10th STD SL English Study Materials by VSP Ghs Hulikatte

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Prepared by:

Kanthappa G.B
English Language Teacher,
V S P G H S Hulikatte’
Davangere- North.
Cell No: 9900339860.

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte1

1. A Hero
- R.K. Narayan
Two marks questions:
1. How can you say that the village lad was brave?
Ans: The village lad fought with a tiger while returning home by the jungle path. He stayed on the tree for
half a day till someone came and killed the tiger.

2. Why did Swami’s father want him to sleep alone in the office room?
Ans: Swami’s father wanted him to sleep alone in the office room to prove his courage. He wanted him to
learn not to be afraid of darkness.

3. The inspector suggests Swami to join the police department when he grew up. Why?
Ans: Swami had caught the most notorious burglar which the police couldn’t do. The inspector thought
that Swami was really a brave boy. So, he invited him to join the police.

4. How did Swami’s father defend his view on the news paper report?
Ans: Swami’s father defended his view by saying that courage was important. Strength and age were not
important. Even a weak man could fight if he had courage.

5. Why were congratulations showered on Swami? OR How was burglar caught?

Ans: In his fright Swami had bitten the burglar thinking him to be devil. The burglar’s cry made Swami’s
father and others to come there and caught him. Later the police arrested him.

6. How should Swami prove that he had courage?

Ans: Swami should prove that he had courage by sleeping alone in his father’s office room instead of
sleeping beside his granny.
Three marks questions:

1. How did Swami react when his father challenged him to sleep alone in the office room?
OR What ways Swami think of to escape from his father ? OR What excuses did Swami
give to escape from sleeping alone?
Ans:- Swami tried to change the subject while his father was talking to him. He said elders could join
the cricket club. He would sleep alone from the first of next month. The office room was dusty and there
may be scorpions. He went to bed very early that day to avoid his father

2. Newspaper report made Swami a hero. Explain . OR Describe how Swami became a hero
Over night. OR Swami was not really a hero but by chance he becomes a hero. Justify.
OR Why were congratulations showered on Swami ?
Ans:Newspaper carried a report about a village boy who fought with a tiger. Swami argued that boy could
not fight a tiger. He had to be a strong grown up person. His father disagreed saying that courage was
more important. Swami did not accept this. His father then challenged him to sleep alone in the office
room. While Swami was sleeping alone in the office room, he saw something moving in the room. In his
fright, he had bitten the burglar thinking him to be devil. His loud cry made others to come there. The
burglar was caught. Later he was arrested. Congratulations were showered on Swami.

3. Narrate Swami’s dreadful experience when he was lying under the bench.
Ans: Swami was racked with nightmares. A tiger was chasing him. He tried to escape, but he couldn’t.
He groaned in despair. Then he heard a rustling sound. When he saw something was moving in the
darkness, he felt that it was the devil it would attack him. In his fright, he had bitten it to save himself.

4. How was Swami appreciated for his heroic deed ?

Ans: People congratulated Swami. His classmates looked at him with respect. His teacher patted his back.
The headmaster said that he was a true scout. The inspector invited him to join the police
G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte2
1. ‘’ You must sleep alone hereafter’’.
a) Who should sleep alone ? / Who does ‘ you’ refer to ? Ans: Swami
b) Who did he usually sleep with ? Ans: his granny
c) Why should he sleep alone ? Ans: to prove his courage
d) Where should he sleep ? Ans: in the office room
2. ‘’ Aiyo ! something has bitten me’’.
a) Who said this ? / Who does ‘ me’ refer to ? / Who made this cry ? Ans: The Burglar
b) Who had bitten him ? Ans : Swami
c) Why was he bitten ? Ans : Swami mistook him to be devil, to save himself he bit him.
d) What was the result of it ? Ans: the burglar was caught

3. ‘’ Your office room is very dusty and there may be full of scorpions’’.
a) Who said this ? Ans: Swami
b) Why did he make this comment ? Ans: to escape from sleeping alone in the office room
c) What does it reveal about his character ? Ans: He was timid and was afraid to sleep alone

4. ‘’ Why don’t you join the police when you are grown up ?’’
a) Who gave this suggestion ? / Who is the speaker? Ans : the inspector
b) Why did he give this suggestion ? Ans : Swami helped the police by catching a burglar.
c) What did the listener actually want to become later in his life ?
Ans : an engine driver, a railway guard or a bus conductor
5. ‘’ Congratulations were showered on Swami next day’’.
a) Why was Swami congratulated ? Ans: because he had caught the burglar.
b) What was the impact on Swami ? Ans: he became a hero overnight
c) How was Swami congratulated by his teacher and the headmaster ?
Ans: His teacher patted his back. The head master said that he was a true scout.

6. ‘’ From the first of the next month, I’ll sleep alone, father’’.
a) Who wanted to sleep alone ? Ans: Swami
b) Why did he sleep alone ? Ans: to prove his courage
c) Why did he request his father ? Ans: only to escape from sleeping alone in the officeroom

7. “He hated the newspaper for printing the tiger’s story’’.

a) Who does ‘he’ refer to? Ans: Swami’s father
b) What was the story about? Ans: bravery of the village lad who fought with a tiger
c) Why did he hate the newspaper for printing the tiger’s story?
Ans: It made him to sleep alone in the office room.
8. “ If you do it. I’ll make you the laughing stock of your school.”
a) Who is the speaker ? Ans: Swami’s father
b) What is the ‘ it ‘ ? Ans: Swami used to sleep beside his granny or mother.
c) Why did the speaker say so ? Ans: because Swami slept beside his granny like a baby.
9. “ A frightful proposition, Swami thought.”
a) What was the frightful proposition ? Ans: sleeping alone in the office room that night.
b) Why was it frighttful ?
Ans: Swami always slept beside his granny. So any change in this arrangement made him frightful.
c) What was ‘ proposition’ mean in the context ? Ans: suggestion
d) Who made it ? Ans: Swami’s father
10. ‘’You are in the second form and I don’t like the way you are being brought up.’’
a) Who does ’I’ refer to? Ans: Swami’s father
b) Who was studying in the second form? Ans: Swami
c) When did the speaker say this?
Ans: when Swami told his father that he would sleep in the office room from the next month.

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11. ’’As the night advanced and the silence deepened, his heart beat faster.’’
a) Who does ‘he’ refer to? Ans: Swami
b) Where was he? Ans: He is in his father’s office room
c) Why did his heart beat faster?
Ans: He rememberd all the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life.

2. There’s A Girl by the Tracks !

- Devan Kanal
Two marks questions:
1. How did tempo truck driver help Baleshwar Mishra ?
Ans: The tempo truck driver helped Baleshwar to take Roma to the hospital in time. He also gave his Cell
phone to him to call her brother.

2. According to Baleshwar people of Mumbai were afraid. What were they afraid of?
Ans: People of Mumbai were afraid of being involved in the accident case. They were afraid of getting
trapped in the court or with the police.

3. If Baleshwar had not come forward to help Roma. What would have happened to her?
Ans: Roma would have not been admitted to the hospital. She would have bled to death.

4. Why did Baleshwar disagree to take Roma to Airoli?

Ans: Baleshwar felt that the girl was serious. She needed treatment immediately. Airoli was far away and
he knew of a small hospital nearby.

5. Why had Roma fallen by the tracks?

Ans: Roma tried to settle into a corner near the door. The train moved ahead. She got pushed, lost her
foothold and was thrown out of the coach.

6. Why did Baleshwar revisit the spot where Roma had fallen?
Ans: Roma’s brother told him that her cell phone and hand bag were missing. So, Baleshwar revisited the
spot to look for her belongings.

7. What qualities of Baleshwar do you appreciate?

Ans: Baleshwar was kind and helpful. He risked his life to save the life of a stranger.

8. Baleshwar had a good memory. Justify the statement.

Ans: When Roma told her brother’s phone number, Baleshwar quickly memorized it. He was able to call
him and inform about the accident.

9. What did Roma say about Baleshwar after her recovery ? OR Roma said, “ I think it’s
astonishing.” What was astonishing ? OR Why does Roma considering Baleshwar’s action
to be amazing ?
Ans: Roma could not imagine what would have happened, if Baleshwar had not helped her. She found it
astonishing that a stranger would jump off a train and risk his life to save her. She could never repay
Three marks questions:
1. Describe how Baleshwar rescued Roma Talreja. OR How did the tempo truck driver play a vital
role in saving Roma’s life? OR Give a brief account of how Baleshwar helped the Girl on the tracks.
Ans : Baleshwar found Roma by the side of the tracks. She was unconscious. So he carried her in his arms and
walked towards the high way. He requested motorists to help him to take her to hospital.But none could stopped.
Finally, a tempo truck driver stopped and helped him to take her to the hospital nearby where she was given first
aid.The doctor there advised him to take her to a bigger hospital. The truck driver helped him to take her.On the way
he lent his phone to Baleshwar to call Roma’s brother. Both of them admitted her to the hospital in time. She cured
after a few days.
G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte4
2. Write briefly about the personal details such as qualification and profession of RomaTalreja
and Baleshwar Mishra.

Ans: Roma Talreja was a B.Com graduate from Pune. She was working in Mumbai as a call centre
executive. She had been working there for two years. Baleshwar Mishra was an unemployed high school
dropout. He had come to Mumbai to look for a job.

1. “ I hope I’m not too late.’’
a) Who was the ‘ I ’ ? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
b) Why did he hope so ? Ans: He knew she was hurt badly and hoped he could help her
c) What did he do ? Ans: He took her to a nearby hospital

2. “ Take the girl to Airoli.”

a) Who suggested it? Ans: The COP
b) Who is the girl here? Ans: Roma Talreja
c) Who had taken her to Airoli? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
d) Why did Baleshwar disagree to COP’s suggestion?
Ans: Because Airoli was far away and he knew a nearby hospital than that

3. “ There is a closer place I know of.”

a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
b) Why did he choose that place? Ans: Because Roma was serious, She needed treatment immediately.
c) What happened after going to that place?
Ans: Roma got first aid. Then she was taken to a bigger hospital.

4.“ Whom can I call ?”. He asked quickly fearing that she would block out once more.”
a) Who does ‘ I’ refer to ? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
b) What did the listener answer? Ans: Her brother Dinesh
c) What does ‘ block out’ mean ? Ans: become unconscious
d) Why did the speaker want to call? Ans: to inform Roma’s brother about her acident
5. “ I’m new to Mumbai, but I have noticed that people are here afraid.’’
a) Who is the ‘I’? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
b) Why had he come to Mumbai? Ans: to look for job
c) Why were the people afraid of? Ans: They were afraid getting trapped in the courts or with the police

6. “I Can never repay Baleshwar”.

a) Who does ‘I’ refer to? Ans: Roma Talreja.
b) When did she say so? Ans: After her recovery
c) Why did she say so?/Why can’t she repay ? Ans: He saved her life taking a risk.

7.“I can’t imagine what would have happened if Baleshwar hadn’t been there”.
a) Who is the ‘I’? Ans: Roma Talreja
b Why Was Baleshwar there? Ans: to help Roma
c) What would have happened if he hadn’t been there? Ans: She would have bled to death
d) What did Baleshwar do? Ans: He saved her life taking a risk.

8.“Chacha,can I borrow your mobile”?

a) Who does ‘chacha’ refer to? Ans: The truck driver.
b) Who was the ‘I’? Who wanted the mobile? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra.
c) Why did he want the Mobile? Ans: to Inform Roma’s brother about her accident.

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9.“Oh! I couldn’t thank him.”
a) Who is the ‘I’? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
b) Who Couldn’t he thank?/Who does ‘him’ refer to? Ans: the truck driver
c) What had he done? Why did the speaker want to thank him?
Ans: He helped him to get Roma to a hospital
d) Why couldn’t the speaker thank him? Ans: Because he already left the place with his truck.

10.“I think it is astonishing thing that a stranger jumped off a moving train and risked his
life for me.”
a) What happened to Baleshwar as soon as he jumped off a moving train?
Ans: A burst of pain shot up in his ankle.
b) How did Baleshwar help Roma Talreja? Ans: by admitting her to a hospital in time.
c) What would have happened if Baleshwar had not come to her help?
Ans: She would have bled to death.
11.“Let’s go and help her”.
a) Who said this? Who made this shout? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
b) Who was it said to? Ans: train passengers.
c) Why didn’t they volunteer to help her? Ans: They were afraid of being involved
d) Why did she need help?/Why did they have to help?
Ans: She had fallen from the train. She was injured seriously.
12. “Behanji, app theek hai ?”
a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
b) Who does ‘Behanji’ refere to? Ans: Roma Talreja
c) Why was there no response? Ans: She was unconscious due to the fall
d) What did the speaker do ? Ans: He took her to the nearby hospital

13. ‘’ So why did he do it ?’’

a) Who is the ‘ he ‘? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
b) What did he do? Ans: He risked his life to save her.
c) Why did he do it? Ans: because Roma needed his help

14. ‘’ Please help me to take her to the hospital.’’ But no one stopped.
a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Baleshwar Mishra
b) Who does ‘ her’ refer to ? Ans: Roma Talreja
c) Why didn’t they stop ? Ans: They feared getting trapped in the courts or with the police.

3.Gentleman of Rio en Medio

- Juan A.A. Sedilo
Two marks questions:
1. Why do you think Don Anselmo didn’t sell the trees in the orchard ? OR ‘’ Don Anselmo
was very fond of children.’’ Justify. OR Don Anselmohad concern for the children of Rio- en -
medio. Explain briefly OR Don Anselmo was passionate about his land and the children of Rio
en Medio. Support this statement with your answer. [ For 3 marks also]

Ans: Don Anselmo lived up in Rio en Medio. He tilled the same land his ancestors had tilled. He planted
a tree every time a Child was born in the village. He felt that they didnot belong to him but to the
children. He did not sell the trees when he sold the land to the Americans.

2. Why do you think the Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s property?
Ans : The little creek ran through his land. His orchard was gnarled and beautiful. So, to lead ahappy and
peaceful life they buy his land.

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte6

3. How can you say that Don Anselmo was a man of principles? OR How can you say that
The Americans were truthful to Don Anselmo ? OR Don Anselmo and the Americans
were generous in their own way. Justify. OR What makes you think that the Americans
were good people ?

Ans : When the Americans discovered that Don Anselmo owned more than eight acres of extraland, they
offered him almost double the price. But Don Anselmo stuck to his word. He refused to take extra money.

4. What kind of a man was Don Anselmo?

Ans : Don Anselmo was generous. He was a man of principles.

5. How did the old man greet the people who had been waiting for him?
Ans: The old man bowed to all of them. Then he removed his hat and gloves, slowly and carefully.

6. Why did the Americans complain about the children of Rio en Medio?
Ans: The children were overrunning their property. They came every day and played under the trees.
They built little fence around the trees and took blossoms.
Three marks questions:
1. Don Anselmo’s appearance and manners were quite unusual. Explain briefly.
Ans: Don Anselmo wore an old, green faded coat. His gloves too were old and torn and hisfinger
tipsshowed through them. He carried a cane which was the skeleton of a worn – out umbrella. When he
entered the room he bowed to all and slowly removed his hat and gloves. This reminds the writer the style
of Charlie Chaplin.
1. “We have made a discovery”.
a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Story teller/narrator
b) Who does ‘we’ refer to? Ans: Americans
c) What did they discover? Ans: Don Anselmo owned more than eight acres of land
d) What was the result of the discovery? / How did they respond after the discovery?
Ans: They offered him double the amount.
2.“ Friend’, he said I don’t like to have you speak me in that manner”.
a) Who does ‘I’refer to? Ans: Don Anselmo.
b) What made him react so? Ans: Americans offered him double the price for his extra land.
c) What was his decision? Ans: He refused to take more than the amount agreed upon
d) What is the mood of the speaker? Ans: He felt that he was being insulted.
e) Who did he address as friend? Ans: narrator / story teller

3.“I did not sell the trees because I could not.”

a) Who was the speaker here? Ans: Don Anselmo
b) Who was he speaking to? Ans: Story teller/narrator
c) Why could he not sell the trees?
Ans:- He thought the trees belonged to the children of Rio en Medio.
4.“These Americans are Buena gente.”
A) Who is the speaker? Ans: Story teller/narrator
b) What does ‘Buena gente’ mean? Ans: good people.
c) Why did the speaker call Americans Buena gente?
Ans: Because they offered double the price for Don Anselmo’s extra land.
5.“The trees in that orchard are not mine”
a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Don Anselmo
b) According to to Don Anselmo, who did the trees belong to? Ans: to the children of Rio-en –Medio
c) Why did he feel so? Ans: Because he planted a tree every time a child was born in the village

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6.“I have agreed to sell my house and land for twelve hundred dollars and that is the price”.
a) Who does ‘I’ refer to? Ans: Don Anselmo
b) Why did he agree to sell the land for the Americans? Ans: because they were good people.
c) Why did he take only twelve hundred dollars for the land? / What does the statement tell
about the speaker ? Ans: he was a man of principles.

