Sci.g9 Q1 W1 Mod-1

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Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

The learners should be able to:

➢ Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to transport
nutrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the different parts of the body.

WEEK 1 DAY 1 (Parts and Function of the Respiratory System)


At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

a. identify the key parts of the breathing system and describe the function
of each of the breathing system.
b. explain how lungs work.


The human body is a magnificent masterpiece of God. Like a machine, it is complex

and well equipped than any other form of organisms. It is made up of several organ
systems that act together as a constituent to make sure that the body keeps functioning
well. These are the Integumentary system, Muscular system, Skeletal system, Respiratory
system, Circulatory system, Digestive system, Excretory system, Endocrine system,
Reproductive system and the Nervous system.
Let’s Recall (Review)

A. What body systems are shown in the pictures below?

_1. ________________________ 3. _________________________

Source: Source:

2. _________________________ 4. _________________________


B. Take all kitchen utensils used for dining and see what exciting words are left.
Write your answers on the line provided.


1. What are the words left in the series? ________________ __________________.

2. In reference to your answer in Question 1, what organ systems do they belong?

___________________________________ , ___________________________________

3. What do you know about them?


Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

You learned that oxygen and carbon dioxide are two forms of gases present in our body.
Oxygen is very important element that our body needs.
There should be a constant supply of this element for our body to function well.

On the other hand, carbon dioxide must be

eliminated in our body because their presence
cause harm to the different bodily functions.
The Respiratory system has this role. This
system is made up of several parts that will
function as a unit to take in oxygen and
eliminate carbon dioxide.
Study the diagram on the left.

The parts of the respiratory system:

Nostrils – the entrance to the nasal passage. It

is where the air enters.

Nasal passage – lined with coarse hair that

filters the air and traps microorganisms and
dust particles. It has a mucous membrane and
supplied with blood capillaries capable of
warming and moistening the air that is breathed in preventing damage of delicate lung

Pharynx – serves as a passageway of air from the mouth to the trachea.

Larynx – it is known as the “voice box”. Allows air to pass through while keeping food and
drink from blocking the airway. It has vocal chords that produces the sound of speech and
while singing.

Trachea (windpipe) – passage that connects the throat and the lungs.

Bronchial tubes (Bronchi) – tubes at the bottom of the trachea into each lung.

Bronchioles – small branches of the bronchial tubes that lead to the alveoli.

Alveoli – tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of gases of oxygen and carbon
dioxide take place.
Diaphragm – the muscle that helps your lungs pulls in air and pushes it out.

Lungs – two organs that remove oxygen from the air and pass it into your blood.

Pleura –thin sacs that surround each lung lobe and separate your lungs from the chest

How do the Lungs work?

Your lungs are located in your chest and big enough that they
take up most of the space in it. You have two lungs that are of
different sizes. The left lung is smaller than the right lung. The extra
space on the left side gives room for our heart. The main function of
the lungs is the process of gas exchange called respiration. Every
cell in your body needs oxygen to survive. The air we breathe has
oxygen and other gases. Once oxygen is in the lungs it is moved into
the bloodstream and carried through your body. At each cell of your
oxygen is exchange for a waste gas called carbon dioxide.


Let’s Apply

A. Unscramble the scrambled letters at the end of each statement to identify

the different parts of the respiratory system. Write your answer on the answer sheet

1. Air passage from the mouth to the trachea. (AXRYNPH)

2. It is where the air enters. (STRONLIS)

3. Passage that connects from the throat to the lungs. (TACRAEH)

4. It is where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. (IVLALEO)

5. Small branches of the bronchial tubes that lead to the alveoli. (CHOSNIOLBER)

Let’s Analyze

Answer the questions below.

1. How many lungs do you have? _____________________________.

2. In what part of your body the lungs are located? ________________________________

3. Why is your left lung smaller than your right lung?


4. Discuss how the lungs work.


Week 1 Day 2 (Breathing Mechanism)


At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

➢ describe how the movement of the diaphragm helps the air go in
and out of the lungs.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Identify the parts of the respiratory system as described below.

1. Separate lungs from the chest wall. (URAPLE)

2. Organs that remove oxygen from the air and pass it into your blood. (SLGUN)

3. Tubes that act as passage of air located at the bottom of the trachea into each
lung. (CHIBORN)

4. Responsible for speech and or singing. (LYXNAR)

5. The muscle that helps your lungs pulls in air and pushes it out.(GAMPRADIH)

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept) Inhalation Exhalation

Movement of the diaphragm during Respiration

Breathing is the process of inhaling and exhaling

movements. This mechanism is layout to get oxygen into
the bloodstream so that it can be distributed to all the
cells of the body.

