IOT Based Smart Irrigation System

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IOT based Smart Irrigation System

Article in International Journal of Computer Applications · February 2017

DOI: 10.5120/ijca2017913001


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1 author:

Srishti Rawal
University of Colorado Boulder


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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 159 – No 8, February 2017

IOT based Smart Irrigation System

Srishti Rawal
Department of Computer Science,
VIT University


Automation of farm activities can transform agricultural In A Remote Measurement and Control System for
domain from being manual and static to intelligent and Greenhouse Based on GSM-SMS [4] the proposed system
dynamic leading to higher production with lesser human introduced a GSM-SMS remote measurement and control
supervision. This paper proposes an automated irrigation system for greenhouse based on PC-based database system
system which monitors and maintains the desired soil connected with base station. Base station is developed by
moisture content via automatic watering. Microcontroller using a microcontroller, GSM module, sensors and actuators.
ATMEGA328P on arduino uno platform is used to implement In practical operation, the central station receives and sends
the control unit. The setup uses soil moisture sensors which messages through GSM module. Criterion value of parameters
measure the exact moisture level in soil. This value enables to be measured in every base station is set by central station,
the system to use appropriate quantity of water which avoids and then in base stations parameters including the air
temperature, the air humidity.
over/under irrigation. IOT is used to keep the farmers updated
about the status of sprinklers. Information from the sensors is Indu et al. (2013) [5] mainly focuses on reviews in the field of
regularly updated on a webpage using GSM-GPRS SIM900A remote monitoring and control, the technology used and their
modem through which a farmer can check whether the water potential advantages. The paper proposes an innovative
sprinklers are ON/OFF at any given time. Also, the sensor GSM/Bluetooth based remote controlled embedded system for
readings are transmitted to a Thing speak channel to generate irrigation. The system sets the irrigation time depending on
graphs for analysis. the temperature and humidity reading from sensors and type
of crop and can automatically irrigate the field when
Keywords unattended. Information is exchanged between far end and
Automation, Microcontroller, Arduino Uno, IOT, GSM- designed system via SMS on GSM network. A Bluetooth
GPRS SIM900A, Thing speak. module is also interfaced with the main microcontroller chip
which eliminates the SMS charges when the user is within the
1. INTRODUCTION limited range of few meters to the designated system. The
Agriculture is the unquestionably the largest livelihood system informs users about many conditions like status of
provider in India. With rising population, there is a need for electricity, dry running motor, increased temperature, water
increased agricultural production. In order to support greater content in soil and smoke via SMS on GSM network or by
production in farms, the requirement of the amount of fresh Bluetooth.
water used in irrigation also rises. Currently, agriculture In [6], R.Suresh et al. (2014) mentioned about using automatic
accounts 83% of the total water consumption in India [1]. microcontroller based rain gun irrigation system in which the
Unplanned use of water inadvertently results in wastage of irrigation will take place only when there will be intense
water. This suggests that there is an urgent need to requirement of water that save a large quantity of water.
developsystems that prevent water wastage without imposing These systems bring a change to management of field
pressure on farmers. resource where they developed a software stack called
Over the past 15 years, farmers started using computers and Android is used for devices that include an operating system,
software systems to organize their financial data and keep middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides
track of their transactions with third parties and also monitor the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications
their crops more effectively [2]. In the Internet era, where on the Android platform using the Java programming
information plays a key role in people's lives, agriculture is language. Mobile phones have almost become an integral part
rapidly becoming a very data intensive industry where farmers of us serving multiple needs of humans. This application
need to collect and evaluate a huge amount of information makes use of the GPRS feature of mobile phone as a solution
from a diverse number of devices (eg., sensors, faming for irrigation control system. These system covered lower
machinery etc.) in order to become more efficient in range of agriculture land and not economically affordable.
production and communicating appropriate information [3]. In IOT SMS alarm system based on SIM900A [7], an IOT
With the advent of open source Arduino boards along with alarm system based on SIM900A module of SIMCOM
cheap moisture sensors, it is viable to create devices that can Company was designed for greenhouse. The system can
monitor the soil moisture content and accordingly irrigating gather environmental parameters such as air temperature and
the fields or the landscape as an when needed. The proposed air humidity. Meanwhile, with the use of AT command, this
system makes use of microcontroller ATMEGA328P on system can also realize SMS automatic sending and receiving,
arduino uno platform and IOT which enable farmers to environmental parameters overrun alarm and insufficient
remotely monitor the status of sprinklers installed on the farm balance alarm. Through the system setting, the alarm message
by knowing the sensor values thereby, making the farmers' can be sent to the user-specified mobile phone automatically
work much easier as they can concentrate on other farm no matter what the users' location is. This system as a typical
activities. application of IOT in the agriculture has got some
satisfactory results in the actual operation.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 159 – No 8, February 2017

The system is a combination of hardware and software
components. The hardware part consists of embedded system
and software is the webpage designed using PHP. The
webpage is hosted online and consists of a database in which
readings from sensors are inserted using the hardware.

