Oxford Discover Futures Level 1 Op Mapping

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Oxford Discover Futures Level 1 Online Practice Course Mapping Document


Online Practice Activity Student book unit Related student book page Further practice in student book Online practice skills focus

Vocabulary 1: Uses of get Unit 1 P6: Vocabulary Uses of get P112: Uses of get - To recognize phrases with

- To use phrases with get to

talk about everyday activities

Vocabulary 2: Technology Unit 2 P16: Vocabulary Technology P114: Technology - To understand and use
words connected with

Vocabulary 3: Suffixes: people Unit 3 P28: Vocabulary Suffixes: people P116: Suffixes: people - To use suffixes to form nouns
for people

Vocabulary 4: Negative Unit 4 P38: Vocabulary Negative prefixes P118: Negative prefixes - To use prefixes to make
prefixes negative forms

Vocabulary 5: Extreme Unit 5 P50: Vocabulary Extreme adjectives P120: Extreme adjectives - To understand and use
adjectives extreme adjectives

Vocabulary 6: Adjective Unit 6 P60: Vocabulary Adjective suffixes P122: Adjective suffixes - To make and use adjectives
suffixes with suffixes

Vocabulary 7: Noun suffixes Unit 7 P72: Vocabulary Noun suffixes P124: Noun suffixes - To make and use nouns with

Vocabulary 8: Noun and verb Unit 8 P82: Vocabulary Noun and verb P126: Noun and verb forms - To identify words as nouns or
forms forms verbs

- To use noun and verb forms

Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 1


Vocabulary 9: Descriptive Unit 9 P94: Vocabulary Descriptive adverbs P128: Descriptive adverbs - To form descriptive adverbs
adverbs from adjectives

- To use descriptive adverbs in


Vocabulary 10: Multi-word Unit 10 P104: Vocabulary Multi-word verbs P130: Multi-word verbs - To understand and use multi-
verbs word verbs


Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 2

Online Practice Activity Student book unit Related student book page Further practice in student book Online practice skills focus

Grammar 1: Present simple Unit 1 P8: Grammar Talking about facts, P113: Talking about facts, routines, - To use the present simple
and present continuous routines, and actions in progress and actions in progress and present continuous

- To understand time
expressions with the present
simple and present

Grammar 2: Past simple and Unit 2 P18: Grammar Talking about past P115: Talking about past events - To use the past simple and
past continuous events past continuous to talk about
actions that happened at the
same time in the past

- To understand sentences
with when and while to link
two actions in the past

Grammar 3: Comparatives Unit 3 P30: Grammar Making comparisons P117: Making comparisons - To use comparative
and superlatives adjectives to compare two

- To use superlative adjectives

to compare three or more

Grammar 4: Past simple and Unit 4 P40: Grammar Talking about when P119: Talking about when things - To use the past simple and
present perfect things happen happen & Talking about the present perfect to talk
experiences about activities and
P41: Grammar Talking about

Grammar 5: First conditional Unit 5 P53: Grammar Talking about P121: Talking about consequences - To use the first conditional to
consequences talk about possible events and

Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 3

their results

Grammar 6: will and be going Unit 6 P63: Grammar Talking about the P123: Talking about the future - To use will and won't to
to future make predictions about the

- To use be going to to talk

about future plans and

Grammar 7: Modals: ability Unit 7 P74: Grammar Talking about ability P125: Talking about ability & - To use can, could, and be
and possibility Talking about possibility able to to describe ability in
P75: Grammar Talking about
the present, past and future
- To use can, could, may, and
might to describe possibility in
the present, past and future

Grammar 8: Imperatives Unit 8 P84: Grammar: Giving instructions P127: Giving instructions and - To use imperatives to give
and advice advice instructions

Grammar 9: Non-defining Unit 9 P96: Grammar Using non-defining P129: Using non-defining relative - To use non-defining relative
relative clauses relative clauses clauses clauses to give additional
information about nouns

