Development of An Onboard System To Measure The On-Road Driving

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IATSS Research 39 (2015) 79–85

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IATSS Research

Research article

Development of an onboard system to measure the on-road driving

pattern for developing motorcycle driving cycle in Khon Kaen
city, Thailand
Atthapol Seedam a, Thaned Satiennam b,⁎,1, Thana Radpukdee c, Wichuda Satiennam b
Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Khon Kaen University, 40002, Thailand
Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Khon Kaen University, 40002, Thailand
Industrial Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Khon Kaen University, 40002, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study developed an onboard system to measure the on-road driving pattern for a motorcycle driving cycle in
Received 20 August 2014 Khon Kaen city, Thailand. The developed system, validated with high accuracy results, could measure and record
Received in revised form 10 April 2015 a driving pattern, i.e. a speed profile of a driving motorcycle. The selected motorcycle was driven along selected
Accepted 12 May 2015
routes in Khon Kaen city under the existing traffic conditions to collect the on-road driving pattern. The Khon
Available online 22 May 2015
Kaen motorcycle driving cycle (KMDC) was developed by a repetitive algorithm using the principle of least
total variance in the target parameters. The developed KMDC was compared with the existing motorcycle driving
Onboard measurement system cycles for Bangkok and other cities. The result reveals that the KMDC is different from those of other cities.
On-road driving cycle © 2015 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of International Association of Traffic and
Motorcycle Safety Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Khon Kaen city (

1. Introduction evaluate the innovative engine technology or the cleaner energy of the
motorcycle in terms of emission reduction and standard requirements.
In many developing cities, the motorcycle is a vital mode of trans- Moreover, the emission factors are applied with the transportation
portation for low-income workers and students traveling to work and model to evaluate public transit systems and alternative cleaner ener-
study due to its high door-to-door accessibility and economic cost [1]. gies in terms of the reduction of emissions as an entire road network
Also, the motorcycle becomes an attractive paratransit with a high ac- [3–5].
cessibility for short travel distances in congested developing cities [2]. The motorcycle driving cycle is developed from the on-road driving
In contrast, the motorcycle brings with its several problems, including data of the motorcycle. The specific measurement system for the motor-
high involvement in traffic accidents, high violation of traffic rules and cycle is necessarily installed on the motorcycle to measure and record
especially high air pollution emission in congested developing cities. the on-road driving pattern while the motorcycle is driven. Currently,
There are several main research directions to reduce the emissions many commercial types of onboard equipment for measuring an
from motorcycles, including development of innovative engine technol- on-road driving pattern of a motorcycle are available. However, they
ogy, development of alternative cleaner energy and planning policy of were mostly produced for the high engine capacity motorcycle with
transportation and energy usage for the motorcycle. the on-board diagnostics, but not applicable for the low engine capacity
The motorcycle driving cycle is an important indicator representing motorcycle without the on-board diagnostics, commonly used in devel-
on-road driving data of the motorcycle and reflecting the traffic condi- oping countries. Also, they are closed systems, they cannot further be
tions as well as the city driver's behavior. The driving cycle is applied modified or improved to collect other interesting and relating on-road
with a chassis dynamometer to develop the emission factors and to driving data. This study therefore decided to develop an open onboard
measurement system for a motorcycle to collect the on-road driving
pattern since there are plans to further develop the onboard system
by integrating additional measurement devices to collect other on-
⁎ Corresponding author.
road driving data, such as exhaust emission and fuel consumption for
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Satiennam).
Tel.: +66 43 202847; fax: +66 43 202847x102.
a future study.
Peer review under responsibility of International Association of Traffic and Safety The objectives of this study are to develop the motorcycle onboard
Sciences. system measuring on-road driving pattern and to develop the motorcycle
0386-1112/© 2015 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
80 A. Seedam et al. / IATSS Research 39 (2015) 79–85

Fig. 1. Component units of developed onboard measurement system.