7.“Yes, I Admit that”.

a) Who is the ‘I’? Ans: Don Anselmo
b) Who is he speaking to? Ans: Story teller/ narrator
c) What did he admit?
Ans: If the land or orchard was sold the possession of the trees inthat place was also tobuyers.

8. “ I argued with him but it was useless.”

a) Who is the ‘ I ‘.? Ans: The narrator / story teller
b) What was the argument about?
Ans: Americans were ready to pay more for Anselmo’s extra land. But he didn’t agree.
c) Why was it useless? Ans: Because Don Anselmo refused to take extra amount.

9.“ This was bad, Don Anselmo.”

a) Who is the speaker? Ans: The narrator / story teller
b) What was bad according to the speaker?
Ans: Don Anselmo said that he sold only the land but not the trees in the orchard.
c) How did Don Anselmo defend his action? Ans: Don Anselmo defended that he planted a tree
every time a child was born in the village. So, the trees belonged to the children ofthe village.

10. “ It took months of negotiation to come to an understanding with the old man.”
a) Who does ‘ the old man’ refer to ? Ans: Don Anselmo
b) What was the negotiation about ? Ans: sale of the old man’s land
c) Why do you think it took months to come to an understanding?
Ans: because the old man was in no hurry
d) Who is the speaker? Ans: The narrator / story teller
e) What does ‘ negotiation’ mean in the context ? Ans: official discussion

11. ’’He signed the ded and took the money but refused to take more than the amount agreed upon.’’
a) Who does’ he’ refer to? Ans: Don Anselmo
b) How much money did he take? Ans: Twelve hundrd dollars
c) Why did he refuse to take more amount? Ans: because he a was a man of principles

- Sri R. Venkataraman
1. What was the greatest trait of Ambedkar as a student? OR
How can you say that Ambedkar was a voracious reader?

Ans: Ambedkar was a voracious reader. He had an insatiable thirst for books. He bought books by
curtailing his daily needs. In New York he purchased about 2000 old books. While he was in London he
bought many books.

2. Why did Nehru choose Ambedkar as the law minister?

Ans: Dr. Ambedkar had a great skill in the field of law and legislation. He had the vision of social justice.
Above all he had succeeded in his own campaigns against social injustice.

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte8

3. How did Dr.Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination from India?

Ans: Gandhiji reminded the higher castes of their duty towards the depressed classes. Ambedkar did the
same by reminding the depressed classes of their right to equality with the higher caste. Gandhiji stressed
the duties and Ambedkar stressed the rights.They brought revolution in social thought. (Sept-20)

4. There were great luminaries in the Drafting Committee. Dr. Ambedkar is remembered as
the pilot. Give reasons.
Ans: Ambedkar was tactful, frank and had utmost patience. He explained clearly the meaning and scope of
the different provisions of the Draft Constitution. He explained it in such a way, that even a layman could
understand it.

5. How did the 14th amendment of the U.S Constitution influence Ambedkar ?
Ans: The 14thamendment to the U.S constitution gave freedom to the black Americans. Ambedkar saw at
once the parallel of the situation for the depressed classes in India.

6. What made Ambedkar describe the methods of civil disobedience, non- co operation and
satyagraha as the ‘Grammar of anarchy’?
Ans: These methods could be utilized in a struggle against the foreign rule. In Democracy such agitations
may results in the loss of lives and public property.

7. What is the difference between Gandhiji and Ambedkar in their approach to solving the
Ans: Gandhiji advocated satyagraha and non – violence. Ambedkar advocated the importance of
constitutional metods or means to solve problems.

8. Dr.B.R. Ambedkar worked for the upliftment of the depressed classes. Explain.OR How did
Dr. Ambedkar try to get social justice for the depresse classes. (June-20)
Ans: Dr.B.R. Ambedkar devoted all his time and talents for the betterment of the depressed classes. He
started newspapers- Mookanayak, Bahishkrit Bharat and Samata. He set up institutions- HitakarniSbha and
Independent Labour Party of India. He stressed the rights of the dpressed classes. He helped in rousing up
who had suffered for long in the past. He fought for social justice.

1.‘’ Who could have dreamt that one born to a Mahar family would one day become not only a
Law minister but a Law – maker ….?’’
a) Who is referred to as ‘ Law Minister’ here? Ans: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
b) Who chose him to be ‘ The Law Minister’? Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru
c) Why is he recognized as the Law Minister?
Ans: because he had a great skill in the field of law and legislation

2.‘’ His flair for legislative work became evident to the whole nation’’.
a) Whose flair became evident? Ans: Dr. B,R. Ambedkar
b) When did it become evident ? Ans: When he made effective contributions to the debates on
variety of subjects in the Bombay Legislative Assembly
c) Pick out the word from the statement which means ‘ a natural ability to do something well’. Ans: flair

3.‘’ One stressed the duties, the other stressed the rights.’’
a) Who stressed the duties? Ans: Gandhiji
b) Who stressed the rights? Ans: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
c) What did both of them bring about? Ans: a veritable revolution in social thought

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4. ‘’ A Symbol of revolt.”
a) Who made this statement? Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru
b) Who is the symbol of revolt? Ans: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
c) Why was he described so? Ans: because he fought against the discrimination of the caste system

5.’’ He was drawn to the 14th amendment of the constitution of U.S.A.’’

a) Who does ‘he’ refer to ? Ans: Dr.B.R. Ambedkar
b) What was the importance of 14th amendment ? Ans: Which gave freedom to the black Americans
c) How did it influence him ? Ans: He saw at once a parallel to the situation of the depressed classes in India

6. ‘’ He had an insatiable thirst for books.’’

a) Who is the ‘he’ ? Ans: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar
b) How can you say that he had an insatiable thirst for books?
Ans: He bought books by curtailing his daily needs.
c) What does ‘ insatiable’ mean in the context ? Ans: that which cannot be satisfied

7. ‘’ They brought about a veritable revolution in social thought.’’

a) Who are ‘ they” ? Ans: Mahatma Gandhi and Dr.B.R.Ambedkar
b) What ‘ revolution’ is referred to here ?
Ans: bringing equlity between higher castes and depressed classes
c) How did they bring about the revolution ? Ans: Gandhiji reminded the higher castes of their duties
towards the depressed classes. Dr. Ambedkar reminded the depressed classes of their rights to equality.
5. The Concert
- Shantha Rameshwar Rao
1. How can you say that Anant was a talented boy? OR Why do you consider Anant a talented
boy? ( June-20)
Ans: Anant was the best table tennis player in the school. He was the fastest runner. He was learning to
play sitar. He was already able to compose his own tunes.

2. ‘They had come with high hopes.’ What hopes did Anant’s parents have?
Ans: Due to the miracles of modern science, Anant would be cured at the hospital. He would again walk
and run. He would play the sitar and perhaps would be a great sitarist one day.

3. How did Smita fulfill her brother’s wish ? OR Suddenly a daring thought came to Smita
.What was the thought? OR Why do you think Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad AllahRakha
agree to play for Anant ? OR How did Smitha try to bring Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah
Rakha to her house?
Ans: Smita planned to request Pandit Ravishankar to play for her brother. After the concert Smita went up
to the stage and approached Pandit Ravishankar. She explained the condition and the wish of her
brother.They were touched by her brother’s story. They came to her house and played for him.

4.What makes the readers appreciate Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha ? OR The artists
visiting Anant was unusual. Justify. OR Why do you think the response of the artists was unusual?
Ans:Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were great maestros. They were busy people. Despite their
busy schedule, they accepted Smita’s invitation.They visited Anant’s home and played for him.

5. What was the intention of Smita’s going to the concert ?

Ans : Smita’s intention was to listen to the sitar by pandit Ravishankar. Then to request him to come to
her house and play for her brother Anant. She wanted to fulfill her brother’s last wish.

6. How did Anant’s family treat him without ‘ voicing their fears’ ?
Ans: They laughed and smiled and talked and surrounded Anant with whatever made him happy. They
fulfilled his every need and gave whatever he asked for.

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7. How did Smita enjoy the concert?
Ans: As Pandit played the first notes, Smita filled with wonder. Spell bound, she listened to a variety of
1.’’ Tomorrow morning we perform for the boy .”
a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Ustad Allah Rakha
b) Who is the ‘ boy’ here? Ans: Anant
c) Why would they perform for the boy?
Ans: Because the boy was lying sick. He wantedto hear PanditRavishankar and Ustad play.
d) Who does ‘ we’ refer to ? Ans: Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha

2.’’ I’ ve- I’ve – always wanted to hear and see him.’’

a) Who is ‘ he’ here ? Ans: Anant
b) Who does ‘ him’ refer to ? Ans: Pandit Ravishankar
c) Why did he want to hear him and see him ?
Ans: Anant loved playing the sitar. It was chance of a life time to attend his concert.

3. ‘’ But they did not voice their fears.’’

a) Who does ‘ they ‘ refer to ? Ans: Anant’s family members
b) What did they fear? Ans: Anant had not many days to live
c) How did they behave towards him?
Ans: They laughed and smiled and talked and surrounded Anant with whatever made him happy.

4. ‘’ Panditji is a busy man , you must not bother him with such requests.’’
a) Who was bothering Panditji ? / Who does ‘ you ‘ refer to ? Ans: Smitha
b) What was the request ? Ans: to play for her brother Anant in her house
c) Who is the speaker ? Ans: Large moustachioed man
d) What does ‘ bother ‘ mean in the context ? Ans: Trouble / Worry

5.’’ We mustn’t miss the chance.’’

a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Anant
b) Who does ‘ we ‘ refer to? Ans: Anant and Smitha
c) What chance did he not like to miss? Ans: to attend the concert of Pandit Ravishankar
d) Why would he not get a chance in future? Ans: Due to cancer he had not many days to live

6. ‘’ What shall we do Ustad Sahib.?’’

a) Who is the speaker ? Ans: Pandit Ravishankar
b) Who does ‘ Sahib ‘ refer to ? Ans: Ustad Allah Rakha
c) What was the response ? Ans: They agreed to perform for the boy the next day
d) What made the speaker ask so ?
Ans: Smita requested him to come to her house and play for her brother.

7.‘’ I must hear him and see him.’’

a) Who does ‘ I ‘ refer to? Ans: Anant
b) Who did he want to see? Ans: Pandit Ravishankar
c) What did he want to hear? Ans: the concert of Pandit Ravishankar

8. ‘’ They could not believe their eyes.’’

a) Who does ‘ they ‘ refer to ? Ans: the neighbours of Aunt Susheela
b) What was not possible for them to believe?
Ans: Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha visited aunt Susheela’s house
c) Why did they feel so? Ans: because Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad played for Anant

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9. ‘’ Take him home. Give him the things he likes, indulge him.’’
a) Who said these words? Ans: Doctors
b) Who does ‘ he / him ‘ refer to? Ans: Anant
c) Why did the speaker say so? Ans: Anant’s condition grew worse

10. ‘’The chance of a life time,’’ he was saying.

a) Who does ‘ he ‘ refer to ? Ans: Anant
b) What was the chance of a life time for him? Ans: to attend the concert of Pandit Ravishankar
c) Why was he feeling so?
Ans: He was excited to see and hear Pandit Ravishankar, a sitar maestro as he was also learning sitar.
11. ‘’ A walk in the park might make you feel better.’’
a) Who suggested it? Ans: Aunt Susheela
b) Who was it suggested to? Ans: Smita
c) Why did the speaker suggest it? Ans: because Smita was sad
d) What was the result of it?
Ans: Smita approached Pandit Ravishankar and request him to play for her brother

6. The Discovery
- Herman Ould
Two marks questions:
1. Give a short descrption of the appearance of Columbus.
Ans: Columbus was a tall well built man. His hair was permanently white. He had a fair complexion.

2. Why did the seamen want to go back to Spain?

Ans: The seamen had been sailing for many days. They did not sight any land. They were home sick.

3. How is the excitement of finding a new land expressed by different characters at the end of
the play ?
Ans: Pedro says, ‘’ It is, sir, Glory be to God !’.’
Voice,’’ It is, sir! A Light! A Land! Land!.
Sailor, Did you see it , sir ? A Light! Blessed Mother of God! A Light!.

4. How can you say that Pepe was loyal to Columbus? OR

Why do you think Pepe prefers to be in the company of Columbus ?
Ans: Pepe had faith in Columbus’s vision.. He warned Columbus to be careful about the desperate seamen.
He saved him from the seamen attack. He disliked the seamen.

5. How did Pedro try to defend the drunken seamen ?

Ans: They were simple men and required some relaxation. They did not have the same vision Columbus
Three marks questions:

1. How can you say that Pepe was loyal to Columbus ? OR How did Pepe prove his loyalty
to Columbus ? OR Give some instances to show that Pepe was loyal to Columbus till the end.
Ans: Pepe was an obedient, loyal and devoted servant of Columbus. He preferred to be in the company of
Columbus. He had faith in Columbus. He warned Columbus to be careful about the desperate seamen.
Everybody doubted about the voyage except him. When the seamen rushed to kill Columbus, he stopped
them with his arms spread out. He told them that they would have to kill him first

2. Describe the appearance of Columbus.

Ans: Columbus was a tall, well -built man of forty-six. His hair was permanently white. He had a fair
complexion, almost ruddy. He was a man of quick temper and irritability and could control only with an
effort. His face had a melancholic look always.
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3. ‘’ Columbus had the will power and had strength to face obstacles”. Justify your answer.
Ans: Columbus and his crew left Spain to discover a new land. He and his men sailed for a long time but
did not sight any land at all. The sailors were home sick. They wanted to go back home. The other seamen
revolted and tried to murder Columbus. He overcame all the difficulties. He had a lot of patience and
encouraged his sailors not to become desperate. At last he was able to discover a new world.
1. ‘’ They were simple men and must have their relaxation.’’
a) Who is the speaker here ? Ans: Pedro
b) Who are ‘ simplemen ‘ according to speaker ? Ans: The seamen
c) Why did the speaker say so ? Ans: to defend them

2. ‘’ It’s Sir ! Glory to be God!’

a) Who is the speaker here ? Ans: Pedro
b) What does ‘ it ‘ refer to ? Ans: land / light
c) Why did he thank God ? Ans: after tiresome voyage they saw the light / land

3.’’ I am your captain. Your duty is to obey me as mine is to obey the Royal Sovereigns of
Spain sent to me.’’
a) Who does ‘ I ‘ refer to ? Ans: Columbus
b) Who had to obey him ? Ans: the seamen / sailors
c) Why were they disobedient to him ?
Ans: They were tired of their journey. They wanted to go back home. Columbus did not allow them.
d) What character does this statement reveal about the speaker ?
Ans: He was loyal to his king and queen.

4. ‘’ The Santa Maria will be the lighter for his carcass.’’

a) Whose words was Pepe quotin here? Ans: Guillermo Ires
b) What do these words reveal about the person who said them ?
Ans: The speaker was so upset with Columbus that he wished he was dead
c) What does the word ‘Carcass’ mean? Ans: dead body

5. ‘’ Cowards, Cowards ! You will have to kill me first.’’

a) Who is the speaker ? Ans: Pepe
b) Whom did he call cowards ? Ans : Seamen
c) What does it reveal about the speaker ? Ans: He was loyal and obedient to Columbus

6.’’ What !does that child stand between me and death.’’

a) Who is the speaker ? Ans : Columbus
b) Who does ‘ that child ‘ refer to ? Ans : Pepe
c) What had the child done ?
Ans: He stood between the seamen and Columbus. He saved the life of Columbus.
d) What does the child action reveal ? Ans: He was loyal to Columbus

7. ‘’ Why should one man have the lives of fifty in his hands ?’’
a) Who is the speaker here ? Ans: Diego
b) Who does ‘ one man ‘ refer to ? Ans: Columbus
c) What does he mean by this statement ? Ans : Columbus had no right to spoil their lives
8.’’ Captain, be careful. Sometimes they are desperate.”
a) Who gave this warning ? Ans : Pepe
b) Who does ‘ they ‘ refer to ? Ans: Seamen
c) Why were they desperate ? Ans : They wanted to go back home. Columbus did not allow them.
d) Why did the speaker say so ?
Ans : to warn Columbus that they might do anything to him at any time

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9. ‘’ The deepening of their discontent is ominous.’’
a) Who made this statement ? Ans: Columbus
b) Whose discontent does the speaker refer to ? Ans: the Seamen
c) When did the speaker say so ? Ans: the singing of the seamen changed to a roar
d) What does ‘ Ominous ‘ mean in the context ? Ans: bad

10. ‘’ The first man to move shall spend the rest of the night in irons !’’
a) Who gave this warning ? Ans : Columbus
b) What made the speaker gave this warning?
Ans: the seamen rushing towards him wildly
c) What was the reaction to this warning ? Ans: They stopped moving but Guillermo moved forward
d) What does ‘in irons’ mean in this context? Ans: chained

11. ‘’ I prefer your company to theirs.’’

a) Who is the ‘ I ‘ ? Ans: Pepe
b) Whose company did he prefer ? Ans: Columbus
c) Why did he prefer his company ? Ans: because he had faith in his vision.

