Chlorogenic Acid and Caffeic Acid Are Absorbed in Humans
Chlorogenic Acid and Caffeic Acid Are Absorbed in Humans
Chlorogenic Acid and Caffeic Acid Are Absorbed in Humans
ABSTRACT Chlorogenic acid, an ester of caffeic acid and quinic acid, is a major phenolic compound in coffee;
daily intake in coffee drinkers is 0.5–1 g. Chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid are antioxidants in vitro and might
therefore contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. However, data on the absorption of chlorogenic
acid and caffeic acid in humans are lacking. We determined the absorption of chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid in
a cross-over study with 4 female and 3 male healthy ileostomy subjects. In such subjects, degradation by the
colonic microflora is minimal and absorption can be calculated as the amount ingested minus the amount excreted
in ileostomy effluent. The ileostomy subjects ingested 2.8 mmol chlorogenic acid and 2.8 mmol caffeic acid on
separate days in random order and subsequently collected ileostomy fluid and urine for 24 h. Absorption of
KEY WORDS: ● phenolic compounds ● chlorogenic acid ● caffeic acid ● absorption ● ileostomy
● humans
Phenolic compounds form a substantial part of plant foods. tween coffee intake and colon cancer in some epidemiologic
Most of these phenolic compounds are antioxidants in vitro studies (9 –13) might be explained in part by the chlorogenic
(1) and antioxidants might protect against cardiovascular dis- acid present in coffee. However, there are no data on absorp-
ease. tion of chlorogenic acid or caffeic acid in humans. The major
A major class of phenolic compounds are hydroxycinnamic problem in measuring the absorption of chlorogenic acid and
acids, which are found in almost every plant (2,3). The major caffeic acid in humans is their bacterial degradation in the
representative of hydroxycinnamic acids is caffeic acid, which colon (14). Thus, measurement of fecal excretion of chloro-
occurs in foods mainly as an ester with quinic acid called genic acid and caffeic acid would lead to an overestimation of
chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid) (Fig. 1). Coffee is a the amount absorbed. Therefore, we determined the absorp-
major source of chlorogenic acid in the human diet; daily tion of chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid in healthy ileostomy
intake in coffee drinkers is 0.5–1 g; coffee abstainers will subjects, who lack a colon. Ileostomy subjects were successfully
usually ingest ⬍ 100 mg/d. Other dietary sources of chloro- employed previously to determine the absorption of flavonoids
genic acid include apples, pears, berries, artichoke and au- (15), coffee diterpenes (16) and dietary polysaccharides (17).
bergines (4). Knowledge concerning the absorption of chloro-
genic acid in humans is essential to evaluate possible health
effects in vivo because the absorbed fraction of chlorogenic SUBJECTS AND METHODS
acid will enter into the blood circulation and thus can induce
biological effects in the blood circulation. Furthermore, the Subjects. The study was approved by the Ethical committee of
the Division of Human Nutrition and Epidemiology. We recruited
fraction that is not absorbed will enter into the colon where it subjects by approaching volunteers who had participated in previous
might have biological effects. Chlorogenic acid and caffeic studies at our division (15,16). Exclusion criteria were as follows:
acid are antioxidants in vitro (1,5), and they might inhibit the signs of diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract; resection of ⬎ 50
formation of mutagenic and carcinogenic N-nitroso com- cm of the terminal ileum; an ileostomy that did not function properly;
pounds because they are inhibitors of the N-nitrosation reac- use of drugs that influenced gastrointestinal transit; present illness;
tion in vitro (6). Further, chlorogenic acid can inhibit DNA pregnancy or lactation. Four women and three men, with a mean age
damage in vitro (7,8). Therefore, the inverse association be- of 63 y (range: 46 –74 y), and a mean body mass index of 27.1 kg/m2
(range 23.3–34.9 kg/m2) were admitted to participate and signed an
informed consent form. All subject had had a total colectomy be-
1 tween 7 and 27 y ago for ulcerative colitis or polyposis coli. The
Supported by the Foundation for Nutrition and Health Research, The Neth-
erlands. subjects were healthy, based on a medical questionnaire, normal
To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed. blood values for hemoglobin, hematocrit and white blood cell counts,
E-mail: [email protected]. and absence of glucose and protein in urine.
Intake of chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid and subsequent excretion in ileostomy effluent over 24 h in 7 subjects1
Supplement Intake sample2 24-h excretion3 Final sample4 Absorption
% of
mg intake
FIGURE 2 Chromatograms of chlorogenic acid isomers and of caffeic acid in standard mixture (A) and ileostomy effluent (B). Peak 1:
3-caffeoylquinic acid or 4- caffeoylquinic acid; Peak 2: 5-caffeoylquinic acid; Peak 3: 3-caffeoylquinic acid or 4- caffeoylquinic acid; Peak 4: caffeic
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