driving cycle in Khon Kaen city, Thailand and to compare the developed representative driving cycles were almost same in the three largest cit-
Khon Kaen motorcycle driving cycle with the previous developed motor- ies in Taiwan, but they differed significantly from the rural driving cycle.
cycle driving cycles of Bangkok and other cities. The emission factors differed insignificantly between the urban and
The contents of this paper are arranged as follows: the second rural regions at a 95% confidence level, irrespective of driving condi-
section presents the literature review; the third section describes the tions. However, the fuel consumption in urban centers was approxi-
development of an onboard system for measuring the road driving mately 30% higher than in the rural regions.
pattern; the fourth section mentions the selection of the city and routes; Tsai et al. [8] developed the Kaohsiung Driving Cycle (KHM) of the
the fifth section describes the collection and analysis of on-road driving motorcycle in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan for development of emission
data; the sixth section presents the development of the motorcycle driv- factors and compared the developed driving cycle and emission factors
ing cycle; the seventh section presents the comparison of the developed with others from previous studies. This study equipped the driving
motorcycle driving cycle with other worldwide driving cycles; and the motorcycle with a frequency-voltage transducer and data acquisition
final section describes the conclusions and future studies. system to collect the time-speed data during the testing period. The de-
vice was mounted in the front wheel. Five magnetic chips were glued to
2. Literature review the front wheel disk and the magnetic sensor was firmly placed in a hole
on the outer hubcap of the front wheel. The magnetic sensor detected
There are many previous researches exploring the issues concerning the passage of the magnets during wheel rotation, and the transducer
the collection of on-road driving data and the development of driving transmitted the signal to the data acquisition system. The driving cycle
cycles of motorcycle as follow. was developed by using a linear combination of the randomly selected
Tzeng and Chen [6] developed the Taipei motorcycle driving cycle micro-trips from the real speed-time data. The emission factors were
(TMDC) for estimating emissions and fuel consumption of the cycle. developed from the dynamometer testing. Comparison of the results
This study conducted the on-road driving data by a chasing vehicle indicated that the driving characteristic parameters, emission factors
technique. Magnetic speedometers were installed on the chasing mo- and fuel consumption of the KHM were completely different from
torcycles for recording their speed. The driving cycle was developed those of the Economic Commission of Europe Driving Cycle (ECE) and
by applying the statistic and repetitive approach to find a representative
driving cycle whose characteristics are most similar to those of all the
driving data. The motorcycles were tested in a laboratory by using the
Economic Commission of Europe (ECE) and TMDC. The study result
showed that the emissions of both two-stroke and four-stroke engine
motorcycles tested by TMDC were higher than those of the ECE. The
fuel consumption of two-stroke engine motorcycles tested by TMDC
was lower than that of the ECE, but the fuel consumption of four-
stroke engine motorcycles tested by TMDC was higher than that of the
Chen et al. [7] developed motorcycle driving cycles for individual
regions in Taiwan to compare their emission factors and fuel consump-
tion. This research developed a recording system, consisting of four
magnets and one magnetic sensor on the front wheel, a cassette data
logger and a laptop computer, for installation on the on-road driving
motorcycle to record its speed. The developed driving cycles were sim-
ulated on a chassis dynamometer to determine the emission factors and
the fuel consumption. Comparison of the results revealed that the Fig. 2. Magnetic speed sensor on rear wheel of motorcycle.
A. Seedam et al. / IATSS Research 39 (2015) 79–85 81

Fig. 3. Developed data logger.

