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ARM®v8-M Processor Debug

Version 1.0

Copyright © 2016 ARM Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

ARM 100734_0100_0100_en
ARM®v8-M Processor Debug

ARM®v8-M Processor Debug

Copyright © 2016 ARM Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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ARM®v8-M Processor Debug

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ARM®v8-M Processor Debug

About this book ...................................................... ...................................................... 6
Feedback ...................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 1 Debug for ARM®v8-M

1.1 Debug tools ...................................................... ...................................................... 1-10
1.2 Types of debug .................................................... .................................................... 1-11
1.3 Accessing debug features ........................................... ........................................... 1-13
1.4 Debug support .................................................... .................................................... 1-14
1.5 Debug authentication ............................................... ............................................... 1-15
1.6 Debug registers ................................................... ................................................... 1-16
1.7 Memory accesses ................................................. ................................................. 1-18
1.8 Other debug functionality ............................................ ............................................ 1-19

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This preface introduces the ARM®v8-M Processor Debug .

It contains the following:
• About this book on page 6.
• Feedback on page 8.

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About this book

About this book

Product revision status

The rmpn identifier indicates the revision status of the product described in this book, for example, r1p2,
rm Identifies the major revision of the product, for example, r1.
pn Identifies the minor revision or modification status of the product, for example, p2.

Intended audience

Using this book

This book is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
Debugging is a key part of software development and is often considered to be the most time-
consuming part of the process. It enables software developers to halt program execution and
determine the cause of any problems. Developers often add breakpoint instructions into software,
and data or hardware watchpoints to examine the values of program variables or the contents of
registers. Debug facilities that are provided by a system are a vital consideration for any

The ARM Glossary is a list of terms used in ARM documentation, together with definitions for those
terms. The ARM Glossary does not contain terms that are industry standard unless the ARM meaning
differs from the generally accepted meaning.
See the ARM Glossary for more information.

Typographic conventions
Introduces special terminology, denotes cross-references, and citations.
Highlights interface elements, such as menu names. Denotes signal names. Also used for terms
in descriptive lists, where appropriate.
Denotes text that you can enter at the keyboard, such as commands, file and program names,
and source code.
Denotes a permitted abbreviation for a command or option. You can enter the underlined text
instead of the full command or option name.
monospace italic
Denotes arguments to monospace text where the argument is to be replaced by a specific value.
monospace bold
Denotes language keywords when used outside example code.
Encloses replaceable terms for assembler syntax where they appear in code or code fragments.
For example:
MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, <CRn>, <CRm>, <Opcode_2>

Used in body text for a few terms that have specific technical meanings, that are defined in the

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About this book

Timing diagrams
The following figure explains the components used in timing diagrams. Variations, when they occur,
have clear labels. You must not assume any timing information that is not explicit in the diagrams.
Shaded bus and signal areas are undefined, so the bus or signal can assume any value within the shaded
area at that time. The actual level is unimportant and does not affect normal operation.





Bus stable

Bus to high impedance

Bus change

High impedance to stable bus

Figure 1 Key to timing diagram conventions

The signal conventions are:
Signal level
The level of an asserted signal depends on whether the signal is active-HIGH or active-LOW.
Asserted means:
• HIGH for active-HIGH signals.
• LOW for active-LOW signals.

Lowercase n
At the start or end of a signal name denotes an active-LOW signal.

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Feedback on this product

If you have any comments or suggestions about this product, contact your supplier and give:
• The product name.
• The product revision or version.
• An explanation with as much information as you can provide. Include symptoms and diagnostic
procedures if appropriate.

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If you have comments on content then send an e-mail to [email protected]. Give:
• The title ARM®v8-M Processor Debug .
• The number ARM 100734_0100_0100_en.
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ARM also welcomes general suggestions for additions and improvements.
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Chapter 1
Debug for ARM®v8-M

Debugging is a key part of software development and is often considered to be the most time-consuming
part of the process. It enables software developers to halt program execution and determine the cause of
any problems. Developers often add breakpoint instructions into software, and data or hardware
watchpoints to examine the values of program variables or the contents of registers. Debug facilities that
are provided by a system are a vital consideration for any developer.
It contains the following sections:
• 1.1 Debug tools on page 1-10.
• 1.2 Types of debug on page 1-11.
• 1.3 Accessing debug features on page 1-13.
• 1.4 Debug support on page 1-14.
• 1.5 Debug authentication on page 1-15.
• 1.6 Debug registers on page 1-16.
• 1.7 Memory accesses on page 1-18.
• 1.8 Other debug functionality on page 1-19.

