SIP, Project Work, Industry Internship Guidelines 2023 of MBA, BBA and

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Guidelines 2023 Summer Internship Programme (SIP) / Industry Internship / Industry Project Work For MBA / BBA / B. Com J, Wisis 4 100 marks course, 2. Objectives of the Summer Internship Programme (SIP)! Industry Internship/ Industry Project Works 2, ‘To experience the organization in its emirety, inclusive of organization of activities and its mnanapement b. To develop the al alternative practices «. Vo develop stratepies for evaluating an organizations process and a product/service. 4. ‘Vo learn ts choose, design, organize and conduct meaningful manawerial activities. ¢. Tousethe skills of systematic observations, record keeping, and analysis for reflection on learning managing, {. To learn to vA sealistic goals in terms of organization, values, and management, activit ity to innovate within existing frameworks, thereby creating space for -s, and learning. 2, Vinne Frame “the time Sreme of the SIP for the students of the First year MBA and 2 Year BBA or B. Com in Pepistered Organizations / Institutions / Hospitals / NGOs / Service Industry / Companies has to bv for 4 snininum tie stamp of 6 ~ 8 wee A, Fach Student has to work under the close guidance of one faculty member (Mentor) from the Department of Management on one project. Mentors will be assigned to each student. 5, Supervisory Suppor: 4. Industry Supervisor from the Organization where students work as INTERN. Each Student has ‘ont indusey/eorporasel fis supervisor vho would supervise him/her on a regular basis, b, Yueulty Supervisor (Mentor): Monitoring and mentoring the intern in selecting a topic, report ‘usiting, 208 presentation, ‘The Faculty Supervisor would act as a mediator between the Student and the Organivation’s authorities and facilitate all aspects of the Internship Programme 4, Yeesback by both Industry Supervisor and Faculty Supervisor: Sth the: Industry and Faculty Supervisor should give qualitative feedback to the Student Intern on every super ivory Visit day and evaluation would be done at the end of the Internship programme. 1, Awussment of SIP Steports 1). Soe avernye Nenygh of the vrltenltyped SIP report should range 40 - 60 number of Ad Sized pages with ‘Vimee New Honan font syle, 32 Sont size typed with normal 1.5 line spacing and justified margins. Ww ‘Seannadith Camscanner 7.2 The written SIP report should necessarily include the following, the chapters in the sequence given: ‘The SIP report carries 60 marks Receipt of confirmation from the company will be treated as the date of start of SIP and will also validate the same. SIP Report Format for Non-Research Based Task: a, pens r = Title Page ~ the title of the project, Student’s name and supervisor name, Department, academic year (OL page) Certificate from the General and Faculty supervisor/mentor (O1 page) Acknowledgment (01 page) Executive summary (02 page) List of contents (01 page) Introduction (Industry Profile & Company's Contribution to the Industry) ~ (03-04 pages) Company Profile (Including Vision, Mission, Goals, Financial Position, Value based on the Company Report) (04-06 pages) Objectives (Description of Roles and Responsibi held in. the Organization. Relationship with the Company’s Operations and Objectives) (03 - 04 pages) Task Analysis and Evaluation (Documentation of the activitiev/task accomplished or Data, Interpretation. and Analysis) ~ (15 - 20 pages) Project Learning outcomes and Conclusion (Including Summary, su Limitation (05-06 pages) References Annexures (Activity Log, Task Chart cor Reporting Mails and Texts, any other relevant tion, and ‘ining details of daily/weekly activities, formation) oR SIP Report Format for Research Based Task: a. peaes 7.3 The Student e ‘chapters, ensuring that allt pages), Title Page ~ the title of the project, Student's academic year (01 page) Certificate from the General and Faculty supervisor/mentor (01 page) Acknowledgment (01 page) Executive summary (02 pages) List of contents (01 page) Introduction (Industry and Compau Observed) — (03- 04 pages) Literature Review (Critical theories and distinct variables to be included from various sources like Google Scholar, Scopus, etc.) (08-10 pages) Research Methodology (including specific task analysis, research design adopted, sampling, objectives and hypotheses) (04-06 pages) Data Analysis and Interpretation (including activ Interpretation, and Analysis - (18-20 pages) Conclusion & Suggestions (Summary, outcomes, re pages) References: Appendices (Questionnaire used, Log any other relevant information) ame and supervisor name, Department, 's Contribution to the Industry, Critical Issues shed and Data, mendations and Limita 1 (08-06 1e containing details of daily/weckly activities, th the permission of hivher supervisot! mentor, ereatively rework her/his ¢ aspects mentioned above are included (without exceeding the number of ( ww wowever, W ‘Scanned vith Camscanner No two students will be permitted to work on the same and/ar similar topic in ane and/ar the same organization under any circumstances. Attendance: Pach student is required to meet/enntactfinteract with iv/her Faculty Supervisor ance a week duuandatory) according o hisher Faculty Supervisor's convenience and venue, and/or through vital conticts Fane neal video conference, ce (Preferably email), The faculty Supervisor will keep a record of ch meetings and contacts, The supervisor and student may schedule mote meetings if a need is In wgition, the student is required to attend workshops! lecturers organized by various Institutions’ organ ions to atrengthen their knowledge and skis, There will be no attendance for library visi dala collection, participating in workshops'seminars! conferences, ec. The attendance requirement for his dissertation work is 75% as per the requirements of the course. lents are required to attend the VIVA-VOCE dertake VIVA-VOCE examination an overall failure and would be 10 Presentation / VIVA-VOCE Examination of SIP: All § caamination. The examination carries 40 marks, any student fails to Tending to disqualification from the SIP work, which would be considered as required to redo the whole process. sramme will be assessed by the External 1 Presentation / VIVA-VOCE PPT of the Summer Internship Pre Examiner and Faculty Committee based on the following criteria (40 marks): Criteria Marks Conceptual Clarit C3 ‘Analytical Ability 3} [Interpretation of Data / analysis / Data Presentation and Chapters__| s__| Relevance of the stud! [3 Communication and Handling Queries 8 12 All Students are required to attend student's presentation. The attendance requirement For this presentation nents of the course 13. Each Student has to submit one hard bound copy and one soft copy to the faculty supervisor a the time of Presentation! Viva-Voce. ‘Seannad ith CamScanner

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