tc3 Tutorial GCA FINAL

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Galaxy Constraint Analyzer™

Advanced Constraint

© Synopsys 2011 1

Galaxy Constraint Analyzer

• The Constraints Challenges
• Look-ahead Technology
• Values
• Main Features

Block-to-Top Consistency Checking

Analyze Constraints Changes

Customizing Rules

© Synopsys 2011 2
Galaxy Constraint Analyzer
Timing Constraints Challenges

Up to 100M 100s of • Frequent design and

instances clocks constraint reuse

• 3rd party IP

• Global design teams

>100 Signoff
voltage • No change to tapeout
Source: M.Bohr, Intel 2008; Wikipedia, TSMC

© Synopsys 2011 3
Galaxy Constraint Analyzer
Impact of Constraint Problems

Timing Constraint Issue Impact

Incorrect application of false

Non-functional silicon
path after optimization

Conflicting constraints
Tapeout delayed!
across hierarchy boundaries

Multiple days of iterations

Incorrect definition of a
involving clock tree
generated clock

© Synopsys 2011 4
Galaxy Constraint Analyzer
Look-ahead Technology
• Constraint rule checking to find
missing, incorrect, conflicting or
Constraint Analysis & Debug

Synthesis unnecessary constraints

(DC) • Intuitive root cause analysis of errors
• Fast cleanup, improved productivity
(ICC) Constraint Cleanup
Signoff GCA
(PT) Synthesis Place & Route Signoff
Synthesis P&R

Constraint Analyzer in GCA Up to 10X

Flow Faster Cleanup
Galaxy Design Flow
Turn Around Time
Source: Synopsys Webinar, April 2010

© Synopsys 2011 5
Galaxy Constraint Analyzer

Faster Path to Tapeout

• Fast learning curve, very intuitive environment
• Very fast runtime
Better QoR From Implementation tools
• Avoids implementation runs with bad constraints
• Constraints propagation consistent with PrimeTime
Facilitates Team Collaboration
• Helps with constraint handoff
• Validate 3rd party IPs constraints

© Synopsys 2011 6
Galaxy Constraint Analyzer
Built-In Rule Categories

Boundary Conditions
CAP_xxxx – capacitance values
DRV_xxxx – drive constraints
EXD_xxxx – external delays
Exceptions and Case Analysis
CAS_xxxx – case analysis
EXC_xxxx – timing exceptions
CLK_xxxx – clock properties
CGR_xxxx _ clock groups
CNL_xxxx – network latencies
CSL_xxxx – clock source latencies
CTR_xxxx – clock transitions
UNC_xxxx – clock uncertainties
DES_xxxx – design constraints
LOOP_xxxx – timing loops
NTL_xxxx – netlist
UNT_xxxx – library units

© Synopsys 2011 7
Focusing the Debugging Effort
Specialized Debugging Commands

Traces propagation of Identifies sources of

different clock senses a case value
Displays generated Constant on a pin
clocks source Shows forward
latency and Clock and case propagation
traversal propagation value of constants
propagation from a pin

Identifies Data path Unclocked Identifies

constraints causes for
which are propagation register pins unclocked pins
blocking data in the design
propagation in a
region of the design

© Synopsys 2011 8
Galaxy Constraint Analyzer
GUI Environment Snapshot

© Synopsys 2011 9
Galaxy Constraint Analyzer
A Customer Example

Challenges Galaxy Constraint Analyzer

•Design and Phase •Galaxy Constraint Analyzer

Runtime <50 minutes
15 Million Instances
Memory <25 Gb
Clock Tree Synthesis
Identified inconsistencies in
Gclocks sequential depths
Significant clock latencies
Not able to build clock tree

•Impact Saved Multiple Days

Several days of back and of Debugging Efforts
force between STA and CTS

© Synopsys 2011 10

Galaxy Constraint Analyzer

Block-to-Top Consistency Checking

• Principle
• Use Model
• Debugging Examples

Analyze Constraints Changes

Customizing Rules

© Synopsys 2011 11
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking

• Most designs include:

 3rd party IPs
 Blocks from previous projects
 Blocks designed by a different group in the

• How can you verify that the blocks have

the correct constraints propagating
through the top level logic to the block?

© Synopsys 2011 12
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking
Input USB_core Delay?
Delay? MCP?


• Consistency checking  Clocks  Case analysis settings

between top and block  Exceptions  Disable timing
level constraints
• Particularly valuable  Clock sense  Input delays
for checking IP  Clock gating  Output delays
constraint integration commands

© Synopsys 2011 13
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking
B2T Rule Categories

Rule Type of Problems Flagged

B2T_CAS_xxxx Issues related to case and constant values

B2T_CLK_xxxx Issues related to clock definitions

B2T_DIS_xxxx Issues related to disabled objects

B2T_EXC_xxxx Issues related to exceptions

B2T_EXD_xxxx Issues related to input or output delays

B2T_OPC_xxxx Issues related to operating conditions

© Synopsys 2011 14
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking
Behavioral Constraint Checking

set_multicycle_path 2 \
–from [get_ports in1]