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.1 Debug tools

1.1 Debug tools

ARM®v8-M processors provide hardware features that enable debug tools to collect information about
core activity and program execution, halt the core, and step through code execution.
You can set software or hardware breakpoints on specific instructions, causing the debugger to take
control when the core reaches that instruction.
Software breakpoints work by replacing the instruction with the opcode of the BKPT instruction. Software
breakpoints can only be used on code that is stored in RAM, but have the advantage that they can be
used in large numbers. The debug software tracks where it has placed software breakpoints and what
opcodes were originally at those addresses so that it can replace the correct code when executing the
breakpoint instruction.
Hardware breakpoints use comparators that are built into the core and stop execution when execution
reaches the specified address. Hardware breakpoints can be used anywhere in memory as they do not
require changes to code, but the hardware provides limited numbers of hardware breakpoint units.
Debug tools can support more complex breakpoints. For example, stopping on any instruction in a range
of addresses, or only when a specific sequence of events occurs or hardware is in a specific state.
Data watchpoints, or breakpoints, give debugger control when a particular data address or address range
is read or written. On hitting a breakpoint, or when single-stepping, you can inspect and change the
contents of ARM registers and memory. A special case of changing memory is code download. Debug
tools typically enable you to change your code, recompile, and then download the new image to the

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.2 Types of debug

1.2 Types of debug

There are two types of debug available, invasive, and non-invasive.

1.2.1 Invasive debug

Invasive debug is divided into halting debug (using an external debugger) and Monitor debug (using
software on the processor). In either case, the debug logic of the core generates a debug event in response
to some circumstance, such as a breakpoint being reached. How the system handles that debug event is
what distinguishes Monitor debug from halting debug. Invasive debug is not possible if the DBGEN
signal is tied low.

Halting debug
In halting debug, the debug event causes the core to enter debug state. In debug state, the core is halted,
meaning that it no longer fetches instructions. Instead, the core executes instructions under the direction
of a debugger running on a different host that is connected through an external interface.

Monitor debug
In Monitor debug, the debug event causes a debug exception to be raised. The exception must be handled
by dedicated debug monitor software running on the same core. Monitor debug assumes that there is
software support.

1.2.2 Non-invasive debug

Non-invasive debug enables observation of the core behavior while it is executing. It is possible to
record memory accesses that are performed (including address and data values) and generate a real-time
trace of the program, seeing peripheral accesses, stack, and heap accesses and changes to variables using
methods like profiling or ITM. Non-invasive debug is controlled by the NIDEN signal.

Instrumentation Trace Macrocell

The Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) is an optional application-driven trace source that supports
printf() style debugging to trace operating system and application events, and generates diagnostic
system information. The ITM generates trace information as packets from software traces, hardware
traces, time stamping, and global system timestamping sources.

Profiling is a technique that lets you identify sections of code that consume large proportions of the total
execution time. A profiler identifies which parts of the code are frequently executed and which occupy
the most core cycles. A profiler can also help you identify bottlenecks, situations where the performance
of the system is constrained by a few functions. This data is collected using instrumentation, an
execution trace, or sampling.
Profiling can be considered as a form of dynamic code analysis.
There are two basic approaches to gathering information: time-based sampling, and event-based
Time-based sampling
The state of the system is sampled at a periodic interval. The size of the sampling interval can
affect the results. For example, a smaller sampling interval can increase execution time but
produce more detailed data.

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.2 Types of debug

Event-based sampling
Sampling is driven by occurrences of an event, which means that the time between sampling
intervals is variable. Events can often be hardware-related, for example, cache misses.

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.3 Accessing debug features

1.3 Accessing debug features

ARMv8-M processors can contain several programmable debug registers which control the debug
features available to the software engineer. Not all these are visible to software. These registers are
normally accessed through an external debugger, such as ARM DS-5, and through a Debug Access Port
(DAP). This is what debug tools, for example, DS-5 and uLINK are used for.
Debug logic can only provide information on the current state of a halted processor, it cannot provide
trace information (a history of what has executed just before and just after a particular trigger event).
Debug components like the Data Watchpoint and Trace unit (DWT), Instrumentation Trace Macrocell
(ITM), and Embedded Trace Module (ETM), can be used to supply this information.

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.4 Debug support

1.4 Debug support

There are four levels of debug available in ARMv8-M.
The debug implementation levels are:

Table 1-1 Levels of debug

Level ARMv8-M architecture ARMv8-M architecture with Main

Minimum No debug support Support for the DebugMonitor exception
Basic Support for halting debug Support for halting debug
Comprehensive Not applicable without the Main Extension Adds basic trace support
Program trace Adds ETM and TPIU. Adds ETM

To see which are available for a particular ARMv8-M processor, see the relevant Technical Reference
Manual (TRM) for that processor.

