A Review of Internet of Things (IoT) Embedded Sustainable Supply Chain For Industry 4.0

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Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

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A review of Internet of Things (IoT) embedded sustainable supply chain for T

industry 4.0 requirements
Manavalan E., Jayakrishna K.

School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India


Keywords: Supply Chain organizations in the present global environment operate in market that is increasingly complex
Sustainable supply chain (SSC) and dynamic in nature. Sustainable supply chain becomes inevitable to meet the aggressive change in the
Closed loop supply chain (CLSC) customer requirements. Based on the reviews, it is revealed that manufacturing companies need to speed up in
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) shifting the focus towards sustainability and make use of technology like ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) to meet the
Industry 4.0
organization’s goal. The objective of this research paper is to review the various aspects of SCM, ERP, IoT and
Industry 4.0 and explore the potential opportunities available in IoT embedded sustainable supply chain for
Industry 4.0 transformation. In this review, a comprehensive study on various factors, that affects the sustainable
supply chain were analyzed and the results recorded. Based on the review, a framework for assessing the
readiness of supply chain organization from various perspectives has been proposed to meet the requirements of
the fourth Industrial Revolution. The conceptual framework model has been formulated from five important
perspectives of supply chain management namely Business, Technology, Sustainable Development,
Collaboration and Management Strategy. This study furnishes the criteria that can be assessed by companies to
realize the readiness for industry 4.0 transformation.

1. Introduction intuitive to take informed decisions and support to manage the overall
operations of the organization effectively (Zhang et al., 2014).
Digital disruption has become the order of the day. The convergence SCM is an integral part of ERP, which connects with various part-
of information systems has become more complicated and dynamic in ners in Supply chain. Supply Chain comprises of vendors, producers,
nature, which drives industrial organizations to invest on smart man- wholesaler, retailer and end client and it intends to synchronize de-
ufacturing (Wang, Wallace, Shen, & Choi, 2015; Ye & Wang, 2013). It is mand and supply (Stefanou, 1999). The coordinated value creation
imperative for organizations to embrace the changing technology to process from raw material purchase to end-client usage can be effec-
cope up with shorter product life cycle and rapid environmental tively accomplished through ERP. The benefits of information systems
changes (Lucke, Constantinescu, & Westkämper, 2008). Information are increased efficiency, increased productivity, reduced time, cost re-
Systems (IS) tries to integrate the communication between people and duction, zero errors, optimized inventory (Barut, Faisst, & Kanet, 2002).
technology. An IS, including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Globalization in the current scenario is confronted by constant
system, provides seamless user experience in real time which is so growth of global demand in capital and consumer goods by persistently

Abbreviations: SC, Supply Chain; SSC, Sustainable Supply Chain; CLSC, Closed Loop Supply Chain; ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning; EOL, End-Of-Life; SCM,
Supply Chain Management; SCN, Supply Chain Network; IoT, Internet of Things; IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things; CPS, Cyber Physical Systems; GSCM, Green
Supply Chain Management; OT, Operational Technology; IT, Information Technology; IS, Information Systems; SRM, Supplier Relationship Management; CRM,
Customer Relationship Management; AHP, Analytical Hierarchy Process; ISM, Interpretive Structural Modeling; MICMAC, Impact Matrix Cross-Reference
Multiplication Applied to a Classification; CFA, Confirmatory Factor Analysis; ISM, Interpretive Structural Modeling; DEA, Data Envelopment Analysis; NGT, Nominal
Group Technique; VIKOR, VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje; ELECTRE, ELimination and Choice Expressing REality; RDT, Resource
Dependence Theory; TRIZ, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving; RFID, Radio-frequency identification; TQM, Total Quality Management; HMI, Human Machine
Interaction; RL, Reverse Logistics; RSC, Reverse Supply Chain; FSC, Forward Supply Chain; SME, Small and Medium Enterprises; M2M, Machine to Machine; IoP,
Internet of People; IoE, Internet of Everything; IoS, Internet of Services; IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things; CMfg, Cloud Manufacturing; CCIoT, Cloud Computing and
Internet of Things; ICPS, Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems; IWN, Industrial Wireless Network

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Jayakrishna).

Received 7 November 2017; Received in revised form 5 November 2018; Accepted 16 November 2018
Available online 17 November 2018
0360-8352/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Fig. 1. Key challenges for supply chain organizations.

verifying overall interest for social, environmental and economic as- Factors that influences uncertainty in supply chain management are
pects (Pisching et al., 2015a, 2015b). To overcome this challenge, in- global competition, lack of adaptability, delayed entry into market. The
dustrial supply chain is to be equipped to sustain and right now, supply technology IoT overcomes these challenges, which significantly trans-
chain value creation is formed by the advancement of Industry 4.0 forms the supply chain industry (Atzori, Iera, & Morabito, 2010; Giusto
(Bocken, Short, Rana, & Evans, 2014; Chen & Paulraj, 2004; Chen et al., et al., 2010). For instance, this technology can be leveraged to track the
2004, 2014; Jayal, Badurdeen, Dillon, & Jawahir, 2010; Li, Ragu- consignment location and speed of the vehicle and so that the users are
Nathan, Ragu-Nathan, & Rao, 2006). alerted by late deliveries. IoT technology can be deployed on mon-
itoring the condition of an equipment from a remote location (Qiu, Luo,
1.1. Challenges with supply chain Xu, Zhong, & Huang, 2015). Temperature sensitive products can be
monitored with sensors and the data can be communicated through
In today’s dynamic and changing supply chain environment, orga- internet. For example, perishable products are wasted during transit.
nization faces many challenges in manufacturing space such as global The confluence of internet, wireless, predictive analytics and cloud
competitiveness, lack of adaptability, go to market time as illustrated in technologies can change the entire supply chain operations and bring
Fig. 1 (Arif-Uz-Zaman & Nazmul Ahsan, 2014; Narasimhan & Kim, more value out of it (Yang, Wu, Liang, Bi, & Wu, 2011). Using IoT, this
2001). wastage can be minimized as it monitors the condition of perishable
In the past, most of the manufacturing processes were developed products and sends the status to the stakeholders of supply chain
with the objective of economic viability for achieving higher pro- (Accorsi, Bortolini, Baruffaldi, Pilati, & Ferrari, 2017).
ductivity (Czajkiewicz, 2008). In recent past, globalization policy Although many researchers are analyzing the IoT, SCM individually,
eliminates the restriction of market boundaries. The small and medium the application of IoT in enterprises to meet the industry 4.0 require-
scale manufacturers are finding it difficult to compete with the global ments have not been reviewed much and it is still at the initial phase.
large manufacturers, as they are unable to adapt in the newer tech- From the literature study, it is revealed that organizations need to focus
nologies to process difficult materials, optimize space utilization and more on digital technologies and take initiatives to deploy industry 4.0.
consume less energy (Thomas & Trentesaux, 2013). Another challenge Further, studies unveil that this research is slightly limited to theore-
is introducing a new product and make it available to consumers at the tical suitability and suggest for exploring more practice-oriented ap-
right time. proach in the days to come.
The common challenge faced by manufacturers is to forecast the The main objective of the paper is to review the various aspects of
right demand versus supply and to reduce the manufacturing lead-time SCM, ERP, IoT and Industry 4.0 and examine the importance of digi-
(Jovane et al., 2008). Consequently, it becomes inevitable for them to talization and the role of IoT in the overall Supply Chain. Further, this
equip with right resources and processes along with technology to bring study explores the criteria that can be assessed by companies to realize
up revolutionary products and world-class services (Tajima, 2007). the readiness for industry 4.0 transformation.

Fig. 2. Outline of the review carried out with four major areas.