worldwide harmonized motorcycle emissions certification/test proce- main units of the data logger for processing and recording the collected
dure driving cycle (WMTC). on-road driving data and a magnetic wheel speed sensor for measuring
Saleh et al. [9] developed the Edinburgh motorcycle driving cycle the speed. The positions of the system units installed onboard the
(EMDC) in Scotland and the Delhi motorcycle driving cycle (DMDC) in motorcycle are displayed in Fig. 1. The components and function of
India and assessed the various parameters and their statistical validity the system units are described in detail below.
over total trip lengths for producing a real world driving cycle in each
of the two cities. This study applied the advanced GPS technique to col- 3.1. Magnetic wheel speed sensor
lect the speed of the on-road driving motorcycle. The results showed
that the percentage time spent in acceleration in Delhi was higher To measure a travel distance of a driving motorcycle, this study
than that in Edinburgh while the time spent in deceleration was lower decided to install a magnetic speed sensor at the rear wheel of the mo-
in Delhi. The overall average speed in the case of Delhi was slightly torcycle to detect the wheel rotation every second, similar to previous
higher than that of Edinburgh. studies [6–8]. The magnetic chip and sensor were installed on the rear
Tong et al. [10] developed the motorcycle driving cycle (CEMDC) wheel as displayed in Fig. 2. While the wheel was rotating, the magnetic
and the light-duty vehicle driving cycle (CECDC) for determining chip passing the sensor would produce a pulse. The pulse was then
emission factors in Hanoi city, Vietnam. GPS and speed vector sensor converted to a voltage signal by using a voltage converter circuit. The
equipment were installed on the driving motorcycles for collecting the microcontroller in the data logger would convert this voltage signal to
speed-time data. The on-road speed-time data were collected by two a travel distance, then calculate an instant speed with a recorded time
test vehicles along 10 routes in the urban areas of Hanoi. The driving interval and finally obtain the speed-time data.
cycles were developed by a random selection process to match the over-
all summary statistics. The developed driving cycles revealed significant 3.2. Data logger
differences with other international driving cycles.
Based on the results from the review of previous studies on develop- This study developed the data logger to process and record several
ment of driving cycles, it was found that various devices, including the on-road driving data, including the speed-time data from the magnetic
magnetic speed sensor, data logger and GPS were comprised and wheel speed sensor for this study and other additional data, such as fuel
installed on the motorcycle to collect the on-road driving data. Repeti- consumption and exhaust emission for the upcoming study, and to
tive and random approaches with different statistic principles were record it into the data storage. The developed data logger consists of
used to develop the driving cycles. The developed driving cycles were
different by vehicle type and city. Therefore for each city it is necessary
to develop its own driving cycle that is suitable to its specific driving
behavior and traffic condition for accurate estimation of the emissions
and fuel consumption from the transport sector.

3. Development of onboard system measuring on-road driving data

To develop the motorcycle driving cycle, the speed-time data of an

on-road driving motorcycle would be instantaneously measured and
continuously recorded during every time interval. This study developed
the onboard system for installation on a driving motorcycle to measure
the on-road speed-time data. The developed system can measure the
motorcycle's instant speed by measuring the travel distance of the
motorcycle in the time interval. The developed system consists of two Fig. 4. Detail diagram of onboard measurement system.
82 A. Seedam et al. / IATSS Research 39 (2015) 79–85

Table 1
Result of comparison between speeds measured by chassis dynamometer's sensor and developed sensor.

Time Chassis dyno speed Sensor speed Diff. Time Chassis dyno speed Sensor speed Diff. Time Chassis dyno speed Sensor speed Diff.
(sec) (km/h) (km/h) (%) (sec) (km/h) (km/h) (%) (sec) (km/h) (km/h) (%)

