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Employability of Grade 12 Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Graduates From Schools in Highly Industrialized Districts of Laguna

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Volume: 12
Pages: 1142-1147
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1132
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8305470
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-29-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1142-1147, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1132, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8305470, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Employability of Grade 12 Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Graduates from

Schools in Highly Industrialized Districts of Laguna
Alex S. Sanchez*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study aimed to determine the employability of Grade 12 Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood
(TVL) graduates from schools in highly industrialized districts of Laguna. The researcher employed
a descriptive quantitative research design using a correlational method. This involved gathering and
analyzing numerical data to test the hypothesis. The researchers utilized the purposive random
sampling method to select respondents for the study. It is crucial to select a representative sample of
graduates from schools in highly industrialized districts of Laguna. The study will employ a research-
made survey questionnaire as the primary data collection tool. Relative Frequency, Weighted Mean,
Chi-Square, Pearson-r correlation were the statistical tools used in the study. The results revealed that
the majority of TVL graduates were moderately prepared. They possessed technical skills acquired
through hands-on training in various fields such as automotive technology, culinary arts, electronics,
and welding. Additionally, they demonstrated adaptability and flexibility, as they were trained to
work effectively in diverse environments and handle various tasks and responsibilities. To enhance
employability, it is recommended to develop an industry-driven curriculum that aligns with the needs
and requirements of industries in highly industrialized districts. Regular updates to the curriculum
should be made to incorporate the latest technologies, skills, and industry trends.

Keywords: employability, work immersion, TVL students, descriptive design


The employability of Grade 12 Technical Vocational

Livelihood (TVL) graduates from schools in highly companies and manufacturing plants in highly
industrialized districts of Laguna is a topic of great
industrialized districts of Laguna creates a wide range
importance and relevance. Laguna, located in the
of employment opportunities for TVL graduates.
Philippines, is known for its thriving industrial sector,
These companies often prefer to hire local talent as it
with numerous multinational companies and
reduces recruitment costs and ensures a steady supply
manufacturing plants operating within the region. As
of skilled workers.
such, the demand for skilled workers in various
technical and vocational fields is significant.
Additionally, the partnerships between educational
Grade 12 TVL programs are designed to provide institutions and industry stakeholders play a crucial
students with specialized knowledge and practical role in enhancing the employability of TVL graduates.
skills in specific vocations, such as automotive These collaborations often include internship
technology, electronics, computer hardware servicing, programs, on-the-job training, and apprenticeships,
culinary arts, and many more. These programs aim to providing students with real-world experience and
equip students with the necessary competencies and exposure to the demands of the industry. Such
qualifications to meet the needs of the local industry. opportunities not only allow students to apply their
acquired skills but also enable them to build
The employability of Grade 12 TVL graduates in professional networks and establish connections with
highly industrialized districts of Laguna is generally potential employers.
favorable due to several reasons. Firstly, the
curriculum of TVL programs is tailored to the specific Research Objective
requirements of the industrial sector, ensuring that
students gain practical skills and knowledge that are This study aimed to determine the Employability of
directly applicable to the workplace. This makes TVL Grade 12 Technical, Vocational, Livelihood Graduates
graduates highly desirable for employers who seek from Schools in Highly Industrialized Districts of
skilled workers with hands-on experience. Laguna.
Secondly, the presence of numerous multinational

Alex S. Sanchez 1142/1147

Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1142-1147, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1132, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8305470, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Methodology Technology) from schools located in highly

industrialized districts of Laguna. Researchers
identified potential participants who meet the
Research Design established criteria. This can be done through
collaboration with schools, educational institutions, or
The researcher used descriptive correlational research other relevant organizations in the selected districts.
design method for this study that involves gathering The researchers can obtain a list of eligible Grade 12
and analyzing numerical data and eventually tests the TVL graduates and their contact information.Once
hypothesis. Seeram, E. (2019), state that correlational potential participants are identified, researchers
research is a type of non-experimental research that contacted them (respondents), explain the research
facilitates prediction and explanation of the objectives and procedures, and seek their informed
relationship among variables. According to Calderon consent to participate in the study. It is crucial to
(2016), descriptive research is a purposeful process ensure that participants understand their rights and the
that involves gathering, analyzing, classifying, and voluntary nature of their involvement.
tabulating data to provide an accurate interpretation of
prevailing conditions, practices, processes, trends, and Research Instrument
cause-effect relationships. This method is used to
describe the general characteristics of a group under A research-made survey questionnaire will become the
study, either qualitatively or quantitatively, or both. main tool that this study opts to use. In order to ensure
Descriptive research aims to investigate one or more the contents and relevance of the questions in a
variables and often utilizes quantitative methods to research questionnaire, it is common practice for the
collect and analyze data. It allows researchers to gather researcher to seek validation from a competent
and describe the nature of demographic segments in a authority, preferably someone with a doctoral degree
quantifiable manner, providing the necessary in the relevant field, such as English. This validation
information for statistical analysis. process involves sharing the questionnaire with the
authority and seeking their feedback and input.During
Population and Sampling the validation process, the validating person will
review the questionnaire and assess its contents,
Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling structure, and relevance to the research objectives.
method commonly used in research to select They may provide suggestions, propose changes, or
participants who possess specific characteristics or offer recommendations to improve the questionnaire's
meet predetermined criteria. According to Campbell et clarity, comprehensibility, and alignment with the
al. (2020), purposive sampling is chosen as a sampling research goals.
method in research to ensure a better alignment
between the sample and the aims and objectives of the
study. This approach enhances the rigor of the research Results and Discussion
and increases the trustworthiness of the data and
results. By specifically selecting participants or cases
Based on the data gathered, researcher found out that
that are most relevant to the research questions and
majority of the respondents aged 18 years old with 147
objectives, purposive sampling allows researchers to
respondents out of 210 or 70.00 percent. Data also
gather in-depth and meaningful information that
revealed that most of the respondents were all male
directly relates to their study. This deliberate selection with 130 out of 210 respondents or 61.90 percent,
process helps to ensure that the sample represents the most of them were ICT strand with 98 out of 210 or
specific characteristics or qualities of interest, 46.70 percent and majority were graduated at
improving the overall quality and relevance of the Southville 5-A NHS. Data also shows that most of the
research findings. In the context of studying the respondents earned NC2 certification.Based on the
employability of Grade 12 Technical-Vocational- data gathered, researcher found out that most of the
Livelihood (TVL) graduates in highly industrialized respondents waited one year or more to get hired,
districts of Laguna, purposive sampling can be applied wherein most were part-timer, with a position as
as follows: contractual and most were hired based on their
certification or licensure gained.
Researchers established specific criteria or
characteristics that are relevant to the research Based on the result of the study, researcher found out
objectives. For example, the criteria might include that respondents were moderately prepared because
recent Grade 12 TVL graduates who have completed they possess technical skills acquired through hands-
specific TVL programs (e.g., ICT, Automotive on training in various fields such as automotive