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

The structure of the research paper is depicted in Fig. 2. The paper is 2.2. SCM: present and future directions
organized under four major areas such as SCM, ERP, Industry 4.0 and
IoT. The review on SCM with importance to GSCM and SSCM are The SCM has made tremendous growth in last six decades from the
analyzed. Later, literature on impact of ERP on various industries are initial focus on improving manual labor process to the latest automa-
studied. Further, Industry 4.0 is reviewed in depth to know the building tion and connecting supply chain network effectively (Li, Rao, Ragu-
blocks, influence of technology in various industries. In addition, IoT Nathan, & Ragu-Nathan, 2005; Parkhi, Joshi, Gupta, & Sharma, 2015).
and its applications are reviewed from both industry and consumer Fig. 4 demonstrates the evolution of SC over the last six decades with a
perspective. Role of IoT on SCM is analyzed. Based on the analysis, a graph. In 1960s, manufactures concentrated on large-scale manu-
framework is proposed for assessing the readiness for Industry 4.0 facturing to reduce the unit production cost as a primary objective and
transformation. the system was not seamless (Bechtel & Jayaram, 1997).
In 1980s, integration of inventory management and material dis-
2. Literature review tribution took place (Inman & Hubler, 1992). This process empowered
industrialization in 1990s and stimulated the concept of integrating all
There is a considerable growth and improvement in the industrial cross-functional modules such as production, warehouse, logistics and
environment with respect to Supply Chain, ERP, Industry 4.0 and IoT eventually all these elements became part of supply chain with primary
for the past ten years. Literary articles were reviewed and analyzed objective of improving the operational effectiveness (Ragatz, Handfield,
from the past ten years on industrial growth perspective. & Scannell, 1997). With the help of digital applications and mobile
devices, the seamless integration in supply chain to connect partners
2.1. Structure of literature study was achieved (Linton, 2017). It enabled supply chain administration to
control the data of product, finance streams efficiently (Barratt, 2004).
Based on the analysis, the literature section has been logically Subsequently supply chain became cumbersome with continuous
classified into four subdivisions. Initially, the focus is given to review growth and complex networks as too many process to monitor and
the GSC and SSC practices in SCM. Later, it outlines the relationship control (Fawcett, Fawcett, Watson, & Magnan, 2012). Later organiza-
between ERP and SCM. The study on Industry 4.0 and its emergence in tions felt the competition across the globe and started focusing on re-
various industries were studied. Further, it outlines the various in- ducing the wastages in the material, machine-running time, removing
vestigations on IoT and how it influences into the digital world were the redundant processes (Mohammaddust, Rezapour, Farahani,
discussed. The presence of IoT in industry is expanding rapidly Mofidfar, & Hill, 2017). Eventually this resulted in organizations look
Academicians and practioners have done many of IoT research and for lean manufacturing and look for world-class technologies to bring
development in recent years. Further, focus should be given to mod- supreme quality and bring the manufacturing rate down by eliminating
ernize supply chain with IoT to increase the digital revenue (Iera, the waste and non-value added routine work (Qi, Huo, Wang, & Yeung,
Floerkemeier, Mitsugi, & Morabito, 2010; Vermesan & Friess, 2013). In 2017). The focus on lean became predominant with the key influencing
addition, companies are moving towards digitalization to make cost factors such as time, cost and material (Ruiz-Benitez, López, & Real,
effective devices, business inter-connected on real time, collaboration 2017).
across boundaries (Michahelles, Ilic, Kunze, Kritzler, & Schneegass, More recently, the rapid raise of automation in supply chain has
2017; Ning & Wang, 2011). As manufacturing sector influences the become a major factor of the evolution process (MacCarthy, Blome,
global economy, organizations now looks beyond just automation and Olhager, Srai, & Zhao, 2016). Later the SSC has evolved from a per-
focuses on machine-to-machine communication at real time with the spective of social and environmental areas where many organizations
help of information systems (Karre, Hammer, Kleindienst, & Ramsauer, started looking at supply chain not only from profitability perspective
2017). Thus, fourth industrial revolution appears more imperative now. but to make eco-friendly products so that future generations also get
Information systems, which are integrated to physical devices, can be benefited (Wang, Lee, Zhu, & Li, 2017). In addition, organizations have
termed as embedded systems, in other words Cyber Physical System started measuring their sustainability in terms of their business opera-
(CPS) (Arrieta, Sagardui, & Etxeberria, 2014). A CPS is a system mon- tions and action plans are also being developed and implemented
itored by sensor integrated with the internet and communicates with its (Jabbarzadeh, Fahimnia, & Sheu, 2017; Rezaee, Dehghanian, Fahimnia,
users (Kim, Kim, Lakshmanan, & Rajkumar, 2013). & Beamon, 2017).
From the Fig. 3a, it is interpreted that though the number of re-
search reported on SSCM is gradually growing, the research on SSCM 2.2.1. SCM definitions
with Industry 4.0 and IoT is in the initial stage. For example, for the The scope and definition of SCM is evolving continuously. Bagchi,
year 2017, though there were 6979 articles in SSCM, with the context of Chun Ha, Skjoett-Larsen, and Boege Soerensen (2005) suggests for
Industry 4.0, only 740 articles were published. Further, if IoT is also having a standard SCM definition for better understanding, as defini-
taken into consideration along with industry 4.0 in SSCM, there were tions of SCM vary across academicians and practitioners. Table 1 lists
only 115 articles. Thus, the present study attempts to focus on SSCM the important SCM perspective definitions as defined by researches.
with industry 4.0 and also to study the role of IoT in SCM and sug- To sum up, supply chain definitions brings multiple perspectives by
gestions were given for taking up Industry 4.0 to the next level. various authors and give different dimensions to it. Supply chain
The number of publications on the IoT and Industry 4.0 are shown comprises of product, services, finances and information shared across
in Fig. 3b. Technology diffusion speed can be calculated based on the value chain (Handfield & Linton, 2017). Supply chain not only
number of publications in the respective technology. For example, for connects supplier, manufacturers and customers, it also connects sev-
IoT, the number of publications in the year 2012 is 3129 and the same eral layers of supplier in upstream side and similarly it connects to the
in the year 2017 is 6173, which is 97.28% increase in the publications. ultimate end users who are benefited from the value of the product or
Similarly, for Industry 4.0, the number of publications in the year 2012 services in downstream side (Dutta & Hora, 2017). These definitions
is 7251 and the same in the year 2017 is 14,664, which is 102.23% insist that the entire supply chain eco-system should be economically
increase in the publications. This data represents that the technology managed and the supply chain network should be integrated to obtain
diffusion speed in last 5 years is almost double. This analysis reveals optimum productivity (Ângelo, Barata, da Cunha, & Almeida, 2017).
that although research on technology related publications has in-
creased, the study on SSCM with IoT to meet industry 4.0 has not been 2.2.2. Factors influencing supply chain
focused much and hence it is identified as the literature gap for the Supply Chain management demonstrates better results in terms of
present study. better delivery time, improved customer satisfaction, better rapport

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953




Number of Publications


3000 SSCM

2000 SSCM Industry 4.0

1000 SSCM Industry 4.0 IoT

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
SSCM 2083 2231 2712 3305 3901 4780 5309 6118 6979 6003
SSCM Industry 4.0 152 143 165 182 242 290 728 767 740 572
SSCM Industry 4.0 IoT 8 5 5 5 7 19 52 79 115 128

Fig. 3a. Number of publications in SSCM, Industry 4.0 and IoT and the trends.

with suppliers (Quesada, Gazo, & Sanchez, 2012). For better under- market (Rossetti, Handfield, & Dooley, 2011)
standing of supply chain and its operations, it is inevitable to recognize • Strategy – focus on sustainability is key for going forward strategy
the influencing factors which affect SCM (Fawcett, Ellram, & Ogden, (Khonpikul, Jakrawatana, Sangkaew, & Gheewala, 2017)
2013; Govindarajan & Ramamurti, 2011; Li, 2002; Williamson, 2008). • Customer engagement – Every stakeholder has different view, cus-
As illustrated in Fig. 5, the factors which influences supply chain tomer engagement is required to know the real expectation (Simchi-
management are Levi & Simchi-Levi, 2003)
• Real time information – business expects that the planning and ex-
• Performance – responsiveness to change is an important measure to ecuting the plan depends on sharing the real time information (Ou,
evaluate the performance (Senvar, Tuzkaya, & Kahraman, 2014) Liu, Hung, & Yen, 2010)
• Technology – dynamic change in customer requirements especially • Procurement – forecast the demand and ensures the supply is or-
hi-tech and consumer electronics need to take care (Gowen & dered optimally so that no over stock and no stock situation
Tallon, 2005) (Morgan & Monczka, 1995)
• Environmental policy – Influence of Government regulations on • Zero errors – in certain industry such as food supply chain, aero-
environment is one of key strategic factor to consider (Vachon & space there is zero percent tolerance (Singer, Donoso, & Traverso,
Klassen, 2007) 2003).
• Economics – Finance is the essential part of which decides the
strength of SCM (Pfohl & Gomm, 2009)
• Supply chain collaboration – SRM and CRM are the key functions of 2.2.3. Supply chain drivers
This section discusses the key drivers, which enhances the organi-
business practices (Camilleri, 2017; Zhu & Sarkis, 2004)
• Competition – the revenue generation is based on competition in the zation’s performance related to material, logistics, and operations. Each
of these drivers insist the overall supply chain responsiveness (Huang,

Number of Publications

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
IoT 3129 3321 3826 4653 5032 6173 5319
Industry 4.0 7251 8310 8817 16375 15497 14664 11180

IoT Industry 4.0 * Data shown upto 10th July 18

Fig. 3b. Number of publications in IoT and Industry 4.0.

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Fig. 4. Evolution of Supply Chain.

Huang, & Yang, 2017). Based on review, Table 2 outlines the SC drivers. horizon, which is termed as ‘Green SCM’ (GSCM). There are several
contributions made on GSCM practices (Sarkis, 2003; Srivastava, 2007).
2.2.4. Advancements in supply chain operations Interestingly more than 300 research articles were authored by various
Supply Chain operations are important for business operations and researches in the past 15 years on the theme of GSCM and SSCM
have a considerable influence on costs and profits. SCM operations in- (Asrawi, Saleh, & Othman, 2017; Brandenburg, Govindan, Sarkis, &
clude process, infrastructure, systems to manage the flow of informa- Seuring, 2014; Mathivathanan, Kannan, & Haq, 2018; Seuring, 2013).
tion, material and services from supplier to end consumer. The primary focus in earlier stage of supply chain was financial char-
Technological advances such as IoT, Industry 4.0 and automation helps acteristics, later the center of focus was to consider the environmental
to maximize the effectiveness of operations within the organization as influences that influence the SC (Battini, Bogataj, & Choudhary, 2017;
well as across the Supply Chain partners. Khan, Hasan, Ray, Saha, and Piplani, Pujawan, & Ray, 2008; Sari, 2017; Seuring & Müller, 2008b).
Abdul (2013) suggested autonomous sales order processing system Vachon and Klassen (2008) proposes a collaboration model, which
using SMS based web integrated order processing software for food supports environmental footprint assessment aimed at increasing the
processing industry to improve the supply chain performance. Bienhaus correctness and relevance of life cycle in supply chain. Vachon (2007)
and Haddud (2018) studied the impact of industry 4.0 on procurement, brings a relation between environment and supply chain practices to
identified the potential bottlenecks and explored ways to overcome the have little impact on pollution and encourage green supply chain
bottlenecks and transform business into complete digital organization. practices. Mathiyazhagan, Govindan, NoorulHaq, and Geng (2013)
Dolgui, Ivanov, Sethi, and Sokolov (2018) in their study, analyzed on studies an electronic industry to describe the significance of GSCM to
production scheduling, Supply Chain and industry 4.0. Further, they ensure eco-friendly environment.
explained the qualitative methods for optimal control of industrial en-
gineering and production management. Hou, Chaudhry, Chen, and Hu
(2017) presented the evolution of sustainable development in SCM. 2.3.1. Method used for GSCM implementation
Saberi, Cruz, Sarkis, and Nagurney (2018) proposed a freight carriers Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the method
linkage framework in multi-period Supply Chain where Supply Chain adopted to implement GSCM. Table 3 describes the summary of GSCM
partners can maximize the net worth of their investment with ecolo- implementation with various approaches.
gical friendly technology. Tsang et al. (2018) presented IoT embedded On the basis of literature, different approaches are used to evaluate
risk detecting system for item quality and worker safety in cold en- supply chain industry to guard the environment. Bringing eco-friendly
vironment. is one of the primary objectives of the global organizations all over the
world. The study also discloses that the benefits are tremendous if the
organizations adhere to produce environmental friendly products in the
2.3. Overview on GSCM
context of social, environmental and financial factors.
The effect of eco-friendly factors expands the SCM into a new

Table 1
List of definitions of SCM.
S. No. Definition perspective Source

1 Consumption of goods from macro organization perspective Lummus and Vokurka (1999)
2 Business process perspective Lambert and Cooper (2000)
3 Supply chain collaboration perspective Mentzer et al. (2001)
4 Functions Integration perspective Akkermans, Bogerd, and Vos (1999)
5 Organizational behavior perspective Gunasekaran and Ngai (2003)
6 Optimization of value chain perspective Gunasekaran and Kobu (2007)
7 Lean perspective Melnyk, Lummus, Vokurka, Burns, and Sandor (2009)
8 Agile perspective Machowiak (2012)
9 Digital procurement perspective Hsin Chang, Tsai, and Hsu (2013)

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Fig. 5. Factors Influencing Supply Chain.

Table 2
List of SC drivers.
S. No. SC drivers Description Source

1 Supply chain information The key drivers for information systems are strategic planning, infrastructure, IT Agus and Ahmad (2017)
systems knowledge, business-to-business or business to consumer models, enterprise
management, and implementation.
2 Responsive supply chain Supply chain must be responsive. Ability to respond meaningfully within a stipulated Banchuen, Sadler, and Shee (2017)
lead-time to change in demand or market requirements.
3 Supply chain analytics Using business intelligence, improving the effectiveness of supply chain is a critical Sahay and Ranjan (2008)
offering in organization’s competiveness.
4 Supply chain automation Due to globalization, supply chain networks are highly intersected and located at Viswanadham (2002)
different geographies. Automation combined with advanced technologies such as
internet connected software oriented technologies is the key to manage such supply
chain networks.
5 Supply chain transportation Enormous financial impact of transportation costs on organizations related to Speranza (2018)
and logistics environment is predicted.
6 Big data for supply chain The emerging technology big data stimulates the growth of organization and make right Zhong, Newman, Huang, and Lan (2016);
decisions at critical times especially in supply chain, manufacturing, healthcare and Addo-Tenkorang and Helo (2016)
finance sector.
7 Supply chain collaboration Relationship with supply chain partners improves the visibility and response time to the Cao and Zhang (2011)
change in market requirements.

