BCG How CEOs Keep Agile Transformations Moving July 2018 NL - tcm9 195676
BCG How CEOs Keep Agile Transformations Moving July 2018 NL - tcm9 195676
BCG How CEOs Keep Agile Transformations Moving July 2018 NL - tcm9 195676
Transformations Moving
By Martin Danoesastro, Benjamin Rehberg, and Grant Freeland
The Boston Consulting Group | How CEOs Keep Agile Transformations Moving 2
way. Inevitably, there will be setbacks and that time frame—in some instances to less
challenges, but strong leaders are the ones than a year. The biggest counterweight to
who have the ability to learn, adapt, and resistance is momentum, and nothing
change course when things go awry. builds momentum like speed. Like loosen-
ing controls, moving fast can seem risky.
Transformations, which are often de- But the bigger risk to the transformation
scribed as journeys, can take two or three lies in not changing fast enough.
years. We are seeing more CEOs tighten up
Benjamin Rehberg is a partner and managing director in the firm’s New York office and global co-
leader of agile at scale for the firm’s Technology Advantage practice. You may contact him by email at
[email protected].
Grant Freeland is a senior partner and managing director in BCG’s Boston office and the global leader
of the People & Organization practice. You may contact him by email at [email protected].
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their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and
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