1 4.1 4 1.56 24 49.0 50 2.09 47 35.0 35 0.13

2 6.3 6 4.62 25 49.7 49 1.40 48 34.9 34 2.69
3 9.0 9 0.44 26 49.8 49 1.57 49 34.7 35 0.73
4 11.6 11 5.57 27 49.8 49 1.62 50 34.7 34 2.06
5 13.2 12 8.83 28 49.8 49 1.69 51 34.7 34 2.10
6 14.4 14 2.73 29 49.8 50 0.37 52 34.7 35 0.93
7 16.1 17 5.35 30 49.8 49 1.66 53 34.7 34 1.94
8 18.3 19 3.63 31 49.9 49 1.89 54 34.8 34 2.20
9 20.3 20 1.66 32 50.0 49 2.00 55 34.8 34 2.38
10 22.0 22 0.14 33 50.1 49 2.10 56 35.0 34 2.79
11 23.6 24 1.76 34 50.1 49 2.27 57 35.2 35 0.61
12 25.2 25 0.93 35 50.2 49 2.48 58 33.5 31 7.51
13 27.2 27 0.80 36 50.3 49 2.49 59 30.7 29 5.49
14 29.7 29 2.23 37 49.3 48 2.66 60 28.0 26 7.27
15 31.6 31 1.85 38 47.5 46 3.22 61 24.5 24 1.92
16 33.3 33 1.00 39 45.0 44 2.14 62 22.4 22 1.88
17 35.4 36 1.66 40 43.0 42 2.27 63 19.6 17 13.11
18 37.5 39 4.12 41 41.1 40 2.67 64 16.1 16 0.79
19 39.4 40 1.49 42 39.3 38 3.23 65 14.0 14 0.19
20 41.5 41 1.18 43 38.1 37 2.83 66 11.7 11 5.72
21 43.3 43 0.66 44 35.5 35 1.28 67 9.5 8 16.13
22 45.2 45 0.34 45 34.5 33 4.30 68 5.4 5 7.60
23 47.1 46 2.32 46 34.7 34 1.96 Average difference = 2.81%

the microcontroller, the memory storage, and the data display panel as revealed that it has a huge number of traveling motorcycles, with
shown in Fig. 3. The microcontroller was designed to enable the approximately 51% of mode share [12]. It has been noticed that the sur-
conversion of the signal data from the magnetic speed sensor to the veyed annual VKT of a motorcycle was 6247 km, about 27% of the annu-
recorded formatted data and to record into the memory storage within al VKT of a sedan (23,191 km). Conversely, the number of registered
a short time interval. In addition, the data logger was designed to pro- motorcycles (190,153 veh.) is twice the number of registered sedans
vide a wireless control from a mobile device and a real-time display of (88,402 veh.). The CO2 emission from motorcycles was consequently
recording data for real-time monitoring. The connecting data between estimated equivalent to 27% of CO2 emission from sedans [13].
the mobile control device, the microcontroller and the installing mag- To achieve a good driving cycle representing all traffic and road con-
netic wheel speed sensor is presented in Fig. 4. A rechargeable battery, ditions of the Khon Kaen city network, representative routes for on-road
installed with the developed data logger, will supply the electronic data collection would be appropriately selected. Therefore this study se-
power to the microcontroller. lected a set of routes which were able to represent all traffic and road
conditions in the Khon Kaen city network according to the recommend-
ed criteria from a previous study [10]. This study applied the following
3.3. Validation test of developed onboard measurement system
criteria: (1) Road hierarchy: the road network of CBD of Khon Kaen
city was categorized into 4 classes of the road hierarchy: highway, arte-
To validate the developed onboard measurement system upon
rial, collector, and local. However, this study excluded the local category
measuring the speed-time data, the test of motorcycle driving in a lab-
as a selected route since its traffic volume is relatively very low.
oratory was conducted to measure the driving speed in every second
(2) Traffic flow characteristics: the travel speed and traffic volume,
by the sensor of a chassis dynamometer and the developed magnetic
given by a previous study of a transit master plan for Khon Kaen City
wheel speed sensor. The testing motorcycle was driven by tracking its
[12], were applied for a route selection. Consequently, the five routes,
speed in accordance with the Urban Mode (for 68 s) of the New
consisting of the highway passing through the core of Khon Kaen city
European Driving Cycle (NEDC) [11]. The speed values measured by
and the major commuting routes running along the urban areas of
two devices were compared every second to ensure the accuracy of
Khon Kaen city, were selected. The 3.9 km section of Friendship Hwy.
the developed system. The comparison result is presented in Table 1.
was selected as a representative urban route with travel speed over
It reveals that the percentage of difference (2.81%) is very low. The dif-
40 km/h and a high traffic volume. The 3.0 km section of Sreechan Rd.
ference of measured values is caused by the difference in measurement
scale of each device. This implies that the developed onboard measure-
ment system can measure the speed-time data with high accuracy.

Table 2
4. Selection of city and routes Characteristics of selected routes.