Table 3
List of implementation methods.
S. No. Approach Description Source

1 Fuzzy multi criteria Global business environment has enforced many organizations to build eco-friendly Shen, Olfat, Govindan, Khodaverdi, and Diabat
approach products. Fuzzy multi criteria approach is used to assess environmental friendly (2013)
vendor’s performance.
2 ISM ISM is used to visualize the key pressures faced by manufacturing industries from Diabat and Govindan (2011)
government and regulation policies categories to implement GSCM.
3 DEA model DEA is one of the techniques that can be used for evaluating GSCM to develop Tavana, Mirzagoltabar, Mirhedayatian, Saen, and
environmental performance. Azadi (2013)
4 NGT and VIKOR with Developing environmental friendly suppliers is crucial for GSCM. NGT is a method, Noshad and Awasthi (2015)
fuzzy method which can be used to evaluate green supplier initiatives. VIKOR helps to rank the green
supplier and proposes relevant programs for deployment.
5 ELECTRE and VIKOR The ELECTRE and VIKOR approaches were used to assess environmental aspect of Chithambaranathan, Subramanian, Gunasekaran,
approach supply chain, which considers services. and Palaniappan (2015)
6 AHP This method studies the factors of GSCM and evaluates the adoption level to meet Mathiyazhagan, Diabat, Al-Refaie, and Xu (2015)
customer requirements fulfilling eco-friendly principles.
7 Mixed Methods (ISM, GSCM enablers are critical in managing financial and environmental performance, Dubey, Gunasekaran, Papadopoulos, and Childe
MICMAC, CFA) which uses various methods. The key factors influences GSCM are management strategy, (2015)
SRM, CRM etc.
8 RDT This method helps in evaluating the performance of SSCM and their relationship with Esfahbodi, Zhang, and Watson (2016)
organizational performance.
9 TRIZ This method is used to identify the Green Supply Chain (GSC) issues. Moussa, Rasovska, Dubois, De Guio, and
Benmoussa (2017)
10 Big data analytic This method is an optimization technique, which evaluates GSCM with many objectives Liu, Choo, and Zhao (2017)
approach that capitalizes big data.

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

2.3.2. Drivers of GSCM practices management. Ghelichi, Saidi-Mehrabad, and Pishvaee (2018) suggests
The key drivers of GSCM practices are illustrated in the Fig. 4. The a stochastic programming model, which was applied to green SCN
key drivers of GSCM are studied by the following authors: under uncertainty. Entezaminia, Heidari, and Rahmani (2017) studied
on production planning in GSCM under uncertainty over RSC. Some of
• TQM (Gavronski, Klassen, Vachon, & do Nascimento, 2011; Kaynak, the green practices such as wastage reduction, carbon emissions related
2003) to logistics were studied. Wu, Liao, Tseng, and Chiu (2015) explored the
• CRM (Rao & Holt, 2005) decisive factors in GSCM under uncertainty for automobile manu-
• SRM (Bai & Sarkis, 2010; Carter & Jennings, 2004; Rao, 2005) facturer and found that recovering and recycling used products are the
• Carbon Emissions (Hong & Phitayawejwiwat, 2005) primary factors, which affects the economic performance.
• Institutional Pressure (Kauppi, 2013; Zhu & Sarkis, 2007)
• Green adoption (Testa & Iraldo, 2010; Vachon & Klassen, 2006) 2.4. Overview on SSCM

The digital SCM ecosystem have picked up its pace for the deploy-
SSC is one of the important concept in SCM which establishes sev-
ment, management, and integration of services that can power
eral discussions in the recent past (Brandenburg & Rebs, 2015;
Industrial Internet applications (Angeles, 2005). The interconnected
Majumder & Groenevelt, 2001; Vachon & Mao, 2008). The drastic in-
ecosystem can adapt and respond to shifting demands by itself. To
crease in combining sustainability into SCM is an emerging area where
achieve this, CPS is seen as next generation system, which integrates
it demonstrates the open relations with SCM and its interactions
information systems, RFID, sensors, devices, equipment (Schirner,
(Ashby, Leat, & Hudson-Smith, 2012; Fallahpour, Olugu, Musa, Wong,
Erdogmus, Chowdhury, & Padir, 2013). CPS monitors physical pro-
& Noori, 2017; Madani & Rasti-Barzoki, 2017; Springett, 2003). Sus-
cesses and communicates the status to human in real time who can
tainable supply chain takes care of goods, information, financial flows
access it from anywhere which improves the human-machine interac-
with the key measurements of sustainability, which are derived from all
tion (HMI) (Lee, 2008; Shafiq, Sanin, Szczerbicki, & Toro, 2015).
the stakeholders of supply chain (Tan, Kannan, Handfield, & Ghosh,
Based on the review, digital SC should be considered as key driver of
GSCM as illustrated in the Fig. 6.
SSCM is integrating the key organizational information systems to
generate well defined supply chain by keeping the socio-economic en-
vironmental considerations which effectively manages goods, in-
2.3.3. Uncertainty in supply chain from green perspective
formation and finance flows associated with cross functional modules
The conception of uncertainty is an important area within risk
such as materials management, production, sales, order fulfillment
management. Uncertainty leads to delay in product delivery, reduces
(Pagell & Shevchenko, 2014). Kadambala, Subramanian, Tiwari,
the performance of supply chain. It is essential to deal with un-
Abdulrahman, and Liu (2017) studied the CLSC, which comprises of
certainties by better planning, with buffer inventory level and timely
supplier, manufacturer, distributor, retailer and customer. It reviews
deliveries. In this section, literature on uncertainty in supply chain from
the transportation life cycle of the containers.
green perspective has been reviewed.
Tseng, Lim, Wong, Chen, and Zhan (2018) established a model for
assessing the services of SC and uncertainty over environment service 2.4.1. Definitions of SSCM
operations. Foerstl, Meinlschmidt, and Busse (2018) explores the sus- This subdivision narrates the SSCM definitions from literature
tainability related uncertainties in various industries of supply chain available as tabulated in Table 4 and the definitions are classified based
and proposes information-processing method for sustainable supply on key characteristics of sustainability.

Fig. 6. Drivers of GSCM.

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Table 4 both FSC and RSC. In FSC, supplier supplies raw materials, manu-
List of Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC) characteristics from the definitions. facturer produces the finished goods, distributor distributes the pro-
S. No SSC characteristics Source ducts through their distribution channels; retailer sells the product to
consumer. RSC essentially brings the returned products and improves
1 Collaboration focus Seuring and Müller (2008) the sustainability of the end item to protect the global environment
2 Environmental focus Badurdeen et al. (2009)
(Chanintrakul, Coronado Mondragon, Lalwani, & Wong, 2009; Kumar &
3 Social focus Wittstruck and Teuteberg (2011)
4 Manufacturing focus Wolf (2011)
Rahman, 2014; Qiang, 2015; Savaskan, Bhattacharya, & Van
5 Production system focus Ahi and Searcy (2013) Wassenhove, 2004; Zheng, Yang, Yang, & Zhang, 2017).
RSC helps to re-process the returned/life ended product by the
following ways:
The key outcome is that the socio-environmental perception has
been the central focal point for SCM practices. Although there were • Refurbish the product (Guide, Teunter, & Van Wassenhove, 2003)
many definitions given from business and social perspective, the tech-
nology focus was not recorded by any of the published definitions.
• Make the returned product components as spare parts (Zailani,
Govindan, Shaharudin, & Kuan, 2017)
Overall, the outcome shows that the definitions for SSCM stressed lar-
gely on environment problems.
• Explode the Bill of Material and re-use the components as raw ma-
terial wherever

possible (Amelia, Wahab, Haron, Muhamad, & Azhari, 2009;

2.4.2. Review on CLSC Gelbmann & Hammerl, 2015; McKenna, Reith, Cail, Kessler, & Fichtner,
Organizations started adopting CLSC recently to improve value 2013; Pappis, Rachaniotis, & Tsoulfas, 2005)
addition, make the environment more eco-friendly. The new technology
facilitates return of goods well-handled and tracked resulting in cost
savings (Atasu, Guide, & Wassenhove, 2008). Managing uncertainties in
• Resell the unused parts to the supplier who deals with scraps for
recycling (Guide, 2000; Inderfurth, de Kok, & Flapper, 2001; Lin,
reverse logistics such as quality, cost calculation, customer perception 2013; Nagalingam, Kuik, & Amer, 2013)
are the key challenges in deriving the success of CLSC (Battini et al.,
2017; Wei, Govindan, Li, & Zhao, 2015). Thus, studying the un-
certainties in managing SC and their influences on CLSC is vital (Guide 2.4.3. Sensor embedded product and reverse supply chain
& Van Wassenhove, 2009). One of the high priorities for Supply Chain stakeholders is to deliver
SSCM has developed interests in business as well as academicians the products on time to customer in good condition. This requires
for the impact it makes to the environment. There are two phases in complete visibility of the product condition across Supply Chain.
sustainable supply chain lifecycle (Govindan, Soleimani, & Kannan, Establishing sensor-embedded products can transform Supply Chain
2015). The first phase is termed as Forward Supply Chain (FSC) and management to next level. In case of RSC, the used product that has
next phase is termed as Reverse Supply Chain (RSC) or Reverse Logis- reached end of life can be recovered with various processes such as
tics (RL). FSC takes cares of the forward business flow where value is reuse, recycle, repair or dispose.
added at each process to meet the customers' requirements. RSC brings Ilgin and Gupta (2011) discusses the challenges on disassembly of
the returned products from the customer and applies 6Rs namely Re- parts and the uncertainty over missing items in reverse supply chain
cover, Reuse, Remanufacture, Recycle, Redesign, Reduce to extend the and studies the performance measures, which influences sensor-em-
product life cycle (Khor & Udin, 2012; Sasikumar & Kannan, 2008a, bedded products that can detect missing items prior to disassembly.
2008b). Ondemir, Ilgin, and Gupta (2012) developed a model that deals with
A typical CLSC model is shown as referred in Fig. 7, which contains the products, which are embedded with sensors. The developed model

Fig. 7. Typical CLSC.

