ImaginativeThinking & The 4 Ethers by Horst Hellman

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by Horst Hellmann 2010

Our 21 century is demanding a new quality of thinking! Nearly every week you can read about
climate change and the question how to solve the problems to get rid of poverty and nuclear
weapons. Top scientists are searching for answers. The ruthless exploitation is progressing so fast
that mankind will need two earths in order to satisfy the needs of the economy from 2030 on. We
are on a way which is not forward-looking and it needs a rethinking away from unlimited growth to
a sustainable use.
This is the message every day. One scientist who is known by everyone is Albert Einstein.
– Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
– You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
– Most people say that is it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is
– We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
– Imagination is more important than knowledge.
– When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of
fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.
– To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires
creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
– Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all
living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
– There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of
intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.

Our planet is not dead slag, our planet lives and the universe is in one with the earth.

The heliocentric world view serves the astronautics.

The geocentric world view respects the rhythm in all life. It has to do with planets and zodiac and is
creating an invisible field which was/is known under different names all around the world: Qui, life
forces, morphic field, etheric field. This field is causing all processes within the body and this
happens very fast:
- See my hard tooth, it contains calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate; in 240 days all these
substances are exchanged. This is metabolism.
- See the fat that I feel here, 41% is not there next day at the same time and substituted by new fat.
It goes to the liver and is transformed into other products.
- When I eat a little bit of salt, within one minute one can find it everywhere in my body.
– And the metabolism in the bones is so enormous that within every minute the total calcium
of the bones goes into the blood and from the blood the same amount is pouring into the

The life forces are behind everything in the world and therefor our thinking is based on them as
At first we have to get an understanding of the etheric forces before we are able to see the relation
to the thinking.

We are unable to perceive the etheric field with our 12 senses.

With the senses we experience the Nature, they are part of the nature forces and we call this
world of nature.
But we have no senses for magnetism, electricity or uv-light and if we want to see them we have to
use instruments in order to support the senses. Rudolf Steiner calls this realm the
under sensible world.
And there is another world that we can learn to perceive through inner soul development, it is called
super sensible world.
The forming forces within nature are using matter, but they are more than matter. The German
scientist and poet Goethe found these forces when he did research on plants 200 years ago.
Rudolf Steiner was the publisher of Goethe´s essays on natural science around 1885. Steiner
extended the knowledge on the etheric forces and could show us the inner way of the soul how to
get such insights about the life forces, which he called etheric body.
In 1921 he spoke to the physicians about the etheric forces that we should look at them as we look
at knives, where we have different knives for different purposes. So we have four ethers:
warmth ether – light ether – tone ether – life ether.
Those 4 ethers belong to the super sensible world. The physical aspect of the ethers are the elements
fire, air, water, earth.
These elements are to find in the world of senses. We will not discuss this aspect today.

Let me introduce the world of the four forming forces

1. FIRE as an element:
When something is burning at first the flames are growing, then shrinking, dying and disappearing, vanishing from sight.
TIME is created and is progressing.

- has no dimension, no space
- is a very intensive movement,
- warmth is always a kind of glowing,
- TIME is approaching and works in the process of RIPENING

2. AIR
- is not visuable but fills the space between the objects- air has no boundaries- is connecting everything- has no structure or direction
- is like chaos- has elasticity- is causing tension and pressure towards a centre > centripetal

- light is not visible
- imagine a sunrise from darkness to daylight:
slowly we can distinguish things around us, the objects are seen seperated now,
- space and distances become clear, space is created through limitation
- light and SPACE belong together
- structure is to see;
- light is dividing the inside from the outside,
- light is radiating towards the periphery, light is expanding > is “spacing”, raying out
- the periphery is the constructive principle of light
- the periphery/ the horizon is sucking
- our view, our consciousness is sucked out towards the horizon (ocean)
- so light sucks out the sprouts of plants too
- in a living organism it shows as GROWTH
- under the aspect of the consciousness light gives interest – and within the soul: feelings
which are creating the relationship to the world around us

