
Table 7 IC50 values of DPPH radical scavenging activity of Table 8 IC50 values (lg/ml) of anticancer activity of ligands
ligands and their Co(II) complexes. and their Co(II) complexes.
Compound IC50(lg/ml) Compound Raw MCF-7 COLO 205
HL3 1.27 HL1 46.8 24.5 20.1
HL4 0.40 HL2 56.1 34.2 39.1
[Cu(L2)2]Æ3H2O 2.32 HL3 52.8 29.2 15.2
BHT 0.67 HL4 46.9 30.4 68.1
[Co(L1)2]ÆH2O 42.2 41.9 51.6
[Co(L2)2]Æ3H2O 52.1 15.4 27.1
[Co(L3)2]Æ2H2O 199.8 231.7 63.9
its permeation through the lipoid layer of the membrane thus [Co(L4)2]Æ2H2O 246.5 405.5 56.7
causing the metal complex to cross the bacterial membrane Cisplatin 1.5 1.7 5.6
more effectively, which in turn increases the activity of the
complexes. These complexes also disturb the respiration pro-
cess of the cell and thus block the synthesis of proteins, which complex. The free radical scavenging activity of the compounds
restricts further growth of organisms. Besides this, many other depends on the structural factors such as the phenolic hydroxyl,
factors such as solubility, dipole moment and conductivity of carboxylic groups and other structural features (Bhuiyan et al.,
complexes may be the reason for remarkable antimicrobial 2009). The order of antioxidant activity of ligands and their
activities of the complexes (Coombs et al., 2005; Chohan Co(II) complexes according to their IC50 values is as follows
et al., 2001, 2010). HL4 > HL3 > ½CoðL2 Þ2 3H2 O
From the results, none of the compounds are effective
against the tested microorganisms when compared with the
standard antibiotics like kanamycin and clotrimazole. 3.6.4. Anticancer activity studies
The anticancer activity of the ligands and their Co(II) com-
3.6.2. Nematicidal activity. Plant parasitic nematodes are the plexes was determined by MTT assay. The IC50 values of li-
main pathogens on most fibre crops, horticultural, food and gands and their Co(II) complexes are presented in Table 8.
vegetable crops and without adequate control, they cause loss The pharmacological testing has proved that the cytotoxic ef-
of yield and quality. Nematode Meloidogyne species is known fect of the ligands and their Co(II) complexes was considerably
to attack almost all types of plants and cause considerable moderate to less pronounced compared to the standard drug
damage (Adekunle and Akinlua, 2007). M. incognita produces cisplatin, since calculated IC50 values were in the range of
galls on the roots of many host plants and is also responsible 15–400 lg/ml. Among all ligands and their Co(II) complexes
for 44.87% of yield loss in brinjal (Kapoor et al., 2012). The evaluated, the Co(II) complex of HL2 showed the highest anti-
past literature works concerning nematode problems have cancer activity against MCF-7 (IC50 = 15.4 lg/ml;
indicated that there is a need to check this pest by control prac- IC50 = 1.7 lg/ml for Cisplatin). Co(II) complex of HL1
tices, using various chemicals. showed the lowest IC50 value among all the ligands and their
The nematicidal activity of all the ligands and their Co(II) Co(II) complexes against Raw cell lines. Furthermore HL3 li-
complexes were evaluated against M. incognita with different con- gand exhibited cytotoxicity with low concentration
centrations after 24 and 48 h and the details are given in Table 6. (IC50 = 15.2 lg/ml; IC50: 5.6 lg/ml for Cisplatin) compared
The results revealed that, all the ligands except HL2 and HL3, and to all ligands and complexes against COLO 205 cell lines.
their Co(II) complexes showed very less activity. The ligands HL2 However the ligands have a higher inhibitory effect than their
and HL3 showed more than 70% mortality in 250 lg/ml concen- corresponding Co(II) complexes. Several compounds in partic-
tration after 48 h. The highest activity was observed at higher con- ular HL3 and Co(II) complex of HL2 were endowed with sig-
centrations and activity also increased with time. nificant cytotoxic potency and can be viewed as new lead
compounds for further modifications.
3.6.3. DPPH radical scavenging activity
In DPPH free radical scavenging activity, antioxidants are 3.6.5. DNA cleavage studies
reacting with the stable free radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl- The interaction of plasmid pUC19 DNA with Co(II) com-
hydrazyl (DPPH) producing a colorless 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl- plexes was studied using gel electrophoresis in the presence
hydrazine. When DPPH receives an electron or hydrogen and absence of oxidizing agent H2O2. DNA cleavage was
radical to become more stable, its absorption decreases achieved by monitoring the gel electrophoresis for naturally
(Konzen et al., 2006). The DPPH scavenging activity was occurring, covalently closed circular form (Form I) transition
expressed as IC50, whose concentration is sufficient to obtain to the nicked circular (Form II) and linear forms (Form III).