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Table 5
List of publications in SSC and CLSC.
S. No. Focus Explanation Source

1 Food SC The food SC is a primary beneficiary of SSC. The framework focuses on the re-usability of food items inside a Yakovleva, Sarkis, and Sloan
country and scopes out the outside country impacts. (2012)
2 Healthcare Focuses on sustainability issues in health care. It discusses on waste management and resource management in Grose and Richardson (2013)
hospital management.
3 Apparel industry Customer involvement and management strategy are the key factors, which drives the SSC performance. Apparel Kozlowski, Searcy, and Bardecki
industry goes lean and sustainable by leveraging SSC methodologies. (2015)
4 Manufacturing Industrial growth induces new opportunities, adhering to new technologies, improves ergonomics from SSC Siemieniuch and Sinclair (2015)

determines the process to handle the EOL product in CLSC using sensor- Sykes, 2000). Successful ERP integration with SCM requires proper
embedded product. Yang et al. (2018) evaluated the importance of demand forecast, production planning, resource utilization (Li, 2011;
recovery information for reusable containers recorded by sensors in Vandaie, 2008). Instead of managing the individual functions, inter-
closed loop supply chain management. Pal and Kant (2018) discussed connect the operations through ERP systems so that the information is
the opportunities that exists with sensor-based infrastructure to monitor visible to external stakeholder of supply chain (Palanisamy, 2008). An
food supply chain which can reduce the food waste and keep the food example is that the purchasing department places orders as appropriate.
fresh till it reaches the end consumer. Bibi, Guillaume, Gontard, and At the supplier end, sales takes up the order and work towards fulfilling
Sorli (2017) reviewed RFID sensors, which can be used in food supply the order. Later the original equipment manufacturer manufacturers
chain to track food condition so that spoiled foods can be avoided. the product; distributes it through distribution channel; then to retailers
and finally it satisfies the customer demand. The entire process can be
2.4.4. Focus of sustainability in different sectors managed effectively with help of integrating ERP systems to the SCM
The SSCM is a topic of interest for various research studies. It has (Acar, Zaim, Isik, & Calisir, 2017). SCN is a collaborative effort from
been found that SSCM affects performance and growth of the supply buying agent, suppliers, vendor managed inventory and more im-
chain industry as they need to meet the government regulations on portantly willingness to share the relevant information with the supply
environmental policies and compliance (Gotschol, De Giovanni, & chain partner (Li et al., 2017).
Vinzi, 2014; Wiese, Kellner, Lietke, Toporowski, & Zielke, 2012). Dis- The review revealed that researchers studied the influence of ERP
tribution of the SSC, CLSC literature are listed in Table 5. on SC and other industries but effort on sustainable supply chain with
The literature review reveals that various organizations are taking ERP system has not been made so far. Organizations that have im-
measures towards sustainability. It demonstrates the addition of SSC plemented ERP and part of supply chain should uncover the opportu-
into an organization which many institutions take it as pressure nities available from sustainable perspective, which ultimately im-
(Bhakoo & Choi, 2013; Hult, Ketchen, & Arrfelt, 2007). Reviews suggest proves the effectiveness of the organization.
that the entire supply chain including the partners should start im-
plementing SSC methods (Alblas, Peters, & Wortmann, 2014; Foerstl,
Azadegan, Leppelt, & Hartmann, 2015; Lange, Driessen, Sauer, 2.6. Study on industry 4.0
Bornemann, & Burger, 2013; Leppelt, Foerstl, Reuter, & Hartmann,
2013; Sarkis, Zhu, & Lai, 2011; Sharma, Iyer, Mehrotra, & Krishnan, Industry 4.0 is a blend of digital technology, which transforms the
2010; Zhu, Sarkis, & Lai, 2013). industrial production to next level. The fundamental platform for the
success of this technology is the revolution in technologies that consists
of CPS, IoT and IoS. It is flexible and intelligent to interconnect ma-
2.5. Influence of ERP on industries chines that enables making customized products (Lasi, Fettke, Kemper,
Feld, & Hoffmann, 2014). The Industry 4.0 literature is reviewed to
Information and communication technology is significantly chan- know the future growth in supply chain industries.
ging the dynamics of business as several companies have already im- Industry 4.0 will alter the complete production, operations and
plemented ERP to manage their business efficiently (Min & Zhou, 2002; maintenance of products and services through interconnected compo-
Wu & Olson, 2008). ERP system helps an organization to manage their nents, machines, humans. With the influence of Industry 4.0, the in-
daily business activities through information systems, which integrates dustrial production systems are expected to perform 30% faster than
all the functions and departments so that sharing information across earlier and 25% more efficient (Rüßmann, Lorenz, Gerbert, Waldner,
department is easy and communication happens within the system Justus, Engel, & Harnisch, 2015).
(Huang, Chang, Li, & Lin, 2004; Sun, Ni, & Lam, 2015). The role of ERP The phenomenon of Industry 4.0 was first proposed by Germany to
in an organization is to effectively manage their business strategy, op- take strategic initiatives in 2011 (Bauernhansl et al., 2014; Drath &
erations and resources (McAdam & Galloway, 2005; Newell, Tansley, & Horch, 2014; Kagermann, 2015). Initially the perception on Industry
Huang, 2004). 4.0 is twofold. First, it was expected that industrial revolution make a
The important factor to evaluate an organization is to measure the huge impact on economy. Second, Industry 4.0 promises highly on
optimal utilization of their resources with efficient way of tracking their operation effectiveness and gives a path to adopt new business models
business routines (Gürbüz, Alptekin, & Alptekin, 2012; Mexas, Quelhas, (Kagermann, 2015). Wan, Cai, and Zhou (2015) researches that Ger-
& Costa, 2012; Wei, Wang, & Ju, 2005). many is the global leader in manufacturing, automotive, electronics,
The influence of ERP in various industries are analyzed based on sports equipment industry. German Government is investing on in-
resource usage, project management, cost and time that considerably dustry 4.0 and promoting this revolution in response to European debt
brings the better service possible to the organization (Sedera & Gable, crisis. Oztemel and Gursev (2018) studied the impact of industry 4.0 in
2010). In this subsection, list of industries, that has an impact on ERP manufacturing systems, provided a vision to establish a roadmap for
systems, have been provided as illustrated in Table 6. digitalizing the manufacturing setup and explored the ways to trans-
This literature review attempted to categorize the industries where form machine driven manufacturing to digital driven manufacturing.
the ERP systems has been deployed successfully. The ERP system in-
fluences the performance of supply chain management (Willcocks &

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Table 6
List of industries impacted by ERP Systems.
S. No. Industry sector Description Source

1 Supply chain SCM modules namely master planning, demand and fulfillment, SC optimizer are tightly packed Stefanou (1999)
and interfaced with conventional ERP functions such as Materials, Procurement, Manufacturing,
Finance, Sales and Human Resources.
2 Healthcare ERP integration with supply chain triggers ripple effects in a complex environment such as health Stefanou and Revanoglou (2006)
care. It requires change in mindset that encourages people to work closely together following new
ways of performing their tasks while sharing common objectives and goals.
3 High-tech Quality management on material and service are critical criteria in High Tech Industry, which Chien and Tsaur (2007)
tremendously affects an ERP system.
4 Semi-conductor related Analysis suggests that modified service quality gap model assists industrialists to assess the Yeh, Yang, and Lin (2007)
industry involvement of ERP in improving service quality for the customers by removing quality issues.
5 Automobile Employed a decision making model to implement ERP systems in automobile industry. The benefits Hakim and Hakim (2010)
of the model reduces the risks of decision-making and improves the implementation success rate of
the project.
6 Pharmaceutical Examines the role of ERP in pharmaceutical industry and discusses the features of business process Bosilj-Vukšić and Spremić (2005)
reengineering. The study shows that proper management decision with well-coordinated
information systems is the key for successful ERP implementation.
7 Engineering and Introduces a prototype system called SC Collaborator. This system assists supply chain of Cheng, Law, Bjornsson, Jones, and
Construction construction industries by leveraging web-based technologies. The benefits of the system are more Sriram (2010)
economical and customizable to integrate supply chain partners, which shares information across
SC partners.

2.6.1. Industry 4.0 definitions

The vision of smart factory based on the concept of Industry 4.0
where CPS connects the digital and physical world to make decen-
tralized decisions (Bücker, Hermann, Pentek, & Otto, 2016). The con-
nection of human, parts and systems creates self-guided, dynamic, real-
time value added interconnections across the value chain (Gorecky,
Schmitt, Loskyll, & Zühlke, 2014). Industry 4.0 is a strategic approach,
which uses latest technological innovations in the area of manu-
facturing converging information and communication systems (Schuh,
Potente, Wesch-Potente, Weber, & Prote, 2014).
The literature reveals that Industry 4.0 model is successful because
of the tightly integrated system, which is mainly built based on CPS
(Lee, Bagheri, & Kao, 2015). The collaboration of information platform
and mobile devices with internet-connected technology is a key factor
for success of CPS to realize a smart manufacturing system (Baheti &
Gill, 2011). This leads industry 4.0 to become more digital, self-assis-
tant, information-led (Lee, Kao, & Yang, 2014).

2.6.2. Layers of cyber physical system Fig. 8. Interconnected devices form a “digital line” (Cyber Physical Systems).
CPS is an interconnected system, which is monitored or managed by
information system. In CPS, the digital and physical object are inter-
connected, they interact each other and take decentralized decisions focus on productivity of production system. As illustrated in Fig. 9, the
(Jazdi, 2014; Rajkumar, Lee, Sha, & Stankovic, 2010; Riedl, Zipper, first industrial revolution is said to be ‘age of steam’ that uses steam
Meier, & Diedrich, 2014). power, which is also termed as hydropower to develop machine tools
CPS requires three layers as illustrated in Fig. 8 (Jing, Vasilakos, and increase the performance of the production system. The second
Wan, Lu, & Qiu, 2014). industrial revolution leverages electricity and makes volume of pro-
duction to optimize the electrical power. The third industrial revolution

• connected devices stimulates the concept of automation for the routine work by combining

• data stored in cloud in a network infrastructure knowledge based systems and electronics. The fourth in this category is

• Application system or Information System industry 4.0, which accelerates the industrial growth, leverages latest
CPS technology to combine the digital and physical world with in-
The physical machines, assets, components are digitally connected formation technology.
and share the information in real time (Frazzon, Hartmann, Manufacturability or production feasibility is the primary objective
Makuschewitz, & Scholz-Reiter, 2013; Strang & Anderl, 2014). Data is when physical labor involved in production but flexibility in every in-
stored in cloud and transmitted to the networked system. Application stance of the production system is the key driver for Industry 4.0
System or Information System is the intelligent system which assists (Brettel, Klein, & Friederichsen, 2016). Smart cities, smart factories,
people virtually and allows users to have real-time interactions between smart industry are now becoming reality with Industry 4.0 where
products, services and connected devices (Sun, Mohan, Sha, & Gunter, physical world and digital systems are interacting with each other
2009). (Wollschlaeger, Sauter, & Jasperneite, 2017).

2.6.3. Evolution of industry 4.0 2.6.4. Design principles of industry 4.0

In the previous industrial revolutions, users have seen the devel- The design principles assist organization in selecting prospective
opments in mechanical, electrical and information technology with industry 4.0 components for their initial development projects and then

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Fig. 9. Four phases of the industrial revolution.