Selected route Road type Distance Travel speed AM peak volume

Khon Kaen was selected as the city for application of the developed
(km) km/h (LOS) PCU (V/C)
onboard measurement system to collect a driving pattern and to devel-
op a driving cycle since Khon Kaen city has currently encountered traffic Friendship Hwy. Highway 3.9 ≥50 (A) 1737 (0.40)
40–49 (B)
congestion, especially during peak hours. Khon Kaen city is located in
Sreechan Rd. Arterial 3.0 30–39 (C) 1235 (0.66)
the Northeast part of Thailand, covering an area about 228 km2. The NhaMuang Rd. Collector 3.8 20–29 (D) 920 (0.62)
population is approximately 116,157 persons with 2525 persons/km2 Prachasamosorn Rd. Arterial 2.8 15–19 (E) 1054 (0.7)
density. Currently, Khon Kaen City has a high number of registered b15 (F)
vehicles which have increased dramatically as compared to other Maliwan Rd. Highway 1.0 15–19 (E) 2149 (0.68)
b15 (F)
developing cities. The results from previous studies in Khon Kaen city
A. Seedam et al. / IATSS Research 39 (2015) 79–85 83

Fig. 5. Locations of selected routes.

was selected as a representative route with 30–39 km/h travel speed 6. Development of the driving cycle
with a high traffic volume. The 3.8 km section of NhaMuang Rd. was
selected as a representative route with 20–29 km/h travel speed. The This study applied the algorithm for driving cycle development from
2.8 km section of Prachasamosorn Rd. and 1.0 km section of Maliwan a previous study [16] to develop the driving cycle. As a first step of the
Rd. were selected as representative routes with travel speed under algorithm, the collected on-road driving data would be separated by a
20 km/h and with high traffic congestion. Thus, the total route distance successive stop (more than 3 s) as a sequence of speed-time data to de-
for an onboard data collection was 14.5 km. Their traffic characteristics velop a high number of micro trips. Then, the micro trips were classified
were presented in Table 2 and their locations were displayed in Fig. 5. into five speed ranges. The results of the classification of micro trips are
presented in Table 5.
The time fraction of speed range, resulting from the classification of
5. Collection and analysis of on-road driving data micro trip, would also be the reference target to develop the driving
cycle, rather than the target parameters. Then, the micro trips would
This study applied the chasing vehicle technique to collect the be randomly selected and arranged from lower to higher speed ranges
on-road driving data. The developed onboard system was installed to develop a combination of micro trips with its time duration not
on a selected experimental motorcycle. This study selected the Yamaha exceeding the pre-defined duration of the driving cycle. The target
Fino, a 4-stroke motorcycle with 113 cm3 since it was a popular model parameters and the time fraction of each combination of micro trips
of motorcycle in Khon Kaen city, showing the second range in numbers
of registered motorcycle in Khon Kaen [14]. The driver drove the
Table 3
selected motorcycle along the selected routes by following the flow of
Considered target parameters.
other motorcycles. The on-road driving data were collected during the
morning peak hours between 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on weekday and Parameter Symbol Definition
weekend conditions for 2 months. Average speed (km/h) Vavg Average speed in a cycle, including idle
To analyze the collected on-road driving data for determining the periods
optimum appropriate driving cycle, this study selected nine target Average running speed (km/h) V1avg Average speed in a cycle, excluding idle
parameters, as displayed in Table 3, according to the parameters Average acceleration (m/s2) Accavg Rate of change of speed above 0.27 m/s2
selected by many previous studies [7,8,10,15]. These parameters were Average deceleration (m/s2) Dccavg Rate of change of speed below
used as the selection criteria to minimize the difference of the target pa- −0.27 m/s2
rameters from the developed driving cycle and the entire collected data. Time spent at Idle (%) Idle Fraction of time having zero speed
Time spent at Cruise (%) Cruise Fraction of time having absolute speed
The analyzed target parameters are presented by time period
changes ≤0.27 m/s2
as shown in Table 4. It reveals that the average speed (Vavg) during Time spent in acceleration (%) Acc Fraction of time accelerating for
weekdays is higher than during the weekend. It implies that the traffic ≥0.27 m/s2
condition during weekdays was more congested than during the week- Time spent in deceleration (%) Dec Fraction of time decelerating for
ends. The collected on-road data of all time periods would be applied to ≤−0.27 m/s2
Positive kinetic energy (m/s2) PKE Positive acceleration kinetic energy
develop the driving cycle.
84 A. Seedam et al. / IATSS Research 39 (2015) 79–85

Table 4
Analyzed target parameters by time period.