12. ‘’ Give the order to heave to.”

a) Who gave this order ? Ans : Columbus
b) What does the phrase ‘ heave to ‘ mean in the context ? Ans: to stop
c) Why did the speaker give this order ?
Ans: because they have discovered the new land after a long journey

7. Colours of Silence
- National Book Trust of India
Two marks questions:

1. Satish saw a bird out of the window. How did the bird appear to him? OR Describe the bird
that Satish saw one day. OR What did Satish see at the far corner of the garden? Why did it
attract him?
Ans: Satish saw a bird. It was unlike any he had seen before. It had a longish tail and a black crest. It had
restless energy. Its eyes kept moving here and there.

2. What do we learn from Satish Gujral’s life?

Ans: From Satish Gujral’s life we learn that physical disability is no barrier to success.

3. Satish didn’t want to go to a new school. What was the reason?

Ans: Satish didn’t want to go to a new school where he couldn’t talk to the other children, where every
one would make fun of his deafness.

4. Why was Satish confined to bed? What was the worst thing for him?
Ans: After the accident, Satish’s legs became weak and required several operations. He suffered frequently
from bouts of fever and ear infection. He became deaf and could not bear the silence.

5. How did Satish’s brother Inder try to help him?

Ans: Satish’s brother Inder sat for hours with him and talked to him, teaching him words and

6. Many schools refused to take in Satish. How did it affect him?

Ans: Satish became very moody. He couldn’t talk freely with anyone. He even avoided going out to play.

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7. At the beginning , Avatar Narain did not like his son’s love for painting / drawing. Why?
Ans: Avatar Narain felt that painting would not bring enough money. Artists make pittance and live in

8. What made Avatar Narain angry?

Ans: Avatar Narain took his son to a new school for admission. The headmaster said that it was a school
for normal boys. He suggested him to take his son to the school for deaf and dumb children.

9. How can we say that Satish Gujral became popular with the able support of his father? ( Sept-20)
Ans: Satish’s father was an optimist. He tried to change school. He spent more time with him. He gave an
armful of books. He admitted Satish to art college.

Three marks questions:

1. How did the bird in the garden change Satish’s life? OR How did the bird inspire Satish?
Ans: One day Satish saw a bird. It was energetic and active. It attracted him. He stared at the bird for a
long time. After it flew away, he took out his note book and pencil. He sketched the bird from memory.
Drawing became his passion. Later he became a foremost artist.

2. How can you say that Satish became popular all over the world? OR
Satish Gujral was a great artist. Justify
Ans: Exhibitions of Satish Gujral’s work have been held all over the world. They displayed in prestigious
museums like the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Hiroshima collection, Washington and the
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. He has published four books in the various arts.

3. How did Satish meet with an accident? OR Briefly describe how Satish met with an accident.
Ans: Once Satish had gone hiking with his father and brother Inder. As, they were crossing a
rickety bridge over some rapids. Satish looked down at the swirling water. His foot slipped. He lost his
balance and fell into the rapids.

4. ‘’ Physical disability is no barrier to success to Satish.’’ Justify.

Ans: Satish met with an accident and became deaf. He was refused admission by schools. So he remained
at home. One day he saw a beautiful bird that made him take up drawing and painting. Today he is one of
the best artist in India. Exhibitions of his work have been held all over the world. He has published four
books in various arts. The Government of India has honoured him with Padma Vibhushan.

1.‘’ Why do you take away his source of entertainment?’’

a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Satish’s mother

b) Who does ‘ you ‘ refer to ? Ans: Avatar Narain
c) Whose source of entertainment was it? Ans: Satish’s
d) What was his source of entertainment? Ans: Drawing
e) Why did he take away his source of entertainment? Ans: It would not bring enough money

2. ‘’ This is an idle past time. You would do better to read and get some knowledge.”
a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Avatar Narain / Satish’s father
b) Who is the ‘ you ‘? Ans: Satish
c) What was his past time? Ans: Filling pages with doodles
d) Why did the speaker not like his past time?
Ans: He felt that artists only made a pittance and lived in poverty.
e) Why did the speaker give more importance for reading?
Ans: He wanted Satish to study to make something out of his life.

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3. ‘’You want to do this very badly, don’t you?’’
a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Satish’s father
b) Who does ‘ you ‘ refer to? Ans: Satish
c) What does he want do badly? Ans: Drawing
d) What did the speaker do then? Ans: He put his hand on Satish’s shoulder.

4. ‘’ You will learn arts and make your life in your chosen field.’’
a) Who is the speaker? Ans: Satish’s father
b) Who is the ‘ you ‘? Ans: Satish
c) What did he want to become? Ans: an artist
d) How did he react to his father’s decision? Ans: His eyes filled with tears. He hugged his father tightly.

5. ‘’ If you want to get on in in life, you have to read a lot. You can learn a great deal of things
by reading.” ( June – 20)
a) Who is the speaker here? Ans: Avater Narayan / Satish’s father
b) Who does ‘ you’ refer to? Ans: Satish Gujral
c) How did the speaker encourage reading? Ans: Giving an armful of books

6. “ We will have to look for a new school”.

a) Who is the speaker here? Ans: Satish’s father
b) For whom do they need to look for a new school? Ans: Satish
c) Why do they want to look for a new school? Ans: the school Satish was attending informed him that they
couldn’t keep Satish because he was irregular and deaf.
8. Science and Hope of Survival
- Keilis- Borok
1. Why was Keilis Borok summoned to Geneva conference ? OR Why did the super powers
meet in Geneva ? Why were they summoned the technical experts ? OR ‘’ Technical experts
were summoned to solve the problem that arose. ‘’ What was the problem ?
Ans : The three nuclear powers were willing to come to an agreement, putting a ban on nuclear weapon
test. A proble arose that if any one of them violated the agreement, how could it be detected ? So Borok /
technical experts were summoned to solve the problem.

2. According to Keilis Borok ‘‘ Science is an exciting adventure.’’ Explain. OR How is pursuit of

science an exciting adventure ?
Ans: For a scientist major reward comes from the discovery itself. Instead of money he gets freedom,
camaraderie and independence. He enjoys discovering mysteries of nature and team work.

3. Why do some people choose to become scientists ?

Ans : They cannot live without science. To them science is an exciting adventure. The reward comes from
the discovery itself. Instead of money they get freedom and independence.

4. ‘’ Scientists are the most practical people in the world’’’ Justify.

Ans : All new technologies, all new brands of industries are the result of research by scientists. It is
through their work that we have medicines, electronics, modes of transport and the green revolution.

5.Make a list of lessons that the writer learnt at the Geneva summit.
Ans : People all over the world who thought and interact the way he did. It taught him never to feel lonely
abroad. Above all, it taught him that while there is science, there is hope of survival and well being for all
of them.
6. ‘’ Every child lived under the threat of annihilation’’. What caused threat ? Which powers
were willing to come to an agreement to face this threat ?
Ans : Nuclear weapon caused this threat. The three nuclear powers were willing to come to an agreement
to face this threat.
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7. Why does Keilis- Borok feel that science is the indispensable guardian and care taker of
humanity ?
Ans : Keilis – Borok feels that only the basic research in science can create a spring board for developing
new disaster preparedness industry. Science is not the beginning and not the end either. If humanly used it
is their indispensable guardian and caretaker.

Grandma Climbs A Tree
- Ruskin Bond
Two marks questions:
1. Why does the poet call his grandmother a genius? OR What qualities of grandma do you
Ans: Grandma was genius. She could climb trees. She climbed trees even at the age of 62. She had strong
determination and patience.

2. How did grandma feel while she lay in bed?

Ans: Grandma felt miserable. She loved to look at the dancing leaves. For her it was like a brief season in

3. ‘’ My dad knew his duties.’’ What did he think his duty was?
Ans: Poet’s father duty was to fulfill the wishes of his mother. When she wished a tree house, he made a
tree house with door and windows for his mother.
Summary (3/4 marks)
The poem ‘ Grandma Climbs A Tree’ is written by Ruskin Bond. The poet called his grandmother as a
genius. She could climb any tree high or wide in trice. Her brother taught her to climb trees. Even at her
old age, she used to climb trees.
One day she climbed a tree but couldn’t come down. Then she was rescued. The doctor advised
her to stay in a bed for a week. She felt miserable. It was like hell for her. After recovery she wanted a tree
house in a tree top. Her son agreed. He made a tree house with window and door. So that granny moved
up to the tree house. The poet would climb up everyday with glasses and a tray.They both sat there and
enjoyed the glass of sherry.

1.‘’ I strongly recommended a quiet week in bed.’’
a) Who does ‘ I ‘ refer to? Ans: Doctor
b) For whom was the rest recommended and why? Ans: Grandma because she was ill.
c) What was the reaction of the family members? Ans: They sighed with relief
d) How did Granny feel? Ans: She felt miserable.

2. ‘’ I’ll lie here no longer.’’

a) Who is the ‘ I ‘? Ans: Grandma
b) Why was she forced to lie down? Ans: because the doctor advised her to take rest for a week
c) Why couldn’t she lie there no longer? Ans: because she wanted to climb up trees again
d) What did she ask for once felt stronger? Ans: a house in a tree top
e) What does’ here ‘ refer to? Ans: to be in bed

3. ‘’Well I’ll grow gracefully, I can do it better.’’

a) Who is the ‘I’? / the speaker? Ans: Grandma
b) When did the speaker say so? Ans: When the people asked her to stop climbing trees
c) What was the speaker reply?
Ans: She wouldnot stop climbing trees. She preferred to grow old disgracefully.

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The Quality of Mercy
- William Shakespeare
Two marks questions:
1. How do you interpret the speaker’s interpretation of mercy as twice blessed? OR
The speker says that mercy is twice blessed. What does she mean by this?
Ans: The speaker says that mercy brings blessings in two ways. The person who shows mercy and the
person who receives it are both blessed by God.

2. ‘’ Mercy is mightiest in the mightiest’’. Justify

Ans: The king’ssceptre shows his earthly power. It makes people fear him. But mercy is greater than
earthly power, because it is the special quality of God Himself. Mercy is so great that the heart of a king is
its throne.
1. ‘’ His sceptre shows the force of temporal power.’’
a) What does ‘ temporal power ‘ mean ? Ans: worldly power / earthlypower
b) What does sceptre create in the mind of the people? Ans: fear
c) What quality does mercy stand for in contrast to temporal power? Ans: divine quality
d) Who is the speaker? Ans: Portia
e) How does mercy differ from sceptre? Ans: Mercy is divine power but sceptre is worldly power.

2.’’And earthly power doth then show likest God’s

When mercy season justice.’’
a) When does earthly power becomes like divine power? Ans: When mercy seasons with justice
b) How should the king’s judgement be? Ans: It should be seasoned with mercy
c) What happens when mercy seasons justice? Ans: Earthly judgement becomes like God’s judgement.
d) What does earthly power mean? Ans: Temporal power
e) What are the symbols of earthly power? Ans: Sceptre, throne and crown.

3. ‘’ It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;.’’
a) What is compared to the gentle rain? / What does ‘ it ‘ refer to ? Ans: mercy
b) What benefit does it bring to the people? / Why it is twice blest ?
Ans: It blesses both the giver and the taker.
c) Why does the king need it in the context? Ans: because his justice will be merciful

4. ‘’ The quality of mercy is not strain’d

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.’’
a) What is mercy compared to? Ans: Gentle rain from heaven
b) Why does the poet says that mercy is not strain’d? Ans: Because it is divine power
c) What does ‘ strain’d’ mean in the context? Ans: forced / compelled

Summary ( 3/ 4 marks):

Mercy cannot be forced. It comes naturally and brings joy of the spirit, like the rain which drops from the
sky. It is twice blessed. The person who shows mercy and the person who receives it are both blessd by
God.It is not a quality of the weak. It is strongest in the strongest. It adorns a king better than his crown.
His sceptre shows his earthly power. It makes people fear him. But mercy is greater than earthly power,
because it is the special quality of God Himself. Mercy is so great that the heart of a king is its throne. A
powerful man should blend justice with mercy, only then will he be most like God.

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3. I Am the Land
- Marina de Bellagenta
Two marks questions :
1. Bring out the contrast between the speaker and the reader in the poem, ‘’ I Am the Land.’’
Ans: The mother earth is very patient.The human activities suffocate her.She asserts herself. But human
beings put a fence around the land. They say they own her – fights for the land.

2. What are the activities which go on land ?

Ans : Man buys land, digs land and plants trees, grow fruit on it.Children dance and play on the land. Man
also fences and makes boundaries over the land.

3. ‘’ I wait’’ is repeated five times in the poem. What quality of the speaker is highlighted with
this repetition ?
Ans : The land has an ocean of patience. It bears all atrocities committed on it by the human beings.

Summary (3 & 4 marks )

In the poem ‘’ I Am the Land’’the poet depicts the mother earth as the speaker. Mother earth tells that she
waits with patience when people claim that the land belongs to them. They occupy the land, plough, plant
trees, grow fruits and grass. The children dance and play on the land. The land bears everything without a
complaint. However, the land is anguished when the people tries to make boundaries using wires and
fences. But mother earth mocks at the people’s behavior with a tone of self assertion.

The Song of India

- V.K. Gokak
Two marks questions :

1. What are epics ? Why does the poet call the temples as ‘ epics in stone ‘ ?
Ans: Epics are long poems or stories of heroic deeds. In India, most of the ancient temples are built by
stones and their walls are filled with figures which tell stories of ancient times.

2. What, according to the poet, is the contribution of the seers and the prophets ?
Ans : They chopped the straight path for the man to end all the sufferings. They made the way for
extrication very difficult.

3. How does the poet praise India being developed in industry and technology ? OR
What according to the poet, are the signs of the development of the modern India ?
Ans : The poet praises dams, lakes, industries, ship building yards, hard working Indians try to improve
technology and raise India’s global position in atomic science.

4. What do the night, the sun God and the clear dawn represent ?
Ans: The night represents all sorrows. The sun God represents washing all sorrows. . The clear dawn
represents the bright future of our country

5. What does ’ the Motherland writing the book of Morrow ‘ signify ?

Ans: The motherland writing the book of the morrow signifies the better future of our country. She has
to write the book of our destiny, cancelling all our sorrows.

6. How was the nature of India described by the poet ? OR What is the picture of India you get
in the poem ?
Ans : The poet describes the unique features of India. The beauty of the snow - covered Himalayas and
the three oceans that touch our shores. He also wants to speak about the beauty of the morning when the
golden rays of the Sun reach our land
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1.‘’Shall I sing of your clear dawn with its pure gold-streaks?’’
a) Who is the ‘I’? Ans: The poet, Gokak
b) Who is the speaker addressing? Ans: Mother India
c) What does ‘clear dawn with its pure gold streaks ‘ suggest?
Ans: The beauty of the early morning with the golden rays of the sun.

2. ‘’ Sing of the wrinkled face

Indexing ignorance.’’
a) Who should sing this? Ans: The poet, Gokak
b) Who gives this suggestion? Ans: Mother India
c) What does ‘Indexing ignorance’ refer to? Ans: The old and illiterate people of the country.

3.” Sing of the filth and the dirt that foul may sylvan retreats”.
a) Who makes this statement? Ans: Mother India
b) To whom is it addressed? Ans: The poet, Gokak
c) Why do you think she wants him to sing of filth and dirt? Ans: We should not ignore the things
which are not right as we should be aware of the ills in our country.

4. “ Querulous I said “ Is there no song that I can sing of you”.

a) Who does ‘I’ refer to? Ans: The poet, Gokak
b) With whom does the speaker querulous? Ans: Mother India
c) Why is the speaker querulous? Ans: Mother objects to each subject of praise considered by the poet.

Jazz Poem Two

- Carl Wendall Hines, Jr
Two marks questions:
1. What qualities of the Jazz player do you appreciate? ( June-20)
Ans: The Jazz player is a simple man.He is a pathetic figure, but at the same time, a commanding artist.
He has the power in hm to make people listen. He is silent in speech, but eloquent in music.

2. How has the poet described the facial expression of the Jazz player? OR
How is the physical appearance of the Jazz player described?
Ans: The Jazz player’s face is wrinkled. He has a rough unshaven face. He looks tired. He has a sagging

3. Why do you think, the Jazz player keeps his head down?
Ans: The Jazz player is an old man. He is wearies of living.

4. What message does the Jazz musician want to convey?

Ans: He is a black man that he was sent here to preach the Black Gospel of Jaz

Summary (3/4marks)

Jazz player has a rough unshaven face. He has sagging stomach. He wears a faded blue shirt, a loose neck
tie and an old jacket. His shoes are run down. He has great artistic talent. He plays an alto saxophone. At
first he has a weary expression on his face. He keeps his head down and appears lifeless. When he plays
he is filled with new spirit. He is no longer an old black man. He is like a bird flying higher and higher.