Fig. 10. Industry 4.0 design principles.

go for full implementation (Waschull, Bokhorst, & Wortmann, 2017). new technologies (Erol, Jäger, Hold, Ott, & Sihn, 2016). Digital re-in-
Industry 4.0 design principles are shown in Fig. 10. vention in industrial revolution is set to redefine every entity in man-
The fundamental principle is to integrate machines, sites with in- ufacturing value chain. Digital Data, connectivity, automation, mobility
formation systems that can work independently and manage each other are the digital disruptions happening with industry 4.0 (Cisneros-
(Thuemmler & Bai, 2017). Organizations can leverage the six design Cabrera, Ramzan, Sampaio, & Mehandjiev, 2017). The lists of techno-
principles of Industry 4.0 in an effort to make their manufacturing logical trends are described in Table 8, which are instrumental in
process digitalized and automated (Gregor, 2002; Hermann, Pentek, & contributing to industry 4.0 growth.
Otto, 2016). They are discussed as illustrated in Table 7. These innovative technologies in manufacturing results in increased
Based on literature review, six designs principles were reviewed in speed to market, accuracy on the product, customized output as re-
this article; further research is encouraged from an academic or prac- quired by customer and improved overall efficiency (Schweer & Sahl,
tical perspective. 2017). The advancements in technology, coupled with connected in-
telligence that amplifies the value of digitalization are the foundation of
Industry 4.0, form the foundation as illustrated in Fig. 11. It is esti-
2.6.5. Building blocks of industry 4.0 mated that industry 4.0 will redefine the businesses for the next decade
The manufacturing sector is a central focal point for implementing

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Table 7
Industry 4.0 design principles.
Design principle Description Application Source

Virtualization Information systems that creates virtual replica of the physical world information into CPS, Smart Factory MacDougall (2014)
digital data.
Interoperability Ability of equipment, components to get interconnected and communicate with each CPS, IoT, IoS, Smart Saldivar et al. (2015)
other and humans through internet. Factory
Decentralization Ability of the digitally connected systems to take autonomous decisions and carryout CPS, Smart Factory Gilchrist (2016)
appropriate actions. Human interaction is only required during exceptions, conflicts with
the anticipated output.
Real-time Capability Ability of the system to communicate the information concurrently for making quick and Smart Factory Vogel-Heuser and Hess (2016)
better decisions by human resources.
Service orientation Ability of the system to serve organizations and humans as a service using internet which Internet of Services Sanders, Subramanian, Redlich, and
can used by other stakeholders both internally as well as externally. Wulfsberg (2017)
Modularity A system, that adheres to dynamic modifications in the requirements by adding or Internet of Services Peres, Rocha, Coelho, and Oliveira
replacing various modules. (2017)

(Foehr et al., 2017). IoT influenced Industry 4.0 provides greater effi- value in the entire eco system (Lee, Lapira, Bagheri, & Kao, 2013). Key
ciencies in production with fully integrated, automated, and optimized trends in Industry 4.0 shows that there is clear transformation in market
process (Vermesan et al., 2013). dynamics from high-tech to industrial equipment digitally (Basl, 2016).

2.6.6. Influence of industry 4.0 on various necessities 2.6.7. Prospects of sustainable manufacturing in industry 4.0 – a way
This emerging technology is not only for manufacturing industries, beyond
it can be applicable for any industry where there are many product One of the challenges in growing economy is that there is a higher
variants produced such as food, beverages, and automotive industries. demand for industrial system, at the same time organizations should
In places where there is a need for high quality and precision such as focus on sustainability of their products (Bocken et al., 2014). The
semi-conductors and pharmaceuticals are also benefited (Kochan & development in Industry 4.0 gives tremendous opportunities realizing
Miksche, 2017). Organizations need to decide the appropriate infra- sustainable manufacturing (Schaltegger & Wagner, 2011). Stock and
structure to get the new technological advancements in industry 4.0. Seliger (2016) provided an overview on opportunities available for
Technological advances in industrial revolution dramatically in- sustainable manufacturing in industry 4.0.
crease the productivity responding to customer needs (Riel & Flatscher, With the help of CPS and retrofitting approach, organizations can
2017). It lays basis for bringing new innovative business models that extend the equipment life by studying the eco-friendly characteristics of
fulfills various necessities of humans. A brief list is provided in Table 9, sustainable product manufacturing. The viable option for SMEs is to re-
that is influenced by industry 4.0. use the equipment, as they may not be able to afford huge capital to
The above analysis discloses that the adoptions of digital technol- procure new manufacturing equipment (Spath, Gerlach, Hämmerle,
ogies are growing faster. Organizations need to introduce new in- Schlund, & Strölin, 2013).
novative products with digital capabilities to incur rapid development The basics of sustainability in Industry 4.0 suggest that organiza-
and revenue (Bagheri, Yang, Kao, & Lee, 2015). The internet based tions should realize closed loop life cycles for product. Organizations
smart services on business analytics will expand industry growth (Evans should leverage the opportunities to enable ways to re-use and re-
& Annunziata, 2012). The strength of Industry 4.0 is the ability to manufacture the products for achieving higher-level throughput
communicate data seamlessly with the new technologies, which creates (Duarte & Cruz-Machado, 2017).

Table 8
Technologies that transforms Industrial Production (Industry 4.0).
S. No. Technology Description Source

1 Big data based quality management Algorithms based on historical data detect quality concerns and decrease product Rüßmann et al. (2015)
2 Cyber security Cyber security measures takes high priority as it recognizes the new vulnerabilities and Flatt, Schriegel, Jasperneite, Trsek,
challenges that interlinks industrial management processes and systems digitally. and Adamczyk (2016)
3 Auto coordinated Production Automatically coordinated machines optimize their utilization and output. Zhang, Zhao, and Qian (2017)
4 Smart supply linkage Monitor the supply network which allows for better supply judgements Radziwon, Bilberg, Bogers, and
Madsen (2014)
5 Self-transported vehicles Fully automated transportation systems used logically within the industry. Kai et al. (2017)
6 Augmented job, maintenance and Emerging method, which facilitates maintenance guidance, remote support and service. Paelke (2014)
repair operations.
7 Lean modernization Lean automation brings flexibility and eliminates redundant manufacturing effort for a Kolberg and Zühlke (2015)
whole range of machines.
8 Additive manufacturing Products are created using 3D Printers that reduces product development cost. Huang, Liu, Mokasdar, and Hou
9 Manufacturing operations simulation Simulation helps in optimizing the assembly line using optimization applications. Zhou, Liu, and Zhou (2015)
10 Maintenance cloud service Manufacturers offers maintenance services, rather than a product. Build private clouds Yue, Cai, Yan, Zou, and Zhou (2015)
to save appropriate manufacturing details and processing.
11 Flat and Hierarchical system Integrate cross-functional departments as well as seamless supply chain co-ordination Satoglu, Ustundag, Cevikcan, and
integration among SC partners by automating the process wherever necessary. Durmusoglu (2018)
12 Robot-aided manufacturing Flexible, intelligent robots performs operations such as assembly and packaging Wang, Zhang, and Zhu (2017)
13 IIoT This technology is an essential part within industry 4.0 equipped to interact and Sadeghi, Wachsmann, and Waidner
communicate with the Smart Factory and supply chain. (2015)
14 Intuitive predictive maintenance Remote monitoring of equipment permits repair prior to breakdown. Wang (2016)

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Fig. 11. Industry 4.0 Foundation.

Industry 4.0 uses the technologies IoT, CPS, Cloud Manufacturing (Brettel, Friederichsen, Keller, & Rosenberg, 2014). The entire eco-
(Trappey, Trappey, Govindarajan, Chuang, & Sun, 2017; Upasani, system will be benefited if industry 4.0 can go one-step further in ac-
Bakshi, Pandhare, & Lad, 2017). A new platform termed as advanced commodating sustainability of digital supply chain (Farahani, Meier, &
manufacturing cloud of things along with the application of Automatic Wilke, 2017).
Virtual Metrology achieves the goal of zero defects in wheel machining Fig. 12 visualizes the extensive interconnection of components,
automation, which extends a way to the next phase, Industry 4.1 (Lin machines, systems, processes and various stakeholders of supply chain
et al., 2017). to form a digital SCN with future Industry 4.0 (Atanasov, Nikolov,
Pencheva, Dimova, & Ivanov, 2015; Pfohl, Yahsi, & Kurnaz, 2017).
2.6.8. Next wave of industry 4.0 with SSC Disruptive business models can offer smart product and services to
Industry 4.0 can be realized only when organizations are ready to serve the customers in a complete digital ecosystem (Kölsch, Herder,
transform towards digital technology (Liao, Deschamps, Loures, & Zimmermann, & Aurich, 2017). The digital cyber network is the focal
Ramos, 2017). With the influence of Industry 4.0, traditional supply point, which shares the information across supply chain mainly dis-
chains has a great potential to transform a highly efficient digital supply tinguished by taking decentralized actions, from a remote location with
chain by smartly connecting right from product development, pro- the tightly integrated platform (Ivanov, Dolgui, Sokolov, Werner, &
curement, manufacturing, logistics, suppliers, customers and service Ivanova, 2016; Zuehlke, 2010). The reviews reveal that the studies are

Table 9
Influence of Industry 4.0 on various necessities summary list.
S. No. Necessities Description Source

1 Wireless requirements Challenges in key wireless communication evaluated with technology. The three main design Varghese and Tandur (2014)
criterions are latency, longevity and the reliability of communication in machine-to-machine
2 Manufacturing systems CPS that closely monitors and synchronizes networked machines with machine-to-machine Theorin et al. (2017)
collaboration and information system.
3 Psychological requirements New activities in occupational psychology and manufacturing science are emerging with Dombrowski and Wagner (2014)
4 Small and medium enterprises SMEs explores opportunities with Industry 4.0 to optimize their business process. Faller and Feldmüller (2015)
5 Smart factory Industry, which uses self-controlling machines and autonomous robots controlled by CPS. Wang, Wan, Zhang, Li, and Zhang
With advancement in wireless communication system, these systems are not only intellectual; (2016)
it has the adaptive intelligence to take necessary actions based on the pre-defined instructions.
6 Smart products Smart products are able to self-connect and communicate with the help of internet and sensor Schmidt et al. (2015)
in the production process.
7 Multi-vendor production With industry 4.0, multi-vendor production line are relatively flexible and self-adaptable Weyer, Schmitt, Ohmer, and Gorecky
systems within production systems. (2015)
8 Industrial wireless networks Wireless networks helps to access data in real time from remote location. Scalability is crucial Li, Wu, Zong, and Li (2017), Li, Liu, Liu,
to bring the cost down, adoptability and improve the performance. It plays a key factor to Lai, and Xu (2017)
make industry 4.0 commendable and brilliant decision-making system.
9 Smart manufacturing Smart Manufacturing is the collaboration of internet connected technology which helps the Kang et al. (2016)
industry to manufacture goods with less human involvement and self-assisting capability.
10 Smart cities The foundation for smart city is IoT and IoS, aimed to provide better quality of living space for Lom, Pribyl, and Svitek (2016)
11 Smart Operators Brings flexibility to human operators and helps to work in dynamic environment with high Longo, Nicoletti, and Padovano (2017)
capabilities. The solution leverages augmented reality to connect men-machine for the
functional requirements.