During inhalation you breathe in or inhale to bring

in air into your lungs. When you inhale the rib and
diaphragm muscles will contract and your chest cavity becomes larger. Air pressure in
chest cavity is less than outside the body causing the air outside rushing into the lungs.

During exhalation you breathe out or exhale to avoid carbon dioxide or waste
gases. In this part the rib and diaphragm muscles are relaxed. Your chest cavity becomes
smaller. Air pressure inside your chest cavity is greater than the outside of your body. Air
rushes out of your lungs to the outside.

Let’s Apply
Complete the paragraph below. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.

Your _______ bring fresh __________ into your _________. They ________ the

_________________ and other waste __________ that your body's doesn’t _________. This will be

done through the process of _____________________. This process has two mechanisms,

namely, the ______________________and __________________.

Let’s Analyze

What breathing mechanism is shown in Fig. A and B. Discuss what

happens to the diaphragm as air goes in and out?


Week 1 Day 3-4

(Components of the Circulatory System and Types of Circulation)

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

➢ identify the components of the circulatory system.

➢ explain the different types of circulation.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Complete the paragraph below to explain Exhalation. Choose your
answer in the box below.

When the rib muscles and diaphragm muscles _________________, the chest
cavity becomes _____________. As a result, the _________________inside
the chest cavity becomes ________________than that _____________________.
Air rushes ____________of the ____________.

Lungs , air pressure, smaller, outside the body, relax, out, greater

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

A. Components of the circulatory system

Your circulatory system has the function to supply the needed nutrients and other
useful substances necessary for our body to function efficiently. It has three components
a. the blood – the fluid animals, including man, that delivers important
substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transport metabolic
wastes away from those cells.
b. blood vessels – tubular structure that transport blood through the tissues
and organs. It could be an artery, vein and capillary.
c. Heart – the main organ of the circulatory system that pumps blood to all
parts of the body.

B. Type of Circulation: Pulmonary

and Systemic Circulation

Pulmonary circulation is the

movement of the blood from the heart to the
lungs via pulmonary artery where oxygen
diffuses to the blood while carbon dioxide
leaves the bloodstream. The oxygenated
blood returns to the heart via pulmonary

Systemic circulation is the pathway of the

blood from the heart to the capillaries of
the different organs of the body and back
to the heart. The oxygenated blood from the
heart leaves via the largest artery-the aorta.

Upon reaching the capillaries of the

different organs of the body diffusions of
nutrients and oxygen takes place and the
same time wastes materials enter into the
bloodstream and returns to the heart.

Source: Biology SIBS

Let’s Apply
Answer the question briefly.

What make the blood, blood vessels and the heart important to the circulatory system?
Let’s Analyze

How does the pulmonary and systemic circulation help the circulatory system?

Week 1 Day 5
(How blood is pumped by the heart and
How do the Respiratory and Circulatory system work together)

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
➢ explain how blood is pumped in the heart.
➢ explain the mechanism of how the respiratory
and circulatory systems work together.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Identify what type of circulation is described on the statement below:

1. Blood from the heart is pumped to the capillaries of the different parts of the body and
back to the heart. _____________________________________________

2. Blood from the heart is transported the lungs via pulmonary artery and exchange of
gases takes place. Then blood from the lungs goes back to heart through pulmonary
veins. ________________________________________________
Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

How will the heart do this job? Study the diagram below.

Source: Biology SIBS

Blood (deoxygenated) from the different parts of the body enter via superior vena cava
(SVC) and inferior vena cava (IVC). It will be received by the right atrium (RA) and pushed
into the right ventricle (RV). Tricuspid valve is in between them to avoid back flow of the
blood. The blood is pumped by the RV via pulmonary artery, where exchange of gases takes
place in the lungs (in the presence of alveoli). The blood (oxygenated) is received by the left
atrium (LA) via pulmonary vein and pushed into the left ventricle (LV). Bicuspid valve is in
between these chambers to avoid back flow of the blood. The blood is pumped into the aorta
and is brought into the different cells/parts of the body.




Different parts of the body

The respiratory and circulatory systems worked intimately with each other
making it sure that the cells and tissues receive oxygen hence it is needed for
cellular function. The air we breathe in is held in the lungs and is transferred to the
blood. The blood is moved to the heart and is pumped to the different parts of the
body. Likewise, both are responsible for the removal of wastes such as Carbon
Dioxide (CO2).

Let’s Apply

Below are statements of events that take place in the heart. Read and understand them
carefully and arrange them orderly by placing numbers 1-10 on the space provided.