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6. Ballad of The Tempest
- James T. Fields
Two marks questions :
1. When the captain shouted ‘’ we are lost‘’, how did his daughter react ? OR The crew-mates
kissed the maiden and spoke in better cheer. What made them feel cheerful ?
Ans : The captain had lost all hope that they would be saved. His little daughter was calm. She held his
hand gently and asked if God protect them on land would he not protect them on the ocean. Her innocent
words filled the sailors with new hope.
2. How did the tempest affect the sailors ?
Ans : The tempest create fear in the sailors. They were afraid that the ship would be shattered by the
storm. They crowded together in one cabin and stayed awake throughout the night.
1. “We were crowded in the cabin
Not a soul would dare to sleep”.
a) Who does ‘we’ refer to? Ans: the sailors
b) Not a soul would dare to sleep”. Why was it so?
Ans: Their ship was caught by a violent storm.So they feared for their lives.
c) Why were they crowded in cabin ? Ans: Their ship was caught by a violent storm.
c) Pick out the word from the above line which means ‘Private room on a ship or boat’. Ans: Cabin
2.“It is a fearful thing in winter
To be shattered by the blast”.
a) What is a fearful thing? Ans: to be hit by a violent storm at sea in winter.
b) How did it affect the sailors?
Ans: The sailors were crowded together in a cabin in fear and could not sleep.
c) What does ‘shatter’ mean in the context? Ans: to break apart
3.``Isn’t God upon the
Just the same as on the land?” ( March – 2018 )
a) Who asked this question? Ans: the captain’s daughter
b) What does it mean?
Ans: God is omnipresent. God who cared for them on the land was not different from the God upon the ocean .
c) What does these words show the attitude of the speaker? Ans: faith in God
d) What was the result? Ans: the sailors were filled with new hope and they reached the harbor safely

e) When was this said ? Ans: The captain lost his confidence as the ship was caught in a storm.
4. “We are lost!”
a) Who made this shout? Ans: the captain.
b) Why did he say this?
Ans: the storm was very fierce.So he feared that the ship would be destroyany moment.
c) How did his daughter react to the situation? Ans: She held his hand gently and asked if Godprotected
them on the land would He not protect them on the ocean

5. “Then we kissed the little maiden and we spoke in better cheer.” ( June – 2018 )
a) Who does ‘we’ refer to? Ans: the sailors
b) Who was the ‘little maiden’? Ans: the captain’s daughter
c) What made the sailors kiss the captain’s little daughter?
Ans: her innocent words filled the sailors with new hope.
d) Why were they back in cheer ?
Ans : Because they were filled with hope of survival and faith in God.
6. ‘’ So we shuddered there in silence,
For the stoutest held his breath.’’
a) Who does ‘ we ‘ refer to ? Ans: the sailors
b) What does ‘ stoutest’ mean in the context ? Ans: brave / determined
c) Why did he hold his breath ? Ans: because of fear
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(Poems for memorization: 2. Quality of Mercy 6. Ballad of the Tempest 7. The Blind Boy
Prepare any two poems)
Quote from memory: ( 4 marks )
The Blind Boy
Quality of Mercy
-William Shakespeare - Colley Cibber
The quality of mercy is not strain’d ; O say what is that thing call’d light,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Which I must ne’er enjoy.
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest; What are the blessings of the sight,
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes. O tell your poor blind boy
‘’Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
You talk of wondrous things you see,
The throned monarch better than his crown, You say the sun shines bright;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, I feel him warm, but how can he
The attribute to awe and majesty, Or make it day or night ?
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
My day or night myself I make,
But mercy is above this sceptered sway When’ver I sleep or play;
It is enthroned in the heart of kings; And could I ever keep awake
It is an attribute to God himself; With me ‘twere always day.
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy season justice. With heavy sighs I often hear
You mourn my hapless woe;
But sure with patience I can bear
A loss I ne’vr can know

Then let not what I cannot have

My cheer of mind destroy
Whilst thus I sing, I am a king
Although a poor blind boy.

1. How does a blind person understand whether it is day or night? OR How does the blind boy
make his day or night?
Ans: A blind person / the blind boy thinks it is day when he awakes and play. It is night when he sleeps.
The day never goes away until he keeps awake or playing.

8. Off To Outer Space Tomorrow Morning

- Norman Nicholson

1.’’ While the astronaut Nicholson is in space, he feels that he is imprisoned.’’ Why does he
have such a feeling ? OR According to the poet Normal Nicholson , outer space is solitary
confinement for him. Why ? OR
‘’ You cannot start the count down,’’ you can take a last look:
You can cross out my name from the telephone book.’’ What could be the reason for the
space traveler to have such a feeling ?

Ans : The speaker would be alone in the capsule. He cannot have any friends through letters or mails. No
one can visit him. He cannot visit any one. He is not definite of returning back from space.

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2. The speaker in ‘’ Off To Outer Space Tomorrow Morning’’ is uncertain of his return. How
does he express this ?
Ans : The speaker asks his friends to start the count down, take a last look at him and cross out his name
from their telephone books.

3. State the reason for the poet to say, ‘Calendars and clocks’ are useless in space.
Ans: In space, there would be no day or night and seasons. So there would be no need for any calendar
and clocks.

4. The speaker says, ‘’ Tea cups circling round me like the planets round the sun.’’ Why does it
happen only in space and not on the earth ?
Ans : On the earth there is a force of gravity. So, things don’t fly. In space there is no force of gravity. So,
things circle round the poet like the planets round the sun.


1. “ There won’t be any calendar, there won’t be any clock;

Day light will be on the switch and winter under lock”.
a) Who is the speaker here? Ans: The poet, Norman Nicholson
b) Where is the speaker preparing to go? Ans: to space
c) What does the expression “ winter under lock’ mean? Ans: There is no change of seasons in space


1. Narayanpur Incident

1. Why had the students been marching? How was it an unusual march? OR Why were the
students marching in the street? Why was it termed uncommon?
Ans: The students were marching to serve a notice to the collector for the British to quit India. They
marched as if the police didn’t exist. They walked in complete silence. There were no slogans, no shouts.

2.Babu and Manju were a bit disappointed with the way students were marching. What was
the reason ?
Ans: Babu and Manju expected a lot of slogan, Shouting and Violence. But the march was ended

3. What was there in the ‘mysterious parcel? What suspicion did the police have about that?
Ans: There was a cyclostyle machine in the mysterious parcel. The police suspected that Mohan and his
family were making copies of Mahatma’s speech.

4. Why had patil, the sub-inspector come to Mohan’s house? Who believed him? What was the
Ans: Patil the sub-inspector come to Mohan’s house to give a warning about the raid on their house.
Mohan’s mother believed him. A raid from police was avoided.

5. What had the police expected above the way of protest? How did the students’ leader
manage the protest?
Ans: The police expected the students to shout slogans and cause violence. This would make the police to
arrest and kept them in prison. But the students leaders did not want to be arrest so, they marched back
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1. When did Dicky Dolma climb Mount Everest? How does she describe this achievement?
Ans: Dickey Dolma climbed the Mt. Everest on May 10,1993. She said that only an ever ester would
understandbut can’t be described in words. It was much more breathe taking than she could ever

2. What makes you think Dicky Dolma’s life as a girl was sorrowful?
Ans: Dicky Dolma lost her mother when she was 11. She lost her elder brother too.

3. How has Dolma described her preparedness for the task of scaling Mount Everest?
Ans: Dolma got training in the mountaineering institute at Manali. Her determination and hard work,
helped her toSecure “A” grades. She believed that success always follow dedication, determination and
hard work. She used to practice four hours every day.

4. What can we learn from Dolma’s life?

Ans: Whenever hurdles come, we must face them boldly. Dolma’s determination and hard work, Zeal for
thework is emulating.

1. The writer speaks of the ‘smile’ that welcomes anyone who enters Hanif’s house. What
more do we know about this ‘smile’?
Ans: Hanif was a soldier. He participated in the kargil war in 1999. He sacrificed his life for the sake of the

2. What did Hanif choose as his mission?

Ans: Hanif joined the Indian army as a soldier. Because he knew that life for him was short. He wanted to
serve the nation.

3. ‘How does the writer describe the ‘introvert’ Hanif ?

Ans: Hanif began to make friends at the 14th year of age. He would often go out of his way to help
people. It gave him a certain kind of joy.

4. Hanif was a youngman with varied talents and interest. Illustrate this statement drawing
support from the text. OR Hanifuddin “A Great Martyr” was a talented young Man”.
Describe./How was Hanif able to keep himself cheerful throughout?/How was life for Hanif
always ‘ekdambindas’?
Ans: Hanif was a young soldier. He gave up his life at the age of 25. He dabbled in art, sketched verywell.
He made beautiful cards out of waste material. He read books. He loved playing drums.

5. The absence of mother from home taught the children something. What was that ?
OR How did Hema Aziz Teach her children the message that “ one’s duty is the most
important thing in life?”
Ans : Hanif’s mother Hema Aziz had a touring job. The absence of mother from home taught Hanifand his
brothers to do their work independently. They got up early on their own and got ready for school. They
learnt that one’s duty is very important to come up in life.


1.How did the first monster make Wangjia suffer?OR “Will I ever make it? Why did Wangjia
feel so?
Ans : The first monster made Wangjia walk a long way. He turned the smooth road into a vast scree.
Wangjia’s boots got torn. His feet got cut. His hands were torn to shreds. So, Wangjia said to himself if he
would ever make it.
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2. How did the second monster make Wangjia suffer?
Ans: The second monster made Wangjia starve to death. When he blew through his beard and Wangjia’s
breadbag flew into the sky. The blue mountains and green rivers turned into a desert with not a scrap of
food to be found.

3. How did the third monster make Wangjia suffer?

Ans: The third monster blew through his long beard. Wangjia’s eye balls jumped out of their sockets. He
became blind.

4. Why did Wangjia decided not to go back?

Ans: Wangjia wanted to bring happiness to his village. He knew that the people at home were waiting for
him to bring back happiness.

5. What hardships did Wangjia undergo on his way to find the bird?
Ans: Wangjia came across three monsterson his way. Each of them made him suffer because he refuse to
dotheir wish. The first monster made him walk a long way. The second monster made him starve to
death.The third monster made him blind.

6. What changes came over Wangjia as the bird of happiness caressed him?
Ans: Wangjia’s eyeballs flew back to their sockets. Now, he saw much more brightly than before. All
hiswounds were healed. He was stronger than ever.

7. What did the first monster ask Wangjia to do ? How did Wangjia react to it ?
Ans : The first monster asked Wangjia to kill Lousang’s mother. Wangjia replied that he loved his
Own mother and he would never kill another person’s.

8. What did the second monster ask Wangjia to do ? How did Wangjia react to it ?
Ans : The second monster asked Wangjia to poison old gaffer Silong. Wangjia replied that he was
fond of his own grandpa and he would never kill another man’s.

9. What did the old folk say about happiness ?

Ans : Happiness was a beautiful bird living on a snowy mountain far, far away in the east. Wherever the
bird flew, happiness went with it.


Read the following conversation and identify the infinitive.:

1.Sachin : Why are you going to the market, sathish?
Sathish : I am going to the market to buy vegetables.
A) going B) are C) to buy D) am . Ans: C) to buy
2) Philip : where are you going. John?
John : I am going to medical store to bring medicines.

A) going B) am C) going to D) to bring. Ans: D) to bring.

3. Meghana : Hi Arati, will you come with me to the market ? I want to buy vegetables.
Arati : Sure. Shall we go by bus ?
Meghana : No. Let’s taken an auto.
A) take B) come C) to buy D) go. Ans: C) to buy

4. Master: I have a guest to night. Prepare something good. But don’t forget to make some sweets.
Cook : Fine sir, Is dal- roti and halwa okay ?
Master: Yes.
A) have B) prepare C) forget D ) to make Ans: D) to make

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‘If Clause’
Read the conversation and fill in the blank with correct ‘if’ clause choosing from the given

1. Kumuda : Suma, did you bring your notes ?

Suma : Sorry, I forget.
Kumuda : If you had bought the notes, I ……….. copied it.
A) should’ve B) wouldn’t ve C) would’ve D) shouldn’t ve .Ans: c) would’ve

2. Rohini : Ramya, did you bring your camera?

Ramya : Oh! Sorry.
Rohini : It’s O.K.
Ramya : If I had brought my Camera, we ____taken some photographs.
A) would have B) Shall have C) would D) should. Ans: A) would have

3. Ravi : What is your percentage in II puc ?

Sanju : I got only 56%.
Ravi : Is it ! I expected more.
Sanju : If I had studied hard, I ………… scored more marks.
A) might B) would have C) will have D) would. Ans: B) would have

4. Reporter : Sir, what made you choose arts as your career ?

Satish : I was left with no other choice. If I had not lost the power of hearing, I ………. become
an artist.
A) must have B) would have C) will have D) wouldn’t have. Ans: D) wouldn’t have

5. Vandana : You are still here ! Did you miss the bus ?
Aishwarya : Yes. By the time I reached the bus stop it was already 7.40 !
Vandana : * Oh ! If you had started early, you ………… missed the train.*
A) would have B) wouldn’t have C) should have D) shouldn’t have. Ans : B) wouldn’t have

Fill in the blank with appropriate tense forms of the verbs given in bracket:
1. Prajwal ………….. ( be + study ) in a government school. Ans:is studying
2. Sarala ……… ( be + earn) money by giving tuition. Ans: is earning / was earning
3. Mr. Likhith ……….. ( be + award ) Ph.D by Mysore University in 2015. Ans: was awarded
4. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar…….. ( be + draw ) to the 14th amendment of the constitution of the USA.
Ans: was drawn
5. Congratulations …….. ( be + shower ) on Swami the next day. Ans: were showered
6. Vishwanath is my friend. He …………. ( be + work ) in a bank. Ans: is working
7. When Don Anselmo came into the office, the people ………… ( be + wait ) for him. Ans: were waiting
8, Last year, Sanjay …….. ( have + visit ) Mysore. Ans: had visited
9. One day, I saw a boy who ………. ( be+ cry ). Ans: was crying
10. Dinesh Talreja ……. ( be + wrap) up his day at a retail outlet in Ulhasnagar. Ans: was wrapping
11. Baleshwar revisited the spot where Roma ………. ( have + fall ). Ans: had fallen
12. Mrs.Roopa _____ (be+go) to met the doctor to discuss on her health issue today. Ans: is going
13. Smitha ……. ( have + know ) the frightening truth that Anant …… ( be + go ) to die .
Ans: had known, was going
14.The chief minister of Karnataka ……….. ( be + leave ) for Delhi this evening by a special plane. Ans: is leaving
15. Encyclopaedia ………… (give) us basic information on every subject. Ans: gives
16. Daily, Laxmi …………. (be + go) in a car to reach her office in a time. Ans: is going
17. Shakuntala is a classical singer. She ____ (earn) money by giving tuiitions. Ans: earns
18. I ___ (write) my brother last week. Ans: wrote

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Choose the appropriate auxiliary verb and fill in the blank:
1. One of the boys ……………. Punished. ( was / were ) Ans: was
2. Every leaf ……………… fallen from this tree. ( has / have ) Ans: has
3. Everyone of the boys ……… sitting silent in the hall. ( was / were ) Ans: was
4. Bread and butter …….. his daily diet. ( were / was ) Ans: was
5. The first innings ……….. very interesting. ( was / were ) Ans: was
6. Either Amrutha or her friends ……… taken it. ( have / has ) Ans: have
7. Either Ravi or Suresh ……… taken my bike. ( has/ have) Ans: has
8. Either you or he ………. done it. ( have / has ) Ans: has
9. Neither the children nor their mothers ………. Admitted to hospital. (was/were) Ans: were
10. He , as well as, you ……… intelligent. ( is/ are) Ans: are
11. His father and uncle …….. their own business. ( have / has ) Ans: have

Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition:

1. Raghav is a teacher. He works hard……… the welfare of the students. Ans: for
2. Madhuri was filled ………. Surprise when her name was called out. Ans: with
3. Mr. Ramesh usually comes to office …….. bus. Ans: by
4. They build a bridge ……… the river. Ans: across
5. Anant was died ……. Cancer. Ans: of
6. Malathi was awarded Ph.D ……… the Mysore University. Ans: by
* The boy jumped …… the well. Ans: into
7. Kiran waited ………… an hour for his sister at the bus stop. Ans: for
8. Always keep ….. your left on the road. Ans: to
9. Children are fond ……… sweets. Ans: of
10. Come and sit next ……. me. Ans: to
11. The ship sailed ……. the world. Ans: around
12. Columbus was a man ………. discovery. Ans: of
13. I argued ……. him but it was useless. Ans: with
14 Satish is good ……. Urdu calligraphy. Ans: at
15. Don’t you want ……. hear a story.? Ans: to
16. Swami’s classmates looked …… him with respect. Ans: at
17. In the meeting of the old man and the Americans, they talked ……. rain and the old man’s family. Ans: about
18. Ambedkar bought books …… curtailing his daily needs. Ans: by
19. Satish has an insatiable thirst ……. books. Ans: for
20. Raju is a good teacher. He hails …….. a family of musicians. Ans: from
21. There are number …… newspapers ……… kannada and English. Ans: of, in
22. Anant suffered ……. Cancer. Ans: from
23. Mr. Ravish usually comes to office ………. 9.30 a.m. Ans: at
24. This book is different ………. that book. Ans: from
25. The boy sat ……… the two old women Ans: between
26. The little creek ran ………… his land. Ans: through
27. Satish stared ………. the bird. Ans: at
28. He lives …… Panaji in Goa. Ans: at
29. Shivu sweated ……… fright. Ans: with
30. KRS dam has been constructed ……………. The river Kaveri. (June-20) Ans: across
31. Ramesh was confined …………. bed because of fever. (Sept-20) Ans: to
Fill in the blank using suitable linker:
1. Think well ………. You speak. Ans: before
2. …………… Kiran was ill, he completed his work. Ans: Although
3. The flight in which I travelled was delayed ……….. the sky was very cloudy. Ans: because
4. I hope ……… we are not entertaining mutinous thoughts. Ans: that