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Fig. 12. Sustainable Supply Chain Network with future ‘Industry 4.0’.

happening on industry 4.0 but SCM with sustainability as the key cri- communicates all the relevant information in real time across the value
teria and IoT based SCM systems are not explored much from academic chain’.
as well as industry perspective. IoT has evolved from powerful emergence of wireless technologies,
sensors and internet. IoT connects the networked systems and other
2.7. Overview on IoT devices through internet. The systems are aware of the environment
and so intuitive with the help of sensors where devices transmits
The term IoT refers to the robust communication between digital massive amount of data every day. These connected systems are easy to
and physical world (Internet Reports, 2005). From this viewpoint, IoT use and understand each other with the help of internet.
brings the convergence of connected products and sensors to offer new
competence. IoT is applied in various industry segments including au-
tomotive, healthcare, manufacturing, home and hi-tech electronics to 2.7.2. Rapid evolvement of Internet of Things (IoT)
make the products, services and operations smarter (Miorandi, Sicari, Influence of IoT is picking up its pace in various organizations
De Pellegrini, & Chlamtac, 2012). namely aerospace, supply chain, construction and manufacturing sector
Forrester Research has estimated that by 2020, the global IoT rev- (Ji, Ganchev, O'Droma, Zhao, & Zhang, 2014). IoT looks feasible and
enue will be 30 times those of the internet. The information and com- scalable considering the advancements in internet application, mobile
munication technology sector will grow by trillion-dollar connecting communication, adaptive intelligence, machine learning in various
25 billion applications everywhere (Pye, 2014). IoT is an emerging sectors and bring significant influence on enterprise systems (Dong,
technology, which offers potential solutions to alter the operation and Mingyue, & Guoying, 2017).
role of manufacturing, supply chain and logistics industries. The term During 1980, RFID technology was used for warehouse manage-
IoT was initially used to describe the interoperable connected devices ment especially to identify the goods and monitor the stocks as illu-
with RFID technology (Ashton, 2011). strated in Fig. 13. In 1990s, wireless devices began emerging; as a re-
sult, sensors were used in various fields such as automotive, production,
2.7.1. Defining IoT healthcare. In the 2000s, internet medium was used for standard
Various definitions have been proposed for IoT. The essence of the communication and later it slowly started providing useful information
definitions from author perspective based on the key characteristics by accessing the various systems in enterprise sector. But the challenge
collected from literature has been provided in Table 10. was that the devices still require human interaction. From 2009 on-
wards, the IoT started gaining moment and drastically altered the in-
dustrial and consumer applications. The unique innovation of IoT Researcher’s proposed definition. After reviewing various
technology is sharing the information in real time from a remote lo-
definitions meticulously, a new definition is proposed. IoT can be
cation. This technology operates dynamically and react to things how a
articulated in every surface of human lives across the globe; hence IoT
human will act in such situations.
can be defined as a ‘technology which is intuitive, robust and scalable that
enables digital transformation of the connected world through internet and

Table 10
List of IoT definitions from author perspective.
S. No. Definition perspective Source

1 Technology Perspective Uckelmann, Harrison, and Michahelles (2011)

2 Interoperable communication perspective Van Kranenburg (2008)
3 Application perspective Yaqoob et al. (2017)
4 Business perspective Sundmaeker, Guillemin, Friess, and Woelfflé (2010)
5 Environment Perspective Shaikh, Zeadally, and Exposito (2017)
6 Analytics Perspective Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic, and Palaniswami (2013)
7 Development perspective Burkett and Steutermann (2014)
8 Process perspective Zhang, Qian, Lv, and Liu (2017)
9 Networking perspective Song et al. (2016)

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Fig. 13. Evolution of IoT.

Fig. 14. IoT Applications.

2.7.3. Current trends and future impact various sectors such as factory/Industry, vehicle, home, work sites, ci-
Many of the researchers have mentioned that IoT is one of the major ties, offices and human (Borgia, 2014; Wang, Gunasekaran, Ngai, &
advancements in the digital internet era. Nevertheless, prioritization of Papadopoulos, 2016). Fig. 14 shows that IoT on Human, Factory/In-
the industries has not been mentioned (Fleisch, Weinberger, & dustry and Home applications are the areas mostly studied by re-
Wortmann, 2015; Wortmann & Flüchter, 2015). IoT plays an important searchers.
role in different industries but to make it more real, academicians and Each sector is not completely independent as some of the applica-
practitioners need to further analyze and research on IoT (Zheng, tions are mutually benefited (Tragos et al., 2014). For example, con-
Simplot-Ryl, Bisdikian, & Mouftah, 2011). signment tracking uses the applications related to work sites, factory
As a result, the information coming from the physical systems will and vehicle.
rise drastically as more and more new business opportunities starts One of the significant development of IoT is the acceptance by wide
coming in. The information of the digital world is estimated to grow ten spread of many industries and consumers otherwise this technology
times by 2020 (Shah, 2016). may not be accepted by community (Coetzee & Eksteen, 2011).
Yan, Zhang, and Vasilakos (2014) reviewed that trust management In this section, various IoT applications were discussed and value
is important in IoT for the data security, user privacy, and cyber se- addition it brings to industries and society. Few applications such as
curity. The success of this technology depends on consistency and ‘Health Monitoring Wearables’, ‘disease management devices’ enabled
scalability. IoT provides interoperability, dependability, trustworthi- by IoT produces rich information and transmits the data of physical
ness and effective operations on an international scale (Bandyopadhyay health (Hassanalieragh et al., 2015; Lymberis & Olsson, 2003). Various
& Sen, 2011). appliances at home can be managed efficiently and comfortably using
smart control system, which leverages IoT technology. The smart con-
trol systems such as ‘Home Controllers’ and ‘Security Systems’ monitor
2.7.4. IoT applications – stepping up with widespread adoption the appliances, home security, and electricity consumption and so on
Fundamentally, the essence of IoT is to connect physical and digital (Gaikwad, Gabhane, & Golait, 2015; Wang, Zhang, Zhang, Zhang, & Li,
objects with the help of internet and information systems (Hwang, Lee, 2013). Using IoT devices such as ‘Energy Management Controllers’ and
Park, & Chang, 2017). IoT is emerging into various sector considering ‘Industrial Security Systems’, energy consumption of office building is
its capability to self-monitor and take right decisions (Khan, Khan, monitored and energy saving methods is suggested (Lee & Lee, 2015;
Zaheer, & Khan, 2012). Irrespective of the application area, IoT brings Wei & Li, 2011).
sophisticated and flexible industry system, which help organizations IoT stimulates the growth of automation where regular and re-
across the globe (Chen, Xu, Liu, Hu, & Wang, 2014). On the basis of petitive operations can be automated in factories. In addition, industrial
literature, as shown in Fig. 14, application of IoT can be classified into

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Table 11
IoT in various industries.
S. No. Industry Description Source

1 Mining production IoT devices predict the unsafe situations in mine and sends the alert to Qiuping, Shunbing, and Chunquan (2011); Da
stakeholders and workers before an unforeseen situation happens. This enables the Xu, He, and Li (2014)
team to act proactively and save lives, cost, time.
2 Logistics The smart products are interconnected with the IoT devices. The logistics Zhang et al. (2012)
organizations are tracking the physical objects real-time and ensures that the SC
partners are informed with realistic goods availability time.
3 Food SC The dynamics of food industry is time bounded as it deals with perishable items. Pang, Chen, and Zheng (2012); Doinea, Boja,
The quality of item need to be tracked from farmland until the customer consumer Batagan, Toma, and Popa (2015)
consuming it. There are several process happens and value is added in every
process. IoT addresses the challenges faced in food processing industry; it tracks,
forecasts the shelf life of the items and estimates the expiry of the item at real time.
4 Healthcare Several IoT devices has come into the market from healthcare perspective. Human Pang (2013)
condition is monitored in real time virtually from anywhere. The sophisticated
information system is also helpful during emergency to alert and attend the needy
people with medicine and necessary equipment continuously.
5 Emergency response IoT emerges has a boon in emergency response management operations to track Yang, Yang, and Plotnick (2013)
management the information and act immediately to take quick decisions where time is the
crucial factor.
6 Hospital The management of healthcare equipment is an important task of administration Peng, Su, Chen, and Du (2017)
department as it becomes critical sometimes. IoT is a feasible and economical
solution on hospital supply chain management, as it helps in predicting the
equipment maintenance time, automatically informs stakeholders to take
immediate action.
7 Household From a social standpoint, adoption of IoT and its impact towards the society Olsson, Bosch, and Katumba (2016), Perera,
especially to households and their occupants were investigated. Zaslavsky, Christen, and Georgakopoulos (2014)
8 e-retailers For e-retailers, IoT helps in delivering the product timely and efficiently to the Jie, Subramanian, Ning, and Edwards (2015)
customers. In addition, IoT drives the flexibility and brings healthy relationship
among logistic providers and retailers resulting in on time product deliveries,
which eventually satisfies the customers.
9 Fire fighting IoT devices helps in pre-detecting fire possibilities and sends early warning by Rosas, Aguilar, Tripp-Barba, Espinosa, and
raising automatic alarm to disaster handling team. This technology is proving its Aguilar (2017)
worth during emergency.
10 Warehouse management IoT devices enable supervisors to track the location of components from a remote Reaidy, Gunasekaran, and Spalanzani (2015)
location. It helps to provide live instructions to workers to handle special
equipment and sensitive materials. Wearable devices increases productivity and
speed shipment. Moreover, it brings accurate visibility into stocks availability in
warehouse and informs warehouse manager automatically.
11 Energy management IoT helps organizations to save cost by reducing energy wastes. The intelligence of Shrouf, Ordieres, and Miragliotta (2014)
IoT is the ability to get the real time data, which will be helpful bringing smart
lighting with sensors. Energy management in smart factories based on the IoT is
the new business model, which is emerging with a focus on the sustainability.
12 Manufacturing and logistics With the advent of IoT, a real-time visibility on machines, component and status Papakostas, O'Connor, and Byrne (2016); Chuang
improves product quality. Similarly, IoT provides visibility into physical objects et al. (2016)
status, which improves service quality. Overall, SC effectiveness is increased with
the help of IoT.
13 Industrial Systems Today security and privacy of sensitive data in Industrial IoT systems is critical. Tao, Cheng, and Qi (2018)
The next generation applications uses cyber physical systems which promises to
explore on security and have strong connectivity of embedded devices.
14 Construction As a sustainable construction technology, prefabrication is a process adopted to Li et al. (2016)
build new houses to mitigate the risk of labor shortage, deliver on time with safety
and environmental protection. Digital technology assists to circumvent the
constraints and build the prefabrication based houses fast.
15 Product life-cycle energy IoT for product life-cycle energy management is still in early stage. Industries are Tao, Wang, Zuo, Yang, and Zhang (2016)
management trying to employ IoT to reduce energy consumption.
16 Telecommunication Sustainable IoT is prioritized in telecommunication industry to make it more Zarei, Mohammadian, and Ghasemi (2016)
efficient and scalable.
17 Fashion apparel/footwear With the help of industry 4.0 and IoT embracing ERP into account, a major leap Majeed and Rupasinghe (2017)
has happened in fashion apparel and footwear industry to improve the operational