_____A. Blood then pours into the right atrium.

_____B. Blood is now oxygenated.
_____C. Blood rushes to the pulmonary artery.
_____D. It enters the right ventricle.
_____E. The blood is poured into the left atrium.
_____F. Blood enters the left ventricle and to the aorta then to the cells by the blood.
_____G. Blood passes through the tricuspid valve.
_____H. Deoxygenated blood enters the inferior and superior vena cava.
_____I. It goes back to the heart via pulmonary veins.
_____J. Blood releases carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen in the lungs.

Let’s Analyze

Study the diagram and using your own words,

discuss how the heart and lungs work

Source: ____________________________________________
Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Choose the letter of the correct answer:

___1. When you breathe air, you bring in ___into your lungs and breathe out____.
A. Oxygen, Carbon B. Hydrogen, Carbon dioxide
C. Oxygen, Carbon dioxide D. both Oxygen gases

___2. When you inhale, your chest cavity becomes ___ and your diaphragm ___.
A. larger, contracts B. smaller, relax
C. larger, relax D. smaller, contracts

___3. How does your lung work?

A. It removes oxygen from the air and passes it into your blood.
B. It brings nutrients to the different parts of the body.
C. It eliminates wastes from our body in a form of urine.
D. It supports the digestive system to remove solid wastes.

___4. What happens to your body if carbon dioxide is not removed?

A. Tissues and organs will be damaged.
B. Your blood and other body fluids will become acidic.
C. There will be slow oxygen delivery to the different parts of the body.
D. All of the statements are correct.

___5. How will you protect your respiratory system from infectious disease, like the one
caused by COVID 19?
A. Wash your hands if it is only needed.
B. Perform exercise if you feel you need to.
C. Eat foods like fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system.
D. Communicate to people with respiratory problem like colds or flu.

___ 6. What kind of blood enters the heart coming from the different parts of the body?
A. Oxygenated B. Deoxygenated
C. Blood plasma D. Infected blood

___7. Which of these is not a component of the blood?

A. Oxygen B. Heart
C. Blood vessels D. Blood

___8. The chambers of heart that carry oxygenated blood are the
A. right and left side atria B. right atrium and right ventricle
C. right and left side ventricles D. left atrium and left ventricle
___9. How important is the pulmonary circulation?
A. It makes blood deoxygenated.
B. It is responsible to bring nutrients to the body.
C. It transports deoxygenated blood to the lungs to absorb oxygen and release
carbon dioxide.
D. It transports oxygenated blood to the lungs to absorb oxygen and releases
carbon dioxide.

___10. How do the circulatory system and respiratory system worked together?
A. They circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body.
B. They bring nutrients and other substances to the different parts of the
C. They remove wastes from the body.
D. All of the above

Let’s Create

Perform an activity, “My Stethoscope” using tissue paper rolls or plastic bottle,
masking tape, Please watch this You Tube video from Ochsner Jr. Academy entitled
PAPER ROLL SERIES #5: Stethoscope. Complete the Activity paper attached.


A man named Laennec, 170 years ago, discovered the stethoscope an instrument
used by medical practitioners to diagnose patients health condition. It was wooden tube
about inch in a diameter and about 10inches long. To make your own stethoscope you
will be using tissue paper rolls.

• To make and use their hand-made stethoscope to listen heartbeat.
• To listen and record heartbeat among family members.

• One cardboard roll from tissue paper
• masking tape
• colored paper
• plastic bottle
1. Watch the video in YouTube about making a stethoscope from Ochsner Jr.
Academy entitled PAPER ROLL SERIES #5: Stethoscope. You may also follow the
procedure below:
a. Get the cardboard roll paper from the tissue. Put it aside.
b. Get one empty 500ml bottle and cut the bottle at least 3 inches from the
mouth. Ask the help from your parents and make sure that there are no
sharp edges.
c. Attached the cut portion to the tissue roll using a masking tape.
d. Place a colored paper around the tissue roll and masking tape to make it
e. Use your stethoscope now for the activity.
2. Use the stethoscope to listen the heartbeat of your family members.

3. Count the number of heartbeat per minute for every member and record it in the
table below. Do it Twice.

4. Have family members to do simple exercise. Listen and record the number of
heartbeat. Record your observation in the table given.


Name of Family No. of heart beats No. of heartbeat in No. of Heartbeat

Member in a minute (Trial a minute (Trial 2) in a minute after
1) an exercise

1. What have you noticed to the no. of heartbeats of your family members in
Trial 1 and 2?
2. What happen to the heartbeat after doing an exercise?

3. Do you think the number of heartbeats can help doctors determine that you
have health problem? Explain.

4. Why do think you have faster heartbeat when you do an exercise or you do
household chores like cleaning the house? Is it good for our body? Why?

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