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5. I know …….. he is trustworthy. Ans: that
6. Columbus was furious ………. he heard the seamen song. Ans: when
7. …………. Pepe was a boy, he was very useful to Columbus. Ans: Although
8. Raju is poor ………… happy and contented. Ans: but
9. ………. It rained heavily, we reached home in time. Ans: though
10. Don Anselmo’s house was small ……… wretched …….. quaint. Ans: and, but
11. Bhavana …….. Chetana are friends, …………… they are very different from each other. Ans: and, but
12. Nisarga is a famous doctor. He didn’t want to charge much …….. he is very rich. Ans: as
13. After a long search we found a hotel …….. it was closed. Ans: but
14. I will score good marks …….. I study well. Ans: if
15. Anant could compose music …….. he was ten years old. Ans: when
16……… the weather was cloudy, the flight was delayed. Ans : As
17. Lavanya goes to school either by bus ……. On foot. Ans: or
17. They are horrible ……….. they drink too much. Ans: when
18. Suman is very intelligent …………. Lazy. Ans: but
19. Kuvempu was the poet ……… wrote’ Ramayana Darshanam’. (June-20) Ans: who
20. Anagh was teaching his son about living ………… non-living things. (Sept-20) Ans: and
21. It is very easy to defeat someone, …….. it is very hard to win over someone. Ans: but
22. I bought it …….. I needed it. Ans: because
Fill in the blank with correct phrasal verb:
1. We ………….. (lookup to / lookup for ) our elders for guidance. Ans: lookup to
2. The aeroplane …...... ( took off / took on ) at the right time. Ans: took off
3. Columbus ……… ( set out / set up ) on a voyage. Ans: set out
4. Smitha …….. ( cried out / cried up ) for help. Ans: cried out
5. Finally we ……… ( got up / got down ) to business. Ans: got down
6. All of us …….. ( look for / look over ) happiness. Ans: look for
7. I can’t ……… ( makeup / make out ) your letter. Ans: make out
8. The head master ……. ( gave way / gave away ) the prizes. Ans: gave away
9. Baleshwar …….. ( jumped off / jumped up ) the still moving train. Ans: jumped off
10. Raju felt ………. ( cut off / cut down ) from humanity. Ans: cut off
11. The guest gave……….. (away / up) the prizes to the winners. (Sept-20) Ans: away
12. We …….. new clothes during festivals. Ans: put on
13. I …….. playing foot ball because of the injury. Ans: gave up
14. The meeting was ……… due to bad weather. Ans: put off
Correct form of the word:
1. Thomas Alva Edison’s ________ (invent) is known to everyone. Ans: invention
2. Short stories are very_______ (interest) for children to read. Ans: interesting
3. The teacher has made______ (correct) in my home work. Ans: correction
4. The teacher admired the ______ (honest) of Ramya. Ans: honesty
5. Parents should _____ _ (education) their children to behave well. Ans: educate
6. Money does not bring …………….. ( happy ). Ans: happiness
7. The speaker accepted the ______ (resign) of the legislator. Ans: resignation
8. The scientist was ______ (success) in his efforts. Ans: successful
9. Samanvitha has ______ (confident) in her students ability. Ans: confidence
10. There is no ………….. ( compare) between them. Ans: comparison
11. The cricket players’ performance was …………….. ( impress). Ans: impressive
12. Sunitha was speaking …….. ( loud ) in the class room. Ans: loudly
13. Baleshwar Mishra has a very ……….. (differ) story. Ans: different
14. Children are very ……….. ( curiosity) to know their result. Ans: Curious
15. The art of ………. (educate) is to educate the art. Ans: education

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One word Substitution:
1. A person who enters a building in order to steal Ans: burglar
2. One who is trained in doing acts of public service Ans: scout
3. One who travels to work place daily Ans: commuter
4. A piece of land in which fruit trees are grown Ans: orchard
5. Someone whose job is look after a school or a large building Ans: Janitor
6. Very eager for knowledge Ans: voracious
7. That which cannot be satisfied Ans: insatiable
8. A person who is especially good at some art or achievement Ans: wizard
9. A great performer, especially a musician Ans: maestro
10. A sudden running of people excited or afraid Ans: stampede
11. A private room on a ship or boat Ans: cabin
12. A vehicle use for travelling ro carrying things into space Ans: rocket
13. A decorated rod carried by a king or a queen as a symbol of power Ans: sceptre
14. A feeling of great pleasure Ans: enchantment
15. A tall building that has flats Ans: block
16. The art of producing beautiful writing. Ans: calligraphy
17. The man that a woman is engaged to Ans: fiancé
18. A stitch that is used to sew a wound together Ans: suture
19. A frightening dream Ans: nightmare
20. Type of small deer which has large beautiful eyes. Ans: gazelle
Homophones :
Choose the Correct word:
1. A Rolls Royce is too…………… ( deer / dear ) for a common man to ………. ( buy / by ). Ans: dear, buy
2. The … (not/ knot ) of the rope was so strong that it could ……..( knot/ not ) be removed by us Ans: knot, not
3. Raju’s ………( write / right ) hand was hurt and so he used to ………. ( right / write ) with hisleft hand.
Ans: right, write
4. It was easy to contact you because I ……( new / knew ) your …… ( knew / new ) address. Ans: knew, new
5. Riksha Bila was a ………. ( whole / hole ) and the ………. ( whole / hole ) group of the Vanaras entered it insearch
of water. Ans: hole, whole
6. I_____ ( road / rode ) a horse on the main ………. (road / rode) Ans: rode, road.
7. You must ------- ( write / right ) on the --------- ( right / write ) side of the page. Ans: write, right
8. Mr. Likhith is the _______ ( principle / principal ) of our college. He is a man of ----------(Principal / Principle )
Ans: Principal, principle
9. I was down with fever for a ----------- ( weak / week ) and now I am so -----------------( week / weak ) that I
cannot stand for a long time. Ans: week, weak
10. I need a …….. ( piece / peace ) of paper to send the message of ……… ( peace / piece ) Ans: piece, peace
11. The ………….. ….. ( whether, weather) looked so unpredictable that we did not know …………….. ( weather,
whether) to carry the umbrella or not. Ans: weather, whether
12. My grandmother knew many ………. (tales, tails) which she told every now and then. Ans: tales
13. ‘’ Come ……..’’, said the teacher. (hear / here) Ans: here
14. I ……… a horse at the Marinna beach. (road / rode) Ans: rode
Use the following word as Noun / Verb in a sentence of your own:

Noun Verb
1. Like: I shall not see his like again I like sweet.
2. Sleep: He talks in his sleep Sleep well.
3. Conduct: He was rewarded for good conduct I conduct a party.
4. Question: It is a nice question. I will question.
5. Cover: This book needs a new cover I cover his ears.
6. Slap: There is a slap on his face. I will slap.
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7. Honour: There is no honour. I honour my teachers.
8. Smile: There was a pleasant smile on her face. She smiles at me.
9. Claim: They had no claim on the land I claim my L I C policy.
10. Award : I got an award. I will award you.
11. watch : I lost my watch. I watch movies.
12. Discover: I made a discovery. . I discover the truth.
13. Respect: I give respect to elders. I respect my teachers.
14. Answer: My answer is right. I will answer it.
15. Decide : Your decision is right. I will decide it.
16. Appoint : I got an appointment order. Appoint him.
17. Argue : I can win this argument. I argue with him.
18. Cheat: He is a cheat. He cheats me.
19 water: He fell into the water. I water the plants.
20. Strength: Strength is life.
21. Agree: I signed an agreement. I will agree it.
22. cook : He is a good cook He cooks well.

Combine the word in column ‘A’ with its collocative word in “B”
A B Answer
1. Curly/ Wavy [hair, girl, lady, story ] Curly / Wavy hair
2. Strong [juice, milk, coffee, honey] [star, Strong Coffee
3. Twinkling moon, sun, earth ] Twinkling Star
4. Table [bag, man, paper, salt ] Table salt
5. Lay [attention, emphasis, notice, order] Lay emphasis
6. Brisk [run, walk, sing, dance] Brisk Walk
7. Rapid [growth, progress, movement, speed] Rapid Growth/ progress
8. Honey [star, earth, moon, joy] Honey moon
9. Rustling [fruits, leaves, waves, vegetables] Rustling leaves
10. Iron [steel, curtain, land, book] iron curtain
11. Speedy [damage, task, time, recovery Speedy recovery
12. Handsome [place, sight, boy, post] Handsome boy
13. Freedom [ fighter, boxer, swimmer, wrestler] Freedom Fighter
14. Walking [bag, purse, stick, cane Walking stick
15. Earth [land, water, quake, sun] Earth quake
16. Commit [wrong, success, crime, right] Commitcrime/suicide/mistake
17. Raise [ sun, doubts, laughs, parallel] Raise Doubts
18. Land [quake, house, lord, rain] Landlord
19. Mouth [water, piece, walk, peace] Mouth piece
20. Book [worm, ant, hand, pen] Book worm
21. Voracious [ man, reader, sight, book Voracious reader
22. Self [discipline,myself,mother,stars ] Self discipline
23. Wall [ door, table, clock, robe ] Wall clock
24. Lunch [ dinner, box , food, supper ] Lunch box
25. joint [ damage, account, commence, holiday] Joint account
26. Gentle [ rain, fire, race, board ] Gentle rain
27. Cold [ Sun, hot, war, issue ] Cold war
28. Scare [ pigeon, crow, peacock, eagle] Scare crow
29. Fast [ train, car, man, plane ] Fast train
30. Fast [table, food, water, breakfast] Fast food
31. March [first, long,past, last] March past

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte30

Remove’ too-to’ and use ‘so-that-not’:
1 .He is too weak to walk.
Ans: He is so wek that he cannot walk.
2. The old woman was too weak to walk.
Ans: The old woman was so weak that she could not walk.
3. The question paper was too difficult to be answered.
Ans: The question paper was so difficult that we couldnot answer it.
4. It is too cold to go out.
Ans: It is so cold that we cannot go out.

1. Which one of the following words has one syllable ?
Remain, Behind, Lawn, Arrange. Ans: Lawn
2. Which one of the following words has one syllable ?
Butter, Boy, Beauty, Balance. Ans: Boy
3. Which one of the following words has one syllable ?
Father, Cheque, Office, Travel. Ans: Cheque
4. Which one of the following words has one syllable ?
Table, Honest, Graph, Device. Ans: Graph
5. Which one of the following words has one syllable ?
Idea, Ago, Again, Greed. Ans: Greed
6. Moon, kilo, honesty, prepare. Ans: Moon
7. School, beauty, Neckless, Accept. Ans: School

List of one (Mono) syllable

quiz, wide, school, eye, nice, half, phone, scale, face, caught, whole, smart, write, right,wrong, true, pea.

Two Syllables
1. Which of the following words has two syllables?
Write, Change, Smart, Table. Ans: Table
2. Continent, Age, People, Direction Ans: People
3. School, Friend, Park, Lanky. Ans: Lanky
4. Excited, Fiancé, Concert, Senator. Ans: Concert
5 Change, Plane,Legal, State. Ans: Legal
6. Lawn, Shine, Canteen, School. Ans: Canteen
7. Smart, Kilo, caught, Beautiful. Ans: Kilo
8. Committee, Capacity, Combine, Call. (June-20) Ans: Combine
9. Answer,Homophone, School,Yesterday. (Sept-20) Ans: Answer
10. Food, Almighty, Apart, Astonished. Ans: Apart
List of two syllables:
Father= Fa-ther College= Col-lege Paper= Pa-per Gazelle= Ga-zelle
Ago=A-go Again= A- gain Accept= Ac-cept Canteen= Can- teen
Clatter= clat-ter Beauty= Beau - ty Kilo= Ki - lo Necklace= Neck- lace
Lanky= Lan- ky Wizard= Wi-zard Prepare= Pre- pare Teacher= Tea-cher
Concert= Con-cert Reckless= Reck-less Mother= Mo-ther English= Eng-lish
Bother= Bo-ther Answer= An-swer Appear= Ap-pear Question= Ques-tion
G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte31
List of three syllables
Cylinder= Cy-lin-der Engineer= En-gi-neer Senator= Se-na-tor
Beautiful= Beau-ti-ful Adventure= Ad-ven-ture Commuter= Co-mmu-ter
Visionary= Vi-sion-ary Soltude= So-li-tude Excited= Ex-ci-ted
Computer= Com-pu-ter Deparment= De-part-ment Newspaper= News-pa-per
Suture= Su-tu-re Idea= I-de-a Suggestion= Su-gge-tion

Choose the language function of the underlined sentence.
1. Mom: where are you going Ramya? Mom: where are you going
Ramya: School mom. Ramya?
Mom : Then, go with your dad dear. Ramya: School mom.
Ramya : Yes Mom. Mom : Then,go with your
a) order b) request c) advice d) obey dad dear.
Ans: obey Ramya : Yes Mom.
Ans: advice.
2. Could you please spare sometime for me?
Can you please carry the bag?
Will you open the Book at page 23 please?
Geetha, Please tell a story.
Could you please teach me some grammatical
structures in English language?
3. Can I sit here?
If you don’t mind could I use your pen?
May I come in? Permission
May I go out now?
Can I go home an hour early today ?
4. Thank you very much.
I am very grateful to you Gratitude
Thank you.
5. You should consult the doctor immediately
Practice well, you will do better next time
‘Self-medication is not good. You should consult the Advice

6. Go to the sixth row and the book is on the third shelf

Giving directions

7 I’ll carry them for you.

Don’t worry, I’ll give you my notes.
Offering help

8 Don’t worry everything will be all right

How sad!
That’s a pity
I’m sorry to hear about
9 I’m very sorry
I beg your pardon Apology
Sorry, I forget.
10. You are absolutely right.
That’s for sure Agreement
11. Shut the door. get out Order

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte32

Opposite Words
Antonyms Prefixes
1. Always x never fortunate x unfortunate
2. Flexible x rigid / stiff Conscious x unconscious
3. Sell x buy Important x unimportant
4. lend x borrow done x undone
5. famous x notorious Wise x unwise
6. Freedom x slavery Wholesome x unwholesome
7. deep x shallow Well x unwell
8. Strict x lenient Popular x Unpopular
9. Strong x Weak approve x disapprove
10. Quiet x noisy Content x discontent
11. long/tall x short believe x disbelieve
12. clean x dirty Comfort x discomfort
13. inferior x superior Continue x discontinue
14. dry x wet Order x disorder
15. love x hate respect x disrespect
16. huge x tiny honest x dishonest
17. clever x dull / dunce/ foolish appear x disappear
18. wise x foolish loyal x disloyal
19. cheep x Costly Please x displease
20. easy x difficult Courage x discourage
21. active x lazy / idle Satisfy x dissatisfy
22. hope x despair legal x illegal
23. intelligent x stupid / dull literate x illiterate
24. encourage x discourage noble x ignoble
25. narrow x broad / wide active x inactive
26. fat x thin/lean/slim direct x indirect
27. arrive x depart Justice x injustice
28. brave x timid/coward Complete x incomplete
29. accept x reject / refuse discipline x indiscipline
30. heavy x light Visible x invisible
31. friend x enemy/ foe Valid x invalid
32. former x latter decent x indecent
33. kind x cruel Correct x incorrect
34. presence x absence expensive x inexpensive
35. fertile x barren gratitude x ingratitude
36. danger x safety fortune x misfortune
37. hard x soft understand x misunderstand
38. smooth x rough Judge x misjudge
39. rural x urban Proper x improper
40. ancient x modern Polite x impolite
41. true x false mortal x immortal
42. right x wrong pure x impure
43. Victory x defeat possible x impossible
44. beautiful x ugly regular x irregular
45. humble x proud relevant x irrelevant
46. forget x remember vegetarian x non –vegetarian
47. Joy x sorrow violence x non- violence
48. peace x war successful x unsuccessful
49. different x same / alike perfect x imperfect