Target parameters Weekdays Weekend A week

Vavg (km/h) 24.308 26.699 24.968

V1avg (km/h) 30.954 34.180 31.842
Accavg (m/s2) 0.636 0.636 0.636
Decavg (m/s2) −0.686 −0.708 −0.692
Idle (%) 20.687 21.095 20.799
Cruise (%) 17.509 18.667 17.828
Acc (%) 32.062 31.735 31.971
Dec (%) 29.743 28.503 29.401
PKE (m/s2) 0.454 0.433 0.448

were calculated and compared with the target parameters and the time
fraction of the entire collected data. The average error (%) could be cal- Fig. 6. Developed driving cycle of motorcycle in Khon Kaen city.

culated from Eq. (1):

A comparison of results revealed that the parameters of the KMDC
Xn p −Pi 
were different from the motorcycle driving cycles of Bangkok and
i¼1 Pi other cities. The average speed (Vavg) and average running speed
Average errorð%Þ ¼ ð1Þ
n (V1avg) of the KMDC were higher than those of the motorcycle driving
cycles of Bangkok and other cities. The average acceleration (Accavg) of
where the KMDC was higher than the KHM and the CEMDC, but lower than
Pi = Target parameter i of entire collected data the Bangkok driving cycle for motorcycle, the TMDC and the WMTC.
The average deceleration (Decavg) of the KMDC was identical with the
pi = Target parameter i of a combination of micro trips
Bangkok driving cycle for motorcycle, but higher than the TMDC, the
n = Number of target parameters.
KHM and the CEMDC, and lower than the WMTC. The average accelera-
The average error would be used as the criteria to determine the tion (Accavg) of the KMDC was a little bit lower than the average decel-
driving cycle. The algorithm would be repeated to generate a combina- eration (Decavg) as similar to the KHM, the CEMDC and the WMTC.
tion of micro trips once its average error exceeded the defined thresh- Obviously, the time spent at cruise (Cruise) of the KMDC and the
old, 4%. Vice versa, the algorithm would be stopped to generate a Bangkok motorcycle driving cycle was the most different as that of the
combination of micro trips once its average error (%) was not over the KMDC was 63% lower than the Bangkok motorcycle driving cycle.
threshold. The combination of micro trips, having an average error As a conclusion of the comparisons, the KMDC was different from
less than 4%, was selected as the driving cycle. other existing motorcycle driving cycles, even the Bangkok motorcycle
As a result of the driving cycle development, the driving cycle of a driving cycle in the same country. It therefore implies that an applica-
motorcycle in Khon Kaen city was developed as shown in Fig. 6. Its tion of an existing driving cycle developed for one city, for developing
target parameters were quite close to those of the collected driving emission factors, to estimate emission and fuel consumption from
data with 2.1% average error. This driving cycle has a 63 km/h maximum motorcycles in another city, even in the same country, may lead to
speed, a 2.778 m/s2 maximum acceleration and a −2.787 m/s2 maxi- error in results.
mum deceleration with 1164 s cycle time duration, and an 8.113 km
distance. 8. Conclusions and future studies