- always wants to become a totality >drop – river – ocean- diversity will be extinguished- it is creating mass >and so is integrating
- it is in the fusion of 2 cells during fertilization > gesture of sympathy- water is thick, heavy, has mass, gravity, weight
- waves: a cork goes up and down = passiv
the waves move towards the shore = active

SOUND ETHER, tone e., chemical e., number ether

- Music is only music because of the interval between one tone and the other
but what is separated as tone from another tone, in an interval stays on to be related.
- sound ether is dividing and this creates the numbers. Steiner calls it Number ether
- See a tree: trunk – branches – twigs ...
- we come to numerical proportions
- the number ether makes loose, light, porous, makes crystal lattice, gaps, holes, is bringing
order (Chladny), harmony (leaves and plants), harmony of the spheres.
- the number ether is the basis for all chemical activity: all substances are built by
number proportions
- H²0 or H²S04 Steiner calls it also: chemical ether
– the true nature of this ether is HARMONY and CREATING ORDER
– (as the thinking does which we need it for the intellectual understanding of the world.
- firm, solid, rigid, dens, cold, rejecting: no other object can be found in the same place,
- solid objects with a surface, one can divide the object and gets single parts
- the earth is creating objects and bodies

- is not rejecting but integrating,
- the forces in a living organism are penetrating each other,
– are actively inwardly moving and everything moves under the higher aspect of the whole.
– There are organs : lungs, heart... they are separated by a “skin” but these organs
are depending on each other and also inside the organs the processes are coordinated
- the parts are working together under one idea or a higher aspect.
- In a living organism the life ether is the healing force,
- is lets the grass grow again when it was cut
– or an earthworm was cut into peace or a lizard had lost the tail, they grow again.
– The liver gets back to its form when a parent has donated a part to the child
- Life ether creates a unity and parts at the same time, but they belong together.
- The life ether is causing shape/ form, configuration
– Life ether creates living bodies, but the bodies are super sensible and not matter, that the
earth element creates.
- (When one has cancer the cells withdraw from the life ether concept)
- Life ether is causing form inwardly and outwardly
- life ether is the deeper sense / the idea behind, it is the holistic aspect behind the facts
- the “golden ribbon” as Goethe did call it.


What can we see when the ethers are interacting?
1. When the SOUND ETHER/ chemical e./ tone e./ number e.
(which is: separating, harmonising, structuring, chemical activity, numbers)
goes together with
WARMTH ETHER: (time, coming towards us, causing ripening)
then we get
chemical processes and ripening as we see during puberty when the sexual hormones
become active or when a green cherry turns into a sweet fruit. We call this kind of interaction:
a process

2. When the LIGHT ETHER which is: (expanding, creating space, growth)
meets the
LIFE ETHER : (creating unities and is a life giving force within a skin)
this is causing
a shape which is changing the form and metamorphoses from a baby to an adult or from an
egg it develops into a frog, or from a seed to a tree
- this transformation gives the SHAPE

3. When the SOUND ETHER (structure, chemical processes, harmonising)

is working together with
LIFE ETHER: (creating a wholeness, surrounded by a skin, integrating, higher sense)
then the this creates
ORGANS like heart, lungs, kidneys- they have a skin and within there are
specific chemical processes going on

4. When the LIFE ETHER (creating a totality)

is going together with
WARMTH ETHER (approaching time, ripening)
then this leads to
AGING (a unity is kept in progressing time through the warmth ether)
Soon I am 68 and my being is kept in the time by the warmth ether.
As we know: The warmth is always created anew and is vanishing again.

5. When the WARMTH ETHER (approaching time, ripening)

is in combination with the
LIGHT ETHER (expanding force, space creating)
this leads to
GROWTH (expanding in a certain time: a seed is germinating,sprouting,growing)

6. When the LIGHT ETHER

is combined with the
it leads to the structuring of the space

and we get the PARTS of an organism, the form: roots, leaves,flowers, fruits, limbs,
rhythmical organisation, nerve system, metabolism.

