NX - Automobile With Ai
NX - Automobile With Ai
NX - Automobile With Ai
logical graph:
high-lights the "Instances". From it, we get the following occurrence trees:
The part WHEEL is loaded and given the Part tag Part-tag-1. It consists of a single object Object-
The part AXLE is loaded and given the Part tag Part-tag-2. It consists of an object Object-tag-2 for
the axle and two instances of the WHEEL piece part. Instance-tag-1 represents the Left wheel and
Instance-tag-2 represents the Right wheel. Two Part occurrences are created for these and given the
tags Part_Occur-tag-1 and Part_Occur-tag-2. Similarly, two Object Occurrences are created for the
wheel object, one for each Part Occurrence, and given the tags Object_occur-tag-1 and
The part AUTO is loaded as the Displayed Part and given the Part tag Part-tag-3. It consists of an
object Object-tag-3 and two instances of the AXLE assembly part. Instance-tag-3 represents the
Front axle, and Instance-tag-4 represents the Rear axle.
Since there are two instances of the AXLE part in the AUTO assembly part, two Part Occurrences
are created for them and given the tags Part_Occur-tag-3 and Part_Occur-tag-4. Similarly, two
Object Occurrences are created for the axle object, 1 for each Part Occurrence, and given the tags
Object_occur-tag-3 and Object_occur-tag-4.
Since there are two instances of the wheel part in the AXLE assembly part, two Part Occurrences are
created for them for every occurrence of AXLE in the session. Thus, 4 more Part Occurrences are
created for WHEEL. There is a Part Occurrence for the Left wheel Instance (Instance-tag-1) of the
Front axle Instance (Instance-tag-3) called Part_Occur-tag-5 and a Part Occurrence for the Right
wheel Instance (Instance-tag-2) of the Front axle Instance (Instance-tag-3) called Part_Occur-tag-6.
There is also a Part Occurrence for the Left wheel Instance (Instance-tag-1) of the Rear axle Instance
(Instance-tag-4) called Part_Occur-tag-7 and a Part Occurrence for the Right wheel Instance
(Instance-tag-2) of the Rear axle Instance (Instance-tag-4) called Part_Occur-tag-8. Similarly, 4 more
Object Occurrences are created for the wheel object, one for each Part Occurrence of WHEEL. They
are named Object_occur-tag-5, Object_occur-tag-6, Object_occur-tag-7, and Object_occur-tag-8.
The following table indicates the routines to access given a particular tag when you want to find a
tag of a different type. For example, if you have a "PART tag" and need the "PART name" you
would call UF_PART_ask_part_name.