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.5 Debug authentication

1.5 Debug authentication

Debug is enabled using one or more of four signals, DBGEN, NIDEN, SPIDEN, and SPNIDEN. They
can enable debug all, debug Non-secure, or debug none. There are different configurations of these
signals for both ARMv8-M processors and development boards.
The debug control signals have the following meanings:

Table 1-2 Debug control signals

Signal Name Description

DBGEN Debug Enable
NIDEN Non-Invasive Debug Enable
SPIDEN Secure Privileged Invasive Debug Enable
SPNIDEN Secure Privileged Non-Invasive Debug Enable

The ARMv8-M architecture with Security Extension supports the same external debug control signals as
the ARMv8-M architecture with Main Extension with the same rules for enabling invasive, and non-
invasive debug being applied. Unlike the ARMv8-M architecture with Main Extension specification, the
baseline specification states that it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether many of the debug registers are
accessible from software running on the processor. Unless otherwise stated, the Security Extensions do
not change this behavior.
The following table shows how the various debug event sources are handled when invasive debug is
either disabled or not permitted in the current state.

Table 1-3 Debug event behavior

Debug event source Types of behavior based on the invasive debug settings
Disabled Enabled but prohibited Enabled and allowed
by security level
BKPT instruction HardFault HardFault Debug event generated
C_HALT. Internal halt request. Writes to DHCSR.C_HALT are See note Pended
not possible when debug is disabled
All other Vector catch Ignore
FPB breakpoint. The processor cannot ignore an FPB
Breakpoint and it will escalate to HardFault.
EDBGRQ. External halt request. When EDBGRQ is ignored by
the processor, the event remains pending in the system because
the signal remains asserted.
DWT watchpoint

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.6 Debug registers

1.6 Debug registers

Description of the ARMv8-M architecture debug registers.

1.6.1 DCRSR
Secure registers are only accessible when DHCSR.S_SDE is 1. When a register is not accessible, it
behaves as RAZ/WI when accessed by a debugger.
The existing REGSEL field is extended to provide direct debugger access to:
• The SP_main, SP_process, CONTROL, FAULTMASK, BASEPRI, and PRIMASK registers for each
— The current state view.
— Non-secure banked register.
— Secure banked register, if DHCSR.S_SDE == 1.
• The Secure stack limit registers, if DHCSR.S_SDE == 1.
If the floating-point extension is implemented, then because the FPSCR and S0-S31 registers can contain
data belonging to a different state from the one the processor is in. These registers are only accessible to
the debugger if invasive debug is enabled for the security state that is associated with the register state
(as indicated by the FPCCR register).

1.6.2 DSCSR
Debug security control and status register, address 0xE000EE08, controls the banking of memory-mapped
registers when accessed by the debugger, and allows the debugger to read and modify the current
security state of the processor.

This method of bank selection means that the register aliasing is not used for accesses from the debugger.
Accesses to the aliased addresses from the debugger have the same behavior as reserved addresses.

1.6.3 DHCSR
A new status bit, DHCSR.S_SDE, is added. This bit indicates whether Secure invasive debug is enabled.
It is RES0 if Security Extensions are not implemented.
It normally reflects the state of the external authentication interface, but is frozen while the processor is
in Debug state.
Writes to DHCSR.C_SNAPSTALL are ignored if DHCSR.S_SDE == 0.
Interrupts that target Secure state are not masked by DHCSR.C_MASKINTS when DHCSR.S_SDE is 0.

Debug authentication control, address 0xE000EE04, resets to 0x0 allows the external Secure Debug
Enable authentication interface signals (SPIDEN and SPNIDEN) to be overridden from software.
This register can only be accessed by software running in the Secure privileged state, unprivileged
accesses generate a BusFault, and privileged Non-secure accesses behave as RAZ/WI. This register is
not accessible from the debugger.

Debug authentication status, address 0b0xE000EFB8, indicates which debug features are present, and
status of these features. This register is compatible with the CoreSight™ AUTHSTATUS register.

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.6 Debug registers

This register can only be accessed by the debugger or software running in a privileged mode, accesses
from the other states generates a BusFault.
To aid detection of what debug features are enabled or present this register is present in all ARMv8-M
processors, even if they do not implement the Security Extensions. However since processors without
Security Extensions only implement the Non-secure state, the Secure debug features are reported as not
implemented and disabled.