Through the combination of the different ethers we get

parts, organs, growth, ageing, shape, transformation, chemical processes and ripening.
This is life!

How can we see it in a tree?

LIGHT ETHER > growth and size
SOUND ETHER> structure and branches in the crown
LIFE ETHER> roots, branches and the leaves form a totality
WARMTH ETHER> in the ageing, flowering and fruitition
We see that the Ethers are the basis of life, they are always interacting together, not only 2.

Now we can see the difference between the elements and ethers:
The elements are central forces and they are mathematical conceivable,
we use them in technology. They are representing the lifeless matter.

The ethers are universal forces, usual unknown to science, this is the reason why
science cannot understand life.


1. Warmth ether – human will

- warmth is a constant inner glowing– so the will of a person is constantly renewing.
- Will is based on warmth- in the blood lives our I - love for the children.

2. Light ether – feelings

- light is in a strong contrast to matter- light is invisible but makes possible to see things,
- it is raying out to the objects and gives interest and conscious striving
– so our feelings are streaming towards everything around us;
– devotion to the invironment, astonishment, admiration, thankfulness and emotio

3. Sound ether – thinking

a tone is sounding together with other tones in harmony,- many facts are combined with each other
> number ether, and under the aspect of the chemical ether > forming and dissolving > it means not
getting stuck in rules and old habits.
This is a deskription of our activity of the ordinary thinking: we collect the different facts and form the
abstract intellectual concepts

4. Life ether – deeper meaning / sense / idea

each organ is sending specific forces to all the other organs
We see the threefold human being – nerves, rhythm, metabolism: There is a higher harmony,
because life is a harmony in a mutual interaction of the organs within an organism.
Life needs always rhythms. –
With our ordinary intellectual thinking we form concepts about the world
but through the life ether in our thinking we begin to understand the true meaning
behind the matter, and we begin to understand life processes because
the thinking has become flexible > we begin to have imagination and creativety.
- Imaginative thinking is neede for the 21st century!

What is the task of the teacher?

She/He has to teach in a way that the thinking becomes penetrated by the forces of
the life ether in order to oppose the rigid notions and abstract intellectual concepts.
The teacher must integrate the life ether into the thinking.

Learning processes and life processes are based on the etheric forces and therefor they are
vital for the health later in life (Salutogenese).

But for this broader aspect of science we need to develop

the holistic scientist in us who has
-practical and experimental skills
- intellectual and scientific abilities
- comprehensive artistic attainments
- social ability and understanding
- individual training and development
- spiritual vision and knowledge
- perception of spiritual forces in the phenomenal world (life ether in the thinking)
- spiritual perception of the human being
- the ability to integrate all capacities into an ordered and “scientific”approach.

The mankind badly needs this kind of holistic thinking because this is the most effective
help to stop the progressing destruction of our environment around the globe.
Sound ether and Life together brought into our thinking makes the thought life universal,
flexible and open for spiritual dimensions.

This demands from us inner transformation and spiritual development.

A way towards understanding the being of different animals

Usually children are taught about animals, e.g. the elephant, that they learn about this animal that is
has a trunk, tasks, forehead, huge ears, strong legs, and a short neck, what it eats, and so on. One
gets to know many, many facts, but do you understand the being of the elephant, the link between
the trunk and the legs? The mere facts do not show any inner link, instead it is like a mosaic where
the parts show no common law and everything appears accidentally and arbitrarily as the whole
evolution seems to be arbitrarily and accidentally. This is the stand point of the science today.

By the way: One has a stand point when the radius to the horizon goes towards zero!

But how can we solve the riddle of the elefant? How can we find a way to its being?
To find answers we have to look at the animal as a whole organism, because in an organism all
organs, all parts of the body are interrelated .
The French scientist George Curvier (1769-1832) wrote:
“Each living thing is a closed organ system, where all organs are tuned to each other, so that not
a single organ can change without causing change in all other organs”.

Therefore the method will be to observe which organ of the animal is dominant and is modifying
the entire form and life processes.

