q2 Lesson 1 Weathering
q2 Lesson 1 Weathering
q2 Lesson 1 Weathering
Weathering is the process of breakdown of rocks at the Earth’s surface, by the action of water, ice, acids,
salts, plants, animals, gravity and changing temperatures. There are three types of weathering: physical
weathering, chemical weathering, and biological weathering.
Agents of Weathering
1. Water
Either in liquid or solid form is one of the agents of mechanical weathering. In liquid form, it seeped into
cracks and crevices of rocks and when the temperature dropped, it freezes and definitely will expand in
the form of ice. The ice then works as a wedge which slowly widens the cracks and splits the rock. When
the ice melts, the liquid water performs the act of erosion by carrying away the tiny rock fragments lost
in the split.
2. Salt
In the process of haloclasty, salts served as an agent of weathering. Saltwater sometimes gets into the
cracks and pores of rock. When it evaporates, salt crystals are left behind and grow in the cracks and
pores which caused pressure on the rock and slowly break it apart.
3. Temperature
Temperature changes can also contribute to weathering through the process called thermal stress. During
thermal stress, rock tend to expand with heat and contract with low temperature. As this happens
repeatedly, the structure of the rock weakens and over time crumbles.
4. Plants
Plants also served as agents of weathering. Its contribution take place when the seed of a tree being
spread in the environment sprout in soil that has collected in a cracked rock. As the roots grow, they widen
the cracks, eventually breaking the rock into pieces. Over time, trees can break apart even large rocks.
Even small plants, such as mosses, can enlarge tiny cracks as they grow.
5. Animals
Animals that tunnel underground, such as moles and prairie dogs, also work to break apart rock and soil.
Other animals dig and trample rock aboveground, causing rock to slowly crumble.
Types of Weathering
A. Physical Weathering
Physical weathering is caused by the effects of changing temperatures on rocks, causing the rock
to break apart. The process is sometimes assisted by water. It happens especially in places where there
is little soil and few plants grow, such as in mountain regions and hot deserts. It occurs either through
1. Abrasion.
It occurs when rocks surface is frequently exposed to water, wind and gravity.
2. Freeze-thaw.
It occurs when water continually seeps into cracks, freezes and expands, eventually breaking the
rock apart. It occurs in mountainous regions like the Alps or Snowdonia. It occurs through the
following process:
Rainwater or snow- melt collects in cracks in the rocks→ at night the temperature drops and the
water freezes and expands→ the increases in volume of the ice exerts pressure on the cracks in
the rock, causing them to split further open→ during the day the ice melts and the water seeps
deeper into the cracks → at night, the water freezes again.
3. Exfoliation.
It can happen as cracks develop parallel to the land surface as a consequence of the reduction in
pressure during uplift and erosion. It occurs typically in upland areas where there are exposures of
uniform coarsely crystalline igneous rocks. The following are the process of exfoliation.
The rock mass at depth is under high pressure from underlying rocks. It tends to be uniform and
lack fractures. → As progressive erosion occurs, the rock mass is subjected to progressively lower
pressure of overlying rocks which leads to tension in directions at right angles to the land surface
→ this tension is relieved by formation of cracks which follow the land surface. They are relatively
flat on plateaus but can be steep on the flanks of mountains which are called exfoliation domes →
once the crack is developed; water enters and causes chemical weathering leading to the formation
of new low- density minerals. This enhances the cracks and encourages slabs of rock to detach from
the surface.
B. Chemical Weathering
Chemical weathering is caused by rainwater reacting with the mineral grains in rocks to form new
minerals (clays) and soluble salts. These reactions occur particularly when the water is slightly acidic.
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These chemical processes need water, and occur more rapidly at higher temperature, so warm, damp
climates are best. Chemical weathering (especially hydrolysis and oxidation) is the first stage in the
production of soils.
There are different types of chemical weathering, the most important are:
1. Carbonation
-carbon dioxide in the air dissolves in rainwater and becomes weakly acidic. This weak “carbonic
acid” can dissolve limestone as it seeps into cracks and cavities. Over many years, solution of the
rock can form spectacular cave systems.
2. Hydrolysis
-the breakdown of rock by acidic water to produce clay and soluble salts. Hydrolysis takes place
when acid rain reacts with rock-forming minerals such as feldspar to produce clay and salts that
are removed in solution.
The only common rock-forming mineral that is not affected is quartz, which is a chemically resistant
mineral. Therefore, quartz and clay are the two of the most common minerals in sedimentary rocks.
3. Hydration
– a type of chemical weathering where water reacts chemically with the rocks, modifying its
chemical structure. Example: H2O (water) is added to CaSO4 (calcium sulfate) to create CaSO4 +
2H2O (calcium sulfate dihydrate). It changes from anhydrite to gypsum.
4. Oxidation
– the breakdown of rock by oxygen and water, often giving iron- rich rocks a rusty-colored
weathered surface.
C. Biological weathering
Biological weathering of rocks occurs when rocks are weakened by different biological agents like
plants and animals. When plant roots grow through rocks, it creates fracture and cracks that result
eventually to rock breakage.
Trait Points
20 25 10 5
Content Presentation Presentation had Presentation had a Presentation
Did the contained little moments where good amount of had an
presentation to no valuable material was material and exceptional
have valuable material. present but as a benefited the amount of
materials? whole content class. valuable
was lacking. material and
was extremely
beneficial to
the class.
Organization The presentation There were The presentation The
Was the lacked minimal signs of had organizing presentation
presentation organization and organization or ideas but could was well
well organized had little preparation. have been much organized, well
and easy to evidence of stronger with prepared and
follow? preparation. better easy to follow.
Presentation Presenters were Presenters were Presenters were Presenters
Did the unconfident and not consistent occasionally were all very
presenters demonstrated with the level of confident with confident in
speak crealy? little evidence of confidence/prepa their presentation delivery and
Is it neat and planning prior to redness they however the they did an
concise? Was presentation. showed the class presentation was excellent job of
it obvious that but had some not as engaging as engaging the
the material is strong moments. it could have been class.
credible? for the class. Preparation is
very evident.
Total Score: _________
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