Grammar 10: Simple present Unit 10 P106: Grammar Talking about P131: Talking about actions in the - To recognize and use the
passive actions in the passive passive simple present passive


Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 4

Online Practice Activity Student book Related student book page Student book reading Online practice skills focus
unit strategy

Reading 1: A night at the movies Unit 1 P6: Reading Identifying text types Skill: to recognize more than one text

Sub-skill: to identify text type by the

language used

Reading 2: Desert adventures Unit 2 P16: Reading Previewing Skill: to preview a text before reading

Sub-skill: to identify the order of events

Reading 3: A great engineer Unit 3 P28: Reading Reading online texts Skill: to recognize text type

Sub-skill: to recognize formal and

informal style

Reading 4: Time for school Unit 4 P38: Reading Reading for gist Skill: to read a text quickly for the general

Sub-skill: to recognize and understand

the linking words as, because, and so

Reading 5: Fashion for free! Unit 5 P50: Reading Identifying paragraph topics Skill: to find the main ideas in a text

Sub-skill: to use key words to understand

the main ideas

Reading 6: Nice to meet you! Unit 6 P60: Reading Understanding pronoun Skill: to scan a text for important
references information

Sub-skill: to understand subject and

object pronouns

Reading 7: Not enough food Unit 7 P72: Reading Scanning for specific Skill: to scan a text for important

Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 5

information information

Sub-skill: to understand approximate


Reading 8: Maid of the Mist Unit 8 P82: Reading Summarizing a text Skill: to take notes

Sub-skill: to recognize and understand


Reading 9: The Farmer and His Unit 9 P94: Reading Understanding the theme of a Skill: to understand the theme of a story
Three Sons story
Sub-skill: to understand the linking words
as, because, and so

Reading 10: The first European in Unit 10 P104: Reading Identifying the author’s Skill: to identify who the author wrote a
America purpose text for and why

Sub-skill: to understand the linking words

as, because, and so


Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 6

Online Practice Activity Student book Related student book page Student book writing strategy Online practice skills focus

Writing 1: It’s a long day! Unit 1 P12: Writing Thinking about your audience Skill: to describe my daily routine

Sub-skill: to use prepositions with time

expressions; to use adverbs of
frequency and sequencing words

Writing 2: Holiday photos Unit 2 P22: Writing Creative thinking: using a mind Skill: to describe and comment on a
map photo

Sub-skill: to use because and so; to use

the past simple and past continuous to
write a description in the past

Writing 3: A good place to eat Unit 3 P34: Writing Thinking of ideas: a Skill: to write a review of a café
comparison diagram
Sub-skill: to use adjectives; to use the
adverbs really and very

Writing 4: A school trip Unit 4 P44: Writing Research: selecting Skill: to write a blog about a day out
Sub-skill: to order events in a text using
first, next, then, after that, and finally;
to use there was and there were

Writing 5: Mountain adventure Unit 5 P56: Writing Writing a factual text Skill: to write a leaflet on an adventure

Sub-skill: to use but and however; to use

expressions for presenting information

Writing 6: Learning from your Unit 6 P66: Writing Planning paragraphs Skill: to write a report about learning
grandparents from my grandparents

Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 7

Sub-skill: to use pronouns to avoid

Writing 7: Young and successful Unit 7 P79: Writing Reviewing your first draft Skill: to write a biography

Sub-skill: to use dates and time

expressions; to use regular and irregular
past simple forms

Writing 8: The best invention Unit 8 P89: Writing Reviewing: checking language Skill: to write an opinion essay
ever? and punctuation
Sub-skill: to express opinions in
different ways

Writing 9: An unusual day Unit 9 P100: Writing Engaging the reader Skill: to write a story about an unusual

Sub-skill: to use adverbs to make my

writing more interesting; to describe my

Writing 10: I love this city Unit 10 P110: Writing Writing a formal letter Skill: to write a blog post about a city

Sub-skill: to use expressions to give

advice and make suggestions; to use
because and so


Online Practice Activity Student book Related student book page Student book speaking Online practice skills focus

Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 8

unit strategy

Speaking 1: The shopping diaries Unit 3 P33: Speaking Engaging the listener Skill: to give my opinion to a friend

Sub-skill: to ask a friend for his / her

opinion; to use short forms to make my
speaking natural

Speaking 2: Can I help you? Unit 4 P43: Speaking Taking turns Skill: to make offers and to talk about
organizing an event

Sub-skill: to use intonation correctly in

yes / no questions; to use intonation
correctly in answers

Speaking 3: She’s really clever Unit 7 P77: Speaking Giving reasons Skill: to give an opinion
and strong
Sub-skill: to use the weak form of the word
that; to use different phrases to express an

Speaking 4: What do you think? Unit 8 P87: Speaking Effective speaking Skill: to agree and disagree with someone

Sub-skill: to join consonant and vowel

sounds in different words

Speaking 5: Good news, bad Unit 10 P109: Speaking Showing empathy Skill: to respond to different kinds of news
Sub-skill: to use rising and falling intonation
in expressions for responding to news


Online Practice Activity Student book Related student book page Student book listening Online practice skills focus

Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 9

unit strategy

Listening 1: Do you want to Unit 1 P11: Listening Understanding the context Skill: to identify the context
come with me?
Sub-skill: to understand numbers in
prices and times

Listening 2: Our top story is … Unit 2 P21: Listening Listening for gist Skill: to understand important words
when I am listening

Sub-skill: to listen for sentence stress

Listening 3: Cinema for the Unit 5 P54: Listening Previewing Skill: to predict information
Sub-skill: to recognize weak forms

Listening 4: What an adventure! Unit 6 P65: Listening Listening for specific Skill: to listen for specific information
Sub-skill: to understand numbers while

Listening 5: I’ve won the lottery Unit 9 P98: Listening Understanding sequencing Skill: to listen for gist

Sub-skill: to recognize sequence words


Online Practice Activity Student book unit Related student book page Online practice skills focus

Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 10

Factflix 1: How much time do we Unit 1 P5: Factflix to understand a video about how we spend and waste time

Factflix 2: What do we remember Unit 2 P15: Factflix to understand a video about memories

Factflix 3: What prizes do we give and Unit 3 P27: Factflix to understand a video about prizes and why we give them

Factflix 4: Why do we join groups? Unit 4 P37: Factflix to understand a video about why people join groups

Factflix 5: What’s dangerous? Unit 5 P49: Factflix to understand a video about risk and danger

Factflix 6: What do we throw away? Unit 6 P59: Factflix to understand a video about waste and recycling

Factflix 7: How do we use intelligence? Unit 7 P71: Factflix to understand a video about intelligence

Factflix 8: What’s good for you? Unit 8 P81: Factflix to understand a video about health

Factflix 9: Why do we read fiction? Unit 9 P93: Factflix to understand a video about reading and fiction

Factflix 10: What makes the perfect Unit 10 P103: Factflix to understand a video about cities

Reflect 1: What is the value of time? Unit 1 P13: Reflect to understand a video about the value of time

Reflect 2: What do we remember? Unit 2 P23: Reflect to understand a video about what we remember

Reflect 3: How do we know what’s the Unit 3 P35: Reflect to understand a video about how we know what's the best

Reflect 4: How do groups work Unit 4 P45: Reflect to understand a video about how groups work together

Reflect 5: What do we need to survive? Unit 5 P57: Reflect to understand a video about what we need to survive

Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 11

Reflect 6: How can we live with less? Unit 6 P67: Reflect to understand a video about how we can live with less

Reflect 7: What is intelligence? Unit 7 P79: Reflect to understand a video about intelligence

Reflect 8: How can we stay healthy? Unit 8 P89: Reflect to understand a video about how we can stay healthy

Reflect 9: Why do we tell stories? Unit 9 P101: Reflect to understand a video about why we tell stories

Reflect 10: What makes a good place Unit 10 P111: Reflect to understand a video about what makes a good place to
to live? live

Oxford Discover Futures level 1, Online Practice mapping 12

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