The teacher will proceed by describing the animal, its behaviour and the environment.
In a next step she will show how the dominant organ gives the form and it will reveal the inner
being of the elefant.
In mammals the inner forces of the soul become also very meaningful. The fox thinks how can I get
it and how can I get away with it. The wolf is greedy to get it.
The type of a mammal develops the different parts of its organisation into various directions.

Through a one-sided predominate effect of an organ the type gets the special form of the animal.

The human being is not developing into such one-sidedness. You see within the human being the
same organs as in the mammals, but they do not become so one-sided. The human being is related
to the animal kingdom, but he does not belong to it. Take for example the gravity:
In the human organism the gravity is overcome by the ego/I.

The Elephant
In class four or five we might learn about the elephant.
The obvious important organ is the trunk: One part of the head has grown unusual long and strong,
the upper lip and the nose. With the trunk the animal reaches out into the surrounding in order to get
the food. This muscular organ has a very sensitive feeling for movements. This reaching out is only
possible because of the legs which carry the body a great deal highly lifted. So we see an inner
connection between trunk and legs. The stretched legs and strong bones can carry the body. The
elephant stands straight on its legs, therefore the muscles are relaxed although the body is heavy.
Imagine the hind legs would be bent like other animals have it, the elephant would be occupied by
the heaviness, instead the bones carry 5 to 6 tonnes of weight on the stretched legs and so the
elephant is free to turn toward the surrounding. The sensitive movements of the trunk are only
possible because of the calm balance. The calmness in balance is also caused by the short neck.
Again we observe an inner connection between trunk, short neck and the calmness of the straight
The enhanced openness to the surrounding also shows in the big ears. They are highly sensible for
infra sound, which serves the elephant for communicating over large distances.
The tusks, enlarged incisors, also have the tendency towards the surrounding space.
When the elephant breathes, the air goes into the large nasal cavity and the strong breathing leads
to a widening of the sinuses which we see appear as forehead. The enhancement of breathing
continues into the breathing organ of the trunk, the torso and the entire organism: chest and ribs
grow much bigger as in other animals. Most mammals have 13 pairs of ribs, but the Indian elephant
has got 19, the African elephant 21. The blood of the elephant contains more oxygen than all other
mammals. Oxygen is activating the life processes of the whole organism. Normally young animals
have more oxygen in the blood as long as they grow, so we learn to understand why the elephants
have such a long childhood, they mature at age 10 to 12 and are growing as long as they live.
When we consider those facts we may get the image of the being of an elephant and we learn how
the organism of an animal has been formed out of inner laws. The students inwardly follow in a
process the forming of the organism and they experience how the entire elephant is formed by the
All facts are not any more an arbitrary accidental mosaic and so the pupils understand the inner
being of the elephant. They get to know some building processes in the elephant. By following the
body shape and inner processes the children see in which way the elephant is realising itself. This
method involves the whole human being: thinking, and feeling and willing. The way leads from
inner images through inner processes to a spiritual process.

The horse
We notice the long slim legs, there is no foot or paw, right down to the hoof there are only legs, -
and the forming of the leg is intensively enhanced. What does this mean?
The body is lifted high above the earth and the overcoming of the gravity makes the movements of
the horse so elegant. We see it in the beautiful neck carrying the head with superior ease. As the
body has limbs so the head as well: the big jaws. The enhanced form of the legs lets grow the jaws
excessively as well. There is an inner relation between legs and the long head. The legs also
influence the inner organs: blood circulation, breathing and metabolism. The nostrils are remarkable
because the breathing is so important.
Usually a mammal has 13 pairs of ribs and 8 of them are immobile, but the horse has 18 pairs of
ribs and 10 a movable, which causes that the horse in one breath gets 7, 5 litres of air in (the cow,
nearly as big as the horse, only 3,5 l). These facts, long legs, jaws, breathing, eyes, ears and so on,
show that the horse belongs to an environment of a wide open plain. They live in a group which
also widens the consciousness.
We learn to understand the horse as a being which gets the impulse for its organism from the legs.