production can reach the next level by utilizing the machines to the workers safety, health monitoring system and predictive maintenance
optimum level leveraging IoT. Few examples are smart factory with on machines can be implemented in mining industry (Jung, Zhang, &
optimum workload and capacity schedulers, controller for automating Winslett, 2017).
regular operations (Shrouf & Miragliotta, 2015). Focus on urban IoT system is expected to support sustainable smart
IoT can be deployed in worksites. Using IoT, the potential risks of cities. IoT based car parking system, traffic monitoring and control
shipment delay can be identified. For instance, riders and the stake- system, resource management are few applications for making a suc-
holders are alerted on travel disruptions due to traffic diversions and cessful smart city (Vlacheas et al., 2013; Zanella, Bui, Castellani,
road conditions using IoT application. Vehicles can be monitored dy- Vangelista, & Zorzi, 2014).
namically and alert message can be sent to the maintenance department The investment on IoT from industrial standpoint has increased
based on usage. In addition, vehicle administration system can improve significantly. The term IoT has become a key highlight in the industry
the road traffic tremendously (Leng & Zhao, 2011). Considering as many organizations trying to prioritize their objective of making

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Fig. 15. New business models with the influence of IoT.

industry digitalized (Jeschke, Brecher, Meisen, Özdemir, & Eschert, All the above said business models are possible only because of
2017; Kiel, Arnold, & Voigt, 2017). The subsequent section focuses on internet and devices started connecting intelligently and helping the
IoT on various industries. world a better place to live.

2.7.5. Internet of things in industries – expanding the boundaries 2.7.7. The digital transformation with IoT enablers
IoT provides a potential opportunity to develop robust industrial There are numerous business opportunities with IoT technology,
systems with the key technologies such as RFID, sensor and wireless that provides the smartness in the devices, products and services. This
communication. Various industrial IoT applications have been com- section focuses on IoT enablers, which assists businesses or society to
mercialized and started spreading across the globe. In this section, the improve on their value chain. The cloud, big data and IoT are in-
literature review on current research of IoT in industries is studied as divisible technology used to share volume of data in real time without
described in Table 11. any performance lag (Gunasekaran, Kumar Tiwari, Dubey, & Fosso
Based on the analysis, IoT applications are developed for both in- Wamba, 2016). A literature has been studied to review the impact of
dustrial and consumer purposes. But the focus on supply chain industry key enablers of IoT in various applications. The lists of key enablers of
to improve the end to end value chain has not yet been focused. IoT is IoT with its applications are shown in Table 12.
instrumental in improving the overall effectiveness of supply chain by The study reveals that the key enablers of IoT are imperative to
providing real time data. Further, with adaptive intelligence, stake- achieve success of the any application such as industrial systems, health
holders are provided with informed decisions. care, etc which uses IoT. Big data connects massive quantity of data that
can be both structured and unstructured. IoT is essentially the means
2.7.6. Emerging new business opportunities with Internet of Things that collects and sends data so that users takes informed decisions. To
Global companies are continuously looking for innovative business sum it up, Big Data and Cloud are the fuel, and IoT is the brain to realize
opportunities to serve the customers and explores new business models the future of a smart connected world.
to make a profitable organization (Yan, 2017). Many opportunities are
offered by IoT, which can be leveraged in several business. Wide range
2.7.8. Role of IoT with various supply chain
of applications can use IoT these days such as smart factory, smart cars,
IoT is one of today’s most influential technologies which impact the
etc. Moreover, it is used in different sectors: healthcare (Wu et al.,
businesses. The research firm Gartner estimates that the growth of in-
2017), defense (Sha, Xiao, Chen, & Sun, 2017), home appliance (Patel &
ternet connected physical devices increases exponentially by 2020
Kanawade, 2017), disassembling the operations (Wang, Zhang, Liu, Li,
which will change the business of how the supply chain operates
& Tang, 2017) or logistics (Hofmann & Rüsch, 2017).
(Shrouf & Miragliotta, 2015).
Several IoT business model successfully exists today and growing
In last decade, businesses were using passive sensors where the data
exponentially in terms of demand versus supply. New business models
is static. But with IoT, controlling supply chain dynamically and exe-
are emerging with the influence of IoT where IoT act as a platform and
cute the decisions on external location is viable. The logistics operations
connect users digitally with the help of wireless and internet (Zhou
is a key function of SCM where asset tracking or in-transit components
et al., 2016).
are complex. IoT helps in monitoring the logistics operation (Qu et al.,
As illustrated in Fig. 15, in this internet age the business is shifting
The review has been done on various supply chain methods in-
cluding GSCM/SSCM practices. Table 13 describes the summary of the
• Convention library to online books observations made.
• Businesses started using e-commerce market place to find goods and The study discloses that IoT influences the future supply chain.
services than physical directories
Information, material, finance details are shared across supply chain
• Fast transformation is happening in communication technology, partners. The study on SSCM with the influence of IoT technologies is
users are moving from recorded data from physical gadgets to live
inadequate now and researchers are encouraged to focus on this area.
• Riders started thinking wisely to share their taxi with others instead
2.7.9. IoT based SCM systems
of individual taxi that offers more benefits in terms of cost, time
IoT is set to offer efficient and quick solutions required to meet the
(Siemens, 2016). It also helps in protecting the environment with
supply chain challenges by enabling sensor based technology and share
considerable percentage of reduction in carbon footprint (Dijkman,
the information through internet. Some of the key supply chain chal-
Sprenkels, Peeters, & Janssen, 2015).
lenges are addressed using IoT enabled SCM systems. Tu, Lim, and Yang
(2018) proposed IoT enabled manufacturing transportation system in

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna

Table 12
Key enablers of IoT with its applications.
S. No. Enabler Application Description Authors

1 Big data Manufacturing Systems Manufacturing sector pushing to next transformation ‘predictive manufacturing’ with the help of IoT and CPS, Wang, Törngren, and Onori (2015)
to maximize productivity and reduce downtime.
2 Cloud Multiple (Healthcare, Logistics, Technologies such as Cloud and IoT blend with information system. Industry 4.0 can be applied in hospital Botta, De Donato, Persico, and Pescapé
Automotive) health care management, logistics and automotive industry. (2014)
3 Cloud Manufacturing System The applications of the technologies IoT and CC in manufacturing systems provides an intelligent perception Tao, Cheng, Da Xu, Zhang, and Li (2014)
and connection from M2M forms Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg). In addition, it shares the on-demand use and
optimal resources allocation of various cloud manufacturing capabilities so that CCIoT-CMfg framework is
4 Cloud centric IoT Precision Agriculture IoT can be used to track production to transportation in agriculture industry. Stakeholders get real time Satpute and Tembhurne (2014)
information on the condition of the inventory. Cloud helps in supporting the agriculture SC with the support of

5 Software-as-a-service model Logistic Systems IoT communicates to SaaS application, in turn SaaS sends real time alert messages to the stakeholders in Chen, Chen, and Hsu (2014)
(SaaS) logistic industry about the status of shipped goods.
6 Enterprise modeling Manufacturing Emerging Internet of Things (IoT) supports Enterprise System in modern manufacturing which is actually a Bi, Da Xu, and Wang (2014)
complex system comprises real-time data collected from machines, processes and business environments. IoT
assists in dynamic decision-making activities.
7 Big data Industrial systems The ‘Unique Sense’ implementation model for fourth industrial revolution with big data holds the innovative Vijaykumar, Saravanakumar, and
smart computing focuses towards dynamic customization, reusability, eco friendliness for next generation Balamurugan (2015)
controlling and computation power.
8 Cloud Industrial Systems Integration of cloud technologies and industrial cyber-physical systems (ICPS) becomes increasingly important, Sanislav, Zeadally, and Mois (2017)
in manufacturing chain and business services. ICPS will promote the manufacturing efficiency, increase quality
of production, and enable a sustainable industrial system and more environmentally friendly businesses.
9 Big data Sustainable Economy Combination of Big data and IoT improves the usage of sustainable products and reduces wastages. Nobre and Tavares (2017)
10 Software-defined IIoT Industrial Systems IIoT and its enablers provides more flexibility to manage physical devices. Wan et al. (2016)
11 Big data Industrial Systems Big data helps in industrial systems such as aircraft industry to gain the insight on analytics considering the Voss, Sebastian, and Pahl (2017)
huge amount of data gets generated.
12 Cloud Health care IoT plays a vital role in connecting medical devices and sensors in healthcare industry. To circumvent any Hossain and Muhammad (2016)
aggravating sufferings on patients’ health, it is mandatory to have real time health check on essential and
crucial basis.
Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953
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Table 13
Study the influence of IoT with various SCM.
S. No. SCM method Description Source

1 Traditional Analyze the pharmaceutical industry supply chain and the specific application model of internet of things in drugs Yan and Huang (2009)
supply chain and how to realize drugs information retrieval.
2 Sustainable Establishes alert system with help of IoT in food processing industry to identify the risk and provides recommendation Wang and Yue (2017)
to protect the food and improve the quality. It also identifies pattern of abnormalities and performs an expert analysis
to increase the sustainability of food manufacturing organization.
3 Agile The emergence of internet helps sharing information with stakeholders to accelerate material flows via SCM execution. Ung and Kun (2010)
4 Lean IoT helps lean SCM of construction enterprises to achieve better operational efficiency. IoT connects the assets, Lian-yue (2012)
resources, equipment and helps to achieve on time delivery of work packages, improve on downtime.
5 Traditional IoT helps collaborated business eco system in SCM. This article used 6C framework model to examine the patterns of Rong, Hu, Lin, Shi, and Guo
SCM by leveraging IoT based business eco system. (2015)
6 CLSC Many companies focuses to retrieve and treat their end-of-use products in order to contribute to the environment. IoT Zhong et al. (2017); Wang and
helps to track, detect, store the returned product process for the optimization of procurement, manufacturing, Wang (2017)
recovering and disposal decisions.
7 CLSC An intelligent RSC uses internet as a medium to connect sensors, information systems, RFIDs. This sophisticated RSC Parry, Brax, Maull, and Ng
modernizes manufacturing industries to go greener, reduces non-environment friendly resources, saves energy and (2016)
ensures optimal utilization of products by recycling the scraps.
8 Green IoT system in GSC enhances decision-making in green inventory management. Chen (2015)
9 Traditional Innovation has become key element in SCM to gain the competitive advantage. IoT based SCM system helps to achieve Li and Li (2017)
that advantage.