Figure 2 : Soil Moisture Sensing Unit

3.2 Control Section

Information from the sensors is transmitted to the arduino
board. The arduino board consists of microcontroller
ATMEGA328P which is responsible for controlling the
switching on/off of the motor on which water sprinklers can
be attached. Sensor values from arduino are transmitted to the
GSM-GPRS SIM900A modem. A sim with 3G data pack is
inserted into this modem which provide IOT features to the
system. Values are further transmitted IOT section through
the modem.
The GSM modem is a highly flexible plug and play quad
bandSIM900A GSM modem for direct and easy integration to
RS232 applications. It Supports features like Voice, SMS,
Data/Fax, GPRS and integrated TCP/IP stack. The tx and rx
pins from arduino are connected to the rx and tx of GSM
modem respectively.

3.3 IOT Section

This section comprises of a webpage which displays the
Figure 1: Overall Engineering Design current water sprinkler status i.e. on or off and a button which
redirects the user to a thing speak page which graphically
3.1 Moisture Sensing Section depicts the sensor values.
Two YL-69 soil moisture sensors along with LM393
comparator modules were placed in different soil conditions
for analysis. The sensor YL-69 is made up of two electrodes.
It reads the moisture content around it. A current is passed
across the electrodes through the soil and the resistance to the
current in the soil determines the soil moisture. If the soil has
more water resistance will be low and thus more current will
pass through.
On the other hand when the soil moisture is low the sensor
module outputs a high level of resistance. This sensor has
both digital and analogue outputs. Digital output is simple to
use but is not as accurate as the analogue output. Since the
Atmega 328P-PU microcontroller used for the Arduino Uno
contains an onboard 10-bit 6-channel analog-to-digital (A/D)
converter, the analog input pin of Arduino can read analog
signals being sent from the sensor and return binary integers
from 0 to 1023. Greater amount of output implies lesser
moisture content.

Figure 3: Webpage showing sprinkler and soil moisture


Water sprinkler control was achieved by setting a threshold
value at which irrigation should begin. When the sensors

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 159 – No 8, February 2017

detect moisture content before the threshold, the sprinklers are switched on when the moisture content is low. The threshold
switched on till the soil is completely moist. Figure 5 shows values depend on the type of soil used.
the flow chart of the system.
Readings from the two sensors were also transmitted to a
THINGSPEAK channel to obtain graphs. ThingSpeak is an
YL-69 soil
open data platform and API for the Internet of Things that
moisture sensor
enables you to collect, store, analyze, visualize, and act on
data from sensors or actuators, such as Arduino.
Analogue value of
moisture content from soil
The values obtained through sensors enable the system to
Arduino Uno
switch the sprinkler on and off. A farmer can remotely
monitor the irrigation process on the farm. Hence, the system
Sensor resistance contributed in making a smart farm. Table 2 depicts the
values readings of the two YL-69 soil moisture sensors taken over a
period of one hour.
Table 2 depicts readings from two YL-69 soil moisture
SIM900A modem
sensors one of which was inserted in over irrigated soil and
the other in soil with initial moisture content 79% . The
Moisture content Moisture content
readings were taken over a period of one hour to observe the
value (%) range (low or high) rate at which moisture content in soil is reducing when the
sprinklers are off. These readings are transmitted to the
Thingspeak Cloud Online database for website and thingspeak channel. Figure 5 and 6 display the
Server the webpage graphs plotted.

Moisture Moisture content

Table 2 : Sensor Readings
content (%) range and pump status Time (IST) Sensor A(%) Sensor B(%)
Graphs Webpage 15:53:21 79 100
16:00:22 74 100
Figure 4 : Flow chart of the system
16:11:23 70 100
The hardware device comprises of moisture sensors, Arduino
Uno and GSMGPRS SIM900A modem. The GSM modem is 16:16:44 69 100
primary responsible for transmitting the data obtained from 16:30:05 67 100
arduino to internet. This is done using AT commands which
are depicted in the following table. 16:34:45 66 100
Table 1 : AT Commands 16:43:06 65 98
Command Meaning 16:48:07 65 97
AT+CSQ Signal Quality Check 16:56:08 64 95
AT+CGATT Attach or Detach 16:59:48 63 93
from GPRS support
17:00:08 63 93
AT+SAPBR= Setting the SAPBR
connection type to 17:05:49 62 92
It can be observed from the graphs that moisture content of
AT+SAPBR= Setting the APN over irrigated soil takes longer period to reduce by 10% as
string compared to the moisture content of soil which is initially
79% moist. Thus, the curve for sensor A is a continuously
AT+SAPBR=1,1 Setting the SAPBR decreasing curve as the moisture reduces as time passes. For
sensor B the moisture value initially is 100%. The readings
AT+HTTPPARA=\''URL\'', Setting the httppara, depict that sensor was in an over irrigated soil at the
\'' website which needs beginning. In our system possibility of over irrigation is
\'' to be accessed avoided by turning the water sprinklers off as soon as the
sensor reading is 100%.
AT+HTTPACTION=0 Submit the request
AT+CIPSEND Request initiation of
data sending

The information from sensors is transmitted to an online

database from where it is used to display on a website. The
webpage displays the moisture content in soil which has been
divided into two categories : Low and High. Pump is to be

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 159 – No 8, February 2017

I would like to thank my guide Prof Sajidha SA who
supported me through the different phases of the project.
Also, I am grateful to VIT University for providing me the
resources which led to successful implementation of the

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other activities in farming such as cattle management, fire Markus Dillinger, Ioanna Lampropoulou, Eleni
detection and climate control. This would minimalize human Antoniou, Liisa Pesonen, Huether Nicole, Floerchinger
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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 159 – No 8, February 2017

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