Endpoint sees a MCP 2

© Synopsys 2011 15
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking
Behavioral Constraint Checking

set_case_analysis 1 \ set_multicycle_path 2
[get_ports top1] –through [get_pins block/in1]

top2 1 in1 1


set_case_analysis 1 \
[get_ports top3]

Endpoint DOES NOT see a


© Synopsys 2011 16
Block-To-Top Consistency Checking
Recommended Flow

Top-Level rule Block-Level rule Compare block and

checking checking top level constraints

• Link top design • Link block design • Run constraint

• Read top • Read block comparison
constraints constraints between top and
• Analyze_design • Analyze_design block
• Fix any • Fix any • Constraints
constraint issue constraint issue needs to be
checked for
before this stage

© Synopsys 2011 17
Block-To-Top Consistency Checking
Sample Script
read_verilog ${TOP_DIR}/design/TopLevel.v
read_verilog ${TOP_DIR}/design/BlockLevel.v

link_design Top
link_design –add Block

current_design Top
source ${CONSTRAINTS}/TopLevel.sdc –echo
analyze_design –verbose

current_design Block
source ${CONSTRAINTS}/Block.sdc –echo
analyze_design -verbose

current_design TopLevel
compare_block_to_top -block_design [get_designs Block] –verbose

© Synopsys 2011 18
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking
Debugging a Clock Mismatch

• Galaxy Constraint Analyzer easily helps

you find clock definition mismatches
– Reported as a B2T_CLK_0003
– Multiple ways to find where the issue comes
from (both textually and graphically)
– Easy way to find what object in the design are

© Synopsys 2011 19
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking
Debugging B2T Violations

Both Top and Block

constraints causing
the issue


2 different suggested
commands to get more info

© Synopsys 2011 20
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking
Dual SDC Viewer
• B2T violations involve two different sets of
• Dual SDC browser allows you to compare them
side by side.

© Synopsys 2011 21
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking

Clicking here will

analyze block
level clocks

© Synopsys 2011 22
Block-to-Top Consistency Checking
• Block-to-top consistency checking allows you
to quickly analyze your IP constraints and
flags potential issues
– Very accurate, behavioral checking
– Dedicated violations addressing issues specific to
this comparison

• Efficient debugging capability with dual pane

schematic and SDC viewer facilitates

© Synopsys 2011 23

Galaxy Constraint Analyzer

Block-to-Top Consistency Checking

Analyze Constraints Changes

• Principle
• Use Model
• Debugging Example

Customizing Rules

© Synopsys 2011 24
Analyzing Constraints Changes
Need for SDC Versions Comparison

• Constraints evolve during design

 Some get added/removed
 Some get re-written more efficiently
 Some get modified automatically

• Need to verify that a given modification is:

 Either only affecting the desired objects (in the
case of constraints addition/deletion)
 Or is not changing the timing behavior of the
design (in the case of constraint optimization)

© Synopsys 2011 25
Analyzing Constraints Changes
1 Netlist vs. 2 SDCs

Original Modified
Design.v Constraints Constraints
(SDC or Tcl) (SDC or Tcl)

Compare 2 Constraint Sets against 1 Netlist


© Synopsys 2011 26
Analyzing Constraints Changes

• Galaxy Constraint Analyzer looks at the

effect each of the constraints has on the

• If the timing behavior of the design is

different between the two SDCs, a
violation is flagged

© Synopsys 2011 27
Analyzing Constraints Changes
Usage Model

• Create two scenarios

 One for the original constraints
 One for the modified constraints

• Comparison command will use the

scenario pair as the basis for comparison

© Synopsys 2011 28
Analyzing Constraints Changes
create_clock [get_ports clk] -period 30 -waveform {0 15}
set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.45 [get_clocks clk]
create_clock -name clk -period 30 -waveform { 0 15 } [get_ports
set_multicycle_path 2 -through \ {clk}]
[list [get_pins {u7/mult/product*}]] set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.45 [get_clocks {clk}]

set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins u5/res_reg[5]/TE] set_multicycle_path 2 -through [get_pins {u7/mult/product[15] \

set_multicycle_path 2 -through [list [get_pins {u5/op1[*]}]] u7/mult/product[14] u7/mult/product[13] u7/mult/product[12] \
set_case_analysis 0 [get_ports test_se] u7/mult/product[11] u7/mult/product[10] u7/mult/product[9]
u7/mult/product[8] \
set_input_delay -clock clk 1.2 [all_inputs] u7/mult/product[7] u7/mult/product[6] u7/mult/product[5]
set_output_delay -clock clk 1.5 [all_outputs] u7/mult/product[4] \
u7/mult/product[3] u7/mult/product[2] u7/mult/product[1]
set_multicycle_path 2 -through [get_pins {u5/op1[15] u5/op1[14]
u5/op1[13] \
u5/op1[12] u5/op1[11] u5/op1[10] u5/op1[9] u5/op1[8] u5/op1[7]
u5/op1[6] \
u5/op1[5] u5/op1[4] u5/op1[3] u5/op1[2] u5/op1[1] u5/op1[0]}]
set_input_delay 1.2 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports
set_input_delay 1.2 -clock [get_clocks {clk}] [get_ports