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte33

Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word:
1. Ananyais a beautiful girl. - Noun
2. Happiness is not found in health. - Noun
3. Beauty is truth. - Noun
4. Truth always triumphs. - Noun
5. Raju lives in Mysore. - Noun
6. The teacher gave us dictation. - Noun
7. Practice makes man perfect. - Noun
[ Noun – Names: person: Ravi, Radha. Place: Hulikatte, Davangere.
Animals: Tiger, cat. Things: Pen, T.V ] - --[ childhood, kingdom , wisdom, weakness, etc]

1. He loves honesty. -Pronoun

2. We are Indians. – Pronoun
[ she, her, you, your, they, them, he, him, I, me, our, their, us, my, mine, it, myself, ourselves ]

1. Dhanya is an intelligent girl. – Adjective

2. Water is a colourless liquid. – Adjective
3. He is a truthful boy. – Adjective
4. Lookatthe running horse. -Adjective
5. Sunil is an Indian. - Adjective
6. Bhavani is an honest lady. –Adjective
7. We should use eco-friendly things. - Adjective
8. It was a golden opportunity. – Adjective
9. Kutub Minar is a majestic monument . - Adjective
[ young, beautiful, handsome, clever, foolish, strong, fat, weak, good, brave, thin, small, brilliant, a little,
a few, some, many,two, hundred , honest ]

1. Harish runs fast. - Verb

2. I had an idea. - Verb
3. She speaks well. - Verb
4. He is an Indian. - Verb
( be- am, is, was, are, were. ‘Do’ – do, does, did. ‘ Have’ – have, has, had, Can, could, will, would, shall,
should, may , might, must, ought ]- [*all action words*- write, grab, speak, swim, sing , rush, run, go,
eat ]

1. Harish runs fast. – Adverb

2. Truth always triumphs. – Adverb
3. He may never come here again. – Adverb
4. The soldier fought bravely. - Adverb
5. Anant reads very well. - Adverb
[ too, often, today, tomorrow, yesterday, here, there ]
1. The boy jumped into the well. – Preposition
2. They drove along the road. – Preposition
3. He threw the ball across the court. - Preposition
[ in, on, of, for, from, by, to, with, at, into, beside, between, above, over, up, among, through]
1. Do or die. – Conjunction
2. Raghu is poor but happy and contended. - Conjunction
[ and, or, but, because, so, yet ]
1. Alas! He is no more. – Interjection
2. Hurrah! We won the match. -Interjection
G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte34
Wh’ Question:
‘WH’ words Used for
Who, Whom For persons
Whose possessive
What Information /action / profession / thing
When Time, date of events
Where Place, direction
Which choice
Why reason
How manner
Howmany number
Howmuch Quantity
How long duration
How often Frequency
How far distance
Note: Frame question using
1. Appropriate ‘Wh’ word
If the statement has an auxiliary (is, was are, were, have, has, had, can, shall, will, may etc. use the same
auxiliary in the question)
2. ‘Do’ or ‘Does’ for the present tense
3. ‘Did’ for the past tense
Word order
1. In a statement the word order is [ subject + verb ]--Rajuis going to market to buy vegetables.
[ sub + AV]

In a question the word order is [ Wh word + AV+ subject ] … Why isRaju going to market ?
[ wh + AV + sub ]
2. India got independencein 1947. When did India get independence?
[ Wh + Hv + sub ]
*AV – Auxiliary Verbs, HV – Helping Verbs*
Subject answer --- replace suitable ‘WH’ word
1. Ananth died of cancer. Ans: Who died of cancer ?
2. Apoorva is the best hotel. Ans: Which is the best hotel ?
[ Do – do, does, did ]

1. I speak in a better cheer. [ speak – present tense ]

Ans : How do you speak ? * do + speak*
2. He speaks in better cheer. [ speaks – third person singular]
Ans : How does he speak ? * does + speak*
3. I spoke in better cheer. [ spoke – past tense]
Ans : How did you speak ? * did + speak*

Frame ‘Wh’ questions so as to get underlined word/s as answer:

Who, Whose
1. Swami had caught the burglar. Ans: Who had caught the burglar?
2. Dr. Babasaheb passed away in 1956. Ans: Who passed away in 1956?
3. Baleshwar rescued Roma Talreja. Ans: Who did Baleshwar rescue?
4. This house is Ravi’s. Ans: Whose house is this?

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5. Aids has no remedy.Ans: What has no remedy ?
6. Roma Talreja was a call centre executive. Ans: What was Roma Talreja?
7. Akshay is an actor. Ans: What is Akshay?
8. He wants to become a teacher. Ans: What does he want to become?
9. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar was a voracious reader. Ans: What kind of reader was Dr.B.R.Ambedkar?
10. He carried a cane. Ans: What did he carry?
11. Man has failed to understand the nature and her ways. Ans: What has man failed to understand?

* The religion teaches liberty, equality and fraternity. Ans: What does the religion teach? (Sept-20)

12. The birds live in the nest. Ans: Where do the birds live?
13. Ramesh has worked with his father in the field. Ans: Where has Ramesh worked with his father?
14. Sushma works in a factory. Ans: Where does Sushma work?
15. The briefcase was stolen at the station. Ans: Where was the briefcase stolen?
16. Don Anselmo lived up in Rio en Medio. Ans: Where did Don Anselmo live?

17. Raghu went to Mysore yesterday. Ans: When did Raghu go to Mysore ?
18. Babasaheb passed away in 1956. Ans: When did Babasaheb pass away ?
19. I am going to Shimoganext week. Ans: When are you going to Shimoga ?
20. The match begins at 10.30 A.M. Ans: When does the match begin ?
21. He will be here from 2 p.m to 4 p.m. Ans: When will he be here ?
22. Article 370 was removed on 5th Aug,2019. Ans: When was article 370 removed ?

23. Diamond is the hardest substance. Ans: Which is the hardest substance ?
24. The student left out the thirdquestion. Ans: Which question did the student leave out ?
25. You have selected this book. Ans: Which book have you selected ?

26. Mohan went to Mysore to see the palace. Ans: Why did Mohan go to Mysore ?
27. We go to school to learn. Ans: Why do we go to school ?
28. They will come to school together to attend ‘ Parent’s Day’. Ans: Why will they come to school together ?
29. Baleshwar came to Mumbai to look for job Ans: Why did Baleshwar come to Mumbai ?
30. The commission was appointed to look into the matter. Ans: Why was the commission appointed ?

31. The food is very taste. Ans: How is the food ?
32. Children come to school by bus. Ans: How do children come to school ?
33. His house was destroyed by fire. Ans: How was his house destroyed ?
34. His orchard was gnarled and beautiful. Ans: How was his orchard ?
35. He speaks in better cheer. Ans: How does he speak ?
* Anupama sings melodiously. Ans: How doe Anupama sing?
How much, How many, How long, How often
36. I want Rs 200/. Ans : How much do you want ?
37. There were twenty five students in the class. Ans: How many students were there in the class ?
38. He has been waiting for him for two hours. Ans: How long has he been waiting for him ?
39. Shruthi visits her parents twice a day. Ans: How often does Shruthi visit her parents ?
40. Hulikatte is 25 K.M. from Davangere. Ans: How far is hulikatte from Davangere ?

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte36

Question Tags:
1. If the statement is positive, question tag is negative:
The children are playing, aren’t they ? She works hard, doesn’t she ?
2. If the statement is negative, question tag is positive:
The children are not playing, are they? She does not work hard, does she ?
Short forms:

Is-isn’t Was-wasn’t are-aren’t Were-weren’t have-haven’t

has-hasn’t had-hadn’t Can-can’t Could-couldn’t Will-won’t
would-wouldn’t shall-shan’t should-shouldn’t may-mayn’t might-mightn’t

EXCEPTION: *Am – aren’t * *Let’s – shall we*

Choose the correct question tag.
1. I am happy_______?
a) don’t I ? b) isn’t I ? c) aren’t I ? d) can’t I ? Ans: c) aren’t I ?
[The question Tag for ‘I am’ –aren’t I? – But for I am not – am I ?]
2. They will come, ______?
a) won’t they ? b) mustn’t they ? c) weren’t they ? d) doesn’t they ? Ans: a) won’t they?
[Short form for will-won’t , shall-shan’t]
3. You have made a mistake ______?
a) didn’t you ? b) shan’t you ? c) isn’t you ? d) haven’t you? Ans: d) haven’t you ?
4. I can speak English, _________?
a) hasn’t I ? b) can’t I ? c) doesn’t I ? d) didn’t I ? Ans: b) can’t I ?
5. Children were playing Cricket, _____?
a) aren’t they ? b) didn’t they ? c) isn’t they ? d) weren’t they ? Ans: d) weren’t they ?
6. She is very brilliant.
a) isn’t she ? b) is She ? c) hasn’t she ? d) has she ? Ans: a) isn’t she ?
7. The students have come back from the tour,…………. ?
a) have they ? b) haven’t they ? c) had they ? d) hadn’t they ? Ans: b) haven’t they ?
8. The constitution is a fundamental document,………… ?
a) is it b) doesn’t it c) isn’t it d) won’t it. Ans: c) isn’t it
9. A farmer is an important person in our country, ……… ? Ans: isn’t he
Use of ‘Do’ – do, did, does:
1. I speak English, ________?
a) didn’t I ? b) don’t I ? c) isn’t I ? d) can’t’I ?
Ans: b) don’t I ? * [ Clue :speak, Present tense]*
2. He speaks English, ______?
a) doesn’t he ? b) don’t he ? c) aren’t he ? d) won’t he ?
Ans: a) doesn’t he ? *[ clue: third person singular-speaks]*
3. I spoke English, _______?
a) doesn’t I ? b) wasn’t I ? c) hadn’t I ? d) didn’t I ?
Ans: d) didn’t I? *[ clue: spoke-past tense ]*
4. Gopi broke the glass .……….. ?
a) did he ? b) was he ? c) wasn’t he ? d) didn’t he ? Ans: d) didn’t he ?
5. Raju works hard,….
a) isn’t he ? b) doesn’t he ? c) don’t he ? d) cant’ he ? Ans: b) doesn’t he ?
6. Swami caught the burglar,………… ?
a) isn’t he b) don’t he c) didn’t he d) won’t he. Ans: c) didn’t he
7. Raju completed his home work,…………….. ?
a) didn’t he b) doesn’t he c) did he d) wasn’t he. Ans: a) didn’t he
8. Rockets carry satellites and people into space,…………….?
A) doesn’t they B) don’t they C) didn’t they D) did they. Ans: B) don’t they
9. Abhinav scored a goal in the foot ball match. Ans: didn’t he?
G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte37
Negative into positive:
1. I am not happy,…………………..? Ans: am I ?
2. They haven’t kill him, ………….? Ans: have they ?
3. He doesn’t waste time, ………..? Ans: does he ?
4. You shouldn’t kill animals, …….? Ans: should you ?
5. Let’s start now, _______? Ans: Shall we ?
6. Raju never goes to school late….? Ans: does he ?
Passive Voice:
She made a mistake (Active)
S+ V+ O
A mistake was made by her. (passive)
O+ Be + PP +By + S
Note: 1) Subject and object should be interchanged. 2. Use the past participle in the passive voice.

Table- 1 Pronoun

Active Voice Passive Voice

I me
we us
you you
he him
she her
they them
it it

[Note the use of helping verbs . * PP (V3) Past Participle form*]

Table -2
Active Voice Passive Voice
Simplepresent (v1) am She calls me. I am called by her.
Singular Subject is she sings a song. A song is sung by her. Songs are
(am, is) are They sing songs. sung by them.
Plural( are) +PP(V3)

Simple Past (V2) was She sang a song A song was sung by her.
Singlur Subject (was) were She sang songs songs were sung by her.
Plural (were) +
Present/past being+ She is singing a song A Song is being sung by her
/continuoustense PP (V3)
Present + Past Been + She has sung songs Songs have been sung by her.
perfect have, has, PP (V3) She has sung a song A song has been sung by her.
had + been She had sung songs Songs had been sung by her.
Modals – can, could, Ma+ She will sing a song A song will be sung by her.
will, would, shall, be+PP
should, may, (V3)

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte38

Choose the correct passive form.
1. They are playing chess.
A) Chess has been playing by them. B) Chess was being played by them.
C) Chess is being played by them. D) Chess had been played by them.
Ans: C) Chess is being played by them.

2. They have completed the home work.

A) The homework is being completed by them. B) The home work has been completed by them.
C) The homework is completed by them. D) The homework was completed by them.
Ans: B) The home work has been completed by them.

3. The chief guest distributed the prizes.

A) The prizes were distributed by the chief guest. B) The prizes are distributed by the chief guest.
C) The prizes have been distributed by them. D) The prizes are being distributed by them.
Ans: A) The prizes were distributed by the Chief guest.

4. Sharada will sing a classical song.

A) A classical song is sung by Sharada. B) A classical song will be sung by Sharada.
C) A classical song was sung by Sharada. D) A classical song will have to be sung by Sharada.
Ans: B) A classical song will be sung by Sharada.

5. My brother has distributed all the invitation cards.

A) All the invitation cards were distributed by my brother.
B) All the invitation cards has been distributed by my brother
C) All the invitation cards are distributed by my brother.
D) All the invitation cards have been distributed by my brother.
Ans: D) All the invitation cards have been distributed by my brother.

6. She can give a seminar.

A) A seminar was given by her B) A seminar has been given by her
C) A seminar can be given by her D) A seminar is being given her.
Ans : C) A seminar can be given by her.

Read the conversation and change the underlined sentence into passive voice:
1. Sharath : Hello Madhu, what did you buy yesterday ?
Madhu : I bought a new dress.. Ans : A new dress was bought by me.
2. Jayaram : Hello Keerti, what are you doing ?
Keerti : I am writing a letter. Ans : A letter is being written by me.
3. Lakshmi : Have you written all the answers correctly ?
Sharadha : Yes, I have written all the answers correctly.
Ans : All the answers have been written correctly by me.
4. Teacher : Will you answer the question ?
Student : I will answer the question. Ans : The question will be answered by me.
5. Kiran : What did you do on teachers’ day ?
Kumar : We honoured our teachers. Ans: Our teachers were honoured by us.
6. Receptionist : Did you pay the bill ?
Customer : No. I did not pay the bill. Ans : The bill was not paid by me.
7. I have bought some books. Ans: Some books have been bought by me.
8. They are playing kabbadi. Ans: Kabbadi is being played by them.
9. I am writing a short story. Ans: A short story is being written by me.

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte39

Indirect Speech:
Direct speech Indirect Speech
I he / she
you he / she, ……..*him / her ( Object) *plural-‘they’..them
My / your his / her
Me him / her
Us them
Our their
We they
Here there
This that
These those
Now then
Today that day
Tomorrow the next day
Yestrday the day before / the previous day
Last week the previous week
Next week the following week
Am / is was
Are Was ( singular) ……were ( plural)
Have / has had
can could
will would
shall would
May might
Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into reported speech:
Assertive sentence : ‘ that’
1. Rohan : John, did you bring your cricket bat?
John : Oh! Sorry! Anyway, I will bring it tomorrow.
John sought apology and replied…………….
Ans: John sought apology and replied that he would bring it the next day.

2. Ramesh : How are you, behanji ?

Sumana : I’m fine. Thank you. You have saved my life.
Sumana thanked Ramesh and said ……………………
Ans: Sumana thanked Ramesh and said that he had saved her life.

3. Policeman : What are you doing in the park ?

Ravi : I am walking with my dog. Ravi replied ………………………………
Ans:Ravi replied that he was walking with his dog in the park.

4. Mother : Rahul, Where is my ink pen ?

Rahul : It is in my instrument box. Rahul replied ……………………………………
Ans: Rahul replied that it was in his instrument box.

5. Raghu : How is your father, Kiran ?

Kiran : He is doing good but his age is 100 years. Kiran replied ……………………
Ans: Kiran replied that he was doing good but his age was 100 years.
* Ashok said , “ I am working hard for the examination.”
Ans: Ashok said that he was working hard for the examination.
G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte40
6. Chand : Are you working in this company?
Prashanth : Yes, I am. I joined this firm last year. Prashanth replied…………………………………
Ans: Prashanth replied that he had joined that firm the previous year.
Interrogative sentences:‘Wh’ Statement’
1. Policeman : What are you doing in the park ?
Ravi : I am walking with my dog. Policeman asked Ravi ……………………………….
Ans: Policeman asked Ravi what he was doing in the park.

2. Anusha : Where are you working now, Ramya ?

Ramya : I am working in Bangalore. Anusha asked Ramya…………………………………….
Ans: Anusha asked Ramya where she was working then.

3. Mother : Where is my ink pen ?

Rahul : It is in my instrument box. Mother asked Rahul …………………………………….
Ans: Mother asked Rahul where her ink pen was.

4. Employer : Why did you leave your job ?

Applicant : They didn’t meet my requirement. Employer asked Applicant ………………………….
Ans: Employer asked Applicant why he had left his job.

5. Raghu : How is your father ?

Ravi : He is doing good but his age is 100 years. Raghu asked Ravi ……………………………………
Ans: Raghu asked Ravi how his father was.

6. Rithvek : Hello sir.

Postmaster : Yes, What can I do for you ? Postmaster asked Rithvek ………………………
Ans: Postmaster asked Rithvek what he could do for him.