50% of maximum scavenging activity. The IC50 values of When circular plasmid DNA is subjected to electrophoresis,
ligands and their Co(II) complexes are depicted in Table 7. relatively fast migration will be observed for the super coil
BHT was used as standard. From the results, ligands HL3 form (Form I), slower migration will be observed for nicked
(IC50 = 1.27 lg) and HL4 (IC50 = 0.4 lg) showed good activ- circular form (Form II) and linear form occurred between
ity, where as remaining ligands HL1 and HL2 did not show any the super coiled and nicked circular forms (Li et al., 2011;
antioxidant activity. The HL4 (IC50 = 0.40 lg) ligand showed Kashanian et al., 2012). The gel electrophoresis pictures are
effective activity when compared to standard drug BHT shown in Fig. 7. In the absence of H2O2, control DNA (In
(IC50 = 0.67 lg). All the Co(II) complexes did not show Fig. 7a. Lane control) does not show any activity. FeSO4
prominent activity except [Co(L2)2]Æ3H2O (IC50 = 2.32 lg) was used as standard, disappearance of bands was observed
78 P. Kavitha et al.
Figure 7 (a) DNA cleavage in the absence of H2O2 Lane 1: DNA+HL1; Lane 2: DNA+HL2; Lane 3: DNA+HL3; Lane 4:
DNA+HL4; Lane 5: DNA+[Co(L1)2].H2O; Lane 6: DNA+[Co(L2)2].3H2O; Lane 7: DNA+[Co(L3)2].2H2O; Lane 8: DNA+
[Co(L4)2].2H2O; Lane 9: DNA+FeSO4; Lane C: DNA alone (b) DNA cleavage in the presence of H2O2 Lane 1: DNA+ HL1+H2O2;
Lane 2: DNA+HL2+H2O2; Lane 3: DNA+HL3+H2O2; Lane 4: DNA+HL4+H2O2; Lane 5: DNA+[Co(L1)2].H2O+H2O2; Lane 6:
DNA+[Co(L2)2].3H2O+H2O2; Lane 7: DNA+[Co(L3)2].2H2O+H2O2; Lane 8: DNA+[Co(L4)2].2H2O+H2O2; Lane 9: DNA+Fe-
SO4+H2O2; Lane C1: DNA+H2O2; Lane C2: DNA alone. *Lane 1-4 in figure (a) and (b) from Kavitha et al., 2013.
in its lane, indicating the DNA cleavage. All the ligands exhib- physical and various spectroscopic techniques. The results re-
ited significant activity in the presence of H2O2 (Fig. 7b, Lanes vealed that all ligands coordinated in a tri dentate manner to
1–4), in the absence of H2O2, ligands do not show cleavage the metal ions and the geometry of the complexes is found to
activity (Fig. 7a, Lanes 1–4) (Kavitha et al., 2013). All the be octahedral. From the thermo grams the number of lattice
Co(II) complexes showed a decrease in the concentration of water molecules present in the complexes is calculated. Triclinic
the super coiled form and increase in the concentration of system has been proposed for all the complexes. Complexes
the nicked circular form. It indicates the DNA cleavage activ- exhibited good fluorescence. The antimicrobial activity results
ity of the complexes without any external reagents i.e. H2O2. revealed that all the Co(II) complexes have higher antimicro-
Interestingly, the complexes cleaved DNA hydrolytically in bial activity than the ligands. HL3 ligand showed effective anti-
the absence of any reducing agents and light. In the presence oxidant and nematicidal activities when compared to the
of an oxidizing agent H2O2, the DNA cleavage activity oc- remaining ligands and complexes. All ligands and their Co(II)
curred as evidenced by the total disappearance of DNA complexes showed certain cytotoxic activity against tested
[Fig. 7b, Lanes 5–8]. On the basis of these results, it is con- cancer cell lines except Co(II) complexes of HL3 and HL4.
cluded that prominent DNA cleavage activity was observed The ligands and their Co(II) complexes can effectively cleave
in the presence of an oxidizing agent H2O2. plasmid DNA in the presence of an oxidizing agent H2O2.
4. Conclusions Acknowledgments
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University, Pondicherry, India for recording fluorescence 5638–5647.
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