7. Comparison of developed driving cycle with other worldwide This study developed the onboard system for installing on the mo-
driving cycles torcycle to measure the on-road driving pattern. The main components
of the developed system include the magnetic wheel speed sensor for
To consider the uniqueness of the developed Khon Kaen motorcycle measuring a travel distance of the driving motorcycle and the data
driving cycle (KMDC), this study compared the developed driving logger. The developed data logger consists of the microcontroller, the
cycle with the existing Bangkok motorcycle driving cycle from the memory storage, and the data display panel for processing and record-
Automotive Emission Laboratory, Pollutant Control Department (PCD), ing the on-road driving data. The developed system was validated to
THAILAND [17] and other motorcycle driving cycles in different cities, measure and record correctly a speed-time data per time interval.
including the Taiwan Motorcycle Driving Cycle (TMDC) [7], the The developed onboard system was applied to collect the on-road
Kaohsiung driving cycle (KHM) [8], the Hanoi motorcycle driving driving pattern of the motorcycle driving along the road network of
cycle (CEMDC) [10], and the WMTC Part1: urban driving [18]. Table 6 the Khon Kaen city, Thailand for developing the motorcycle driving
shows a comparison of the developed KMDC with other motorcycle cycle. The Khon Kaen motorcycle driving cycle (KMDC) was developed
driving cycles. The figures in parentheses in the driving cycles of other and also compared with the motorcycle driving cycles of other cities.
cities show the percentage of differences of parameters when compared The KMDC was different from the driving cycles of Bangkok and other
with the developed KMDC. cities.
For future studies, the developed KMDC and the Bangkok motorcycle
Table 5 driving cycle will be simulated, by driving the motorcycle in accordance
Result of classification of micro trips. with their speed-time profiles displayed on a monitor, on a chassis
Speed range (km/h) Sum of micro trips (s) Fraction of time (%) dynamometer to determine their emission factors and the fuel con-
sumptions. Those of both driving cycles will be compared to explore
0 b v ≤ 10 2149 0.9
10 b v ≤ 20 8778 3.7 how much difference in emissions and fuel consumption once both
20 b v ≤ 30 94,603 39.8 driving cycles are different. Also, this study is planning to further devel-
30 b v ≤ 40 97,051 40.8 op the onboard measuring system by additionally installing the
v N 40 35,089 14.8 exhausted gas and the fuel consumption measuring units on the motor-
Total 237,670 100%
cycle to instantaneously measure the exhausted emissions and the fuel
A. Seedam et al. / IATSS Research 39 (2015) 79–85 85

Table 6
Comparison of developed motorcycle driving cycle with other driving cycles.

Target Khon Kaen motorcycle driving Bangkok motorcycle Taipei motorcycle driving Kaohsiung driving Hanoi motorcycle driving WMTC
parameters cycle (KMDC) driving cycle cycle (TMDC) cycle (KHM) cycle (CEMDC) driving cycle

Length, km 8.113 3.373 3.522 6.568 11.51 3.93

Duration, s 1164 520 763 1126 2061 600
Vavg, km/h 24.97 23.35 (−6.5%) 16.62 (−33.4%) 21.0 (−15.9%) 20.1 (−19.5%) 23.6 (−5.5%)
V1avg, km/h 31.84 29.62 (−7.0%) 23.66 (−25.7%) 29.0 (−8.9%) 21.7 (−31.8%) 28.4 (−10.8%)
Accavg, m/s2 0.64 0.69 (7.8%) 0.68 (6.3%) 0.58 (−9.4%) 0.42 (−34.4%) 0.67 (4.7%)
Decavg, m/s2 − 0.69 − 0.69 (0.0%) − 0.68 (−1.4%) − 0.61 (−11.6%) − 0.46 (−33.3%) − 0.72 (4.3%)
%Idle 20.80 18.08 (−13.1%) 30.00 (44.2%) 27.70 (33.2%) 7.71 (−62.9%) 17.1 (−17.8%)
%Cruise 17.83 29.04 (62.9%) 22.00 (23.4%) 8.70 (−51.2%) 21.02 (17.9%) 27.3 (53.1%)
%Acc. 31.97 25.77 (−19.4%) 24.00 (−24.9%) 32.60 (2.0%) 36.93 (15.5%) 28.2 (−11.8%)
%Dec. 29.40 25.39 (−13.6%) 24.00 (−18.4%) 31.00 (5.4%) 34.29 (16.6%) 27.5 (−6.5%)

Vmax = 63 km/h; Accmax = 2.778 m/s2; Decmax = −2.787 m/s2; length = 1164 s; distance = 8.113 km.

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