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.7 Memory accesses

1.7 Memory accesses

The debugger can be used to access memory locations.
Any accesses to the address space include a new attribute NS-Attr, which is used to mark transactions as
Non-secure or secure. The Security Extensions also define a new NS-Req attribute, which defines the
security state that the core requests that the data transaction be performed in. Unless otherwise specified
NS-Req is equal to the security state of the core.
Debugger accesses to memory, and any memory mapped registers are subject to the same security checks
as data accesses generated by the processor, with the transaction attributes set as follows:
• NS-Req is set by the Debug Access Port (DAP) if DHCSR.S_SDE is 1.
• Otherwise NS-Req set to Non-secure.
Debugger accesses are subject to validation and attribution, that is, NS-Attr for debugger generated
transactions is set by the Secure Attribution Unit (SAU) or Implementation Defined Attribution Unit
(IDAU) in the same way as software generated accesses. However debugger accesses are not subject to
any MPU checks.
If the SAU or IDAU blocks memory accesses originating from the debugger that do not have the
required permission, an error response is returned to the DAP.
The debugger can request the access be performed as a Non-secure or a Secure access by setting the
DAP register CSW.Prot to 1 or 0.

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.8 Other debug functionality

1.8 Other debug functionality

Describes the other types of debug functionality available.

1.8.1 FPB
Where a debugger can create unlimited soft breakpoints if code is in RAM, by simply swapping out a
breakpointed instruction and replacing it with a BKPT instruction, the Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB)
unit mimics this for non-volatile memory by returning a BKPT code for the comparator address.
Typically FPB implements hardware breakpoints, and patches code and data from Code space to System
space. Flash Patch allows a breakpoint to be set in ROM code which causes a branch to another address.
It can be used to replace instructions in ROM after it is masked.
The Flash Patch functionality is not implemented if the Security Extension is implemented.
The debug event that is associated with breakpoints defined by the FPB can be blocked if invasive debug
is not enabled for the mode the processor was in when the breakpoint became active.

1.8.2 ETM and PTM

Trace is typically provided by an internal Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM) or Program Trace
Macrocell (PTM) connected to the core. The ETM and PTM are optional parts of most ARM processor-
based systems. The trace blocks do not affect core behavior, but are able to monitor instruction execution
and data accesses.
Using the ETM it might also be possible to record memory accesses (including address and data values)
and generate a real-time trace of the program, seeing peripheral accesses, stack, and heap accesses and
changes to variables.

For many real-time systems, it is not possible to use invasive debug methods. Consider, for example, an
engine management system. While you can stop the core at a particular point, the engine will keep
moving and you will not be able to do useful debug.
Any trace data that is generated is only logged if non-invasive debug is enabled for the security and
privilege state that the processor was in when the data was generated. For trace information related to
exceptions, the trace data must only be logged if non-invasive debug is enabled for the security state that
the exception is taken to.

1.8.3 DWT
The Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT) unit is a debug unit that provides watchpoints and system
profiling for the processor. Data tracing is also available if the processor has been implemented with
DWT and ITM trace. It provides a series of counters which are triggered by processor events.
The DWT unit contains several counters that can count:
• Clock cycles.
• Folded instructions (If-Then and some NOPs).
• LSU operations.
• Sleep cycles.
• Interrupt overhead.
• Cycles Per Instruction (CPI).
The DWT unit also contains a Program Count Sample Register (PCSR). The PCSR can be used by a
debugger for crude profiling as it contains the instruction address of recently executed instructions.
The DWT unit interfaces to the core, ETM, and ITM.
When non-invasive debug is not enabled for the mode the processor is in, the DWT behaves as follows:

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1 Debug for ARM®v8-M
1.8 Other debug functionality

• The performance counters do not increment

• The DWT_PCSR register reads as 0xFFFFFFFF
• The CMPMATCH[N] events are not generated
• Trace data from Secure accesses are not generated. However, time-based trace might be generated:
— Periodic PC samples have the PC value suppressed, but are generated.
— Synchronization packets can be generated.
— Trace events from a cycle counter match can be generated.
Watchpoint debug events are asynchronous to the instruction that caused the event. A watchpoint debug
event might be generated by a Non-secure access, but pended because the processor enters Secure state
with invasive debug prohibited before it is taken. Non-secure accesses include stack pushes and lazy
state preservation of Non-secure register data.
Watchpoint debug events from a Cycle Counter match can be generated (and pended) when the processor
is in Secure state with invasive debug prohibited. Otherwise, watchpoint debug events are never
generated in Secure state when invasive debug is prohibited.
Invasive debug prohibited here means either S_SDE == 0 or SDME == 0, depending on whether the
processor would halt or generate a DebugMonitor exception for the debug event.

A control bit, DWT_CTRL.CYCDISS, is added to stop the cycle counter from incrementing when
executing Secure code. DWT_CTRL resets to 0.

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