Alex S. Sanchez 1143/1147

Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1142-1147, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1132, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8305470, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

technology, culinary arts, electronics, or welding graduates with job-relevant skills, as they can quickly
and undergone rigorous training to develop their contribute to the workplace, requiring less training and
practical skills and proficiency in their chosen onboarding and the job relevance of TVL programs
vocational fields. Furthermore, respondents were fosters a strong connection between the education
moderately prepared because they gained experience provided and the skills demanded by employers,
in teamwork and collaboration, as they often work in leading to successful transitions from education to
groups or with colleagues to accomplish tasks and employment. Moreover, respondents obtain a high
projects. employability because they enhanced the graduates'
value proposition to employers, increasing their
Additionally, researchers also found out that chances of obtaining higher-paying positions and
respondents were minimally prepared because they better career prospects.
cultivate adaptability and flexibility, as they are trained
to work in diverse environments and handle various
tasks and responsibilities effectively and Developed Conclusion
teamwork and collaboration skills through group
projects and practical training, enabling them to work
Researcher concluded that most of the TVL graduates
harmoniously with colleagues and contribute to
were moderately prepared because they possessed
collective goals. Moreover, respondents also
technical skills acquired through hands-on training in
minimally prepared because they developed effective
various fields such as automotive technology, culinary
communication skills, enabling them to convey ideas,
arts, electronics, or welding and cultivated adaptability
instructions, and information clearly and
and flexibility, as they are trained to work in diverse
professionally in the workplace.
environments and handle various tasks and
responsibilities effectively. Furthermore, respondents
Researcher also found out that respondents agree that
were also moderately prepared because they have the
respondents were moderately prepared because have
advantage of being highly specialized and ready to
the advantage of being highly specialized and ready to
meet the demands of their respective industries and
meet the demands of their respective industries and the
demonstrated a strong foundation in industry-specific
track and strand system in TVL education ensures that
knowledge and practices through the learning
graduates are well-prepared with the specific technical
competencies, enabling them to adapt to new
skills, industry knowledge, and competencies required
technologies, trends, and challenges in their vocational
for their chosen vocational tracks. Additionally,
fields. (1) Based on the findings, researchers also
respondents also moderately prepared because they concluded that majority of the TVL graduates obtain a
undergone track and strand programs that have in- high employability because employers highly value
depth knowledge and skills related to their specialized TVL graduates with job-relevant skills, as they can
vocational areas, enabling them to contribute quickly contribute to the workplace, requiring less
immediately to the workforce upon graduation. training and onboarding and job satisfaction among
TVL graduates contributes to their professional growth
Moreover, researcher found out that respondents were
and development, as it fosters a positive work
moderately prepared because they demonstrated a
environment that supports their learning and
strong foundation in industry-specific knowledge and advancement. Furthermore, respondents obtain a high
practices through the learning competencies, enabling employability because they reflect the market need for
them to adapt to new technologies, trends, and their specific skill sets, making them sought-after
challenges in their vocational fields and acquired candidates in their respective fields and can stay
effective communication skills as part of the learning updated on industry trends, job openings, and
competencies, allowing them to convey ideas, professional development opportunities, helping them
collaborate with colleagues, and interact professionally stay competitive in the job market. updated on industry
with clients or customers in their respective industries. trends, job openings, and professional development
Moreover, respondents were moderately prepared opportunities, helping them stay competitive in the job
because the learning competencies in TVL education market. (2) Researchers also concluded that from the
are designed to align with industry standards and data presented it revealed that the researchers’ null
requirements, ensuring graduates possess the necessary hypothesis was rejected, wherein there is a significant
skills and competencies that are in demand in the job relationship between the level of preparedness for job
market. readiness of Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL)
graduates and the level of employability of Technical-
Researcher found out that respondents obtain a high Vocational Livelihood (TVL) graduates in the highly
employability because employers highly value TVL industrialized districts of Laguna.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1142-1147, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1132, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8305470, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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