Cot 2-Learning-Exemplar-Reyes, Rizza Wayne B.

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Teaching Date June 15, 2022 Quarter/Semester FOURTH

Teaching Time No. of Days


A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and
Standard other text types serves as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing
world; also how to use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals,
active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
completely performs in a full-length play.
B. Performance The learner completely performs in a full- length play through applying effective
Standards verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria:
Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning At the end of this lesson, the learners are able to;
Competencies - identify the Social Problem,
or Objectives - make a solution to the social problem being addressed.
- relate the value judgement on critical issues to real life experiences through
different activities.
D. Most Essential MELC 10: React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound
Learning analysis and call for prompt actions
E. Enabling Relate text content to particular issues, concerns and dispositions in real life.
F. Enrichment N/A
II. CONTENT Social Issues and Factors Characterizing Social Issues.
A. References
1. Teacher’s N/A
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s N/A
3. Textbook N/A
4. Additional
Materials Rappler, Inc. 2012. Rappler (official news website). Accessed May
(LR) portal 26, 2021.

B. Learning
Resources for
Development English Learner’s Packet by Rodchiel O. Gensaya & Ofelia T. Jastiva
The teacher will start by greeting the class and ask a student to lead the prayer.

Then she will ask if there is any absent, and if someone is late will ask why.
The teacher will set the classroom rules
1. Respect and listen to the teacher as well as to your classmate.
2. Raise your hand if you want to answer and if you have question.
3. Always wear your face mask and don’t forget to sanitize before and after the
4.Participate with the class discussion and class activities.

Recall of previous topic.

We discussed about the Issue.
- What is Issue?
There are 3 types of issue which is the Social, Moral and Economic Issues.
-Can you give me an example of those issues?

Proceeding to introduce the topic, MELC and the learning objectives.

For the motivational activity, the teacher has a prepared activity envelope from the
folder where the students will arrange the puzzle individually. After arranging it,
they will answer the question that follows and share their work to the class.

Motivational Activity.
Arrange the puzzle picture and then identify what social issues they depict.

1. What social issue does the picture depict?

2. What possible solution can you propose to the issue it depict?

After the activity, the teacher will proceed to discuss the lesson.

Social issue is a concern or problem recognized by the society and it prevents

people from functioning at an optimal level. It is important to understand that not all
things that occur in the society are raised to the level of social problem.

The teacher will continue to discuss the lesson.
4 Factors Characterizing Social Problem or Issue

1. The society must recognize the situation as a problem.

2. The situation is against the general values accepted by the society.
3. A large segment of the population recognizes the problem as a valid concern.
4. The problem can be rectified or alleviated through the joint action of citizens
and/ or community resources.

Rectified in other words is to correct while Alleviated simply means to lessen.

After the discussion, the teacher will ask her students of another example of social
problem and why it became a problem into the society.

For the first task, the teacher has a prepared material in the folder that has a
random assign role in the society. From their role it has an indicated issue that
they will try to make or propose a solution to solve it.

Learning task 1.

Imagine you're the given role to you, how are you going to address the certain
social issue that circulate in your community and propose a solution to it. Write
your answer on the space provided and share your answer to the class.

Doctor - Covid-19 pandemic

Politician - Over population

Teacher/Principal - Bullying

Social Worker - Child Abuse

Journalist - Spreading of Fake news

Indigeneous People- Discrimination in the


The students will share their work to their classmates.

Now that the students are able to make solutions to different social issues, they will
have an activity that will test their creativity in relating the lesson in different

For the second task, the students will show their creativity in different ways such
as drawing, a letter, a song, prayer and making a scenario. They have different
activity in each folder.

Learning Task 2.
Express your creativity in relating the lesson through different activities.

A. Prayer from the Heart.

B. Yes Direct?
C. Mail me!
D. Sing me a Song!
E. Draw me!
The following activity will be graded with the guide of rubric.
Criteria Good Good Fair
(10) (6) (4)
1. Includes all the required
information, appropriate and
2. The presenter/s speaks
clearly, modulated voice,
perform dramatically and
3. Informative, entertaining
and confident.
4. Overall the final result
represents the students full
potential and presents well.

A. Prayer from the Heart

Compose a personal prayer for people who have been suffering and affected by
the Covid-19 pandemic, bullying and discrimination.

B. Yes Direct?
Create a dialogue or a scenario that you experience about social issue in your

C. Mail Me!
Write a letter to the government regarding a problem that you want to be
addressed and detail your request solution.

D. Sing me a Song!
Think of a song that you can relate to our lesson which is the social issue and
explain why you choose the song.

E. Draw Me!
Draw an illustration that shows different social issues in your community. Make it

A Quick Review
Social Issue
- A problem recognized by the society and it prevents people from functioning at an
optimal level.

The 4 Factors Characterizing Social Issue/Problems.

1. The society must recognize the situation as a problem.
2. The situation is against the general values accepted by the society.
3. A large segment of the population recognizes the problem as a valid concern.
4. The problem can be rectified or alleviated through the joint action of citizens
and/ or community resources.

Give an example of Social Issues.

*Aside from the examples that the students stated , some of the social issues are
enumerated in the graph.
D. ASSIMILATION The teacher gives a quick reminder of the topic discussed and proceed to
assessing the knowledge that student’s gain.

Assessment: Quiz #2
Identify what type of issue is indicated in each number. Choose your answer from
the list in the box. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Inflation -__________________
2. Climate Change - ____________
3. Volatile Prices - ______________
4. Depressive Disorders - ________
5. Freedom of Media - ___________
6. Pollution - ___________________
7. Covid-19 Virus - ______________
8. Killing of Political Activists - ______
9. Racial Discrimination - __________
10. Gender Inequality - ____________

E. Assignment Before the class end, the teacher will give an assignment in preparation for the
next class discussion.

Research on how you will make a stand in an argument.

I realized that _____________________________________________
I’ve learned that ___________________________________________

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