7. Mother : Hello my dear child, why are you looking sad today ?
Adithya : Yes mother, I am bit upset as I got less marks in FA 2. Mother asked Adithya ………………
Ans: Mother asked Adithya why he was looking sad that day.

8. Rakshita : Good morning mam.

Teacher : Good morning Rakshita. Why were you absent yesterday? Teacher asked Rakshita ……
Ans: Teacher asked Rakshita why she had been absent the previous day.

9. John: Here’s a camera for you Lakshmi.

Lakshmi: When did you buy it John? She asked him ………………………..
Ans: when he had bought it.
Yes / No statement: [‘ if / whether]

1. Kalyan :Are you working in this company?

Prashanth : Yes, I am. I joined this firm last year.
Kalyan asked Prashanth ………………………………….
Ans: Kalyan asked Prashanth if he was working in that company.

2. Sunil : I met Rani last week in Mysore.

Sujay : Oh! Does she look the same ? Sujay asked Sunil …………………………………………
Ans: Sujay asked Sunil If she looked the same.
3. Rohan : John, did you bring your cricket bat?
John : Oh! Sorry! Anyway, I will bring it tomorrow. Rohan asked John………………………………
Ans: Rohan asked John if he had brought his cricket bat.

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4. Father : Son, is it raining outside?
Son : Y es, dad, it is. Father asked son ……………………………………………..
Ans: Father asked his son if it was raining outside.

5. Teacher : Have you completed your home work ?

Students : Yes, sir. Teacher asked the students ……………………………
Ans: Teacher asked the students if they had completed their homework.

6. Narendra : Have you seen God ?

Sri Ramakrishna : Yes, I have. Narendra asked Sri Ramakrishna…………………………………
Ans: Narendra asked Sri Ramakrishna if he had seen God.

7. Arun : Did you see the film ‘ Takur’ ?

Akash : No,but I’m planning to see the film on Sunday. Arun asked Akash …………………………………..
Ans: Arun asked Akash if he had seen the film ‘ Takur’.

Imperative sentences : ‘ to ‘
1. Shankar : Good morning daddy.
Father : Good morning Shankar. Go to the railway station at 4 P.M and bring your grandpa.
Father asked Shankar ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Ans: Father asked Shankar to go to the railway station at 4 p.m and bring his grandpa.

2. Teacher : Come to the school with your father tomorrow morning.

Student : l will sir. Teacher asked the student ………………………………………………………
Ans: Teacher asked the student to come to the school with his father the next morning.

3. Clerk : Sir, Please grant me leave for two days.

Manager : Why ? Clerk requested the manager……………………………………..
Ans: Clerk requested the manager to grant him leave for two days.

4. Teacher : Who is talking in the class ?

Students: Sir, Rajesh.
Teacher: Rajesh, stand up. Teacher ordered Rajesh ……………………………………….
Ans: Teacher ordered Rajesh to stand up.


1. Positive degree : No other………… as …….. as [ shows that two things are similar in some way ]
2. Comparative degree : than any other [ comparing two things]
3. Superlative degree : the est, st. [ to show the highest degree of a quality, when more than two
things are compared]

1. No other boy in our class is as intelligent as Pavan. [ Positive degree ]

Pavan is more intelligent than any other boy in our class. [ Comparative degree ]
Pavan is the most intelligent boy in our class. [ Superlative degree]

2. No other country in Asia is as big as India. [ P D]

India is bigger than any other country in Asia. [ C D]
India is the biggest country in Asia. [ S D]

3. No other girl in the class is as beautiful as Arpitha. [P.D]

Arpitha is more beautiful than any other girl in the class. [C.D]
Arpitha is the most beautiful girl in the class. [S.D]

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4. No other city in Karnataka is as hot as Gulburga. [P.D]
Gulburga is hotter than any other city in Karnataka. [C.D]
Gulburga is the hottest city in Karnataka. [S.D]
I.Change the following sentence into comparative degree :
1. Amith was the most handsome boy in our family.
Ans: Amith was more handsome than any other boy in our family.
2. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.
Ans: Mount Everest is higher than any other peak in the world.
3. Asia is the largest continent in the world.
Ans: Asia is larger than any other continent in the world.
4. Ooty is the coolest place in India.
Ans: Ooty is cooler than any other place in India.
5. Mahatma Gandhiji was the greatest man of our nation.
Ans: Mahatma Gandhiji was greater than any other man of our nation.
6. Iron is the most useful metal.
Ans: Iron is more useful than any other metal.
Change the following sentence into positive degree :
1. Mahatma Gandhiji was greater than any other man of our nation.
Ans: No other man of our nation was as great as Mahatma Gandhiji.
2. Iron is more useful than any other metal.
Ans: No other metal is as useful as Iron.
3. Ooty is cooler than any other place in India.
Ans: No other place in India is as cool as Ooty.
4. Amith was more handsome than any other boy.
Ans: No other boy was as handsome as Amith.
5. Asia is larger than any other continent in the world.
Ans: No other continent in the world is as large as Asia.
6. Mount Everest is higher than any other peak in the world.
Ans: No other peak in the world is as high as Mount Everest.
Change the following sentence into superlative degree:
1. No other animal is as ferocious as wolf.
Ans: Wolf is the most ferocious animal.
2. No other fruit is as cheap as Banana.
Ans: Banana is the cheapest fruit.
3. Bangalore is more expensive than any other city in India.
Ans: Bangalore is the most expensive city in India.
4. Manoj is taller than any other boy in the class.
Ans: Manoj is the tallest boy in the class.
5. Goa is smaller than any other state in India.
Ans: Goa is the smallest state in India.
II.When we make a comparison of two persons or things we have only positive and comparative
1. Mahesh is not as tall as Rohit. [ P.D ]
Rohit is taller than Mahesh. [ C.D ]

2. Divya is taller than Kavya. [ C.D]

Kavya is not as tall as Divya.[ P.D]
3. Deeksha is more beautiful than Sandhya. [C.D]
Sandhya is not as beautiful as Deeksha. [P.D]

III. Very few kings in India were as great as Ashoka. [P.D]

Ashoka was greater than most other kings in India. [C.D]
Ashoka was one of the greatest kings in India. [S.D]

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte43

Editing:(2 marks)
A paragraph is given below. It has two errors. Edit the paragraph and write it.
1. Lalitha is a M.P. She lives in a small house. She goes round her constituency every week.
she carries food in a box. People offer her fruits and she refuses to receive them.
a) Article to be corrected b) Conjunction to be corrected.
Ans:a) a M.P. ___an M.P. b) and ___but.
2. Mr. Vishwanath is an enginer. He gets up early in the morning regular.
a) Spelling mistake to be corrected. b) Adverbial mistake to be corrected.
Ans: a) enginer ____engineer b) regular ____regularly.
3. Impulsively, Baleshwar went and grabed the train’s red emergency chain and pulled it down frantical.
a) Spelling mistake to be corrected. b) Adverbial mistake to be corrected.
Ans: a) grabed___grabbed b) frantical ____frantically.
4. Swami rose silent and tiptoed to his bed in the passage; Granny was sitting up on her bed, and
remarked, “Boy are you already feeling sleepy? Don’t want to here a story?
a) Adverbial mistake to be corrected b) spelling mistake to be corrected.
Ans: a) Silent ____silently b) here ___hear.
5. don Anselmo Came in. He bowed to all of us. Then he removed his hat and glove.
a) Capital letter to be used b) Noun plural to be used.
Ans: a) don anselmo ____Don Anselmo b) glove -gloves
6. R.K. Narayan is widely consider to be one of the India’s greatest Engish Language novelist known
for simple writing style.
a) Verbal mistake to be corrected. b) Number should be corrected. (plural)
Ans: a) Consider - Considered b) novelist - novelists.
7. Last Sunday, jacky and I went to the beach. When we arrived, we thought it was going to rained.
Luckily, the sky cleared up.
a) Use capital letters wherever necessary b) Verbal mistake to be corrected.
Ans: a) jacky - Jacky b) rained - rain.
8. There had been an accident when he goes hiking with his father and brother inder. They werecrossing a
rickety bridge over some rapids.
a) Tense form of verb to be corrected b) Use capital letter wherever necessary
Ans:a) goes _____went b) inder ____Inder
9. On returning home. Babasaheb came to be great influenced by the life and work of Mahatmaphule ,
the votary of a classless society and womens uplift.
a) Adverbial mistake to be corrected b) Apostrophe to be used.
Ans: a) great _____greatly b) Womens ______women’s
10. Mahesh had met with an accident lost Sunday. He was injured serious.
a) Spelling mistake to be corrected b) Adverbial mistake to be corrected.
Ans: a) lost – last b) serious - seriously
11. Whales are normally gentle. Many Whales exibit strong family ties. The young ones remain with
their parents for up to fifteen years or more. How wonderful it is.
a) Spelling mistake to be corrected b) Use correct punctuation mark.
Ans: a) exibit - exhibit b) How wonderful it is !

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte44

12. A poor wood cutter was cutting a big peace of wood near a wide river. Sudden his old axe slipped
from his hand and fell into the deep water.
a) Spelling mistake to be corrected b) Adverbial mistake to be corrected.
Ans: a) peace -piece b) sudden -Suddenly
13. Swami rise silently and tiptoed to his bed in the passage; Granny was sitting up in her bed and
remarked,’’ Boy are you already feeling sleepy ? Don’t want to here a story ?’’
a) Tense form to be corrected b) Spelling mistake to be corrected
Ans: a) rise –rose b) here - hear
14. Although Dravidian in origin, Kannada has been high influenced by Sanskrit. According to some
scholars, its early literature dates back with the 5th century A.D.
a) Adverbial mistake to be corrected b) Preposition to be corrected
Ans: a) high - highly b) with -to
15. Hemanth moved to the edge of the compound to pluck flowers. He last balance, fell down but broke his
a) Spellng mistake to be corrected b) Conjunction to be corrected
Ans: a) last – lost b) but - and
16. When Aryabhata the first India build satellite was launched in April 1975, India entered a space age.
a) Article to be corrected b) Verb form to be correcte.
Ans: a) a space – the space b) build – built.

Fill in the blank with suitable article:
1. The Ganga is …….. sacred river. Ans: a
2. Bhuvana is …………. Union leader. Ans: a
3. Mohan was …….. clever boy. Ans: a
4. Ramesh is ……… unique boy in the class. Ans: a
5. Sir. M.Vishveshwaraya was ………… man of principles. Ans: a
6. One goes to …….. university to receive higher education. Ans: a
7. Tagore was ……. Great poet. Ans: a
8. Bhagathsingh was …….. freedom fighter. Ans: a
9. Mr.Henry is ……… European. Ans: a
10. Mr.Thomas is ……. English man. Ans: an
11. Narendra was ……. All rounder. Ans: an
12. Mr. Kishan is ……… M.P / M.L.A Ans: an
13. Ravish is waiting for ……… hour. Ans: an
14. I met ……. Old man from Rio en Medio. Ans: an
15. Dr.B.R. Ambedkar had ……. Insatiable thirst for books. Ans: an
16. Vidya is …….. honest lady. Ans: an
17. Raghu is …… intelligent boy. Ans: an
18. Anil kumble was …….. excellent leg spinner. Ans: an
19. Shyam is lerning to play …….. sitar Ans: the
20. Kuvempu wrote …….. ‘RamayanamDarshanam’. Ans: the
21. Rahul Dravid was …….. finest batsman. Ans: the
22.Tenzing climbed …….. Mt. Everest. Ans: the
23. …….. earth moves around …….. Sun. Ans: the, the
24. …… Ganga is a holy river. Ans: the
25. One of ……… boys was punished. Ans: the
26. Mount Everest is …….. highest peak in the world. Ans: the
27. Suman bought …….. umbrella and ……… flask. Ans: an, a
28. Sudhir is ……. M.P and his wife is ……… homemaker. Ans: an, a

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte45

PROFILE WRITING : ( 3 marks)
1. Given below is a profile of Poornachandra Thejaswi .Write a paragraph based on the
Born : 8th September 1938, Kuppalli
Parents : Kuvempu, Hemavathi
Spouse : Rajeshwari
Pen name : Puchanthe
Notable works : Karvalo, Jugaricross, Chidambara Rahasya etc.
Occupation : Writer, Novelist, photographer, painter.
Death : 5th April 2007
Ans: Poornachandra Thejaswi was born on 8th September 1938 in Kuppalli. His parents were Kuvempu and
Hemavathi. His spouse was Rajeshwari. His pen name was Puchanthe. His notable works were Karvalo,
Jugaricross and Chidambara Rahasya etc. He was a writer, novelist, photographer and a painter. He was
died on 5th April 2007.
2. Given below is a profile of P. T. Usha. Write a paragraph using the clues given below:
Born : 27th June, 1964
Nationality : Indian
Other names : Payyoli Express, Golden Girl
Known for : Track and field athlete
Employed : Indian Railways
Awards : Padmashree.
Ans: P.T. Usha was born on 27th July, 1964. She was an Indian. Her other names were Payyoli Express
and Golden Girl. She was known for track and field athlete. She was employed in Indian Railway. She was
awarded Padmashree.
3. Given below is a profile . Write a paragraph using the clues givenbelow:
Name : Ganesh
Age : 35 years
Birth : 24th August, Haveri
Qualification : M.Sc., M.Ed.
Name of spouse : Vani
Daughter : Ankitha, studying in 5th standard
Profession : Asistant Manager SBI, Hangal
Hobbies : Reading and Trekking
Reasons for popularity: Helps the poor and needy

Ans: Mr. Ganesh is 35 years old. He was born on 24th August in Haveri. He did M.Sc., M.Ed. His spouse
name is Vani. His daughter Ankitha is studying in 5th standard. He is an Assistant Manager in SBI in Hangal.
His hobbies are reading and trekking. He is popular because he helps the poor and needy.

4. Given below is the profile of Rabindranath Tagore. Write a paragraph using the clues given
below :
Known as : Gurudev
Birth : 7th May, 1861
Parents : Debendranath Tagore and Sarala Devi
Occupation : Writer, Painter, Singer
Notable works : Gitanjali, Jana Gana Mana, Rabindra Sangeet etc.
Award : Noble prize for literature in 1913
Death : 7th August, 1941.

Ans: Rabindranath Tagore was known as Gurudev. He was born on 7th May,1861. His parents were
Debendranath Tagore and Sarala Devi. He was a writer, painter and a singer. His notable works were
Gitanjali, Jana Gana Mana and Rabindra sangeet etc. He was awarded Noble prize for literature in 1913. He
was died on 7th August, 1941.

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5. Given below is a profile of Sarojini Naidu . Write a paragraph using the same :

Birth : 13th February, 1879

Place : Hyderabad
Father : Dr. AghornathChattopadhyya, a scientist
Mother : Mrs. VaradaSundari, a Bengali poet
Spouse : MuthyalaGovindarajulu Naidu
Profession: Politician, freedom fighter, Governor of Agra and Oudh, writer
Death : 2nd March , 1949
Works : The Golden Threshold ( 1905), The Bird of Time ( 1912 )
The Broken Wing ( 1917 )

Ans : Sarojini Naidu was born on 13th February, 1879 in Hyderabad. Her father was
Dr.AghornathChattopadhyya was a scientist. Her mother Mrs.VaradaSundari was a Bengali poet. Her
spouse Was Muthyala Govindarajulu Naidu. She was a politician, freedom fighter,Governor of Agra and
Oudh and writer. She was died on 2nd March, 1949. Her works were The Golden Threshold ( 1905) , The
Bird of Time ( 1912) and The Broken Wing (1912)

Developing a story using the clues given below: ( 3 marks )

1. In a village – a clever elephant – there- a river near by - go for bath daily – passing by a tailor shop –
the tailor – bananas daily – one day not given bananas – pricked needle- elephant angry – came with
muddy water in its trunk – sprayed – tailor’s shop dirty – he repented.

Ans: Once there lived a clever elephant in a village. He used to a river for bath daily. After the bath he
was passing by a tailor’s shop. The tailor gave bananas to eat daily. One day the tailor was not in a good
mood. The elephant came as usual. He did not give bananas. He pricked the elephant’s trunk with his
needle. The elephant felt agonized with pain. He went up to the river and took his bath. After that he filled
up muddy water in his trunk. On his way back he stopped at the tailors shop. He emptied his trunk all over
the tailor and his shop. The tailor was splashed with dirt. The tailor suffered a great loss. He felt sad for his
misdeed. But it was too late. Moral ‘ Do not expect any good in return of bad.’

2. A fox – hungry – couldn’t find food – came to a village- grape garden – very happy – jumped – couldn’t
get – angry – sad grapes sour.
Ans: One day a fox was very hungry. He searched every wherefor food. But he couldn’t find. At last he
came to a village. There he saw a bunch of grapes hanging from the vines. His mouth started watering.
He wanted to eat them. The grapes were high up. So he jumped again and again but in vain. He could not
reach them. He felt angry and went away saying ‘’ these grapes are sour.’ Moral ‘ Its easy to despise
what you cannot have.’