When we look at the giraffe then the special part of the body is the long neck.
The neck has developed far above the normal state, but still has only 7 vertebra. Through this neck
the animal penetrates far out into the space. The vertical dilation rules the whole organism. The legs
grow into high stands. The horizontal form of the trunk stays remarkable short.
What does it mean to reach out so high throug the neck? The head gets a distance from the dull
making life processes of the metabolism and the senses are opening to the surrounding.
So the consciousness of the giraffe grows wide: the eyes are big and the ears clearly grow large and
stand above the head. The giraffe stands calm and out of the calmness the perception penetrates
wide into the space. In a distance of 1000m the giraffe is able to figure out if the giraffe over there
belongs to the herd. Even the pasture where the animal feeds is high above the ground in the trees.
The bright light of the African grass land is supporting the sense perceptions. At night the giraffe is
sleeping only in periods of some minutes, and so the whole animal becomes an image of the
enhanced awareness.

The plant-kingdom from class 5 to 7

As we had a look on the animal kingdom we can learn about the minerals, climate zones, history,
physics, chemistry and everything.
I want to have a short look on the plant-kingdom as it could be taught from class 5 on.
First step:
We look in general at the plant under the aspect of the four elements: earth, water, air and fire.
Earth – minerals, hardening, cold, moist, roots, germinating.
Water – in the soil, above the soil, forming round and large.
Air – light, breathing of leaves, delicate forms, together with warmth gives smaller leaves.
Warmth – flower, fruits, seeds, hardening, drying, oil.

Second step:
We observe a plant outside and try to connect with the knowledge from step one. In Europe we like
to take the dandelion. We see the rosette, the buds in the rosette, the lifting of buds, warmth of the
air, reflecting warmth brings the flowers, enhanced warmth lets seeds grow. Roots, leaves, buds,
flowers, seeds influenced by the elements.

Third step:
The influence of the forming forces of th planetary movements on the plant and especially on the
flowers: 5 petals – Venus; 3, 6, 4, 8 petals – Mercury. Seeing Mars forces, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and
Moon in the growth of plants.

Fourth step:
Feelings and emotions are forming the plants. Example rose and thistle stand for love and anger.
What the plant is without an own will you should become willing.
Look into the world and you meet yourself,
look into yourself and you meet the world.

Fifth step:
Summery of our way through the plant-kingdom: elements and the ethers behind, planets, soul
forces are all invisible influences. They are existing as the archetypal plant-kingdom, and when they
connect with the etheric character of a landscape and materialise in matter then they are our plants.

Sixth step:
Relationship between a butterfly and your eternal being as a human.
Relationship between insects and plants.

Seventh step:
The threefold human being and the threefold plant as a healthy basis for nutrition.
A kind of a summery
Warmth ether – fire – will – I/ego – human being
Light ether – air –feelings – astral body – animals
Tone ether – water – intellectual thinking – etheric body – plants
Life ether – earth – holistic, imaginative thinking – physical body – minerals

In a human being the life ether and tone ether (imaginative and intellectual thinking) are universal.
The light ether and warmth ether (feelings and will activity) are individual.
When we bring together the universal part in us with the individual part,
we develop the sense of coherence, and the SOC is the basis for our health.
In so far we can understand how education is contributing to the health later in life.
This is what Salutogenese is about.
Imaginative thinking is causing health!

The spiritual science of Dr. Rudolf Steiner – Anthroposophy – is describing the way towards an
imaginative thinking.
In his book How to get knowledge of Higher Worlds? we can read about the inner path we have to
go in order to perceive again the spiritual nature of all things and beings. This is a new and modern
approach about how we can form within ourselves a spiritual organ. We have it in us sleeping, but
everyone can awake it.
Let me use a picture: There is the inter-net which gives us information and knowledge.
But when we develop in us an inner-net we get imaginations. Both are vital today.

What did Einstein say?

– We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
– Imagination is more important than knowledge.

The development of consciousness into an imaginative consciousness which is suitable for the
future of the 21st centure is show in a picture below.

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