© Synopsys 2011 29
Analyzing Constraints Changes
Example GUI Output Violation Details and
Debugging Hyperlinks


© Synopsys 2011 30
Analyzing Constraints Changes

• Automatic comparison of two sets of

– Verifies if two constraints sets have the same
behavior on the design
– Avoids tedious tasks of finding discrepancies
– Reduces the debugging time by taking full
advantage of Galaxy Constraint Analyzer’s
debugging features

© Synopsys 2011 31

Galaxy Constraint Analyzer

Block-to-Top Consistency Checking

Analyze Constraints Changes

Customizing Rules

• Why User Defined Rules?

• Rules vs. Violations
• Writing and Using User Defined Rules

© Synopsys 2011 32
Customizing Rules
Why User-Defined Rules?

• Built-in rules:
 Address most engineers’ needs
 Cover a wide range of checks
 But might not necessarily be a 100% match to
your design flow requirements

• You might want more rules based on:

 Company policy
 Design specific rules
 Design style

© Synopsys 2011 33
Customizing Rules

 User-Defined Rules
 Tailor the set of rules exactly to your needs
• Full control on what triggers a violation
• Full control on what gets reported whenever a
violation occurs

 Very fast turnaround in rule support

• Design engineers or CAD teams can react very
quickly should a special need arise

© Synopsys 2011 34
Customizing Rules
Triggering a Violation
• A violation will be triggered if a certain condition is
present in the design

• Galaxy Constraint Analyzer will look for that condition

 Checking for objects and their state in the design
 Checking for specific attributes applied on the design’s

• Constraint Analyzer’s Tcl interface will let you query

most design object

Writing a user-defined rule = Writing Tcl code

© Synopsys 2011 35
Customizing Rules
What Objects Are Available?

• The objects in the design are:

– The netlist (cells, lib_cells, pin, nets…)
– The constraints (exceptions, clocks…)

• Each of those objects can also be further

refined by some attributes
– For example if a pin receives any clock, a clocks
attribute will be defined on that pin
– If a clock object is a generated clock, a special
attribute will be created

© Synopsys 2011 36
Customizing Rules
Use Model

• Write a Tcl procedure to check for a specific

Write a Tcl condition in the design.
checker • This procedure must contain the command
create_rule_violation which triggers a
procedure violation.

• Declare the new rule in Constraint Analyzer

Declare new rule • Associate the rule with a specific checker

• The analyze_design command automatically

"analyze_design” runs the built-in rules *and* any user-defined

© Synopsys 2011 37
Customizing Rules
Writing the Tcl Checker
 Get the objects of interest: all
the hierarchical pins

proc UDEF_OutDelay_0001_Checker {} {
set hier_cells [get_cells * -filter "is_hierarchical==true“ -quiet]
set hier_pins [get_pins -of_objects $hier_cells -quiet]

foreach_in_collection pin $hier_pins {

set output_delays [get_output_delays -of_objects $pin -quiet]
if {[sizeof_collection $output_delays] > 0} {
set pin_name [get_attribute $pin full_name]
create_rule_violation -rule UDEF_OutDelay_0001 \
-parameter_values $pin_name

 If there is an output
delay, the design violates  For each pin, look for
our rule and triggers a an eventual output delay
© Synopsys 2011 38
Customizing Rules
Declaring a New Rule

create_rule -name UDEF_OutDelay_0001 -severity warning \

-message {"Output delay is specified on hierarchical\
pin '" "'."} \
-parameters {"pin"} \
-checker_proc UDEF_OutDelay_0001_Checker \
-description {“Team XYZ does not allow output delays \
to be specified on hierarchical pins”}

• create_rule declares a rule and defines

 Name of the rule (UDEF_001)
 Severity level (warning)
 Message to be displayed (-message switch)
 Description for that rule
 What Tcl checker is associated with this rule

© Synopsys 2011 39
Customizing Rules
Basic Example This example uses the
message only.

This area, the Info Pane, supports HTML

tags. Much more elaborate rule
messages can be created using the
combination of HTML tags and the –
details option

© Synopsys 2011 40
Customizing Rules
• User Defined Rules are a great way to tailor the
rule sets to your exact needs
 Enables the required quality checks for your company
and/or design

• Simple user interface allows quick and easy

development of those rules
 Every object/attribute/exception in the design can be

• Seamless integration with built-in rules results in

no ramp-up time for end user

© Synopsys 2011 41
Advanced Features Benefits
• Faster path to tapeout with 3rd party IP integration
and constraint versions verification
 Constraints consistency can be easily verified
 Very accurate and intuitive debugging features
 Dedicated set of rules targeting specific issues to
these design stages

• Complete and extensive rule coverage through

user defined Rules
 Taylor the tool to your exact needs
 Seamless integration with standard built-in rules
 Simple Tcl procedures

© Synopsys 2011 42

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