Choice of Surgical Methods in Patients With Urinary Stone Disease
Choice of Surgical Methods in Patients With Urinary Stone Disease
Choice of Surgical Methods in Patients With Urinary Stone Disease
The terms of wound drainage and stenting of the urinary tract, healing of urinary fistulas, and the
length of stay in the hospital were compared. Long-term results of treatment were assessed by clinical
indicators, the number of relapses and late postoperative complications.
The duration of the postoperative period after minimally invasive interventions is significantly
shorter than after open ones. The performance of endoscopic operations in terms of time approaches
the traditional ones, but they are favorably distinguished by the absence of blood loss, a favorable
course of the postoperative period, and minimal rehabilitation periods. There is practically no need for
repeated manipulations. Both in endoscopic operations and in ESWL, blood loss is estimated as zero.
Significant differences were noted in the time of anesthesia and surgery when removing a stone from
21-30. 12 17
31-40 25 22
41-50 38 31
51-60 21 16
61-70 11 9
Over 70 years old 2 1
Total: 109 96
Patients of working age (from 18 to 50 years) accounted for 70.4%, which indicates the socio-
economic importance of the problem.
A comprehensive urological examination was carried out to make a diagnosis, determine the
indications and plan the operation, including the study of complaints and medical history, physical
examination, clinical tests of blood and urine, determination of sensitivity to antibacterial drugs by
bacteriological analysis of urine. , ultrasound, radiologic diagnostic methods (general and excretory
urography, mutispiral computer tomography), radioisotope scintigraphy of kidneys.
X-ray examination was carried out on a digital X-ray machine of the General Electric company
and includes a general image of the urinary tract, excretory, retrograde or antegrade (according to
indications) urography. To diagnose urological diseases, including urolithiasis, Multispiral Computed
Tomography (MSCT) has been implemented in BrightSpeed Multispiral Computed Tomography from
General Electric.
The advantage of the method is that it is non-invasive and gives high information - it has the
ability to obtain information not only about the structure of the pyelocaliceal system, but also about the
angioarchitectonics of the kidney (the presence of large segmental vessels in the puncture zone) and
the condition of the surrounding tissues. This information, together with traditional diagnostic
methods, allows careful planning of planned surgical intervention, especially percutaneous
nephrolithotripsy. Among the non-invasive methods for studying nephrolithiasis, ultrasound is the
most widely used.
To systematize the main clinical material, all patients were divided into two groups depending
on the location of the stone: the first group - patients with urinary tract stones - 132 patients, the
second group - patients with kidney stones - 73 patients. 73 (35.6%) of those examined had kidney
stones, 23 (11.2%) had stones in the upper third of the ureters, 27 (13.2%) had stones in the middle
third of the ureters, Stones in the lower third of the urinary tract in 82 (40.0) people. In 104 (50.7%)
patients, kidney and ureter stones were located on the right side, in 85 (41.5%) on the left side, and in
16 (7.8%) patients, bilateral localization was noted.
Bacteriuria was detected in 28 (13.6%) patients. In nephrolithiasis, Escherichia coli has been
identified as the main cause of pyelonephritis. Traditional open operations - ureterolithotomy,
Table 2.
Evaluation of recent and long past results depending on the type of operations
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