Telescope Math

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****All results are assuming a telescope with:

Aperture (DO) = 200mm

Focal Length (fO) = 1950mm
Focal Ratio (fR) = 9.75


So why telescope mathematics? On an everyday basis you probably do

not need to understand the mathematics of your present or future
telescope. But, if you want to know what the longest or shortest focal
length eyepiece you should buy for your telescope is, there are a few things
you should know about your telescope and mathematics will tell you what
you need to know. Also, if you want to know if the large nebulae or star
clusters you want to observe will fit into the field of view of your telescope,
mathematics will tell you. Do you want to observe planets and the moon or
deep sky Messier objects? Mathematics will help you decide on the
telescope you should buy.

The following equations will help you answer the above questions and
more. Each topic/equation begins on a new page. After each topic
heading I have done the calculations using the specifications of the
telescope with the assumed parameters given at the beginning of this
article. And after each topic I have appended the definitions of each
telescope parameter shown in the equations.
Magnification: 28X to 200X

Magnification is the ratio of the focal length of the telescope objective to the
focal length of the eyepiece. Although astronomers do not usually discuss
the magnification of their telescope, preferring to speak of the aperture, it
can be handy to know this parameter in order to calculate other factors.

M = fO / fe
By rearranging the formula we can determine the focal length of the
objective or the focal length of eyepiece if we know the magnification and
either one of the other parameters.

fO = M x fe
fe = fO / M
Using the assumed telescope parameters and an eyepiece with a focal
length of 15mm, we can calculate the magnification of the telescope.
Remember – the magnification will change with the focal length of the

M = 1950 / 15
= 130X
Thus, with a 15mm eyepiece, the telescope will have a magnification of

M = Magnification
fO = Focal length of the objective lens/mirror
fe = Focal length of the eyepiece
Focal Ratio: 9.75

This is the speed of the telescope. It determines the amount of light the
telescope lets in and thus the dimmest objects you can see with the
telescope. This is a ratio of the focal length of the telescope’s objective to
its aperture.

fR = fO / DO
Again, by rearranging the formula we can determine the focal length of the
objective or the diameter of the objective if we know the focal ratio and
either one of the other parameters.

fO = fR x DO
DO = fO / fR
Using the assumed telescope:

fR = 1950 / 200
= 9.75
The focal ratio of the assumed telescope is f9.75.

fR = Focal ratio
fO = focal length of the objective
DO = Diameter of Objective (Aperture)
Field of View (FOV)

The Field of View of a given telescope is dependent on the Field of View of

the eyepiece being used and the magnification of the telescope while using
that eyepiece. The field of view will determine how large an object you will
be able to view using that eyepiece

Typically, an eyepiece has a field of view of 50-60°, although there are

wide-field eyepieces that go up to as much as 100°.

To find what the field of view will be in your telescope, first find the field of
view of the eyepiece from its specifications, then divide by the
magnification of your scope (with that eyepiece). Expressed as an equation
this comes out to be:

FOVscope = FOVe / M
FOVscope = Field of View of the telescope
FOVe = Field of View of the eyepiece
M = magnification

For example, using an eyepiece that has a 32mm focal length and a field of
view of 70o, in the assumed telescope, are you able to see the whole of the
Orion Nebula (M42), which covers approximately 1.1o of sky?

First calculate the magnification of my telescope using this lens:

M = fO / fe
=1950 / 32
= 60.9X or 61X

Then calculate the FOV of the assumed telescope using this lens:

FOVscope =FOVe / M
= 70 / 61

The answer is YES. Just barely!