Fig. 16. Factory of Future in Sustainable Supply Chain Eco System with Industry 4.0.

Fig. 17. Framework for assessing SSCM for Industry 4.0.

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Table 14
Framework for assessing SSCM for fourth industrial revolution.
Enabler Criteria Attribute Source

Business based smart operations

Services Management • Streamline
and monitor execution of Kathawala and Abdou (2003); Youngdahl and Loomba (2000);
Balsmeier and Voisin (1996).
• Track services performance
• Achieve complete view of services spend
to know it is in compliance
Operational • Automate routine work/transactions Corbett and Kleindorfer (2003); Kleindorfer, Singhal, and
Management • Align operations to business needs Wassenhove (2005); Kocabasoglu, Prahinski, and Klassen (2007).
• Respond
to exceptions before business is

• Manage Spend and reduce waste

Strategic Sourcing • Maximize realized savings Anderson and Katz (1998); Croom, Romano, and Giannakis (2000);
• Get right suppliers and right materials D’Amico, Mogre, Clarke, Lindgreen, and Hingley (2017).
• Structure
negotiations for quality

• Enforce appropriate contract verbiage

Supplier • Simplify and automate supplier audits Saeed, Malhotra, and Grover (2005; Jayaram, Xu, and Nicolae
Management • Analyze supplier performance (2011); Prajogo, Chowdhury, Yeung, and Cheng (2012); Ataseven
• Orchestrate
supplier evaluation by various and Nair (2017)

Technology based smart products IoT • Monitor entire supply chain network Tu, Chung, Chiu, Chung, and Tzeng (2017); Nagurney, Daniele, and
Perspective • Introduce Cyber Security Shukla (2017); Rodger and George (2017); Kache and Seuring
• Sense the environmental risks upfront (2017).
• Manage resource and systems
CPS • Assess the real-time information sharing Monostori (2014); Monostori et al. (2016); Barthelmey, Störkle,
• Self-monitor and control the process Kuhlenkötter, and Deuse (2014)
• Predict actions or needs of users
• Self-organizing production
Augment Reality • Emergency management Mourtzis, Doukas, and Bernidaki (2014); Ong, Yuan, and Nee
• Remote assistance and guidance in
maintenance activities
(2008); Salonitis and Stavropoulos (2013)

• New ways of coordination of design and

manufacturing process
Big Data • Proactive
risk alerts based on historical Hazen, Boone, Ezell, and Jones-Farmer (2014); Wang, Chaudhry,
and Li (2016), Wang, Wan, Li, and Zhang (2016); Gunasekaran et al.
• Deplete quality issues and product failure (2017)
• Flexible in consolidating data for business
• Predictive Analytics and Forecasting Tools
Sustainable Development Economic • Financial Stability Anderson (2007); Fahimnia, Sarkis, Gunasekaran, and Farahani
Perspective • Study risk exposure across organization (2017); Genovese, Acquaye, Figueroa, and Koh (2017); Sauer and
• Investment
on technological Seuring (2017); Zeng, Chen, Xiao, and Zhou (2017);

• Retrofitting approach to extend the

equipment life before considering new
Environment • Reduce nonrenewable energy resource Coyle, Thomchick, and Ruamsook (2015); Dam and Petkova (2014);
• Global warming with air pollution Zhu, Geng, and Lai (2011)
• Release of water and soil pollutants
Social • Enforce health and safety practices Krause, Vachon, and Klassen (2009); Mani, Gunasekaran,
• Adhere to government regulations Papadopoulos, Hazen, and Dubey (2016); Kogg and Mont (2012)
• Awareness on macro-economics
Collaboration Perspective Joint Development • Collaborate across lines of business Jafari, Hejazi, and Rasti-Barzoki (2017); Irani, Kamal, Sharif, and
• Usage
of product data management (PDM) Love (2017); Thomson et al. (2017); Niesten, Jolink, de Sousa
Jabbour, Chappin, and Lozano (2017)
• Reduction of non-value added costs
Logistics Integration • Visibility on in-transit consignment
Location, status and allocations
Farkavcova, Rieckhof, and Guenther (2018); Qaiser, Ahmed, Sykora,
Choudhary, and Simpson (2017); Boenzi, Digiesi, Facchini, Mossa,
• Remove obstacles impacting delivery or
cost variation
and Mummolo (2017); Sayyadi and Awasthi (2017).

• Leverage technology & enable information

driven decision-making.
• Improve the cost performance index by
ensuring right material
Chen et al. (2017); Squire, Cousins, Lawson, and Brown (2009);
Canzaniello, Hartmann, and Fifka (2017)
• Establish collaboration with suppliers
using online systems
• Bring the visibility to Strategic Initiatives
• Leverage long term supplier relationship
Customer response
• Customer
Satisfaction – Cost, Quality, Kuo et al. (2017); Lim, Tseng, Tan, and Bui (2017); de Camargo
Fiorini and Jabbour (2017); Yawar and Seuring (2017)
• User experience – universal adoption,
maximize savings
• Reduce
go-to-market time by automating

Cost Management
(continued on next page)

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

Table 14 (continued)

Enabler Criteria Attribute Source

Management Strategy and

Organization Perspective
• Improve cash flow predictability and
visibility throughout the supply chain
Um, Lyons, Lam, Cheng, and Dominguez-Pery (2017); Keramydas,
Mallidis, Dekker, Vlachos, and Iakovou (2017); Wu, Wu, Redouté,
• Monitor price-movements of components
that impact profitability
and Yuce (2017); Scholten and Fynes (2017)

• Adapt to changing spending patterns

• Manage, process, the remarket products
and services
Time Management • Automate Expensive Data Management Tarafdar and Qrunfleh (2017); Blome, Schoenherr, and Rexhausen
• Ensure
compliance for procuring timely (2013); Braunscheidel and Suresh (2009); Pagell and Wu (2017)

• Mobile based communication systems

Value driven • Generate demand for goods and services Liao, Hu, and Ding (2017); Busse, Schleper, Weilenmann, and
investment • Manage supply base across multiple
product categories
Wagner (2017); Christopher and Holweg (2017); He (2017)

• Anticipate
risks and provide mitigation

supply chain. The proposed system can track finished good and various industry 4.0 is explained in this section. This article analyses the var-
items of the finished goods along the supply chain. Leng, Jin, Shi, and ious aspects of SCM, ERP, IoT and Industry 4.0. It discusses the im-
Van Nieuwenhuyse (2018) studied on the agriculture logistics and portance of digitalization and the influence of IoT in the overall SCM.
supply chain based on RFID based technology. It further explored the With IoT, stakeholders are equipped with technology to manage their
application of RFID in the manufacturing process of agricultural pro- resources efficiently and remotely. The reviews revealed that IoT ap-
ducts and testing the efficiency of the system. Rezaei, Akbarpour plications on Human, Industry/Factory, home are the areas mostly
Shirazi, and Karimi (2017) suggested a model for supply chain perfor- studied by researchers. Organizations are also motivated to make en-
mance using IoT, which allows the stakeholders to take dynamic deci- vironment-friendly products by using renewable raw materials, estab-
sion based on real-time information. Li et al. (2017) suggested a live lish close loop supply chain and recover the end-of-life products to
monitoring system for food SC based on IoT and shares the information reduce the carbon footprints and increase their economic performance.
with stakeholders, which improves the food quality of prepackaged This initiative will enrich their sustainability goal of the organization.
food. The research also shows that few industries have started investing
on technology to improve their overall operational efficiency thereby
3. Opportunities on IoT embedded SSC in industry 4.0 era increase the margins. From the review, it reveals that the organizations
can be integrated in real-time with the stakeholders such as suppliers,
IoT influences in supply chain is still at the initial stage where the manufacturers, retailers, and customers in Industry 4.0 environment.
study suggests that supply chain industry should step up to extract the This benefits the entire supply chain with shared information in busi-
benefits of next generation technologies. The study also uncovers the ness processes, building innovative solutions and the emergence of new
opportunities available with IoT, Big data for Sustainable Supply chain. business opportunities. This study explores the criteria that can be as-
Any typical supply chain organization needs to invest on such tech- sessed by companies to realize the readiness for industry 4.0 transfor-
nologies to reap the benefits in long run. mation.
Further, sustainable supply chain practices encourages the usage of
sustainable energy. As illustrated in Fig. 16, the vision of Industry 4.0 in 5. Conclusion
SSC is that the entire business should be connected digitally; reduce the
carbon footprint and help the stakeholders to take dynamic decisions on Organizations are gradually moving towards implementing digital
real time. IoT enables interconnecting the machines, components, de- technology, IoT for enhancing the outcomes. It guarantees wide pro-
vices and users within an enterprise. Further, it is not only to connect spects to gain competitive advantage and set the tone for the future
with one manufacturing site, by leveraging cloud and internet it should sustainable supply chain practices. Industry 4.0 offers quick response to
be possible connecting multiple sites forming many digital supply chain customer demand. It improves the productivity and allows the stake-
lines (Hazen, Skipper, Ezell, & Boone, 2016). holders to make quicker decision in real time. It certainly pave ways to
The literature study suggests that the sustainability on supply chain adopt new business models, improve manufacturing process.
leveraging IoT with Industry 4.0 was not focused earlier and thus it is In this review, the various aspects of IoT, SSC, and Industry 4.0 have
considered as a gap. Based on the literature, a new framework for as- been investigated in detail. The literatures were analyzed to know the
sessing sustainability in supply chain management for industry 4.0 is trends and explored the potential of IoT opportunities available in
proposed as illustrated in Fig. 17. The conceptual model has been for- sustainable supply chain space for industry 4.0. Based on the in-
mulated from five perspectives of SSCM namely business, technology, vestigation, a new framework for assessing the preparedness of SCM for
sustainable development, collaboration, management strategy to meet a sustainable growth to meet industry 4.0 is proposed. The conceptual
the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution. model has been formulated from five perspectives of SCM namely
The framework has three layers as tabulated in Table 14. First layer business, technology, sustainable development, collaboration, man-
contains five enablers, which influences the sustainability; second layer agement strategy perspectives. The framework provided can be the
comprises of 18 sustainability criteria; third layer comprises of 62 at- foundation to transform into industry 4.0 organization. At the com-
tributes. This framework is a complete model for assessing sustain- pletion of this transformation, organizations will become complete di-
ability in SC organization from Industry 4.0 perspective. gital enterprise. The digital enterprise will operate with supply chain
partners in organizational digital ecosystems.
4. Managerial implications The analysis shows that there are good opportunities available to
perform further research in sustainable supply chain as it is still in in-
The implications as a result of this analysis to assess the SSCM in fancy stage for industry 4.0 requirements. In order to improve

E. Manavalan, K. Jayakrishna Computers & Industrial Engineering 127 (2019) 925–953

operational effectiveness, academicians and practitioners are en- Extending total life-cycle thinking to sustainable supply chain design. International
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