3.Three friends – two geese, a tortoise – decide to migrate – food, water – geese fly – tortoise can’t –
devise a way – carry tortoise – hold stick with their beaks – tortoise not to speak – hold the middle of the
stick – children clap – tortoise angry – bursts out – fell – moral.

Ans: Three friends, two geese and tortoise lived in a pond. One day they faced a huge drought. So they
decided to migrate for food and water. The geese could play. But the tortoise couldn’t. The geese thought
of a plan to carry the tortoise.. They got stick. They held the ends of the stick with their beaks. They asked
tortoise to hold the middle of the stick. The only condition was that the tortoise should not speak or it
would fall from the stick to instant death. The tortoise agreed. The geese flew up carrying the tortoise with
them. As they flew over the village, children clapped their hands and shouted. Unable to control himself, he
burst out,’’ What are these fools …? As he spoke these words, he lost hold of the stick and fell from the
great height to the ground and died. Moral’ destiny can’t be changed.’

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4. A lion asleep in a forest – awakened by a mouse – lion angry about to kill it with his paw – the mouse
begs for mercy – promises to pay back his kindness – the lion caught in a trap – the mouse – gnaws,
releases him – lion grateful to the mouse.

Ans : A lion was enjoying a sound sleep in the forest. A mouse ran across his body and awakened him.
The lion got angry and about to kill it. The mouse pleaded for mercy. The mouse also promised the lion
that it would pay back his kindness. The lion forgave it and let it go. Some months later the same lion was
caught in the trap. The lion roared loudly. Hearing the lion’s roar the mouse came up to the lion and began
to gnaw the ropes of the trap. It cut the ropes and set the lion free. The lion was very grateful to the
Moral ‘ Mercy is rewarded.’/ ‘Do well and have well.’

5. A thirsty crow – hot summer – searched for water - didn’t get – saw a jar – little water – thought of a
plan – dropped small stones – water came up – drank water – away happily.
Ans : It was a hot summer. A crow was very thirsty. He searched for water everywhere but did not get it.
At last he saw a jar. The jar had very little water at the bottom. He tried again and again but his beak
could not reach the water. At last he thought of a plan. He flew around, picked some small stones and
dropped them into the jar one by one. The water came up. He drank the water and flew away happily.
Moral ‘ Where there is a will,/ there is a way.’

6. In a distant village – farmer – a magical hen – one golden egg – everyday – the richest man – greedy –
thought of an idea – take out all the eggs – big knife – cut her stomach – no eggs – hen died – moral.

Ans: A farmer was lived in a distant village. He had a magical hen. The hen laid one golden egg every day.
He sold the egg and became very rich soon. He was a greedy.A wicked idea came to his mind. He thought
that the hen had many golden eggs inside it.He wanted all the golden eggs at the same time. So, he took
a big knife and cut the hen’s stomach, but found no eggs. The hen was dead.
Moral ‘Greed is a curse.’ / ‘ Never be greedy’.

7. A poor wood cutter – cutting wood –tree on a river bank – axe fell into the river – goddess – golden axe
– refused – silver axe – refused – wooden axe – accepted- goddess gave golden and silver axes – blessing
– moral.

Ans: One day a poor wood cutter was cutting wood on the bank of a river. Suddenly his axe fell into the
river. The river was deep. He could not take his axe out.He sat on the bank and began to weep. The
goddess of water appeared him and asked the reason of his weeping.She dived into the water and brought
a golden axe.The wood cutter refused to take it. She again dived and brought a silver axe. The wood
cutter refused to take it. Then she brought an wooden axe. The wood cutter accepted gladly.The goddess
was much pleased.She gave him golden and silver axes. Moral ‘ Honesty is the best policy.’

ESSAY: ( 4 marks)
1. Mobile phone

A mobile phone is a communication device, often also called as cell phone. It is a device mainly used for
voice communication. However, technological developments in the field of communication have made the
mobile phones smart enough to be able to make video calls, surf the internet, play games, and take high
resolution pictures. Because of this mobile phones today are also called ‘’ smart phones.’’
World’s first ever made mobile phone was demonstrated way back in 1973, by the
Motorola’s then president and CEO, John Francis Mitchell and an American Engineer, Martin Cooper. That
mobile phone weighed around 2 kilograms. Since than the mobile phones have evolved in technology and
shapes. They have become smaller, slimmer and more useful. Today mobile phones are available in various
shapes and sizes, having different technical specifications and are used for number of purposes.

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2. Uses of Internet
Internet is one thing that we cannot imagine our lives without. It is used in every sphere of life.
It has brought the world closer. It is the invention of modern and high technology science.It provides us
amazing facility of searching any information from any corner of the world by any one. Using internet we
can send any big or small message, information very quickly within seconds to anyone’s computer, mobile
or other digital device like tablets, P.C etc. It is a vast storage of information as it has more than billions of
running websites related to the domestic, business, academic, governmental etc. We can say it is a
network of networks.It is also a great source of entertainment. In today’s times when everyone is busy
with their own lives, internet can prove to be our best friend. From e-book to movies to music – everything
we need for entertainment is available on the internet.

3. Importance of sports and games

Sports and games are very important for us. They keep us healthy and fit. They offer us a change from the
monotony of daily life. They are useful means of entertainment and physical activity. They help in character
building. They are means of mental and physical growth. During sports and games we come to learn many
things. We learn mental balance in the midst of hopes and despair. They make us learn how to tackle the
difficult situation. Sports develop a sense of friendliness. They develop in us team spirit. They help in
developing mental and physical toughness. They shape our body and make it strong and active. They
remove tiredness and lethargy. They improve blood circulation. This improves our physical well- being.
They are integral part of education. Education without them is incomplete.

4. Water pollution
Water is essential to all human beings. We get water from wells, tanks and rivers. But water is being
polluted by many. Urbanization and industrialization are the two chief factors for the pollution of water.The
domestic wastes from industries and factories, chemicals used by the farmers to grow food, cattle dung
and fodder wastes are being washed off into the river and thus water is polluted. in India the Ganga and
the Yamuna are the most polluted rivers.
Polluted water may cause Cholera, Dysentery, Jundice, Typhoid etc. In the polluted rivers and seas
fishes, birds, whales etc die. To prevent water pollution we must purify rivers using chemicals, control the
use of pesticides and insecticides and spread the message of clean water.

5. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a campaign launched by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi as a nationwide
cleanliness campaign. It is implemented to fulfill the vision and mission of clean India one day.It was
launched especially on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. As he always dreamt and was very keen
to make his country a clean country. He had tried for clean India during his time by motivating people. But
it wasn’t successful. Now the Government of India again started the Abhiyan to make clean India. It was
started on 2nd October, 2014 on the 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.It is a big challenge for all
the citizens of India. It is only possible if each and every person living in India would understand this
campaign, their own responsibility and try to join hands together to make it a successful mission.

G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte49

Letter Writing : ( 5 marks )
1. Imagine that you are sangeetha / uday , residing at ‘ Shiva Nivas’ # 24, 3rd cross, Kuvempu
Nagar, Mysore. Write a letter to your head master requesting him to issue your transfer

Shiva Nivas,
#24, 3rd Cross,
Kuvempu Nagar,

05- 10-2021

The head master,

Government High School,
Sub: Request for transfer certificate

I was a student of 10th standard of your school during the academic year 2020– 21. I passed my
S.S.L.C examination in July 2021. My register number is 2019226424.
Now I need my transfer certificate to join P.U.C. I request you kindly to issue my transfer certificate
and oblige.

Yours obediently,

2. Image that you are Sahana /Sanjay. Studying in Govt. High School, Bangalore. Write a
letter to your friend inviting him / her to spend summer holidays with you.

Govt. High School,

Dear Sanjana,
I am keeping well and expect the same of you. After a long time I am writing you a letter.
Our school closes from 10th of April for the summer holidays. I wish that you should spend summer
holidays with me in Bangalore. There are many beautiful places in Bangalore. You can see the Vidhana
Soudha, Palace, the glass house at Lal Bagh, Cubbon Park, Nehru Planetarium, Airport, etc. I hope you will
surely spend a few days of your summer holidays with me.

Convey my regards to uncle and aunt.

Yours loving friend,


G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte50

3. Imagine that you are Pallavi / Praveen studying in Government High School, Bellary. Write
a letter to the commissioner, city corporation, Bellary, complaining about the bad roads in
your area.

Government High School,

05 -10 -2021

The Commissioner,
City Corporation,

Sub: Bad condition of roads in our area
With reference to the above subject, I would like to bring to your kind notice that the roads in our
area are in very bad condition. There are many pot holes in the road. There are no foot paths. Every day
accidents are taking place.So, I request you Kindly to repair the roads as early as possible.
Thanking you’

Yours faithfully,

4. Imagine you are Kiran / Keerthana studying in Government High School, Koppala.Write a
letter to your friend describing ‘Republic Day’ celebrations in your school.

Government High School,


My dear Arun,
I am fine here. I do hope you are fine there.I am writing this letter to share with you how
we celebrated 72nd Republic Day in our school.

On 26th January all of us assembled in the school field. Exactly at 8.30 a.m S D M C president hoisted
the flag. Then we sat on the ground in line. After prayer and welcome, some of us and the teachers spoke
about Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Sardar Vallabha Bhai Patel. They stressed about our duties to the nation. The
headmaster in his presidential speech gave us a inspiring speech on unity is strength. After vote of thanks,
we were given sweets.

Convey my regards to uncle and aunt.

Yours loving friend,


G.B.K VSPGHS Hulikatte51

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow : (2 x2 =4 marks)
1. Once addressing a huge gathering Dayananda Saraswathi thundered. “ Your ancestors were not
uncivilized men living in forests. They were great men who enlightened the world. Your history is not a
story of defeats. It is the story of the conquerors of the world. Your vedic scriptures are not the songs of
cowards. They are immortal truths which shaped mighty souls like Sri Rama and Sri Krishna. Arise, Arise,
awake and be proud of your glorious history. Take inspiration from it to mould the present. Shame upon
your modern education which fills you with contempt for your ancestors
a) What does Dayananda Saraswathi say about our ancestors ?
Ans : They were not uncivilized men living in forests. They were great men who enlightened the world.
b) What does the speaker advise us to do ?
Ans: He advises us to arise, awake and feel proud of our glorious history. Take inspiration from it to
mould the present
2. Man has altered many of the physical features of the earth with the tools of science. He has
transformed woodlands and prairies into a farm land. He has constructed lakes and dams to irrigate or to
harness hydroelectric power. By cutting through mountain, he has almost modified the very face of the
earth. However his attempt to bring about change in the physical environment have not always been
beneficial. Today pollution of the air and water endangers the health of our planet. The automobile
exhausts and smokes from the factories are affecting our health. Pollution from oil is killing marina life. The
whole ecological balance of the sea is getting changed due to oil slick. Industrial and domestic wastes have
choked several rivers. Conservationists strongly feel that if mankind and life were to survive on the earth
man must limit the growth of technology.
A) What are the effects of pollution ?
Ans: Pollution of the air and water endangers the health of our planet. The automobile exhausts and
smoke from the factories are affecting our health. Pollution from oil is killing marina life. The whole
ecological balance of the sea is getting changed due to oil slick.

B) How has man altered the earth ?

Ans: Man has transformed woodlands and prairies into farmland. He has constructed lakes and dams to
irrigate or to harness hydroelectric power. By cutting through mountain, he has almost modified the very
face of the earth.

3. In every country, people imagine that they are the best and the cleverest and others are not so good as
they are. The Englishman thinks that he and his country are the best ; the Frenchman is very proud of
France and everything French. The Germans and Italians think no less of their countries and many Indians
imagine that India is in many ways the greatest country in the world. This is wrong. Everybody wants to
think well of himself and his country. But really there is no person who has not got some good and bad
qualities. In the same way there is no country which is not partly good and partly bad. We must take the
good wherever we find it and try to remove the bad wherever it may be.
We are of course, most concerned with our country, India. Unhappily, it is in a bad way today. Most of our
people are poor and unhappy. They have no joy in their lives. We have to find out how we can make them
happier. We have to see what is good in our ways and customs and try to keep it, and whatever is bad we
have to throw away. If we find anything good in other countries, we should certainly take it.
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a) What should we do to make our people happier ?
Ans: We have to see what is good in our ways and customs and try to keep it, and whatever is bad we
have to throw away. If we find anything good in other countries, we should certainly take it.
b) What do people think about themselves and others in every country ?
Ans: In every country people imagine that they are the best and the cleverest and others are not so good
as they are. Everybody wants to think well of himself and his country.
4. Punctuality is a habit which must be cultivated by every cultured person. It is the mark of civilisation
and culture. It has been rightly called the ‘soul of business’. In our daily life, we have to attend to various
types of business. This brings us in contact with other people. We hardly realise that in being late, how
much annoyance and worry we unnecessarily cause to others.
Nelson, the philosopher used to say that he owes his success to punctuality in his life. If a man has
various duties to attend to, he must be punctual. Otherwise his life will be a failure.
It is no easy thing to be punctual. It requires a man all the energy to regulate his life, if he wants to be
punctual in every business. Unpunctuality invites trouble and worry. A man who is punctual and keeps his
appointment is sure to be held in high esteem by others. Everyone has confidence in him. Everyone trusts
him because he keeps his word.
a) Why is punctuality necessary ?
Ans.: Punctuality is a mark of civilization and culture. It is called as the soul of business. Without
punctuality, life is a failure. Being late would cause annoyance and worry to others.

b) Why do people respect one who is punctual ?

Ans: A man who is punctual and keeps his word and appointment is sure to be held in high esteem by
others. Everyone has confidence in him. Everyone trusts him because he keeps his word.

5. Once a little boy was angry with his mother. He shouted at her, “I hate you, I hate you”. Because of
fear of reprimand he ran out of the house. He ran up to the valley. There in desperation, he shouted, “I
hate you, I hate you”. There came back an echo, “I hate you, I hate you.” The boy was scared because he
has never heard an echo before. He ran back to his mother for protection. Then he said that there was a
bad boy in the valley, who would shout, “I hate you, I hate you”. The mother understood the fact. She
said, “Go back to the valley” and shout, “I love you, I love you”. The boy ran up to the valley and shouted,
“I love you, I love you”. There came back an echo, “I love you, I lover you”. This taught boy a lesson. Our
life is like an echo. We would get back, what we give.

a) Why did the boy run up to the valley?

Ans: Because of fear of reprimand he ran out of the house. He ran up to the valley.

b) What lesson did the boy learn from the incident?

Ans: Our life is like an echo. We would get back, what we give.

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6. There lived a rich man who was very generous, often inviting guests for meals to his house. On his
birthday he invited the entire town to dinner. One of the guests was a greedy man called Kailas. Who took
his son along with him. Kailas ate till his stomach was ready to burst. Suddenly he saw his son drinking
water and hit him on the head. On returning home. The boy asked why he had been hit, to which Kailas
replied, you fool ! Why did you fill your stomach with water instead of eating the food? The boy said didn’t
you know that drinking water creates space in the stomach to eat more? Kailas hit on his head again for
not being informed of the fact earlier or else he too would have done the same thing and would have eaten
even more.

a) Why did Kailas and his son go to the rich man’s house?
Ans: There lived a rich man who was very generous, often inviting guests for meals to his house. On his
birthday he invited the entire town to dinner

b) Why did Kailas hit his son on his head again?

Ans: Kailas hit on his head again for not being informed of the fact earlier or else he too would have done
the same thing and would have eaten even more.

1. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in

a paragraph: ( 3 MARKS)

Ans: There are many people and workers in this picture. A man (cobbler) is polishing a shoe. A worker
(porter) is carrying luggage. A man (Sweeper) is cleaning the road. A worker (farmer) is carrying a bag on
his back. A woman is going with her son.

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2. Look at the signs given below. Frame appropriate instruction on each of them:

Ans: 1. The audience is requested to turn off the cell phones.

2. The visitors are requested to remove their shoes
3. The visitors are not allowed to bring food and drink
4. The dogs are not allowed here.
5. Pedestrians are requested to keep off the grass.
6. Smoking is prohibited here.
7. Please throw the waste in the dustbin.
8. Fishing is prohibited here.

3. Look at the picture.Describe what you can see in the picture.

Ans: A woman is walking with a child. Some children are playing cricket. Two cows are seen. The window
pane is broken. A boy is holding a tree. There are buildings in the back ground.

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4. Study the picture given below. Write a description or an account of what the picture
suggests to you in a paragraph:

Ans:This picture suggests traffic congestion and bad condition of roads. Here the motorists are protesting
against the concerned authorities to fulfil their demands.They urge the authorities to provide proper roads,
to repair pot holes in the roads and solve the traffic jam. They also urge them to remove speed limits
( humps) and construct more flyovers to avoid traffic jam.

5. Study the picture given below. Write a description or an account of what the picture
suggests to you in a paragraph.

Ans: This picture is about cutting down the trees. There are three trees in this picture. There is a wood
cutter. He is cutting down a tree. He has already cut down six trees. In the background there is a sky.


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