Dawes Limit

Before we go any further I need to introduce you to William Rutter Dawes

since the next few formula require that you know what he is famous for in

In 1867, William Rutter Dawes determined the practical limit on resolving

power for a telescope. This is known as the Dawes Limit. Dawes defined
this as “the closest that two stars could be together in the sky and still be
seen as two stars”. The Dawes Limit is 4.56 seconds of arc divided by the
diameter of the objective in inches. Since telescopes objectives are
usually measured in millimeters (mm), we can multiply 4.56 seconds of
arc by 25.4 to convert to the metric system (in millimeters), which gets you
to 115.8 seconds of arc divided by the diameter of the objective in
millimeters (mm). You then round this up to 120 seconds of arc, a number
that is more convenient when doing the math in your head.
Resolving Power (Dawes Limit): 0.6 arc sec

From the study that Dawes did we know the human eye can resolve two
objects that have 2 arc-minutes of separation center to center and are each
1 arc-minute in size (see diagram in next topic). Because we measure
resolving power in arc-seconds, 2 arc-minutes is equal to 120 arc-seconds.

PR = 120 / DO
Using the assumed telescope, calculating the resolving power gives us:

= 120 / 200
= 0.6 arc sec
This means that the assumed telescope can resolve two objects that are
0.6 arc seconds apart as viewed by the naked eye.

PR = Resolving Power in arc-seconds

DO = Diameter of Objective
Maximum Magnification: 200X

It has been determined that a person with 20/20 vision can distinguish a
feature that has a size of one minute of arc. (There are 60 arc-minutes to a
degree, and 60 arc-seconds in an arc-minute.) And in order for a person to
distinguish two stars as separate, the stars need to be separated by 2
minutes of arc, center to center -- see the picture below.

Thus, for a person to see two objects that have a separation of less than 2
minutes of arc, a telescope needs to magnify the separation to one the eye
can resolve, which is 2 minutes of arc, or 120 arc-seconds. So then we

Mmax x PR = 120
Mmax x 120/DO = 120
Mmax = DO
Notice that the maximum magnification of any telescope can be determined by
simply checking the telescope’s aperture. Most telescopes are capable of
about 50% higher than the scope's maximum capability as determined by
the formula but most manufactures double the calculated value. So, be
wary of the stated maximum magnification.

The maximum magnification for our assumed telescope is 200X since the
objective diameter is 200mm. But adding another 50% (100X) gives us
300X. Maximum magnification is also limited by atmospheric conditions.
So be careful when quoting maximum magnification.

M = Magnification
PR = Resolving Power in arc-seconds
DO = Diameter of Objective Lens (Aperture) in millimeters
Mmax = Maximum Magnification
Eyepiece focal length for maximum magnification

From the equation for magnification we have

M = fO / fe
And we want the value of fe-min to get us to Mmax = DO
So since DO = fO / fe-min
Therefore fe-min = fO / DO.

Since the f-ratio fO / DO = fR we then have, quite simply:

fe-min = fR
So, the eyepiece focal length to get the maximum magnification can be
found by just looking at the f-ratio for the scope! If I look at the front of a
telescope and it says "f/9.5", I know the smallest eyepiece I can use with
that scope is a 9.5mm eyepiece.

Remember, however, that the telescope is capable of 50% more

magnification. So, for our assumed telescope:

fe-min = fo / M or 1950/300 = 6.5

Thus the focal length of the eyepiece for maximum magnification with our
assumed telescope is 6.5mm.

M = Magnification
Mmax = Maximum magnification
fO = Objective focal length
fe = Eyepiece focal length
fe-min = Eyepiece minimum focal length
DO = Objective diameter
fR = Focal ratio
Minimum Magnification: 28X

The minimum magnification of a telescope is dependent on the maximum

diameter of the pupil in the human eye (Dep). Therefore, using the formula
for magnification derived for the diameters we get:

Mmin = Do / Dep
Since the maximum exit pupil diameter (Dep) is 7mm* (the maximum
diameter of the pupil of the human eye) then:

Mmin = Do / 7

Using the assumed telescope parameters the minimum magnification is:

Mmin = 200 / 7
= 28X
The equation for the maximum focal length for the eyepiece required to
give this minimum magnification is the same as for the equation for the
minimum focal length eyepiece for the maximum magnification.

fe-max = fo / M
= 1950/28 = 70
Therefore the maximum eyepiece focal length for minimum magnification
with our assumed telescope is 70mm. This is not a practical size for an
eyepiece since the largest eyepieces are usually in the 40mm range. Thus
the minimum magnification for this telescope should be about 48X.
Remember, the maximum diameter of the pupil diminishes with age.

Mmin = Minimum magnification

DO = Objective Diameter
Dep = Diameter of the pupil of the eye (7mm)
fe-max = Maximum eyepiece focal length
Gathering Power (Light Grasp / Brightness Increase): 816X

The Gathering Power of a telescope refers to how much more light can the
telescope gather compared to the human eye and is expressed as the ratio
of the area of the objective to the area of the human eye pupil.

GL = (DO / Deye)2
Using our assumed telescope, the Light Grasp is calculated to be:

GL = (200 / 7)2
= (28.57)2
= 816
So, our assumed telescope gathers 816X as much light as the human eye.

Some observers say we should quote this value instead of magnification

when asked how powerful a telescope is.

GL = Light Grasp
DO = Objective Diameter
Deye = Diameter of the Eye (maximum 7mm)
Limiting Magnitude: 13.5

The limiting magnitude is the dimmest object that can be discerned using a
particular telescope and it depends on the telescope’s objective diameter.

The brightness increase is calculated as:

GL = (DO/Deye)²
The brightness increase in terms of magnitudes is 2.5 times the logarithm
of GL or

so it's just

Gmag = 2.5 × log((DO / Deye)²)

Since log(x²) = 2 × log(x). So then:
Gmag = 2.5 x log((DO / Deye)2)
= 2.5 x 2 x log(DO / Deye)
= 5 x log(DO / Deye)
When you divide two numbers you subtract their logarithms, so subtracting
the log of Deye from the log of DO , then substituting 7mm for Deye , we get:

Gmag = 5 x log(log(DO) – log(Deye))

= 5 x log(DO) – 5 x log(7)
Since log(7) is about 0.8, then 5×0.8 = 4 so our equation for the increase in
star magnitude is:

Gmag = 5 x log(DO) - 4
This represents how many more magnitudes the scope lets me see, over
and above what my eyes alone can see. Then to find the faintest
magnitude I can see in the scope, we simply add Gmag to the faintest
magnitude our eye can see, magnitude 6. This is the magnitude limit of the
scope, Lmag:

Lmag = Gmag + 6 = 5 x log(DO) - 4 + 6

This simplifies down to our final equation for the magnitude limit, Lmag, of
the scope:

Lmag = 2 + 5 x log(DO)
Did you notice that the magnitude limit of the telescope — the faintest
object you can see in the telescope — depends only on the diameter of the

Using the above equation the limiting magnitude for our assumed telescope

Lmag = 2 + 5 x log(200)
= 2 + (5 x 2.3)
= 13.5
Thus with this telescope we should be able to view objects with a
magnitude down to13.5.

GL = Brightness Increase
Gmag = Brightness Increase in magnitudes
DO = Objective Diameter
Deye = Diameter of the Eye (maximum 7mm)
Lmag = Limiting Magnitude
Focal Ratio Comparison

Large/Slow focal ratios (e.g.: f11-f15) - longer focal length and smaller
aperture = higher magnification, less light gathering. Best suited to higher
power lunar, planetary, and binary star observing and high power

Small/Fast focal ratios (e.g.: f4-f5) – shorter focal length and larger
aperture = lower magnification, good light gathering. Best for lower power
wide field observing and deep space photography.

Medium focal ratios (e.g.: f6-f10) - Work well for all applications.

Our assumed telescope has a focal ratio of f9.75. So it falls into the
medium focal ratio range.
For more information and more equations go to:

A lot of the information given here came from these pages.

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